Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Coming soon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 38 min ago

To. Zion
From. Goddess the one true goddess god.

In this reality I don't punish LGBT, but if they start infesting the place to much bothering the heterosexual folks, I will turn 99% of them heterosexual again by force. I personally like LGBT. Why be a dude while you can be a hot lesbian very pretty fine to?

This is breaking rule 1.7 in the Guild rules I believe. UNLESS you mean like, people are pushing their sexual orientation on others, which then THEY would likely be violating rule 1.7 however, even if that were the case and you were simply warning against that, you should tread carefully. As long as you are not stating that people need to adhere their character's sexualities toward your own agenda, you can carry on.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Elite Gamer>

This is breaking rule 1.7 in the Guild rules I believe. UNLESS you mean like, people are pushing their sexual orientation on others, which then THEY would likely be violating rule 1.7 however, even if that were the case and you were simply warning against that, you should tread carefully. As long as you are not stating that people need to adhere their character's sexualities toward your own agenda, you can carry on.

The goddess still follow what man and woman was originally supposed to do romantically. If the LGBT push their sexually on the heterosexual folks to much the Goddess can over ride the LGBTs free will for up setting the heterosexual folks. The goddess is very strict. Which means all characters must abide. I edited some text, didn't realize some stuff was kind of .....
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 38 min ago

@Elite Gamer No worries, you're fine. I like giving people the benefit of the doubt.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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@Elite Gamer I posted. Hope it is alright though.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

@Elite Gamer I posted. Hope it is alright though.

Try usuing , between your posts. You can always use pictures. Also use the show characters I can't control everything.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

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@Elite Gamer Using the comma's you mean? Also I got to remember the characters as I am a bit rusty remembering them wise outside of the girls.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

@Elite Gamer I posted. Hope it is alright though.

Cause the other show characters to engage you there litteraly everywhere, I'm surprised you didn't consider it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

@Elite Gamer Using the comma's you mean? Also I got to remember the characters as I am a bit rusty remembering them wise outside of the girls.

Commas yes. Just wiki Winx Club to view characters. Maybe Stella, or someone is around Red Fountain
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

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<Snipped quote by rebornfan320>

Cause the other show characters to engage you there litteraly everywhere, I'm surprised you didn't consider it.

Well I didn't because like I'm said, I'm a bit rusty in the character remembering area. Plus for my first post I wanted to kind of set my character down in something first before moving on for him and since I didn't remember characters too well I'm going to use the wiki to at least help there on characters and maybe for ideas too at the same time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Elite Gamer>

Well I didn't because like I'm said, I'm a bit rusty in the character remembering area. Plus for my first post I wanted to kind of set my character down in something first before moving on for him and since I didn't remember characters too well I'm going to use the wiki to at least help there on characters and maybe for ideas too at the same time.

Okay just know Zion, he can't appear since he's somewhere else?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

The dorms are two people per dorm acording to the show. I tried to fix your last post here. Will you post it?

When the tryouts were over and after a shower to clean them off, the tryouts were told to at least check a list for the names of those who were not only accepted into the school but those that had promise to try again next year. The list had the most notable names of Cinder, Timmy, Brandon, Sky, and Riven. These five made the list for the first year and Professor Codatorta, soon walked out to the remaining five somewhat a smile on his face to the five of them.
“Those names on the list and amongst the others are the students who will be this year's Specialists.” He said with a heavy emphasis in his voice. “Those who did not see your name on the list do not fret, there is always next year to try again show your progression. For now those that would be on the list follow the men to your dorms for the next four years.”

And with that, everyone went on to the dorms as the arrangements were quite interesting in a compelling way. Cinder, was roommates with Timmy. Brandon and Sky were roommates at another dorm. Riven was with another roommate who's name was not revealed to them at the current moment. As of right now in one room Cinder and Timmy, were moving in and settling where to place things.
“So right side for you Cinder?” Timmy asked as Cinder, nodded taking the left side of the dorm room.
“Yes Timmy, I got to say you were not what I expected when it came to Specialists.” Cinder replied, he heard a chuckle from Timmy.
“Well not everyone is going to be a jock build like Riven, if that is what you mean.” Timmy replied. “Specialists come in all sizes big or small, but first let's finish moving in and check in on the others.”
Well once the two did this they went to check on Brandon and Sky, in their room which was next door. Filling him in on their arrangements of things the guys went ahead to get their Specialists ID's which they would carry on them at all times as they had their photo, name and year before going back to the dorm rooms for the time being.

Where: Red Fountain dorms

With: Timmy in his dorm along with Brandon and Sky.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

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@Elite Gamer I'll post it, but I thought I did that correctly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

@Elite Gamer I'll post it, but I thought I did that correctly.

Some literate folks taught me some few tricks
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