Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 18 min ago

Gredy Silvertongue

Some people might have felt bad or felt awkward at the manner of which Rua Zo held himself. Gredy was not one of them. He had tried to give the other trainer a chance to walk away with his dignity intact but if he was going to force the matter then all bets were off... a rule that quickly went into effect when the 'trainer' in front of him leaped at him while shifting into a form that was clearly not human... with rather large looking teeth.

On pure instinct Gredy panicked and swung the one that that he had on hand to try and sheild himself from being savaged by his animistic attacker; his bag. There was an awful tearing noise as fabric encountered the pokemon's attack before the items that were inside of said bag fell to the ground and bounced in random directions, some of the smaller items never to be seen again.

Once the situation had calmed down enough that Gredy could get a chance to look at what the hell was attacking him, he could quite clearly see that it was a pokemon... a Zorua as the pokemon called himself. "...Well, at least you showed enough thought not to call yourself Auroz. Credit where its due... you sneaky little twerp."

Quickly glancing at the two wild pokemon that seemed to be on his side in order to get a better idea of what the current situation was, it was easy to see that the Noibat had already started the battle off. A part of him wanted to do the whole 'trainer' thing and start shouting moves for the two pokemon on his side to use, but he was well aware of the fact that they didn't have to listen to him... at any rate he didn't know what either of them could actually use move wise...

For now he was just going to have to let them take care of it... at least till he had some guidance or advice that might be helpful.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The bag sadly teared. Zorua wish to bite on the broken strap and carry it away now unreachable. As the trainer used it to protect himself, making the scratch instead of hitting the strap, cut open the side of the bag, spreading all of the items from inside out. The pokemon avoided getting harmed from the swing, eyes on the trainer as Gredy respond to him.

He was praised.

Zorua giggled, his tail swung happily for a moment. The last few words not really affecting him as he was called much worse from wild pokemon.The only thing the dark pokemon heard that mattered was the praise. He liked it, his eyes focused on an item that just had to be the trainers wallet. There was a potion as well not too far off. The glass spray being fabricated to be sturdy. He sprinted towards the wallet, ready to bite it and retreat from this place. On his way he was interrupted as the orange blur came in front of him and used her own scratch. Unprepared for battle the attack landed over his face. He winced at the stinging sensation over his nose and under his right eye. Her claws were sharp and she wanted to harm him.

Zorua did not like that pokemon at all. Before he had time to leer at her. The ghost gang up against him as well. Unaffected as it appeared to his words. Reasoning simply that he was a bad pokemon and should suffer for it.

Was he bad?

Zorua never thought of himself as bad or evil, he simply wanted to cause surprises and eat ice cream.

Is that bad?

He couldnt avoid the confusion ray, feeling the ray hit him fully, he tried to resist the status inflicting ghost attack. Maybe he was really evil. He couldnt shake it off, his crystal blue eyes became glassy and obtained a un healthy red glow. The world around him didnt make any sense. Bad pokemon, do bad things. Everything was out to get him, the earth itself shivered and moved as if it was a pound on a windy day. Revenge is bad. He could hear laughing and sneering at him and he launched himself at one of those shapes. Promising he will get revenge on both those pokemon and trainer. He will find a way to get stronger and then they will be the one paying. Revenge is a cold dish.

In reality the dark pokemon swung on his feet after the confusion set in, wrapping the world he was seeing. He stared at a empty spot and launched a scratch that wasnt even aimed at the spot he was staring. It landed on his own front leg, causing Zorua to cry out in pain, losing his balance and tripping over the wallet and landing head first into the pokedex. The dark pokemon kept on shaking his head trying to break out the confusion.

"Noi!" Zorua called out, weakening the hold of the confusion enough to remember he had a friend. Hoping she at least wouldnt betray him.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 2 days ago


Noibat watched as the contents of the bag scattered, and while that was fine and dandy, she almost froze in the air as events started to unfold. Distract by the trainer's wallet, Z got hit by that Charmander bitch's scratch attack, disorienting him a bit. This allowed the ghost type to land a confuse ray on Z, causing him to not only stumble around helplessly, but he also seemed to hurt himself. As her friend called out her name, Noibat felt a cold weight settle in her chest, the scene feeling all too familiar.

She remember how the day had started, a nice bright day in Viridian. Hydreigon, her foster father, had taken her out to forage for berries and some wild animals to make a meal out of. And then . . . they came. A pack of trainers, almost salivating at the sight of the rare and powerful pokemon before them. Hydreigon tried his best to fight them off, and to his credit, was mostly successful in sweeping whole temas with his overwhelming power. But with time came exhaustion, and as he cried for Noibat to fly away and not look back, he was dragged into a pokeball. Noibat had just barely managed to escape the trainers, who pursued her into the night, calling out for her to come and join her friend. It wasn't until morning broke that they ;eft, having grown tired of the effort, laughing and bragging about their rare catch.

The small child they left behind, now fatherless and alone, could only weep in sorrow. She cursed her weakness, knowing that if she'd been a little bit stronger, she could've helped fight them off. That whole time, as she saw her father get more and more beaten down, she wanted to scream. Scream so loud that they would all run, or better yet, so loud that they'd all die. She wanted them to go away. She didn't want them to get her. Leave him alone. Get away from him

Get away from him

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With as much power and force as she could muster, Noibat screamed out a high intensity wave of sound that, thanks to the acoustics of the alley, reverberate through the air at such a high frequency that the glass all around would suddenly shatter, carpeting the ground around them with dangerous shards of broken glass. Not only that, but their heads would probably feel like they were in a vice do to the sheer volume of the screech, hopefully leaving her an opening for her next manuver. Tucking her wings in, she'd dive bomb past the Charmander and Phantump to grasp Z by the nape of his nexk, giving a huff of exertion as she lifted off with him, not going into the sky above, however, but making a quick detour into one of the nearby buildings that now had very broken windows. Shifting into human form as soon as she was inside, she'd run through the building, thankfully abandoned and rundown, and proceed to make her way up to the roof, which was only a few floors above.

From their, she'd start to carry Z above the rooftops of Viridian City, shifting between Pokemon form and human form to cover more ground before exhausting herself, as her pokemon form wasn't that strong and Z's was almost as big as her. Hopefully, she'd have lost the Charmander Bitch and the others by the time she finally collapsed on some random building, she didn't know which, hugging Z closely to her. She didn't say anything, just taking solace in the fact that her friend was with her, that he was safe, and that he wasn't going anywhere and she wasn't going anywhere, and they'd all be safe and happy forever.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Charmander ducked at once when Phantump yelled at her to do so, the ghost pokemon's attack brushing over her, and Charmander rolled away, and up. She quickly snatched the wallet up, plopping it in her own mouth and biting down on it to keep her hands free. Yet it seemed she didn't need to worry, as the Noibat seemed to freak. Charmander clasped her paws over her ears, She snarled, and when it was over, both bad pokemon were gone. Charmander sighed and spat the wallet out, returning it over to the trainer.

"Sorry its wet" She said, "You shouldn't be so niave. There are a lot of bad people out there, and there's bad pokemon too, I guess" She looked over at Phantump "You were great. Thanks for the help" Charmander felt awkward, feeling like there should be something more, still quite unsure why she had helped this trainer.

She shifted, and then said "Bye bye now, Don't go getting yourself into another trap, can't spend my life chasing you forever to save you" She smiled, and started to walk off, quite unsure where she'd go from there. @Raijinslayer@TalijaKey@Bright_Ops@Ashevelendar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jaden Locke: Viridian City -> Trainer House(Room 4)

After a trip to the local Pokemon center -during which Jaden got chewed out by the resident Nurse Joy about his reckless behavior and how long it took him to get proper medical attention- the duo would find themselves in a rather nice single room at the trainer house. Jaden couldn't believe he was allowed to stay in a place like this for free, cause while it was the sort of opulence he was used to, it was still pretty nice and cosy. With a bed at one wall, draped in thick green blankets, and a very nice desk placed near the opposite side, Jaden couldn't help but feel a bit guilty staying here for free. He almost couldn't believe.

Resisting the urge to scratch at the bandages at his head, Jaden pulled out the two pokeballs from his back, pressing the button before tossing them into the air. With a bright flash of light, out would pop the two pokemon from before, all healed up thanks to the Pokemon center, though the Skorupi was still missing her hair. Jaden would be seated in front of the two pokemon, legs crossed and giving them a big welcoming smile.

[color=Ivory]"Well hello there, my new partners. My name is Jaden, and this is my first partner Vix," he'd gesture in Vix's direction, where she may be in the small room. "If you both will have me, then I'd be more than glad to be your new trainer, but first, I must ask you guys a question. . . do either of you have names? If you don't feel free to choose one for yourselves, as I'm telling you, I'm terrible at it."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viridian city->Outside of trainer house in view of room 4

Pikachu wandered in his pokemon form. He was a bit smaller then most pikachu, but that was to his advantage. After all the small size enabled him to sneak about the city at his leisure. Especially when there was apple stands. He would always manage to sneak off with one of those fruits while the seller wasn't looking...or even the customer. The best time though were when he was able to snag lollipops from children who thought he was....He shuddered cute. He loved lollipops, but being called cute grated at him. He isn't cute. He is a fierce electric type that happens to be slightly smaller then a cat. He shook himself enough of that.

The ball of yellow appeared to be holding an apple as he walked on hind legs. He stopped by the trainer house and plopped down under a tree before biting into the delicious fruit. For some reason he found him self coming here often...as if he held hope that he would come back for his pikachu. Like that would ever happen. He was cast out and he knew it. The memories that were at one point happy suddenly turned sour, but he focused on the apple he had managed to swipe.

The electric type took a few more bites then wiggled his ears. He heard a voice. He turned and looked up at the room that held what sounded like a trainer to talking to their pokemon. He felt curiosity that was then stomped down by irritation. No...he wouldn't give in to curiosity and end up with some trainer again. He quickly looked away from the room ears swirled back. He refused to move as well...he was wild now he could go here if he wanted to. It wasn't like he was inside the place just right outside of it. His yellow form contrasting against the greens of the outside, the mostly eaten apple sitting in front of him. The way he was sitting made it look as if the apple had somehow offended the small fluff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


[On top of a rooftop in Viridian City]

He was falling, not always but at times the sky was reaching for him in angry puffs. The little dark pokemon was trying to break out of the confusion. Once he did managed to free himself he was confronted with Noibats smell all around him, with a good reason. She was hugging him close to herself. His face and front leg stung strongly from two set of scratches, when he looked at it he saw the small red lines where he hit himself with the scratch. He was sure his face was the same, it felt the same.

He was absolutely sure this was different than her usual happy flying tackle hugs she practiced. The main difference was that she was shaking, shivering. She looked as if she was in great pain. Did they hurt her, somehow? The two pokemon and trainer will suffer either way.

Zorua was unsure what happened with the fight, unsure how they got here, or even how long they were here. But he was sure his friend needed comfort. So he shifted in her arms a bit until he could nuzzle her under her chin with his soft fur. Hoping that the warmity will soothe the dragon type. He swung his tail, wishing he could do more than just be there.

He wasnt sure how much time passed but only when she looked fine again did the pokemon speak. "Next time you are the boss of the heist and I will follow you to the letter." He grinned, still in his smaller pokemon form he leaned up and licked her cheek.

"If I had any ice cream I would give it to you." Zorua added, knowing she would understand he was more than grateful she protected him, and this meant more than a thank you could express. She had his loyalty now, not only as a partner in crime or friend but as his pack maybe? He didnt know what word would fit it. Silently deciding that this was how it felt to have family, having someone to look out for him. As he always from the moment he remembered was alone. He was only a child even if he knew how to take care of himself...most of the time. He gave a lick on top of her nose. His ears twitching as he felt the stinging from moving his front leg.

"We should lay low in the forest for a while, in case they tell on us to the police." His eyes bright blue were happy and not longer having the angry red hue from before.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- Wild One Spotted!

Trotting alongside Jaden with an amused grin on her face, Vix could all too easily recall the thorough scolding that her trainer had got for waiting so long to get yer medical care. Even though technically it was partially her fault, the chance to use the back room as a place to change her clothes was certainly a blessing. Tipping her cap off however, she scooped a knife to fix a problem she was continually facing with it.

Taking the blade, she would cut two long slits in the cap and place it back on her head. Where much to her relief, her pair of foxen ears poked through. Adjusting it slightly for better comfort, the little Fox glanced over her shoulder as Skorupi and Marill came tumbling out of their Pokeballs.

Naturlly, the little girl moved to stand next to her trainer as they spoke, showing solidarity in spite of all the mischief she managed. With a coy grin, she listened in on the conversation that Jaden started, and even blinked in surprise as the Marill gave her own self a name rather emphatically!

"Azzie!" She squeaked, with outright determination as she placed her hands on her hips. "In honor of the awesome Azumarill I'll become one day!"

Vix nodded in agreement, as she was sure Jaden would likely approve. But then suddenly there was the sound of movement elsewhere. Her ears, now open and free sharply turned to hear the source more acutely. Her head didn't turn, as she didn't want to alert the newfound prey of her alertness to its position. However, she did move.

With a light smirk, she disappeared into a opposite hallway, following the long path around so that instead of approaching the rodent from the front, she would do so from behind. With light feet, she stealthily snuck up on him. Inching ever precariously closer until at long last she inhaled sharply and unleashed a burst of searing hot fire right past his ear. Leaving him unharmed, but hopefully startled as all hell.

"You don't smell of human," Vix quipped humorously, as she grinned and bore her fangs. "You reek of garbage and waste...are you wild, hm?" As she inquired her question, she readied herself for battle. Just in case the little rascal wanted to pick a fight.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jaden Locke & Skorupi: Trainer House: Room #4

While the Marill announced her chosen name and determination to grow with much vigor and energy, the Skorupi didn't seem nearly as enthused. Her light blue eyes watched as the fox scattered away after Arceus knows what, but since her knew trainer didn't seem to notice, she didn't feel the need to alert him. Instead, she thought about a name that she'd like to have, since she'd been given the choice.

"Jacqueline . . . call me Jackie for short." Looking up at her trainer, she reached a hand up to feel the singed bits of her hair, remembering how this man had taken the time to care for her when she had been his foe just moments before. "I'm glad that you saw it in your heart to tale pity on a former foe, Master, and I'll do my best to serve you to the best of my ability."

Jaden nodded as his two knew Pokemon introduced themselves, though the Skorupi's add on to that made him both blush and flinch slightly. He hoped that he'd be able to get her to stop calling him 'Master' soon, cause he still didn't like that title at all.

[color=Ivory]"Well, Azzie and Jacqueline, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I hope we grow to be good friends on the journey to come. Also, Jacqueline, I'd prefer it if you'd call me by my name okay? Being called master is a bit . . . weird, to say the least. At this, the poison-type tilted their head in what seemed to be confusion, the way she felt at where her ponytails had used to be not lost on Jaden.

"But isn;t it a form of respect to call your trainer 'Master', Master?"

"Well, in most cases yes but-

"Then there's no problem with me addressing you as such. You are my trainer, and because of this distinction, I must do as you say, support as best I can, and show you the utmost respect. To do any less would make me undeserving of this second chance that you've given me. Jacqueline's light eyes stared directly into his own, the earnest nature in them breaking down any argument he could come up with as the white haired youth let out a sigh of defeat.

Jaden couldn't help but notice that the Skorupi looked rather pleased with herself, in that self-contained, introverted way she carried herself with. Turning to ask Vix for some help on explaining the issue, he was instead met with empty space.

"Where did Vix go?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: outside trainer room 4
Interacting with: Vix

Pikachu twitched his ears. He then sniffed and sighed. Before he could turn and give a sassy remark to the trainer and what smelled like a Vulpix flame shot by his ear causing him to yelp (sounds more like a squeak in this form) leap up and spin landing on all fours staring at a Vulpix in humanoid form. Irritation caused sparks to start spitting from his cheeks.

He then huffed and where a small yellow fluff ball was now stood a five foot seven irritated humanoid version. He now leaned against the tree and looked at her fanged smile. He gave an eye roll. "I am wild...which means I get to lead my own life making my own decisions instead of being forced to listen to some pre teen" he gave his own surprisingly fanged smile back. "Speaking of where is your trainer pet" he clearly held some hostility toward trainers.

His humanoid form while taller then what would be expected showed more of how not fully healthy he was. The coloration of his hair and eyes were dull as if he had poor nutrition. His clothes fell somewhat loosely then what they once did showing he probably wasn't getting enough food. He still had plenty of muscules but they were harshly outlined. In reality he had been wild for a bit, but it was clear he had been tame before and for so long that he was barely surviving now.His lightning bolt tail was pointed somewhat downward instead of the usual upright.

He scooped up his apple and bit into it as he glanced side ways at the fox prepping himself a bit for battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rasa Elenua

[Viridian city]

After she was done with the pokemon center, Rasa was exploring a bit the city. She didnt check in the trainer house, instead she planned to put up camp just at the beginning of the forest. She didnt want to be spoiled with free food and place to sleep. In her mind it felt more like an adventure when she was trying to do everything with her own power. Which meant to take care of her own funds. She walked across the city and brought in the cheapest bakery a cheap sandwich.

She took a photo in front of the Viridian gym, and started her own first letter to her family. Rasa wrote about her rivals and her first battle against tugs. It started out quite interesting. She put her half finished letter in the bag, planning to send it once she crosses the forest.

Just when she made her way to the Viridian forest to put up a camp, she noticed in the park a fight. Two trainers were fighting. A crowd already formed around them. They both were strong trainers, a Kadabra was fighting a Dragonite. It was breathtaking, and the beginner trainer found herself watching them until a winner was proclaimed. They were rivals checking each other power before facing the final gym. Rasa smiled not able to stop herself from wondering if she and Alexis or Jaden would face each other like that as well, or maybe another trainer will become her true rival.

It was already getting late and the blond trainer continued towards her camping destination.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Phantump was happy when her confusion ray hit the bad Pokemon right where she wanted to. She let out a yelp when Noibat screamed and jumped in front of the trainer to protect him if needed. She didn't know why she did that. The trainer didn't helped her and she was still afraid of him but she simply jumped in front of him.

When Noibat took Zoubat away , Phantump took of the mask and smiled at the Charmender. " Good job ! You were great in the fight. If there will be a time when we have to fight each other, I shall respect you as a true fighter Charmender. "

She then turned to the trainer and looked at him, still a little afraid of him , she simply looked at him with determination in her eyes and then said " Don't trust bad Pokemon mister. Don't get fooled by their appearance. They were bad.
Why didn't you defended yourself against them tho' ?
" when she asked her question she had a confused look on her face. She couldn't understand why humans couldn't defend themselves.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- No Fun At All

Now that she had a good chance to look at the mouse, Vix's lips curled into a disapproving frown. He was almost practically skin and bones! There wouldn't be any fun in hunting him, she'd ager it would have ended in moments with little difficulty on her part. Instead, an unexpected feeling of [i]pity[/b] for the rodent welled up within her, making her scowl even further. It seemed Jaden's ability to try and do good had begun to wear off on her, and how annoying it was!

Growling internally at herself for a second, Vix's internal dismay grew into external discontent with a angered grit of her teeth. She looked lomg and hard at the weary Electric-Type preparing for battle; and then smoothly, all jer tension and urge to cause trouble fell beneath a layer of cooled complexion.

"Yeah yeah, I get it." She waved her hand dismissively. "From the look of it, amd the smell of it, you still stink of human. I have you figured out. Let me guess, your old trainer was a bit of a douche. Right? Look. Just bear with me, I'm not so great at this....whole er...being nice routine."

Nodding towards Jaden's general direction. Vix continued speaking. "My trainer is over there, though he technically doesn't own me. Consider us partners, I think" Quipping a coy grin, she continued. "He's a bit of a bumbling idiot, but he uas a good heart. Pokemon that work with him get to choose whether or not they stay in their Pokeballs. Like as you can see, I opted not too. He has a big, albeit often naive heart. If anything, he'll see to it that you get a decent meal and washed up before you choose to head whichever way you see fit."

Warmly, with an adorable smile, the little fox offered her hand to the mouse. "How about it? No strings, just take a chance and walk with me. Be warned though, I'm not always this nice."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Prepare for trouble...

Mysterious Boy & Mysterious Girl

Situation Location: Trainer House Lounge

The Lounge was as active as ever with the constant flow of arriving and leaving trainers. Some stopped for food and drink to feed their Pokemon and allow them to relax and decompress. Other trainers stopped for food and continued on their ambitious ways. The trainers whose journeys weren't so successful were obvious. They were alone, sitting far apart from others. They wore the cuts and bruises of an old scuffle, and it was apparent who some of the trainers were. Some of those trainers were the ones who lost their Pokemon to the Route 1 Gang. With their motivation to go on shattered, they stayed at the Trainer House, trying to re-plan their lives. Did they want to try and catch Pokemon to replace the ones stolen or did they want to go back home?

A mysterious boy and girl approached each of these trainers with a friendly smile and inquired into their situation. The girl wore a fashionable, red plaid cap with a black school girl uniform, and the boy a long-sleeved blue and white shirt, with large headphones whispering loud tunes into his ears. His sleepy eyes regarded the trainer they were talking to and he appeared to be listening despite the musical racket.

"Woah, what happened? Did you get into a fight?" the mysterious girl asked. Her brown eyes glimmered curiously before they impishly thinned. "Did you win?"

The frustrated trainer frowned down at the floor. He was seated on one of the couches with a pillow between his chest and legs.

"...No," he said sullenly.

The mysterious girl gave the trainer a sympathetic frown. "Aw darn. Are you all right?"

The trainer bowed his head as the stress started to fill his eyes hotly in the form of tears. "...I lost my Pokemon. They were stolen from me by bandits on Route 1."

The boy grasped his head and cursed. "If only I wasn't so weak! How can people like that exist? How can they wake up every morning knowing that they're a dirt bag?"

The mysterious girl's hands went behind her back as she leaned forward to console the boy: "You're only human. I'm sorry about your Pokemon, but you're journey doesn't have to be over."

"I don't deserve anymore Pokemon. I can't even protect them. They'd probably just get stolen from me again."

Waving her finger, the mysterious girl's and mysterious boy's lips stretched in a mischievous smile.

"Nuh, uh, uuh~ If you had strong Pokemon, then no one would be able to take them from you. They would fear you and leave you alone. Dominating the gyms would be a cinch!"

The trainer rubbed his eyes dry with the back of his hand and looked up at the boy and girl. "What are you getting at?"

"I'm a part of this really cool club that helps trainers on their journey. It isn't fair that your Pokemon were stolen so why should your dreams end? Our Pokemon club can supply you with the Pokemon you need to defeat the gym leaders easy-peasy!"

The trainer frowned a little in disbelief. "Wouldn't that be cheating, and how do you have these strong Pokemon?"

The mysterious girl giggled. Her hand came from behind her back as she presented the trainer with a black card that read simply: The Pokemon Club.

"It's not cheating. You still have to train them silly, but these Pokemon listen to their masters whether they have badges or not. If you want to know more, then you can use the card to find our club. We'll tell you more at the club because we don't want other trainers learning about our secrets. Our club is supposed to only support trainers in need."

The trainer stared curiously at the card as the mysterious girl and the mysterious quiet boy decided to move on.

"Think about it, okay?" said the mysterious girl as she waved goodbye. "Ciao!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 18 min ago

Gredy Silvertongue

"Well, thanks again." Gredy called out after the Charmander girl kind of awkwardly, having the feeling that he should have done something to thank her for pulling him out of the fire (metaphorically speaking at least), but off the top of his head he had nothing... and a split backpack on top of everything else.

Sighing a little to himself as he pocketed his wallet and started to gather together as much of his stuff together as he could, he blinked a little as he looked up at the Phantump that had also been a large help in protecting him as she asked him her questions. While he didn't have an answer right away, his gaze landed on his pokedex as it lay on the ground... and hindsight proved to be annoying as an idea came to him with a face palm. "Honestly? I didn't get involved because I didn't want to make things harder for you and Charmander by getting in your way... and I didn't know what either of you could do so I couldn't exactly offer much in the way of tactics. Besides, the fight was over far to quickly for that anyway."

Picking up the pokedex and pocketing it this time, Gredy turned to offer Phantump a warm smile as he offered her his hand. "Thank you for helping me by the way. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: outside trainer house room 4
Interacting with: Vix

Pikachu watched the Vulpix and saw....disappointment which turned to pity. He looked away from her. His voice softened but it was clear he wasn't thrilled with that development. "I don't need your pity" he knew he wasn't in the best shape. After all his diet wasnt the best but he barely knew how to survive on his own and it had been quite awhile. He slowly looked back at her when she started speaking.

As soon as she guessed he looked like he got slapped in the face. His eyes widened before he looked down. "He wasn't always" that statement was barely audible and he had no idea why he even said it. He twitched his ears as he lost himself briefly in his memories.

He refocused when she spoke of her own trainer. "....I can't refuse a free meal can I?" his stomach rumbled in response and he sighed. "Okay....take me there....please" he looked at her hand then slowly reached out and took it. He would eat and get cleaned up then be on his way. No way would he let himself get tangled up with a trainer again. Right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- You Win More With Honey

Surprisingly, the boy agreed to her idea instead of trying to electrocute her and run away. Bewildered for a second by how effective that had been, Vix blinked briefly before rapidly arriving back to her senses. This time she smiled with beautiful brilliance as she turned on her heel and headed back towards where she had last seen Jaden.

Glancing back to the Mouse, the Fox thought it wise to remind him of a few things as they walked along.

"Again, just warning you. My trainer can be a bit thickheaded, okay? He was raised a sheltered rich brat, but now he's out on his own for the first time. He's just a bit naive, but his heart is really in the right place. Okay?" Ironically, she would have just finished those final words as they approached Jaden from behind as Vix lazily waved to Jacqueline, or Jackie, as she decided internally that it sounded better.

"Master," she spoke with a hint of deviousness from her lips. "We've some new company. Mouse, meet Jaden, my Trainer. Jaden, meet Mouse. He hasn't a name, and is kiiinda wild, having been abandoned by his Trainer. Looks like you don't get a full harem after all!" Laughing to herself and then standing on her tip toes to look past his shoulder, the little fox could not help but grin devilishly as she saw the Skorupi's still charred hair. Glancing between the Electric-Type and her trianer then, Vix took a step back as she decided it wise to let them mingle. Or let Jaden try to convince the rodent to come along with the group.

It was then that she heard some suspicious commotion in the distance. Without waiting for another command from her trainer, she meandered towards that which struck her curiosity. A boy and girl, bot equally ominous as they spoke of an easy way to get badges. High level Pokémon that would listen to anyone. She frowned deeply then, it was all very peculiar. After all, the saying did go: where there is smoke, there is fire.

So as they left, her foxen ears folded back atop her head as she dipped towards the edge of the street. Her nose and ears attuned to their scents and sounds as she tailed them distantly as to not draw suspicion upon herself. Something wasn't right, and she wanted to know what.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jaden Locke: Trainer house, Room 4

This is could be . . . costly.

Jaden's question was met with no response from Azzie or Jacqueline, one because she generally didn't know(though the fire ball that just puffed into existence out the window gave an indication of where she could be) and Jacqueline didn't really care. She still held a grudge against the fox for burning her hair. Whatever the case, as Jaden began to worry and fuss about the room like a flustered hen, Vix suddenly came striding into the room.

And she wasn't alone either.

While Azzie just looked around, a bit confused by what was going on, and Jacqueline -seeing the fox's smile when her gaze fell upon the poison type- glared after Vix's quickly retreating form, Jaden was left completely lost as he looked from their new guest to the empty space where Vix had just been, then back.

[color=Ivory]"W-what? Hey, wait a minute!" Jaden went to the door, seeing Vix's tails scurry around a corner before she was off. He looked between where she went to the others, muttering under his breath before he made began to gesture them to follow him. As Azzie and Jacqueline rose to their feet, shrugging to each other in equal amounts of confusion, Jaden turned to Pikachu, giving a quick bow of forgiveness. "I'm terribly sorry for my rudeness, but I need to get Vix back. I feel like she might get in trouble on her own. If you wish to follow, then that's fine, though I hope this doesn't take to long. Oh, and my name is Jaden by the way."

With that said, the group would be hurried down the hall after the troublesome vixen, Jaden managing to catch another glimpse of her as she made her way out of the building. Within a few moments, he was outside to, and spotted her in full this time as she seemed to be following a pair of trainers. Letting out a sigh, he'd walk up behind her before she could take another step, grabbing the collar of her shirt(gently as he could, of course, wouldn't want to stretch it out).

"Where do you think you're going all of the sudden? Jaden reprimanded as he turned her around to face him, not looking very amused at her stunts. "You can't just flit about town like this without telling me where you're going, especially after dropping off a random stranger into our room. I'm sure he's a wonderful person, and it burns me up to think he was abandoned, but you can't just drop him off and head out like that.

Jaden rubbed the bridge of his nose, unsure of what else to do or say at this moment. he wasn't really mad at her, just frustrated.

[@HolySoldier] *in case the two trainers notice*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: wandering after Jaden

Pikachu remained silent. He didn't trust the human and gave weary looks to the other Pokemon. He raised a brow at the trainer who bowed of all things. He blinked and found himself following the white haired trainer. As he moved he went to his Pokemon form. His yellow self trotting beside Jaden. His large green eyes held curiosity.

When Jaden stopped Vix pikachu sat and looked up. Jaden wouldn't know it but pikachu was studying him. Thinking hard about his own situation and what this individual could do to help him. Large ears twitched as he looked to Vix. He was curious about how the interaction would play out.

Pikachu made more weary glances at the other Pokemon. His nose twitched as he glanced around. He was taking in everything. For if he did choose this path this interaction would tell him how future interactions would go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- Just when I was about to...! Agh!

Sneakily, the littlw Fox kept the suspicious duet just on the edge of her eyesight and earshot. Sticking to the darkened shadows, the Fire Pokémon's wariness of the two only grew the further she walked. An ominous sense, a mixture of scents that was a cocktail of various rare Pokémon only grew the tension. These two were willing to sell away that which most would consider premier fighters, which meant two things: first, they had such companions in high supply, and two; if they were truly so strong, they were probably procured illegally.

After all, the pair looked no older than Jaden. Surely tney couldn't be such advanced trainers at a young age.

Peeking around a corner to try and keep an eye on them, the second she rounded the bend, there was a sudden and very unexpected jerk of motion about her neck. Stumbling and regaininf her balance quickly, she whipped about to see none other than the disapproving face of Jaden himself! In turn, he actually scolded her! Though it wasn't harsh, her tails drooped, and her ears folded flatly against the top of her hat.

"Look, wait, okay!?" She exclaimed at first as he finished. "Something suspicious caught my ears. A duo of rookie-ish looking trainers were selling Pokémon to other novice trainers. Ones tuat would listen no matter what, and would make gyms a cinch. It just didn't make sense. Sorry."

Absentmindedly she'd kick a pebble while she looked guiltily up to Jaden. While the little rock rattled along the cobblestone path, her big, sorrowful eyes remained affixed with his. "Just so you know, getting used to having a trainer is just as tricky as becoming one alright? I was wild just a week or two ago, and had been in a Pokéball since. So I'm still pretty used to doing things my way, I'll try and do better."

"Fair enough?"
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