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Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max's pad lit up with information. Three known things that were wiped off the board for him. He began to inspect all the other suspects more closely, his kind focusing on the details of their dress, shoes, accessories, hair color, and as he did he began to pull into information from another life, one he hardly recalled save for the odd dream or two that would plague him at night. He'd always had a thing for fashion, but now he had an intimate knowledge of it, modeling, the feel of fabrics he never could afford. He used all this information to make a mental bank of details on each and every suspect. Should anything come up in another room, he could cross reference this with what he knew to narrow down even more details of this murder.

Once he felt satisfied, he watched as Perry made her way over towards the Pub Location. He waited a moment to see if Mire would love somewhere or Jacy, but for now they seemed to be reviewing their own information. A part of him wished to follow alongside Perry, to ask her what her thoughts were so far while they searched for clues, but even she could be the killer attempting to lure him off the tracks. So instead he made his way over towards the Museum, marveling at the massive structures of dinosaurs that lined the inside. His shoes clacking against the tiled floor as he began his search in earnest for any clues.


Hermes rolled his eyes at Hannah as she mentioned his horror hobby. ”Get real Hannah, As much as I love that media, there's no way we'd ever actually get a Zombie Apocalypse. Or at least we wouldn't live long enough to see one. Got to wait till the world's gone to complete shit that a Mega Corp will either accidentally create one or radiation will due it in after a massive war.” He replied before texting back his uncle a quick thumbs up emoji.

Hermes placed his phone back into his pocket, using his free hand to pet the kittens stomach as it laid on its back, attacking his hand from all the movements. Once it seemed it was clear to get out, Hermes did so, grabbing his backpack and making sure the small cat was secured within his arms as he made his way towards the door. He knew his uncle said the door was unlocked, and knew that Mandy had told them to head on in, but he didn't feel right just waltzing in before her so he waited on by the door.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Zeus Cabin

Demi was raring and waiting, about to lick the palm of Zeke's hand as he clasped it over his mouth to keep him from going on about how he would manage to successfully sneak into Apollo Cabin without Hedge knowing. Alas, Zeke removed his hand just in the knick of time, leaving Demi standing there, tongue out, and disappointed that he couldn't gross out his boyfriend once more in defiance. ”Next time maybe you could use something else to keep my mouth from talking.” he said with a wink before looking at Sera who had moved on to talk about the Pegasi at camp. Demi made a big X with his arms alongside a buzzer noise.

”I can't go near those beasts. Everyone thinks ‘oh but you're a child of Zeus you must love to be in the sky’. I hate it. Unless I'm the one doing the actual flying, I get such bad vertigo it makes me feel like I'm bout to chunder. Almost feels like when they were makin me in a little Demi-God pot they were taking the piss.” That's when Demi noticed Zeke's steps were slowing down, while Kiera and Sera made their way towards getting food, Demi hung back with his boyfriend for a bit. ”Oye Big and Little Blue, go on without us we'll catch up later k?” He turned to face Zeke, clasping both hands in his. ”You ok Z? If it's about me looking like your siblings, don't worry I won't, though if it's about this trial
maybe don't go? We aren't Roman, it isn't our place. To be honest
I don't even know if I'll go. I knew Leandra back at New Rome. She wasn't like the monster we met in the Hotel. She helped me, and
I don't think I could stand to watch them do whatever it is they're going to do
” Demi wanted to say more, to say she wasn't bad and how she had been bullied by the other senate members a lot, and how she had nothing nice to say about Nancy, but he knew that would cross a line.
Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max figured he probably should've been more descriptive in his speech. Having misunderstood what the others were saying, while he definitely didn't mind the atmosphere of 1800's London, he'd more meant he wished for the game to be like Sherlock Holmes. Piecing evidence together and jotting what they thought down in a notepad without the aid of a list of possible items or suspects. But he wasn't going to argue about having a handicap like this, so he took the pad from Mira and watched as one by one everyone began to enter the game proper.

He'd stepped inside, and the world around him had shifted. He could practically hear the sound of rain pitter pattering outside, softened by the windows and walls of the building as it collided with the pavements of Baker Street. London was always so dreary, more so when there was a murder afoot. After all, every good murder mystery happens during or just before a storm. Max looked at his data pad, and started to glance around from where he stood. Before him was Hyde Park. A lovely little thing with fall leaves fallen down onto the ground and a center fountain for people to converse by. To his right, or the fountains left, seemed to be some form of in home museum, the view of bones barely peeking through the angle of the opening from where he stood, and to its exact opposite was a disheveled room with books and pages strewn here and there, some even on the floor. No doubt the room of the famous detective himself, Holmes. ”Right then. I believe this atmosphere is perfectly adequate for our endeavors tonight. Should a concerning crack of thunder followed by an all too illuminating flash of lighting occur, then I believe we'll be that much closer to an answer
or that much closer to death ourselves.”


Hermes didn't want to ignore his uncle, after all doing so may cause more worries than anything. So he fished out his phone from his pocket and placed it on the kittens belly, allowing the small cat to wrap its tiny paws at the edges of the screen as he typed away a response. ”Everything's fine. I think we are nearing Mandy's soon. One of my classmates is with us too.” Hermes didn't know how to answer Mandy's question. Cannibals, at least to him, suggested that they were either a tribal being that cannibalized other humans but within the safety of their own society, or were just a regular Joe that walked around like anyone else would but ate people behind closed doors at home. Maybe Elios family was like this, but if they were that didn't explain the rabid look nor the sudden arisal and craving for flesh that Coach had.

” I don't know. None of this makes sense. I don't think cannibals, I think somethings wrong. Think
” Hermes paused for a moment, the idea too ridiculous to even want to say (or sign) aloud. ”Like something out of a scary movie. Maybe a viral infection like rabies? Or maybe it is rabies? But one so strong that it has an adrenaline kick big enough to wake the dead? Or it could be fungal. There are parasitic fungi that control their hosts after killing them
but I didn't see any mushrooms on them. Unless Elio ate some thinking it was drugs but it contained the parasite.” He speculated. Having stopped at several points having to interweave fingerspelling for words he didn't know or think would ever come up in conversation. Unfortunately they were also long words and he hoped Mandy didn't miss any as she focused on driving. They'd reached her place, and Hermes placed a hesitant hand on the door handle. Worried he may encounter others like those two all the way out here.
Dorian Gray

Location: Mario World
Skills: Work Out Fit

All Dorian could think was ”You look like you'd aggravate and then ask it for an arm wrestling match” But he kept his mouth shut. He could hear her talking from the other room, not like Gideon was being particularly quiet in there. But to be fair she was playing and asking questions much like how other players had done so in the lobby. It was almost guaranteed to have at least one Gideon within your group. They either died first or survived the longest as their actions endangered everyone else. ”Bless ‘er ‘eart. Gideon means well, I just t'ink t'is isn't ‘er element and so she is tryin’ to act tough.” He said, trying to calm the nerves of his teammates from her actions as he noted Mary's pursed lips.

Now they had come face to face with something Dorian didn't know. He'd played so many hours of Phasmaphobia, but even then you were guaranteed to encounter everything within the game. He wasn't one to spoil his own fun, and looking at this music box before them, he wondered if maybe he should have after all. An in game item he'd never seen
it was so tempting to just pick it up and figure it out himself. That first play through jitters coursing through him as he tried to think of what it may do. Sabine said it was cursed, and connected to the spirit haunting this place. It gave Dorian a few ideas. ”So, cards on t'e table. I ‘ave never once encountered t'e music box. So no idea as to what it does or what t'e curse is. I ‘ave a t'eory, and also a plan. If it is tied to t'e ghost as Beanie says, per’aps t'at means t’at playin’ it brings it to us? Like a callin’? T’ats kind of ‘orror 101. We could protect t’e room and set up traps to get information t’at way if I'm right and it comes, we get t’at much closer to solvin’ t’is t’ing.

I could also try to just
go ghost and see if maybe i could see t’e ghost in t’e ot’er plane and try to talk to it. I could also ask you two to step out of t’e room and I risk it all myself wit’ t’e box. I ‘ave t’e most lives next to Sabine but I ain't about to risk mon ami over a ‘unch.”
Dorian said as he sat down on the bed of the room and threw himself back, looking at the ceiling as he prattled on. ”What do you say?”

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Zeus Cabin

”Yeah yeah, sorry about the wait Kiera. Wasn't quite ready to get up just yet but I dragged myself out anyways.” He joked towards her before turning his attention to the other daughter of Posiedon. He hadn't gotten to know her all too well, and from what he'd seen her presence may not bode well for them all. The children of Hades have receded, and now both the Zeus and Poseidon cabins had two children each. If he had to hazard a guess, either something big was about to happen, or there was about to be a war. He didn't voice these concerns of course, just let them sit in his mind.

Demi felt as Zeke's fingers laced into his, holding them as he smiled. ”I could easily stay over at Apollo Cabin. There's just more privacy in mine. I mean, unless you want to have all of your siblings watching our every move? Besides I'd have to look like one of them just to avoid the bat. So you'd be making out with me while I looked like your sister, or brother. While we try not to think too hard on Demi-God relations I don't think we are quite that Alabama here.” Demi joked in response to Zeke's suggestion. He knew Zeke hadn't actually intended for him to spend the night there, but he took the opportunity to tease his boyfriend all the same.


” Obviously I don't want you becoming Coach Chow. I was just saying you maybe a little tact next time, though it appears your timing was impeccable given the new guest we have trying to enter into this car.” Hermes spoke, not bothering to sign it as it was all intended towards Hannah. He hadn't expected his cousin to talk, let alone shove a cat into his arms, so the suddenly noise had him jump slightly in his seat before realizing there was a small bundle of fur now tucked into one of his arms. Signing was about to get a bit more complicated with a cat in arms, especially with his cousin asking for details. He'd expected to go over them during lunch, but now seemed the right time.

”I was at school, heading to my gym class, when as I started to get ready, I heard some sounds. Thinking a student got hurt, I went to check it out and saw tons of blood and our Coach, the man who attacked our car just now, dead on the floor. The kid seemed to be extremely hungry, lunging at anything that moved.”

”I was at school, heading to my gym class, when as I started to get ready, I heard some sounds. Thinking a student got hurt, I went to check it out and saw tons of blood and our Coach, the man who attacked our car just now, dead on the floor. The kid seemed to be extremely horny, lunging at anything that moved.”

He tried his best to sign what had happened, slowing down at some parts as he tried to gather his thoughts into one place. When he finally stopped, he allowed his free hand to pet the kitten absentmindedly.
Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max was about to suggest the Mansion setting, namely Xavier's Mansion. A place most all of them would be familiar with so as not to get lost. He knew parts of it, mostly the notable locations within the building but even then he spent most of his time back in New Orleans with his family. But from the sounds of it, everyone else wanted it to take place somewhere else outside a mansion or manor. He tried to think on it, and a huge part of him wish he'd known this aspect ahead of time. If so he could've had an archeological themed Clue in where everyone dressed like a character from The Mummy, (Brendan Fraisers version of course).

”I'm fine with it being outside of a Mansion setting. Could Do Beach Side Resort or House, or a Mummy's Tomb. Worlds our Oyster really.” He chuckled at Jacklyns play on words, thinking for a moment before he came to an answer for the rest of the questions asked. ”Sherlock Holmes version sounds great. It'll be all the more satisfying that way when I beat Perry at her own game. No offense darling, the decks just stacked in my favor is all.” He said with a playful grin. This was shaping up to be an exciting evening of fun for them all.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Zeus Cabin

Demetri was more than excited to have Zeke alone in the cabin with him. Already turning back to enter when suddenly Hedges voice boomed over them. Demis shoulders slumped, a frustrated sigh escaping him with a hiss like steam jetting out a pipe. It appeared that even with Kieras help, Zeke still wasn't willing to budge. Afraid to get another taste of that bat as most campers were. He turned around once more to face his boyfriend, before planting a kiss on his cheek. ”Right give me a sec then. Just gotta brush my teeth and take a cold shower I guess. Since someone isn't coming in because a certain goat is a spoiled sport.” He said in a low voice so only Zeke could hear before sticking his tongue out in the direction of Coach Hedge.

He wandered back into his cabin and did just that. Pulling out a pair of clothes from his trunk to set aside for the day before deciding to save on time and brush his teeth while he showered quickly. After a small amount of time, he emerged with wet towel dried hair and his usual attire of black. This time he kissed Zeke in ernest, quickly pulling him in by the waist as he gave him a deep kiss before letting go. ”Morning babe. Hey Kiera! Thanks for trying to look out for me, that was Ace. Even if some people didn't follow through.” He said with a laugh as he bumped his shoulder against Zekes. ”Let's get some food. I'm starving.”
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