Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dorothy Pender

Location: Engine Room

With Gideon focused on other tasks, her patient wasn't being as forthcoming as she wished. And with the engine bursting ablaze, Dorothy focused on what little she could do to help Gideon, instinctively arching her back slightly to brace herself, in case Lionel couldn't dispatch of the flames. Gideon's leg was badly burned enough--he didn't need any more burns adding to it. She gripped onto the wall, bracing herself for the impact, as it seemed entirely likely their ship may crash and burn.

It was already succeeding at the burning part. And it was perhaps fortunate that she had been an army medic before. Some doctors would have been stressed beyond belief at the prospect of tending to a patient whilst on a crashing ship. But for Dorothy, it wasn't something she hadn't been mentally prepared to do before. All she could do was hope that Daphne managed to land the ship correctly, and she had faith in her baby sister. If anyone could do it, it was her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve Dupoit

Location: Personal Shuttle: Following The Vengeance

After she dropped her gift to the Reavers she quickly flew away and followed the Vengeance. The particular light show would be a nice surprise for them, but she didn't want to stay and watch. She looked over to see the Vengeance making as quick a getaway as it could. It seemed that they were dealing with internal issues, only confirmed when the Captain told her to follow them in case they didn't explode. She knew Daphne would be flying the ship and would do her best to make sure they landed safely.

What she didn't like was the Alliance ship seemed to be following them too. As if it was bad enough they dealt with the Reavers, now they had to deal with them. Like it or not, things were about to get extremely heated when they landed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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Foy Coiffeur

Location: Retribution, Bridge

The manner in which the rogue Reaver vessel was dealt with did rather seem like Jahosafat's style. It was complicated, dependent upon the proficiency of others, and ended in a flashy manner that resulted in something getting destroyed. "Bravo, Doctor. Excellent bit of tactic, my good fellow."

Foy clapped his hands lightly, or at least as best he could without putting his fine, felt bowler hat in danger. It was a sturdy enough piece of fine, timeless headwear, not to mention that it wasn't the only one that he packed. But it would be quite some time before he would set foot in a place that would afford him the opportunity to replace something as fitting for him as the perfect hat, so he wanted to ensure the quality of said item for as long as possible. Money gave no excuse to be wasteful, unless it was to impress people.

"Ah yes, of course, and a tip of my cap to the good people manning their positions here on the Bridge. It was truly a piece of magic to see that the less fiscally and socially well-off can make up for those very shortcomings by acts of proficient daring. Quite the spectacle, really."

The esteemed Mr. Coiffeur seemed particularly pleased with himself, possibly even thinking that he had passed along a compliment in his moderately eloquent ramblings. His one point of note that was potentially of use to the crew was phrased after a short pause, "I say, Firefly shuttles - they are mounted externally, are they not? I don't recall seeing any still attached to the old girl. Something to give a modicum of ponderance."

This was getting interesting, indeed. Perhaps someone was out seeking help nearby. They just might get it, too. The Alliance didn't have much in the way of flowering support out in this corner of the 'Verse. A downed Reaver ship would also surely bring out every able gun in the region to finish off survivors before they could locate civilization and do their dastardly bits to it. Oh, this area would become quite busy (for the population density) in a little while.

And speaking of interesting, the game was anew! The damaged Firefly was staying together with duct tape and good intentions, from the looks of her. Their crew must know that a tactically superior vessel, such as the Retribution, could easily overtake and crush them. Logic would dictate a landing, from which they could try to negotiate, bribe, or lay ambush. He did so hope it was the latter. His hands itched to be weighted by his shooting irons as they grew steadily warmer from repeated use. Another thought came to mind, as it tended to, and he offered a hypothetical to his good friend Jahosafat.

"I had been considering expanding the family business, Josie. What would you think about "Foy's Haberdashery", hmm?"

William Harper

Location: Retribution, Bridge

"...pursue the Vengeance at this point." A clear and easy command, one that Harper was very capable of doing at the time. It was the simplest matter of finding the ship, obvious in visuals without having to resort to more technical instrumentation. Habit made him check sensors anyway. Habit, and a decided need to not be taken unawares by any lingering Reaver ships that might be in the area, and aware that one of theirs just got impacted into the side of a canyon. Such an event would undoubtedly make his day even worse.

"Aye, Captain." Simple words communicating compliance. This was a Black Ship, and Quinn was the Captain of it. That gave him all the authority he would need to commit acts most unpleasant if the situation hinted at it. But this was an everyday, common order. Even if the Lieutenant didn't like the work he was doing. All the same, might as well do it right.

Foy sure was annoying. But the last bit about the shuttles was right. They might have backup on the way. It was something worth considering; it was further Harper's opinion to get done whatever needed doing here and blow atmo before things got worse. Lobbing a question at the Captain seemed like a useful idea, if the question would speed along the results.

"Do you want me to hail them, Captain?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The ship was knocked this way and that from the looks of it, as if an outside force was punching it from either side as Daphne would be able to mange finally making a rather hard yet impressive landing since they did not in fact blow up on impact. Sparks sent flying from various areas in the ship from impact, cargo getting thrown here and there, dishes and supplies falling out of cabinets and drawers onto the floor, people will be tossed. Anisa found herself nearly doubling over head over heels over the bridge console on impact before she caught and righted herself, cursing in both English and Chinese as she did.

Stepping back from she shook her head and pushed her hair out of her fact, a nice sized gash in her head from knocking it against metal on impact. "Remind me to give you a fucking raise for not blowing us up," she said to Daphne before grabbing the com and trying to contact the rest of the ship but the coms were down. There was no inship communication, no out of ship communication, and any hails that were sent out were going to fall in deaf ears.

Quinn watched the scene unfold and stayed stoic as he watched the Firefly vessel crash land, only the tightening of his jaw and a vein bulge in his brow for a brief moment let on that he was actually worried about anyone on that ship. "Yes, hail them and prepare to land," he said - When William tries, there will be no getting through to the Vengeance.

"Fuck, power shit down and help me check on everyone. You take medical and cargo, I'll take the engine room. Get armed if you have a weapon," Anisa told Daphne before tearing off as best she could considering the injury in her leg towards the Engine room. Gideon groaned as he laid on the flat of his back before getting up and trying to put the fire out. the fire would go out but the smell was harsh of burned metal and oil.

"Fucking hell, we aren't going anywhere," he muttered as he dropped his extinguisher and kicked it, only to start hopping on one foot cursing under his breath in anger and pain.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Engine Room

Lionel was working on putting out the fires stemming from the engines to the best of his abilities. Lionel was doubled over against the wall, head on the floor and looking at the door out of the engine room from in between his legs. His head throbbed with a cocktail of confusion, dizziness and a warm pain that ebbed and flowed. With a long groan and a long hard blink, Lionel shifted his weight, falling onto his left side before righting himself up onto his elderly rear end. He looked around the room until he spotted Gideon.

"I'll admit it. I was wrong about you. Remind me later to give you something for having to deal with this shit." Maybe it was the possible concussion he had just suffered, or the accumulated stress of the impending Alliance and gate-crashing Reavers, but Lionel was feeling rather charitably towards the kid he had days before strongly considered ejecting into The Black. Time would tell if this opinion would revert back to what it had been once rational thought processes resumed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve Dupoit

Location: Personal Shuttle -> Vengeance Landing Site

Gene kept a close eye on both her ship and the Alliance vessel. She was thankful that the Vengeance landed. She said a small prayer of thanks for Daphne being a crack pilot. She wondered how the others were on board. If she knew anything, Anisa would be yelling, but happy they survived, Dorothy would be tending the wounded, Gideon would be quick to repairs, and the others would be scrambling to get ready for their confrontation with the Alliance, who were making their way over.

She wondered if they saw her shuttle. She tried her comms to contact the Vengeance, but nothing got through. The damage must be bad then. She would have to land and help, but she didn't want to land right away. The Alliance ship was coming in so she followed it towards the crash site, making sure to have the comms ready in case they decided she was a threat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Daphne Pender

Location: Bridge -> Cargo Bay

The landing could have been worse, however it was a lot less smooth than she would have liked. All that mattered was that they had survived it, and Daphne hadn't blown up the ship. Any landing that you walk away from is a good one, she thought to herself as she heard the Captain yelling about the coms being down. There was nothing more to do on the Bridge since they had landed, so Daphne got up from her chair, having to steady herself on the console, and made her way towards the Cargo Bay and Med Bay area. She made sure that she had her gun with her before setting out.

The corridor didn't look to good, and in the dining area things were thrown about and smashed. She headed down to the next level to check on the areas below. She didn't think that Dorothy was still in the Med Bay, especially since they had crashed, but she looked into the room anyway. The room was a mess, and Daphne laughed at the thought of Dorothy seeing the room in such a disarray. Seeing no one, she moved on to the Cargo Bay, where everything was thrown around. Daphne didn't want to have to be the one picking up the mess, but to her the idea of cleaning anything was silly. The Alliance was coming so they had bigger things to worry about.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago

William Harper

Location: Retribution, Bridge

The chase wasn't quite as flashy as Harper would have hoped. He had seen what their pilot was capable of, maneuvering a damaged ship through tight terrain with Reavers heaping mortal stress upon the situation. The Lieutenant was no slouch on the sticks himself; took to piloting ships as readily as he did tech or engineering. That is to say, well above average. That being said, the fleeting possibility of matching skill against a fellow rocket jockey was removed, right at the moment that the Firefly vessel began to shudder and list. It had to be set down. A twinge of disappointment found the Lieutenant, though it opened up possibilities: Depending upon how the next hour or two went, he would have an opportunity to congratulate the Independent pilot on an excellent piece of aerial gymnastics.

It was a very fanciful notion, that. He knew that in all likelihood, this would end with violence. You don't trade stories with someone in a group responsible for killing all of your friends right in front of you. If they happened to have a nasty surprise in store for the I.A.V. Retribution and managed to turn what appeared to be overwhelmingly slanted odds against them, Harper doubted that he would be in much of chatty mood, either. No, he was going to do as ordered and prepare to land.

Taking an idling strafe around the Vengeance, Harper switched to grav propulsion only. He flipped sensors from passive to active, trying to glean as much information from the downed vessel as he could, and kept a steady eye on visuals. True to order, he began looking for a decent landing site as near to the vessel as he safely could and engaged gears for descent to a non-docked site. All he needed now was an official command and an opportunity. In the meantime, Liam opened a comm channel to the Vengeance and hailed the vessel.

"Firefly Class vessel; Vengeance, this is the I.A.V. Retribution, please respond."


"Firefly Class vessel; Vengeance, this is the I.A.V. Retribution. We have cannons trained on your boat. Please respond."

Still nothing.

"Firefly - Vengeance, please respond immediately or we will be forced to escalate."

Either they could not hear the hail, or they could and simply didn't care. Harper reasoned that it was possible damage to the ship could have caused a communications blackout, and wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but that wasn't his decision.

"Captain, we have no response to repeated attempts to hail. We are prepped for landing, but if I may, sir? The Barber (?) was correct. Both shuttles are missing from the craft. If we land, we could lose a strategic position. I suggest getting a full weapons lock before we touch down. Their comms might be damaged. Weapon lock would trigger their sensors instead, if they're still operational, sir."

He made absolutely sure to follow up with a respectful, "Ready to land at your command, sir... Wait, shuttle coming up, aft. Orders, sir?"

Foy Coiffeur

Location: Retribution, Bridge

Ah, what a potentially entertaining day it was. It seemed that fate conspired to deny Foy his chance at an armed Meet & Greet, letting such matters be resolved as a contest between machines and machine users rather that the up close and personal kind of work for which the Farradayan Gentleman was known. Be it interpersonal niceties or trading gunfire, Mr. Coiffeur preferred to look a person in the face. Well unless he was sniping. But that came with the territory. Point was, he was a man on the ground.

"Well, talks of the Haberdashery shall have to be postponed in the interim, my good sir." observed Foy, grateful yet again that he decided to prep for an extended session of munitioned negotiation. He transferred his attentions from his childhood friend over to his former working partner (from back in his days with the Agency), mentioning, "Miss Lobo, I do so enjoy the pitch of the music that is queuing presently." Then inquired simply, "When was the last time you waltzed?"

Foy flashed a debonair smile and applied a bit of wax from a small metal jar to the tips of his fastidiously groomed moustache.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dorothy Pender

Location: Engine Room

With the ship tossed in violent throws, turning rapidly, and practically flinging its passengers around, Dorothy for a moment thought of her meticulously cleaned medical bay. It would hardly remain that way, and it would take her at least a day to fix everything, and replace any damaged glassware. But her mind was yanked away from that, as she was flung into the wall, having hardly been gripping strongly, due to her need to tend to Gideon.

"This is just shiny," Dorothy muttered under her breath. She'd have bruises tomorrow, but that was the least of her concerns. Gideon managed to put out the fire, bringing the scent of oil and burnt metal into the air. And while Lionel complimented the kid, Dorothy heard Gideon's yelp of pain, and noticed the potential concussion in Lionel. She fished a small flashlight from her medical kit, before hurrying over to the businessman.

"I need to check you for a concussion, Dorothy explained quickly, before shining the light slowly back and forth across Lionel's pupils, noting them for any response. If Lionel proved fine, she'd then leave the Engine Room, and find the others on the ship who needed treatment. A concussion would be serious--but Gideon dropping the extinguisher on his foot, Dorothy judged, was something that could wait. She could also leave the burn cream with him, just in case.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Well that was a big badda boom but in the end the make shift bombs hit their targets and the tower came down. The Vengeance was down on the ground and the crew for the most part was in tact. Gideon had a small concussion and was seeing stars but he would be alright as long as he didn't decide to take a nap. Atticus and Camilla were in the cargo bay, taking deep breaths between each other as Daphne came in.

"I'd give that landing a 3.0 considering everything," Camilla said as she pushed her hair out of her face. Atticus nodded. "God was watching over us that is for sure." Camilla rolled her eyes as she glanced around, taking in the mess around the Vengeance.

"Well I dare say that ship isn't going anywhere anytime soon my good captain. We are not out of the woods yet though, remember the Alliance is wanting to dust this planet before the rest of the Reavers get here. We have to move quickly and get those people off world. Shall we go make introductions?" he said with a large grin on his face.

Jackson set the shuttle down next to the Vengeance. The docking port for both his and gene's ships were too damaged to actually dock with the Firefly Vessel. "That ship isn't armed. Yes, take position, land and I want a ground crew ready and meeting me at the air lock in five minutes. Armed and ready. If they won't come quietly, we take them by force - Nonleathal unless there is not other choice," Quinn said to his crew before making his way to his quarters for a brief stop.

"Get all injuries to the med bay if there are any, and load up, we are probably going to have to make a break for it in the shuttles to get away from the gorham Alliance," Anisa said over the coms but nothing went through. Cursing under her breath she made her way as best she could into her bunk, she needed to gear up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Engine Room

Lionel's pupil contracts when Dorothy shines her flashlight and reacts as an eye would normally to the stimulus currently being transmitted to it (OOC: I'm not going to go down that specific research rabbit hole for the first couple sentences of a post). After a second or two of this, Lionel shut his eyes and shook his head vigorously.

"Fuck, I'm fine! Go bother somebody else with that. Just stop shining that 多才多艺 flashlight in my face already." Lionel pushed himself back up onto his feet and made a show of wiping off dirt and grime from his clothes. He needed a drink and a shit. On second thought, forget the shit.

Carla Lobo

Location: The Bridge

"I have to agree with you, my good sir," Carla replied, twirling her combat knife between her fingers. It flowed smoothly between the digits, like a creek windy through a woodland on a sunny summer's day. "I believe the last time I danced was two months ago exactly. But it was more of a swing than a waltz. That said, it seems Gregory would have us relegated to a simple two-step. A shame, but we'll have to take what we can get." Carla stopped her knife twirling routine and forcefully returned it to its proper place, tucked into a sheath hidden from sight and the hip level. If they were to do things non-lethally, showing up with a drawn knife would lead to that goal quickly becoming FUBAR'd.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve Dupoit

Location: Vengeance Landing Site

A hit of Deja Vu had her remembering her own little adventure to a nearby planet to make sure she didn't crash. She applauded Daphne's piloting skills as it seemed like they barely sustained much damage, though she couldn't say for sure what was happening in the interior. She tried the comms only to find out they weren't working. She worried about their status and, with the oncoming Alliance vessel, worried about the plans. She set her own shuttle down next to Jackson's and quickly grabbed her weapons and made her way back onto the ship.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Daphne Pender

Location: Cargo Bay

"Well, I'm just glad that we didn't blow up. Not my best landing but it could have gone worse," Daphne said as she walked over to where Camille and Atticus were. The Cargo Bay was kind of messy, but they couldn't deal with it now. She didn't really know what to do, but remembered what the Captain had told her before they had left the Bridge. Arming themselves and preparing for the Alliance to show up was all they could do. She didn't even want to think about what was going on in the Engine Room. Whatever had happened in there had required the engine to be shut off, so she didn't want to try and understand what had happened in there.

"I was told to make sure you guys were alright after that crash landing. From the sounds of it, we ain't going anywhere, best be prepared since we probably are gonna have that Alliance ship here in no time," she said, and Daphne left the Cargo Bay.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dorothy Pender

Location: Engine Room

Dorothy pursed her lips slightly at Lionel's squawking. Now, she did partially feel like smacking him upside the head after his tirade of swears and curses, as he reminded her almost too much of her father. But bedside manner was bedside manner. "Go see if anyone else is wounded," Dorothy asked, not bothering to look to see if Lionel would help as she crouched down in front of Gideon.

"I'm checking you as well," Dorothy explained, shining the light in Gideon's eyes and moving it slowly. Those who suffered from a concussion were generally light sensitive, and their eye movements were abnormal, in that there was either no response or a highly irregular response. After a few moments, it was evident that Gideon had a concussion as well.

"Second thought, Lionel, best be that you stay with him," Dorothy instructed. "Make sure he doesn't fall asleep. He's got a nasty concussion, but should be okay. I'll need to go see if anyone else is hurt--with a landing like that, I'd be surprised if a concussion is the least of our troubles.

Assuming Lionel consented to watching Gideon, Dorothy would then make her way out of the engine room, looking for anyone else in need of medical attention, her medical kit at her side like always.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 day ago

William Harper

Location: Retribution, Bridge

"Aye aye, Captain." barked Harper, responding to Quinn's orders to find a spot to land. The Lieutenant himself would have felt a ton happier if they had made use of the Short Range Enforcement Vessels located in the Retribution's hangar, or if they wanted to go for a less martial opening, perhaps one of the shuttles. Meanwhile, the main ship could stay aloft and give plenty of cover as needed. But, Cap'n wanted to land. Maybe it was a reaching act of goodwill. Maybe the crew of the Vengeance would recognize that an experienced, decorated Alliance Captain was giving up a massive tactical advantage and be more willing to parlay. The instincts of the good Lieutenant told him that this was a mistake.

Of course, a deft man could turn a mistake into an opportunity. Either way, First Lieutenant William Harper, Pilot of the I.A.V. Retribution was going to follow his Captain's orders and set the boat down within short distance of the Firefly vessel. Naturally, as he wasn't entirely a stupid man, positioned to set her down in a manner that allowed the use of some the armament available (should they be playing possum). He did take the time to voice an observation, just in case the rest of the crew hadn't noticed.

"Bringing her down, sir. If I may; the Vengeance has made no sound nor movement after being repeatedly hailed and receiving a positive weapon lock. Either they've got gāowán of solid, shiny cadmium steel, or they don't even have operational sensors."

As for joining the cause outside, well... Harper was the pilot. So much as he would love to get himself involved in a firefight on a planet he'd rather not be on for a ship serving a military he'd rather not be in for presently unknown orders, his job was to fly the damned ship. Perhaps that well dressed socialite could hang his immaculately groomed head out onto the landing and see to getting himself shot in a prompt and forthright manner.

Foy Coiffeur

Location: Retribution, Bridge

Foy was positively beaming. It had been a good, long while since he had gotten the opportunity to work with either Jahosafat or his old partner from the Agency, Carla, and here he was entwined in contract with both of them. It was good to have true enough comrades around him as he readied to head into a potential combat scenario with impressive sidearms and a crisp, mottled charcoal suit featuring cream on cream osbaldean-tied cravat and platinum pin. He was freshly shaven and smelled faintly of wood and floral notes, tempered by mellow pomades of varying application. It was a good day, regardless of whomever else was being crushed by the past hour's events.

"Gregory?" questioned Foy, at Carla's familiar use of the Captain's name. He continued in a playful voice. "No no, Miss Lobo. One must relinquish the expected, etiquette-motivated deference when alluding to the ranking military officers in our immediate proximity. Why, without them, this summer picnic would be short the very tubers of its prize potato salad."

He regarded the mention of nonlethal tactics, "Although I do find myself betwixt the horns of that most singular of dilemmas: Kill or Capture. The innate contractual distinction is important, mind, but I am afraid that I did not bring the proper dancing shoes for a two-step, as you have most eloquently metaphored the situation. My attire is fluidly and completely ensconced in the full regalia of the ballroom waltz. That is to say, I have packed little that would assist in capture, but very much to the affectation of kill. I shall have to improvise."

But he would not let this little detail ruin his mood. "Nevertheless! I find it particularly agreeable to be in the presence of one of my most favorite dancing partners, whatever the music playing." Foy set his black, felt bowler hat upon his head, running a finger along the brim. The dapper fellow then smoothed his black, very fine duster about his form, motioned in the general direction of the airlock, and in an optimistically gracious voice, queried, "Shall we, my dear?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Carla Lobo

Location: The Bridge

As big of a dampener as the newly added "nonlethal" clause was, if this excursion did nothing else, it allowed her to get some smidgen of excitement and she could get some fresh air outside of the ship. She could manage much longer stretches in situations far worse than the admittedly nice interior of the Retribution, but her ability to handle poor situations did not impact a desire for occasional change in scenery. Whitefall was not anywhere close to the top of her sightseeing list, but it would suffice for the next few minutes.

"How noble of you to offer the lead, good sir." Carla brushed an errant strand of hair from her face. She made one last check that all her equipment was where she left it before beginning a brisk walk towards the airlock. "I do find myself in agreement with you; I find myself poorly outfitted for the task of capture, given my current set of equipment. However the task of creative improvisation is one of the most satisfying mental challenges in our line of work."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"You three with me, you stay ready," Captain Quinn said towards Jahosafat, Carla and Foy as he motioned for them to follow him, and for Harper to stay with the ship. He knew Foy and Carla could handle themselves if a fight broke out, Jahosafat he wasn't so sure but he knew that Camilla knew Jahosafat, as much as he hated it, so it was best to let him tag along. Whether or not the mad scientist could actually fight was beyond him. Carrying a flashy weapon did not a warrior make.

Jahosafat was happy to oblige. "Well I dare say this is quite exciting my good man," he said to Foy as he twilled his hat before placing it on top of his head and giving it a slight tap. Following the little group the Captain lead them down to the main cargo entrance and sent word to the bridge to have the door open. A whoosh of air and the lock was free once Harper had done his thing. "Stay on alert," Quinn said to the bridge and those in the group with him as he stepped out into the blistering heat. Jahosafat grinning from ear to ear as he carried with him his little medical case and walked down to the dry ground looking around and seeing the Vengeance sitting there about half a click away.

"That was one astounding landing to keep the ship in tact if I do say so. I hope the dears on board are without injury," Jahosafat said but Quinn just grunted as he started towards the Vengeance. They all could be dead for all he cared as long as Camilla wasn't harmed.

"I'm fine," was the general input from Camilla, Atticus, and Gideon in their respective places. Gideon maybe not as much as the rest but he wasn't going to let on that he was seeing stars. The ship was filling with smoke from the fire that had been put out but the air was not moving. Anisa made her way quickly down to the cargo hold and with the help of Atticus and Camilla opened it up manually so there was some air flow going on. Nodding towards Jackson and Gene as they came up to the ship on foot.

"Glad you two had a better landing than we did," she said before her eyes narrowed through the fog of smoke clearing out from the ship and grumbled before taking ahold of Camilla with one hand and resting her hand on her side arm with the other as she spotted Quinn and the others from the Retribution heading their way. "Gene inside and warn the others, Jackson go gear up for a fight."

"Captain, be.."

"Careful? No shit."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve Dupoit

Location: Vengeance Landing Site - Interior

Gene breathed a small sigh of relief to see the others were, for better or worse, all in one piece. She nodded at her captain's command and hustled inside, trying to find the other she didn't see. Dorothy, Daphne, Gideon, and Lionel. As she walked around the ship, surveying the damage done, she knew the ship wouldn't be prepared to go anytime soon. Since the Alliance was all but on them, that meant they would have to either surrender or fight back, and since the captain told Jackson to prepare for a fight, she knew it would be the latter. She had to hand it to Anisa, she didn't let her crew down. As much as she was sure Anisa wanted Camilla to pay for the trouble caused, she wouldn't hand her over to the Alliance.

She wondered if, perhaps, she could use some diplomacy to get everyone out of this situation. She bared no grudge against the Alliance. Having been a part of the Companion Collective for a while now, she heard rumors and stories on both ends. Yet, she found herself serving on a Browncoat vessel and found herself caring for those in her crew. She wouldn't let them be killed or taken prisoner (which was pretty much a slower death sentence).

She found the others easily enough and relayed the message, "Alliance is inbound, the Captain said to ready yourselves and prepare for a fight." She left it at that. She figured Dorothy could handle herself and Lionel seemed fit. Gideon was injured and she didn't know much about Daphne's combat abilities, but she knew they would all hold their own if it came down to it. The Captain never said for her to prepare herself and she wasn't about to sit idly by like some damsel in a fairy tale. She may not be great with a gun, but she could hold her own in a fight. She prepped her rapier and holstered her stunner and went back to the Captain and the others to await the oncoming Alliance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dorothy Pender

Location: Engine Room

"Then we best be ready," Dorothy nodded, as Genevieve relayed the message of incoming doom. She had hardly left the engine room before she went back inside, determined to keep an eye on Lionel and Gideon. Seemed everyone else on the ship was fine, and that they'd be ready for a fight shortly enough. Glancing at Gideon, Dorothy frowned slightly.

She didn't judge him to be in any condition for a fight. Of course, while the Alliance never had a shortage of soldiers, the rebels certainly did. She couldn't just tell Gideon to stand down--they needed his help if they were to make it out alive. "Come on, let's mosey on down and join the others." She waited for Gideon and Lionel to get ready, waiting to catch Gideon in case he stumbled. That concussion was worrying her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Daphne Pender

Location: Cargo Bay

She just nodded as Gene went off towards the others. She had already known that there was going to be a firefight. The Captain had told her back on the Bridge to arm herself, and she was prepared with her weapon. She figured that Dorothy would already be prepared. Her sister knew how to hold her own, a little too much for a doctor in her opinion, but her gun skills came in handy more often than not. Daphne wondered how everyone else was doing, she had heard a lot of commotion coming from the Engine Room before they crashed, but had no information beyond that.

She was curious as to what might happen when the Alliance crew arrives. There wasn't much that could be done until then, and she hated having to wait. Daphne was hoping that this was all going to be over soon. She was itching for something to do, but came up with nothing. All she could do was wait, wait and see who will come out on top in this fight.
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