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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jason had never felt more alive. It felt good to hit someone after so long, in fact he was getting quite the adrenaline high. Allister made an impressive Arial recovery. And instantly dashed back at Jason with an equally excited response. A second before the boy reached him Jason began to focus. The punch seemed to come towards his face at a snails pace. Jason chuckled mentally and simply moved his head to the side. But he wasn't prepared for what happened next. He thought the boy might fake for another punch however he definitely didn't expect the boy to slide under his legs.

What the hell?! Jason thought, grinning ear to ear. This is gonna be fucking epic. Jason had all the time in the world to react to this maneuver. Unfortunately Jason couldn't move as fast as he could think and he simply didn't have enough time to dodge something like that, especially since he couldn't see what the boy was attempting.

The muscles in his legs flared alarmingly as he pushed himself to the limit to try to leap out of the way. His feet made it about an inch off the ground when Allister's feet connected with his back sending him flying towards the opposing wall. Man, this is gonna suck. Jason thought grimly. However as he approached the wall ever so slowly he quickly calculated an idea.

Jason tucked, and used his momentum to flip frontwards, hitting the wall feet first. He managed to eject off the wall and land on his feet. He quickly spun around to face Allister.

"Holy shit, that was sick!" Jason yelled like a child having a blast playing games with his friends. "I can already tell we're gonna be good friends." He said grinning. Rather than attacking he brought his elbows up to his jaw in a defensive stance, placing one leg slightly forward, waiting for Allister to make a move.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister gave a quick smirk. It seemed the boy was quite quicker than he had anticipated. Alister looked around the room. It seemed like nothing else was going on at the moment except their little bout. Alister quickly stances himself as he ran in the opposite direction of the boy he was sparring with. Normally this would be unusual or a sigh of retreat but alister knew what he was doing.

As he hit the other wall he bent his leg and used it to push himself forward. Picking up a large amount of speed Alister darted in a zigzagging pattern. He wanted to throw off the other boy but even if he caught this through it would still be amazing. Alister bounded off the ground and dove for the ground landing directly in front of Jason he used his whole body to push himself upward and outward towards the boy.

Pumped full of adrenaline alister looked up to Jason. At any point if he could make direct eye contact he could change Jason's emotions to turn this in his favor. Even being in such a state of adrenaline Alister still knew that would be like cheating so he avoided eye contact.

As he came out of his daze of fascination he opened his eyes looking up anticipating how Jason was going to react to this. @Hitman5455
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jason gave a confused look when the boy ran away from him. Is that all he's got? Suddenly Allister kicked off of the wall and darted at Jason in a zig zag pattern. Jason merely blinked and time had slowed to a crawl. He watched the boy slowly get closer and closer. Either he's trying to confuse me and catch me off guard, or he's trying to show off. Neither is gonna work. Jason tensed up in anticipation. Allister launched himself at the ground in front of Jason before bouncing off the ground up at Jason.

Too damn flashy. Fighting wasn't about big flashy elaborate moves. It was about using your body effectively. He wondered if this kid had ever had to actually fight for his life.

Jason swiftly stepped out of the way. He watched Allister fly through the air passing through the spot that Jason had been in. When Allister was about chest level with Jason, he swung his fist upwards, right at Allister's gut.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Finally, she said "I don't think I am doing this right, Vivi"
@Stern Algorithm

Vedika opened an eye to look at Ashleigh; Vedika was terrible at not getting distracted during meditation. "I'm honestly not that great at it myself. I would say don't focus on me and what I'm doing, focus on yourself. You know, my mom once asked me if I knew where the center of the universe is. Nobody knows, and it's impossible to know, but we do know where the center of the observable universe is. You know where that is? It's the observer. Earth. Me. You. You are the center of your observable universe. No one else matters. Shut out everything and everyone else, only you exist." Vedika didn't know if that would help but she closed her eyes again, and instead of focusing on her aura, she actually tried to clear her mind and see if Ashleigh would be able to 'learn' from seeing that emptiness. If only Vedika were any good at clearing her mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As alister flew up into the air he snickered. "I had a feeling he wouldn't fall for that one"he said aloud. "which worked out perfectly". Alisters eyes shifter quickly towards Jason's fist as it came towards him.

Alister grabbed the boys fist as he threw his own body towards the ground behind him lifting the other boy off the ground. As the other boys feet came off the ground alister laughed."Gotcha" he said as he swung the boy over his head aiming to slam him inti the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

What the fuck? Jason watched the boy twist his body and catch his fist.And I thought I was crafty. Jason slowly watched his body rotate up and over in a wide arc. Jason however had all the time in the world to react. It was easy enough to counter. Jason managed to grab the boys wrist with his hand that was being pulled. He landed hard, but feet first. He did the exact same thing to Allister, using his momentum to swing Allister through the air. However instead of a slam he released his grip, sending Allister flying in the opposite direction. This whole move and counter probably looked almost comical to onlookers.

He took a defensive stance once again. "You're gonna have to do better than that." He challenged with a smirk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

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Paulina Benson@Thundercrash & Liam Pyne@Themerlinhawk

Smiling at her friends, Paulina turned back to Liam and grinned. “This should be fun. So, how is this going to work?” she asked as she pulled a pack of chalk out of her backpack, setting about with creating a pair of circles on the floor. ”These circles are going to be set-up to monitor both our bodies and record any biological changes, particularly in our brains, so hopefully I will finally be able to see how your spooky stuff works.”

With a gentle movement. Liam smudged her first circle. “It’s too dangerous to attempt a change from that far apart. Physical contact makes transference easier; wouldn’t want to send your soul spiralling into the aether because the switch went wrong. That and it eliminates any sort of possibility that something gets in the way. I know you can’t detect them but there are at least two dozen lesser spirits hanging around right now. Not to mention a pair of class three spirits and of course the class four that is hanging out across the room right now.” Taking the chalk Liam drew the second circle almost touching the first one. Circles and chalk were nothing new in his experience but he prefered salt. It had an unusual effect on spirits; it appeared to be one of the only things in the physical world that would actually affect them.

Looking up at Paulina, Liam quirked an eyebrow. “So I think this goes without saying but if something goes sideways. I warned you.” It was incredibly pessimistic of him but it was unfortunately the truth. “Also. If a boy who looks like he’s been drowned shows up. It would behoove you to tell me at your earliest possible convenience since he will probably cause more than a few problems.” The boy still felt bad about the last go round Paulina and the spirit world had with each other so hopefully Noah didn’t put in an appearance.

Accepting the correction, Paulina continued filling in the indecipherable runes along the edge of the circle. She still wasn’t sure how it was she could understand them. Best she could figure, it was something instinctual, like it was hard-coded into her. ”You’re the expert here, Spooky Boy. I’m along for the ride right now.” She flashed a smile at him while she worked. ”You shouldn’t worry about bad stuff happening, you know. Will you do your best to make sure that we don’t get hurt?”

Distractedly Liam turned back from his contemplation of the left wall of the gym. Really he needed to finish preparations for this evening. “Hmm? Of course I will. It’s just that there will always be an inherent danger to anything we are going to do here. I just hope that my spiritual immunity is tied to my body. Things could go quite badly if a powerful spirit wanders by and decides to go for a joyride.” Stepping over the line she had drawn on the ground he pocketed his hands and gave Arty a nod. The ghost seemed to understand and faded away; it was best to not have the spirits that did like him around incase he needed make use of something equivalent to spiritual pepper spray.

The enchantress’s smile widened slightly. ”And are you planning on doing anything to my body while we’re switched?”

Blinking, Liam’s eyes narrowed at the proposal as he considered the implications of what she was asking. “No, why do you ask?” All of the sudden Liam was far more concerned with his own well being as opposed to Paulina’s for some reason, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but the question seemed….suspicious. “Believe it or not I’m generally a pretty uninteresting individual so I don’t plan on taking advantage of the one person who has bothered to help me practice.” The frown lingered as he gave her a long look.

Finishing the circles, Paulina turned to face him fully and laid her hand on Liam’s shoulder. ”Then I trust you, and what will happen, will happen. This is an experiment, half the fun is the uncontrolled variable.” Her teasing smile came back. ”But, if you do suddenly feel the need to “go to the bathroom”,” she leaned closer, whispering in his ear, ”I wouldn’t mind.”

The look on his face was priceless, and she giggled as she gave him back his space. ”You can’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.”

Narrowing his eyes a smile like you would expect to see on an adder or some other poisonous snake crossed his lips. “Why of course I have? Do you take me as something other than a teenage male. That being said I have standards and a certain image to uphold.” With the sly grin still in place he gestured to the circle across from him. “Unless you have any further comments or questions we can get started.” Something in his eyes had changed. The comments had finally kindled a bit of Liam’s impish nature and he was not about to be outdone.

Paulina laughed. ”And Pyne fires back without fear! There is a man underneath all that spookiness!” Turning where her laptop lay open on the floor, she angled the camera so that it would have a clear look at the both of them before giving him a positively salacious look, her eyes flicking briefly to his waist. ”But, I suppose I’ll have proof of that soon enough.”

Standing up, she stepped into the other circle. ”Time for the fun part! Please clearly explain, for the record and in as much detail as you can, what we are about to do.”

Liam cleared his throat and spoke clearly. “In short we are going to switch the vessels of our souls. I will be changing the positions of our souls via physical contact. The actual effect should be that of being in complete control of the the other person's body and complete use of the other senses. What will be happening in detail is the very essence of our existence will be switching what vessel it resides in. Currently there is little to no explanation as to what exactly the spirit is made up of and how those without a body can even interact with the mortal world.” Liam gave her an eyebrow raise. “Ready? Last chance to run.” It was a sincere question as it seemed like Paulina thought it was a game but it wasn’t. Not for Liam.

Pursing her lips, Paulina tilted her head and seemed to actually think about the question. ”Hmm, depends.” She broke out in a grin. ”Do you think you can handle trading in your man-card for a while?” Giggling, she shook her head. ”Liam, relax, will you? While I was first learning how to use my enchantments I almost split my head open on the floor while trying to figure out how to get down from the ceiling. What will happen will happen, so there’s no point in stressing yourself out. Now, what do you need me to do?”

With a calming sigh Liam gently reached out towards Paulina’s face. As he moved he took his emotions and thoughts carefully pooling them and preparing to make use of his powers. Best to give her a good ride. Servants, Soldiers, Minions of the Cold Dark. With a push outwards he called out to the lingering spirits around the gym. Might as well give her something to look at. As the spirits filtered into the room Liam triggered his spirit sight and looked over Paulina’s shoulder. Straight at the small, fire eaten form of Annamarie. Lovely.

Pressing his fingers along the edge of her jaw and his thumbs to her temples Liam drew Paulina’s soul from her vessel and into his body of a brief moment.

Fear, the smell of kerosine lingering in the air and the soft weeping of a young girl. The need to cause fear. Squeeze every last drop of terror from the frail.

Forcing himself out of the memory he realized he needed to move his soul. WIth an effort the next thing he knew he was staring back into his own face feeling his own hands on his new face. Fuck. This is gnarly.

A shiver ran through Paulina’s “body”, and she took a breath. “Whoo, that was...something. Wow.” She blinked, looking into her own blue eyes. “Whoa, this is so weird. I’m talking, but it’s not my voice. Damn, you are deep.” Looking down at “her” self, she studied his hands and feet. “View’s a bit different without the girls in the way.” Patting at Liam’s chest and stomach, she raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Holy shit, Liam, you are ripped. What do you have in here, iron?”

Paulina’s body shifted in obvious discomfort and it was clear Liam’s experience was entirely different than what Paulina was experiencing. “His” ears had colored almost immediately at the realization that something about what Paulina was wearing was not quite right. In fact it was Very not right. At first it had been an interesting experience to be lacking somethings and having a very different distribution of weight. That was until he realized that he could feel an awful lot more things than expected and that he was fairly certain it was not the norm.

Snapping “his” head up suddenly he shot a murderous glare at “Paulina”. “Oh I get it now. Enjoy some of your own medicine.” Paulina’s hand shot out and “Liam” tapped himself on the forehead and triggered his ghost sight in his own body. The motion also covered a wiggle he performed with Paulina’s body to attempt to ease the uncomfortable ropes that crisscrossed beneath her shirt. Hopefully that would give her enough of a distraction for him to pull off a little payback.

It took everything Paulina had not to burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist! It was too good of an opportunity! You have to admit, it’s-” She instinctively jerked back when Liam tapped “her” forehead, and blinked. “Oh, whoa. Wow.” Suddenly the gymnasium had become a lot more crowded. Looking around with wide eyes, “her” mouth hung open, her previous humour forgotten. “Wooow. So this is what you see every day.” Her eyes settled on a little girl that suddenly now stood just outside the chalk circle. She couldn’t have been much more than ten years old, her body covered in horrific burns. “Um, hello.” What did one say to the ghost of a dead girl? “There’s a little burned girl standing beside us.”

Liam gave Paulina a smug look from her own body. “Her name is Annemarie. Be nice. Her parents left her in a burning building while she was asleep. It wasn’t their fault but she is understandably upset about the events of her death.” With another squirm Liam eyed the rest of the gym. “You are in so much trouble, I hope you know that.” Snapping his gaze back to her he gave her a smirk.

“Wow, Paulina, what are you. At least a D? Shall we take a vote?” With the louder comment Liam reached towards the edge of Paulina’s shirt and pulled it up a little with a wicked teasing grin.

Paulina knew exactly what Liam was doing. “So that’s how you want to play this, is it?” His lips curved into a sly smile, and she hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts, pulling it open a little. “Fair’s fair, “big man”,” she called out with a slightly mocking tone. “I’ll show you yours if you show me mine.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alisters feet smacked the ground as he slid backwards till his skid slowed to a stop. Dust from the floor flew up in the air around him and alister walked towards Jason very calmly. Alister walked with his hand outstretched towards the other boy.

"damn" he said aloud happily "that was one hell of a move. I almost didn't see it coming". Alister smiled and stood in front of jason holding his hand out as if to shake that of the other boy.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jason almost shook the boy's hand. Almost.
"Thank you, I'd shake your hand but I'm pretty sure you've got something up your sleeve." He said with a friendly smile. He didn't want to offend the boy but he also didn't want to fall for a trick. "That was a good sparring sesh though." He stuck his head out to the side, noticing Liam and Paulina.
"Hey Allister. Actually look at Paulina and Liam right now." Jason said raising an eyebrow so high it almost disappeared into his hair. "Like seriously this time." He wasn't exactly sure why they appeared to be checking their own junk out. Paulina was an attractive girl for sure, but apparent self attraction like that was a little odd. His mind began to race for an explanation. Within a second he remembered hearing something about switching bodies. And in about half a second he realized what was going on.

"Hey Liam." He called out to 'Paulina'. "Dude, not saying i'd do any different if I was in your shoes, but keep in mind we're all watching." Jason said with a chuckle. @Thundercrash
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ashleigh gave a soft sigh and nodded. She shifted, before just giving up finding a comfortable sitting position, she flopped back, stretching out and curling up slightly like a cat, closing her eyes once more. Again, she tried to...calm herself. Drawing in a few deep breaths, she let herself concentrate on that, a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Over and over again. As she let herself concentrate on that, she seemed to be able to push aside the emotions, to the back of her mind.

She continued on, focusing on the breathing, it seemed to help her, as one by one she began to go through the emotions she was feeling of those around her. She seemed to fall into an oddly...neutral state. One might even think that she was asleep.

However, sexual emotions had always been quite powerful. Opening an eye a slint, she looked to Liam and Paulina, tilting her head at the difference's between them. She closed her eye again with a sigh. "Please, I'd rather not have to subdue everyone in here because you two decided to get all freaky in the middle of gym" Anyone that truly knew Ashleigh, would hear a change in her voice, as if for the moment a weight was lifted. Amusement seemed to play in it, and she did look as if she were content.
@Thundercrash@Stern Algorithm@themerlinhawk
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister jumped in confusion. "holy shit it actually worked"he said in complete and utter shock as he ran towards the two. "Liam it worked it finally worked". Alister was extatic that his friend had finally managed the body swap it was so amazing to see this happen. He had no idea how to react but all he knew was that he was happy. For the time being as the use of the enhanced eyes wore off alister currently had the cat eyes. Everything was a little off and he felt severe pain from the over use of an unstable power but right now he didn't care. Seeing Liam and paulina as the opposite person was an amazing spectical and he was very excited to get to see it. @Hitman5455
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anastashya walked up to the towering building, her heart thudding against her chest. A flood of memories came whoosing back, a million voices in her head. "Take her." "It'll be ok." Screaming. She shook her head and tried to look up at what was right in front of her face, instead of what was in the past.
"New school new chances, right," she murmured to herself. Who am I kidding, she thought.Let's just get this over with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paulina Benson

Catching the disapproving scowl the gym instructor was giving them, Paulina laughed and let the waistband of Liam’s gym shorts snap closed, holding up his hands. ”Don’t worry, we’ll keep things PG for everybody. Just having a little fun is all.” She stepped out of the chalk circle and knelt down, tracing one of the runes with his finger. “Now, let’s see what we were able to pick up, hmm?” Sending a pulse of energy into the rune, she smiled as a holographic copy of the circle rose up off the floor and rotated to be perpendicular to it. Inside the circle, a life-sized 3D image of Liam’s brain formed, the magic light forming it glowing and dimming in various areas. “Good to know I can still do this in your body. Makes things a lot easier,” she commented, touching one of the floating runes, “So, what happened?”

For several seconds, there was no noticeable change in the image, then suddenly it lit up brightly everywhere at once, fluctuating crazily, and settled back down just as quickly. Paulina frowned, gesturing with her hands to separate the images into two seemingly identical ones, additional circles appearing beside them, each containing three moving, wavy lines. “Huh. That’s interesting.”

Turning from the floating circle, she moved to the one Liam was standing him, shooing him out of it and repeating the entire process, until she was intently studying four brain images, rubbing his chin with his hand. “Really interesting,” she murmured.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Pyne

Liam chuckled at the comment from Alister. It was true he’d been trying to pull this off for a while and it had actually ended in him possessing a book shelf once. Which had been quite a strange experience and it had required Arty’s help to extricate himself. Giving Alister a sideways look and chuckled only it came out a giggle from Paulina’s body. With a roll of his eyes he turned back around to look at the data that Paulina had pulled up.

“Well I’ll be damned that is a really interesting result. I didn’t realize is superimposed a second neural pattern on the individual.” Liam peered at it from Paulina’s body taking care to support her as he leaned into look at the computer. Her lack of underwear made it a little more difficult to do certain things which no doubt would have been easier with the support.

Standing up gave himself an appraising look. “Its probably time to flip this around.” With that Liam reached up to grab his own face again. Tugging his face down he stood up on his tiptoes and leaned in. “If you really want more of a look at my world then I’ll see you tonight after lights out.” Without any more than that he sent his soul coursing back into his own body before sending hers coursing back into hers.

As he blinked his eyes he looked down at Paulina and shook his head laughing as he took her hands off his face gently. “You know I never thought that would actually work and on top of that I never thought someone would be crazy enough to actually let me try that on them.” Looking around he took in what the others were doing. This had gone quite well and next on the list was trying it from range but it was interesting to know that Paulina kept her powers.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paulina Benson

Nodding in agreement, Paulina collapsed the four images into two, one for each circle. "I know, right? And check this out. At the exact same moment that your brain activity goes nuts, mine goes almost completely flat. The areas responsible for autonomic functions act at a reduced, but constant rate, indicating that I am still perfectly alive, while higher brain functions go almost completely dark. Which would correspond with you pulling "me" out of my body and into yours, then putting your "self" into my body." An eager note entered Liam's voice, and the expression on his face looked like she couldn't decide if she was focused or excited. In truth, it was both, given that she was effectively looking at physical, verifiable proof of the existence of the soul. It was one thing to claim that souls were real (not that she'd ever had a reason to doubt Liam), but proving it? That was something else entirely.

When he suggested that it was time to swap back, she dismissed both magic images, nodding happily. "Sure thing! Lets get back into the circles; I don't want to miss any data, and repetition is key." As they stepped inside the chalk lines, and Liam made his offer to see more that night, she gave him a coy smile. "Mmmh, I like the sound of that. I can think of quite a few rigorous experiments that we could try," she whispered, her tone clearly implying what kind of "experiments" she had in mind. Even in the midst of a potential scientific and theological breakthrough, Paulina's mind seldom strayed far from the gutter. That's just the way she was.

Once she was back in her proper body, Paulina swayed slightly, and shook her head. The sudden change in perspective was disorienting, but passed quickly, and in a heartbeat she was calling up the brain images again. "See? There it is again! Your brain activity goes all Jackson Pollock, while I'm practically in a coma, then both are back to normal. That would support a hypothesis that the soul, conscious will, whatever you want to call it, everything that makes you "you", is primarily distributed across the higher brain functions." A thought occurred to her, and suddenly she was nearly bouncing on her feet, rapidly snapping her fingers. "Oooh! Oooh! Idea!" Abruptly, she grabbed Liam's head in both hands, inadvertently giving him a slight shake with each word. "Next field trip! You! Me! Hospital! Eeeh, this is so exciting!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the gym instructor came to return the inhibitor to Alisters wrist he stood in one spot eyes closed as he massaged his temples. "bad idea" he said allowed to himself. He knew it was kind of a dumb idea to use an unstable power in a power training match. Knowing this was a stupid idea he shook his head and opened his eyes. Suddenly his eyes turned red again and he screamed out in agony.

"Mother fucker" he shouted the curse from his mouth as he screamed in agony. "ahhh make it stop! Make the noise stop" alister screamed as the gum instructor came over to place the inhibitor on his wrist. As he placed it on him alister began to calm down a bit

Within a few moments everything was better. Although the violent outburst had stopped alisters headache did not, so are remained on his knees rubbing his temples."ah. Son of a bitch" he said to himself as he sat cross cross on the ground. Alisters power was still so unstable but he wanted to learn how to control it. The problem he was having is that he needed help but who. Perhaps paulina? Or maybe Liam? Possibly another empath would understand his problem? Alister wasn't sure what the best idea was. All he really knew was that he needed something. @Thundercrash@Themerlinhawk@Hitman5455
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ashleigh rose smoothly when it seemed that the class was coming to an end, and she seemed calmer then she had been for a while, when pain, horrible pain, and she doubled over, clutching her head, as the pain began to overwhelm her. For a brief moment, the other students might feel the pain themselves, a faded version, as Ashleigh let out a shattered, almost childlike cry. For a brief, frightened moment, Ashleigh wondered if her bracelet had stopped working, as she fell to the ground, her knees slamming down, bowing over, clutching her had.

She screamed, and anything that wasn't battoned down fly backwards a few feet, her telekinetic powers lashing out, in an attempt to calm the storm that rose up in her, twirling and twisting, the other students emotions seeping in, the pain becoming even more unbelievable.

She started to cry, bowing over her knees, laying her head on the ground as if that could help contain the splitting pain. And then it seemed to become better, and she stayed where she was, breathing in and out, sobbing. She made to reach for Vivi, but the other girl was too far away, and she let out a wail. She knew this wasn't her, and she lifted her head, swallowing painfully around the lump in her throat, her eyes red, her face pale. She let her eyes roam over the students, landing on Alister.

She knew that if she was going to remain in control, she needed to deal with him. Rising slowly, unsteadily, sniffling, she carefully took a few steps, shaking. Weak, she stumbled towards Alister, falling in front of him, she did something completely dangerous.

She took off her bracelet.

At once, everything became dangerously hightened, the emotions of her fellow students crushing against her, and she let out a gasp, shaking even worse. Alister's pain fell upon her even more powerfully, and a whimper escape her. Reaching out, she touched him, the bare skin to skin contact hightened Alister's emotions, and dimmed the rest, but it was still quite like standing in the middle of a hurricane and expecting to not get blown away.

She drew in a deep breath, in and out. In and out. In and out. When she felt like she could, Ashleigh gripped Alister's wrist tighter, and she drew the pain away, letting it out unconscious, neutralising the emotion so that it dispersed harmlessly into the air.

She clutched at her bracelet, weakly putting it back on, swaying as her vision blackened, and she fell to the rest of the way to the ground, curling up into a ball, she trembled. She had no idea at all why shehad gone over to Alister, other then to save her own hide.@KiritoAsuna@Thundercrash@Themerlinhawk@Hitman5455
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister froze completely when Ashleigh gripped onto him. His eyes fluxuated rapidly changing like pictures in a slot machine. He let out a small scream as she clutched tighter and he in turn clutched to her wrist. His body fed on the impulse as everything negated and his body grew weak.

As everything stopped he collapsed along side ashleigh. He was weak and confused. What came over him? He was completely out of control under the circumstances yet no one else was in control of him either it was as though when he was touched by ashleigh his body became empty and his powers overloaded.

Alister lie collapsed on the ground breathing heavily. "what the hell just happened? " he asked aloud directing his question mostly towards the half unconscious girl next to him@Caits
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"I....took away...the pain" Asleigh whispered, her voice raw and broken, curling up into a ball even more tightly, shaking badly. She didn't think she would be able to get up, she felt so weak. "I think I killed us both" She closed her eyes, her wrists clasped together, her left holding the bracelet tightly, that she nearly cut off the circulation to her right hand. "Remind me never to touch you again" That had never happened with anyone else, and she knew she never wanted it to happen again.

"I'm sorry..."

She wanted Paulina. She wanted her room. She wanted not to feel. she wanted a damn pill, although the brief moment of having her bracelet off seemed to have healed her of the jonsing. She gave a soft sigh, sniffling.

"This is what I get for trying to help"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paulina Benson

When Alister began screaming, Paulina jumped from excited to worried. When Ashleigh began screaming, her heart dropped like a stone. She’d barely had a chance to turn to see what was wrong when the telekinetic wave knocked her off her feet. Her head was pounding, but Paulina still got back up, rushing to her friend.

As she gently rolled Ash up into a sitting position and wrapped herself around the girl’s back, holding her to her chest and head resting on Ashleigh’s shoulder, all thoughts of sex or experiments were gone. A mixture of worry, kindness, and a protective, almost motherly love was all that remained; her friend was hurt and needed help, help that Paulina gave without hesitation or restraint.

”Shhh, it’s okay,” she murmured softly, pressing her cheek to Ashleigh’s. Gently prying the girl’s hand free from her wrist, she let her grip Paulina’s own arms as tightly as she wanted. ”You’re okay, baby, you’re okay. I’m here.” Her voice was low, tender and soothing, like that of a mother comforting her child after a bad dream. ”I’m gonna stay right here. Just let it out, it’s okay. Don’t hold it in.” Leaning over slightly, Paulina looked at her friend with nothing but sympathy and understanding. ”Do you want to leave? It’s okay if you want to. We can go up to your room and just sleep.”

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