Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

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The story so far... (A copy/paste from the other site.)
Alexander looked around, sighing. Where the hell was that girl? He'd looked over the entirety of the estate, looking for Calliope, but found nothing. A thought snapped into his mind, and he brought his hand up to his forehead in annoyance. The Garden. Why the hell hadn't he thought of that? She was always there, if he couldn't find her, and it would have saved him hours of time. Sighing, Alexander began walking through the halls towards the gardens, his leather armor shifting nearly silently around his form. A longsword hung in its sheath at his side, unarmed aside from a blacksmiths sigil. An amulet to the god Eneri, God of Victory, hung around his neck, shining bright in gold and ruby, much more so than the rest of his equipment.

Sometimes, this job was just a hassle, what was he supposed to guard this girl from in her own home? Her brother and all of the incestuous thoughts he didn't harbor? True, they were now on the verge of war with a nation, the border of whom stood a mere weeks journey away. But ten years of service to guard a girl? That seemed a bit extreme, though he doubted it was as simple as that. Dealings with these noble types never were. Alexander often had time to seek other jobs to help supplement his paycheck, seeing that the nobles paid him less than that of a knight, due to the fact that he wasn't one. He was akin to one, in training and use, but he was just a mercenary when it came down to it. Less connection to the girl he assumed, so she wouldn't have forged a premade bond with him, so that he'd be more lenient. That much had worked, he was often strict in his duties, keeping her in sight when possible. The family didn't like him being gone long, but he had a life too. But when he was on duty, letting her out of his sight and out of his grasp, that tended to violate the exact reason he was hired for this job.

So with that in mind, that and the thoughts of another docked pay if his lapse in attention was found out, Alexander quickly made his way through the estate to the gardens, arriving in time to see the magnificent view from the top of a balcony. "Times like this though, when I find it to be worth this job." His thoughts were voiced outloud as he scanned the garden for the girl, wishing that she was less troublesome to him.

Calliope sighed, watching the reflection of the clouds fluttering across the sky in the fountain, where she now sat. It was only a matter of time before Alexander found her, she knew. It had been many hours since she slipped away, and judging by how long it usually took him to find her, it wouldn't take him much longer. She reached out to the water, touching it with a fingertip and sending ripples across the clouds. A red lock of hair that had slipped free from the braid she wore softly brushed against her cheek. Seeing no sense in moving, she stretched out upon the ledge of the fountain, closing her eyes and letting the sun warm her as she waited.

Calliope never had understood why the garden was forbidden. After all, it was perfectly safe, and all of her other siblings were allowed. She, however, was not, which she found perfectly dreadful and senseless. Which was why, whenever she could, Calliope sneaked to the gardens. They were some of the most beautiful in the land, she had heard. Calliope had always found them lovely. And strangely relaxing, she noted to herself, as she stretched out a bit more and yawned. Her shoes - fine slippers of green silk that matched her dress - lay on the ground beside her, her bare feet and ankles peeking out from underneath the hem of her dress.

It was some time later that Calliope felt a familiar presence. Half asleep, she had not heard the clanking of Alexander's armor, but she knew it was him, anyway. "You found me." She murmured, letting out a sigh. "Must you always find me?" She asked, opening her eyes only slightly to look at him. She was quite content to stay where she was, though her guard was blocking the sun, which was quite sad in Calliope's opinion.
Alexander almost felt bad for the girl. Almost. "Because it's what I'm paid to do." His leather armor was clearly shown to be worn in the sunlight, but covered his entire body in its protective embrace. "Now come Calliope, I'd rather not be forced to drag you out of here again." He remembered the last time he'd been forced to do that, taking her kicking from the garden to her parents beckon. This time though, there was no request or urgent news that required her. Maybe... Alexander stretched out his neck and walked over to the fountain, taking a seat on it and looking up at the sun.

"If I let you stay out here long enough to watch the sunset, will you promise to come with me then?" He really shouldn't be making such a deal with her, afterall her parents had made sure to tell him of the garden being offlimits to her, though he hadn't the foggiest clue why. There was no harm in it, and if there was, she would certainly be safer with him around. Looking up to the slowly fading sun, Alexander judged that there was maybe an hour left in the day before the sun set. A long wait for him to get the girl back inside, though her parents didn't seem to necessarily care where she was, as long as she wasn't here. They certainly didn't care enough to investigate her whereabouts.

"Well?" He was completely prepared to drag her out of the garden again, knowing he full well had the strength to do it. He just didn't want to, it always made her harder to deal with. And that simply made him get paid less. He knew that he was here to help straighten her out, atleast somewhat, and if she only got more rebellious, than he simply wasn't doing a good job, atleast to them. Honestly though, Alexander doubted that the girl would force his hand, he'd never been this willing to compromise in the past, and he hoped she would jump on it.

"If I let you stay out here long enough to watch the sunset, will you promise to come with me then?" Calliope sat up a little, eying him suspiciously. He'd never tried to compromise before. She wondered if there was some motive behind it. She stayed silent, debating the prospect, wondering if it was worth it to bargain. Then again, it seemed like a reasonable agreement. And, perhaps, if she agreed to this, she could convince him to do this again. She dipped her fingertips in the water as she thought. Apparently her thinking taking up too much time, her guard's 'Well?' caught her attention once again.

Calliope sighed, then nodded. "Very well. We stay to watch the sunset, and then I will go back with you." She lay back once more, the sun catching her hair and making it glow auburn. Her skin was rosy from the sunshine, looking much better than when she was forced to stay inside all the time. She looked much more at peace in the garden than she ever did inside. Something inside her seemed to be set free; she didn't seem as contained as she did while inside the house. She sighed contentedly, and stretched a bit more, her skirts inching up above her ankle even more.

Glancing at him, she asked, "Why the sudden change? Why are you letting me stay out here when usually you drag me back, no matter what time of day it is, or if I have to be anywhere or not?"

Alexander mulled over the question she presented him with. He decided to just tell her the truth, there was no need to sugarcoat it for her afterall, she was 23. "You really want to know? Because if I drug you out of here on my shoulder like a sack of corn, you would give me hell from whatever chair I decided to dump you in. Your parents don't pay me well enough to keep you locked inside their massive manor all day, and deal with whatever schemes you come up with while you brood." He looked up to the sun for a moment before looking back to her. "And maybe because I don't really understand why this place is off-limits to you. It seems to make you tranquil."

Sighing, Alexander laid back on the fountain stone himself, making himself comfortable for the next hour. He didn't get to relax long before he felt a familiar pressure building up in his nose, a faint coppery taste starting to fill his mouth. "God. Damn. It." Pulling himself up, Alexander felt a runnel of blood flow from his nose, dripping down into his already waiting palm. "Of course, out of all times, I get one now..." Leaning over the fountain, Alexander paid no mind to Calliope, clearly more concerned with stopping the blood from dripping out his nose.

"I don't know why it is. It wasn't when I was little. Then all of a sudden, it was." Calliope frowned. "I've asked why, but I've never been told anything. Father just says not to question him, and mother looks all sad and melancholy when I ask. But I love it out here." She added the last part in a murmur. "I don't think I could live anywhere without gardens like this. They're beautiful." She went silent for a moment, her eyes watching a fat cloud drift across the sky. Letting out a soft sigh, she watched the cloud until it hid itself behind other clouds. Calliope wondered if it would rain tonight, with the way the clouds were growing on the horizon.

Her guard's sudden cursing and movement brought her back to the now. Seeing him have yet another nosebleed, Calliope shook her head slightly. "Have you never thought to talk to someone about that?" She murmured. She sat up, and retrieved a handkerchief out of her dress. It was a fine thing, lace all around the edges, with her name carefully and finely embroidered in one corner. And - as was only proper for young ladies - it was a lovely, pure, unblemished ivory. Calliope dipped it in the cool fountain water, then rung it out a little. "Here." She said, her hand with the handkerchief moving into his field of vision. Her other hand rested lightly on his arm. "Better to use this than your hand." She paused, then added, "Don't worry about staining it. I have more than I could possibly ever need." She wiggled her hand a little, causing a small droplet of water to fall from the lace edge.

Alexander was surprised by Calliopes willingness to help him, though he didn't immediately question it, gently taking the handkerchief from her and applying it to his nose with his free hand. "Thanks, though I'm surprised you're trying to help, generally you just seem smug when I get one of these." Then again, he usually wasn't so lenient to her. Perhaps this was her way of repayment? He'd know in a moment, when she answered him. He eventually felt the flow of blood start to lessen, before finally stopping, though the cloth was clearly stained beyond cleaning by this point, the entire center of it stained a bright crimson.

"And as to your earlier question, I haven't thought about it. What would they do, give me a potion to stop the blood flow to my face? Besides, everyone needs flaws, that's why everyone has them. This is one of mine." His logic was simple, and clearly against what Eneri dictated, who wanted sheer perfection in all things. Victory indeed. He dabbed his upper lip with the edges of the cloth, cleaning the last of the blood from his face. "I doubt you want this back now, stained with my blood as it is." He set down the rag on the stone beside him, the side opposite Calliope. Laying back down onto the stone, he looked straight up into the sky, eyes closing again.

A yawn ripped itself from his throat suddenly, Alexander sighing internally. Nosebleeds always made him tired when they were through, the longer they lasted, the more exhaustion he felt. Being comfortable where he was, and sure that he had about an hour, more or less, before it was time to go back inside, Alexanders eyes closed and he began to drift off into a light nap.

Calliope didn't answer him. She had never thought she seemed smug when it had happened in front of her before. Indeed, she had always done her best to simply ignore his nosebleeds. She had always figured that they might be a source of embarrassment, what with his worshiping of Eneri. Most men who worshiped the God of Victory denied to have any failings at all, and ignored the ones they did have. Besides, Calliope thought it might insult his manhood, mentioning that he got nosebleeds in any occasion. Apparently, though, what she had thought of being tactful, he thought she was being smug. She let out a small, not particularly lady-like, noise of dissatisfaction, crossing her arms in front of her chest. She sat there, sulking, quite offended in his reading of her.

He lay back on the stone, and closed his eyes. Calliope glared at him. Did he intend to nap?! She let out a huff of annoyance again. Most men, upon receiving a lady's handkerchief, would promise to keep it close to them as a token. Or so she had heard from her sisters. Yes, she had given it to him to stop his nosebleed, but from the way he had said that, he was likely to throw it in the rag-heap. It was even worse than if he had said that he would have the servants get the blood out and return it to her. Nothing she did lately ever seemed to work. Any attention she got from him was as if he still saw her as a child.

With a sigh, she turned away from him. "I was never smug." She muttered. "And you usually happened to find your own handkerchief before I had a chance to offer mine." Not that she thought her protests would do any good, since he seemed to be quite well asleep. Calliope tucked her legs up under her skirt, resting her head upon her knees as she stared up at the sky.

He had barely begun to drift off to sleep when Calliope began to speak again, shaking him from it. "I just assumed you were, I know you've used them to slip away atleast once." His voice sounded drowsy, though he continued. "And mine is currently missing, though it's hardly worth the cloth it's made of." He yawned again, his eyes still closed. Alexanders hands snaked underneath his head to cradle it against the hard stone.

"I still appreciate you helping me." His voice sounded the part, aside from sounding drowsy as well. Again, Alexander started to drift to sleep, though his reaction to her earlier statements made it clear he wasn't quite asleep yet. If he went unbothered, Alexander would fall asleep fast, looking rather unimposing, his face one of calm. Alexander rarely slept near Calliope after all, since it guaranteed her slipping away. Now though, in the garden, she was already where she would run to, so he decided a nap couldn't hurt too much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

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Calliope didn't bother to reply to him, nor did she look at him until she was sure he was fully asleep. She then turned around, examining him as he slept. The sun's dying light flickered across his face, half of his face deep in shadow. On some people, Calliope was sure it would look rather creepy, but she found that not to be the case with Alexander. She bit her lip, leaning in closer to get a good look at him. She could hear him breathing as she leaned closer, soft, even breaths that certainly made it sound like he was asleep. His hair was messy, she noticed, falling across his forehead every-which-way. She let out a soft breath. She had never been close to a man before, not like this. And anytime she was close to Alexander, her was hauling her off away from the garden, or some similar thing. Calliope leaned in a bit closer, a lock of her hair tumbling down to touch his cheek. She quickly tucked her hair up away from his face.

Shaking her head, Calliope made herself pull away before she woke him up. Her back to him once more, she looked up at the sky to watch the sunset. Honestly, she wasn't even sure why she had such a...fascination...with her guard of late. It wasn't as if he treated her any differently. Well, except for tonight. That was different. But she had no reason of knowing why. Perhaps he just didn't have the energy to fight with her. It did seem like that was the majority of their conversations. She let out a sigh. She was sure she always made just the worst impression on him... The thought flickered into her head, and she sighed again. Calliope didn't know when she had began to worry about what impression she made on him. He was her guard, after all. What did it matter what her thought of her?

It did matter, though. Calliope wasn't sure that she liked the fact that it mattered.

The sun sank lower in the sky as it set.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexanders hand came up to his cheek unconsciously when the lock of hair brushed against it, a reaction to push the tickling sensation away. Other than that, he made no actions, other than his quiet breathing. Time passed by quickly to the sleeping man, minutes being seconds to one who couldn't feel the passage. It slowly grew darker, the sun casting a dying orange glow on the landscape around them.Alexander woke up by himself, feeling the air start to grow chillier, though far from cold, and the lack of light on his face, the change being enough to stir him from his light sleep.

He opened his eyes slowly, looking over to Calliope for a moment, though he said nothing as he instead looked back to the sun to watch it lazily droop down the landscape, disappearing from sight. He still said nothing, nor did he move, for a variety of reasons. The most simple one was that he was just too comfortable to want to move, an innate desire to simply lay there strong in his mind. Another reason, though, was to see how long Calliope would sit there before she would decide to 'wake' him from his sleep, something that was already done. Of course, if she took too long, Alexander would eventually rise to lead her out of the garden.

Perhaps he could trust her though, to atleast hold her end of the bargain up. And if she didn't, well he wouldn't lose anything would he? It would only prove a point in his head, that she still hadn't quite matured. Strangely enough, he felt a desire to have that point disproved. He assumed it was on the basis that if he could trust her, perhaps they could stop arguing so damn much. Such things were tiring, to say the least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

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Calliope waited until nearly the last possible moment, the last sliver of sun staining the far side of the sky orange. She turned and slipped on her shoes, not bothering to do so quietly. "You missed the sunset." She said, rather loudly, as an attempt to wake him up. She stood, shaking out her skirts to make them smooth and lay properly, then began to brush off any speck of dirt that she could see. "If you don't wake up soon, sir guard, I will go inside by myself." It was already growing chill, and the wind had begun to pick up, bringing with it yet more cool air. She might have to have the maids light the braziers in her room tonight to take off the chill - Calliope detested being cold.

Her dress now in proper order, she turned to look at her guard. When she saw he was awake, she looked a bit surprised - she had thought men were hard to wake up. Shaking her head a little, she repeated, "You missed the sunset." Why he would stay out here and take a nap instead of enjoying the sunset, Calliope didn't know. A faint tint of red came to her cheeks as the thought of sleeping Alexander, and how close she had gotten to him, came unbidden into her mind. She let out a breath. "It's cold. I'm going inside now." She turned, and started back to the house, her footsteps light on the pathway.

Lamplight shown from the windows of the house, making the building seem warm and inviting. Warm it may have been, but Calliope found it less inviting by the day. She hugged herself as she walked, her steps slowing just a little as she got closer. She paused a moment before going inside, seeming to have to brace herself for the action. Then she went in, walking quickly to retreat to the relative comfort of her rooms. As her guard, Alexander had his own room near her chambers - so Calliope could expect him to be closely following her, both to make sure she went where she was 'supposed' to go, and to return to his own room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander was surprised that she went to wake him up, pleasantly so, though he didn't let it show. He played the part, pretending to be slightly groggy. Shaking his head slightly, he sat up to look at her. "Please forgive me then for napping, but blood lose tends to tire a man out. Besides, I've seen plenty of sunsets." If Calliope paid attention to Alexander while they were in the library, the place he would generally keep her so that he could read while he watched her, she would notice that he generally sits by a window, or moves to one by the time the sun would set.

"Let's go inside then, and it's not that cold." The end of his words were said in a teasing manner. He had noticed her slight blush, and wondered what it was about, though he kept quiet about it. Alexander himself wore a fully covering suit of leather armor, which helped explain why he didn't feel the chill as much as Calliope, though he still felt obligated to tease her about it. It was hard to imagine him as a guard from the first look, equipment aside, if one were to look at his surface personality. He didn't seem to care about the job, though ten years of service easily proved that wrong. His personality simply seemed too carefree for his line of work, where one was expected to be silent and stoic about anything they did.

"As to your previous comment, calling me Sir Guard? I believe my name is Alexander, Calliope. I call you by your name, I expect the same courtesy." His words didn't sound offended, or insulting, just a preference to what he wanted to be called. He felt it was rather derogatory to be called by his job title. "As for the sir, I'm not a knight, no matter how much my skills would say to the otherwise. Simply call me Alexander." His words about his skills held a certain degree of pride, though Calliope wouldn't be in a position to judge how accurate his words were. He'd never demonstrated his abilities in her presence, never trained, and his skills weren't necessarily needed at their manor. The only thing one could judge was his physical strength, as he had easily carried Calliope multiple times on his shoulder.

She might have noticed Alexander pick up the handkerchief and silently slide it into his pocket, the blood on it dry and crusted. As they walked inside the manor, he noticed her trepidation, and though he said nothing, he made no moves to force her inside either. She said she would come with him willingly, and so he allowed her to walk inside of her own volition. His boots clicked loudly on the stone floor as they walked, Alexander himself making no effort at small talk. He still seemed to be in a better mood, however, on account of the nap he had taken. Perhaps he should allow Calliope to such things more often, though he doubted repeated incidents would go unnoticed by her father.

When they reached the crossway that they would separate at, Alexanders room being just to his left, he would stop Calliope with a hand on her shoulder. "I'm going to let you go to your room, I trust you can walk that distance without me. Can you please not run off again in the future?" He didn't offer anything, but the words were actually a request, rather than an order. Perhaps he was in a better mood afterall, with his recent nap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

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Calliope noticed very little - not the tone of his voice when he told her to call him Alexander, nor the fact that he slipped her now bloodied handkerchief into his pocket. For the first, she would not, could not call him by his name. After all, if her family heard her calling him by his name, they would think her far too familiar with him. That wouldn't do at all. 'Sir Guard' it was, or no name at all. It was better that way.

As they reached the crossway, she felt his hand on her shoulder. She let out a sigh at his question. The way he said the first part was still as if she were a child. Calliope couldn't help but bristle a bit at that fact. "Yes, I am perfectly capable of walking to my room alone, Sir Guard." She said, her tone icy. "And I never run off. Running off implies leaving the estate. I never go father than the gardens, and even that is only the semblance of freedom. You are not trapped here, you go where you please; you do not find this place a prison." She did not raise her voice, but it was a good thing this part of the halls was empty. Imagine what her father might think if only he knew her thoughts. "Unless I am married, I will never leave here. And when I am married, it will be to trade a prison for a tomb. But no, Sir Guard, I will not 'run off' again. I shall stay inside and rot." Calliope turned on her heel, and swept off to her room.

Thankfully, she found her rooms empty. She threw herself on her bed, and let out a sob. So much for Alexander seeing her any differently. So much for hoping that he would let her sneak out to the gardens again. She was going to be stuck inside for forever, it seemed. The walls seemed to close in upon her, making her large room seem very, very small. Calliope felt trapped, with no where to go, and no way to break free. A bird in a cage. She drew herself into a ball and cried, tears of anger, and frustration, and hopelessness, her cheeks and pillows soon quite wet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander listened to her, his face passive, though he didn't show anger. Usually, he would have gotten atleast irritated by an outburst like this, but now he just... Took it. Her last words hit him particularly hard. Was that really what he was to her? A jailer? He simply stood there, five minutes passing as he thought on in silence. Five minutes of his internal thoughts. His first action was an outburst of anger, his fist lashing out to slam into the doorway to his side. The sound of the impact would be more than loud enough to echo down the hallway, but Alexander didn't care about who might have heard. What would they tell him to do?

Finally, he walked into his room. It was a rather ordinary thing, his position not granting him anything much. A small weapon rack with four spaces, one for his sword and three smaller ones that could only hold daggers, all empty. He didn't bother to remove his armor, though he unsheathed his sword, before laying down onto his bed. He stared up at the ceiling, having no clue how long he'd been there. He couldn't sleep, too much excitement running through his veins. Groaning in frustration, Alexander strapped his sword to his side, walking out of his room and slamming the door behind him. The sound would be audible to anyone in range, Calliopes room likely in range too.

Without a word, he began walking back down the hall, no clue what he actually intended to do. All he knew, was he needed to let off some steam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

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Calliope had almost cried herself to sleep when she heard - and felt - Alexander's door slamming. Slowly, Calliope sat up in her bed, the fact that she had been crying - was still crying - plainly visible on her face in the pale light of the moon. She let out a breath. What was that about? What did Alexander have to be slamming doors about? His life was not chained wholly to this home. She let out a breath. Perhaps that was it. He was sick of being here at all. Well, that was that then. If he was no longer here, she did not need to hold on to her word that she would not 'run off'.

Calliope stood. She would do it - she'd run off and be her own person. She went to her study and emptied out her sewing basket. She would need jewels...and dresses...and underthings...she threw a fistful of jeweler into the bottom of her basket, tucked some underclothing on top of that, and a dress on top of it all. Calliope put on a cloak, and her only pair of sturdy boots - a bit too snug, but she figured it would be better than her normal slippers. She didn't have any food, but she wasn't hungry anyway, and most certainly her jewels were worth something. Surely she would find a shop that she could get food at when she became hungry.

Feeling quite well prepared - and really, being not prepared at all - Calliope left her rooms. Luck seemed to be in her favor. She met no one as she hurried along to the gardens. It was only when she reached them that she paused. If anyone looked out and saw someone walking through the gardens, she would surely be caught. So Calliope instead skirted around them, walking along their outer edge, near the training yards. She figured she was safe - after all, it was late, there would be no one training at such a time - until she saw a very familiar figure standing there in the worn grass and dirt. "I thought you had left." Her voice was soft, surprise and shame and, oddly, joy filling her all at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander had wandered off to the training yard, deciding that the best way to force out his stress would be to beat a wooden dummy into something less recognizable. Yes, that would let him vent well enough, keep him from being angry at Calliope. That wouldn't bode well, especially considering he didn't want her to see him as a jailer. His blade was out, slashing quickly against the dummy in front of him. It was just solid wood, showing innumerable cuts and nicks from session after session of training. Quickly, Alexander felt the sheen of sweat on his brow, and immediately felt the chill of the cold outside, but he ignored it as he fell into a rhythm, his blade moving in patterns across the dummy.

Alexander heard the steps before he heard the voice they belonged to, assuming some knight or guard in this manor had decided to come and train. 'Heh, rookies...' Alexander decided to give a little show, moving faster, his blade becoming harder to see as it weaved across the dummy. Deciding to top it off with a move that he had been working on, Alexander slammed the blade of his sword into the dummy, leaving it jutting out from the wood. He spun as he went, both of his hands crossing behind him, pulling two daggers out from seemingly nowhere, hurling them both into two separate dummies. As he spun around, he noticed Calliope. "Oh... Hello there..." His blade was sticking out of the dummy, two daggers sticking out of other dummies.

Quite the performance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

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Calliope had nothing to compare Alexander's performance to - she had never watched the guards train before, or anything of the sort. So she had no idea if he was any good or not - but she couldn't help but be a little impressed. Or, rather, she would have been impressed had there not been other things on her mind. Namely the fact that she had run into perhaps the last person she would want to run into at the moment. Calliope shifted nervously, not saying anything for a long moment. She expected him to yell at her, or to perhaps use her for practice as he had the wooden dummies.

She pulled her cloak around her more, trying to hide her basket of things. She had been so sure he had left. Now she did feel like she had broken her word. The moon came out from behind a cloud, shining brightly on her face - revealing her tear-stained face and cheeks pink from the embarrassment of being caught. Calliope shifted again, pulling her cloak tighter around her. "I...I thought you had left..." She found herself repeating quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He himself was slightly embarrassed. Alexander didn't want Calliope to see combat, or anything resembling it. When it came down to it, any battle was hell, and he didn't want to expose the girl to something like it. Instead, his hands stood empty at his side, though he felt lighter now, missing two of his three daggers. Sighing, he approached Calliope quietly. "Why did you think I'd left?" He paused when her face was illuminated, seeing the tear streaked face. "Have... Have you been crying?" His voice held no hostility, just worry. Why had she been crying?

Walking up closer, he placed a hand gently on her shoulder, kneeling down to look at her more fully. It also allowed him to get a better look at her. A cloak wrapped around her, tightly. Was she leaving? It would explain why she seemed so embarrassed and confused. It also explained why she was out here in the first place, considering she hated the cold. "Is something wrong?" He immediately regretted asking the question. He knew damn well what was wrong, she already told him. He just waited now, for her to respond,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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"Well... you stormed out of your room - the whole house could hear your door slamming, I swear." She started, looking everywhere but him. He had not seen her cry before, and the fact that he was seeing the evidence now of her earlier tears was embarrassing. She had not wanted him to see her cry. "After earlier, I could only think that you had simply gotten sick of the job and decided to leave." His hand on her shoulder was both comforting and flustering at the same time. Calliope didn't know if she wanted to step away from it or move closer. "I had given you my word I wouldn't, as you put it, run off. But if you were no longer in service to the house, I didn't see why it would matter if I left of not. Without you to watch my every move, I could sneak off...be free..." Her cheeks became redder, and her voice quieter with every word. She took a step away from him, away from his touch. "But I suppose you are going to force me to go back there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He stood there for a moment, thinking. So she thought he'd gone away from his only steady employment, and decided with no one watching her, she would be off free. "There's an issue with that. Even if I had left, your father would likely pay a high sum of money to have me found, considering he'd think it's my fault, and I'd probably be killed if you left. And since I hadn't... It would only make it easier." The words didn't really carry any weight to them, considering he'd caught her, however accidentally it may have been. Sighing, he stood up, before retrieving his daggers. Sliding them into their sheathes, it was made clear that they weren't from nowhere, they were just hidden beneath extra leather straps on his armor.

Once his daggers were in their places, he sheathed his sword, jerking it from the wooden dummy with a thunk. "Come on Calliope." His voice was much softer than usual, and he didn't say anything else. Instead, he waited for Calliope to follow him, as he led the way back into the manor. Once inside, he would lead her past his room, to her own. He would wait at the door for her, expecting her to say something in confusion. Clearly though, just leaving her to her own devices wouldn't be healthy for her, considering the tears on her face, nor for his own employment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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She trudged along behind him, each step feeling like her shoes were filled with lead. She hadn't thought that Alexander would be killed. She hadn't thought of anything, really, except for how much she wanted to be free. Free from this place, free from expectations, free from feeling trapped and having nowhere to turn to. It certainly hadn't occurred to her that she was putting anyone in danger. And the matter-of-fact way he said it made her feel small and ashamed she had not thought of it. She drew her cloak tighter around herself as they entered the house - less for warmth and more for the comfort of it. She felt a bit ill, having to enter this place again. It was not a home, but a place that was going to leech the life out of her until she was nothing but a shallow husk.

Still, as he led the way past where they usually parted, right to the door of her own room, Calliope couldn't help but feel like he was treating her as a child once again. Or, perhaps not like a child, but like a prisoner. She looked at him, then looked at the door. She couldn't help the small sob that escaped her as she went inside. "Are you going to lock me in my rooms now?" She asked, her voice emotionless of even the ice it had held earlier. Calliope felt she probably deserved it. She had put him in danger unintentionally. There was something about her voice, her whole way of handling herself that seemed off. Almost... broken. As if she had resigned herself to such a thing as not being allowed out of her rooms; as if she had finally given up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander listened to her, but said nothing, instead following her into the room. He'd been in it a few times, when he had to fetch her for some reason or another. "Seeing your current state, I don't think it'd be wise to leave you here alone." His voice was still soft, as he found a chair and sat down in it. "I don't mean to insult you, but clearly something is wrong, that much was made obvious when I left you last time. So, I'm going to sit here and make sure it doesn't happen again." His voice held no hostility, no accusation, however given her reactions before, it was likely that she wouldn't read the tone in his voice. She seemed to ignore it, which only made his job even harder, when she was making him out to be a villain in her own mind, though given the circumstances, perhaps she wasn't far off.

"No, however. I will not be locking you in here. I will simply be accompanying you. You're free to go wherever, barring the garden." He leaned back into the chair, shifting into a more comfortable position to wait whatever wrath she would likely throw at him, given her reactions thus far. His face was calm, before he closed his eyes, putting himself into a position that he could hold for a few hours easily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Calliope didn't look at him. "You may want to reconsider this. If someone were to find you here, with me, unchaperoned at night..." She trailed off. "Well, father would not be pleased. I will stay locked away in here - it seems to be what everyone wants of me." She murmured. She set down her basket, slowly unpacking all of it before taking off her cloak. She retreated into her dressing chambers, and came back out in a sleeping gown. "I don't see why you don't just lock me in here. It would be easier on you. Then you would not have to force yourself to stay with me."

((short post is short. >.< ))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He thought for a moment, before simply answering. "What's easier for me isn't necessarily better for you." Those were the only words he offered as he watched her. He was more than happy enough to give her privacy, never moving from the chair that he'd claimed when she went to change, he just refused to allow her to fully leave. He held no doubts that she would breakdown again. That was something he didn't want to see from her, and he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the way she'd seemed so... Hopeless, earlier. He didn't want to see it again.

"I'm going to stay here and make sure you're alright, and consequences be damned. I'm more than capable of hiding myself if the situation requires it." He was adamant. Alexander wasn't moving from the seat, instead leaning his head against the wall, allowing himself to fully relax into the chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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"Why?" She asked him. "What does it matter to you if I break down? You still see me as the spoiled child that you first met years ago." Calliope swallowed, then turned away, her shoulders sagging a bit. Her sleeping gown clung to all the right places for a moment as she turned, before hanging once more in a slightly more modest manner. The moonlight streamed in, washing the room in its pale silver light. She let out a slow breath. "Is it so wrong of me to want to leave this place? Surely you can understand that sentiment; after all, you leave here as often as you can. I've seen the books you read. They are all about travel. Different places. At least you might get to see them one day."

Her voice was soft as she spoke, sadness in her every word. It didn't matter that she had revealed to him that she had been watching him closer than he knew. Calliope didn't have the energy to care. Not now. Not after tonight had gone. Not when she was feeling so hopeless and empty inside. It had been her one chance to leave, and not only had she not managed it, she had put Alexander's life in danger. Calliope sighed, and wrapped her arms around herself in a hug, trying to get even a little bit of comfort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander listened to her once more, his eyes wandering the thin fabric of the gown before he forced them away. He was more mature than that, to ogle the girl in a vulnerable state. Her words interested him, apparently she'd been watching him more than he thought. She was mistaken about some of the things he read, books on regions would grow boring to read if one only read them, but he did study up on various areas. However, what had been for worldly knowledge, she had taken as an offense. He supposed it could be like that, rubbing his freedom into her face, while she was lucky to be allowed away from the manor grounds for a day. However, her words still hurt him, it made him feel like he'd insulted her, something he hadn't intentionally done.

This was a delicate situation that Alexander had found himself in. Maneuvering in it inappropriately would only serve to make it worse. He doubted words could mend it at this point, every time he'd spoken, she had uncovered some hidden meaning and only used it against him. Sighing, Alexander stood up and slowly walked over to Calliope. His steps were deliberate, though somewhat quick. He reached her, and simply put his hand on her shoulder, like he had earlier, though this time, he simply pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around the girl. "I do understand the sentiment, however when I leave, it's because my expenses aren't provided by your father. The most I get is a room. I have to take up additional work from time to time." His words were soft, and he just held Calliope in an embrace. He wasn't quite sure why he thought it would help, but she seemed, more than anything, to need atleast a friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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The leather of his armor was cool against her cheek. She blinked, surprised to feel his arms around her. It was an unexpected gesture, and Calliope wasn't sure how to handle it, or what it meant. It was admittedly not the most comfortable of hugs, but Calliope didn't pull away. More than anything else he had done, this simple contact helped soothe her. It was not the answer to anything, not by a long shot, but it did seem to help.

The moment of peace was ruined, however, by distant rumblings of... something. The sound of...drums? And hoof-beats. Calliope looked toward the window. "What is that?" Light - the light of torches, not the moon - was on the horizon. Many torches, the light coming closer and closer to the house, approaching from the side of the house that didn't have the gardens and training grounds. She pulled away from Alexander, looking out the window in a curious sort of daze. What in the world was going on?

Calliope distantly heard the sound of an alarm. She stayed where she was, staring wide-eyed at the approaching group of torches. Were they under attack? The shapes of men on horses started to form, more men a blurred mass behind them, as they came even closer.
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