Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Aw poor Mai. She will realize that Ana said that stuff, not because she thought Mai was weak, but because Ana plays Mama Bear to pretty much the entire gang. ^-^
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by pugbutter
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I wanted to have that done on Saturday but then a cold knocked me on my ass. Only today have I had enough energy to sit down and write anything. Apologies.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

All good. I will get a post up today most likely but tomorrow if not today.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Courtaud
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Courtaud Delinquent

Member Seen 6 days ago

I wanted to have that done on Saturday but then a cold knocked me on my ass. Only today have I had enough energy to sit down and write anything. Apologies.

Hope you're feeling better, mate. Glad to see you back
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by pugbutter
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Morning, everyone. Two questions:

1. Have we given thought to how Kevin and Takuya should be written out of the story now that their players aren't interested? Are they getting nabbed by the boys in blue? Is there a group of thugs hanging out in a park somewhere sending boys their age to the hospital for kicks? Expelled after getting into one too many fights on school grounds? Is there a snitch who ratted them out to the fuzz and landed them in juvie? 👀

Or are we just retconning that they were ever here at all?

2. Do we intend to write out slice-of-lifey home/school scenes which have little to do with gang politics, or do we for the most part want to skip stuff like that?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Courtaud
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Courtaud Delinquent

Member Seen 6 days ago

1.With Ten Ton being a psuedo-founding member, he'd play into the story as an NPC to start before moving elsewhere via plot machinations.

Kevin could more easily lift out of the story and go mostly unmentioned until another time if he decides to join.

2. Slice of life situations can be included by those who wish, as they'll ultimately contribute heavily to character and plot progression in even just developmental ways.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Since we are on the topic on asking questions, are we allowed to make collab post?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Courtaud
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Courtaud Delinquent

Member Seen 6 days ago


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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by pugbutter
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Are we waiting on a post from the GM, or is the GM waiting on posts from you three down in the parking lot?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Courtaud
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Courtaud Delinquent

Member Seen 6 days ago

A new game post will be up within the next day that will progress us into the next day while finishing up the business on the rooftop.

Just for clarity in the future, if I ever require a player to post, I'll be sure to let them know directly :)
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Courtaud
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Courtaud Delinquent

Member Seen 6 days ago

Current Game Breakdowns:

We will be running two separate times concurrently -

While the Student Council Meeting is going on, Yonaka and Li Mai will be investigating the string of attacks at the school.

Later that night, Yuya and Ana will be attending their showdown with Teiko Middle School. While the events will be happening a few hours apart, we will play them at the same time so as to allow everyone to play at the same time without having to wait.

For everyone across the board, you may write in what the rest of your character's nights were like post Rooftop Meeting, as well as your after school day, or jump straight into your current objectives. There will be PM's for some of you containing story information that will help with further story progression as well. If you don't have one in your inbox within the next 30 minutes from this post, assume you don't need one.

If any of this is unclear, let me know! I'll clear things up best I can.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by pugbutter
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

@Courtaud So is this the school's club festival? Cuz those happen in late April or so, don't they? I think I've managed not to show my hand in the posts, but I've been assuming it's, like, June. In which we'd just be unceremoniously putting three names on a petition. And such.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Courtaud
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Courtaud Delinquent

Member Seen 6 days ago

I’m gonna be straight with you mate, I have no expectations that any of this is going to sync up with real world stuff like that. This is just a student council run meeting/assembly for clubs to meet and pitch like budget stuff and school socials and that sort of thing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Noblebandit


Member Seen 17 days ago

I'm looking at this script, and I'm giving you a fair warning, in a couple of posts, I'm going to be turning this into a sports anime.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by pugbutter
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Yoooooooo I've been wondering what would happen if I went full Ahiru no Sora with some first-year joining the baseball team and whipping all the loafers into shape, too!

I just learned about Koshien Stadium the other day and it fired me up for a sports B-plot for sure
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Noblebandit


Member Seen 17 days ago

What a coincidence! I was going to make Mai a baseball player!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by pugbutter
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

What a coincidence! I was going to make Mai a baseball player!


Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Noblebandit


Member Seen 17 days ago

English is hard.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by pugbutter
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Her mood was only compounded by her tremendously poor showing in front of the gang. She was so angry that when she sat down for breakfast the next morning, her parents had to ask her if she was okay, and she couldn't tell them yes with a straight face. What was she supposed to tell them? "Yeah, I'm fine, I just tried to join a street gang, and they all hold me in utter contempt, thank you very much, Dad"? That would have spiced up the breakfast table. It also would have resulted in her getting grounded until college, so instead, she fobbed them off with some muttering about school and fled before her mom could try to bust out the "girl talk". Poor woman. Mai knew she meant well, but she had the social intelligence of a spoon.

Love this part. Very humanizing and well-characterized
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Noblebandit


Member Seen 17 days ago

Thank you! That was a part I was really unsure about, so I'm glad it turned out well!
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