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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"well I could demote you to tier 4 if you would like?" He smirked walking forward closer to the first row of desks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"These losers" he says," Kicking his feet up on his desk and leaning back in the special desk, Dallas looked over at Jay. Dallas was leaning back, his head resting on his arms, as he looked the kid over, "What is your power? To be stupid? No snotnosed kid like you could even comprehend this Club's goal. Not only did you start a fight with a senior member, and fail, but you obviously don't know anything about everything. No way a brat like you could manage ruling over anything but a watered down anthill, idiot," Dallas was quick to comment on Jay's whining. Dallas felt the brat should feel insulted. He was a joke. There was no way someone like this kid should even be here. He was probably lost just like the other girl.

"I hope I'm not the guy that will have to help such a pathetic mess like you how to act in this club. Especially if you are really brave enough to insult half of your teammates without any care. You are just a large pile of expendable fodder, if I do say so myself," Dallas continued on, just as usual. He was always the sort of guy that was quick to insult and hard to impress. Hopefully Jay wasn't the sensitive sort, else having someone like Dallas around would be a constant pile of hurtfeelings.

"Ey Flint, what's with these lamewads?" Dallas would ask, shifting to an almost appropriate sitting position, leaning his face in his palm and his elbow on his desk, "Who's recruiting weak ass pansies?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

"What did you say, wimp?" asked Jay, not actually looking for an answer. There was no way he would let a kid like him go on insulting him like that.
"Hoo, I bet you think your way better then the rest of us, just because you've been here longer. That means nothing, you hear? It means that everyone else here knows your tricks, where I can have all the stuff up my sleeve I want. The only reason you're not lying flat on your ugly mug is because I have the decency to listen to the leader when they're talking!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Flint smacked his hand down on the desk "Listen up! we will have no arguing in here. How are we supposed to fight an enemy when we keep ourselves occupied by fighting each other!" Flint took a deep breath and then sighed "maybe a bonding exercise will help out the class..." he muttered aloud to himself as he pondered. Propping his glasses off the rim of his nose once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 4weekcoma
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4weekcoma dick cheney made money off the iraq war

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ash listened to her music through headphones. She sat on a bench, miming the lyrics of the song. It was a pretty regular scene, Ash was very into her music, and she didn't care if other people saw that. She began to mimic the bass line, acting as if she was holding an actual bass guitar. Most people would be embarrassed of doing anything like that in public, but Ash liked to think of herself as more carefree than other people. Someone walked by and stared.

"What do you think you're looking at?" Ash snarled. The girl moved on quicker. Ash shouted to her. "That's what I thought!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Wimp?" A scoff escaped Dallas as he sat straight up. He was about to explain, in detail, just who the wimp was here. It definitely wasn't the higher number that was for sure. Dallas shut his mouth when Flint demanded attention to the rest of them inside. It somewhat annoyed Dallas that he wasn't going to be putting the kid in his place, but at the same time Dallas had no problem letting it go. He wasn't going to be bothered with Jay...For now. He could take care of the kid later. Right now he needed to pay attention to the meeting.

Though there was one thing that Dallas definitely wasn't in agreement with.
Everyone here didn't know his tricks and, even if they had, Jay would know none of them. Dallas didn't go around flaunting his power and, the few moments he did, he demonstrated a dangerous capacity for destruction and violence. Even if everyone had a clue as to what he could do, that meant nothing. That didn't mean that they would be able to stop him should he wish to utterly annihilate them. Just because you could see a tornado, know what a tornado is, and collectively, the whole group was aware of what tornadoes were capable of did not mean that you could stop one with your barehands. Such was the difference in a higher number.

"You have a point, teach," Dallas would say, coming to stand up, "Why don't we have an exercise? No. Better yet, why don't we have an initiation? See if these sewer rats are actually worth bringing in with the rest of the club?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I was thinking just that." Flint smiled "I know from my Intel that a group has began to form. One that wishes to oppose our upcoming plans. We do not know how many of them are there, what powers they have, if any. All we know is that there headquarters are situated in the woods nearby. The mission for you all is to find out and help answer these questions we need to know numbers, powers, times, whereabouts all of these answers will need to be answered so that they will not get in our way." Flint walked over to the small set of drawers at the side of the room. He began to remove maps from one of the drawers and handed them out. "This is strictly a recon mission , any injury on either side will be severely punished." Flint remarked darkly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anita didn't care which one of the jerky boys won the argument, as they were both equally jerky. Hopefully they would both lose and suffer horrible fates. Perhaps it wasn't good to wish that on her own teammates, but her teammates shouldn't act like they were. Only she should be allowed to stand at the top, and these two were acting far too high and mighty for their own good. Anita was peeved both by this, being literally kicked out of her seat, and her low ranking according to the teacher. In the end they would all see her greatness and bow down to her. The highest they could get was to lick the bottom of her boots. Mark her words.

As they got the assignment she was now more eager then ever to do the best and start proving them wrong from the get go. She had luck on her side, which recon severely needed. Not wanting them to leech of off her success by following her around, she was quick to exit the classroom and go her own separate way. Hopefully they would not try to follow her, although she couldn't blame them if they did. They were such low lives that they probably couldn't make it without her. Harrumph! Once she got sufficiently far from the clubroom, making her way back into the main school building, she darted behind a corner and peeked out to see if anyone had followed her. By now the halls were mostly empty, as the students had either left for the dorms or were in their own clubs. Finding anyone suspicious would be all the easier now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jay ran out the door almost right after Anita, but went the opposite way down the hall. He jumped out a window and headed towards the woods, where the rumors said the Counter's hangout was. Once he was hidden from view, he looked around once more to make sure that nobody could see him. Nobody did. His skin began molding, his bones cracking. Within a couple of seconds, he wasn't Jay anymore...

Dave walked calmly out of the woods and looked around. He sure didn't want any of those stupid "Dark Clubroom" people knowing where the Counter's base was. He walked inside, smiled and nodded at the receptionist, and went up to where the Counter's hide out was.
"Sorry I'm late, guys," he said to the other two who were in there. He sat down on a chair and looked around.
"It sure is a cool place here,"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Flint smiled at how eagerly everyone seemed to be about the mission. After all the students had ran out he followed slowly behind them. Humming a tune softly to himself as he went to investigate in the schools files. Getting to the student information room was easy and with a swipe of his card the door opened showing him the many filing cabinets. He began working, looking for not only his own students but anyone who may be part of counter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Suvoshi Wonderland.
At first glance one would see a well set, beautiful, young woman that was the advisory teacher for classroom B-12 and a chemistry teacher for various sections. She was a predominately admired woman and that wasn't simply because she was easy on the eyes, but because shew as one of the staff members that was in on the school's little secret. That this school was gathering some of the most gifted of power users and training them to tap into their innermost powers so that they could carve their own futures with their own tiny little hands. Recently, however, things have changed. Rumors of a dark guild of power users, with extraordinary talents, have come to be a threat to the rest of the school and, potentially, even the whole world. Still, they were mostly just rumors....Though Ms. Wonderland did not intend on dismissing them as just that.

Due to her suspicions, she developed a unique group known as the Counter. Their purpose was to act as somewhat guardians of the school under the guise of ordinary students. She used her precious students to investigate matters that she could not and, through the many months, she found that the shadowy group was more than just a rumor. They were more than that and she knew, immediately, that she would have to stop them.

Even if that meant that she was possibly putting those innocent youths in unprecedented troubles.
It was all for the greater good, she knew.


Ms. Wonderland was uncharacteristically late today. It was so unusual for her to be anything but 10 minutes early. The more senior members of the Counter most likely would have been a little confused that she wasn't already waiting in the classroom for them. However, exactly 15 minutes late, the familiar sound of high heels tapping on linoleum echoed up and down the hallway beside the room. The woman would walk in, holding a cardboard box at her side. The box was a fair size, about 4x4x2, making it look like some sort of board.

"Hello everyone," She'd greet, her voice a melodic chime. She had a high voice, able to reach the sharpest octaves with the slightest syllable, and it was caked with her Russian accent from her homeland, "Welcome to those of you who have never been here before. I think you for taking the interest to see just what we are all about," She'd grin a moment before turning around and opening the box she set down on the front desk. "We have a small mission for today. A simple training exercise. I know everyone has been trying hard, but this exercise will be to further your powers and practice your sparring aptitude. For some of you, this will be a simple task, however, for a few," She'd reach down into the box and pull out a doll, "This will be very difficult."

The doll had curly red hair, freckles, black button eyes, and a creamy peach colored skin. It wore a checkered dress of dark red, gold, soft pink and mahogany brown that fell down to it's ankles and on its feet were a pair of black, strapped flats. Most likely there wouldn't be a single student familiar with these dolls, but if there was someone who knew of them they'd know to refer to the doll as a Blitzkreig and they were not lightly named either.

Ms. Wonderland held for any questions, holding the doll in hand. If no one asked any she would begin the demonstration.
She pressed her finger into the belly of the doll, which caused an electric spark. The doll twitched a moment before it turned it's head to her. As it turned to look at her the doll's hair faded to brown, it's clothes matched the stylish brown dress Ms. Wonderland wore and the matching black heels, and it's skin tone, eye color and even curvature warped to match Ms. Wonderland. In an instant she was holding a duplicate of herself.

Putting the doll on the table it would stand on its two legs and look over the classroom.
"Now, everyone come up and grab a doll and do exactly as I did," She would instruct, motioning a hand towards the box of dolls.

As everyone came and picked one up she would place a finger on it, causing a spark, and the doll would warp to match whomever picked it up. John and Houston would have their own little duplicates before long. The doll would follow after them, typically standing or sitting in a matching position as them, and they would look at the original each time the original looked their way. Despite looking similar they did not have mouths, ears or a nose, so they were only so much alike their original.

When everyone had their own and were either back behind the computers or standing, Ms. Wonderland would begin the next part of the test.
"You all have by the end of today. The only goal is to defeat your doll. You may use any means to defeat them. Do not rush or be hasty, else you will end up harming yourself. Just...Think it through. This is not a test of brute force," She would say, leaning back on the front desk with her doll on the ground in a similar position. The two were looking over the class curious as to how they were going to go about this test.

"As you all contemplate doing that, I also want you all to know that we have heard," By we, she meant Counter's vast resources, "That the dark group has started moving again. They've been quite a while, but that most likely is only going to be trouble for us. For the next couple days be sure to be extra careful always. Do not let them find you out and, should you find them, be sure to come to me immediately."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Some unseen place next to the main school building...

A dark-haired boy is thrown violently against the hard wall of the school building, his arms desperately raised in a futile attempt to protect himself from his assailants. Surrounding him were a group of delinquent-looking guys and girls alike, each one scowling directly at the scum set out before them. Still, the boy didn't even glance at these thugs, the one his eyes were trained on was behind them, in the center of their group. The individual steps forward casually, and the boy finds himself shivering in terror. He whimpers out a few pleas of mercy, but they go virtually unheard by the menace standing now a mere foot away from him. Standing with one hand casually resting on her hip, the other one held ominously behind her back. This...girl, stood shorter than the boy she was effortlessly terrifying, her features besides her clothing weren't particularly terrifying, but that said nothing about the tremendous aura she was letting off. It felt as if she held the weight of a thousand men, with every step she took the earth seemed to shake, even her every minute movement seemed to carry with it the menace of an entire army. There was no mistaking it, this girl was...

Hideko Yoshida.

"So, this is the kid?"

She glares at the terrified boy straight in the face, but her words are clearly directed to the men and women behind her. Similtaniously, almost as if it has been rehearsed, all of the delinquents yell out in confirmation, one in particular takes a step forward and clears his throat, adressing their obvious leader directly-

"Yeah, this is the punk. The bastard cut in line to get in before me and the boys-" As he speaks, a few other thugs yell in agreement, voices filled with aggression and anger. Hearing the solidarity among his friends, he continues. "-and well, to be honest, it pissed us off. Soo...we told him, ya know, it's our spot right? Anyways, and this punk has the nerve to PUSH us. We thought that we oughtta deck the kid right then and there, but our man Terrance here-("Hey."), came up with the idea to bring him to the boss, maybe that ya could teach him a lesson on manners. So whattdya think, Banchou?"

There's a moment of silence while the girl called "Banchou" glares silently at the subject of her subordinate's enmity. They could all see what she held behind her back, but for the boy in question, this moment felt like an eternity, his entire body shuddered in suspense as he waited to see what the younger girl would make of him. Then suddenly, as if in an act of mercy, Hideko takes a step backwards from the boy and speaks up-

"From what I hear, you've been giving the boys some trouble, yeah?! Well, I'll tell you now, you can't just go around picking fights with anybody you find in the hallways! That's not cool! Now, since you fucked up and got carried here to me, I've gotta look good in front of my men, yeah?" The young boy falls to the ground, all of the life seems to drain from his expression as he stares, paralyzed in fear, up at the young girl standing over him. Slowly and deliberately, she brings her hand from behind her back to reveal what it was hiding...

A baseball bat.

Every detail of the bat was, along with the girl's face, burned into the mind of the poor kid. When her lips moved again, it seemed as if her voice filled the entire world with its tremendous reverberations-

"I'll teach this punk a lesson for you guys, yeah?! Watch this, you guys! This is what happens to people who mess with us!"

Grasping onto the bat with both hands, Hideko takes another casual step back and pulls back to prepare a swing. Crackling with a mysterious power, she carefully takes aim for the boy's stomach as he inexplicably stands to his feet again, she gives herself a second to gather the strength necessary to break him, and unleashes her half-power attack...

A few of her men that were standing close are blown backwards by the sheer force of her attack, the others are forced to brace themselves against the terrible, explosive might. A massive sound reverberates through the air, almost deafening those who stand nearby and sounding much like thunder to those at a distance. Smoke fills the dimly lit corner of the school, and when it clears, all those standing around can see the results of their boss's awesome attack. In one strike, the boy almost seems embedded in the wall behind him, his body shaking uncontrollably as electricity seems to course through his body from the place the bat had struck. A massive indent has formed around him, and standing on the only spot of ground untouched by the attack is Hideko Yoshida. She's smiling confidently and resting her hands on her trusty bat, strangely undamaged despite the tremendous power of her single-strike assault. Her body seems to glow with an awesome power, and once again her delinquent followers are brought to silence in awe of their leader's strength. Surveying the destruction, "Banchou" turns around and throws her bat to the side to be caught by one of her followers. Lazily putting her hands behind her head, she walks through the crowd of delinquents and calls out her orders-

"Lets go. I think he'll think twice before messing with us again, yeah? I didn't want to get his blood on my bat, so I held back a bit, he should still be alive."

With this command, the others cheer enthusiastically and form up around their leader, following her to whatever destination she might decide to go. Some of them were older, some stronger, most of them were even bigger than her. Yet still, she lead them with no issues, it was her charisma that brought them together, and it was her strength that kept them safe. They were not members of the Dark Clubroom, they didn't care for world domination or anything like that, all they cared about was following Hideko, and they would do that even if it meant walking into the gates of hell. That was the extent of their loyalty, even with their disdain towards authority, they belonged here, watching that small girl's back as she went on to shake the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The sound as if something had just exploded hit the student information room like a ton of bricks. The shockwave through the open window blew away the papers Flint was looking at. The sound seemed close by and as flint walked to the window he noticed where it had come from. Hideko Yoshida. He sighed looking at the drop below him. The filing room was two floors up after all, but, as the gang began to walk away, Flint hopped onto the window sill and began to fall down to the harsh concrete below. He made sure the bullied child wouldn't see him as he hit the ground. His left leg breaking almost instantly as he landed on it. He stood up and began to hobble, wincing slightly at the pain that rushed through his body. "Still running your little gang I see " Flint said out loud to Hideko. His leg had already began to heal. Slowly popping itself back into place then sealing up the shattered bone. The whole process took about twenty seconds but soon the leg was as good as new, the pain gone. "You should have been at the club room today. I have already told you how valuable you could be." Flint remarked testing out the new formed leg by wiggling it around a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hideko Yoshida
"Banchou" meeting with a mysterious Teacher; Somewhere alongside the main School Building.

When she hears somebody calling towards her from the nearby school building, Hideko turns around and curiously steps towards the voice. A man she recognized was standing there, not all that far from where she had just enacted her punishment. The man being a teacher, a few of the gang members who had heard his voice immediately turned around and tensed up at the sight of him, quickly getting ready to help their leader if she ended up in trouble. However, the moment they move to do this, "Banchou" lets out a cheerful laugh that fills the entire clearing. Energetically putting her hands on her hips, she smiles widely at the older man, speaking up in an absurdly casual tone-

"Hey there, Thomas, my man! It's great to see you here! I was meaning to come to today's Club Meeting, but I think the Club Room might have moved somewhere else when I arrived, because I couldn't find it at all." She trails off at this point, her face contorting slightly in confusion, as if she was deeply pondering why the clubroom had spontaneously disappeared. Suddenly, she seems to come to a realization, giving Flint a knowing look and edging closer to him in a blatant attempt to be inconspicuous-

"Wait, don't tell me, you've got some kinda job for me? Something top-secret?"

Meanwhile, the rest of her gang seems to take the hint and begins to disperse, splitting off into smaller groups and heading in all directions, each with their own plans and duties to attend to. Their leader seemed to have some sort of deal with this teacher, and they weren't about to start shit with him if he was Hideko's insider. Really, their leader was some impressive girl, having even the teachers on her side...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Um, Misses Wonderland..." John began to say with his hand up in the air, suddenly he felt a cold tremor through his body that stop him from continuing his question. He realized that his mouth was gaping and everyone was looking at him, which made him feel even more chilled, so he stuffed brownie in his mouth to stop himself from looking bad, even though it made him look worse, again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Flint smirked as the gang dispersed "I need you to do something for me. I need some volunteers to help us with the dark clubrooms intentions. Some pawns in this game of chess that I have began to play. They are not to know anything about the classroom but they should be willing to do what ever you say. In return you will be the general of this army that you will be creating. I am sure you have the means of recruiting... If you accept I expect by tomorrow evening to see a group of boys and girls in the main field beside the courtyard where they will begin there training." Flint turned on his heel to walk away, ending the conversation but staying still to wait for her response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Well, it doesn't look to difficult," said Dave, looking at his almost exact duplicate. He waved his left hand, the doll waved its right. He blinked his right eye, it blinked its left.
"Hm..." Dave thought, looking at it closely. After looking at it for a while, he walked up to it and held his hand up to the dolls face. It did the same for him. Dave then bit the doll on the arm as hard as he could. As the doll had no mouth, it couldn't bit him, so it ended up bopping Dave's hand with its head. Dave used the hand that the doll was trying to bite to grab it by the throat and push it to the floor. Because the dolls arm was in Dave's mouth, it was helpless. After it gave up, Dave got up and walked away.
"I guess I won?" he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ms. Wonderland looked at John a moment as he...Failed to ask his question, "That's Miss, John. Be sure to speak up! Being indecisive can be a dangerous trait. Have more confidence. As an added bonus, I will task you with an additional responsibility, John," Ms. Wonderland would say, though she wouldn't manage to get a word in edge wise before Dave's daring got the best of him.

Over on the other side of the room, Dave was approaching the task with an insightful idea. Why not use attributes that the little doll was lacking, correct? Only, the doll stopped mimicking Dave the moment the boy started acting more like a threat. It would, using it's finger-less plush of an appendage, thrust it's arm straight into Dave's chest. The little doll was most likely barely a foot tall and weighed a oh so intimidating 4 lbs. However, that fist that was sent straight for Dave's chest. It took advantage the moment Dave was coming in for the quick bite. Dave wouldn't have even gotten the chance to execute his doll munching. The Dave doll was strong enough to strike Dave with enough strength as to knock the boy out of his seat and four feet backwards and almost three feet in the air at the start. For a split second, Dave would feel lightless and a gruff pain in the center of his chest. As Dave was going to most likely be unlucky enough to meet with the back of the classroom wall before crumbling down on top of one of the computers in the back.

Ms. Wonderland watched a moment before returning her attention to John, there wasn't an ounce of worry on her face, "Upon defeating your doll you will exclaim, as loud as you can, a victorious shout!" Nodding in approval, she tasked John with the besting of his doll and now he also would have to scream a "Boo Ya" or a "Oh Yeah" upon the completion. He needed more confidence. Being shy wouldn't mean the members of the mysterious dark group wouldn't try hurting John. "Now, no more questions. You are to use your own devices to accomplish this task, no matter how you'd go about that." Without an additional word, or a pause to listening to just what John's question was, Ms. Wonderland stepped right out of the Counter's meeting room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hideko Yoshida
A continuation of Banchou's meeting with the mysterious man; Somewhere alongside the main School Building.

When Flint explains the details of her super-secret mission, Hideko can't help but laugh at what she thought he had missed. Suddenly pumping her fist in triumph, she dramatically gestures towards where her gang had disappeared-

"James, my man, you're in luck! I just happened to have already prepared such an army, so it'll be like no problem to get some people together. Just one thing..." Trailing off, a more serious expression crosses her face and she lowers her hands back down to her waist briefly. She jabs her finger at the teacher standing before her, pointing in a casual but otherwise menacing manner. When she continues, her tone is that of a warning and her expression nearly threatening-

"...if you think you can just use my people as you want, you're mistaken. I'll gather this army you want, but it won't be yours, those who gather will be my men, my women, and I will not allow you to treat them as nothing more than pawns in your little game. That's just not my style, ya got it? I ain't gonna shake the world behind an army of pawns, it'll be me out in front, kicking a million times more ass than the lot of them, fighting alongside them like equals. That's the kind of leader I am."

With these final, dramatic words, Hideko's appearance shifts back to the cheerful visage from before, hands on her hips, smiling cockily at her "superior". This conversation had managed to get her a little hyped up, so she was almost glowing with awesome power by this point, the very air vibrated with her every movement. Inside her, some hellish fire had begun burning, one that needed to be let loose or it might explode in the face of her conversation partner. If only she had somebody to fight, she might really be able to let loose...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Flint smiled as the young girl continued to talk realising just how well she was at bending peoples will and in this respect how useful she would be. "I fully agree to what you are saying I will let you lead your people just as long as you put the clubrooms intentions in mind." Flint adjusted his glasses on his nose as he looked to Hideko, seeing the raw power form around her as it rippled the air. "Also I just want you to think about what happens when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object" He began to walk away hoping the metaphor would have her understand that fighting him would be foolish.
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