Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yeah, had to show a moderator what's happening to do it fortunately rwby was empathatic. This allows me to change a few things, add systems we come up with (later will add a section on magic as we discussed).
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I just got word that the thread starter is only banned till monday.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 2 days ago

I guess I'm unfamiliar with the thread starter.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well, we'll see how things go. I'd like to complete the arc that could tie you two cicero and gwyneira with a reason to be moving together on an trecherous journey first, if possible. :>. I'll probably be ready in a day or two, so much to write.

I don't know if emergency thread revival is universally welcomed. /shrug.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

My post is ready, you two getting a post up? When you're ready. I'll bring you to the arena and we can go from there and we'll do what we discussed. @Spiffy
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

I just began it. Don't know how long it will be, but probably finished tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Spiritzer I'm waiting on my collab partner for like the last two paragraphs for the first match. She is moving her stuff for college and was busy most of the day. How have things been on your end?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've been working thinking how I can make this into something good, into an actual chooseuownadventure thing that goes beyond "Tournament done! Go home, get rich/nothing!". It's been going well, I have re-read all our posts over a few times and an idea is taking shape.

I have a route map ready so when you two are after the parts we've planned, things will really be up to the choices you both (and any other player who might join) make.

But I have a buffer in case things go beyond what I really expected, that is to simply make things up as I go.

College huh? Mmm sounds like a busy time, gotta find just the right place to stay or the next few years will be less than amusing. I stayed above a well known crack(?) smoking spot during my college years, how many times I had to jam the gates(and their vehicles) so those little kids go somewhere else to get high. XD. ...drunk/high ppl are always a nuisance. @Spiffy
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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I'm interested in joining as a pirate/thief type human if you're still accepting? If so ill post character sheet prob tomorrow after I get caught up.

Question...can black powder exist in this world maybe as something of new invent? Just wondering if I can have mini bombs or not lol
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Sol Grim Cool, we would enjoy having you :) as for black powder stuff I would have to speak with Spiritzer. There is magic of all kinds so it may not be far-fetched to think of black powder.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Message us a very brief outline if your concept (Like in gywneira's case, elven prodigy trying to attain her journeyman title and learn more about magic or cicero, honor oathed knight trying to live life to his and his fathr's ideals of valor. Like that), a seafarer sounds like it would add to the variety of the cast. But be warned, the seas are just as perilous as these lands if not more!

Better yet, if your character has a profile ready, post it here for us to see.
@Sol Grim

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The fight and interactions is well written, nice job you two!

Like I said before, how you interacted will make some choices for you. I'll message you both some things before I get on with my post.

I just messaged you boons but I'll have to wait a bit till I can message you the rest.

@Spiffy @Cyrania
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

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Name: Dalious Durendail
Age: 33
Weight:145 lbs.
Class: Rogue/thief/pirate
Race: Human
Weapons & Equipment:
*Cutlass; worn on left hip.
*Crossbow; worn on back.
-Quiver (12 bolts); hung low under right rear.
*Boarding axe; worn over back right shoulder.
*Throwing knives; attached to chest strap. (10)
*Lockpicks (3)
-Pouch with 200 silver, mystic healing potion(1), mystic blinding potion(1), flask, firestarter, waterskin; all attached to various pouches on bandolier belt.

Skills and Abilities:
Stealth. Usually works in the shadows. Has a quick slight of hand.

Navigation. Is never truly lost, but is lost all the time.

Endurance/Stamina/Agility. Spent years climbing and balancing from his ship, uses parkour over structures when in haste.

Fighter. Has been fighting his whole life, mainly wrestling and bare-knuckle boxing, with a mix of submissions and ground game in his arsenal. Has a mean left hook that has knocked out many small time crooks and bandits.

Magic. Not the kind everyone else has, he knows magic with a deck of cards and other small tricks.

Strengths: Sailing, thieving/pickpocketing, smuggling, sneaking, running/hiding, dirty close combat (cheating if necessary), haggling...

Flaws: Ranged combat, magic, honorable close combat(fair duel), woman, whiskey, gold.

Personality: Narcissistic, egotistical, smooth, funny, can be charming around the brothel, arrogant and hot headed.

Bio: Dalious is from the Knight Isles. His father was a gambling man and his mother was a whore. They were assassinated when he was real young, for business his father should have never gotten involved with. From there he grew up stealing and hiding, always coming back home to sell what he had taken. He had joined many different bandit groups throughout his early life, though the life of a pirate was never long so he adjusted as necessary to stay alive.

Many fights and deaths later, he found himself becoming captain to his own bunch of maniacs. They spent years looting and robbing up and down the many coasts and seas of the world. It was how he thought things would be forever, as he etched his legacy with everywhere they went. He was becoming famous and feared. However the more notorious Dalious became, the higher the bounty for his capture. So high in fact, his own crew sold him out.

oh yea as for brief outlining concept: Loner pirate looking to reclaim his former glory.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well, I can see some things in the character you might want to address.

1) The part about "All equipment is stolen and changes randomly" do note that equipment matters, it doesn't change randomly and it will not change randomly. If this is what you have, it stays that way until you give us a reason why it's going to be lost or gained through the story. That's to be fair, as I've seen some arena-made characters that also have 'random equipment' that often pull literally anything they need out of nowhere. I'm not implying this is what you intend, still I must avoid this possibility.

2) The part about "left hook can knock anything in the world if applied properly", may want to be changed to something more detailed and give some reason why. Fair warning, there will be creatures, beings and characters that hooking cannot knock over - many of them. Reasonably.

3) "Jack of all trades", you've got to get rid of this. Explicitly saying that he's good with anything is basically saying he's good with everything, which is just not going to work as it is simply not viable and will be unfair to the other roleplayers if I allow it. It seems that he already has quite a few skills of his own in addition to that. Alternatively. List the things he is good and bad at.

4) The part about all his explosives. He is carrying 4, flintlocks, 1 blunderbuss, 1 mini crossbow, 1 axe, 1 cutlass, a number of throwing knives, a number of dynamites, a number of bombs and I pressume, enough ammunition to load them all at least once? Is that correct? We did say explosives are not exactly common in this day and age amongst other caveats. Tell us where he got all those and why he is carrying them on person? Also, how is he carrying all those around?

I know it might seem like he having alot ALOT of explosives and stuff should be entirely acceptable in the pressence of wizards who can summon fire and everything, however, magic use is strenuos - extremely so and I am keeping track of how much it has been used and trust me when I say, our local wizard is no walking bomb.

Basically, to be fair to all archetypes of characters, magic takes as much, if not more, effort than doing something by hand and more direct approaches. Which is why not everyone is a wizard and wizards cannot solve everything, heck they can't solve ALOT of things. A player may not want to explicitly show it in their posts, but I am watching and will let them know their reserves explicitly.

On the other hand, potions/explosives/items often take very little effort to use comparitively and can be spammed as long as they are in reach and have not run out - and are just as effective in their results. Limited only by their availability. Which is why I enquire about how your character has all that?

Combat is only a part of the game, a possibility amongst many. Do not worry about trying to be better than others at it right at the getgo, non-combat attributes are just as important. Example, cicero, a relatively non-op character, spouts of valor and honor with every opportunity he gets (so far), I intepret it as a niche of charisma that draws certain characters to him while repelling others and because of it. Had he chose to fight them as well when he met rakath, there will be less guards on him in civillized lands. He also managed to open up an opportunity on a vendor.

I gave him these opportunities because of his choices, roleplaying and background. Trust me when I say, all characters are equal when they start off. Characters too good in something will compensate in other areas, characters who have flaws or lacks will have more opportunities than characters who do not.

@Sol Grim
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sounds good ill change soon. The weapons and shit are meaningless to me so yea I just added a dream list haha. Technically I'd be starting with nothing, since I will start out a prisoner of some kind. I'm not too experienced in arena roleplay and as for the black powder items I have no problem discarding all that. My character is more developed with the non fighting areas I just didn't add all that cause it wasn't in the sheet. @ Spiritzer
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spiritzer
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Spiritzer 魂の花火

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This is not an arena roleplay though. Do not feel like fighting will be all you do. It will not.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Spiritzer I changed it and made it cleaner looking. Let me know if I forgot anything.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hey Sol, does he wear that crossbow for show if hes weak at ranged combat? Just curious.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 5 days ago

Well the crossbow is more close range, like would be used for the length of an old western duel in the movies (I say movies cuz they are farther apart then they were in real life) or better yet, used to shoot a nearby rabbit for hunting, but can't reach a distant doe. I put the crossbow in simply in case you guys didn't want black powder weapons, so it substitutes the Flintlock pistol.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 2 days ago

That makes sense thanks for clarifying. So not a sharpshooter, but a close to medium ranged fighter.
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