Hidden 1 yr ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The First Lotus

I gather the threads of my existence as quickly as I can. This would be done in seconds if Lilianna had her power but he’s sealed them away. This is disappointing but not surprising. My oldest friend has many characteristics. I wish betrayal wasn’t one of them. Lilianna stops screaming after that first stab and grits her teeth, opting to bear it all in silent resistance. I admire her strength but the admiration suddenly turns to cold dread as I watch the transformation in her eyes. Then she laughs and my heart sinks. I’ve seen that same look and heard that same laugh before. It’s not one of joy, it’s one that’s been pushed to near insanity. It’s the demeanor I’ve seen in Zaakielo when he’s become unstable, unhinged. It’s a look that’s difficult to return back from. I just hope I won’t be too late.

Li-Li ~The Oasis~

I don’t feel the pain. Not anymore. It fuels my rage and I focus solely on the fire of fury. The laugh is cold and yet hysterical. This is too funny, “You ancient idiotic perversion of air. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Without my powers I can feel it, more than I ever have before. I let it breathe and feed on me, the way it was supposed to. The way it was designed to, for me. With each word my rage builds, “There was only one thing keeping me from eradicating your existence. Now…you’ve given me my license to kill.” Vengeance is the venom in my veins and Akuketsu comes alive. It transforms on me into a full body black leather suit with knee high combat boots. A length of cloth purple so dark it's nearly black wraps around my eyes like a blindfold. The back of the blindfold ties itself like a bow in my white hair. The Kamuey now sees for me as a dark purple hooded cloak, the same color as the blindfold, drapes around my shoulders; black clocks with vertical eyes in the center cover the entirety of the cloak.

It’s like experiencing my Kamuey anew and I know that this is only the start of its power. I shatter the Umbral bindings like glass, thanks to this living demon cloth. I feel it feeding on my need for vengeance and my rage. It’s perfect because I have plenty of both.

I have only two goals now. One retrieve my weapons. Two kill Zaak. There's no other option and zero hesitation. He is no longer allowed to contaminate this realm by existing. I will eradicate him like I should have when my father, Galen, told me to. I hold out my hand and my staff returns to me. I thank my mother for teaching me how to existence lock my weapon, though I never thought I'd need it. I'm not done though. His filthy hands took my father's weapons. I will collect them from his corpse if I must.

I charge forward. One hand grabs for the guns that are rightfully mine. The other swings right for his face with all the power this Kamuey now gives me. A punch just like Razz taught me.
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Zaak, Umbral Lich
Li-Li's attack connects solidly and obliterates Zaak's head from his shoulders. The body stands there for a second as she gathers her fathers armaments. But the body does not fall. Instead it floats up and shrugs off the death. A scaffolding of Umbral Thorns replace the space where his head was. It speaks in every voice to have existed.

"You are strong, Daughter. But I am beyond strength. I am beyond life and death and the end of all things in existence." Zaak sits down on a nearby stump and gestures to the oasis. "This is my gift. My legacy that I pass onto you. I regret that I could not give it to you while I still lived. But you are more than I could have asked for. My beautiful precious daughter. Your tyranny will ensure a utopia that lasts forever. Yours is the hand that will grip reality. Reshape it. Disregarding its screams. I have seen Oh Daughter, Mine. The terror you will become."

Zaak ends his rapturous speech and stands. "But I have much work to do until then." With his nonexistent eyes locked on her he commands her being with his voice and the Umbra.


As Lilianna slips into a peaceful slumber Zaak picks her up and cradles her in his arms. "My sweet girl. When you wake it will be to a new world. A plaything, all for you." Zaak carries Lilianna to her room and lays her in her bed. Planting a gentle kiss on her head he leaves and seals the room in a Blackout preventing escape or interference."

I turn my attention to Lotus.

"Shade, seek Umbra for our daughter. The sooner we amass the necessary fragments the sooner our dearest child can rule." I clench my jaw and she is thrown into the War Room of Castle Sanctus. I recall the Engrams of my Existences. They gather around. "Keep an eye on her. I know she disapproves of my methods."

Omega places a hand on her shoulder. "I will watch her. No treachery will occur under my watch."
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Before sleep claims me I wrestle with an uncomfortable feeling. Shame. Shame at the fact that his words made me proud. He called me strong. He foresaw my terrible victory and rule over reality. I will do these things. But not because he foresaw. Because I did. I will rule. It is my birthright. And I will obliterate him. This is the lullaby that ultimately sings me to sleep. I will kill the one I once called father.

The First Lotus~ Castle Sanctus War Room~

I wrench my shoulder away from Omega. Wondering if I should rip the entire appendage free to avoid contamination. How dare he be so familiar as to touch me. I seethe at Zaakilo's words. Doing this for our child he said. That thing was no love of mine.
My scythe is in my hand, called by my righteous rage. They've forgotten who they think they hold. I wonder if I should remind them.

I could cut them all down. Omega would be a problem but I'd deal with him first. It wouldn't be the first time this scenario played out,but as soon as the thought enters it starts to ebb. I know the truth. To take them all would cost me this form; and I'm unsure if I'd be able to be recalled, due to Lilianna's current state. And Zaakilo would be left unchecked.

Galen what have you left me with? I curse him and the ground he hides under. I think of Lilianna. She summoned me, so my duty is to her. What would she wish? Not this.

I narrow my eyes at each of the existences present, and practically hiss at a few. My eyes lock on Sin. Him being here both embolden and frightens me. He's the only one here who could make me follow my heart instead of lead with my head. Sin. My Sin. My One.

Instead I round on Alistair. My scythe disappears but there's a storm at my back and it builds with my wrath. I float on lightening and step gracefully down in front of him.

" You. All of you. I stand in the midst of weak ego and even weaker willed puppets of a corpse. I am Mother to the air you breath and the space you taint. I am Creation. I am Life. Goddess in the face of an overwhelming infection trying to call itself a father. What has he done and what is his plan?" The storm backbuilds and the room grows dark save for the lightning of my wrath singing through the room.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

No one budges at her gaze. Omega lets her pull away and sighs. As she bears down on Allistair, who shrinks away from her they exchange looks amongst each other.

"You" Alistair attempts to speak but can't bring himself to say what he needs to.

"You, are dead." Sin speaks up. His resolute unwavering voice cuts across the room like a scalpel though soft skin. "Just a fading memory in a shell made by a petulant child. Look at the bigger picture. We're a room full of ghosts and undead things. This dark Reality Matter is the only reason why we're here. But we all agree that Galen hasn't been living up to the mantle he's received. Lilianna's rule, though harsh, would be preferable to this overgrown mess Galen has failed to keep orderly."

Saedysm slops down into a chair. "As much as I hate to agree. Their right. I mean, even my festivities are more put together than this."

"It's no way to run a kingdom." Vincent agrees. They all nod in agreement.

"So fall in line. Do your job. And we can all go back to our rest." Sin orders.

One by one the Core Existences file out, starting with Zaak, until only omega remains.

He draws a sword rippling with radiant energies and gently pairs a gateway in reality. The door leads to their next target. A soft and placid countryside hamlet at a junction point in a river.
"We've work to do Lotus."
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The First Lotus

I'm taken aback by Sin's cutting remarks. I lift my chin in deadly defiance. How dare he. Their logic is the ramblings of a megalomaniac.

I push past Omega in a flutter of skirts and lightning. Past Alistair who I can't stand to look at right now. Past Saedysm who makes my skin crawl. Past Sin who has my blood boiling. I fall in step with Vincent, who I can at least be civil with. For now.

I want to burn Zaakilo alive. We're walking a few steps behind him so I settle for glaring at his back.

I try to keep my voice even and calm as I pose my argument to Vincent. He's always been Lilianna's favorite "uncle". Surely he can see this is not the way for her to ascend.

"Galen's rule is far from perfect but he's never had to restart reality multiple times. He's never killed his wife." I practically spit the word at Zaakilo's back like the word and not my comments are the insult. " And his friends in the process. He's never abused his child with unspeakable pain and sleep by force to prove a point. So forgive me, but this seems less like it's for the good of reality and more like it's for pride's sake. Sounds to me like you all would rather a child rule than your rival. Envy is unbecoming and I fail to see the logic of a man who has ruined the universe thousands of times over."

I brush an imaginary piece of lint from my skirts to avoid setting Zaakilo on fire with my eyes.

I pitch my voice for Sin to hear, "I will do my duty to reality." I add softly, "Even if that means we're on opposite sides of the battle line."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Castle Sanctus
Zaak's cloak of Umbra scraps the ground behind him like a blanket of knives. His movements almost placid.

Vincent is quiet for a moment. He look at Lotus then turns further to look at Alistair. Alistair's eyes go slightly wide and he almost reaches out as if to stop him. Vincent closes his eyes and turns his face forward to Zaak.

Vincent drops the shell of compliance be been wearing and starts to speak in agreement with Lotus. Before the words leave his mouth Zaak is there. The Umbra has twisted into many arms and hands that seize Vincent and pin him to the wall. Zaak's hand has pierced Vincent's body. His long spindly fingers return and wrap around Vincent's chest abs shoulders. With a snap Zaak crushes Vincent who bursts apart into silvery threads which are quickly absorbed into Zaak.

"Your thoughts betray you, Emperor. Worry naught, I will quell your fickle heart." Zaak speaks. He wheels on Lotus.

"You are not my enemy Lotus. You are not even a nuisance. Our war ended and eternity of lifetimes ago. Help me or don't. It doesn't matter." Zaak strides away.

Alistair approaches. He is visibly shaking. With fear or rage isn't apparent through his stoic mask.
"Lotus, follow Omega. Please."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The First Lotus

I want to slap Zaakilo. I want to chase him down and make him see. The words I would say bubble up. They die in my throat. Because now I understand. Unfortunately it took Vincent's sacrifice but I see it now.

What a waste. Lilianna would be devastated and I suspect a little proud at Vincent's refusal to toe the line.

But Alistair stands in front of me now. He's shaking and I can't tell which emotion drives him. The Current Lotus would know. I search his earnest eyes and give him a curt nod.

I go through the portal with Omega. "None of you actually agree. " A statement, not a question. I don't know what their plan is because Zaakilo getting what he wants isn't an option.

" You must think me foolish. But I had to try. " Everyone gets a chance. One chance. Zaakilo got his. The Current Lotus likes to give many chances. She's an optimist. I am not her.

I turn to Omega and hesitate. I don't know Omega like I know Sin. I know how Sin's breath changes when he draws his sword. I know where he's going to step before he does. We fight well together because we're extentions of each other. I know the way his hands grip a hilt. I know the way they feel when they grip my hand instead.
Heat rushed to my cheeks. I swallow hard. Swallowing down the emotion that wants to spill out. It has no place here.

" You all can't do anything directly without risking assimilation but I'll assume you've been plotting. What have you planned? And why are we here?" I look to the tiny village next to the river and sigh. Places like these rarely mean a simple mission though they should. It's a pity how many times I've have to raze a village, usually due to fanatics or zealots of some kind.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by IIKittyII
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Flame ~Throne World:Liberation~

"I am Princess Flame, Second Royal daughter of the Phantom Crown, Third to the line of Succession. And I will not fall easily."

Oh ancestors above! I didn't expect the thing to be so tall. Then again the taller they are the harder they fall.

I call upon the ancestors' blessings and palm my daggers. They'll require a sacrifice in blood. I go to cut my inner thigh and hesitate. I'm sure I'll need alot for this fight. Better to start slow. I cut my outer thigh, a slash to each one; and crouch low ready to avade and ready for a frenzy.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As Valkyrie slumps to the ground, Gaul turns his attention to the skies.

“I suppose I should have known this wouldn’t be easy,” he sighs. “It never is with these things.”

As he speaks, his eyes become cloudy. Simultaneously, the space between each ship becomes charged with buzzing static. Gaul lifts his right hand and Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, manifests within it. The comm units on every ship begin to transmit his voice, though full of popping interference.

“And thus *garbled static* sentenced to *more static* OBLIVION.”

The entire sky erupts as electricity engulfs the armada, frying the mechanical and biological with impunity. Gaul turns back to Valkyrie, and grins menacingly.

“Do you enjoy fireworks?”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadowhold Battlegrounds
Valkyrie's body remains motionless. Raven comes over to Ghaul. He assess Valkyrie.

"The vessel isn't inhabited. She's retreated to her Throne World." Raven kneels and inspects. "But why? Valkyrie is a difficult Lord to contend with. Her power, Liberation, is vague at best. But from what I've observed she uses it to "free" herself and others from any constraining law or power. Normally when a Lords vessel is slain a portal into their throne world appears. In that moment you can invade their inner sanctum where the true body exists. Kill it, and the Blood Wish will transfer to you." Raven stands. "When she was killed earlier her gateway opened in a different spot than where her body was. Furthermore the time the gateway was open was near nothing. Her power I'm sure. This may be our only chance to invade."

Shadow approaches. "If anyone else is in there it'll boot Ghaul out. Entering our throne worlds is a challenge. You test your will against theirs. For the right to have a wish granted. It's a one on one duel to the death. You'd have to pull whoever is in there out first." Shadow looks at Valkyrie. "Earlier she took the fox girl. Maybe the fox girl turned the tables on her. Her brother might know."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Seaside Village
Lotus misunderstands our intentions here. Now that we are away I have all the time I need to explain.
"We aren't here to steal Umbra." Omega says. A village child runs up towards omega.
"Raydel, you've returned! Do you have any sweets!" The child says with hands eagerly outstretched. Omega produces a bag of candies from a satchel at his hip and hands it to the child.
"Share with the other children. Go now, I have important business." Omega says, his usually stoic face ever so slightly turned to a smile.

"We don't plan to go along with Zaak's plan. But, neither do we have a concrete plan to stop him. Best we can do for now is to slow his accumulation of Umbra as best we can. He's the only one of us that can use it in any meaningful capacity. From what we can tell it's similar in nature to Formless."

Omega explains as the make their way through the village. In turn the villagers wave greet them. Children run about playing amongst themselves. A quaint idyllic little world with peaceful happy lives. Furthermore Omega seems to be at peace here. His rapport with the people is uncharacteristic of him. His permanent scowl is replaced by a soft attentive gaze. Even the way he walks suggests an inner peace he couldn't find in his previous life.

"He doesn't watch me though. I'm not sure why. Shame maybe. Alistair and Sin he watches the closest. Saedysm and Vincent he checks in on. But me. Once he forms my engram he actively chooses not to look at me. Which is beneficial. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to hide this.

They have made their way to a mausoleum of sorts. Down the steps into the crypts below. Torches in scones on the walls give light to the path. Once at the bottom the pathway widens into a large hall. And behind two large wrought iron doors is a massive burial chamber. The dead at rest seem to whisper at the Lotus's presence. Prayers to the Goddess of Life and War.

The torches are gone. Instead the chamber is lit with natural sunlight from the widows at the top of the underground structure which breaches the ground above with a spire of stone. The missing glass from it has allowed plant life to creep in from above. Vines creep their way in returning life to this home of the dead; who seem not to mind.

At the center of it all on a moss covered stone table once used to prepare the dead for their next life is the body of Galen Kard.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The First Lotus ~Seaside Village~

The dead's whispers flutter over me, caressing my mind. I don't push them away but I don't dwell on them either.

I move straight for the space where Galen lies motionless. Slowly, I circle the space but there's nothing. His body preserved as if in sleep, but it's empty. Nothing but a pretty shell.

Once more I'm glad for Lilianna's absence. I'm not sure how this would affect her but it wouldn't be well.

I lean heavily against the table. For a moment I allow myself to relax into the arms of the dead. Their pleas are so much more peaceful than living humans. The living are greedy constantly asking for more. The dead are hopeful and gentle in their asking.

Sighing, I lift my eyes to Omega. An anomaly in all this. The Omega I know wouldn't do any of these things: playing with children, helping. If we're to work together I need to understand what he is now.

"You've changed." I state simply. "I think an explanation would be beneficial. Raydel was it? What happened to you?"

Blaze ~ Shadowhold battlegrounds~

Lexianna doesn't respond to me. I tune out everything and focus my hearing on her. Breath, heart, blood. Her blood. Something wrong there.
I groan. I can't have Galen bringing this down on me. If he does he may delete me. And that would be a true tragedy. With this much sheer genius and sex appeal removed from the world; there would be riots, mass hysteria, an utter melt down of all societal structure. I have a duty to prevent that. My ears twitch as I tune back in overhearing Shadow.

I scoop up Lexianna and shove her into Sir Baruss arms. "Here, make sure she doesn't die." I race over hoping on all the ancestors that I overheard him wrong and somehow knowing I didn't. "What?!" I point at Shadow, " You. Did you just say Beauty here took my sister?!" My mind races. Logically, this could be very good for us but I'd have to know some very important variables to calculate the odds of that. Realistically, I'm having trouble seeing it. All I'm seeing is my baby sister. My ears lay flat, my heart constricts.

"Flame won't back down." I take a deep breath, trying to gather myself in case I need to explain. Because Beauty will definitely be going up against a Beast. But I'm worried on if it's the right one.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 10 days ago


Looking from Nevermore to the commander I take a deep breath. "Like I said, we've been captives of the Father since almost right when we arrived, I'd be willing to tell you more, given you give me some assurances".
I lift my wine glass and shake it at him smileing.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Seaside Village
"Raydel isn't my name. The children gave it to me when I told them I don't remember my name." Omega observes Galen. "And I can only assume that death changed all of us somehow. It's interesting. All the things that held us hostage in life didn't matter in death. We're free now. Well as free as an engram can be."

"Zaak has changed too. Not for the better,somehow. He's obsessive to the point of mania. Almost like a parody of himself. Like he's trying to prove he's still himself." Omega sighs. "We've this small advantage. To be honest we don't have much of a plan. No one but Zaak can wield the Umbra. And he's nigh invincible with it. Any Umbra we find we've brought here. The elder in the village agreed to help. Using Galen's blood as a medium the Elder is able to erect a barrier to hide this place."

"But it's killing me." An elderly lady approaches from the entrance. Creeping up the side of her face is an ominous pattern of Umbral Seals. Their jagged, stabbing angles cut across her hands as well. "Raydel here has said your man is going about scheming most nefarious. I swear you young girls can't handle your men right."

"She's older than you, Maya." Omega corrects.

"Then she should damn well know better." Maya snaps.

Omega turns to Lotus. "Sorry about her shes"

"A bitch?" Maya cuts in. Omega sighs deep signifying he's 1000% done.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Citadel Throneroom
Commander tips their glass back.
"Your hardly in a position to negotiate." The Commander starts the negotiations from a position of strength. "What assurances would you ask? We may be able to find a common ground to stand on." The command spell Razz was targeted with releases giving him back his agency. The Commander nods and tips their glass. "A show of good faith." Nevermore is released as well. She seems to have calmed a bit. She takes Nel's hand and guides her to a table with Razz and commander.

"I hope you know what your doing Razz." She says sharply. Nel snacks on a cake brought to the table. Nevermore stares intently at Commander. "For all our sakes."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Throne World
Kara turns her power on her mind. Freeing the speed of her thoughts and information processing. Next her power flows into her body. Allowing it to push beyond any physical limitations, be translated through space by her will alone, and allowing it to regenerate as fast as it needs to. Finally she turns the power on the three blades of her Spear. They are freed from their solid state and begin to ripple like water allowing them to become living blades that conform to Kara's will.

She raises her spear up above her head. The blades lash out like bladed whips morphing mid swing to find the perfect cutting edge at the moment of contact. Each blade moves along a vector to cut off evasion and defense as they close in on Flame.

"Grovel! You pitiful mortal shell!" Kara laughs. "This is the power bestowed to me by my father!"
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The First Lotus ~Seaside Village~

I have more I'd like to ask of Omega, but considering our current company, I opt to return to it later.

I regard Maya coolly. " I don't claim Zaakilo though I'm here to clean up his mess. For what it's worth, I buried him once and yet he's back; so if you have an idea on how to "handel" him as you say, I'm all ears."

From my spot near Galen I study the Umbral markings. "You must be quite unique if you're able to harness Umbra. Even with using Galen's blood, either one of those things alone should kill you." I nod towards the markings, " May I inspect them?"

Frenzied Flame ~ ThroneWorld~

I laugh and stay perfectly still as her transforming blades rip into me. I can feel my consciousness seep away as the frenzy takes hold. She brought it on quicker than I could've.

Her weapon is a gift to me, bringing the blood I need, I crave, a blood sacrifice to the Great Fox Spirit. As my blood pools at my feet, I spring into action. I take her blades to the body and thicken my blood stopping her weapons inside me. I grab hold of them and yank her to me. Fangs have elongated in my mouth and I bite her viciously in the shoulder. I bite to break the arm off. I taste armor and bite harder. Needing to taste her blood.

My blood on the floor shoots up, crystallizes into spikes, and shoot aimed at her.

Blaze ~ Shadowhold battlegrounds~

I start pacing, deciding to explain anyway, "She won't fight this fight normality. She'll be forced to enter the frenzy state. That'll summon the Fox Spirit in either the Phantom or Wraith state. The Phantom state can deal more damage it's a brute force type; but will ultimately leave her vulnerable as her physical body is left unconscious." My tail swishes in agitation, "If it's the Wraith state she'll fight more strategically. It's more like an assassin agile and lethal, but it'll break her body to do it; it'll reduce my sister to a mangled mess. Honestly it's bad either way. "
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gaul looks between Raven, Shadow, and Blaze, and promptly sits down on a nearby pile of rubble. He folds his arms and thinks for a moment.

“Well, if she’s already transformed when we pull her out, that could potentially be an even bigger problem, yes?” He stands and brushes the dust from his bearskins. “So, we wait. I’ll keep an eye on her fight, and step in if necessary. Otherwise, let the Royal Highblood Guard do her duty.”

As he finishes speaking, his left eye begins to shift. The pupil eclipses the iris and small motes of starlight begin to gleam within.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Valkyrie Throne World
Kara slams down into the pool of blood and frees it from being able to harm her body. As Flame bites into her arm that same hand comes up to trap her neck in its crushing grip. Kara towers over Flame and her hand easily finds purchase around her throat. The blades of Kara's spear retract and quiver with appetite for conflict.

"Stupid girl! This fight ended the moment you made it hand to hand!" Kara tightens her grip even further. Then draws up her power and strikes Flame's entire body liberating the blood inside it from the physical confines of her circulatory system. The result will be horrifying internal bleeding, rapid asphyxiation, muscle failure, and complete organ failure as the body struggles to operate without something to circulate oxygen and critical nutrients.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Seaside Village Blackout
The Elder approaches holding her hand out to Lotus.
"I'm no one special. As a little girl I was told that I'm a reincarnated Goddess of the Harvest. But I've never been much of a farmer. Too pretty." Maya regards Galen. "This one. He's quiet. And not dead quiet. Empty. He's like gaping wound in the world."

"I'm not familiar enough with how Galen operates to say what the situation is exactly." Omega muses. "Why is this here?"

"At least he's useful. And this Umbra. It's like Mana, or chakras, if your from out north. Difference being it's... hungry. Like it's looking for a meal that'll satisfy it. Every thing it gives is in pursuit of whatever it's looking for." Maya taps Galen with her walking stick. "This guy resonates with it. But it's just that. Empty resonance."
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