Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Luka blushed. "I did not imagine I a Hunter would end up with a Succubus as a lover." She said. Of course now there was more pressing manners at hand then love. Something was not right with this place.

Eline noticed Anthony was not inside the place. Probably went out to help with the investigation of the Croatoan matter. So she stood up and equipping a rifle which she was taught how to use she headed outside and over to the group looking at the carved post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leon was down in with the cells, teasing the cellmates with promises of food. The only one he intended to feed was himself. He promised food to those foolish enough to touch the door. As soon as they did, he grabbed it and paralyzed them, and slowly drained of there naturally occurring electricity. When he walked away, he left them parazlyed and only made an off-handed comment to any nearby guard to try not to forget to feed the person he just drained.

When one of the guards asked for him, he followed and went to Ivan's office as he was told.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the large Petentem beast prowled the complex it was soon met by guards, a toothy grin could be easily seen, though it looked as if his teeth were bared which they indeed were. He hadn't eaten anything in a few hours, the guards looked like a well deserved snack, his head faced the one they were holding. He got a good whiff of Mike, a bloodwolf, he was now hoping they fed him, that'd mean more blood to spill and splatter. The large Petentem let out a subtle hiss, taking a single step toward the guards before they explained their whereabouts and his task. Escort a supernatural to the interrogation room? Sounded simple enough to him.

The toxic looking saliva dripped from his gaping maw, Cassius knew that this bloodwolf was no good dead so he'd be gentle for now. He now had the bloodwolf in his teeth, he was fighting back his instinct, the idea of crushing the life out of the pathetic supernatural delighted him. He began to make his way down to the interrogation room, his footsteps slightly shook the area around him. He could smell and hear the trapped humans and supernaturals, he shook his head, swinging the motionless bloodwolf around in the process before dropping him. The guards promptly strapped him into a chair.

The guards were no long of use, well maybe one could stay, after all they'd be nothing compared to the reward he'd get from Vlad. He began to step toward the guard, he could smell the sweet scent of fear, the guard had held his breath and stood still. Cassius continued to moved forward, making the guard step back. Each step seemed silent but it was more than audible to him, with a quick movement of his almost snake-like head, he devoured the guard, crushing bone effortlessly in his jaws. He looked toward the other who raised his weapon and hissed, turning away to backtrack. He made his way to Ivan's office, shifting into his human form and entering. His piercing red eyes gazing around the room, he grinned, his teeth pointed and sharp, other than his teeth and eyes, he was relatively human. "At your service..." He said, giving a respectful bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jae said
Ani seemed that she could not find anyone in the town, until she happend to approach an area where a post was. From where she was, she could read the word CROATOAN, which confirmed her rising suspicion, but she could also see two boys, one with his hand on the post, and the other was near by. She grinned slightly and began to approach them. Instead of taking them first hand, she would play with them, she would make them think she was human, or their friend. "Hey! Where did you guys come from? There's no one around this town, its beginning to quite freak me out!" she hollered over to them to catch their attention. Her black hair bounced as she took each step towards to the boys. She reached them eventaully and looked around. "Do you know why everyone has left? I-It's so confusing. I was coming here to see a family member, but they are gone!" she exclaimed then looked at the post, "Croatoan? Isn't that something that happened a long time ago? Like colonist days?" she asked, trying to sound panicked, even confused.

Aaron turned his head to the sound of a feminine voice, he wondered who that was. He listened to her words, he restrained himself from raising an eyebrow when she said she was visiting family, here of all places? Clearly something was up but he wouldn't say anything yet, he'd just pretend to be oblivious. "Yeah, I know why, everyone was evicted from the hotel." Aaron interjected, merely glancing at his brother, Mason stayed silent, only speaking when his brother stopped. "Yeah, that...missing colonists carved that exact word into a tree, they don't know where they went. Maybe the people in this town carved it too." He said to her before giving a comforting smile and holding out a hand to shake hers. "My name's Mason, this is my brother Aaron, and you are?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Isaac did many things for Vlad, almost ever since they first met back then in, what was the name of that country? Never-mind, doesn't matter now anyways. He had played the part of bodyguard, of a hunter, of a scout, of a soldier, a builder, among other things, even a butler. Today, at least for now, that would be the role that he would play, the butler. It wasn't too complicated, he simply had to make sure Vlad got what he wanted to eat during his meals or follow him around so that he would be at his call. This last year, however, he noticed that Vlad had effectively adopted a supernatural daughter, and he had played the butler for the most part the whole year. He didn't dislike it, though, it was just a little more relaxed with the child around, hell, even Isaac had started taking a liking to her.

It was just about time for breakfast, and Isaac had just finished setting up the rather luxurious looking table when he heard two sets of footsteps, one of which he knew very well. He quickly grabbed a tall, walked over, and opened the door. He stepped just outside the door in the hall and took the usual butler stand, giving the usual greeting that he had been giving for the past year, "Good morning, sir and little one. Right this way." He gestured to the door, "And sir, I couldn't help but hear something in the dungeons. Is it already taken care of?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raphael picked up a shard of stone that fell off the roof when he somehow managed to chip it after throwing a rock at it. As he looked at it he didn't know what had possessed him when he forced his legs to carry him towards the cell door. He was never one to stay indoors for any amount of time...well that went out the window this pass couple months or weeks. "I don't care if this will get me on trouble. My temper been shorter than usual, and being locked up in here isn't helping!" Raphael punched the door out of frustration, but the pain was nothing to what he had to endure so this was nothing. What's the worse they would do, break his fingers this time around? The thought of having his fingers broken stopped him, and had just settled for throwing the rock out the very small window and into the hallway(?).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jae


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Ani eyed Aaron momentairly until returning her attention to Mason. "Quite interesting, in fact. I am Aniela, nice to meet you. Though you may call me Ani." She had a slight accent, greek. Ani took his hand and shook it. She was tempted to crush the humans hand in hers, she could do so.. but she wouldn't, so she let go. It would alarm the other one, which she had a idea that they could be hunters. She wasn't so sure yet. Though the word 'Hotel' intriged her. "Hotel..? I did not know there was a hotel around, never heard of one until now. Why were they all evicted?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. Her dark eyes looked over them both, they seemed to know of the hotel, maybe they were from there. Some of the humans that had escaped, that she couldn't allow go past her.

"Do you know if there are any other places around? If I can't stay here nor the hotel, where can I?" she asked the two, a smile upon her lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The breeze shook the trees, and made the forest seem like the ocean, the tops of the trees moving like waves. Underneath the canopy, a twig snapped as a rabbit dashed off into the woods. It could sense a predator nearby.

Lumbering through the dark woods, that very predator was slowly ambling towards the nearby town. It was brown, and shaggy, almost like a large dog. It's padded feet made hardly a sound as it walked. The creature raised its head to look at the escaping rabbit, a puff of air coming from its mouth. It came to a clearing, where it was suddenly illuminated by the sunlight. It's brown fur shone gold like in the rays, and its bear like muzzle twitched as it sniffed the air. The creature was clearly a bear, and it rose up on its hind legs, and let out a terrible roar.

After he made himself known to the locals with a loud roar, Goliath returned to all fours. He normally stayed in bear form when he was in a new areas, such as he could escape quicker than his human self. He had smelled a town on the wind, which to him meant a free buffet. Walking another mile, he finally arrived at the town. As he got near, he could smell a whole bunch of unusual scents ... Inhuman scents. He instantly put himself on alert. He hated confrontations with other supernatural ... Especially vampires. He found them to smell scary, and so tended to avoid them at all costs. As he walked towards some trash containers, he smelled out which ones had edible food, and set to work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaori picked up the thin note that was slid back to her, already in awe with the first sentence. Her hand rose to her lips, covering them as a gasp slid between her fingers. ‘It’s me, Daniel. The note read over and over, although she’d expected the note’s words to change beneath her thick eyelashes, in this place made to drive anyone insane. She moved her thumb over those exact words, like the note was priceless, and it was treasure. Save a few smudges in the lead from her thumb, the words were unchanging. “Daniel….” Her voice cracked again, not from lack of use, but the swelling feeling someone got before tears would grace their eyes, half-way between holding it together and breaking. “I thought you were dead…. give me...a second” She slumped her shoulder to the wall in a seat position, putting one hand on the wall he’d be behind, and leaning her head onto it. It’s rough texture felt like a million mini-blades, cutting into that delicate, human skin. She didn’t care. He was right there, with her this whole time. Swallowing that lump feeling in her throat and blinking a couple of times, she picked up the pencil and wrote back to him, with some of the words messy and crossed out. Anyone in her shoes would be writing with a trembling hand too.

Daniel, you walked out of Kain’s public torturing session, mad at me for something…That’s when a doppelganger you by the name of vlad came by and...helped me free the people after my powers wreck havoc on the hotel. We all ran, we escaped. Some going with Nixon to the towns, others following who we thought was you… including alfons and kain.. Summarizing the rest of the events in detail, she sat back and reviewed her work before adding some more. We’ve been in here for around 360 days, many others of the hotel locked up around here somewhere. But enough with that…..Daniel, i missed you…. I really did. How are you? I know there might not be much to say on your end, but I swear, i’m the same with a few more scars here and there.

- yours truly Maybe yours truly? I never figured that out. Can we do that, sometime soon? Figuring out stuff.
P.S- I drew you something? A little dark for this occasion, but it’s a crow, if you can’t tell.

She slid the note back to him. Ironically, her entry she’d written before she knew it was him was crossed out heavily in pencil, and next to the marked out space, and referring to that, it said.

“Stick to reading minds, instead.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 16 days ago

Anthony turned to see Eline walking out with her rifle and gave a small smile and a nod to her. "Hey-" The hunter cut off as he heard a distant roar. "Is that a bear?" He wondered aloud, then shook his head. That thing better not get close, he thought. Anthony looked over at the twins, not at all knowing which one was which. Looking at Aaron he said, "Mason, I need to talk to you." He needed to sort a few things out, especially if Nixon would be gone for a while.
Hammond dipped his head in some sort of nod as Vlad excused himself from the Trickster's room. As soon as the vampire-shifter was gone, Hammond pulled out a coin and flipped it. The trickster held out his hand and the coin landed heads. Shrugging, Hammond snapped his fingers and faded the coin away. "Who's the staff again?" Hammond wondered allowed as he exited the door. "I think I'll need a list. But I get to kidnap people later, which is always fun. Maybe I can beat the high-score!" He clicked on an intercom button and spoke into it. "All unassigned staff members, please come to the courtyard."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Eline looked at Anthony. "You came all the way out here without letting me know...?" She said in playful annoyance. Making one of her fingers into a claw she traced the carving. "This seems fresh..like it was carved recently." Seeing the twins she gave a nod. When Anthony asked about Nixson she thought. The name was familiar but not the face. "All I know is he was a vampire." Yes what she said was true. She knew Nixon by name and type of supernatural he was but did not remember him in person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jae


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Ani eyed the new people who seemed to have arrived, "Hello there.. What are you..? A werecat?" Ani asked, but then shrugged. "Oops seemed I blew my cover!!" She crossed her arm and grinned. "I think you are a werecat though, by your claws, I think I have claws too. Talons more likely, oh yes. I am Aniela, you are? Though, as you may think, I am not here to hurt you, well. Maybe." she said then giggled. She looked at Anthony, too Eline. "You seem to be hanging around these humans, not that I have a problem with it." she did in fact, though at the moment she was wanting to learn some new things. "I am terribly sorry for having to play as a human, Its just so fun!!" she exclaimed. She backed away from Eline but moved over to the other side of the post. She ran her finger over the first two letter, C and R. Her dark eyes bright and playful, though she was unsure if the werecat knew of her true intentions.

She was still smiling as she turned to look at the group, "Now! Who is Nixion, he is a vampire.. right? Is he coming to save you?" she raised her eyebrows. "Hmm, really..? I dont think you all need saving."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jae said
Ani eyed Aaron momentairly until returning her attention to Mason. "Quite interesting, in fact. I am Aniela, nice to meet you. Though you may call me Ani." She had a slight accent, greek. Ani took his hand and shook it. She was tempted to crush the humans hand in hers, she could do so.. but she wouldn't, so she let go. It would alarm the other one, which she had a idea that they could be hunters. She wasn't so sure yet. Though the word 'Hotel' intriged her. "Hotel..? I did not know there was a hotel around, never heard of one until now. Why were they all evicted?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. Her dark eyes looked over them both, they seemed to know of the hotel, maybe they were from there. Some of the humans that had escaped, that she couldn't allow go past her. "Do you know if there are any other places around? If I can't stay here nor the hotel, where can I?" she asked the two, a smile upon her lips.

Mason smiled at her, but in the back of his mind he was laughing, he had her all figured out and she didn't even know it. "Yeah, we're headed to a town actually, wanna come with?" He asked her, his trademark smirk on his face, he wasn't trying to win her over, just get her guard down if it wasn't already. "It's nice to meet you Aniela.." He said politely, slightly bowing in suave manner.
TheDoctor said
Anthony turned to see Eline walking out with her rifle and gave a small smile and a nod to her. "Hey-" The hunter cut off as he heard a distant roar. "Is that a bear?" He wondered aloud, then shook his head. he thought. Anthony looked over at the twins, not at all knowing which one was which. Looking at Aaron he said, "Mason, I need to talk to you." He needed to sort a few things out, especially if Nixon would be gone for a while.

Aaron looked at Anthony and shook his head, pointing to Mason but he faced him anyway. "Mason isn't free right now, what's up?" He said as he began walking, motioning the fellow hunter to follow him. He wasn't sure what was up but he had to have caught onto this girl too. "I'm positive she's not from our group or human..." He said seriously to Anthony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Even though Mike had been shot by so many darts. He was not outcold as he recorded the route that was taken so that he could escape once more. He did not care much for the silver all he cared about waa finding his family Danni and Delilah. Once they strap him to the torture table, Mike saw a strange creature devour one of the guard so being worried he tried to pull apart the straps tgat were holding him down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The great bear set to work, prying open trash bins with his claws as a normal bear would with a clam. They split open with a shearing sound, and he would poke his nose in go get a good sniff. However a few cans in, he cut his nose on one of the sharp sides of the dissected can. Goliath let out a deafening roar, which ricocheted off the walls of the buildings and off into the surrounding area. On top of that, his nose was bleeding, drops falling onto the floor around his food. This pissed him off, and he bellowed in rage at the can. He swiped at it, his enormous claws shredding it and sending it flying into the building across the street. It hit a window with a crash, broken metal and shattered glass lining the sidewalk. He the turned on the buildings, using his claws to rake the sides, putting large marks in the doors and window frames. His huge, razor sharp talons dug into the wood and brick, clearly showing his size and power. With another enraged roar, he walked over to a nearby car, and neatly pressed down on the roof until it collapsed, flattening it. With his wrath satiated, he walked over to a dark corner and napped. He felt secure that he was alone; the scents of the supernaturals seemed far enough away, and there were no humans in sight. He could get to feeding later, he could take all the time he needed. As he rested, he unconsciously turned back into a human, his shabby clothes and dirty body making him appear to be a traveling hobo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 16 days ago

Anthony gave an apologetic smile to Eline. "Sorry, thought I would be back soon," he explained, but frowned as the other girl revealed that she wasn't human. He couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but he would have to deal with her later. "Nixon's the one who lead us to this town, but he's been gone for a day," the hunter explained. "I'll explain more when I get back." He glanced over at Mason and gave a quick nod before going over to Aaron. When the other hunter expressed his concern, Anthony nodded, "We don't know her intentions yet, but if she tries anything to get anyone alone we'll know what she wants to do. I also will need to find out what species she is soon." He turned his head over to where he heard a loud roar. The hunter cursed, drawing his dagger. "That thing's very close now, I'm starting to think it isn't a bear," he muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jae


Member Offline since relaunch

Ani smirked, she watched Aaron and Anthony walk away to go talk. She figured they were onto her, though she did just tell them she was not human. She could hear some of their conversation. "I will also need to find out her species sometime soon." the hunter had said, though he wouldn't find out for a while. She turned her attention back to Mason, "I surely do appreciate the offer, Mason. But aren't we already in a nice little town?" she paused to look around them, "Its empty, deserted, a ghost town practically! Isn't it perfect?" she glanced in the direction of where the roar came from. She raised an eyebrow. It seemed to be a bear, but bears were not known to be around this area, she knew that. "Strange, its a bear. Lets hope it comes towards us, that should be fun." she said looking up now. She hoped she was a good enough actor, she didn't want to have to hurt anyone just yet. She wanted to lead them on that she was a good girl, in which she was not. She laughed aloud at that thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jae said
Ani smirked, she watched Aaron and Anthony walk away to go talk. She figured they were onto her, though she did just tell them she was not human. She could hear some of their conversation. "I will also need to find out her species sometime soon." the hunter had said, though he wouldn't find out for a while. She turned her attention back to Mason, "I surely do appreciate the offer, Mason. But aren't we already in a nice little town?" she paused to look around them, "Its empty, deserted, a ghost town practically! Isn't it perfect?" she glanced in the direction of where the roar came from. She raised an eyebrow. It seemed to be a bear, but bears were not known to be around this area, she knew that. "Strange, its a bear. Lets hope it comes towards us, that should be fun." she said looking up now. She hoped she was a good enough actor, she didn't want to have to hurt anyone just yet. She wanted to lead them on that she was a good girl, in which she was not. She laughed aloud at that thought.

Mason gave a nod to her, it was perfect in some standards, maybe too perfect. "Hmm, it should be, shouldn't it?" He said, putting a hand behind his back to begin drawing his sword from its sheathe. He was sure that whatever this was, it wasn't normal or natural, he wouldn't have any problems with destroying it. He wondered though, had anyone else caught onto her besides the hunters?

Aaron nodded to Anthony, finding out what she was would be extremely important, that would let them know what she was capable of. "Maybe it's a....werebear?" Aaron joked, beginning to draw his sword, one that resembled Mason's in exact. Whatever was with them couldn't have been normal, he doubted it would survive if it were natural.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The wind changed, it brought with it a scent of humans and non-humans ... and it was close. Too close. Goliath's eyes shot open, immediately trying to smell the intruders better. He shouted out, as if he were a bear trying to roar. That's when he realized that he wasn't a bear. He immediately transformed, his body becoming larger and more bear like. Normally his bear form would be enough to scare away most enemies. He followed the scent, and eventually found his foes.

((They saw))
A large, brown, bear-like creature, standing taller than an elephant came walking slowly from around a corner. It's large tire sized feet making hardly a sound on the pavement. It's huge, razor sharp claws clicking on the asphalt. It suddenly turned to them, it's eyes locking on, and a deep, menacing growl coming from it's throat. It stood up, more than doubling it's already gargantuan height. It seemed to freeze there for a moment, then, after a deep breath, let out a deafening roar. It was so loud, that even window's shook on their frames, and the air quivered in fear. After a few seconds, it stopped, returned to all fours and began to charge.

Goliath knew this would generally scare off most of his opponents, intimidation was always his specialty. If it came to a fight, he would probably run, as he wasn't much of a fighter. All he wanted was these dangers to leave so he could raid the town in peace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mason and Aaron both seemed to join one another's sides when the bear charged, both broke into a quick sprint toward the beast. Mason suddenly ducked down and Aaron stepped on his back, jumping up and over the beast. He landed on its back, gripping onto its fur, his silver hand bracer revealed its blades. He began to crawl his way to the beast's neck, it was more than a threat alive. Mason rolled out of the way and drew his sword, within that motion he attempted to cut the beast's leg.
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