Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Imagine an innocent Fairy's surprise when she's been napping casually in a human mug for an entire minute, and as suddenly as day, she finds herself doused in mysterious liquid. Without so much as a fleeting chance to escape her surprisingly sweet demise, she and her lovely little lounge are violently plonked down onto the counter top before an unsuspecting Talgan. Little did any in the bar know that a monster unlike anything they had ever seen was about to be unleashed, just as the tiny fairy princess Aes'tille found her mouth filling up with alcoholic beverage...

"What the heck ish thish!"

From the Talgan's mug, a tiny figure emerges and exclaims in an equally tiny voice, hands clenched irritably over her head. The area around the bar quiets down as a handful of drunken eyes stare confoundedly at the naked creature emerging from a man's drink. Oblivious to the stares of the bar's patrons, Aes'tille angrily rubs her eyes and glares up at the man hovering over her long soaked bedroom. His appearance was almost monstrous, with scaly skin and a rather creepy hairdo to match. None of this actually stood out to the tiny knight, who instead immediately latched onto the first detail she could notice-

"You! Pointy-eared guy! What'r you looking at, huh?!"

Ignoring the fact that she possessed even pointier ears than the man sitting above her, it was immediately evident that she was under the influence of alcohol. Her dragonfly-like wings fluttered experimentally as she drunkenly pulled herself out of the mug and unceremoniously fell off the edge. Still, the tiny princess wouldn't let that stop her, as she quickly rises into the air in front of the man's face and unsteadily hovers at eye-height to glare him straight in the eyes.

"You don't look sho tough! Who do you think you are, pouring that shtuff right unto mhy head!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cake


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Fuja would smile brandishing her sword as she was asked to tell her what kind of game she want. She slowly got off of her and began making a pose. Her words were strong as if she was burning sheer passion, but it was also very angry if not vengeful. "Fuja is here to hunt the game that even the strong don't like, whether it be big strong demons, or the sneaky sneak krakens., or those stupid basilisk who use there brains instead of their strength." As she finished she flexed her muscles hoping to show off a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Entering the Tavern with the intent to get some information and grub, Ralthavar headed strait towards the inn keeper. He was handed a drink, apparently thanks to a generous soul. He drank it as he ordered himself a loaf of bread and a slice of lamb roast. It didn't take long for him to notice someone from the corner of his eye though. Someone who looked like a seaman, giving him a intense stare. he's felt stares like those before; from those who never seen an orc, or had very negative options of them. He wasn't looking for trouble though, just information. "Barkeep, you know where I can find someone riding to Ayya? You know, well of wishes and all that." He asked as his food was brought to him. but instead of talking to the barkeep with a mouthful of food, he waited patiently for him to finish before he began eating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aerrea smiled and then said: "Well, well then Fuja, do you know about the legend of the Well of Wishes? Right now I am traveling there so I can find it and finally answer if it is just a myth or if it actually exists. So how about traveling together, at least until we both wish so?" Then she stood up, knowing that time is short and came up to the counter, questing that the Nekia would follow her, right next to the hooded Zenohunt and put the money for the food and Karsa. She leaned on the counter and waited for Fuja to approach, while ignoring Naikawa's telepathic cries: "Please don't bring that cat-person with us! I will do anything, even not talk unless called for a year if needed but just don't bring her along!" "Didn't you say that you loved kids," Aerrea said in herself...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Orren was enjoying the fact that he was no longer on his feet; it had been a long a day. He didn't enjoy, however, being surrounded by all sorts of strange creatures he'd never even seen before. They ranged from a green giant to a talking cat. Seriously, where do these assholes keep coming from? He found himself hunkered over the counter in an attempt to ignore them, impatiently waiting on his drink. Talgan alcohol tolerance was embarrassingly low; one mug of mead would have his spirits considerably lifted. Until the damn thing was placed in front of him.

Orren leaned over to peer at the tiny creature in his mug, his lips curled back in a snarl. His sharp teeth showed: all points and accompanied by four, large canines. He was a pretty menacing little monster when he wanted to be, which, for the record, was often. He growled as the tiny thing crawled out of his cup and began to challenge him, as if it thought it had a chance. Orren could squish it with one thumb. Instead, he plucked it up by the wings, his claws dangerous close to the glittering paper.

"Bartender, what the fuck is the meaning of this?! There's a frilly cockroach in my drink!" The human turned and lumbered over to have a look. His eyes widened a bit when they landed upon the drunken fairy.
"That's a fairy, sir."
Orren paused for a moment, flabbergasted that the human seemed to miss the point. "I don't care if it's the queen of fucking Kaymari, I don't want it swimming in my cup! Now it's got it's dusty little insect particles all in my drink. I refuse to pay for this shitty excuse for service."

By this time, most of the people around the loud mouthed man had turned to see what he was yelling about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After he had gotten the cord off, she instantly bounded off with quite the grin on her face leaving Darrian to shrug as he went and pick his sowrd back up and as soon as he turned around, he saw the girl again with three large eggs who then set them down and began to stand on her tip of her toes and raise a hand to his face, commenting on how big he was. "Funny I was going to mention how small you are. Should you really be running off without a parent or guardian kid?" Darrian said as he looked at the eggs and indeed that really wouldn't be enough, so he looked through his bag to see if he had anymore cord, but he ended up using it all on his accidental capture of Auri.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

James was continuing to sit, and looked around a little more, quite bored. He really felt like he needed to stretch his tail a little, but was too scared that it would be seen. He didn't want people to know he was a Zenohunt. Instead, he just rolled his shoulders, waiting for something interesting to happen. Someone came over and sat next to James, but still, James was too shy to talk to the person. He sighed in boredom, and was about to get up and walk away to stretch his legs, but he heard some shouting and swearing. Of course, as a few other people did, James looked at the commotion going on. Someone had apparently found a Fairy in his drink, and was certainly not happy about it. He'd probably squish the thing, looking at him, so James got off his chair and walked up to the man.
"You sure you want to treat a Fairy like that?" James said to the man. Oops. What do I say now. Um, um...
"Those things could tear you apart. They're like gods!" James didn't know a single thing about Fairies, but he didn't want to leave a Fairy to get thrown out because a man was ranting on about it 'spreading dusty little insect particles all in his drink', so he started to tell tales.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Siegmier watched the green man. He was obviously some sort of warrior, his armour and weaponry made it obvious. No farmer used a battle-axe on their turnips or wore some sort of unicorn-esque helmet to water the plants. He took his first sip of this continent's ale and was met with a bitter, sour taste. His eyes moved to stare at the tankard while his mouth made an expression of disgust. He couldn't understand why anyone would ever want to get drunk on anything so bitter as this. Until it hit him. The creamy aftertaste that was like a thousand prostitutes sincere compliments the morning after. Siegmier's expression turned more so to one of delight as he sipped the ale rather than one of disgust. Soon enough he was finished with the drink and was not the least bit drunk. They had either watered down this ale or it was so non alcoholic that a child could drink it. He took off the tinted sunglasses he wore on his eyes and hung them on the bandolier that was fastened from his shoulder to his waist and around. The sunglasses were a great investment, brilliant for constant days of the sun beating down on your face. At first people were speculative about the invention, but Siegmier was all for it.

Soon enough, the green man spoke. He said something about a well of wishes and some place called "Ayya". He arose from his chair like this opportunity was calling to him itself. He moved towards the green man and done his best to talk in the language he had just deciphered a few minutes ago. Of course some accents may have been off, but Siegmier thought he had gotten the gist of it.
"I am able to ride if you are able to explain this 'Well of Wishes'"He explained. His accent rode strong with the words, it was different from that of this place. While the people of this place may have had accents that were a bit 'common', Siegmier had a posher tone to his words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Continuation of a Certain Fairy's Drunken Encounter; Some oft frequented bar in the Great Province of Kaymari.

Aes'tille visibly frowns at the monster-man's rude comments, mostly about her being akin to a cockroach, but she can't help but lose herself when she's inexplicably plucked up by the wings. Despite how uncomfortable it may look to be from a distance, the tiny fairy was in heaven as she is gracefully pulled through the air by a pair of strong, not altogether rough fingers. She revels in the momentary relief, stretching her arms and legs out from her body as if to to feign unaided flight, face stretched out in an expression of wondrous joy. Forgetting entirely that she had just been slighted, she giggles mirthfully to herself as the Talgan holds her precariously over the counter for the bartender to see, squirming excitedly in the man's clutch without a care in the world. Despite having all of the fun a little Fairy could have when being carried, Aes'tille couldn't help but feel like something was a little off, and it took a mortal man's desperate warning to bring her back to her senses.

This monster-ish pointy-eared not-quite-human lookin' guy was making fun of her!

Suddenly, a strange feeling seems to cover the tavern. The air seems to almost vibrate against the patron's skin, and even the most fearless drunkard could feel that something huge was coming. For anybody looking directly at the Fairy, it might look as if a small galaxy had come down from the sky and landed in the unknowing Talgan's hand. Tiny, magical sparks seem to fly out from the tiny creature's body, dancing through the air and carving mysterious arcs of light across the curious mortal's faces. Even if Orren wanted to keep hold of her, his mere fingers could not possibly hope to contain the power rising up from within his captive, as she floats almost magically from his grip and rises up past his full height. Hovering in the air for all to see, Aes'tile places her hands defiantly on her hips and calls out for all to hear-


This was no simple, cosmetic transformation preformed by circus mages or street performers. This was a true transformation, using the ancient shapeshifting arts of the Fae, a technique not once witnessed by humans up until this fateful day. Her unclothed body grows gradually and completely, and with each added inch to her height, more and more stars seem to be released from her glowing body to shower those standing around her. Within an instant, she's grown to the size of a human girl, but with pointed ears and eyes shifting with cosmic light. Her transformation didn't stop there, she continued to grow and mature before everybody's eyes, rapidly increasing in height until she floated mere inches above the ground, wings fluttering experimentally to suit her new size. She stood almost on the same level as Orren, but this time as a grown woman similar to her in appearance. By the time the light settles down, the entire tavern has been shocked into silence by her display of power, and she stares defiantly at the man who had once grasped her casually from a cup-

"Stand in awe, pointy-eared monster-looking guy! Aren't I awesome! You shouldn't diss Fairies! Yeah!"

-and she laughs. Hands on her hips, as if challenging the Talgan to defy her awesomeness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cake


Member Offline since relaunch

Fuja thought about it as if she heard it before but was suddenly caught by something as she gave a blank stair stuck in thought. Someone set there mug down making her snap out of it as her tail began wagging agian. She'd smile attempting to make humor out of her little zone by sayiing, "Well i wish i knew what you were talking about."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Most people in the tavern were, or seeking shelter in fear, or merely observing the sudden magical show that the fairy put for them. After all they were or local town folks or adventurers, ones scared of all strange while the others living for the strange things of this world.


Before she could answer Fuja, Aerrea's attention was taken away by the sudden magical transformation preformed by the fairy, so she could only utter: "That was some powerful magic." Then she made herself return her attention to the Nekia, hoping that the fairy and the weird humanoid that she was talking with won't make a mess. "The Well of Wishes is, or so does the legends say, a thing located somewhere north from the great mountains of Lacremia which can grant you any wish," Aerrea explained to the Nekia while keeping at an eye on the fairy and the person that she was talking with, just in case something dangerous comes out of the situation that was happening between the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Orren let out a startled yelp as the fairy began to do some kind of magic thing that he couldn't describe. It was like Talgan psychics, but a lot showy-er, and with a different result. The startled man fell backwards off his stool and landed his butt on the ground. He watched, wide eyed, as the fairy grew. Then, it once again challenged him. His pointed ears shifted back in irritation, his dignity being up for grabs. He wasn't going to let this pink fleshed roach creature wave it's sparkles in his face and get away with it! He completely disregarded the warnings of the younger man who had approached him. The fancy insect didn't look that tough.

The Talgan let out a growl that sounded almost canine, his fangs showing once again. His head tilted down, pointing his small horns towards the fairy as a threat. If he'd had a more notable rack, it may have actually been threatening. Orren shifted to pull his legs under him, then pounced up like a scaly cat. His claws outstretched as he went for a tackle, common sense left on the floor behind him.

The bartender began to make his way around the bar to break up the fight, although notably hesitant. Who should he pull off who? The magic wielding fairy or the guy with claws? By now the more drunken patrons were onlooking and cheering them to fight. Those who still had a lick of sense were getting up to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The elf Eoin and his friend Neren walked into the tavern. The tavern was like all taverns Eoin has been in before, a little bit dark, a touch of musk and full of drunks. It felt like home to Eoin, due to his upbringing taverns made him think of home and he always began to smile widely while he drank and push chairs in as he walked by. Eoin motioned over to the waiter and ordered two ales. While the elf waited he looked out into the room and saw a white cat, as he was going to point it out the waiter came back and handed the ales to the elves Eoin drank deeply. Eoin soon forgot about the cat as he began to muse openly on his up and coming adventure:

"I wonder who's going to be on this adventure, maybe that tall orc over there or that elf over there, it might be nice to have another elf in the group. " Then Eoin saw a very strange thing, a young human who seemed to be blind lugging around a sword. As he watched the boy Eoin deduced one thing, the boy couldn't be blind sense he moved around with a certain dexterity. Whatever game he played Eoin felt it was in bad taste, to wash out that bad taste he was going to order another ale, but he couldn't find the waiter anywhere. Eoin thought as he stood up,

" This would never happen in my mother's tavern." The elf approached the bar and waited as the bartender tended to others then got his drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nocturnia


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nya was calmly enjoying her drink when one of the two-legged creatures came in and started talking to himself, of course what he was talking about seemed interesting so she approached it when it moved closer to the bar, the creature was quite alike the species called Humans, with just minor differences, Nya had some friends that would be interested in seeing just how these two species are related. In any case she sat on the bar in front of him, her tail moving left-right pleasantly.

"Adventurre? That surrre sounds interresting, pointy earred two legs~. What is this adventurre?"

The cat asked while staring straight into the elf's eyes, doing otherwise while talking to someone was considered rude amongst Markavians. And Nya was never rude, no matter how weird she was. She also noticed the elf was drinking a strange drink, it was one of those things two-legged creatures drank en masse and then lost control of themselves, weird, another weird thing amongst other things two-legged creatures did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eoin recoiled back from a mixture of suprise and fear as the cat talked. In this world there are many things that are strange and frightening, and to Eoin, the white talking cat definitely was one of those things. A little unsure of himself the elf spoke,

"Well, Miss Cat, I was hoping to start and fund an expedition to find the Well of Wishes." This alien species of cat inquired about the Well as well. To that Eoin told her the part of the legend word for word,

"Far, far on the eastern edge of the known world stands Lemea,
There is said, that somewhere north from the Lacremia Mountains stands,
The Well of Wishes, which is said to grant any wish that those which reach it may have.
Lured by such promise thousands of people, marked as adventures,
Leave for Lemea, with only a few returning from the journey..." The cat which he soon learned was called a Felysian and the Felysian seemed quite interested into to his ale. He offered the cat the drink by pouring it into the presumable empty tankard. All Eoin said was,

"Try it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rakkety Tam

Rakkety Tam

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When Darrian made a comment about Auri's height and need of a guardian they made an annoyed and reprimanding noise "Tch, you may be big, but youre stupid. I am no child, I am Auri" they said this proudly and beared their teeth in a menacing grin, puffing their chest out slightly to add to the image "And big does not mean best, you would have been in plenty of hurt if you had tried to eat up this one. Now shush while I find youre big stupid head some food to fill it" And with that they started stalking off in the general direction of a small group of trees to the south where it should be shady and hopefully damp where there would be a chance at finding some mushrooms or edible herbs. The Ligura Forest was quite a ways off yet but small tree clusters like this one were of the same wood, and that forest was rich in things that could both kill you and sate you, Auri was looking for more of the latter.

"Not short anyway, you should see Nekias! They are like children!" They muttered to themselves, then adding for the benefit of Darrian "Well come on! Dont be wasting the day!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Not really liking his comment, the girl decided to compliment while insult him at the same time, calling him big but stupid. While saying her name in third person, as they tried to give a menacing grin, while puffing out her chest. It took every ounce of will power to not laugh at such a stupid sight. Then she claimed that he would be in pain if he had tried to eat her, then proceeded to call him stupid again, as she apparently looked for food to fill his Empty head, it took a few seconds before Darrian realized that he just found a group member in the form of this person. Well with her Iq, Darrian felt certain his little plan would be perfectly safe, as the girl started saying that Nakias were the real short ones. "Whatever you say little girl." Darrian said as he followed behind and patted her on the head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nocturnia


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

thegreenleafe said
Eoin recoiled back from a mixture of suprise and fear as the cat talked. In this world there are many things that are strange and frightening, and to Eoin, the white talking cat definitely was one of those things. A little unsure of himself the elf spoke,
"Well, Miss Cat, I was hoping to start and fund an expedition to find the Well of Wishes."
This alien species of cat inquired about the Well as well. To that Eoin told her the part of the legend word for word,

"Far, far on the eastern edge of the known world stands Lemea,
There is said, that somewhere north from the Lacremia Mountains stands,
The Well of Wishes, which is said to grant any wish that those which reach it may have.
Lured by such promise thousands of people, marked as adventures,
Leave for Lemea, with only a few returning from the journey..."
The cat which he soon learned was called a Felysian and the Felysian seemed quite interested into to his ale. He offered the cat the drink by pouring it into the presumable empty tankard. All Eoin said was,
"Try it"

Nya was sitting calmly on the counter as the two-legged creature spoke, it spoke of some kind of artifact, one that can fulfull wishes. Which was of course quite interesting, but not as interesting as Human engineering. It seemed it wanted to go and find this artifact. Which was of coruse pretty interesting, and might even prove to be useful in the future. Too bad it was a "fountain", a structure that cannot be brought along with a person. Or maybe it could be?
In any case Nya was offered the weird drink. After smelling it she confirmed it smelled quite odd, and somehow foul. Still, two-legs drank this and didn't die, so it couldn't be poison. In any case, Nya drank two or three kitten sips of it, confirming that the taste is quite strong and odd.
"Hmm, thiss drrink tastess quite... weirrd."
The kitten then pushed away the dish with the rest, since the drink was not very pleasant.
"Now two-legs, wherre is this... Fountain... It sounds quite... Intrriguing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A Certain Transformed Fairy's Fantastic Face-off; Some often frequented tavern in the Great Province, Kaymari.

Sensing the primal anger coming off the Talgan man, Aes'tille can't help but smile playfully right at his face. Suddenly, his entire body seems to tense up before he leaps through the air, coming directly at her with little warning.

Giggling wildly, the now full-sized Fairy seems to turn into brilliant violet light for a split second before flying right past Orren with all of the speed of a shooting star. In the briefest of moments that she's flying directly over his shoulder, she glances over slightly and mockingly winks at him, before flying past and towards the door to the establishment. As much as it looked like she was just playing with her bestial opponent, her magical evasion held another purpose.

The man had leaped at her with all of his strength, meaning that he would probably end up crashing headfirst into the bar that had been behind her. This would be funny, but it would also put enough distance between them that the Fairy Knight could casually step outside. She knew the dangers of the mortal world, and in this starless construct of wood, she could hardly manifest any magic at all compared to her full power. She still couldn't imagine herself getting beat up by this goofy, pointy-eared guy, but if a Giga-Dragon or something came out and attacked her she might need to use Daystar...

Shaking her head to get these silly thoughts out of it, she points at Orren from the other side of the room and begins laughing at him. Loudly. Following her lead, all of the others in the bar laugh at him as well, regardless of if he actually crashed or not. Aes'tille was content.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Orren, indeed, flew over the counter and crashed headfirst into a thick, wooden cabinet full of glasses. His short horns began temporarily lodged in the wood before he tore away to snarl at the fairy. Luckily, his head seemed as thick as the wood. The Talgan climbed back over the counter and glared at the sparkling creature, his own rageful thoughts drowning out the laughter directed at him. He was having grilled frillroach for dinner tonight, if he had anything to say about it.

Of course, that was just his hot head thinking. Orren had no real intentions of killing or eating the fairy. Maiming, maybe. But certainly not eating.

The man made another charge at the creature, his lesson not yet learned. He raised a clawed hand to strike her with.
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