Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Anyone is fine to join, it belong to all of us, right?"She smiled. Until she noticed Doomsday. Shock wanted to take Ditto by the neck and just strangle him. She was in civilian clothes because she thought this would be some sort of a warm up. Looking in the distance she saw him throw a car. "See where procrastinating got you, Ver?"She mumbled to nobody in particular. She looked over at Plasticman curling into a ball. "Already thinking quick on the offensive! I like it. I'll join you!"Seeing that gave Veronica some inspiration. Until he didn't do anything...Apollo on the other hand ran on the offensive first and actually landed a blow! But it seemed like he was starting to take a beating. Maybe it was time for teamwork? She breathed out and ran with her palms faced back as sparks crackled around her body. About a quarter of the way, she shot electricity from the palms of her hands and used it as a propulsion to go up and over Apollo, for a kicking blow to the face. Unfortunately, the gargantuan doomsday grabbed her leg before she made contact with him and sent her flying into one of the cars.

A big dent forming around and left by her body, Shock moaned in pain. Her body felt wholly on fire as the pain radiated through her body. Breathing shallow for a moment, she probably should have came up with a plan instead of rushing first into danger. This was the kind of thing Animal Man always reprimanded her for. She struggled with opening her eyes for minutes there and then perceived doomsday advancing to her teammates, presuming Shock was down for the count. Shock forced herself up to notice a lot of her tank top had been torn revealing her flat brown stomach and the jeans had been left with holes. Just great too because she really liked this civ outfit. No time to worry about that now, Magnetizing a pipeline from the damaged car, she sent it at a fast speed for doomsday's back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Patriot cursed in his mind when he saw Doomsday appear in the War Room, and started to attack everyone. What had Ditto been thinking? Although Patriot had never had any encounter with the ancient kryptonian killing, he knew the story of how Superman died to stop the beast's rampage. Doomsday was not a type of villain that an inexperienced hero would practice on, and now they would have to deal with the creature. The best approach would be to find another way to neutralize it instead of taking it head on. Doomsday was far too powerful for them to take down with brute strength alone.

"Guys! don't waste your strength on taking Doomsday head on without any sort of plan. We need to use our speed more and find an advantage" he told the others and he hoped that they would listen to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ditto split up. One of his duplicates distracted the behemoth, while another ran to check on Shock who just barely got up from the last attack she took. The original Ditto avoiding flying debris and noticed at least a few civilian looking holo-droids were also in the War Room probably to help the heroes deal with things like crowd control and the safety of others.

"Come at me, monster! I'm the one responsible for all this..." Ditto2 yelled at the Doomsday holo-droid using his heightened strength and physical attributes to leap several cars and throw a manhole cover at the monster.

"Hey pretty lady, use an extra pair of hands?" Ditto3 asked coming up on Shock and tearing metal debris into smaller manageable pieces that the sister of Static could work with.

"Patriot! Guys! There are civilian droids in the program we're supposed to rescue and keep safe!" The original Ditto screamed at everyone within earshot who didn't currently have ringing ears from all of the chaos.

It was then that the original Ditto noticed something key to winning the battle. A lot of the bone like armor spiking out of the beast's back and shoulders seemed to be providing protection for an exposed part of the creature's head. The back of it to be precise.

"Patriot, Apollo, I think we need to try and get a clean shot with some heavy force in the back of this thing's head!" Ditto1 called out while the duplicate trying to get Doomsday's attention came up on PlasticMan.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

"That secret billionaire of Batman's didn't have to pay for all those pizzas. Those pizzas from Luigi's were paid for by someone else before they even arrived." Cyber Knight responded to the Justice Leaguer.

"I seriously hope you're not hacking credit card numbers again. I managed to look past the flame thrower and nearly melting a teammate permanently thing since everybody seemed to want to take their best shot at Icicle, but don't think I can sit back and just let you steal people's identities and ruin some poor civilian's credit. You don't have to do that kind of thing here to survive..." the Engineer spoke to the young robotic heroine hoping that she wasn't already a lost cause.

"I hacked one credit card company one time, nobody will ever let it go. Besides I didn't steal anything, I was trying to point out their security problems. I solved one of the Millennium Prize Problems and was rewarded with a million dollars. Money's been setting on in an investment account. Not sure how much it is worth now. Lougi's was the first time it's been touched since I put it in. As for Plastic Man, I studied the dossiers you gave me on every member of the team, I calculated that there was only one percent chance of permanent damage or death. Batman's risked a lot more with less certainity." Cyber responded going a bit into defensive mode.

The outside shell of the sky cruiser was finished, all that was left was for someone to procure seats. Cyber could make them but they would be metallic and she noticed that all cars never have metal seats. The inside of the cruiser was still unfinished. Cyber turned into a mist of nanites which then enveloped a pile of scrap metal and broke it down into it's base materials and began rebuilding them into inferior version of her own nanites. Once the nanites were complete they began forming into the engine for the sky cruiser. "The engine is complete and ready for installation, we are also out of materials, nothing left for the flight unit or the sonic weapon. I need to go work on the schematics for the sonic weapon." Cyber left to go to her usual spot in the base her computer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirenSong


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Collab between Kid Lantern & SirenSong)

Two Days Ago...

At the Justice League's Watchtower orbitting the planet, an all too familiar face teleported into the HQ of the world's greatest heroes. An older Dinah Queen, former wife of the deceased Green Arrow, stepped out of the teleporter deck meeting with the now cape-less Superman.
"It's good to see you again, Canary..." Superman began to say before the blonde who'd developed some gray steaks in her hair cut to the chase.

"Let's get to the reason you asked me here, Clark. I already told you, I'm not cut out for the League. My body isn't what it used to be in the field and after what happened to Ollie..." Dinah said trying to hold in her emotions, "Besides, Catwoman talked me into helping a young girl I've got to meet for an appointment back in Gotham. I hear Batman's latest two proteges joined some sort of junior League..?" the older heroine began to ask before noticing the look on Superman's face and knowing exactly where he was going with this...

Present Day...

Black Canary arrived at the HQ. Trailing behind her was a young lady with long brown hair and brown skin, her pupil and sponsored heroine. "Make yourself at home, Naomi," said Canary, "I've got a few things to attend to." With that, Canary stopped to have a word with Flash, pointing Naomi in the direction of her sleeping quarters.

Naomi waved the graying Dinah off as she parted ways with her mentor and sponsor, heading off to her own personal quarters. She had a small slip of paper in hand with her room number on it. When she came to a long corridor, she made her way down to the very end of the hall. "This is it, last room on the right," she remarked, "Guess this is home." She reached down into her pocket and retrieved a keycard. Swiping it across the electrical reader just above the door's handle, Naomi heard the door unlock.

Once inside of the room, Naomi set her eyes on just what she had to look forward to during her stay at the League's headquarters. She scanned the room from left-to-right, top-to-bottom. It wasn't anything like she'd expected. This looked like something out of a teenager's worst nightmare. It was horribly bland and generic. The walls were made of steel, the floors of concrete, there was a single twin-sized bed off in the corner adorned with tacky white sheets and a cheap wool blanket. "Kill me now," she'd joke to herself, trying to find some humor in all of this.

Naomi dropped her duffel bag onto the concrete floor, unzipping it as she began to unpack. To her surprise, one little piece of luggage had decided to unpack itself. Naomi's pet kitten, Luna, had somehow managed to stow itself away unnoticed. "Well, aren't you the sneaky ball of fur," Naomi would say in the midst of laughing, "I thought I told you to stay in Gotham with Selina?" As if nothing had been said at all, the feline jumped onto the twin-sized mattress, stretched its paws out after a long and couped up trip, and made itself at home.

After successfully unpacking, Naomi turned to leave, but then something caught her ear, some sort of racket coming from inside of the building. It was a sound all too familiar, the muffled sound of battle. The nineteen year-old circled the room, finding a vent in its corner. She dropped to her knees and pressed her ear against it. Wherever the noise was from from, it was from down below, and close enough for her to hear through the ventilation system. Maybe a floor or so down. "Sounds like a party," Naomi commented with a grin about her face. "You think we should go and crash it, Luna?" She looked to her pet cat, who let off a single 'meow' before rolling off on its side and facing the wall, falling asleep. Naomi quirked a single brow and then continued on. "Right, then. Maybe I'll just go and see the action for myself."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Plastic Man just popped his head out of the ball form long enough to see Apollo getting launched by Doomsday. After cringing a little Plastic Man quickly changed himself back to normal. Watching Apollo sailing towards him through the air. Having to think almost too quickly for himself, Plas changed himself into a large trampoline, catching Apollo and gently letting him back to the ground. "There, that should keep us even..." Plastic Man said to Apollo after going back to normal and checking up on him. Though his attention quickly changed when he realized Doomsday had him now in his crosshairs.

Plastic Man men if he didn't move Apollo would get hurt more, so with a squirm and sigh he dashed at Doomsday, slipping and stretching right under the hulking monster man thing. Turning quickly Plastic Man felt himself needing to crane his neck up just to see the thing's head, making him swallow in fear. Suddenly Doomsday swung at him, Plas compressing himself and ducking, another swing and Plas stretched his midsection out of the way. Finally Plastic Man quickly stretched himself out in all directions, grabbing hold of doomsday in a giant red wrapping. Feeling the beast man pulling and tugging to and fro. Plastic Man screaming the entire time. "WHYDIDIDOTHISTHISISSUCHASTUPIDIDEAWHYDOIMAKESTUPIDDECISIONSONGODSOMEONEHELPEASE!!!!!!!!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Patriot cursed as Plastic Man just went in without coming up with a plan with them, and now he stretched to contain the monster in a complex hold of constriction. Thomas has to do something and he flew straight towards the beast. Patriot started to land powerful punches to the parts of Doomsday's body that wasn't covered by Plastic Man. Although he was being restrained by Plastic Man, Doomsday managed to swing out at Thomas with a powerful blow by the back of his fist. the blow hit the patriotic hero right in the chest and sent him flying right into a wall. The impact dazed him for a moment but quickly recovered. He wanted to use his energy ability but with Plastic still holding onto Doomsday that may not be a wise course of action and so he had to think of something else. He decided to use his flight speed in tandem with his super strength, and Patriot began to fly around the creature at fast speeds, punching at the beast from many different angles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shock rolled her eyes and then reluctantly nodded at Ditto or ditto clone. Whatever, this whole mess was his fault. But at least he cared to check on her. Maybe out of guilt she supposed. As he picked apart metal scraps, Shock nodded at the other Ditto's advice and started work on molding a barrier around the droids.

"Over here!"She yelled to some of the holo-droids in civilian form as they began to huddle together behind the various scraps of metal debris and wreckage.

"I wish I could do more than turn into three people..." the Ditto duplicate mummbled in awe at the display of power.

The Ditto duplicate then threw himself in harm's way as a telephone and electricity cable came whipping down from some knocked over posts in the larger battle some forty yards away. His suit was insulated for the most part but he still got a little shock. No clue why he thought that the sister of Static wouldn't be able to absorb the electricity. Although Shock could have just absorbed that raw electricity, she had to admit the sight of him throwing himself into harms way had her respect.

"You know I could've-"but she just chuckled as he came to the realization.

Turning back to the shield around the droids, she was starting to feel like she did earlier today as she noticed a kink in the metal. She needed to give all her attention to this especially with how many pieces of metal she was holding up and together over the people. She began to push the other thoughts from her mind and focused clearly on the holo-droids as if they were in fact real people. She began to sweat. And a stern look was worn across her face almost as if she was about to give birth or do something seriously dificult. Other than the occasional old villain needing taken down in Dakota after Static moved away to NYC, she hasn't had much experience with fighting others with such incredible power. And most civilians in real world situations run like there's no tomorrow. The droids seemed oddly a little more scared than they should have been.

"You alright? I'm going to need to focus on this now. Give it all you got over there -- I think I can hold the fort." she smirked and then took on a serious expression holding the walls of the make-shift shelter up and bringing some parts of the downed poll into her construct.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by riurik

riurik Fighting evil, so you don't have to

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As jagged behemoth approached, Phil watched in dumb-found awe. His training with Zatanna had not prepared him for this. Already Apollo and Shock attempted to attack the beast, and had been fended off easily. At least Patriot is here, Phil though. We really need all the power we can get. Hopefully Apollo can still use his light powers without his gear.

Phil heard Patriot warn his teammates about attacking Doomsday head on, then saw Plastic Man promptly attack Doomsday head on. The man was crazy, but he had a good idea, if maybe a bit hastily executed. We need to hold him so that one of the others can take advantage of the weak spot Ditto saw, Phil thought. As Patriot started to attack Doomsday, Phil began weaving a binding spell. Hopefully between Plas and I, we can hold him long enough for someone to get off a shot.

With a wave of his glowing hands, Phil cast the spell. A golden aura flashed around the young magician as he reached into the power of Nabu, Lord of Order. Golden chains erupted from the ground around Doomsday’s feet, wrapping themselves around his legs, twisting their way up his body, and slipping under Plastic Man’s rubbery grip. Doomsday roared in deviance, refusing to allow Plastic Man and Phil’s magic from stopping him without a fight. The chains strained against the beast’s struggles, but held, for now.
“Patriot! Apollo! Take the shot now!” Phil yelled to his teammates, straining to keep the spell in place. “I’m not sure how long this will last! Hold on Plas! Just a little bit longer!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Gabe was in his room, once again working out. There was nothing better to do, anyway. He was nowhere near fast or smart enough to help with the equipment setup, and from the muffled noises he could hear below his room, the War Room was occupied. After completing his one hundredth set of pushups, Gabe got up and took the towel that was on his bed, draping it over his shoulders. He was sweaty and most probably smelly, and was off to take a shower.

After the shower and a change of clothes, Gabe went off in search of Jin, passing who seemed to be a new team-member. Who was that?
After a moment of wondering, Gabe set his mind back to his mission: he needed to talk to Jin about her fear of the cold. She was obviously unsettled when in cold conditions, so much so that she gets what seem to be intense panic attacks. Such a fear could put the team in danger when on missions, but, more importantly, it could put Jin in danger. It would leave her exposed and vulnerable. And Gabe, for the sake of the team, and for Jin, couldn’t let that happen. Ever. But where was she?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jin was in the main hall, dressed in casual jeans, a tank top, and with a pink bandana over her hair. She was wearing the goggles from her hero costume, and a pair of thick gloves. Using a special apparatus, she was hoisted up in a high corner, working on upgrading one of the cameras. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of The Flash, probably going around to check on something else. She was a touch jealous. Maybe someday she could fly that fast.

She pushed off the wall to get a tool from her box, aided by the cable system around her waist. Poking through her tidily arranged pink handled tools, she tilted her head as a newcomer wandered through the room. Dropping into silence, she watched the girl walk through, before returning to her task. Someone new was already here, and she'd barely gotten to know anything about the others... This whole team business was getting complicated.

She felt, rather than saw Gabe after he walked into the room. It wasn't something she could truly explain, even though she'd come up with a few theories. Her most sensible one was that Gabe was warmer than most people, and she was sensitive to temperature, so she could detect his presence. "Hey, Gabe." She spoke aloud, but her eyes were still on her tool as she carefully tightened a tiny screw. "I haven't seen you much today."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

After a while of looking for Jin, Gabe spotted her in the main hall, tinkering with a security camera, calling out his name.
"Hey, Gabe. Haven't seen you much today," she said, concentrating on the camera.
How was he going to reply? What was he going to say? The last thing he needed was for Jin to withdraw into her mind, blocking him out. He needed her to open up about her fear. Open up and overcome.

He walked closer to the apparatus, resting one arm on the wall, leaning against it. He was trying to look laid back, hoping that he looked convincing. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and he quickly yet cautiously wiped it off with his arm.
"Uh, yeah, I was, uh, exercising. Listen... We need to talk. Preferably away from anything that could watch us," he said, looking at the cameras in the hallway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

(Collab post between me and Green Grenade.)

Jin raised her eyebrows, and lifted her goggles to her forehead. "Uh... sure." She pushed off the wall to deposit her tool back in the box, then detached herself from the apparatus at her waist that was holding her up. She dropped back to the ground feet first, landing in a neat, athletic tumble that ended with her back on her feet. "Come on." Striding ahead of him, she led him off into one of their HQ's many hallways. She'd discovered a blind spot in the cameras a few days back, and hadn't let anyone know. Leaning with her back on the metal wall, she grinned at her best, possibly only friend. "What's up?"

"I noticed that, um, during the one-sided fight against Icicle, you'd have a panic attack every time a cold blast of wind occured. You're afraid of the cold, aren't you?" asked Gabe, rather bluntly, wanting to get to the point as quickly as possible. He watched as Jin's grin quickly turned into a frown.

Jin raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. The reflexive frown was quickly replaced by an almost lazy smirk. Her dark eyes bore into his, as if daring him to counter her. "You think I'm afraid of a little frozen water? Please..." Most people had nervous tells, or tics when they lied. Jin's tell was a lack of such- she relaxed into lies, almost seemed to enjoy them, to challenge people to not believe her. It worked for the most part- but the few people who knew her well had probably seen that pattern.

Gabe's straight face changed into a weary one- lies would get them nowhere in this conversation. He may have believed Jin if this was happening a year before, when Gabe had only just arrived at the Batcave, but he knew better now. He knew when Jin was lying.
"To be frank, Jin, I think you're scared of ice. And not just that, the cold in general. Come on, Jin- don't lie to me. You need to open up," he said, hoping that that was enough to make her tell him the truth.

If it had been anyone else, Jin would have kept on lying until she was blue in the face. She didn't want admit her fear, seem weak in the eyes of others. Even if it was Batman himself, she wouldn't have told him. Gabe was different, though. They'd trained together, fought together, had each other's backs for a year. She trusted him more than anyone on the planet- including her mentor. Her steady gaze wavered, then dropped. "It's not all cold. I mean, I can handle AC and all that and be fine. It's more like... anything that feels like winter." She pursed her lips, as if trying to hold something back. "It's like my brain is back on the street."

Gabe understood. When he was on the streets, it was horrible- especially in winter. The snow would fall, the wind would tear through anyone who didn't have enough layers of clothing, and the air would feel like knives stabbing his throat and lungs. He'd spend days looking for a warm shelter, one warm enough to keep him from freezing in the harsh environment that was the streets. And then he discovered his powers. Powers that let him generate heat at will, that let him expel the cold. But Jin didn't have those powers. And Gabe felt his sympathy surge towards her. "You know- Batman once gave me some advice- advice that I hold on too every day. He told me that fear... it's a choice. An illusion. An illusion that, for some reason, humans choose to hold on too. And that if we choose to overcome our fears- not only have we overcome them, but we've harnessed them. And, I think, that that makes us brave. That makes us the bravest of all. Don't you?"

Jin had heard that saying before from Batman. She hadn't quite understood it, though. "...I- I don't know if I can overcome it. I've woken up next to people who've frozen in the night. Th- The cold took them." She was starting to shiver. "Winter kills, Gabe. Nothing I overcome will change that. H-how am I supposed to overcome nature?" Now she was fighting it. Her eyes were going slightly vague. "I can't win."

It was then that Gabe embraced her in his arms. It was the only thing he could think of doing. The only thing he thought would comfort her. "Don't you ever tell me you can't do something. Ever. That's not the Jin I know. If there's anything I know you can do, it's overcome things. Just think of all the situations you got us out of back in Gotham. Overcoming is in your blood, Jin. And if you don't think you can overcome your fear- then let me help you. If not me, then someone. Because in the end- in the end, it's not the winter that'll kill you. It's your fear of it."

Jin froze up in response to the sudden contact. Even after a year and a half off the streets, she wasn't used to that kind of thing. But Gabe's warmth tugged her free of her memories, and she relaxed, slowly. She rested silently against his solid frame for a moment, before looking up and smiling faintly. "Well, I did take down all those gunners with one shot... I suppose a little bit of winter is a walk in the park after that." Her gaze darted around, as if making sure the hallway was still empty. Once she was clear, she clutched Gabe in a tight hug. "Thank you. I... I needed that. All of it." Her cheeks were red as she pulled away. "A-ah.." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I-I've gotta get back to the upgrades. Bye Gabe." Jin rushed from the hall before she could embarrass herself more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hákon was whistling a merry tune as he walked into headquarters, carrying a finely wrapped package under his arm. The parcel was long and square in shape, and looked to be about half as long as Hákon was tall.

Now, if I can find some time to practice with it, I might be able to contribute more to any future conflicts than just ranged freezing... he thought, grinning as he imagined himself in the future, charging into battle clad in a glimmering suit of ice armor, swinging his sword around in a fearsome display of youthful over-excitement.

As Hákon entered the main hall, he spotted Jin, hurrying away, and Gabe, who watched on in silence. Figuring that something scandalous may be afoot, he approached Gabe and paused for a moment before looking at him and winking.

"She seemed to be in a hurry... Is everything alright between the two of you?" Hákon asked, putting on his most disarming smile, meant to convey the message that he wasn't trying to offend the boy with his question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ricki stuffed the last of her belongings in her duffel bag, and zipped the bag with a look of determination upon her face. She then picked up her bag and lifted the strap over her head placed it comfortably upon her shoulder. She then stepped to the door, casting a look of longing over her shoulder at the bedroom that she had called her own.

This wasn't the place for her. This... hole in the ground of an unfamiliar city was not her home. But,... it would have been cool... if things were different.... maybe. Ricki did get to meet the Justice League. She did get to stand in the presence of the Batman. She did get to (sorta) hang out with (sorta) like minded young people. They could have been a great team. Maybe not Justice League great, but great nevertheless. But, the teenagers and young adults outside the door were not her teammates, and they definitely were not her friends. Like Ricki, they were individuals wanting to do their own things. Their first fight as a team against Kobra was, let's face it, luck. Each individual team member had a his/her own target to go after. But, the fight against Icicle? That was a total disaster. The bad guy went down, but there was no communication, no plan, and no teamwork.

Shutting the door behind her for the last time Ricki marched toward the elevator that lead out of this place. If anyone acknowledged her presence as she walked she paid them no mind. None of them had tried to befriend her. Of course, she hadn't really attempted to get to know any of them, but that was beside the point. Even the Flash, the HUman Glowstick, who was suppose to be Ricki's 'mentor' was running around helping the cyber chick.

As she stepped into the elevator Ricki said nothing, looked at no one. She pressed the button and the doors to the lift slid shut.

They didn't need her. And she wouldn't miss them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

SonofJET said As Hákon entered the main hall, he spotted Jin, hurrying away, and Gabe, who watched on in silence. Figuring that something scandalous may be afoot, he approached Gabe and paused for a moment before looking at him and winking. "She seemed to be in a hurry... Is everything alright between the two of you?" Hákon asked, putting on his most disarming smile, meant to convey the message that he wasn't trying to offend the boy with his question.

Gabe watched Jin hurry away in quietness. She said she'd needed that talk- but was it enough? Was it enough to help her overcome her fear of winter? He hoped so. He really hoped so. The two of them had a lot in common, being taken in by Batman and training in Gotham, both being homeless before they were introduce to a home, both being two of the youngest members of this new team, and the list goes on. That made their friend ship a whole lot easier. But he didn't think he'd have the energy to have a conversation like that again.

When Gabe turned, he saw Hákon, walking towards him as he winked and smiled. Gabe wasn't expecting the smile... the wink, sure, but the smile was... rather disarming. He wasn't used to smiles... not from people he barely knew, anyway. Then Hákon asked if everything was okay between him and Jin, and Gabe realised, with a bit of relief, that he hadn't seen the tight hug before Jin jogged off.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, everything's good. She just hurried off because... Well, you know Jin, she loves her gadgets," replied Gabe, determined not to let slip Jin's fear of winter.

Hákon seemed like a trustworthy guy, but Gabe didn't trust him enough to spill out his best friend's possibly most hidden secret. Especially not to a guy who had ice powers. Then he noticed a large, square parcel tucked under Hákon's arm, and curiosity got the better of him.

"What's in the parcel? Is it for me?" he asked, jokingly, hoping that he could expand his friends list to more than one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Patriot understood Fate's command and knew that the sorcerer had placed Doomsday under a restraint spell. Thomas charged up a powerful blast of energy which covered his body in a intense electrical aura and he was waiting for Apollo to charge up a powerful shot at the monster. he hoped that the hero would do it soon otherwise he would have to fire his blast at Doomsday and hope that it was effective.

"Apollo!? anytime now!" he shouted at the hero, hoping that he would fire his shot at the mechanical clone of the Kryptonian Killing Machine. This training exercise was turning out to not be too successful at learning teamwork since Plastic Man had jumped in without too much forethought and now he had to hope that Apollo and his' attacks would take down the clone. The situation was very serious and they had to take down the villain.

He once again wondered why Ditto had chosen Doomsday as a villain clone to fight against, his mentor was Superman and he should know of the Man of Steel legendary battle with the monster. Hell every superhero should know that story. That was one of the downsides to young heroes, they tended to make rash and poor decisions when it came to fighting criminals and knowing their limits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 9 mos ago

A few cautious steps in, a tentative sniff of the air. The Wolf never rushed into anywhere new without these precautions. If he was still human you could have called the sensations that assaulted him nerves. He didn't belong here, not in this place populated by the heroes of tomorrow. He was just a freak, a monster, and nothing Hawkman says or does can change that. The wolfman Fenrir didn't have time for that kind of introspection though, so he prescribed what could have been called nerves to his usual cautionary nature, all the while kind of wishing Hawkman was around.

Hawkman, going by Carter Hall these days, was the reason Magnus was here now. After the Thangarian had stopped Fenrir from making a horrible mistake he has insisted that the feral superhuman needed training and guidance. Fenrir wasn't entirely sure he agreed. After all, what need for training did he have when he was bigger, stronger, and faster than everyone else. Hall had been silent for a long time before answering that strength wasn't everything. He had said Fenrir needed the kind off power that only came from being part of a pack. That word had resonated with something deep inside the young wolfman, something within his very core. The young metahuman knew then that he wanted this... needed this more than anything else. Standing here alone on the doorstep of the abandoned building outside though, that need seemed far, far away.

Several hundred feet below...

"Hey Canary?" Flash asked after darting in and out of the HQ with more supplies that the young heroine Orbit had been helping him with, "..I just saw some werewolf looking guy standing outside the building up top, he one of yours?"

"A were.. oh.. YEAH! Carter had called me after hearing about Superman asking me to mentor this team, and asked if he could still sponsor a young hero like the rest of the League even though he's retired..." Canary replied getting her jacket back on to take the elevator up to the ground floor of the abandoned Queen Industries building.

"And this werewolf outside? You mean Hawkman didn't try to strap on a pair of Nth Metal wings to somebody, he just took in that guy?" the Flash asked while still going back and forth in the underground HQ.

"Looks that way, I'll be back..." Canary said while walking to an elevator she had hundreds of times before when the base was smaller and just called the Arrow Cave.

"Could still give him wings..." the Flash mumbled, "..didn't anybody else see those old reruns of Air Wolf...?" he continued saying mid-run in and out of the hangar/garage area where Cyber Knight and the Engineer were earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The handful of heroes fought hard in the War Room. The only thing that was painfully obvious was the fact none of them were used to working as a team. A failed attempt at a tag team by Plastic Man and Apollo left the young demigod hurt and on the sidelines. Not just from the attack of the Doomsday holo-droid, but the collateral damage adding extra risks to the situation that proved nearly crippling on Apollo's part. Patriot went in for an energy attack or two but came up short as he was charging up and attacking just slow enough for the droid to predict his strikes. After Shock got the civilian holo-droids to a designated safe place where Apollo had also been taken to by one of the Dittos, the two jumped back into the fray.

"Plas, take his legs!" shouted Shock as she gave out a few bolts of electrical energy and used small pieces of her pipe/staff weapon to distract the behemoth.

The stretchable hero wrapped around the bottom of the legs like red rubbery shoelaces and Patriot dropped his energy strikes in favor of the strength he'd been given by Cadmus. After getting smacked into a building, Patriot looked up to see the newest host of Fate blasting the Kryptonian killing machine while the small pieces of metal and debris under the electro-magnetic grip of Shock continued to distract Doomsday. Ditto2 gave Ditto1 a lift into the air like going over a wall and one piece of debris later thrown by Ditto3 and caught by Ditto1 saw the headstrike the young heroes were looking for. The holo-droid fell and its holo-shell faded leaving the giant droid behind. The surroundings faded shortly after and Apollo was already being looked after by a medical droid in the far side of the War Room.

"I don't think I could've gone on much longer. What did that take us, almost two hours?" the original Ditto asked bringing in his other duplicates into his whole self as the group made way toward the exit.

One elevator ride up to the main floor of the HQ...

Ditto and a few of the others noticed Canary was in the building and had heard the Engineer mentioning the young heroes getting something like a den mother and advisor earlier in the week. She was also supposed to be bringing in another new recruit into this group of misfits.

"Somebody smell a wet dog somewhere?" Ditto asked rather loudly as if addressing everyone within ear shot.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fenrir did not have too wait on the street in front of the warehouse for long before he was greeted. Hawkman had told him to wait for a former heroine named Black Canary, an attractive middle aged woman with a penchant for leather. She appeared from a side entrance of the warehouse, moving so quiet that the wolfman might have missed her if it wasn't for his enhanced senses.

"You must be Fenrir, we've been expecting you." she called, gesturing him over with a wave of her hand. Too her credit she didn't gulp, or hide, or run away in terror after seeing him, not like just about everyone else he had met since becoming a monster. Then again, she was probably used too seeing far stranger sights than he, being a superhero and member of the Justice League for so long. He padded slowly towards her, equal parts apprehension and excitement building up inside of him. Canary didn't seem too notice. She led him inside and through the warehouse and towards the secret elevator.

Some time later

Black Canary had led him too the secret headquarters and too his own personnal lodgings. She had talked the whole way through the short tour, telling him about what to expect and giving him names for people he hadn't even met yet. Truth be told he had trouble keeping up with all the words that had tumbled from her mouth, so he had kept his peace and said little in return. She had left him to settle in to his new home after that, returning to the Flash.

The room was large and spacious, at least for Fenrir who had spent time in worse accommodations. . . Much worse. There was a wardrobe built into the one of the walls, which he ignored as he had no belonging's to fill them with. The bed was comfortable, and he curled up on top of it, metal frame groaning under his considerable bulk. He wasn't sure what to do know, save perhaps try and get some shut eye. But surely Hawkman hadn't sent him here too sleep! Perhaps this was a test, and he was to figure out his next move on his own.

Not long after his senstive sense of smell caught several unfamiliar scent's from down the hall. Soon he heard footsteps in the distance. His interest piqued, he decided too investigate. Perhaps this was his new pack that Hawkman had spoken of, and if so it was time to introduce himself.

He moved quietly through the halls, keen senses guiding him towards his quarry. Even being as large as he was he could move far more silently than most, too silent for the ones he was tracking at least, as not one heard him approach. His smell though, there wasn't much he could do about that.

"Somebody smell a wet dog somewhere?" One said, too loudly for Fenrir's liking. He struggled to understand human languages since his transformation, but dog was a word he knew far too well. Too often it had been leveraged against him as an insult in the past and he didn't like hearing it again. A low growl emananated from his lips, a response to the insult and a declaration of his prescence.

"Not dog. Wolf" he snarled, long tongue and lupine mouth obviously not suited to speaking english.

"Fenrir" he added, pointing a big taloned finger at his chest in way of introduction. He waited for them to do the same.
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