Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Off-Topic moves fast and shoves this thread down rather quickly, so here's a bump that also contains some information.

There's just under 2 days left for voting (the "poll" will close just before midnight on April 5th), so hopefully some more votes will come in.

My promised review/critiques of all the entries will be posted no later than April 6th.

There should also be a new Guidelines thread up not too long after voting ends here, so that's something more exciting than story reviews to look forward to.

And I can't think of anything else WOTM-related to bring up, so I guess that's it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I've finished my reviews and currently debating between Diadochi and My Dark Savior. I'm going to reread those two, pick one, and add in my reviews.

In other news, I am so happy to see WotM back. It has meant a lot to me over the past two years that I've participated, and I hope it continues as strong as ever! (I would've loved to submit something, but I was in Guatemala for most of the writing period and only found out after my return.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Last day for votes!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Why I would not vote for this entry:
1. Poor character depth.
2. Not very captivating, wordy.
3. Little action/drama.
4. Little depth, repetitive.
5. Slow start.
6. Poor local plot.

Why I would vote for this entry:
1. Decent writing.
2. Interesting inner conflict.
3. Good writing, build-up.
4. Good flow + sound.
5. Good writing, character portrayal.
6. Interesting concept.

In the end, my vote goes to the Diadochi, with My Dark Savior as second.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A lot of people have listed their second vote along with their first vote. I feel like I should point out that only the first vote counts in terms of how the winner is included, in case that was in any way unclear. :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

My critiques are ready, pending the end of the voting period. Send me a PM if you *don't* want a somewhat-intentionally-negative review posted in public -- I think I was mostly fair to almost everyone, but I do go out of my way to find the dirty laundry and hang it. Barring a PM, I'll have everything posted tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WOTM


Member Offline since relaunch

Congratulations Vilageidiotx!

Vilageidiotx's entry Diadochi was a clear favorite of the voters. With great writing and a nice twist right at the end, it comes as no surprise that this tale of the death of Alexander the Great won the hearts and minds of the voters, just as the great man himself did. Congratulations on your well deserved victory, Vilageidiotx. Once we have a Contest forum section up and running, your name and entry will be immortalized in the Hall of Fame thread.

Feel free to continue discussing these entries at your leisure, folks. Authors of entries may now reveal themselves if they wish, though it is not mandatory and you may remain anonymous if you prefer. The Guidelines for WOTM #2 will be posted soon, so keep an eye on the Off-Topic section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 1 yr ago

My entry was #2 - A Crusader's Secret.

Unfortunately I had a lot of continuity problems with it, I'll respond to each criticism in depth as a thanks/personal thought on the matter. I'll wait for mdk and jorick's review so I can reply all at once though
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thanks! I'm glad people enjoyed it.

I'm sorry about not getting around to voting. I'll try to do that next time. These things sneak up on me and I work weird hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The length of the critique directly coincides with how hard I had to work to find a weak spot in your story's armor; if it feels like I'm yelling at you and being unfair, that means I liked it (except for Kangaroo unfortunately, where I'm being mean and unfair because sometimes I'm just mean and unfair -- but I'll apologize to you personally later; I'm not being fair on Crusader and people should pretty much ignore me on this particular account).

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Huzzah Vilage. Praise be to he.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Precipice crew is takin' ova dis bitch. We have a WotM, now all we need is Precipice of War featured in the next Cool and Current update. And then I think it'll be within our right to start rounding up people and executing them so we can install ourselves as Lords, just as we did once in the past in a different forum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Review time! I've decided to lean heavy on the critical side when looking at these entries, because people tend to learn more from mistakes than being told they did a good job. Each review will first list all the things I thought weren't done well and any major grammatical mistakes (I'll leave the common little ones alone because I'd rather not get bogged down with them), then a paragraph at the end where I give my overall impression and maybe some compliments on things you did well.

If any of you contest entrants want clarification on anything I said in your critique, feel free to ask for it here and I'll gladly give it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Vilageidiotx said
Thanks! I'm glad people enjoyed it.I'm sorry about not getting around to voting. I'll try to do that next time. These things sneak up on me and I work weird hours.

I'd offer you a round, but you'd need to meet me down here in NOLA before I leave. And I don't think you drink, or not in the way I would; even if it's light.

So maybe I'll give you a round in spirit, then drink yours for you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm the writer of The Pendulum, my first poem ever. Thanks for all the criticism, people, both the positive and the negative ones.

As for the origins of this poem; It was written during a minor bout of depression over what is essentially a second/third Cuba Crisis happening over in Europe. I'm sure you've all heard of waht's going on in Eastern Europe, with Russia essentially invading Ukraine and taking over The Krim? It might seem far away for some of you Americans, but the Ukraine/the Krim is practically on our doorstep, very much like Cuba was/is on the US's. At the same time, neonazi-like factions seem to pop up like mushrooms all over the place. They're small, but the very fact that they're here at all scares me to no end. Even over here in the normally so acceptant Netherlands, we have the PVV. Their leader Geert Wilders's most recent speech boiled down to first going down a list of Moroccans being overrepresented in criminal statistics, lots of them being workless and whatnot, then literally asking: "In this city [The Hague], and in the rest of the Netherlands, do you want more or less Moroccans?". Cue the audience chanting "Less! Less! Less!", apparently having completely forgotten what happened in the last century.

All of this together left me very depressed about humanity as a whole. So yeah, it's not just a "hey look at all this bad stuff that happened in the two world wars we've had, don't start another."[Thanks for the quote, Jorick :P] , It's that we really seem to be on the edge of another one. And this time, I'm not sure what the aftermath will look like. We all know Einstein's famous quote, right? "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." ...

(Actual reactions to the comments/criticism will follow later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 4 days ago

In the end, I voted for Entry #1 because I feel it is the one which was pulled through its intended task the best. The others did fine, but the first one did exactly what it was supposed to do. The others all made me feel there was something which could have been improved on them, while that on I was simply satisfied after I had finished it. That’s about it.

And now, let me tell you a story of my own entry.

Now, then. Replies, replies…

Thanks for liking my idea. It really was the only thing that I contributed here that I liked. The text itself is improper. Hahaha. No, that isn’t how they first met. Maybe it would have been better to write that story, but I decided to just show a regular day at work for a History Guardian. I mean, I had to show a historical figure, right? And I wanted a few random scenes, so I did that. Them falling in love was also a story which could have been told, but it was something I imagined would happen along the time so I simply threw it in because I wanted to. Honestly, the story was already messed up at the time so I likely didn’t care very much. Hahahaha. Yes, it could have been a lot better, and when I finished it was, like, 4 AM, so for the ending… I just threw in something there too. I thought it might be interesting. I know there isn’t a climax, I thought of sending him into the future to confront some Time-Fairy queen but… eh… not enough words… and I was really tired. Hahahah. Thanks for complimenting it. Haha.

I like my happiness. Hahahaha. I’ve complained multiple times about the darkness that seem to somehow surround the WOTM, and my own response is… well… Hahahaha. Motives for each character (primarily the main ones) I have in by back-pocket, actually. I just… didn’t write them. I couldn’t fit them in along with the ocean of other things I wanted in which also didn’t get in. As for the characters feeling childish, I don’t really see that as a bad thing. In fact, the three largest characters ARE kids, albeit older ones. Calan, Nyssa and Miliana. The other people may or may not have accepted but were outmatched, both in physical capability and plot-importance. As for the cliché plot points, I felt they were necessary. As for the one abandoned prematurely, that was the actual plot I had in mind. Thing is, I couldn’t fit both that and the History Guardian job into a single entry. So, yeah. Haha. Thanks for thinking the concept was interesting. It was what I valued the most, after all.

Haha. Yeah, I was having fun writing it. I knew it wasn’t going to become very good, so I just went with it, and yeah, I believe I had a great deal of fun imagining events and writing situations. Hahaha. I had this idea that there would be a whole crowd of samurai-nerds that had taken a bus-time machine for the sole purpose of watching the duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojirou. Didn’t fit in eventually, but would have been fun. Thanks for recognizing that aspect, and for thinking it clever. I’m smiling rather stupidly right now. Hahaha. Thank you.

… OK, he was to open his eyes, there… and hands ONTO his sides… Haha. I didn’t have the time to do proper proofreading at roughly 4 AM after having written all night. Hahahaha. I’ll accept that. But I DID think that would be an amusing twist.

Ellipses are awesome. They allow me to indicate pauses which take place in a consistent manner, are good for showing when a person is nervous or hesitant, take a little while to answer or something for some reason or another, and a whole lot of other things. I use them in mostly every text I ever write. They cannot be replaced.

That’s not what he says. He says that he is doing his job, and why he’s doing it. To save those he cares about from being erased from history because history was suddenly changed and a whole lot of other things. After he does so, Nyssa starts to understand his position and understand that they’re both good people, and therefor she cannot be angry at him anymore. Instead of going with the rage approach of “I am right”, she decides to invite him home to her with a silent warning that she’ll be coming back if he doesn’t. It would have worked, too. She hasn’t given up. She has just… decided to play a trick on him, so to say. Proper explanation could happen after they have a discussion.

I decided to do everything in the order which it actually happened, and as such when he goes fifteen minutes back in time the time fifteen minutes before must be shown first. It was simply my decision, and it was a core idea that I had to have a REALLY short example of such in there somewhere. Here it was. Of course, it suffered along with everything else on the lack of quality of the entire thing, but eh. I’ve never watched Doctor Who, but you could say I screwed that up on purpose. It was an experiment too, after all. Hahaha.

He doesn’t know what times they come from, Miliana’s magic handles that. Hahahaha. Every person and object has some internal clock which tells what their real time is. Even if you’ve lost it yourself, the magic can take the person back to the time where they belong. And that’s about that.

There are more than one History Guardian, and they’re divided into two groups. One which corrects history, like Calan, and one which destroys time-machines and all plans to invent time-machines which they find. Unfortunately, they can only sense where time machines are when feeling the time distortions of one being used, and come the 5th millennia time-travel can be invented in particularly technology-savvy geniuses’ backyards, not even mentioning the real labs. Hence, for each time distortion two History Guardians are sent: One to send the time-traveler back, and one to destroy the time-machine. Like partners, except on a LONG distance. It is a mission that never truly ends. What happened to Nyssa in the end was that she somehow became a History Guardian with her own fairy, except she’s… yeah.

It was the whole basis of the story and my idea. Hahaha. I couldn’t possibly leave it behind, even if I had nothing good to show with it. I thought it would be fun if people attempted reading it first in one way and then in another. I actually underlined “our starting point at 2014” to make it evident that this was not the start of the story, so just maybe people would scroll down to 2014. Unfortunately, all my underlines (I underlined all the years too, to make them stand out more) disappeared by some reason. Eh. In any case, you say it not adds anything to the story. But… it IS the story, so that’s unfortunate. We simply don’t have the x-axis in time to follow such events like the Time-Fairies do. Hahahahahahaha.

Of course he has to do his job. If he doesn’t, time will be changed and all his family, friends, his entire LIFE will disappear because none of them were ever born. I’m pretty sure you’d do your job too if that was what was at stake. The whining was, well, him being stupid. She invaded at a slightly bad time. And what Miliana did was not being a tsundere. A tsundere would have… eh, I’m not going to describe it. In either case, of course the naïve and innocent Miliana is going to say he’s being unfair when he’s saying such cruel things. However, being the childish thing she is, she instantly softens up when he turns around to be nice again. It was Calan teasing, not anything alike to being tsundere. [edit]A tsundere reacts badly to positive things, not the other way around. My definition of a tsundere is bad and I should feel bad.[/edit] I think I’m trailing off the proper argument, but Miliana simply isn’t one. She loves happiness and kindness and is very honest in what she likes and always wants Calan to be the kindest he can be, so of course she becomes happy when he turns around. I think you misunderstood my characters a bit, but that may be my fault since the quality of this entire entry is somewhat lacking. Hahahaha. Oh, well.

Yes, he was. The audience. Well, the reader. I was a bit tired when I wrote that, probably, and saw nothing wrong with it. Oh, wait, I still don’t. Hahahahahaha.

Not bottom of her legs, all of her legs. He only had enough hands to cover a part of her torso. Um, what did I write? Oh. Hahahahahahaha. My fault.

Except that wasn’t the start. It was actually rather close to the end, actually. Hahahaha. I didn’t have the time to do justice to the plot which I originally had in mind, which is the one referenced there, and so. Point is, I didn’t even try to save it. I wrote those parts for the sheer pleasure of writing them, because I felt it needed the extra examples of what a History Guardian did. That’s what this entry is, really. A show of what a History Guardian does. Hahahaha. The actual plot I had in mind would have taken… far longer, and would have… eh, I don’t even want to think about it. I wouldn’t have had the room for a single example of what a History Guardian did, not to mention any of the other… Eh. Going with the plot on this one was simply impossible within the time-frame I had. So I went around and had fun instead. Of course, the actual COMPLETE story would have to include how Calan became a History Guardian, still include Nyssa’s little scene, include the entire friggin’ rebellion against the Time Queen, properly develop the romance between Calan and Miliana and include how she was torn when eventually he decided to save humanity, and then the final climax and this other Time Fairy which I had plans for would be all wicked and stuff and subdued Nyssa, and… *gasp* Way, way more. Hahahahaha. I realized I couldn’t do that, and… Hahaha.

Hahahahaha. Now let me pray Brovo didn’t spend too long picking it apart at the core when it wasn’t something that was finished anyway. Thanks for reviewing~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The WOTM #2 Guidelines thread up. I know some people expect a link to be posted in the previous WOTM thread when something new comes up, so here it is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I had this idea that there would be a whole crowd of samurai-nerds that had taken a bus-time machine for the sole purpose of watching the duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojirou. Didn’t fit in eventually, but would have been fun

I once wrote a scene in which a gang of lesbian ninjas crashed their pirate ship on a flying island because they wanted to share their pornographic cult-fan-fiction with the magistrate/cult-leader, so the rapper protagonist and his cross-dressing sidekick had do defeat them with cutlery.

That's a real thing that really happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 4 days ago

mdk said
I once wrote a scene in which a gang of lesbian ninjas crashed their pirate ship on a flying island because they wanted to share their pornographic cult-fan-fiction with the magistrate/cult-leader, so the rapper protagonist and his cross-dressing sidekick had do defeat them with cutlery.That's a real thing that really happened.

... XD. Thanks for that laugh. I'm sure it made perfect sense at the time. Hahahaha. XD

Edit: What am I talking about, it DOES make perfect sense! Hahahaha!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

PlatinumSkink said
... XD. Thanks for that laugh. I'm sure it made perfect sense at the time. Hahahaha. XDEdit: What am I talking about, it DOES make perfect sense! Hahahaha!

If the heroes didn't win, then the dragon bugs that eat rocks would have taken over.

.....jesus, this was BEFORE I was medicated, too, that's the weird part.
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