Avatar of BlueSky44


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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

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Most Recent Posts

Zelda Flynn

Location: Mario Party
Skills: N/A

Well the guy finally seemed to be down, so that was a good thing at least Victoria had managed to do, well, something anyway. Though that didn't mean that they were out of the woods yet, as the world shifted once again. Now she was back in her Princess Daisy outfit, and in a very familiar minigame. "Oh come on, not even actual main part of the game you have to stick us in one of the minigames?" she commented, looking at the game around them.

Zelda did have to agree with April's comment though. They were thoroughly screwed. And that was putting it lightly.

They were going to die, there was no way out of this game. Unlike the other games they had landed in which had given them a fighting chance. This one did not. It was entirely luck based, and they could die rather easily. "Entirely luck based, no way to change the odds or determine which ropes are safe... You pick one and hope you don't die. We are doomed..." Without another thought though, she went to the very first rope in the line and cut it, pausing for a moment. The anxiety rose with regards to whether she'd be sent flying or something. Luckily, that didn't happen, and she seemed to be safe. For now.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Basement
Skills: N/A

"Okay, up the stairs then," Zari said nodding a bit, before starting to follow Andy up the stairs, though she stumbled a bit as she followed along, using the railing a bit to steady herself as she went. Once she got up there, she almost fell over except for the intervention of a very familiar robotic eyeball that had a flashlight attached to it catching her and propping her up.

"01010111 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 00111111"

"Well sorrrrrry I don't feel too good someone tried to poison me or something!" she complained a bit, managing to stand up straight and unhooking the flashlight from the robot. "I'm fine anyway, thanks for showing up when I called though..."

"01010111 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 00111111"

Zari didn't say anything else to the robot as she followed Andy along again, her sword shifting from it's flashlight form. She saw Arcade over with the Framework, and she giggled a little at Andy's words towards him. "Surprise. Not dead you know." her brain was still a little bit fuzzy but she was still preparing to have to deal with something. She knew that she'd have to pull the others out of whatever was going on. That was definitely going to be fun.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

She didn't say anything else on the walk over or anything, figuring there wasn't a whole lot to say or anything as they headed over there. Janelle still wasn't really hungry, so she didn't grab a plate or anything, but she did follow along after Isaac over to the Hypnos table, taking a seat herself, "Yeah, no, I'm fine, it's fine, no worries," she commented with a shrug, saying nothing else on the subject really.

Glancing around slightly, she saw everyone else in the area but figured it was better to just ignore them and go on with things. She'd have to deal with more people soon enough when they had to go off on that other quest to find the Doors of Death again and stuff like that. That definitely was going to be fun to have to deal with in general. That was going to be a lot of fun, but not much to really deal with that stuff yet. Right now she was just focused on dealing with the here and now honestly.

Location: Danger Room - Hyde Park
Skills: N/A

Mira looked at the others as they all entered the room and they'd see all of the setup and the setting. The screens they were holding lit up as cards of sorts were shuffled around a bit before three cards disappeared into an envelope image on the screen, clearly representing the who where and with what weapon for the murder. "Considering it sounded like we wanted to go a bit more on the way of exploration aside from just having the cards and finding the clues that way. So each person will have a set of the cards, which will all be marked off. Since we want there to be a chance that the murderer wins as essentially the murderer, they'll win after what, getting say two other people knocked out? Basically they fail at the accusation part thing. You can't share your clues unless someone makes the suggestion, like in classic clue, in a specific area, but you don't always have to, you can see about exploring, trying to get some clues and possible ideas that way. The killer can try to throw people off the trail of everything and potentially add things to different areas as clues. So kind of like Clue, but with more murder mystery or whatever, just since I based most of the program off Clue, there still are the other underlying bases for it since this got thrown together quickly. I prefer the idea of just going on with the murder mystery piece sort of thing."

Yeah, this was definitely going to be interesting to say the least. She loved Clue for the most part, but this added more complexity to the game and all. She glanced at her screen to see what popped up on it, before she started heading off towards the Hyde Park area. Figuring it would be a good place to start, at least in her mind.

Location: Mansion - Kitchen
Skills: N/A

"I don't know about concerned. I mean I kind of took off for sometimes several days to even a few weeks at a time a while ago and it wasn't a bad thing. Though I will say hanging around with Thor does get a little grating at times... No offense on that one Klara." Lance pointed out, before adding the sort of apology towards Klara when he had thought that fully through.

"It's alright, I know that for others it can be like that," was the response he got from her.

He had disappeared not telling anyone where it was that he had gone off too way back when. But that was when he had teamed up with Thor to attempt to find where Runa and Klara were. Hence why he had ended up traveling to Asgard a few times throughout that whole endeavor. Then he looked over towards Runa when she asked about the soda can exploding. "That's caused by shaking the can too much. The carbonation, or the thing that makes it fizz and bubble like that, before the can gets opened it can build up a bunch of pressure. Which can cause the can to kind of explode. But not in the way you might think. Causes more of a volcanic eruption when opening up the can and the soda kind of shoots out of it. That sort of thing..."

"Well if you're concerned could also potentially do a tracking spell with magic or something like that maybe? I sometimes forget that time for Midgardians is different then for us," Klara suggested.

Annie and Guin
"Well, the letter that wound up on Gambit and Rogue's doorsteps wasn't exactly signed, but they're pretty sure it was her hand writing. It's a call for help, give me a minute to see if I can find it, Rogue sent a picture of it to us, hence why we headed this way." Cyclops explained, flipping through phone messages.

"Might want to also message them and say she's not here, which is not a good sign." Jean added, looking at the other two.

"Going to, but first, here it is," he continued before pulling up a picture and holding out the phone so Annie, Guin and Pietro could read it. The handwriting wasn't the greatest, pretty obvious that whoever had written it had done so in a really really big hurry. As if they didn't have time at all to get any more words or to talk specifics or anything like that. The paper in the image also appeared fairly crumpled and wrinkled.

"They found it tossed on their doorstep in an envelope. So they don't know what it could possibly mean or anything. Perhaps you all might, you are around Marygold more often then we are so perhaps you have a few ideas. There is one that has crossed my mind that I would prefer not to think about and hope that I am wrong. Because then we would have an incredibly big problem that would be a huge catastrophic thing." Guin would easily be able to tell what it was she likely was talking about with that statement. Annie on the other hand would be a bit clueless as to what Jean's thoughts on the subject were at the moment.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Zelda
Skills: Emotion Construct

She seemed to really be the only one doing any sort of attack or damage of the Link wannabe. Victoria wasn't exactly doing much, but April had managed to stop her from getting tripped up by Dark Link's attack. This was not a good situation to be in. If her count was right, both Victoria and April were down to their last lives, whereas she had two of them left. So she at least could work with being a little more reckless than the other two, even if just a little bit. Though that was only slightly helpful, since unless they could get out of this mess, things were going to end poorly.

Zelda twirled the hammer again in her hands, before charging forward and slamming the hammer into Dark Link again, landing a pretty solid hit and knocking him backwards. Victoria didn't seem to be doing anything to actively fight the villain, again, which was getting to be kind of annoying at this point. She understood, she didn't have any spare lives yet, but seriously? Do something, anything, to try and attack the villain.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Basement

Zari honestly had no idea what had happened with regards to Usagi, aside from her seemingly crushing her completely and causing all of the metal to crush up without any sort of issues. That was insanely weird to her, but she thought nothing of it, as as soon as Usagi went down and she dropped her to the ground, Zari stumbled slightly as the effects hit her. Clearly whatever drug had been put into her system was still there, which meant that she was feeling light headed and dizzy from everything that was going on.

"I'm fiiiiiine Andy, just a little bit dizzzzzzy," she responded with regards to Andy's concern, sort of brushing them off for the most part. "We can go smack Arcade around and get the others out of their situation. I can't really sit around here and do nothing you know." Which was true, even though she felt like crap and that she was going to fall over, she couldn't just sit back and do nothing or wait really any longer.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin
Skills: N/A

She could tell slightly what Isaac was trying to do, and honestly she was kind of grateful for it truthfully. Everything had kind of gotten turned upside a bit for her, so right now she wasn't sure exactly what it was that she wanted to do. She didn't really feel too hungry and she wasn't sure about hanging around the dining hall at the moment because there were a lot of people there. But she wasn't sure what else she actually wanted to do that morning or anything.

"We can go to de Dinin Pavilion. I'm naht really 'ungry but might as well..." she ended up saying out loud. She figured that they could go over there, and she could just continuing to pretend that she was completely okay. When in reality that still was far from it. Janelle started heading that way, figuring to just get going and out of the cabin fully and out and about the rest of camp.

Location: Mansion - Danger Room
Skills: N/A

"One based on Sherlock Holmes? Well you are a bit in luck with that actually... Doesn't require much programming on that part since the online game actually has a map based on Sherlock Holmes. So can just download it and move on from there..." she said, before messing with the computer a little bit more. Eventually she took out four different electronic pads and handed the screens to the other three before keeping one for herself.

On each screen, the group would be able to see the map as well as the list of suspects, which included their own names, as well as to fill out the 6 person roster included the names for Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty. "Alright, we should be good to get started, program is running, once everyone steps inside of the room it'll randomly decide whose the murderer, the weapon and all of that sort of thing." she explained, before eventually passing through the doors and into the area itself. Upon entering they'd find themselves in the central area of the map of their own Victorian London.

Location: Mansion - Kitchen
Skills: Light Manipulation

Lance glanced over at Runa, noticing her seemingly having difficulty with the soda can. He sometimes tended to forget that she likely wasn't used to everything still on Earth, and apparently that included a can. He slightly moved his fingers, almost in like a tapping motion of sorts, and Runa would see a little bit of light, barely noticeable so only she saw it, go around the pull tab and pop the can open for her before the dim light disappeared.

"I've been enjoying myself truthfully. So much fun wandering around," Klara responded, giving her cousin a smile.

"Yeah, we were debating getting something for food," Lance said with a shrug, before addressing the other comment about where the others were. "Think last I saw them they were outside or something, not sure what they were doing but who knows? As for Mary, she's still MIA as Bethany said," they had been talking about that sort of thing earlier too. Though just about anything could be going on with that, she wasn't sure what was up or what to expect.

"Sounds fine to me," Klara then added, addressing what it was that Ed had said about meeting everyone and continuing to wander around afterwards.

Annie and Guin
Jean got a concerned look on her face when Annie mentioned Mary not being around for the past few days. Though she did have a response to the did something happen question, sort of anyway. "We're not entirely sure actually... As to answer that question I don't typically try to probe, and look for someone that way. Add on the fact she likely could block me out and tell if I was looking for her would have potentially made it worse. "

Scott pulled out his own cell phone and started flipping through his phone, "Ok, so she hasn't been here in a few days. The weird message Gambit got showed up yesterday, and he called us last night to see if we could get a hold of her, since we were closer and could stop by." he explained, before putting his phone back into his pocket. "But this doesn't bode well if no one knows where she is."

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin
Skills: N/A

She didn't say anything at first to Isaac when he came over to talk to her. Honestly she still didn't care too much about talking about that sort of thing, at least not at the moment. Though she knew it was rude to not say anything in response to him. "Yeah, I'm fine," she ended up responding, not really saying much of anything else on the matter. Though she did figure that she couldn't just stick around in the cabin all day, so she might as well get up and head out.

Janelle grabbed her staff and stood up from where she was, "Prahbably should 'ead out dough, no use 'angin around in 'ere all day right?" she said towards him as she headed for the entrance to the cabin. This had been the sort of situation she constantly was in. Sort of more or less just going through everything until they had to deal with the Doors of Death thing and Tartarus, that was definitely going to be fun dealing with fully.

Location: Mansion - Hallway
Skills: N/A

"Sure thing, I'll talk to you later then," Klara said with smile towards Perry, before she took off after Ed towards the kitchen.

Mira stepped through the portal, now that they were outside of the Danger Room itself, they had to obviously set up the programming for what it was that they wanted to do. She headed straight for the main computer set up. "Alright Danger, let's see what we can do here... This probably is a bit more fun than watching all of us run around and fighting robots or training sessions or something right?" she muttered, more to herself than anyone else. The ideas of the game were simple enough, and she'd be able to set up the programming so it would more or less be a random draw to determine who was the killer, but there were a few other special sort of setups that needed to happen before they could go for the game.

"Ok, I can program most of everything to say the least, but obviously there are a few things we need to get squared away. Namely the setting that you want for the game. Do you want it to be more of classic Clue where we're in a mansion? Or do you want something different? Reason I ask is because there are a lot of versions of the game with different theming and boards, so we probably should get that squared away before we step in. I can have it program so that it's random whose the killer, the weapon and the room or area depending on the theme we go for." Mira said simply towards the others as she started working on setting up the rest of the system with regards to the basic rules of the game. The cosmetic options would be a simple addition to say the least. "I'm more wanting to just keep it with the classic mansion, but if anyone wants something different just say the word. I'll also give each of us more or less our own little electronic pad to keep track of clues. That will also let you know if you are the murderer or not, since it seems like we're going the route of the killer trying to trick everyone. But no cheating and showing it to others. It'll also have the sort of "cards" so to speak that you can show when someone suggests if we go that version. Or we just go full Sherlock Holmes on the whole thing and just have a mystery to solve. Lots of different ways this can get set up."

Location: Mansion - Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Lance shrugged slightly at the idea of just ordering something. "We could do that, or we could go out to get something even if we wanted to." he had no preference on that sort of thing, he heard footsteps as Ed entered the kitchen. "Hey there Ed," he said with a slight wave, before he saw Klara eventually come into the room after him. Waving slightly at her now too.

"How have you been Klara?" he asked her.

"Alright, just wandering around trying to remember people, or I guess in some cases being reintroduced to people I've already met before. Though you are one of the few faces I do know the name of at the least Lance."

"Well guess that makes things a little easier then for you doesn't it?" He knew she had some major memory issues. When they had found her and she got snapped out of everything, she had been missing a bit of time. So it made sense that she likely was having issues remembering the more recent things.

"I guess so," she responded, before looking at Bethany. "Though sorry... Can't quite say the same for you... Your name starts with a B though right? Or something like that?"

Annie and Guin
Pietro just sort of shrugged. "Alright, let's go then," he said to her, though he sort of dragged Guin along since he at the moment didn't want her to be left by herself, and also because hopefully it might help to have some form of a distraction.

They'd head for the front door, and see two people walking in having a bit of a conversation about something, though it seemed like when they got there that they were catching the tail end of it.

"Everything is probably fine, Gambit does tend to worry a bit too much."

"Well we were closer anyway, so we might as well check to see because I'm sure he convinced Rogue to take an impromptu trip up here. Besides, I think he might be right to be concerned."

The two voices belonged to none other than Scott Summers and Jean Grey, who glanced over in their direction seeing them there. Scott gave them a slight wave, "Hey there. You wouldn't by chance know where Marygold is would you?"

"We need to ask her about something," Jean explained, though not really sharing any details or ideas on what that could be about.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin
Skills: N/A

Janelle really didn't fully want to get up at the moment. However it was unfortunately impossible to ignore Coach Hedge running around and being fairly loud in the morning. But she didn't want to even really leave the cabin at the moment if she could help it. When they had gotten back, she had found out what had happened with the other groups. Namely, the part about what had happened to her brother, and that he was gone. She had managed to last a little while without any issues, ignoring the part of her that had wanted to scream when she found out, but the moment she ended up finally being able to be by herself she had completely broken down entirely. She literally didn't have anyone left. The parents she had grown up with had died a few years back, and they had gotten shipped off to an uncle they had never really met before in New York. He hadn't really seemed much like family, and he had never pushed it. That had just left her and her brother in a new country away from everyone she had ever known, and the whole demigod thing was still overwhelming at times, but at least they had both gone there together and weren't separated or anything.

And now she was completely alone.

She had gotten dressed for the day, but now she was just sort of sitting on her bunk in the cabin. Just sort of wanting to be by herself for a little longer before she'd eventually head out of the cabin and join everyone else. Sometimes it was just nice to be herself for the moment. It let her sit around with her thoughts for a little while without too many people bugging her. It was fine for the moment. Even though all of this had initially happened months ago, that didn't tend to make it any better.

Location: Mansion - Outside
Skills: N/A

He followed along after them back into the mansion, heading for the kitchen and going back over to the table that he and Bethany had been at before. Lance was just sort of thinking now about the question that Bethany had asked about what they should do now. And honestly he had no idea, before he honestly been thinking about just reading or something like that really.

"Not sure honestly," he said to her with a bit of a shrug, before looking over at Runa, "Anything you want to do Runa? Or we could just sit here and talk some more or something like that." He was fine really with any sort of option or something like that right now. Things were calm, and so it made it easier to just relax and have conversations at the moment. So he was fine with any options the other two came up with.

Location: Mansion - Hallway
Skills: N/A

Klara thought for a moment about whether or not she wanted to join them or something for the game, before eventually settling on shaking her, "Nah, I don't think I'll join in. I usually would likely be more of the person you send to take down the person whose the murderer, less figuring it out, I don't know, I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing really."

"Well the offer stands if you want to join in," Mira commented, shrugging her shoulders a bit at the conversation.

She just nodded in response, before looking at Perry, "After your game we can talk then, how about that? I think it'd be fun."

Mira half tuned out what was being talked about and glanced over at the conversation with regards to what sort of rules they'd play the game with. "Whenever I've played, usually we turned the person guessing themselves as the murder into a joke. Laughing at the idea they wanted a reward and were trying to get it for themselves or something amusing like that. I don't care what rules we play with though personally."

Over where Pietro, Guin and Annie were, the speedster just shrugged a bit when it came to the idea of who could be at the door or something like that. "I mean, I'm fine with seeing whose there or not. Doesn't matter overall to me. Could be just about anyone."
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