Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm actually quite patient :) I just work graveyard shift so its kinda fun to see what everyone posts while I'm on break

@Confuzzler HI!! Long time no see lol. Confuzzeler is a badass Gm as well and if this falls short I know who I'm stalking for good threads lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tatsua Aiisen said
Lance is more often than not quite a devoted GM, if past experiences are any indication. Impatience is quite an unfortunate flaw to have, so try to be at ease knowing that he hasn't abandoned us~!

I misread that. I thought you meant he wasn't a devoted Gm. I was gonna be sad face, but that last sentence straightened that out lol.

The Roman07 said
I'm actually quite patient :) I just work graveyard shift so its kinda fun to see what everyone posts while I'm on break@Confuzzler HI!! Long time no see lol. Confuzzeler is a badass Gm as well and if this falls short I know who I'm stalking for good threads lol

Speaking of graveyards, I just realized how creeped the hell out I get when reading Urban Legends.

I just read a realish one about the babysitter and the clown statue and then one about Kuchisake-Onna. *Shivers* I do this all the time due to some form of subconscious masochism. I remember reading an SCP file about a Suicide Play that I realize now is probably based off the King in Yellow and the Pallid Mask. Something like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alright, I'm on, so let me sort through these responses and generate replies. Starting with the character sheet approvals and comments wrapped in quotes for easy reading, and moving onto other things...

To Holobunny:
The mad doctor is shaping up to be good so far. I know this is but a draft, but nonetheless, I've got a few edits for you.

-There's no "attached photo" section, so we don't know what he looks like. That's a bit important. If he's horribly disfigured or doesn't show his face or whatever, I'll let you get away with it, but it has to be expressed somehow in the CS.

-His Medical History is alright, but know what that means. He might be tougher, stronger, faster than most people, but he won't be reaching superhuman levels like Captain America. He's probably strong for his size, profession, and age, but won't be throwing PT Cruisers around. A human jack, maybe, but not a one man wrecking ball. I'll allow accelerated healing within reason as well, but a gunshot wound is a gunshot wound. He might be out of commission for a few days instead of a few weeks if he takes a bullet to the shoulder, but regenerating sucking chest wounds is definitely out of the question. His "powers" are fine, but note the level.

-The BPA (predecessor to the PCMC) was formed in the early 50's, not the 40's. If he was a consultant for the CIA and CDC in the 40's only (and not the PCMC), it should be made expressively clear when he joined which organizations. Outside of that, I know he's lacking a history outside of the PCMC, but seeing how that was past the 40's it's inconsequential anyway. Just make the CIA/CDC bit clearer. A little expansion doesn't hurt, either, but I'm not demanding it or anything.

To Romano:
I'll allow it, you're accepted. Even though you pretty much shattered the CS format I had (something I said not to do) and you're character is far outside the norm... I'll happily let you in. Roman was so well written and his story with Rin matched the feel of the RP so closely you won me over, hands down enjoyable enough a read that I'll look the other way and whistle a happy tune.


There are two conditions.
Condition 1. You have to change the "Assigned Name" section. It should be a full name and less obvious to the true identity of the character. I can easily take Roman from "Rome", it's only a single name, and Roman happens to be an uncommon name. "Assigned Name" isn't a callsign or nickname, it's a character's identity they use in place of their own real one.

Condition 2. Note that because of how different your character is, Roman will be treated MUCH differently. He'll be under constant agent supervision at all times, especially out in the field, with countermeasures taken against his escape or Rin's possession of other agents. He'll likely be treated like a weapon or a tool most of the time and likely won't enjoy his position within the PCMC. The PCMC realizes the danger that Rin poses and considers Roman as a from of containment, and one of the only reason he's allowed on field exercises is because of his use, the PCMC's opportunity to study Rin, and a form of appeasement for Rin to prevent her from going rogue. That being said, I not only anticipate but also encourage agent action against Roman or Rin if they become too dangerous, because as far as the PCMC is concerned the two of them are almost equally dangerous to what they'll encounter in the field. I'll PM you more details about this shortly.

Other than that, you're good. Just fix the "Assigned Name" and understand the implications.

To Gravislayer:
Writing this one as I read down the character sheet, so here I go.

-First of all, the picture's okay, but also include some kind of text description with it.

...Other than that, you're good to go. Accepted, but after you add a text description. Something of note, though, I noticed a lot of spelling and grammar errors in your writing. They weren't that bad, but as a whole they added up and became noticeable. I'm not asking you to rewrite it or be perfect, but I am asking you to maybe take a second to proofread and fix the simple stuff on your next big post. Good history, though. Bravo.

To libby:

Perfect. Accepted. You're good. I've seriously got no comments... although I expect her to die very dramatically at a critical plot point. :P

To cunfuzzler:
Accepted. I especially like her personality. Sort of reminds me a little bit of myself, actually... Just a quick few things to note:

-If anyone's curious, cunfuzzler got my permission to make a psychic character beforehand, so Marissa's good to go.

-The PCMC, highly valuing its agents and personnel because it's hard to find people of the level of skill they require and even harder to retain them when the job involves whispering sweet nothings to Death on a weekly basis, wouldn't allow an agent to have such problematic and curable medical conditions. I will go at length to say that they have administered/are administering treatment for her epilepsy, but due to the psychic nature of her brain and the PCMC's inability to study it when faced with the possible preventable death of one of their agents, this is misunderstood and she might suffer from epileptic attacks from time to time. I will also say that she physically wouldn't have tachycardia (the PCMC doesn't need agent permission to conduct operations on them, and this can be done without their knowledge anyway), but the symptoms could be psychosomatic in nature (in her head) and everyone else may either be unaware of this or play along with her belief that she does have it.

To Six, of course you can join, let's see what ya got. I'm not imposing a player limit here because the RP will be mission based, with singular agents, duos, or groups sent out to different places at different times.

To everyone else, I'll announce my findings and general thoughts.

I can see an obvious trend towards combat here, with most agents including it within their skills or even as their main technical specialty. I'm a dynamic sort of GM, so the focus will change to reflect this, but there will be other scenarios to play out mentioned in the mission outside of the "containment and extermination". Some agents may be sent out to do field recon where they never run into a speck of trouble and do more detective work, or they may be collaborating with intel analysts to state come up with theories and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) based on what they encounter in the field, and this won't even be all of it. But it's noted, and I'll be sure to add a healthy amount of run 'n gun scenarios for the action hungry.
I'll also state that as an agent, all characters will be capable of all aspects of field work. What does this mean? It means that even if your character specializes in things like the occult, or surgery, or surveillance, they will at least be capable to functionally clear a building of hostile forces like a SWAT team, engaged in combat with firearms, and survive encounters in unarmed combat with opponents of limited training (like law enforcement). Sort of like the DEA, agents may be desk jockeys but fully able and willing to pick up a gun and fight with trained precision. This also works in the reverse. Trained soldiers and tactical specialists should be able to conduct interviews with witnesses, do field analysis, and work with scientists and analysts in their respective fields to a certain degree. (the exception to all this will be Roman, who has his own skillset and isn't exactly an agent)

I also see a trend towards occults and things like ghosts and demons. Like I said before, I adapt to fit the players, and we'll be seeing more of them as well as where the central plot will fall concerning them.

I'm aware that this OOC is pretty vague, but I left it that way for a reason. I wanted you guys to add things like ghosts and aliens in your CS's so I can gauge how to run things. I now know at what tech level and situational level to comfortably run things. More information will come as the IC comes about, and it'll be easier to ease into it once you get the hang of it. I'm not throwing all the rules of the table all at once, much like the titular MineCraft, I want you guys to jump in and learn how the world works by going outside your comfort zones and thinking of what the world might encompass. Hell, if something seems like a good enough idea and I didn't think of it, I might even incorporate it into the universe. With credit, of course.

To clarify, I won't be playing. Not exactly. I'm not rolling up a character and sending him on missions. I am going to function as the world and play for key NPCs, some of who you will see on a repeat basis like on missions or back at HQ. I'll send one of my own created agents out with the players on their first missions to guide them along how the RP will go a little ("No sir, it is not a good idea to pull your gun on civilians. I don't care if you think he's got that 'possessed' kind of face or not!"), but as the next few go along I'll let you guys loose to do whatever seems like a good idea

And with that, we're pretty much green for the most part. Outside of minor edits, everyone's essentially 95% done and cool. I could start the IC right now if I wanted... but I won't. Not today. It's late, it requires me to think and write, I'm lazy, and I'll give everyone a chance to get those last edits in and for new people to show up before I begin.

Stay tuned.


It appears I've been ninja'd. So I'll get right on it.

Wondering if I'd gone and died on y'all, eh? Six is correct: I'm pretty busy on the whole. The name "Corporal Lance" ain't for show, I'm in the military and my schedule can be hectic, random, and jam-packed with time-eating goodness. As a rule I try to check once a day and get a post up once every two days if my schedule lets me. If I'm gone for more than three, though, don't be shy about sending me a message to find out where the Hell I went. If I don't reply, I'm gone until further notice, if I do it means that work or my other responsibilities are killing me and things like sleep or errands trump RPGuild. My internet has the nasty habit of cutting in and out as well, so there's that. On that note, never expect to hear anything from me at all on a Monday.

Also, Six, I'll get a look at your CS as soon as a can. Always good to have someone familiar with the SCP Foundation. I'm thinking that's gonna set the tone a lot better than the other sources will, but it'll also draw a lot from what I stated in the Interest Check.

Thank you, Tatsua!! Refresh my memory, I know we've played together and frequently, but did you happen to be in Still Mortal or I'm No Superman way back when? I've got the memory of a goldfish, and I can remember that we've played closely together before the shutdown and my hiatus, but having trouble on the what.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cunfuzzler
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cunfuzzler Just here so I don't get fined.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alrighty, I edited the Tachycardia from the CS I did not know they didn't need their permission for that kind of stuff.


You might be disappointed stalking me, I haven't been able to get an RP off the ground on here yet. Albeit I have mostly been trying very fringe topics. Advanced never helps either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I intend on making a rather non-combative character.

Communications/Covert specialist is what I would like to play, somebody with the technical skills to coordinate a small force and engage in planning/information control. While it might be expected for most agents to possess such talents, I would be a dedicated specialist, one that wouldn't be brawling with sewer crocs so much as she would be getting agents into dangerous territory unscathed, or coordinating expansive search operations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cunfuzzler
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cunfuzzler Just here so I don't get fined.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Welp, since it's the OOC, and nothing seems to be happening as far as the RP is concerned today, anyone else read BPRD?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Finished my guy. I hope that's not too much.

I figured I'd just go ahead and say that a controlled singularity would effectively stop a dimensional being from entering our world.

My guy isn't combat oriented, but can definitely hold his own. Was hoping he'd be involved in the more X-Files and SCP side of this all.

Tatsua Aiisen said
I intend on making a rather non-combative character.Communications/Covert specialist is what I would like to play, somebody with the technical skills to coordinate a small force and engage in planning/information control. While it might be expected for most agents to possess such talents, I would be a dedicated specialist, one that wouldn't be brawling with sewer crocs so much as she would be getting agents into dangerous territory unscathed, or coordinating expansive search operations.

I think your guy and mine will get a long quite well... quite well indeed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Corpral Lance- ..... I love you.... lol I totally agree with the cs butchering part and sincerely apologise. I tried to fit all the info I had on this character into your skelly as best as I could. I even had to cut roughly half my info in half not to overload the page lol

As for the name thing I wasn't completely sure about if it was a nickname so thanks for clarafying. How does "Jack Romanov" sound? Romanov is quite a common name in Russia and Jack is well... easy to remember lol. If not I'll think up others.

I agree to your terms and conditions and love it! In all fairness id hope to expect some pararacisim by your npc so I can make it... interesting. The other characters are free to either sympathise or feel the same. I CANT FREAKIN WAIT!!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Confuzzler- that's upsetting since I really like your writing style. Maybe you just need a good push or one of my weird characters in your game :)

*now that I think of it I believe I made a concept character based of the idea of Rome in one of your paranormal games. If I remember correctly he ended up being too powerful so I went back to drawing board. I DID keep the "Maro polo" scene idea as a main power which is hella fun to play out and plan to do in this game if possible hehehe
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Is that comment to Libby's character a reference on how that particular actor she used as a faceclaim seems to always die at the climax of every movie she's in?

Because if it was, I got it... and it's kinda frickin' hilarious. I think I've only seen Avatar, Resident Evil, and Aliens, in terms of movies she was in.

Also, making edits to my CS because I know there are typos and grammatical errors in there that I missed. >_< It's a first draft that I wanted to get out there while you were still here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Lance, I also happen to have the memory of a large brick, so I can't remember for the life of me where we've played before. I do, however, recall being in some sort of superhero roleplay with you in the past, if that's any indication.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerendier


Member Offline since relaunch

If I wanted to create an ace pilot, how would that fit into this role-play? Any chance of hyper-advance harrier style jets coming in, or anything of that sort?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Here's a game to help get an idea of your character in roughly one sentence. It tends to help others with your character if its unclear or they are just too lazy to read... its fun! Try it, I'll go first :)

*Imprisoned Ex-Spetsnaz soldier symbiotically bound to a tempermental smoke demon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Roman07 said
Here's a game to help get an idea of your character in roughly one sentence. It tends to help others with your character if its unclear or they are just too lazy to read... its fun! Try it, I'll go first :)*Imprisoned Ex-Spetsnaz soldier symbiotically bound to a tempermental smoke demon.

No! I demand that you read the entirety of my CS! D:< But only of you want to...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lol I did. But I'm bored and don't want to trail off subject.... :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Okay, I'm here, I'm keeping up... sort of... not really.

When I said it's late before, it's really friggen late now. I'll get to everything in the morning. Romano, I owe you a PM detailing countermeasures against Russian guy and smoke woman devil thing. Six, I was particularly impressed with your CS and you can consider yourself accepted until further notice (read the backstory and all, didn't get an in-depth look at the sheet). Confuzzler, what's BPRD (I hope to God that's in the right order, I'm not taking the effort to scroll up again)? Tatsu, yep, it was one of those two. I think you were in one of the Still Mortal reboots I ran with TwistedShadow. Neriender, I could probably think of something, like a dedicated extraction/infiltration transport, fire support when shit hit the fan, active aerial surveillance, or bombing runs on a failed mission. Might be able to work it in, but it would help to broaden what you mean by "pilot" and possibly give the character a few other strengths to draw on.

If I forgot anyone, I'll get back to you. The IC will definitely be up by Saturday, but tomorrow is National Get-Fucked-Up Day... otherwise known as Friday for you boring folk. Peace out and good night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I Edited my profile as you wished~ I suck at writing physical description but anyways~ Sorry for my rather bad grammar but I am doing most of my post via mobile
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nereid
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Birth Name: Jamie Shambrook
Assigned Name: Jade Bowen
Age: 30
Attached Photo:
Standing at 5'7', Jamie is of slender build. She has long auburn hair that falls just below her bust, with layers cut in. Her hair is naturally wavy, but she straightens it most mornings, Light blue eyes stand out as part of her heart shaped face. Fair skinned, the sunlight is her worst enemy, and she makes sure to always use a decent sunscreen. For a redhead, she lacks in freckles. She has a tattoo of an anchor on her left wrist, in honour of her brother who is in the Navy.

Psychological Profile:
Growing up with an older brother, Jamie has always been treated like one of the boys, and as a result can be quite loud and loutish. She thrives on banter, however people who aren't familiar with her personality can sometimes take insult to comments she meant purely in jest. The last thing she means is to offend someone, but it doesn't always pan out that way. Fiercely loyal, Jamie always has her team's back and is the first to step in if someone was being treated unfairly. This stems from being bullied at school for being a ginger.
Medical History:
Jamie had her appendix out at age 14, and broke her arm as a six year old after she fell from a plum tree. Aside from that, she prides herself in keeping fit and healthy, and living a healthy lifestyle, though prefers to exercise on her own terms, and doesnt see how her girlfriend can get pleasure from running for "fun".
Technical Proficiency:
Forensic Science. After graduating from high school, Jamie studied Forensic Science at Pennsylvania State University, and after graduating joined the Charleston Police, for her father who was once Police Chief, but was killed in action when Jamie was 10.
History With the PCMC: Jamie has been with the PCMC for 3 years. While at first unsure of joining, it was soon made apparent the correct decision was made after she and a colleague went undercover, posing as a married couple to investigate a monster terrorising a gated community. In her opinion, she thought she did well in successfully posing as a straight married woman, while in reality she's a lesbian.
Prior History:
Jamie's father was the Police Chief. A doting father, Jamie was the apple of his eye. He was killed on duty when Jamie was 10, in a drug bust gone horribly wrong. She vowed to become a policewoman just like her daddy when she grew up, and followed through. Even though she did it for her father, Jamie know it was the right decision. After studying Forensic Science at Penn State, she quickly joined the police in her old hometown of Charleston, working alongside the men who snuck her doughnuts as a little girl. Once there, she soon established herself as a strong member of the force. Her kind demeanour made it easy for her to obtain information she needed, yet she didn't take any crap from those who didn't deserve to give it to her. Her undercover skills were a standout, with Jamie's ability to push personal opinion aside to play the role she needed to in order to make the arrest.

Jamie is currently in a relationship, with Lily, a shy girl she loves dearly. In order not to scare the timid girl, Jamie hides her line of work from her girlfriend, not wanting her to be afraid of the entities she comes across on a frequent basis. Jamie is content with her girlfriend assuming she is an undercover cop. Unbeknownst to Jamie, her girlfriend is harbouring a secret of her own. One of the very beings the PCMC is aware of, Lily is a mermaid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cunfuzzler
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cunfuzzler Just here so I don't get fined.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Corporal Lance said Confuzzler, what's BPRD (I hope to God that's in the right order, I'm not taking the effort to scroll up again)?

The Hellboy comic that split off and has become way better than Hellboy IMO(They still share the same universe). It follows the agents of the BPRD(Abe Sapien, Liz Sherman, Carla Giarocco, etcetera) as they save the world. Currently they're on the fourth of a five part very important arc, and the wait for the fifth book is killing me!

Corporal Lance said If I forgot anyone, I'll get back to you. The IC will definitely be up by Saturday, but tomorrow is National Get-Fucked-Up Day... otherwise known as Friday for you boring folk. Peace out and good night.

I should probably mention that for me, that can be any day, if my friends decide that they want to see if I wanna go get wrecked, I am terrible at saying no... Oh god that makes me sound like a whore, but I can't think of another way to phrase it, just know I don't mean it that way. Anyways I digress, I may occasionally have posts delayed by a day because I need time to recover.


Indeed, I believe you did make a similar character in one of my RPs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Howdy y'all.

So, weekend plans seem to have fallen through. I kinda walked in on a conversation with some chick and my drinkin' buddy, sounded serious, I heard him say the words "I'm sorry" at least once, and they shut up as soon as they noticed me. Afraid to ask what the deal is because it's frankly none of my business, but I think bar hopping's out. But it's still Friday, so I think I'm going to crack open a six pack and drink at home, maybe do some Sec+ study, probably watch scary movies. Now for anything I missed...

Six, you're CS is still outstanding, and I've gleaned over it in more detail. Totally good, no worries. And yeah, you totally nailed that reference. :P

Nereid, your character's good as well, I like her contrast to the other characters. She feels a little bit on the "lighter" side, y'know? The mermaid thing is a nice touch, but I'll add that the classic human myth of mermaids most definitely be the kind of mermaids that exist in the world. A little more amphibian, but that's not to say she'll be a hideous monster or a freak. Think "alien race from Star Trek/Gate".

Romano, still owe you a PM, workin' on it after this and a beer run.

Thanks, Gravislayer. Cool beans.

Cunfuzzler, I'll be honest and shameful and say that I'm not privy to the Hellboy comics. I'm an impure heathen and got my comparisons from the movies (both the two live action and two animated ones... at least two to my knowledge). And I get the drinking thing, Hell, everyone was an alcoholic out in Okinawa because that was the best thing to do on the weekends (can't be in town past midnight, can't drink out in town, bunch of young 20-somethings crammed into one building, is anyone really surprised?). Pretty sure I was one of the worst offenders, not the craziest or loudest drunk, but definitely the most frequent one. I could count on one finger how many days a week I wasn't walking around with some Captain Morgan or a Corona after work.

Alright, so it might take me a while to craft the OOC considering that we have too many agents to send out on a single mission, so I'll need to make 2-3 relevant and interesting ones, group people together by strengths and personalities, I'll also need to update the OP to include all the accepted characters, make the opening, and all that jazz. I'll have another OOC post up after the IC is done alerting everyone that I'm finished, but I'll also go some more stuff that might also go in the OP, like certain known technologies, threats, and how agents are expected to be trained or behave or whatever. Give me time, and I'll get this done.
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