Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Yavanna had no idea what would await for their return in Rivendell. But she would surely have to face her two elder brothers; whom had returned home not long before she left with Thorin and his company. Yavanna wasn't entirely looking forward to the awkward re-union with either of them, since their relationship was frail. Yavanna never felt close to either of the twins, as sad as it was. It seemed like the two sisters were close, and the twins remained close together too...almost making them strangers then siblings at most. It was the truth. Not entirely too sure, what would make her feel better. But if there was any hope left, something might cheer Yavanna up upon her return home.

She nodded her head, towards Dis as she thanked her.

Kili smiled softly at his mother's touch. "I will." he reassured her as he kissed the top of her head softly. "Please, don't worry about me so much." he rubbed her arm gently. "I'll be back, before you know it." In truth, Kili had no idea when he would return. But he didn't want his mother to worry so much.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Having to sense something from Yavanna, Saeril slowly looked up at the princess, wondering what might be bothering her. She knew she wasn't allowed to peek into other people's thoughts without their permission, but in order to keep her safe, as well as make sure that she would stay alive, she had to know. Gently taking hold of her hand, reassuring her to the best of her ability, she managed to see what was on Yavanna's mind. Through the touch, she didn't know whether if she was right or not. What she saw this time, were two identical Elven males. Where had she seen them before? What was it about them that troubled Yavanna so much? But then, she remembered her previous vision, the last time she linked with the princess: The lies they told her about their mother. Who would do such a thing to someone so young and innocent? After having to ask herself that question, Saeril reflected it onto herself. She was doing the same thing. The realization and the shame was enough to make her release her hold from the girl's hand, and look away with a saddened sigh, closing her eyes.

Dis nodded at the promise that Kili returned, having to release him, but his own hands remained upon her arm. "Go on", she whispered.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Yavanna noticed the way, Saeril was watching her. Like she was always on guard about something. Feeling Saeril's touch, Yavanna gave her a slight smile. It missed the usual warmth and light to her smile. But she tried to do her best to look a little bit cheerful. She didn't question, Saeril's actions. As she knew, she was just being her usual motherly self. Not aware, that Saeril was lying to her aswell. And if Yavanna hated anything, it was dishonesty and lies.

Kili hugged his mother one more time, giving her a reassuring loving squeeze. Before he joined Yavanna and Saeril, climbing upon his horse, that was ready. As they all said their final goodbyes; Yavanna wishing for Dis to be well and thanking her for her hospitality. It seemed like everyone was ready to go.

As Yavanna climbed on her horse; it wasn't long before her horse was galloping off. With Saeril and Kili not far behind. It had been a while, since Yavanna had been on a horse. But to feel the breeze in her hair, was something she always loved. Her horse seemed to keep ahead of the group; almost like she knew the entire way towards Rivendell from the Blue Mountains.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril hated to lie, but she had to keep up on her duty, and the last thing she needed was to let Kili and Yavanna express feelings of confusion, fear, and if possible, rage. It made her become reluctant, and the fear of becoming a terrible guardian continued from within. However, she knew it was to come sooner than later. It only made feel like a coward, rather than strong individual she usually portrayed herself to be. Once they reach Rivedenll, all will be revealed, and she will have to open herself up to them. The question is: Was she ready to do so? Climbing upon her own horse, Saeril looked back at her best friend, and nodded in thanks and good-bye, before following behind the princess, with Kili trailing behind. Dis watched them disappear with a sad smile.

The wind felt so relieving against her fair skin, and through her hair. The sights of land dashed passed them, and Saeril didn't hesitate to keep her Elven eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. Throughout the entire trip, she thought about how she should explain herself.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Kili could tell a part of Yavanna was almost desperate to get home; maybe she missed her family. He wondered how soon Legolas would come back to see Yavanna. He knew she would not admit it out loud, but Yavanna needed him. Legolas always seemed to be the one person that made Yavanna the happiest. She hadn't been the same, since they parted ways after everything that had happened, so he hoped. He would show up sooner rather than later, and surprise Yavanna. And hopefully, make her feel better down the road. His horse was racing after Yavanna's...who seemed to be speeding ahead; clearly enjoying being on a horse again.

As Yavanna rode, she couldn't help but think about her childhood. How her elder sister taught her how to ride a horse. Along with the Elven Soldiers of Rivendell and Lothlorien teaching her, how to fight when on horse-back. Even from a young age, Yavanna had enjoyed different challenges and how to over-come them. It also for a few moments, reminded her off sharing a pony with Fili, after they met Gandalf's shape-shifter friend. Which did score her an injury to the arm. But she had brushed that off, as he wasn't sure if they were intruding or not.

On the journey, Yavanna couldn't help but think of Legolas again. Hoping that he was well in the presence of the Dunedian warriors.

With all of them, on horses. The journey seemed to go much quicker, then on foot. It wasn't long before they were passing familiar scenery on their way to see his mother, with their return journey to Rivendell.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril continued to look for anything out of the ordinary. Since they were now easily exposed, anything could happen, as well as the right opportunity that could arise for the opposition. She allowed Kili to ride in front her, so she could see both of them within her eye's vision, as well as become their shield at the back. Familiar terrain went by and, in a flash, they could spot the sea after riding to the top of a hill. They left early in the morning, so there might be a chance where they arrive around noon, on the same day. It did indeed feel as though the trip went a whole lot quicker than how they were on foot.

Her thoughts of how she should expose the truth went towards her memories of serving under Sauron; from the torture, to the pain, all the way up towards chaos and violence. Such thoughts were meant to be forgotten, and they were slowly coming back, while the elder did feel a darkness in the air.

Somewhere, Legolas was indeed riding towards Rivendell, along with a few Sindarin Elves by his side; the necklace of the girl he had never forgotten, still around his neck underneath his cloak. 'I'm coming back, Yavanna. Just wait for me, my star', he said, for it was a mantra that he repeated for about the twentieth time. It became very much a vow that he intended to fulfill.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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In another part of Middle-Earth. The four young Hobbits; Bilbo Baggins, his close-friend and Gardener Samwise Gamgee and the two Knuckle Heads Pippin and Merry were waiting for Gandalf at the Prancing Pony. But Gandalf was a no show. Which had confused and worried Frodo, as Gandalf was never one to break his word.

As the four Hobbits chatted in the Inn. Frodo spotted a cloaked man sitting in the corner watching them with intense eyes. Aragorn had stayed in the shadows by the window, watching in case something strange happened. Meanwhile, Pippin didn't seem to realize how important it was that Frodo left the name Baggins behind. "Baggins? Sure...I know a Baggins...Frodo Baggins. Cousin of mine, twice removed on his mother's side." he bragged on, as he gestured over to Frodo.

The words coming from Pippin, caused Frodo to panic. "Pippin!" he scolded, running over towards him. Trying to grab onto his arm, but instead slipped...falling towards the ground of the inn.

"Steady on." Pippin glanced down at Frodo...only to see the ring slip out of Frodo's grip. As it fell through the air. Frodo reached towards the ring; feeling the temptation pulling him in close. As the ring slipped onto his finger. Frodo became invisible. Making the entire room gasp. Aragorn was quick on his feet, watching the scene. By the time, Frodo became visible...the young Hobbit felt pair of hands grab him, pulling him into a near by corner.

"You draw, far too much attention to yourself, Mr Underhill!" Using Frodo's fake name, that he tried to disguise himself under. Aragorn couldn't help but shake his head at the young Hobbit. As he escorted him upstairs to one of the empty rooms, to have a talk with him in private.

Yavanna could only hope, that nothing would happen along the way. The world was filled with more danger, every passing day. But so far, it was a beautiful, calm day. With nothing to fear, as it didn't seem like anything was hunting them at this very minute. As Kili and Yavanna, were ahead of Saeril, the two almost rode side by side, as Kili managed to catch up to Yavanna. Yavanna was a very fast rider; not as fast as her sister Arwen. But she was certainly faster than some elves and friends that she had.

The group had stopped, briefly around 8 in the morning, to give the horses some rest and to have something to eat; since they were all getting bit hungry. And with over a half journey behind them, they found a peaceful spot over-looking the sea on the hill side. As the horses drunk from a little river running along side the hills. Yavanna over looked the sea and sighed to herself. "Almost home." she muttered to herself.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Just as Saeril was able to sit down, she took notice of Yavanna taking in the majestic view before them. With her own Elven eyes, she too had taken in the sight of the sea before them. When one notices the sea, they would know of the kingdom of Rivendell right beside it. "Indeed", she agreed with her, before taking a glance at Kili, who was eating a piece of the food they were given for their journey. It was really a beautiful thing to see during this time of day. Even the weather conditions seem to make the scenery a bit more appealing to the eye.

She didn't know what was going on the other side of Middle Earth, but she suddenly felt the headache once again and, this time, there was a voice. 'I see you', she heard. It was HIM. The link was stronger than last time, causing her to grunt, and eventually, groan in pain. The elder was putting both of her hands on the sides of her head.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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As Frodo stumbled into the room, Aragorn almost shoved him in. He tripped, stumbling. After falling onto the ground, he scrambled up. Looking at Aragorn, with some caution he spoke. "What do you want from me?"

"A little more caution from you, that's no trinket you carry." Aragorn told him.
"I carry nothing." Frodo tried to pass off the lie, with ease. But he couldn't...as Aragorn had clearly seen what happened earlier on downstairs of the Inn.

As Aragorn walked over to the window, where several candles were lit. He almost scoffed. "Indeed." he began to put the flames with his fingers. "I can avoid being seen, if I wish. But to dissapear entirely, that is a rare gift." Pushing his hood back, he finally revealed his face to Frodo. As he turned to face the young Half-ling.
"Who are you?!" Frodo asked, as he looked at Aragorn. As if he was trying to figure out, whose side the Ranger was on.

"Are you frightened?" Aragorn asked with a raised eyebrow. When Frodo agreed. Aragorn could see there was something about Frodo, that was full of courage. "Not nearly enough, I know what hunts you!" Aragorn indeed knew more about who was after the Hobbits, than Frodo himself. Just then he heard something outside of the inn room, causing him to pull out his sword. Only to be met by the three young Hobbits, that were escorting Frodo to Rivendell.

As Kili was sitting down on the soft green grass; eating some lunch. He took was taking in the beauty of the sea before them. He had only seen the sea at nighttime. It's beauty did not compare, to now. Now that he could appreciate it in broad day-light. Hearing the grunts; he looked over at Saeril worried. "Delva?" he asked. Seeing her clutching her head, he couldn't help but frown slightly. "The headache? It's back again?" She seemed to be having more and more of these episodes lately...it wasn't good.

Yavanna took a bite of her apple; as she admired the sea. She had always loved the blues and greens of the waters that were near her home. When she heard Saeril groaning and grunting in pain. She walked over, touching her shoulder gently. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked worried.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril continued to clutch the sides of her head, just as the pain continued to rile itself from within. The Dark Lord only continued to give the elder she-elf more pain than she ever felt in all of the times he has tried to penetrate her mind. Just as she heard the worried voices of Yavanna and her godson, the feeling disappeared as soon as it came. However, it still lingered. With one hand still holding her head, the winged she-elf closed her eyes, until a tear trailed down her face. "He continues to torture me so", she finally managed to say; after a while, she put her hand down, placing on top of the princess' hand, that was set upon her shoulder. "We need to see Lord Elrond. I believe there's more to it than we think", she said, slowly opening her eyes. She needed to see Gandalf about this.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Yavanna had barely seen Saeril in so much pain; but these headaches just seemed to be getting worse and worse. Seeing the tear slide down her cheek, she lightly squeezed her shoulder in a loving gesture. Yavanna couldn't help but wonder, what the Dark Lord Sauron wanted with Saeril. Not knowing, the dark secret and past that had her entwined with the evil ruler. Hearing her words, she glanced back towards the sea. "We should be there soon, we're not very far." she reassured her. "I am sure, my father will be able to help." Yavanna knew how much wisdom and knowledge her father held. Surely, he would know of something to help.

"I am almost ready to go." Kili said,as he was almost done eating. "Delva, you should eat something too." he encouraged his god-mother. But still looked concerned for her well-being after the head-ache she just experienced. She shouldn't starve herself.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril felt the loving gesture that the girl displayed towards her, and she couldn't help but give a sad smile in return. She didn't speak, as she was trying to gather on what she just experienced through the link. He was getting ready for his return; his comeback; his attempt to rule above all others. If he had her way with her, there was a big chance that she accidentally hurt Kili and the princess, so getting information on what was bound to happen, should be learned and understood. It was best to be prepared soon rather than being too late. Hearing Kili request for her to eat something, the elder she-elf finally submitted, knowing that he was right. After all of her times of staying awake instead of sleeping, Saeril knew she shouldn't start on starving herself. Reaching into one of the bags, she took out some bread, and took a small bite, before taking in a few more.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Kili watched Saeril, as she was bit reluctant. But couldn't help but sigh in relief when she finally submitted and began to eat. There was silence...a little awkward. But everyone seemed to be deep in thought about what was going on. It wasn't long before Kili finished eating and he then began to get himself ready, for the road again whilst Yavanna and Saeril finished eating their food.

As Yavanna finished off her food, she stroked her horse's Maine gently. Rubbing it's long slender neck with affection. Yavanna had a love for animals. They were beautiful creatures to her. Upon finishing off her food, she hoped on her horse again after getting herself ready. The sooner they would arrive in Rivendell, the sooner they could get some answers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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It has been rather quiet, as silence fell upon the three of them; almost the point where awkwardness made itself completely known. However, while she was watching the sun in the distance, right above the sea. It was a shame to leave such a beautiful view, but they had to reach the Elven kingdom, as soon as possibly. But Saeril did make a mental note that it won't be the first nor the last time of getting to see the horizon from such a spot. In only a few short moments, they were packing up, and getting ready to continue with their journey.

Getting upon her horse, Saeril waited until Kili and Yavanna were prepared, until she let the princess go first, considering that she knew where to go from here. That didn't mean Saeril didn't know the way, but again, the two of them had to be in her line of sight.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Yavanna began ahead of the group; leading them towards her home. Yavanna knew these parts very well. Of course being as adventurous and liking to explore, when she was young. She knew a few shortcuts towards Rivendell, along the way. As they rode along the hill, still of view of the sea. For some reason, Yavanna couldn't help but think of the last words Legolas spoke to her. 'Keep a weathered eye on the Horizon.' For some reason, that memory caused a small smile to form on her face. Along with his promise to return. It was a sign of hope, she'd see him very very soon. Which she was hopeful off.

Kili rode in front of Delva, following Yavanna as she was leading them towards Rivendell. He noticed the Princess smiling, when he managed to get bit closer. Wondering what got her smiling all of a sudden; but he didn't make a comment. It had been a while, since he seen Yavanna smiling. And he hoped, that smile might come back permanently.

As the trio rode as fast as they could. They reached the bridge towards the castle of Rivendell, about 3 hours later. Seeing the familiar grounds, was a relief to Yavanna. She was home. It felt like ages, since she had last been here. Despite her love of life and adventure; Yavanna was also glad to be home. As she would be lying, if she said she didn't miss anyone back home, because she did.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril has noticed the much-familiar terrain that Yavanna has called ‘home’. It was a beautiful to be back at a place they once were, only a couple of weeks ago. A part of the she-elf wondered, was whether or not they would be able to find those that would help them figure out what was going on in the world. Truth be told, she didn’t know everyone, or what they were capable of, so she had to trust Yavanna’s word that Lord Elrond would be able to help them in seeking answers.

Having to cross the bridge, she could only think about the memories of being here. The night when she invited Kili to fly with her, to the night when she had comforted Yavanna. It sort of felt like a blessing to return to a place where she first formed the strongest of bonds, both with the princess, as well as Kili. However, it didn’t feel the same, with absence of Thorin, Fili, and the rest of the company that were left behind.

“It’s the princess!”, one of the guards shouted, having to blow the horn to announce the girl’s arrival.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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It felt strange, for Kili to be back here; without his big brother and uncle by his side. It felt like not long ago, that they were all here. Enjoying the feast, Lord Elrond was kind enough to provide for them all and where they first met the young Princess, that became such a big part of their journey and family.

Hearing the horn, announcing their arrival. Yavanna saw familiar guards by their posts. Giving the elves a friendly wave; greeting them like she usually did. But her hand fell down, when she saw two young men in the Courtyard. The two of them looked like a spitting image of one another. Her two big brothers.

"Yavanna? Tye came mardi at yallume. Man's sina?" (Yavanna? You came home at last....who's this?) One of the males asked, looking at both Saeril and Kili with rather suspicious look in his eyes. Even his twin brother, didn't look so happy, to see strangers by Yavanna's side.

Yavanna swallowed slightly, at the sight of her two brothers. But taking in a deep breath, she spoke to the elder of the two twins. "Yes, ni am mardi en-. Lende tien er Elledan. Te're mime friends, ar te're welcome símen. Ontáro had met tien imeúyo yenya. " (Yes, I am home again......Leave them alone Elledan. They're my friends, and they're welcome here. Father had met them both before.)

Kili was glancing between them; hearing Yavanna talk in a form of Elvish Dialect he was sure he hadn't heard her speak in yet. As he was aware, she knew a few different Elven Dialects. But this must have been her home Dialect, if he had to guess. Judging from how similiar, they looked. These must have been Yavanna's brothers?

The second twin spoke, trying to show his gratitude that his little sister was home. Despite doing her wrong in the past. Elhorir loved his sisters. "Ni am relieved tye're mardi. Ontáro ar Arwen had been bit worried. Tye always have an hendi an getting minna adventures." (I am relieved you're home. Father and Arwen had been bit worried....you always have an eye for getting into adventures.)

"Tye look so limbe ve amil, mime melin lapse seler. Ni have missed tye." (You look so much like mother, my dear baby sister. I have missed you.) The eldest of the twins spoke once more. His voice was gentle, almost in awe at how much his baby sister looked like Lady Celebrian. He tried to reach out to embrace his little sister in a hug, but could tell she was reluctant.

Seeing how, her other brother tried to express his gratitude she was back. Caused her to sigh softly. They both knew, she took after their mother like that. "Are tye reallime?* (Are you really?) With all the lies, her brothers had told her. Yavanna couldn't help but be in doubt slightly in this moment. Hearing Elledans' words caused her to flinch. Yavanna fought the tears that formed in her eyes, at the mention of Lady Celebrian. "Care- vamme mention amil, ana me. Where na- ontáro? Emme méra ana quet- ana him, -yes's important."(Do not mention mother, to me!.....Where is father? We wish to speak to him, it's important.) She didn't like the fact, her brothers could mention her mother in such a way...compare them two together, after the lies they told her.

Both of the twins looked shocked, at her reaction. Not knowing, she knew the truth about the lies they had told her. "So's mí, as a few -o his counsellors. So should n- finished -esse a moment."(He's inside, with a few of his counsellors. He should be finished in a moment....) One of the twins answers. As Yavanna was about to ride forward, one of her brothers caught the reign of her horse, stopping her. "Yavanna, please wait...let's talk."

Yavanna looked down at her elder brother, holding back the tears in her eyes as she spoke. "I'll talk, when you two are ready to tell the truth. Not before. Now let me pass...I don't have time to listen to any more of your lies." As harsh it may have sounded. It was the truth. Yavanna did not have the nerves or heart to deal with their lies anymore. They hurt her enough, with the lies they have told in the past.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Looking at the palace, Saeril smiled slightly, before taking notice of the individuals that were in front of them. They became even more familiar as the she-elf tried to figure who they were. They were the two males that saw in her visions, when she managed to read the girl’s mind. As much as she could remember, the elder figured that these were the two brothers who’ve told Yavanna the lies regarding their mother. The exchange was quite painful to witness and, by the sight of the girl’s building-sadness, Saeril brought her horse to stand alongside the princess. As much as she didn’t want to, she had to.

Taking hold of the male’s wrist, the elder she-elf glared at him; not in a threatening manner, but a neutral one that warned him not to make the situation more worse than needed. “Please, allow us to pass. We don’t have time”, she said, almost sternly.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Elledan frowned at the touch of Saeril's grip on his arm. Glaring at her for getting involved in this. "And who are you, to get involved in what doesn't concern you?" he asked her, in an annoyed tone. "I suggest, you stay out of what's none of your business!" he warned her; not liking she felt like she had the privilege in getting involved.

"Yavanna...let us explain." Elhorir tried to pleade with his sister, ignoring Saeril's words.

Yavanna just frowned at the way Elledan spoke to Saeril. Ignoring both of her brothers, she pushed her horse past them both and rode on further towards the castle, before she jumped off of her horse. Making her way inside.

Kili's jaw clenched at the way they spoke to Saeril. "I wouldn't make her angry if I were you." he warned the elf in a friendly manner. As he saw Yavanna push past them with her horse. Kili followed her; wanting to make sure that Yavanna was alright.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Saeril continued to glare at the male elf, just as Elledan spoke to her in such a direct tone. In all of her times of being alive, many have been condescending towards here, and she tolerated it. But when it came to stepping in between her and them, it wasn't acceptable. Her grip tightened a little; her impressive strength making itself, even while she heard Kili warn him of what she was capable of.

Noticing Yavanna venture on ahead, Saeril let go of him, and moved ahead to catch up with her. She had to follow after her, really to make sure that she was okay, and hopefully, dry her tears. The last thing they needed was for the princess to fall into another state of depression.
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