Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anita Myklebust strolled confidently through the large halls of New Future Academy, not really bothering to look at the other random students of various ages who were also spilling out of their classrooms lining the wall as the bell signifying the end of their first day of school chimed out in an almost musical rhythm. As big as the school was it was beginning to get rather cramped rather quickly at the mass of children eager to get to their dorm or club rooms, almost causing Anita to get trapped and smothered within the river of bodies if not for her magical luck powers allowing a small space to open up right in front of her from which she quickly stepped inside.

"Yes, make way, make way, little cretins," she thought to herself, the youngest ones especially getting on her nerves at times. With how rowdy they could be, all the luck in the world couldn't save you from them, and obviously they were excited to have completed their first day of school here. There was some flying limbs and smashing bodies, but she managed to remain unscathed all the way through the main hall and turned off into a side hall that was far less crowded, allowing her some breathing room at last. She was going in a direction that few other students were, leading her across a bridge on the second floor leading to the outside, the transparent panels on all sides revealing the beautiful environment of the island. The clear blue sky, the radiant sea off to their left, and the healthy grass below and trailing off to the right into the forest. It almost felt like she was walking on air. Ahead of her was another building, this one mainly for facility purposes such as storage and other undisclosed things. At the end of the bridge was a locked door with a panel on the side. She got out her school ID card and swiped it, causing the red light to flash green and the door unlocking with a click. She stepped in side, looking behind her before closing the door.

One might have gotten lost in here, and with the security cameras all around they probably would have assistance running up to them before they wandered into anything they weren't supposed to. However, with her luck, even though this was her first time here she was able to make it to the clubroom during her wandering. The instructions she had been given were decent, but it was so difficult finding her way that it would surely get some people lost regardless. She ended up in the basement, where a single door was with another panel that she unlocked the same as the first. The room was rather dark, putting a literal name to the term "The Dark Clubroom". Her eyes had to adjust for a bit before she could properly see. The room was rather poor looking, with desks apparently taken from around the school that were no longer useable with too much graffiti, a leg missing, cracked, etc. There were some comfy looking padded chairs with drink and snack holders off on the right side, although for some reason no students were occupying them. Around six students were already here, scattered around the desks, while one younger boy was...sitting on one of the rocks off on the left side?! He was sniffling and rubbing his eyes. Eh? Better not deal with him. She ignored him as she made her way over to the comfy chairs, but for some reason the other students gave looks of horror as she did so, especially the boy sitting on the rock. What gives? Was there something she should know about?

"That chair is for outstanding students only," she heard an adult voice say. Her eyes darted around, trying to find the source of this noise. Where was he? All she saw was children and a black cat that was curled up on one of the comfy chairs. "Do not disobey the rules of the Dark Clubroom or you will end up like that little boy over there."

"Where are you?" She questioned, as she began to get frustrated for this man hiding around.

"You're looking at me," the cat replied, glancing up at her with an annoyed expression on his face.

She jumped back, taken by surprise. She was well aware of magic, that's why she was chosen for the Dark Clubroom, but could animals possibly have magic as well?! It would seem so. There was no denying that she saw his lips move to the sound of that voice.

"Ah, my mistake," she replied, not able to form any complex sentences in light of this revelation. She simply turned off to the right, taking her seat on the front row. Luckily she had found a desk that didn't have any structural problems, just some graffiti of an armadillo being road killed by a bus. After looking at it and snickering, she then took the time to examine the rest of her surroundings. There was a bowl of cookies at the front podium (could she risk going up to be the first one to get one?), a plastic box off on the back wall filled with dirt, rocks, branches, etc. and containing an iguana, and various posters with propaganda praising the Dark Clubroom and how it was their duty to kill any Counter agents they came across. The rest of the students looked relatively normal besides a higher concentration of Goths. There were some of all ages and both genders were represented just about equally. It was a rather small group for trying to take over the world, but these were just the first to arrive so there was likely far more who would be straggling in as they had more time to navigate the maze to get here. She got out a pencil, twirling it between her fingers as she waited for the club to start.


Houston's small body was trapped and squished against repeatedly as he tried making his way out of his classroom.

"Oops. Pardon me. Excuse me," he whispered to no one in particular as his fellow students bumped against him. Unlike Anita, he had no powers over luck, and in fact luck seemed to hate him. At least that's what it felt like. Abandoned hope, he who tries to go through the hallway right after classes let out. He could use his powers of imagination to imagine it clearing out for him, but that would take too much energy to force all of the students to relocate. That being said he just had to deal with it and hope that nobody would step on him, him being so tiny and all. Not that he wanted to admit such a fact. He tried to get away from the taller boys, but even after getting into a crowd of girls he was still outmatched. Somehow he managed to make it out still alive, as he was thrown from the bustling crowd out into the grass outside the school building. He lay on his hands and knees panting for a good couple of seconds before getting back onto his feet, brushing the grass off of his knees but still retaining the grass stains on them. He got out his map and followed it into a separate, high class looking building near the forest that needed his ID card to enter. It lead to a nice, open entryway with a smiling receptionist who directed him off to the left. He opened the door, revealing a large room with computers lined up along the walls and lots of swivel chairs. The room was spotless and white. Nice. Counter sure was rich. Hopefully they could put their vast resources to good use and thwart the evil Dark Clubroom from taking over the world. He took a seat near the middle and set down his book bag in front of the computer. He liked computers so he wasted no time booting it up, waiting patiently for it to load while keeping his eyes directly ahead of him, not even noticing the nearby axolotl in the tank or the dog.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 17 days ago

Flint was lost. He looked at the crude drawing he had been given and sighed heavily. "why does it have to be so hard to locate!" he said stressed out as he rotated the note and tried to find his bearings.
A few minutes later he found himself at the door of the dark classroom. Taking a deep breath he slowly walked in adjusting his glasses as the darkness loomed inside. He looked around spotting the grim faces of a few of them and really wondered if one never mind all of them had any power that could be useful. He sighed loudly and walked to the desk up front.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jay strolled down the hallway, not even bothering to get out of peoples' way. They got out of his way instead. He knew exactly where he was going, as he had a very good memory, and had looked at the map for quite a while. He arrived at the grungy little clubroom and looked around.
"I was expecting a better place for a hangout," he said lazily. He grabbed a cookie out of a bow, sat on a comfy chair(while ignoring the scared looks of some of the kids), and took a bite.
"I was also expecting less snot-nosed kids," he said with his mouth full, referring to the crying kid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by guyvolk


Member Offline since relaunch

Dmitri stalked the halls of New Future Academy mumbling to himself about poorly written directions and occasionally giggling at something only he found funny. Many of the students gave him a wide berth looking upon the rail thin boy with stark white hair and an unkind look in his eyes past with uneasy quiet, conversations dieing in their throats. He had managed to discern the location of the Dark Clubroom, But he had a theory to test first hence why he was wandering so.

He though he had found an ideal candidate when a boy stalked past him with an obvious air of malice. AN ideal Candidate!! he though,t quietly slinking behind the boy and following him. Sure enough his subject led him straight to where he had thought the Club would be and with out hesitation the boy entered. "Oooh Doc you magnificent man" Dmitri said to himself, a smile growing on his face "You've done it again!"

After waiting a few moments Dmitri strode up to the entrance to the Clubroom and after some fiddling managed to get inside. The appearance of the club left Dmitri rather deflated. He had expected racks with ray-guns and a wall covered in plans for world domination with a dooms-day device half assembled in the corner. What he got was a room filled with kids and half broken chairs. I am Thoroughly unimpressed He thought, but then his eyes fell upon the bowl at the front of the room The presence of cookies has drastically changed my perception of this room he concluded walking up and taking three before taking a seat on the floor next to the rock the young boy was crying on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 17 days ago

Flint looked to the new arrival and sighed once more. He felt like he had been sighing a few times since he arrived and realised it was because of how utterly disappointed he felt.
"that chair is for outstanding students only" he said aloud to him "and you have yet to impress me yet" he said as he pushed his glasses up the brim of his nose.
He looked to the fidgeting boy "I'm sure you can find a seat you know" he motioned to one of the half broken chairs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

"And you have yet to impress me. Are we not trying for world domination? This room seems more like detention then a secret hide out," Jay replied, pointing his half eaten cookie around. The man seemed to be the nerdy type, all talk and nothing to back himself up.

((Sorry for the short post, I'm not very good at dialogue >.<))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 3 mos ago

John was bored and a little scared sitting in the room that the Counter would meet in. He was scared because he was in a new, strange school where he knew no one but the dog, Golden Knight, in the corner, who was named by a kid with bad acne, thick glasses, and with a voice that made it obvious he thought he knew everything.(For some reason the dog would only respond to that name.) John was also scared because only yesterday he learned that he had super powers and was charged to help save the world from an evil club. Even though he was scared, the little ornate plates with brownies nicely stacked on them calmed him down. "These would sure be tasty with Nana's ice cream and fudge," he thought to himself when he took his first bite. On the other hand, John was bored because he had been siting in front of this computer that looked as if it was from the year 3000, to someone who had grown up on the third earliest version of Windows his whole life, for the past fifteen minutes. He would much rather be playing football with the other boys outside but, he felt a cold knot in his stomach even thinking about going out there and talking to him. Looking back, he wondered why he felt he needed to be there so early. He lied to the teacher that he needed to use the bathroom, which he felt horrible about, three minutes before class started, just to make sure he was on time.He had been sitting in the chair ever since he had made it to the moderate sized building from the grassy, but well kept, walk to meet the receptionist inside.

A few minutes later a short, nervous-looking kid walked in and made himself home at one of the futuristic computers and made himself at home. Johns mouth gaped open as he was about to greet the younger boy but his throat suddenly felt like ice so, he hurriedly stuffed a soft, delectable brownie into his mouth. Looking back, John realized the boy wouldn't have noticed if he didn't have his mouth full of brownie, some of it falling on his shirt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Casterly walked down the halls of the school, she had her head phones on bopping her head to the music, classes were done and it seemed like alot of her class mates were all in clubs, but no one would really tell her anything more then the obvious so she just felt it was some kind of club for elitist rich kids or something, she continued to walk the halls coming onto her locker "31...24....12" she whispered to herself popping the locker open then slide her back pack off her back and opened it to take out her book. "this will be day we wait for..." she sang to herself still bobbing her head to the music in her ears.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 17 days ago

Flint stood up and cracked his knuckles "well its hard to get funds for a secret club after all" he took a piece of chalk and wrote "Mr White" on the board then, using the register, began to write people names, leaving a space beside them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anita watched two odd figures enter the room in quick succession, one clearly being some sort of a mad scientist and the other some type of "cool guy" who had no regard for the rules. It was the later that she was more focused on. Why should he get to sit in a comfy chair and not her? Did he think he was better then her or something? Preposterous!

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!" She laughed regally, covering up her mouth and getting up from her seat. "And who might you be, to take such a seat when it's clearly only I who might deserve it?" She didn't really care about any such seat when she first came in, but the situation had changed and she couldn't take this sitting down. Literally. She walked over to the seat next to him, letting out a harrumph as she plopped down and crossed her arms and legs.

The black cat hissed angrily at the two. "A little anarchy is necessary, but you must also have the skills to back yourself up if you are to oppose Professor Flint or I. Do you believe you have the power to retain your spot there?" He questioned. His eyes were narrow, his hair puffed up, and his claws extended. "If you have the guts then by all means remain sitting, but you'll be lucky to get off as well as that "snot-nosed kid" over there."

Anita watched the cat carefully, unsure what to do. He was just a housecat cat, albeit one that could talk, so she could clearly take him even without her luck. She let out another laugh. "I'm worthy of this spot, thank you very much. Of course I can't speak for this whelp sitting next to me." She got onto his feet and turned to face him in a battle stance, her right hand issuing the "come here" motion found in certain fighting movies. The other students watched on in eager anticipation, their faces clearing showing that they believed a beat down was about to begin. Maybe, but it would surely be in her favor.

Houston glanced over to the boy on his left after hearing a munching sound. He had brownie crumbs all over him. Where did he get the brownie? His stomach began to growl. Embarrassed, he looked around until he spotted them near the front all neatly lined up. He picked one up, along with a couple napkins so he wouldn't meet the same fate as that other boy, and then got back into his seat. He didn't make any motion to acknowledge him, but instead went straight back to getting his computer running. It said all he needed was his username and password that was for the rest of the school, so he promptly entered it and was met with the desktop. One of the icons on the left side read "Counter" underneath it and was the picture of a glowing shield. It must be some program that was installed only on these computers. He was tempted to open it up, but he didn't want to get anything going before told so he just opened up a game of solitaire, bidding his time until the club activities began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 17 days ago

Flint finished his list ignoring the argument behind him. He turned on his heel and waited for the battle to ensue. whatever happened one of the kids would be beaten and that was enough enjoyment for him. He took a seat at the desk and put his cheek to his hand. waiting for whatever was about to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jay smirked as the man backed turned his attention away from him. Jay:1 Teacher man: 0. A girl who seemed to have been scared of sitting on the comfy chairs at first stood up and gave a laugh, and challenged him to a dual as if a response to a talking black cat.
"You must be one scared kid to be listening to a little kitty. What, did you're mommy tell you they were bad luck?" Jay asked, still staying where he was. However, he was prepared to fight if need be. He was just glad he went to watch the Olympics one year. He made sure to watch every winner very closely to get their abilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"31...24....12" A voice would say aloud, having seemingly materialized out of nothing directly behind Casterly. He repeated the numbers fairly loudly even. She would have felt a slight rush of wind and feel the eerily sensation of someone staring directly at her intensely. If she would turn around she would see just who it was that was standing ever-so-close to the young teen. He had brightly colored, seemingly glowing aqua blue eyes and had soft-as-silk mid-length black hair that looked a little gray in the bright light of this typical, high-school hallway. He was taller than her, despite being two years younger, and even with his button up dress shirt and loose jeans he looked as if he were quite a bit stronger than she was physically. Though, when it came to powers in this school, physique was hardly a hint as to just how strong someone was. Though, this boy was hardly just all show and no bite. Oh no. He had a slight reputation for being a little more than forceful and rough at this academy.

The boy hooked one of her earbuds out and, snatching them quickly, aimed to rip them right out of her media player. He was fast. In fact, his quickness was almost difficult to keep up with, even with Casterly being barely a foot away from him. He wasn't one that typically, or really even rarely, utilized his powers out in the open. It was an advantage he had that he was quick enough to get around without anyone even realizing what exactly was going on. That's how, despite having seemingly wrapped directly behind Casterly, no one paid him any mind. To the students here at NFA, he was too fast for their puny normie brains to keep up with or to even bother questioning where he came from.

"What kinda of genius says their locker combination outloud?" The boy, who Casterly may even know to referr as Dallas, would be twirling her headphones around. If she went to grab them back from him he'd snatch them away, quick and out or reach, and would take a half step back to continue twirling them around. He wasn't going to let her get her headphones back all that easily and, if she'd been here at least a year, she'd know that he was more than a little bit of trouble. It was unfortunate for Casterly that her locker was right beside his own and, just as unlucky, she'd been swapping out her books the moment he'd been coming to pick up his own bag. Dallas actually felt it was pretty fortunate for him, as he was going to have a little bit of fun with a air-headed noob like Casterly Kingston.

Pocketing her headphones, which he'd certainly do with his usual swiftness, Dallas would slam a hand on his own locker as he kept his deep, penetrating brightly colored eyes on the senior girl, "I was wondering," He'd start, about to say something as characteristically tool-like as he ordinarily did, "What's it like to be a country bumpkin? I always figured it'd be hard," He said, openly teasing. Dallas was a jerk. He always was a jerk. Casterly would have known he was going to be a jerk before he even opened his mouth to say anything. Likely, if Casterly did know about the two greatest secrets of this school she would have never been surprised at which side Dallas was on. "Oh-Don't think about it too hard, I don't want you to hurt your brain or nothin'," He'd laugh, beaming at what he felt like was a the smartest comment in the world, "You should drop out this school before you get yourself hurt," He'd begin turning his own locker knob, about to open his locker. If Casterly watched, she'd see that he turned the knob so fast that the numbers would have appeared a blur.

With a pop the locker would open and trash, a pair of black socks, crumpled up papers, and a backpack would all fall out. Dallas caught the backpack and slammed the locker shut again, not wanting the rest of the messy, disorganized catastrophe that was his locker to spill out anymore than it already had. Dallas had a simple, all black backpack that had neon blue straps with red Xs that were littered all over it. Casterly would know this, but each X represented one of the students that Dallas beat up in the single year that he'd been in attendance here...There was at least 17 all over the bag.

"Try not to get lost again. You aren't in the middle of the woods, you know," Laughing again at his own joke, Dallas planned to just leave her, just like that. He was the sort of arrogant guy that wouldn't have taken anything she said to heart and, because he did have some place to be, which he was already late, he was going to have to head out without the opportunity to enjoy more teasing at her expense. He couldn't mess around too long and, even if she tossed back an insult or a demand or, all the better, outright ignored him all together he'd have to be going soon. However, which most likely would be to Casterly's greatest frustration, Dallas was about to leave with her headphones in his pocket. Honestly, he'd forgotten about them. Likely, though, Casterly had not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Casterly did not hear the repeating of her locker code since her earphones were in, but her head turned when she felt there was someone behind her, before she even had a chance to take out her buds to ask him if he said something, they were torn from her ears and from her phone on the other end, she winced as they popped from her ears and she took a step back her back hitting her locker.

as her back hit the locker the area in the hall way around started to make people feel a unease, her powers of making those around her feel like she felt was something she had no control over nor even knew she had, she reached to grab her head phones back but they were jerked out of her reach "please give those back..." she asked reaching again to no avail. she knew the guy from reputation only and did not like that he had his sights on her "just give them back please...." she said again but watched as he pocketed them "those are mi..." she stopped mid sentence as he slammed the locker next to her but continued to stare at her.

"bum...kin?" her expression went from more fear to anger as he made fun of where she was from, and like before everyone around her started to feel the same but she held her own back she had a retort lined up and ready to lay into him with words like he was doing to her, but she couldnt bring the words to her lips, when she seen him open the locker next to hers, her heart sank was this what she had to look forward to all year.

her eyes went to his pocket where her earbuds were placed, she bite her lower lip she was at her boiling point, with not much said this guy who had the locker beside her tore her down and made fun of her, as she stood there silent taking the last of his insults about how she got lost around the school when she first got her, the hallway around here was thick with the feeling of anger and with out saying anything casterly tried to slap him across the face hoping even though he was fast he would not see it coming. "GIVE ME BACK MY HEADPHONES!" she yelled her face red and her eyes tearing up like it was her who was slapped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 17 days ago

Flint picked up the register once more and stood at the board as he began writing numbers next to the list of names from 2-4
JAY - 3
Most of them where 3 and 4 , two names had 2 beside them.
Flint placed the chalk down and waited for the students to settle down before he would continue.
"Well you should probably get this over and done with" he said to the two rowdy classmates as he folded his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anita wouldn't need a weapon for this fight. She stepped forward, reeling her right foot backwards as if to punt the cat out of the chair before he even had a chance to move. That would show him to doubt her "outstanding-ness"! However, he became only a black flash as her foot swung through what was now thin air, the cat appearing to have vanished out of existence due to her being unprepared to follow the movements of such a fast opponent.

"Whu-" she barely managed to get out in time before she felt like a cannonball collided with her chest, knocking the wind out of her sails and sending her stumbling backwards, clutching onto her poor tummy. How did he manage that? It couldn't have been luck because her powers were in full effect. Even with un-luck a little housecat had managed to strike her? Unacceptable! The flash slowed down as he landed back on the top of the chair. She could even see the detail of his fur again. Now was her chance! She lunged as quickly as possible with both hands reaching out to snatch him up and stop him from moving, but he was once again far too fast for her, smacking her on the forehead and leaving an obvious welt.

"Gah!" She cried out in pain, unused to such a sensation. This was enough force and shock to knock her onto her backside, limbs sprawled every which was as she was clearly, at least for a brief moment, stunned and seeing stars.

With the immediate threat taken care of the cat would then flip backwards and smack the back of Jay's head with enough force to send him tumbling out of it as well. If Jack left, or after this attack was completed, he would land softly onto his own comfy chair and start licking his paw, revealing that one of his claws had been unluckily chipped while he had stuck Anita. He examined it angrily before speaking.

"That's enough of that. Everyone take a seat at a desk while you can because there will not be enough for everyone. The latecomers will get the rocks. My name is Sir Darkclaw, and as previously stated, this is Professor Flint. He will be your official teacher among the Dark Clubroom, while I am mainly here to observe that everything is running smoothly. That being said, I leave it to you, Professor." He waved his uninjured paw his way.

Meanwhile, Anita had regained her senses after around twenty seconds. She let out a groan, rolling onto her stomach so that she could have an easier time pushing herself up onto her feet. That defeat was embarrassing. Her face was red now, and not completely a result of the welt. She'd show him. He just used unfair trickery, that's all, and she could have taken him in a real fight anyways. Now just wasn't a good time for her was all. She stumbled to the previous desk she had sat on, clutching onto her stomach. She flopped down, not in the mood to take out her school supplies yet. Hopefully Jay did remain over there in that seat and not take a desk because the only one remaining was right behind her. She couldn't stand it if such an annoying guy got placed there. If anything he deserved to sit on the rocks.


Houston eagerly ate at the brown while playing solitaire. This was such a delicious brownie! He would have wanted to get a second one, but then what if others see him and think he's fat or greedy? Of course he wasn't either of these things. At least he didn't think he was, at least not the former. Not that he was scrawny or anything!!! He was a good weight and not small. Not small...

He tried to get his mind off of his shortness and back to the tasty brownies and the game of solitaire. Unfortunately he was loosing, but he wasn't going to give up until he exhausted all of his options.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was fun messing around with weak kids like Casterly. Usually, Dallas found himself laughing and smiling away during the whole event, however...Currently, he felt different. He was strangely frustrated out of nowhere and that started to well up into outright anger. Dallas' happy grin transformed into a disgruntled frown and, as Casterly pleaded and commanded for her headphones, Dallas found himself getting more and more furious as the situation carried on. Dallas wanted to just reach out and strangle Casterly and toss her across the hallway. At this moment he was so upset with her that he contemplated just outright beating her up and adding yet another X to his bag.

However, as he turned from his locker, fuming as he was, he felt a twinge of another sensation. It was a sort of agonizing despair. It was an emotion that he wasn't exactly familiar with experiencing in this school. He always amp'd himself up to be tough, strong, sturdy and resilient, especially to criticism and apathetic when dealing with the other students here. He made himself not care about them, for them, or about what they did to himself. That was what he trained himself to do over all these years. However, there was a small crack in his fortification and he felt his wall crumbling steadily as a rare spurt of fragile emotions started to well inside him. When Casterly slapped Dallas, in his distraught state, he felt his own eyes seemingly water as, atop being physically assaulted, he felt astoundingly insulted.

It was when, as he was about to honestly start bawling, he realized what she was doing.
"You think that's funny, huh!" Dallas exclaimed, yelling loud enough that everyone in the hall would hear. His retreat towards the clubroom was thwarted as Casterly's daring projection of her ability deeply penetrated Dallas' body. The soft, meek, insulted emotions were overpowered by the fury and the anger and evolved into a hateful wrath. As Casterly's own aggravation was seeping into Dallas it melded into his own, doubled in size, and became a very dangerous vexation that made Dallas' own face become a little flushed and his eyes stare, unblinking, at the girl he was moments from pummeling. His anger was so obvious. Especially as he clenched and raised a fist in preparation to strike Casterly.

But then, as if Casterly had shared the most calming, relaxing emotion in the world, Dallas dropped his fist. He pulled out her headphones, held them out for her to take, before smiling again. His mood completely warped. He went from so angry that he was about to beat up the small framed girl to...Honestly looking happy. "You almost had me," He said, a cocky grin spreading on his face after saying that. "I'll see you later," He'd add, having been slapped hard enough that the print was only just now fading way. He was surprised really and, strangely, in an optimistically pleasant mood now. He as practically prancing away as if Casterly had given him her number or confessed her undying adoration for him. Likely, his huge shift would possibly confuse Casterly. It was a total flip from what he had been only seconds prior. It was as if he realized something and it had to do with her or something else.

Dallas would, at a completely human speed, walk away. He had to get to the meeting and he hardly ever used his powers in a fashion that others would be able to see. It was his pride that not many knew what his ability was and those that were unfortunate to know most likely knew what he was capable of was mostly because of some act of violence he enacted upon some poor, innocent, asking-for-it student.
Dallas walked through the halls, out of the main building, and out towards the little secret getaway that was the Dark Clubroom.
Dallas remembered the first time he'd been here. They were usually fairly selective on who they picked. You had to be a fair mix of strong, smart, and dastardly to be a chosen candidate for the domination of the entire world. Dallas went through many hoops and through various heights in order to become a part of the Dark Clubroom and he's retained his membership for almost a year now. He wasn't the most senior of the members, but he'd been in it for quite a while and, unlike those that were physically older than he was, his powers allowed him formidable might. He wasn't the sort of Dark Clubroom member you'd try making angry or standing against.

Still, even for a member of Dallas' standing, walking in to see a fight between them was more than unusual. Of all the things to instigate a fight with...The cat? It was some girl that Dallas couldn't recognize and soon, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize. It was pretty stupid to start a random fight with a veteran member of the Dark Clubroom...Especially if this was your first day.

"What is this?" Dallas would say, eyeing the girl a moment before looking over at Flint, "Still a dirtbag teacher huh? Bet you barely get around controlling your own arms and legs," Crossing his arms a moment, he waited for the Dark Clubroom instructor to offer a quick snide response. "I guess I can't expect anything else from a teach with a girly power," Dallas would say, walking directly in-between Anita and the cat, brushing passed Jay's desk, and took a seat in the desk for outstanding students. Because, according to Dallas, there was no more of an outstanding student than the Dark Clubroom's Speedster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Her hand tingled after it hit the flesh of Dallas, Casterly was shaking she never hit someone before not like that, she watched with a perplexing look from behind her foggy eyes as Dallas started to flip flop on emotions, she could see it on his face along with the red mark where she hit him, when he yelled she closed her eyes and threw up her hands to protect herself from being hit, tears rolled down her cheek as she waited for the hit when she thought of her dog spuddle for a moment to try to calm herself down.

slowly opening her eyes she seen her headphones held out to her and Dallas smiling and now she was confused but still scared as she timidly took her headphones back not saying a word. Casterly watched as he walked away smiling and when he was gone, she slid down the locker her back was pressed to now sitting on the ground pulling her legs into her chest. "I want to go home...." she all she said to herself she hoped that she would never see Dallas again but knowing her luck the "I'll see you later" remark was going to come true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 17 days ago

"Ah Dallas so nice of you to finally arrive" Flint said bitterly as he began to explain the board
"On the board you will notice the name of every class member here with a number beside their name. I have took it upon myself to rank each of you in a number of tiers"
Flint paused for a second to make sure everyone was listening.
"Tier 1 are students that are so destructive that they can easily destroy the world without any other help. This could be considered over powered."
"Tier 2 are student who have high potential to helping us take over the world.
"Tier 3 are students who have ....some .. potential given the right training"
"And tier 4 will need.... a lot of work..." Flint said, embarrassed almost at what some of these powers where.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jay watched with interest as the cat zoomed around so fast it was almost impossible to seem him. After beating the girl to a pulp, he landed a hit right on Jay's forehead, however it didn't hurt a lot, more like a spanking a mother would give to a naughty child. Afterwards, the cat leaped back to it's perch and started licking its paw. Jay rubbed his forehead, ignoring the other boy who sat in the outstanding students section. Before he could move to a different seat (not that he was), the teacher began talking. He said stuff about the tiers.
"So you mean to say that I'm the same tier as these losers?" he asked, sounding insulted.
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