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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017 - A New Day (Remember Time Zones)

It was a long night. For some it was longer than others. this was both in a metaphorical and literal sense. Several had boarded planes during the evening and flow back east towards a little town known as Grimm Indiana. This shortened the night be several hours thanks to time zones. Others were still in Justice or Mexico. So their night was not. Yet did it really matter what was going on hour wise, each had their own reasons why no matter how many hours the night was, it was just long.

Natasha slept through the night and ready to go come early the next morning. The old lady they had rented the room from was kind enough to have a breakfast waiting on them when they emerged from their room. The night had been long for Natasha. She hadn't felt well and running around constantly in travel wasn't doing her healing any good but she kept up a decent front. She was feeling a bit better this morning and double checked Cecily's wound to make sure it was healing right. Things looked good. Today, hopefully they would cross the border without issue and be back in the states. Even if it was Texas, it was still safer than Mexico in her mind, especially safer than Justice.

Ross had gotten the himself and Iris a private flight to Justice. They wouldn't have to stop in Indianapolis and hitch a ride. Being who he was had its advantages. They had traced the helicopter to a private air strip out side of Justice but the helicopter had been put down there and it seemed a plane had been stolen and flow east before they lost its signal. Barney was sure of where they were going, it was the best lead he had. As dawn broke the light started filling the planes cabin. "Yeah boss, an hour before touch down," one could hear on the over head speaker. The pilot letting them know how far out they were. Barney had only slept a short amount of time, otherwise staring out the window rubbing his chin on and off.

Zoie and Relic were passed out cold through the night, even as Trisha knocked at the door and then slowly opened it. She set down a tray of food quietly before stepping back out and closing the door behind her. Relic rolled over in his place, seemed it didn't even make him stir. Zoie on the other hand looked over at the door as it closed while Trisha was leaving and just lay there. Slowly turning her head and looking at the ceiling, a short huff came out of her lips as she stared blankly. She wasn't ready to sit up just yet.

Queensguard had been taken care of and over night the place had been cleaned up. During the clean up, both on the 4th floor and in the main hall, the system as well. They had found evidence that the system had been broken into but they couldn't figure out yet what was accessed. They knew things were accessed but it looked like they accessed everything. Everything. Was this because they wanted everything or was it just easier to cover ones tracks to access everything than to try to wipe away that only certain files were accessed? Probably the latter.

The plane that Roy and the girls were on set down. Roy finally stirred and yawned as the seatbelt sign was turned off. He didn't bother to move until most of the rest of those on the flight had cleared out. Then he finally stood up and stretched. "Ugh... Now I know why they call it a fucking red eye... Ready to find our ride?" he asked as he pulled one of his bags from the over head. He had to hit baggage claim to pick up the rest of his stuff. Their ride was waiting at the gate. It wasn't something people could do much anymore thanks to 9/11 but he was a cop and had a badge, saying it was official business made it easier to get to the gate. Sitting in one of the seats he kept his eye on the door leading out to the plane for Riley. He was pretty obvious since he was in his uniform. Grimm PD's finest....

Down in Mexico Maria was up. She had Liam on her hip and had finished breakfast. There were several suitcases packed and at the front door waiting. Walking up to Caesars room she kicked the door with the toe of her heels. "Caesar. ¿Estás despierto? Vamanos," she called through the door. She wouldn't have been surprised if he was asleep. She wouldn't have been surprised if he was awake. It could have gone either way that morning.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 29 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Flight to Denver, Colorado -> Indianapolis, Indianapolis International Airport , Indiana
Skills: N/A

Riley smiled slightly and nodded, she just wanted things to get normal for her once more sure she was used to the occasional crazed fanboy or fangirl every now and then. But dealing with hitmen trying to kill her, or a crazy serial killer as well she wanted it all to go back to normal for her. "Yeah the last few weeks have been pretty crazy." Riley said softly as she nodded, she could use some sleep right now, looking at the screen in front of her, the moment the plane took off again she watched the progress of the flight it would be about a two and a half hour flight between Denver and Indianapolis. "I'm gonna get some rest myself." Riley said as she leaned back in her seat and started to recline it, and then closed the blind to her window seat.

The moment the plane landed Riley quickly woke up, and let out a slight yawn as she looked out the window as the plane went down the runway and slowly taxied its way to the gate. She sighed slightly remembering Grimm several months ago at the reunion, she was getting a little bit nervous being back and all. Riley looked at Roy seeing him finally waking up and gave him a slight smile, she was used to taking Red Eyes all the time, she was still exhausted with the jet lag and all between Justice and Indianapolis. "I'm kind of used to them at this point." Riley said softly, as the plane taxied into the gate, and everyone was starting to get off.

Riley waited along with Roy until everyone was just about off, luckily for her she just had the clothes on her back really and didn't have anything on her to carry. The moment she got out of the gate she took a moment, and instantly spotted Tim in his uniform and smiled towards him and made her way over towards him and gave Tim a quick hug. "Great to see you again Tim, wish it was under better circumstances and all." Riley said towards him and smiled, as she looked over her shoulder and gestured towards Roy and Pyira the moment she got out of the gate. "These are detectives Roy and Pyira." Riley said deciding to introduce the three of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Mali Anson

Location: Club Afterdark
Skills: N/A

Mali was able to get some sleep. Not a huge amount, and what she had was interrupted when Trisha made her entrance into the room. It seemed that if her old 6AM alarm had done anything, it had conditioned her to be able to wake up at the first significant noise that cropped up while unconscious. The next thing she noticed was that physically she felt awful. Not hungover, she hadn't consumed anywhere near enough alcohol for that to be the cause (although she wished she had). No, it was mostly that she was more dehydrated than a pack of corn husks and achey from sleeping in a weird position. And her fist vaguely hurt. She had been clenching something tightly as she slept, and given a few seconds for her brain to boot, she realized she'd kept a hold of the little multi-sided thing that Zoie had expelled a few hours prior.

Neither Relic nor Zoie appeared to be going for food just then, but she was not going to follow along with their pattern of lazing around in bed all morning. She didn't even feel all that hungry despite not having eaten since her lunch with Zoie the afternoon before, but she was going to get her fill regardless. Perhaps it was just habit to eat after waking up. Or maybe it was the part of her that kept her behavior in line telling her that not eating for so long is causing her to enter a catabolic state and the last thing she needed during her injured period was to lose more size and strength than was absolutely necessary. After all, every bad decision now would just be more work down the line when the cast was removed and she was given the go ahead to get back to lifting.

But she wasn't really thinking about any of that consciously as she sat alone at the table, eating as quietly as she could. Mali didn't want to wake Relic up unnecessarily or annoy Zoie. The kid had had a very long day prior, absent of the extended shopping spree and spa day she and Zoie enjoyed. After finishing her plate, she'd take a trip to the lavatory to briefly wash up and relieve herself, spending maybe 15-20 minutes in there before returning to the main room. Perhaps then one or both of them would feel energetic enough to at least sit up and eat something.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Indianapolis Airport
Skills: N/A

The flight itself was lackluster, which was a good thing. Being in business or first class definitely had its perks. The leg room itself was something Priya would kill for and she would not get used to anything else ever again. She rested a good amount and by the time she woke back up they were quickly landing soon.

As she followed Roy and Riley outside, she took in her surroundings. She had heard stories about Indiana. Mainly that there was nothing to do here. Granted, she had always been part of large cities so anything outside of that was forest to her. Still, it had to be somewhat interesting if there was a high school reunion murder mystery. As Roy went to go claim his bags, Riley ran up to some uniformed man and hugged him. Priya quickly found out it was Tim and walked over to meet him. She took his hand in a firm grip "Nice to meet you Tim."

Anxious to get started, she waited for pleasantries to be over with so they could get a move on. They weren't here to sightsee after all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: La Hacienda -> Private Plane
Skills: N/A

La Familia all turned out to bid farewell to three of their own. They might as well have, they were already present to bury another. The tone of the gathering was somber but hopeful that morning. Many farewells were given as well as more gifts; of course those gifts were mainly the same bread, fruit, and the like from the viewing the night before, turned to good use now that the festivities were completed. It was tradition that the remaining be split among the family. They just wanted to make sure that Caesar, Maria, and Thalia took their fair share and more with them.

Sunglasses hid red-rimmed eyes from both Caesar and his niece. There was grieving, yet also the fact that the funeral proper took place just before dawn, ending just as the sun crested the horizon of a Mexican sky. It was the least festive of the events that had occurred, made notable only by the flair and surroundings of the crypt. Such thoughts could be reflected upon in time, perhaps in transit; for now it would suffice to think to the future. The immediate future where La Familia sends some of their best to hopefully right the wrongs done to it - or at the very least reestablishes order among the chaos that became of their Justice, CA holdings.

The car ride to the airport seemed to take a lot longer this time around. There was much that could have gone horribly wrong, as befits the nature of their lives in general. But none too soon, the private plane that whisked Caesar and two guests into Monterrey was now taking them from the city, albeit the guests had changed. Caesar had a thought about those two, Cecily and Natasha. He hoped that they were alright and out of trouble. Particularly Cecily, who seemed to be caught up in this for no reason. That and more could be pondered in the time between takeoff and landing; the flight promised to be just as long as the first one. Reddened eyes could relax for a while, or so was the thought as wheels left runway and the group left Mexico behind.

J. Keystone

Location: Queensguard Industries R&D, MSS Motor Pool
Skills: N/A

Keystone didn't bother heading home that night. Oh, he had planned to. Wanted to, certainly, but the lure of convenience and no small amount of concern nagged at him. He had gotten his people set up, of course; hotel rooms nearby for most, the remaining put into the "On Call" beds near the Hub's lounge area. Keystone availed himself of a shower from the gym's facilities and made his way down to the motor pool, partially to check on the staff down that way but mostly to see the state of his new ride. It was glorious.

The security modifications aside, which were formidable enough on their own, the charming '84 Custom Ramcharger was outfitted with a full, up-to-date electronics and communications suite, security network interface, and various luxury commodities that made it a tiny, extremely secure home on wheels/mobile office/bitchin' ride. The people running security directly would get a piece of his mind, most assuredly, but the motor pool folks? They might be getting a raise for the amazing job they did, and mostly on a rush.

In the end, Keystone decided that getting a jump on things early in the morning was a good idea, and so he sent a concierge for a set of fresh clothing from the Hub consisting of the same garb worn by the high profile security agents - not quite formal and not quite tactical, but it came with a lovely blazer - and decided to make use of the security and luxury of his new ride, right there in the garage. The next morning saw him rise and roll out of his urban armored vehicle, stretch, scratch himself a bit, and begin strapping his secure armor back on underneath his outer clothing. It was going to be a bitch of a day. He could feel it. And as fits his personal philosophy on the issue, if the day was going to suck, it might as well suck on a full belly. Step One of the day: Find breakfast.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 29 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Indianapolis, Indianapolis International Airport , Indiana
Skills: N/A

Riley looked over towards Pyira when she shook Tim's hand and gave her a slight smile, she looked over towards the nearby window it was still very early morning here. She was actually still pretty tired, and figured that both Roy and Pyira were also pretty jetlagged as well and figured that they all could use a bit of energy as well as Tim. He did spend two hours driving from their hometown to Indianapolis to simply pick them up and then the two hour long drive back as well. "I'm going to get us some coffee." Riley said towards the three of them and turned around and started to make her way over towards the closest store that was open. Finding a coffee shop in the food court of the airport, and stepped in line.

Riley stood behind the small line and ran a hand through her hair letting out a slight yawn as she stood there and then slowly started to move up. She just remained as quiet and relaxed as possible, part of her just wanted to get on the next flight back to Justice to her apartment, pack up her things there and move back to LA. Eventually Riley's turn came up, she wasn't sure what they all liked, and just simply bought black coffee. Riley waited a little bit until her drinks were ready, and smiled as she paid for them, before pulling away holding the tray of coffee in her hands and eventually found the three of them back where she had left them. "I figured that you guys needed something to wake you up a bit." Riley offered.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: B&B in Mexico
Skills: Marvel Universe Knowledge

Cecily's dreams had been rather strange. She dreamt that she had been at Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters, enrolling as a student. But before her paperwork could be processed, Caesar and Natasha had shown up. Natasha wanted her to go with her and become founding members of a new division of X-Factor, complete with government sponsorship. However, Caesar was offering membership in the latest version of the X-Force. And while she had ultimately picked to go with Natasha to join the X-Factor, since Natasha promised Jessica Jones would be there for some reason, she had felt incredibly guilty about not going with Caesar. When she woke up, however, the only detail she remembered of the dream was that Caesar had the ability to teleport by ash and Natasha could control reptiles.

When Natasha checked her wound, Cecily's thoughts were still partially on her dream. It was preferable to think about the dream than the events going on in the real world. And irritatingly, she couldn't remember what her own super power had been in it. For as big as comic geek as she was, it was disappointing. She ate a small bit of the breakfast that had been provided for them, giving Natasha a smile. "So...we're doing the second act of Logan now then..." she commented, referencing Logan escaping back into the United States with Xavier and X-23. She just really hoped that neither of them ended up dying and being buried just before they crossed over into Canada - of course, that wasn't their destination, but still. She had to make the reference.

Iris Kingston

Location: Private Plane Heading to Grimm
Skills: Photographic Memory

Iris knew that her brother had to be worried sick about her, even though she had sent him a text that she would be leaving California for a little while. She hadn't given him any information beyond that. She didn't want him to make a fuss over her and fly from England to have an "intervention" of sorts. She had spent most of the plane flight in silence, trying to get what little sleep she could. She generally didn't have an issue when it came to sleeping on planes, but for whatever reason, this time she did. No matter what she tried, she just couldn't fall asleep and stay asleep for longer than half an hour.

Iris had finally been about to drift off to sleep when the pilot's voice came over the intercom, informing them that they'd be touching down in an hour. At this point, she decided to give up sleeping entirely. There wouldn't be much of a point, since with her luck, she'd finally hit a nice sleep right when the plane began its descent. She stretched her arms out, before she bit her lip. Hopefully they'd find Cynthia and Jaina and they were alright. Cynthia's mother likely needed mental help as well. Of course, Iris wasn't even sure if the current psychiatric system in this country wouldn't do more harm than good.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Mali Anson

Location: Club Afterdark
Skills: N/A

Mali emerged from the bathroom to find that no, neither Zoie nor Relic had gotten up yet. Well, since she was awake, she could leave the room and try talking to Trisha or something. But she'd rather not. Not just because the bar was seedy as Hell itself and that the last time she was here like 20 people died in a drive-by (thinking about it more, death didn't just follow her around at parties since moving. Most of the people who'd lived in the Rose Building also bit the big one too. Maybe Death just decided to stalk her since coming to Justice, wantonly killing whoever it saw fit.), but she didn't exactly feel like doing all that much right then.

She'd been awake for what? Half an hour and already she felt like curling up to sleep again. But Mali knew that even if she did that, she wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep. Her body just wasn't geared to go back to sleep after waking up so recently. So she simply contented herself with taking another seat at the table and idly stared at the bone figurine in her hand. She rolled it around in the palm of her hand as she let her mind wander.

It only took a brief amount of time before it ended up falling onto Zoie, and her stomach twisted, as if threatening to send her breakfast back where it had come from if she didn't change the subject of her thoughts to something else. The kicker was that she had a very hard time wresting her thoughts to something else.

Mali didn't get it. In all sorts of media, infatuation or lovesickness always got portrayed as this wonderful feeling that made the heart sigh. Yet anytime she'd had it, it was the exact opposite. The physical sensation was awful, the emotional one even worse and it was always kind of a relief when she could focus on something else. It was like getting punched in the gut by your brain for committing a thought crime and to add insult to injury decided to also throw in a good helping of dread and anxiety. And yet, sometimes it could pay off. Or, she could actually be into a psychopath, and she wasn't sure which was the more likely outcome. But in the meantime, she'd just need to power through her personal issues as usual.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)

Tim looked over at Riley and held his arms out, hugging her back and letting out a bit of a breath. "Yeah, sorry about your sister but it's good to see the hero of Grimm again. Just hope your visit this time is a lot better than last time," he said as he took a step back and held his hand out to Priya and Roy. "Good to meet you both. Deputy Sheriff Grayson, Grimm Sheriffs Department."

As Mali came out of the bathroom, Zoie and Relic were still laying down. Relic was still fast asleep, and snoring at this point. Zoie let out a gruff huff and grabbed her pillow. It wasn't evident if she was about to throw it at him or not but in the end she didn't. She just covered her face for a minute, let out another frustrated huff before sitting up and groaning. Looking over at Mali she cracked a bit of a smile. "Morning. Hope you got some rest," she said as she draped her legs over the side and let them hit the floor. "Sounds like Dan is..." she said motioning towards her brother.

"Yeah, good to meet you to," Roy said shaking the mans hand. Once the pleasantries were over the bags were gotten and Tim lead the group out of the airport and over to his car. Official police car, so whoever was in the back was behind a metal screen and wouldn't be able to open the door. Roy didn't seem to care, he climbed in the back and got comfortable once his shit was stored in the trunk.

"Who wants the front?" Tim asked before climbing into the driver seat. There was room for one more up front, the other would need to get in the back with Roy.

Maria sat back in her seat on the plane as they took off. Liam wasn't having any of it, letting out a hell of a scream when they took off. His ears must have popped. Maria calmed him like she had when Alicia was little, cradling him close and bouncing him on her knee. Looking over to Caesar she sighed. "Will the father be meeting us at the airport?" she asked rather bluntly and with a look n her face that was more of "He better be meeting us at the airport" but she had said it in the form of a question - it was how she did things. Asking and demanding at the same time. Some things never changed.

The queensguard complex was closed for the day, not to security, but to general workers. Elizabeth had demanded it after the events from the night before. She wanted the place cleared. It was probably a good thing, the security team still couldn't figure out how they had lost three people during the black out. That was more perplexing than the three people that had been killed.

"Amy Adams, Channel 6 News. Queensguard is known from everything to major government projects to high rises in Dubai but last night they were host to three deaths at the pristine new Complex in the Diamond District. Insider information says that the list of guests was long and people of high influence. From the Police Commissioner to the Admiral Of The Navy. Names of the victims has not been released yet but we will keep you posted as we learn more. Back to weather," Adams chirped in on the local station. How the hell had anyone found out? Who had leaked it? Amy wasn't lying about what had gone down but the place had been on lock down and only one death was known to the guests. Someone on the inside had to leak the rest...

Tim took a sip of the coffee that Riley had brought. "Thanks I needed that," he said. Roy had downed his while mumbling thank you as well. "Once we are on the outskirts of town we can hit a drive through and get you all some food that isn't plane food for the drive out to Grimm," he said before a voice piped in over the radio.

"Tim, how long until you get back?" a female voice asked.

"About two to three hours, why Grace?" he answered. Grace had been the dispatcher in Grimm for the last 30 years.

"Graduation is tomorrow, was hoping to get out early to go to dinner with my granddaughter to celebrate," she said. Tim rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, shouldn't be a problem, you can clock out at two," he said. A quick thank you and the radio went silent. "Sorry about that, graduation and all that jazz."

Natasha smiled and nodded. "Seems that way. Hopefully we won't have too many issues at the border. With everything going on, who knows. Got your passport still right?" Natasha asked before rummaging through her bag to double check hers. It was there and she relaxed a bit. "Okay we need some traveling music." Cuing up her ipod, she put on Banditos by the Refreshments and started singing along.

So, just how far down do you want to go?
Or we could talk it out over a cup of joe
And you could look deep into my eyes
Like I was a super-model

Well, it's you and me baby, no one else we can trust
We'll say nothin' to no one, no how or we bust
And never crack a smile
Or flinch or cry for nobody

Well, give your ID card to the border guard
Yeah, your alias says you're Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Of the United Federation Of Planets
'Cause he won't speak English anyway

And everybody knows
That the world is full of stupid people
So meet me at the mission at midnight
We'll divvy up there

And everybody knows
That the world is full of stupid people
Well, I got the pistols, so I'll keep the Pesos
Yeah, and that seems fair

So, put the sugar in the tank of the sheriff's car
And slash the deputy's tires and they won't get very far
When they finally get the word
That there's been a hold-up

Well, give your ID card to the border guard
Now your alias says you're Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Of the United Federation Of Planets
'Cause he won't speak English anyway

And everybody knows
That the world is full of stupid people
So meet me at the mission at midnight
We'll divvy up there

And everybody knows
That the world is full of stupid people
Well, I got the pistols, so I'll keep the Pesos
Yeah, and that seems fair
Well, that seems fair
And that seems fair
Well, that seems fair

Well, give your ID card to the border guard
Now your alias says you're Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Of the United Federation Of Planets
'Cause he won't speak English anyway

Ross stood up and headed to the bathroom. He was in there for a bit before coming back out. Seemed he had taken a few minutes to wash up and saved the five o-clock shadow off his face. "If you want to freshen up, feel free," he said as he took a seat and the stewardess came out with a cart, a nice breakfast bar, even if small was let out for them. Coffee, juice, fruit, muffins, and some bacon. Nothing huge but it was decent. Hell it was heaven for a plane. Private planes had their bonuses. The food was one of them.

There was a knock at the door and Zoie looked over. "Yeah come in," she said and the door opened. It was Trisha, holding a phone. "You have a call," she said as she held out the phone to Zoie.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Private Plane, somewhere above Northern Mexico
Skills: N/A

The expectation was that little Liam would remain in La Hacienda surrounded by family until such time as his father could join them. He didn't say anything when Maria loaded his things into the plane. Nor did he say anything when she carried him aboard the plane. He should have, period. Like he said to Maria back in Monterrey, "...what we do is dangerous." Bringing a child, a baby even, into this world of political and criminal upheaval known as Justice, CA sounded reckless. But he did want Keystone to see his only(?) son. The big man may have been born a bastard and turned out okay, kinda, but he'd be solidly damned if he was going to let his grandson continue without knowing his father. Even a musclebound Cockney brawler turned professional like Johnathon Illiam Keystone. But before the time came for the tear forming, euphoric reveal, Caesar needed a moment with the man. He insisted upon it.

"Hell yes, the father is going to be there, Maria." growled Caesar. He wasn't a huge fan of her tone, not in the least. She may have birthed a fine, powerful, and beautiful Gonzalez lady, but she was no longer his wife and he had no obligation to acquiesce to her passive aggression. Two things were glaringly apparent, however: 1) They were in a pressurized metal tube a few thousand feet off the ground and climbing, making escaping the harping of his ex-wife quite impossible, and 2) He happened to agree with her on this point. MSS had to make a strong showing. His Angelita, Liam, and yes, even Maria had to be protected at all costs. Most certainly, the father had to meet his son as well.

Just to make sure, he left another message for Keystone. He still didn't tell him the big news, but he told him to make damned sure he met them at the airport.

Meanwhile, Thalia was making herself busy raiding the snack bar. There was nary a bag of salted nuts nor lowfat pretzels that were safe around the young woman, and besides that, there was a metric shitton of bread, fruit, and sealed foodstuffs in there with them. She might be okay for another hour or so. Caesar wondered where in the hell she put it all, and had no idea how she was able to maintain her figure, seeing her dining habits. Truly, she was blessed in some way.

J. Keystone

Location: Queensguard Industries R&D, MSS Motor Pool
Skills: N/A

Another message from Caesar. He liked his little communication tools, that was for damned sure. But that wasn't the only set of orders he was given for the day. Oh no, you see as the Director of MSS for Justice, CA, Keystone was subject to the whims and needs of the contract holder, who in this case wanted the place cleared and the facility inspected. Not a bad idea, given what had happened. But she was not his only master. Nor was Caesar. Apparently, he had yet another one coming up that he had to meet, who, if reputation proved to be correct, was as much of an influence upon Alicia as her father was. Oh, but it got even better: Another mystery guest was going to be joining their party, and he had no idea where this one was going to stand in the grand social hierarchy, either above him, below, or outside of his food chain altogether.

While shaking his head about this whole fuzzy ordeal, a member of the security staff came up to him. This was not Motor Pool, despite the fact that he had yet to leave it to go in search of his breakfast like he had intended to a couple of minutes ago. It was a frigging errand boy with credentials and a sidearm, who approached with a plain package and a set of keys. He offered them over then stood straight and still, awaiting orders. "Waitin' for a bloody tip, are ya? Shove off." Obviously, he hadn't gotten his morning tea and was grumbling like it. "Not even clocked fongin' in yet an' some bloody wankstain's already jigglin' my go-nadicles bout..." Then he suddenly remembered that he was expecting a package. A couple of them, point of fact. Ripping open this first one, he was pleased to see a boxed set of the complete to date "iZombie" collection. He knew a certain coroner that might be happy to see it.

The keys meant that something came onto the property. He hadn't much knowledge on the subject, needing to rely upon the taste and eyes of others. But he knew what it meant indeed as he stepped outside of the Motor Pool to catch a glimpse at what lay beyond...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Indianapolis Airport
Skills: N/A

Priya allowed Riley and Tim to get familiar again as Roy stepped back. Soon, they were off in Tim's car. Figuring it would be less awkward, Priya spoke up about the car situation. "I'll sit in back with Roy. Riley, take the front." She didn't much relish the idea of sitting behind the barred midway, but they didn't have much choice in the matter. She got in next to Roy, thanking God he was over his little incident from before.

As they drove, Tim's police radio buzzed and a woman's voice filled the car. She listened in, catching the part about graduation. Was that for school? The police academy? She was curious now, especially given the fact they were here from a past case involving a high school reunion. "Who graduated if you don't mind me asking?" Priya would let the other questions wait, letting Riley take over in that instance. If there was one thing she hated as a police officer, it was other officers butting into your own cases, past or present, and feeling the need to figure it out for themselves.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 29 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Indianapolis, Indianapolis International Airport , Indiana -> Road to Grimm, Indiana
Skills: N/A

"I'm not really a hero." Riley said towards Tim, she really didn't see herself as a hero she did it more out of fear of getting killed, or losing Chloe or Marc at the time. She smiled slightly at Tim and gave him a slight nod, when he gave her condolences for her sister letting out a slight sigh. "Thanks, hopefully this time wont be as grim like last time no pun intended." Riley said with a slight laugh and nodded as she watched Pyira and Roy take the back seat. "I was actually going to call shotgun anyway." Riley said as she went over and got into the front seat as well, and closed the door behind her as Tim started to drive out of the airport.

"Sounds like a plan, airplane food isnt really all that filling anyway i'm a bit hungry again myself." Riley said as she leaned back in the seat and took a drink from her coffee as she heard the radio going off, she remembered Grace pretty well and listened to Tim as the two spoke over the radio. Mentioning graduation being tomorrow, which Riley had nearly forgotten that this was around the time where most high school seniors were finishing up school, finals and graduation as well. Then Pyira asked who was graduating and turned towards Tim as she thought for a moment.

"The Grimm High School Class of 2017 right?" Riley asked as she looked over towards Tim for any answers if she was right or not, she didn't really pay to much attention to anything out of Grimm for the last several months. She also realized that they would be dropping in during that time, she really wasn't sure if anyone knew that she was going to be swinging by. "So awkward question Tim, does anyone know i'm in town?" Riley finally asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Mali Anson

Location: Club Afterdark
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, some." Mali replied, closing her fist once more. Man she wish she had pockets right now. Yeah, she could just stuff it in her bra, but the card she had already stuck in there had been poking into her chest the whole night. She wasn't keen to add a hard ball to that party, even if it was priceless and potentially the key to everything moving forward. No, she'd only stash it away like that when she needed to, like when they had to leave this bar.

"Wish I could've had some more, but what're ya gonna do?" Mali felt like she should say more to Zoie. After all, who knew when the next chance they'd get to talk with some amount of privacy would arise? But were they really alone? After all Trisha could be listening in right then. Or Relic could be pretending to be asleep. Or the walls might be rather thin, so even if people weren't trying to listen in on their conversation, everything would be broadcast to anyone there. Or perhaps she was just coming up with excuses to avoid potentially saying something bad.

Luckily for her desire to do nothing on this particular front, Trisha decided to enter the room right about then, interrupting her internal conversation and in a way, proving her kind of right. Well less a conversation and more sitting in a pool of her own doubts and watching them swirl around her. But what if she had said something very private, thinking that she was secure in this room, and the bar owner had happened to come in to hear it? She'd probably have to just die of embarrassment.

Mali half got out of her seat to grab the phone with her free hand and hand it off to Zoie like a relay. It was faster this way. As she passed it off, she couldn't help but wonder who it could possibly be. Her first thought was the FBI agent, Tinder. But what if this was actually bad news. Like Zoie's new boss (or even worse, Zatara's boss) calling in to ask where she was, and why she didn't talk to the cops last night. Or something even worse. She really hoped that it wasn't even worse.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: B&B in Mexico ---> Heading to the Border

Cecily nodded, pulling her passport out of her bag just to confirm it was there. She had gotten it when she was sixteen and the photograph hadn't been one of her best. It was right in the middle of her awkward stage, but she still had three more years until she'd renew it and ideally get her picture taken again. It'd be nice to not have the frizzy blonde hair as her ID anymore. At least she hadn't smiled in it, otherwise her braces would've been showing as well. "Yes, I love this song!" Cecily said with a grin, before she started singing along with Natasha. Of course, the entire reason she enjoyed the song was from the bit about Picard.

Once the song finished, Cecily looked at Natasha seriously. She was realizing more and more that Natasha was also a geek. And while Roy had been her fangirling buddy in the past few days, it seemed like Natasha could fill that role as well. "Kobayashi Maru - what would you do? Go," Cecily asked with a smile. It was something she used to entertain herself with during boring plane flights - especially on trips to and from Europe. She always tried to come up with a different way to beat the simulation each time, though there were a few ideas of hers that were incredibly similar.

And sure, they were likely heading towards their deaths, even if they had avoided a close call with the Gonzalez family's insanity...But Cecily's mind didn't want to focus on the bad at the moment. She just wanted to think about Star Trek and later post about her and Natasha's best ideas to beat the simulation on Tumblr. She wanted to watch HSHE videos and giggle at the animated Batman and Superman arguing with each other. And of course, it'd also be nice to be able to help to solve crimes without getting involved in them again. Cecily missed that.

Iris Kingston

Location: Private Plane Heading to Grimm
Skills: Photographic Memory

Iris nodded. "Thank you," she said, rising from her seat and heading into the bathroom once Ross had taken his seat again. She shut the door and looked in the mirror, staring at her reflection for a moment. She looked awful. Iris grabbed a few paper towels and wet them, scrubbing her skin until it felt raw. She knew it probably wasn't the best for her skin, but she always felt a little more ready to face the day once she had done that - as if she had scrubbed away her worries and fears. Grabbing another towel, she then washed her face a little more kindly, ran a comb through her hair, and then put lotion on her hands to keep them from drying up.

Once she exited the bathroom, feeling refreshed, Iris noticed the food cart. She automatically scanned it for some Nutella, but the fresh fruit she saw wasn't half bad. She grabbed herself an orange and took her seat again, pealing it and making a small pile with the peel on a napkin. She then separated it and parted it, pulling out one little section of the orange at a time. "So what's the plan, mon ami?" she asked him softly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)

Maria nodded and went back to focusing on Liam. He had not enjoyed take off but at least the little one was calming down now they had reached a cruising altitude. Whether they would married or not, Caesar had request Maria come. He wanted her to do this job, so he had to put up with whatever the hell she threw at him whether he liked it or not. Had nothing to do with being married, it had to do with the simple fact she had a job to do, she was good at her work, and he wasn't going to be able to find someone else to do it that had the experience she had that he could place his trust in this quickly. He could be as gruff as he wanted, she wasn't scared of the man. She never had been. Sure he could snap her neck, he could kill her, have her killed. He wouldn't. The fact he wouldn't took away any fear she might had have had is she had ever had any with him.

"Yup, but more specifically my dispatchers granddaughter. She's excited and wants to have dinner tonight with the family to celebrate. Tomorrow the kids will probably be off celebrating and me having to break up parties when things get too rowdy," Tim chuckled. Thing with Grimm was either nothing big happened or they had a mass murder. Tomorrow would be one of the few rare busy nights. Graduation parties, usually 1 big one and a lot of little ones spread out. Around 10 he would start getting complaints about noise, around midnight he'd start making the rounds. Around 3 am he would hopefully have the town at peace. Shaking his head he glanced out of the corner of his eye towards Riley. "No, I didn't let anyone know. Figured it was up to you. Grace just knows I had to come pick up a friend," he said. Tim was good that way, he didn't stick his nose into anyones business or try to let others stick it where it didn't belong.

"Go on vacation a soon as we can. Somewhere beachy," Zoie said with a bit of a smirk. "Sleep, sun, sand, that's what we fucking need to do," she said as she took the phone from Trisha. "Thanks," she added before placing the phone to her ear. "Crawford," she answered. "Marc, fucking hell. You okay?..... You are? Good..... Well shit kind of went south... Spotted two who I didn't know off the top of my head wandering about and I followed. Don't know. They attacked me, well he did. She didn't seem like she liked the idea but she was backing him up.... Yeah I checked the IDs but they were fake. What does it matter? Listen blue eyes, we got out, we're clear. Why are you so fucking upset? We're fine. No, not staying here. I don't know where. I suspect she is at the News Station today trying to keep a lid on most of this shit. What do you mean the story already broke? How the... right, okay. Yeah, we got the file. No, haven't looked yet. He's still sleeping. I will. I WILL. Okay, geez, bye," Zoie said on her half the phone conversation before hanging up and tossing the phone down. "Fucking hell."

Natasha thought a minute. "Well I'm medical, so I would probably not be in charge of picking what to do. So I'd probably just try to keep Kirk from getting expelled and pulling a Bones to get his ass on the ship he needed to after they found out he had cheated," she said with a chuckle. "But in a lose/lose scenario I'd probably just ram the fuck out of the other ship to try to kill as many of them as possible if the rest of my crew was going to die anyways," she added with a shrug. "Sad fat of the matter, being a doctor you are faced with lose/lose all the time. A lot of the time there is nothing you can do but end is faster for a patient that can't be saved."

Ross looked over to Cecily and lowered his hand from his chin. "Once we land, we are going to visit the family that adopted my granddaughter and have a little talk with them. Hopefully we'll get there before my daughter does. Chances are if we don't we will be walking into a slaughter," he said before getting up out of his seat and walking to a small closet at the back of the room. Opening it up he thumbed through several white dress shirts that were hanging up. Pulling out a smaller tailored shirt he closed the door and went over to Cecily, holding it out to her. "Speaking of which, put this on." He figured he would need to explain a little bit. "It's bullet proof. Well at least against smaller arms but it will slow the bullet of higher calibers. Better than nothing or a bulky vest," he added with a bit of explanation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Private Plane, somewhere above Northern Mexico
Skills: N/A

Cruising altitude. A charming phrase that meant the plane was neither gaining nor losing height. It was an apt descriptor for how Caesar felt about their situation with the deaths in Justice, including their own fallen; they seemed to take a couple of revealing steps forward, only to be left without the means to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. It was maddening. Infuriating. Having the idea that the knowledge was sitting right in front of them, yet not aware of how it all fit together. Add Maria to the mix. She was infinitely more qualified than anyone else, and despite obvious friction, she was the consummate professional at work. She used to be, anyway. Time apart and recent events might have colored the situation some, but deep down, Caesar was sure that they had a united front against the rest of Justice.

Though it was early, the venerable Mexican thought it might be prudent to peruse the selection of mescal aboard the plane. Not right at that moment, but soon. Probably very soon. He wanted to catch a buzz and sort through his feelings about everything that had transpired as of late, but still wanted to step off of the plane with a clear head. It would have to be clear - Keystone was a very large, very talented man with his fists who was young enough to be in or near his prime, yet old enough to have veteran-level experience. And Caesar had to make a personal statement when he saw the limey next.

Meanwhile, Thalia popped a curiously strong mint and settled down into a comfy chair. As it turned out, she wasn't aware that planes had comfy chairs, preferring to travel overland and rarely having the opportunity to take in the wonder of a private plane. Maybe if she had taken more of an active role with her uncle's company, she would have been exposed to more things like this. Well, she'd take it now. Minty freshness achieved, Thalia stuck an earbud in one ear (keeping one free in case conversation got interesting) and keyed up some tunes. Mmm... minty.

J. Keystone

Location: Queensguard Industries R&D, MSS Motor Pool (just outside)
Skills: N/A

Keystone palmed the utilitarian keychain and took a very short walk out of the Motor Pool's main doors. The light was still fairly grey, it being early morning, but the sun threatened to fix that in one quick hurry. He wasn't much of a huge fan of the sunlight in California. It did remind him of parts of mainland China, but to be fair, he wasn't there for the weather. He wasn't in California for the weather either, as he reminded himself just then. He took a moment to allow his eyes to adjust to the light, even though it wasn't too intense. Waking up in a vehicle designed to keep out bullets that was parked inside of a secure structure, and just moments before, tended to adjust one to the dark. For a second, he kind of wished he was back in his spiffy, restored Ramcharger, still sawing those proverbial logs.

When his eyes became clear enough to tolerate the light outside, they focused on a means of conveyance that did not exactly fit with the motif of the Motor Pool. It was a recent model of motorcycle, and Japanese at that. Not the kind of thing that El Jefe would ordinarily have in his stable, as it were. From what he understood, it wasn't for him anyway. Now, before he got to work for the morning, he'd have to figure out whether he needed to transport it with him to go pick up Caesar and crew at the airport, or haul the mystery guests back here.

First up, wheel the bike inside the facility. Then breakfast.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 29 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Road to Grimm, Indiana
Skills: N/A

"Ah, yeah I remember our graduation party pretty well good times.." Riley said softly as she looked out the window for a moment as she adjusted her hair slightly. She was grateful for Tim being discrete with her returning to town, as she thought about making an appearance at the graduation itself, but the main thing that Riley needed to do was help out however she can with Roy and Pyira's investigation. "So how you kept in contact with anyone from the reunion at all?" Riley ended up asking, she stayed in contact with her circle of friends since then but she wasn't sure about the others really either at the moment anyway. Riley knew about Kai and Adelaide from Marc when he came into her place just the day prior.

Riley looked over her shoulder towards Roy and Pyira once more, they had been pretty quiet in the back so far. "So you guys okay back there?" Riley asked, it was kind of funny that they were in the backseat of the police car, usually people like her sister or someone who got in trouble with the law and they were cops as well. "Also how has Grimm been after everything that happened, anything interesting aside from the graduation that is?" Riley asked Tim turning her attention back over towards Tim.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: In the back of a Squad Car
Skills: N/A

Priya listened as Riley and Tim spoke, letting the two have their conversation. Roy and Priya were, more or less, the outcasts in this scenario. She felt weird sitting in the back of a police car. She had never been in trouble before, nothing that required the law, at least. This was new territory for her in more ways than one.

"Well, truth be told, I am not a fan of sitting in the back of a police car, but beggars can't be choosers." Riley managed to ask the right questions she had been considering. After all, she was new to all of this and didn't feel like she should be stepping on any toes. She wondered why graduation, even in a small town, was so important. Then again, she was New Yorker, through and through. Maybe she just didn't understand.

Or maybe there was more at work here. She couldn't help but feel skeptical.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Mali Anson

Location: Club Afterdark
Skills: N/A

Well, she was right about the person on the other side being Marc. Kinda curious how he knew to call here though. Did he have some sort of checklist of places Zoie was likely to hide out and just started calling them until he got something? Or did he actually know that the bar was directly connected to the Queensguard facilities through sewer tunnels? Well it probably didn't matter either way, there were more important things to be concerned about right now.

Like the fact that Zoie evidently had no plan in place for if things went to shit at the party, but not so bad that they made it out with their lives. Or that apparently news of the murders had already gotten out, and was probably all over the tv. But then again, maybe it wasn't. This was Justice after all. And even if it was at a fancy party, a few more murders might not cause anyone to bat an eyelash.

But how much faith did she have in this... what was it called again? She had just heard the name less than 12 hours ago. Why couldn't she easily pull it off the top of her head? But she doubted that even if they were inclined to help Zoie out, that at best, it'd be getting involved with a tar baby, and she was already elbow deep in Juno as it stood.

Maybe Relic actually thought ahead and set something up in case something like this had happened. If that were the case, it'd explain how he was able to sleep so soundly and for so much longer than anyone else in the building. Other than just being a teenage boy. But, as much as she didn't want to just rudely wake him up, Mali also didn't want to sit around all day, waiting for him to decide to come to before any hidden plans could come to light. Or even just to take a gander at the files he'd managed to snag during the party.

Mali got up out of her chair proper and walked over to Relic's snoozing form. She firmly, but gently placed her good hand on his shoulder and started to shake him vigorously.

"Hey, it's time to wake up. You can't lie around in bed all day." If that wasn't enough to get him awake, she'd have to resort to more dramatic measures he wouldn't like. This was his chance to get woken up normally, hopefully his body would take it.

Oh. They were named Hera. How could she have forgotten? Or was she remembering that correctly?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Heading to the Border

Cecily smiled slightly, hearing Natasha's answers. Of course, her true answer was in some ways incredibly morbid - but it was reassuring. Natasha had a grounded levelheadedness to her that Cecily had to admire. She wasn't pessimistic - which Cecily had to admit she often was - and nor was Natasha overly optimistic. "That's a good answer - most people usually refuse to admit that there isn't always a way out of a lose-lose situation," Cecily replied honestly. She shifted slightly, careful to mind her healing injury. She didn't want to have to use Natasha's medical expertise again unless it was absolutely needed.

"In the world of Star Trek...I think I would have tried to crash the program itself. Figure that'd be easier than any of the other options," Cecily mused. In theory, all she would need to do would be to take a course of action that would cause an error in the simulation's programming - whether it be because the action was so illogical or so impossible or merely never calculated for. Though she also couldn't help but wonder if a Neo route was possible - if you could just there is no spoon the hostile ship away.

"But in the real world...In forensics, every situation was already a loss," Cecily then said. "There's not much you can do for someone once they've died, beyond tell the story of what happened to them...But it doesn't exactly bring them back."

Iris Kingston

Location: Private Plane Heading to Grimm
Skills: Photographic Memory

Iris had never been ordered to wear a piece of clothing by a man before and was taken aback for a moment, before he explained his motives and she smiled, nodding. She hadn't imagined that they could make bullet proof pieces of clothing appear so normal, though she supposed she hardly kept up with the latest developments in the arms industry. It wasn't a topic that came up very much in psychology, unless the patient was ex-military or a doomsday prepper. She had treated one or two of the former and none of the latter, though one of her professors had spoken about a case study involving someone who was convinced the sky was going to fall.

"What exactly will we be telling them when we speak with them?" Iris couldn't help but ask. She imagined a warning that their adoptive daughter, her birth mother, and her crazed friend would be coming to visit shortly - likely in attempts to commit homicide. But that was something that would need to be tactfully handled - and Iris felt inclined to let the local police know as well, but something told her that Mr. Ross operated outside of the police. But she couldn't help herself. "Should we notify the local authorities as well?" she asked, taking the shirt. She'd go and change in the lavatory once they finished speaking.
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