Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

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Kat's ship is little more than a one seat fighter craft, it could probably just be mag-locked to the hull, given how large Kaze's craft seems to be. Either way, she'll hitch a ride on the dragon boat.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

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Best dragon boat
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Okay, I want to post, but I don't want to assume who -- if anyone decided who is the qualified leader.

So, maybe a bit of OOC discussion?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

no leaders we anarchy now
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I pick me even though I hate leading XD But IC he has the greatest experience of all the characters.

Ol dragon has seen some shit o3o
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

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I myself dislike the idea of a Leader. Big time. Seeing how multiple people have different views on how to deal and treat with Samus, it would almost never work and they could argue for days. I still maintain that the best choice is Cassius because he's the one who seemed more neutral in the big picture.
Kaze has proved since the beginning that he doesn't care much about other's opinion on their shared quest as in he criticized those with different opinions then his, and constantly gave his best effort to have the most attitude as possible. He has the most experience in being a lone Mercenary, not in leading... that,s my opinion on that topic.

Amber, in the end, would never propose herself and also proved she can be hot headed. In the end, she probably wouldn't care too much as long as she can do her research and follow the original Federation's goal of capturing Samus. If the Federation had chose it, she would've accepted it without question.

I know that it's impossible for David to lead for the same reason as Kaze, because he constantly disrespect to the majority of the group and some real bad attitude. Kate has a soft heart, but she seemed kind of Neutral. Vekt didn't speak a whole lot.

Make of it what you want, but it's how I currently see things. x) Could change through characters interactions later on. I still maintain that I don't see why we would need a leader in a hand picked professional squad.

I'll roll with whatever's chose, though.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I myself dislike the idea of a Leader. Big time. Seeing how multiple people have different views on how to deal and treat with Samus, it would almost never work and they could argue for days.

That is kinda the point, While the Leader role is only important for the stability until the Ultimatum where they are more than likely going to turn on each other due to their opinion on Samus.

And there are so many "Ifs" that they have on their mind where you sometimes wonder if they could place themselves in her shoes to make the choice they did, this bias will ultimately decide what they try to do when they encounter her.

Are they going to try to manhandle, or try to retain peace for cooperation? What if they don't want the Federation to get her, but they do want a Vaccine or a Anti-body? Would the Chozo aspect be used to create an artificial version of them? Will they try to make their own super soldiers? Recreate Metroids? Weaponize them?

Those questions of Ethics really do matter at the end for the last, real decision.

So Leadership is only important to that point before they likely turn on each other before that big view, and the unbiased ones might swing in favor of not trying to hurt this women -- this person who did so much for them. So getting to that point is where things will get really more intimidating, more than the X.

Kinda why you don't want to piss off an Acid Breathing Dragon. or a Gauss Rife person with energy, and Kinetic capabilities, or really just anything that will maim you. Because any threats to each other will make for interesting dynamics and chemistry.

I think it is the questions of what the Vaccine means if the Federation gets it, is what races their Ethics in Question, to where if you were to bring her to the Collective; the group that more than likely would just not let that DNA strand go into the hands of others. Let the dead have their rest.

So, I'm excited for whatever happens.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 36 min ago

You see why I want this off-camera? In-Character, this would take forever.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@FalloutJack I just know one person thinks Cassius would be good.

And given his background, he does quite a bit as a leader already. XD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kaze has been part of teams D: and he cares a lil about others opinions but if they're not helpful...well they go in the recycling bin. Ya gotta poke and prod people to see how they tick to get an idea on how they truly are. Without going all Jigsaw or using his own peoples methods (Which would be "I'm going to hit you" and see how you react)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Talking for my character only, my money is on the fact that her opinion might change as they learn more and she learn more about Samus. Maybe through the other characters of the team, too. We'll see.

I think I'd accept the idea of a leader as a last authority on issues that need resolving. Basically, as long as no abuse of authority.

I think it is the questions of what the Vaccine means if the Federation gets it, is what races their Ethics in Question, to where if you were to bring her to the Collective; the group that more than likely would just not let that DNA strand go into the hands of others. Let the dead have their rest.

Did you talk more in your CS about the Collective? I dunno if it's Metroid's canon and I didn't make research yet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

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I still think the 'leader' should just be whoever has the skill set most relevant to the situation at hand.

there's no need for a hard set leader, and honestly, I highly expect our gracious robot friend will do most of the 'hey we need to do this or that'
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@SimpleWriterConsidering the Metroid Canon is thrown mostly out the window here in places, the Collective was a thing I made up in the CS, the GM approved it.

Basically, they are a relief group that collects data, helps rebuild with others, helps advancement in tech, and cultures.

Sorta picture the Citadel from Mass Effect. While The Collective isn't... Canon to Metroid.
It was just a fun idea the GM and I agreed on.

They're basically "If the Federation was Ethical." XD

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

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@CAS1006 The canon of the 3D gammes, you mean?

@UltimoScorp Zen will be a bit directive-based, mostly because the consequences of not doing so could be bad. Not so much authority as implied imperative.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Yeah, the Canon of the 3D games is a bit in the air, while Many consider it way more Canon before Other M... in the Prime games, what was Canon was Meta Ridley. Dark Samus, Aether (Which was a planet.)
Phaze, and the Other Alien Hunters.

Rundas could manipulate ice(It was not tech based.), there was a Shape Shifter (Also not tech) who could perfectly Mimic Samus' suit.
There was another Hunter I believe who could manipulate machines.

There were Aurora Units -- Federation Mother Brains, who were ironically very friendly.
Hell, the Galactic Federation does shit good for once.

There was the Phazon, which gradually corrupted Samus over time.

Honestly, you should check those games out. Like, even if you just watch a recap of the story beats, it would be good.
Prime honestly did all the things that Dark Souls was praised for, years before it was a thing. Had great world building, and visual story telling.


The Collective was just a purposed idea to help give a sense of more of outside the federation, with humane efforts.

But if I have to be objective here, and get back to topic, mostly so we can get to agreed upon things, and get to the posting in the thread itself... I purpose something we could probably agree on.

First, in many ways, I agree with SimpleWriter here. The Neutral nature of the Tribunal, and his personality traits would be able to pose objectively sound objectives based on a situation and position, and while in his shoes, he is not the Front Man in a fight, we have strong fighters to fulfill that Role.

A Space Marine could cover the Front and Flanks, where we have raw power through Kaze and his general durability.
Vale seems like a capable ranged Gunner, and scout, but she isn't who you'd want in the front either, Good Suppressing to covering fire.

Vekt seems more sound as the demolitionist as he is.

From Cas' position, he seems like he would be better if he was in the middle of a formation given the support tools he has.
Amber seems like she would be a good Science Officer -- someone who handles forensics, to which her and Cassius could talk in terms to update others in a simple, yet informative way before proceeding in a situation if they have a calm moment where they can breathe.

On top of that, Amber is a good Spotter with her Artifice, Amy -- her AI.

This just objectively makes the most sense, where Zen would also seem to be there situationally based on what I understand.

At the end, there would still be a spot for democracy in which they would need to decide on some sound things if a situations calls on it.

Is this all agreeable?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Well i was thinking of the group splitting into two groups, With one person leading one group and one person leading the other? They can talk with each other to either meet each other in 24 hours or so. Or they can have walkie talkies or something to communicate what they find?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@CAS1006 seems reasonable to me
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 36 min ago

@Eviledd1984 Presumably, everyone has commlinks.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well i was thinking of the group splitting into two groups, With one person leading one group and one person leading the other? They can talk with each other to either meet each other in 24 hours or so. Or they can have walkie talkies or something to communicate what they find?

This is a Horrible idea for so many reasons, that I'll try to limit it to a few.

I guess I'll logically start with the first.

1. Sometimes less is more in the worst way.

- Them splitting up is a horrible, horrible idea. You'd not only have room for marginally larger errors, but a breach of lack of communication if both are truly split up. While you can argue they could cover more, this does not justify being without Support.

- The Legatus cannot be in two places once. While I don't think I need to explain this...

So if you fuck up, you are literally fucked no matter how sound your field tactics are. He cannot support you, or anyone if he not only isn't in your vicinity, but if you have the X in you, and you can be damn sure as analytical as he is, he'd have far less reason to trust you if he has to treat you after a long period of time without face to face communication.

Probably does not help he has a method of scanning too. So if you have the X or have been compromised, That Gauss rifle, and any paranoid person will be staring you straight in the face.

- It also means you have greater room for Error, especially in a life and Death based operation to save the Universe.

- Just because you may or may not encounter Samus, does not make two groups surrounding her inherently a good thing. Diplomacy is always a better option to civil people, and Samus, while a lady of few words -- Probably will not like the idea of you surrounding her. It will look like a Hit Squad.

2.We already established Data is Instantaneously sent.
This one, also speaks for itself.

- While their might be limited information that can be sent on this Desert World, or wasteland, it is reasonable to assume you will have constant communication. A Walkie Talkie does not really make sense in this setting due to all the technological advancements they have in the Federation -- or otherwise.

- Jokingly, if we did this Squad thing, they could just do something Akin to Discord to keep communication within a Cell like network. This just further simplifies things. Having it tied to something with short range or otherwise, especially with the intention of being split up from a long period of time... while Atmospherically interesting if the X were to take one and mimic speech patterns and thought would be interesting... The X is not Exactly Predator. It just gives more Tools for them to use... And if you are wearing a helmet and what not... Wouldn't you just have built in communication?

- Because of how Data works... And how it travels, it would just be easier to scan what they find and send it, with a "Hey, found this." Rather than just mention it in passing.


"Why would you go backwards with this? And why would a group separate with only one Medic Support? Only he can charge your shields if they fail, instantaneously really."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Those are some good points, However i was thinking of them splitting into groups so they would have a better chance of finding Samus, Of course for example David would be shut down form the forceful approach by someone on his time and try to convince Samus to come with them or to speak with them face to face. If Amber or the android character with medical or biological knowledge was on a team they would have a fighting chance against the X.
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