Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


A shrill scream came from the small house, followed by running feet and a child's laughter.
"Horrid beast of a child!" the Nanny screamed as she stumbled out of the kitchen area covered in a mixture of mud, leaves and other substances.
The 'horrid beast' in question was currently long gone, racing off towards one of her many 'scooty places' to hide and giggle over the wrath of the Nanny. She didn't want the strict old woman. She wanted her big brother. He was always at the school training. Training. Always training. She hated it. Why couldn't be come and play with her?

A great shadow settled over her and she looked up and smiled. The large owl-like creature looked down at the small girl-child with a look that could have been construed as disapproval.
"She took my slingshot," Arys said in her own defense.
The creature shook his head and looked away, used to the child and her antics by now. After all, he had been watching over her for her entire life. Most were shocked when they found the child's Guardian Bird was such a large and downright terrifying looking creature. But she herself was not afraid of him. Never had been. Not even as a baby when he had come and towered over her crib, watching her with large eyes with the color and glow of the moon. She called him "Hoot", not even close to his actual name but one that he accepted from the tiny human.

"I'm going to tan your hide you miserable wretched-" the Nanny's words instantly halted when the Guardian Bird turned his heavy gaze to her. Everyone knew that, no matter what the child had done, whoever touch her would find themselves missing an arm. If they were lucky.
Huffing, she backed away and stormed off.
Arys giggled and rolled on the ground holding her belly. "She looks like a walking mud pie!" she laughed. "I can't wait to tell Link!"
Hoot snorted, unimpressed by her prank and certain that her older brother would not be either.
"Where is Link?" she said, suddenly sitting upright. "He should have come home after the test today."
Getting up, she wandered out towards the school only to see no one was there. At least not outside. She wasn't allowed inside until she was old enough to start training.
"Big Brother?" Arys called, growing fearful at his absence. "Big Brother!"

Suddenly she heard something. A message. Below the clouds? There was stuff below the clouds?! Had that been where her Big Brother had gone?!
"Hoot! We have to go!" Arys exclaimed.
The Guardian ruffled its feathers and shook its head.
Arys stomped her foot and was ready to through a tantrum but decided to switch tactics with her Guardian. Making her eyes large and sad, she approached the large bird and laid a little hand on his leg. "Please Hoot...? I want my Big Brother. What if he's in trouble? Please? Pleeeeease...?"

The monstrous owl creature huffed sharply and rolled its head the way humans would roll their eyes before moving its head down for her to climb on. Grasping one of its large horns Arys smiled in excitement as Hoot spread his wings and darted into the air. He swooped low, heading beneath the clouds. The Guardian Bird was large and graceful, his shadow engulfing the area below and announcing their presence.

When she spotted Link, Arys cried out excitedly, waving. "Big Brother!"



Sadara woke with a gasp. Her forehead was beaded with sweat and her face was pale.
Another dream. Another prophecy.
Standing on shaking legs, she went to her door to signal the guard always posted nearby. She told herself he was there for her safety, but she knew the truth of the matter was that he was there to keep the King's pet in it's case until it was needed.

"I have dreamed. I must speak to the King."
"He is not here presently," the guard said. "You will have to wait until he returns."
Nodding, Sadara left her room, the guard following close behind, and went to the King's solar. It was here where she normally told him of her dreams and he plotted out their possible meaning. He always seemed to know more than her when it came to the images in her head.
Taking a pen and inkwell, she dipped the end in the dark ink and hover over the large map on the table in the middle of the room. Closing her eyes, she moved her hand in the same motion she had seen in her dream :

waves... the watery depths of the ocean... a drop moving... moving...

When her hand stopped and the pen pressed against the map she opened her eyes. Her pen had marked a spot in the middle of the vast ocean, just as it had days before marked a forest.

These were the things her dreams revealed, and that she revealed to the King. But other things she kept hidden. Images that terrified her and she feared would anger the King. Images of firey blood burning a path to the Tower, of black oozing wounds and warped landscapes where the ground itself opened to swallow the blood of the those fallen upon it.
Images of the King's banner being ripped to shreds. Images of eight daggers being stabbed into the throne of the King.

Lately the images were getting stronger and more violent. Something was coming. Something terrible was coming.
And she wasn't sure how much longer she could hide it from the King. Or what he would do to her once she told him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Distial listened to Zuko, and he was doing a good job in making her angry, although that was his mistake. Unlike most people, Distial became more focused when she was angry. She became stronger and extremely dangerous. Now, there were three types of Elementals. The trained and skilled, those who have practised their powers until they have almost mastered them. The Unskilled, those who haven't been able to fully understand their power and element, and not as well trained or skilled as the others, and finally, The Dangerous Elementals! The ones who naturally master their element and powers, the ones who are the most dangerous of the elementals. Distial was the third.

"You pathetic fool! You have no idea what you're up against, do you? Then allow me to demonstrate."

It was then that dark purple aura would surround every grave, suddenly skeletons began to rise from the graves. Hundreds upon hundreds. This was her hunting ground. This was her game. This was her place, this graveyard was her advantage. It gave her the upper hand. Dark Aura formed around every skeleton and as it did, every one began to form dark skin. After a short moment, every one of them had a full body, but still very undead. Finally, swords, bows and other weapons were created by the dark aura. It was then then Distial's shadow began to morph and take shape. It separated from her and stood up on it's on, having it's own body. The shadow was a demon who screamed at Zuko.

Afterwards, Distial made the huge black orbs around her move in several different places and opened up. After a number of them were scattered across the graveyard, Distial went through one and came out from another directly behind Zuko, she then sent two large explosive dark energy orbs at him from behind. It is then that the demon shadow attempted to do a huge X slash with his two huge powerful blades while all the undead ran at Zuko to attack with swords, while some stayed back and shot arrows dipped in poison. During this, several old boxes, dead flowers, and broken gravestones went through the dark portals, and all that came out was dust. Nothing survived the trip through the black holes except Distial and those who she protected. Shade melted into a pool of darkness and attempted to wrap around his feet, gluing him to the ground so he couldn't move. Of course, Distial had heard the SOS message, but at the moment, she was a little busy defending her home.

Master Grey

Master Grey continued to search, although he didn't have to search long for the person he was looking for came to him, or so he assumed this was her although, it could easily be another Atlantan. Either way, this person would be able to help him one way or another. He wasn't worried about the submarine, he knew he wasn't a threat and had no reason to worry.

"I am Master Grey, the creator of the prophecy. When all hope is lost, eight children of destiny will be born under the elemental gods. Protected and hidden within the magically enchanted places of old. When the destined children intertwine, the tyrant king will fall. The ancient places of old, said to be hidden and protected by magic. Only those destined allowed to pass through. One hidden in the skies, one buried within the inferno ground, one lost in the ocean bottom, one in Mountains all around, one hidden within Thor's rod, one safe upon the hands of god, one living within the dead and one trapped within a pit.

When all hope is lost, the children of destiny will rise, and the tyrant's tyranny will end."

Master Grey spoke the prophecy word to word as he had created it. Once he was done reciting the prophecy, he spoke once more.

"I am searching for the elementals and trying to gather you all so I can prepare you for your ultimate goal."

Suddenly, Master Grey got the SOS message, and his eyes widened. This was bad, this was very bad. He should of gone to the mountains first, now the prophecy was in danger of falling. He spoke once again, fear was now in his tone of voice.

"Come, one of your brothers and sisters are in danger! If you care for the prophecy at all, you will come with me or if you are not the Water Elemental One I look for then go back to Atlantis and send them for I fear it is past due time you all meet. Now, whether you come or not, I must leave."

Immediately, Master Grey turned the submarine around and began to head back. It didn't take him long to get back to shore. Once there, he began to run as fast as he could. He stopped when he came to a hidden cove just around the corner of his hideout. There, hidden within the dark was a jet. He had to get around somehow after all. He jumped in and took off quickly. Master Grey flew as fast as he could, and it didn't take him long at all to arrive. He landed safely a little ways away, then ran the rest of the way. Once there he stood towards the back. He couldn't fight, but he could sure as hell give advice to the Chosen Ones. He looked around to see who was here, and immediately he saw one of the legendary guardian birds of the sky. The Wind Elemental One! He was here too! He continued to look about, until he saw a girl hovering on another strange creature. This he recognised as the Legendary Guardian of the sacred monastery so that must be the Light Elemental Chosen One. It had been so long since he had visited but he saw no sign of the Earth Elemental Chosen One, had he got away? Master Grey pulled out the prophecy map, and only he and the Chosen Ones were able to see it. He placed a small figurine of a mine on the map and after a short moment it moved to a small town. He marked it with a red X on the map before turning to Link and Ciana.

"You two, on the two Guardian Birds! Quickly, cover everyone in a protective light and teleport us all out of here, take this map and go to the red X, and make a strong gust of wind to stop the King from getting to her!"

Immediately, he threw the Prophecy Map to Ciana, hoping she would catch it. He then turned to Dante who was fighting the King. He recognised the beads, the clothing and even the symbol on the weapon. This was a spirit monk.

"Guardian of the Chosen Ones, Spirit Monk of the Ancient Temples, use your spiritual powers to keep the King busy while we escape."

With that done he looked to the King and watched the battle. He just hoped everything would work out as planned. He turned to the ghostly spirit and he instantly recognised him although that he would discuss later.

Julia, Seth, Raiden, Wolf

The four received the SOS message and then looked to Rose as she spoke. They all nodded and immediately, they all began to make their way there in one way or another. There was no time for talking, there was an emergency at hand. Being a little girl though Julia did ask Wolf before he ran off.

"Wolf, could you carry me please, I must go, I have to."

Wolf took one good look at her and shook his head.

"You're too young, you're not ready."

Julia sighed and shook her head at him.

"Fine, if you don't take me then I will make my own way there. I'm not afraid, I have been searching for the Chosen Ones for a long time now. I want to help!"

Wolf stared at her for some time, before giving a soft nod. He transformed and grabbed her, then immediatly he began to jump from building to building, until he jumped out of the village. It was then that he placed her on his back.

"Hold on tight."

Julia listened and he ran as fast as he could until he was there. Seth had on her special custom made shield and as she did, the shield began to blast off with fire shooting out from behind it. Raiden covered himself with energy, and flew there. Once all four were there, they landed softly. Wolf placed Julia down. They all arrived to hear Master Grey's plan. Immediately, Julia spoke up.

"Meanwhile, have the Guardian Birds attack! They are powerful, and will help in protecting you while we get out of here. Be careful of the Golems, they can change they shape and element to match their enemy!"

Meanwhile, Seth's sword glowed a golden colour and quickly she ran up and attacked one of the guards, as the sword made contact, it exploded, blowing the guard up, and a few others around him. She then attacked another, but this one blocked with his sword, as he did Seth's sword made another explosion and sent the guard away. It wasn't long until the last few were dead. All that was left were the Golems. Seth turned around and tried to attack one, however a metal wall rose up, and as the sword exploded, she saw that the metal wall was not even scratched. She changed her sword again and attacked the wall, cutting it like butter. Wolf grabbed a sword in one hand and jumped down to attack another golem however, the golem moved with the wind, and Wolf missed, he turned around and threw his sword at the Golem, which stabbed into it, he ran up and grabbed his sword before spinning around and chopping the head of another. He then gave a mighty roar. Raiden created a large energy blade once again and began to attack the golems with Seth and Wolf. Julia stayed back to watch and give advice with Master Grey.


Korta rose her head as she got a strange SOS message. She gave a small smile, it seemed that the Elemental Ones were starting to gather and be found. She flipped her book to page 515 and then placed her hand on the page, quickly, she threw her hand up and the ink splattered off the paper and formed into the real thing, the drawing became real, and before her stood a plane. She got in it and flew towards the location. Once there, she jumped out. She landed softly as she created a trampoline beneath her. She got off and accessed the situation. Quickly, Korta drew Seth's sword and then created it. She closed her book and placed it away, before running into battle and began attacking the golems herself.


Isabella ran into the battle suddenly. She looked around and then looked to Master Grey and Julia. She gave a small smile before looking to the Elemental King.

"We need to distract him while the two on the birds get us out of here!"

Although, it was strange. Isabella came after Master Grey spoke his plan to everyone. Although, perhaps it was just because she was close by but unable to be seen. Isabella stood around, watching the battle. She didn't bother getting involved. In fact, she stayed out of the way beside Julia and Master Grey.

The Elemental King and Scarlet Overkill

The Elemental King watched at the Elemental Chosen One of Earth began to ran, he was about to give chase, when the damn spirit monk stood in his way. He clenched his fist before grabbing his scythe from thin air.

"You will learn not to stand in my way!"

He quickly disappeared completely. Vanished into thin air. For a minute, it seemed that he was gone, then he reappeared behind Dante and swung his scythe, creating a huge fire wave headed for Dante, then he rose his hand and behind him a black hole was created, sucking in the destroyed trees and rubble.


He then had earth come up and try to grab Dante to hold him down. Immediately, turned around and swung his Scythe at Otogi, creating and sending five dark energy bombs at him. As he did this, Scarlet disappeared, and appeared beside the King. He turned to her and she gave a simple nod.

"I am going to teleport you to the tower while I deal with this. You know what to do."

Immediately, Scarlet disappeared from sight. Immediately after, two new faces showed up. He didn't recognised them or the birds, but he knew about the Spiritual Sos, for he could sense it with his Light Elemental Powers. So he knew, whoever these two were, they were allies of the Elementals. They needed to die. Before he could act further an old man appeared and began giving out orders. The Elemental King didn't recognise him, but that was due to another prophecy written by Master Grey himself. It was then that another four all but one attacked. The little girl began to give advice too. Finally, the Elemental King looked towards the bushes and foliage, and out came one more person who didn't attack. He swung his scythe and laughed.

"Come at me! Do you really think you can defeat me! I am a God!"

He swung his scythe again, before disappearing and reappearing behind Isabella. He swung his Scythe at her, and she quickly rolled out the way, almost getting hit. She then spoke up.

"You missed!"

The Elemental King laughed, before disappearing once more and swung his scythe at Dante. The golems created a huge earthquake, making mostly everyone except the Elemental King off balance. The others created a huge tidal wave of water created spikes as sharp as a sword and sent it towards Seth, Wolf, Raiden, Korto and Dante. The Golems created a huge storm above Link and Ciana, the lightning was getting dangerously close to them both with them in the air. Huge gusts of wind were created and would form tornadoes and begin to try and suck everyone in. He knew now that they were both Chosen Ones and therefore they all needed to die! The Golems created a huge fire wall around the entire forest, stopping anyone from leaving. It was then that the Golems would disappear, and fade into the light but they were still there. The battle was raging on but this was just the beginning!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Banokles Stood on teh mountain, the unconscious man in his arms becoming ever heavier. As he was watching, more and more people started to show up. First it was teh old man who gave orders and then others, who had their own ideas. Not sure who to listen too and who to trust, Banokles just put teh man he held over his shoulders so it was easier to hold him, and tried to make sense of everythign. After a few moments he saw that the new arrivals were fighting the bad guys so they were probably worth trusting.
For a moment he stood where he was, thinking what to do. As he decided that he would jump to one of the birds and give them the unconscious man, so he can then join the others in teh fight. A loud explosion was heard and a noise that sounded like metal scraping against metal. Banokles looked above and saw that the ship he jump off from got damaged from the jump blast and was now beginning to fall apart. The ship began to fall towards teh valley where someone was fighting teh king. In that moment an idea was born in Banokless head.
Banokles turned to one of the big birds in the sky “Can you please take him and carry him, i have a plan to buy us time and a chance to escape.” Banokles gestured to the man on his shoulders as he spoke. Without waiting for an answer he crouched and got ready to jump as soon as possible.
For the first time Banokles was in a fight where he wasn't teh only one with powers, and knowing that made him more hyped than ever. Also it would appear he has a chance to make some friends that would not run from him if he would accidentally set something on fire, and for once he has a chance to do something and help someone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


saw Gray leave and now Atlantis was safe from intruders at least for the time being she decided to head back to Atlantis and get Viper if she was going to help save the earth chosen one they would need all the help they could get once she arrived she saw her farther and gave him a quick hug as said goodbye letting him know it was time for her to face her destiny she then looked over to Viper and swam over to her and created a ice sphere around them as runes formed on the ice the sphere began to glow then it disappeared and reappeared next to Gray she took a quick look around and saw the title wave and ice spikes she laughed as she raised her hand as she did the wave stopped in its place then the water and the ice evaporated she looked over to the king as she created a number of ice crystals and engraved runes over while ice formed under her feet she then drooped the crystals once they hit the ground ice began to form aground them creating three dozen self repairing ice golems

Aquarius then sent them after the king the golams began walking towards the king as ice dome formed around them and the king as the kings feet would freeze in place while ice spikes came up out of the ground in an attempt to impale the king as they created a blizzard of snow and ice shards inside the dome as ice shards came at him from all directions while a one of them raised its arms ready to swing them down in an attempt to crush the kings skull while this was going on Aquarius looked to the others

"that will only buy us a few minutes at most but hopefully it will be long enough we need to move now!"

Rose and Dante

Dante saw the king disappeared only to reappear behind him Dante was not caught of guard as he sensed the king the second he reappeared he span around and blocked his strike witch flung him back into the oncoming earth spike but Dante expected this and used his staff like a pole volt and thrusted in it onto the tip of the spike and flipped over it far enough away from the black hole that he would not get spewed up by it as he landed he saw an ice dome form around the king

As rose arrived at the location she saw the others fighting the king as they looked for a chance to escape she the king was taped for the moment as someone shouted to everyone letting them know they should use this chance to escape she ran over to Gray as he seamed to be the one organising the escape plan

"is there anything i can do to help?"


Damien finely arrived at the location but it seamed one of the kings goons beat him there and had done a magnificent job of pissing of the dark elemental Damien used the carbon inside the copes bodies as well as the carbon in the ground to create a carbon shell around the skeletons then the shall began to shrink cursing the skeletons to dust the carbon shell the tuned into small shards as they began to spin at an incredible speed as they span the dust was sucked up and blown away scattering the remains so skeletons could not be reformed Damien then looked over to the demon as he walked over to Zuko

"use your power to absorb the dark aura around that thing at the very least that will weaken it and after that try to absorb the dark energy inside it that created the thing if you can do that all that will be left will be a lifeless husk one punch would shatter it assuming it worked of course"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The Skies above Calvern

Rankon swung his hoe down at the earth, tilling the field. Besides him, his brother mimicked his actions as their parents watched from the small patio attached to their home. Rankon looked up and waved at them, but something was odd. Their faces registered nothing, eyes unreadable, simply watching what was happening. Rankon frowned and began to take a step towards them.

"You must not disturb them Rankon. You must obey them." His brother Grazah's voice mixed with the sounds of his hoe still striking the earth.

Rankon looked back at his brother, brow furrowed. "But what are they doing? Why are they watching us like that?

"They are waiting." Rankon twitched as the sound of the hoe hitting the earth was replaced with the sonorous sound of a massive chime.

"Waiting for what?" Rankon nearly shouted the question to be heard over the repeated booming as Grazah's pace increased to frightening speed. Grazah stopped and turned for the first time to look Rankon full in the eyes. His eye sockets were dried and empty, insects crawled through them.

"Waiting to see if you are going to let me die again." Metal bars burst from the dirt field below them and encased themselves around Grazah. With a massive creaking sound, they pulled him deep below the earth. Rankon cried out in alarm and surprise, diving in behind the descending cage moving through the earth as fast as he could. The cage accelerated faster, Rankon pushed himself to his limits going faster and faster feeling the earth heat up around him as the stone gave way to magma. Grazah screamed out at him as fire engulfed his eyeless body.

"This is your fault! You let me die!" Rankon reached out his hand and felt the core of the planet searing away his flesh. He let out a wordless cry of misery and pain.

Rankon awoke with a start, the burning sensation from his dream still remained. He eyes rolled around taking in the confusing scene around him. He was somewhere on the mountain still, being carried by someone else who looked ready to leap up at the sky. Disoriented, he looked down at himself. Several bad burns covered his body, one or two of them letting off a bit of steam. He let out a yelp and pushed himself off the mans shoulder, bouncing slightly on the mountain shaking beneath him. As he gingerly picked himself up, unaffected by the earthquake, he took in the scene before him. Many new faces had arrived, massive birds flew through the air with strange riders, warrior had thrown themselves at the king's forces, and a small group of people were shouting instructions through the battle up at the sky riders. The scene was chaos. His eyes fell down to the village of Calvern below him. The only thing he saw was rubble and destruction. The homes had crumbled or been destroyed by the fighting. Calvern, the only home he had ever known, where he had invested all of his strength and care, the place where he had wanted to spend the rest of the days lay broken beneath him.

Rage revitalized him. The pounding of his burnt body only adding to fuel to the body of the growing pool of heat in his head. He turned with a snarl to stare at the king below him. The man who had stolen his family and his future away from him. This man would pay for that. In a voice of barely contained wrath, he said to the stranger who had saved him, "Thank you." He turned back towards the battlefield placing his hands on the ground. Someone had encased the King is a dome of ice and the help that Rankon could apply there was limited. In manipulating the earth, the subtle, more precise actions were more difficult than the larger, forceful actions. The King's golems, on the other hand, were causing mass chaos on the battlefield. Taking them out would give the mountain's defenders a chance to focus their energy upon the King.

He had heard the warning shouted by someone from the "tactics" group about the golems ability to shift elements. That did not matter to Rankon, and it did not matter to the earth. The larger, denser stone could always smash the smaller stone. The golems had disappeared, but Rankon could still feel their power radiating to the tectonic plates below the battlefield causing the earthquake and the tidal wave of water was heading out towards defenders. Rankon called to the earth, gripping the stone in hands as though it were dirt. Taking a play out of someone else's playbook, he caused large earthen walls to cover both the hidden golems and their tidal wave, blocking the wave from hitting the defenders as it smashed against his dome and giving it only one place to go: Back at the golems.

As that occurred he reached down with his senses to where the Golems were sending their tectonic pressure. To block it or neutralize it would have been impossible. But that did not mean he could not redirect it. He sent out his own abilities moving the stone around the tectonic force, adding to it, bending it upwards back up at the golems trapped in the dome. The stone earth below the golems exploded into a massive force of exploding rock sending jagged rocks of death flying at the golems, the tectonic force of both Rankon and the Golem's combined together to create a more powerful attack than Rankon could have ever produced on his own. Rankon did not know the limitations of these beings, but he doubted that they would be able to survive attacks of both Earth and Water.

Rankon's body was more exhausted than it had ever been before, while he did not pass out, he did not think that he would be able to use his abilities or even move. His anger was spent for now and replaced with sheer exhaustion. He could do nothing about the flames in the forest below or the storm raging in the skies above. He could only hope that he had managed to destroy the King's golems. He stared up at the sky, as the smallest rider, appearing to be an extremely young girl, flew above on some kind of winged owl. Lightning was still flashing across the sky and it did not appear that she was taking any defensive measures.

He called out to her, "Owl girl! Watch out from above!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Link looked to Arys as he heard her voice, and his face turned to fear quickly. He hadn't expected her to come down here with him. Had she heard the message too? Before he could talk, a few others came, one of them being an old man and a little girl, both began to give advice and began to work up an escape plan. Immediately, Link began to suck up the tornadoes by taking a deep breath. With that dealt with he turned to Arys and spoke to her quickly.

"What are you doing here? This place in dangerous, go back to the clouds!"

He turned back towards the King and then began to make hand signs. Suddenly, he shouted out loudly.

"Secret Jutsu, crystal ice mirrors!"

As he shout out crystal ice mirrors formed all around the King, then he vanished inside one of the mirrors. After a minute, he flew out and attacked the King with a wind blade before disappearing in another mirror. This would distract him while they all escaped, or so he hoped.

Kai Hioska

Kai arrived at the battlefield and as he did, he saw everything that was happening. He gave a small sigh, and shook his head. He was disappointed that they were working up an escape plan. With everyone here, surely they could defeat the King, right? He stepped forward with his hands in his pockets.

"Do we really need to escape? It's not like the King out numbers us. Well, not much anyway. We get rid of those Golems, and we win."

He turned towards the golems who suddenly disappeared, then he let his arms become loose again. Slowly, energy wrapped around his arm and formed a powerful blade. He was ready to fight.


Slade heard the sos message and was finally heading towards the battlefield. When he was finally there, he let out a sigh. There were already a lot of people here. He decided that it may be best to just let everyone else handle the job. He was just too lazy to be bothered to care anymore. So instead he stood and watched from the side lines with a large yawn.


Sanata listened to the man with the strange metal dragon and gave a soft nod. Slowly she lowered her stance, no longer in her fighting stance. She gave a small smile and then a shrug.

"Well you know how it is. Offer one hand, but arm the other. I was just passing through here, when I saw you."

She smiled, before suddenly, she got an sos message. The elemental Earth Chosen One was in danger, and needed help. He was being attacked by the King. She looked back to the man and spoke quickly.

"Actually I've got to go. It seemed destiny is calling me. Somebody who've I been searching for a very long time is in trouble."

With that, she bowed to him and then gave a small smile. The flower petal shards fell to the floor and then she turned to leave.


Zuko saw as the Dark Elemental One got angrier and angrier, he listened to her and as he saw things worsen, he began to get worried. Although, luckily somebody had come to help. He didn't know who they were, but for now he would listen to them. He absorbed the dark energy from around and within the demon, purifying it while he did so as he was told to, hoping the demon shadow would be weakened as promised. He then stepped forward and smiled at the Dark One.

"Two against one, what are you going to do now? You've lost, face it girl!"

He laughed at her, before looking to the stranger who had come to help him. He wondered to himself, who was this man? A new recruit from the King? He wasn't sure quite yet.

@The One@PharaohAtem@Polaris North
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Bad things were happening. Why were people fighting? And why was her big brother in the middle of it?
Arys' childish excitement turned to fear in an instant. "Big Broth-" she started then shrieked when a bolt of lightning nearly struck her and Hoot. The large owl creature made a sound that was a cross between a roar and a shriek. He darted towards the ground, avoiding the electric shock of the lightning. Arys hung on to Hoot's back, whimpering in fear.

Link yelled at her to go back to the clouds. But she couldn't leave him here! Hoot started to rise only to dart away again when more lightning attempted to strike them. In Arys' mind it was like the sky itself was alive, keeping them from going back above the clouds.
Hoot eventually stopped flying towards the sky, instead heading towards the ground again. He did not like all of this light and noise, especially around his little charge.
They landed near a man with dark hair who was warning them to watch out. The child tumbled off of the large owl creature and it stood over her, calling out viciously at any who attempted to approach. He covered her with his body, protecting her from the wind and from the sight of the enemies around. He opened his giant wings and beat them, the strong gusts of wind stirring up leaves and rocks around them.
Arys gripped his leg, burying her face into his feathers.

If this was what the world was like down here, she wanted to go back home!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Raven and Orphine

Interacting with: @DragonKingUk

Raven adjusted his glove, a force of habit, as he listened to her reasoning. Ah, a simple passerby. She must be searching for something if she did come this deep into the mountain range. Or she might be with the empire. Though once she had received the message, which he had heard the man say that he was the Earth Elemental, he got the idea that maybe she was also searching for the Elementals. The only reason Raven didn't want to go was because it would seem that they were being overpowered by the Empire's forces and he might even be with the Elemental King himself.

Loathe as he to admit it, but they weren't exactly powerful enough to take on the King and his full army. That was the truth. He wasn't sure about the others but he can confidently say that he wasn't exactly very powerful himself. He still needed to train a lot more before he is ready to take on the King. He thought that maybe going with the other Elementals would make him grow stronger. It seems that they might not even reach that point.

He looked back at the girl who had turned to leave to help the Elemental. "While I do not care much for you, girl, it would seem that you are searching for the Elementals." He started, trying to catch her attention so that she would look at him to listen. Hopefully, that was enough. She said as much anyway but it seems that she didn't know that he also received the message. Raven then took a deep breath and continued, "You walk straight to your death if you attempt to go and save this person. It may be a trap no?" Yes, he was being very cautious. But having a bounty on your head does do that to you. "If he is truly an Elemental, he can escape. I am sure of it. The prophecy won't permit it."

The prophecy. He has placed so much faith in a wall of text. But if it were to be believed, then this moment isn't something that would kill any of them. Hopefully what he believed in proved true... or else, he might have just signed his death warrant.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Banokles was surprised when the ma on his shoulders woke up and thanked him. Only than Banokles noticed teh burn wounds teh elemental had. Since his previous interactions with others, he knew that people got burned by flames, but he thought all the elementals were immune to fire like he himself was. Banokles was sure teh man would hate him or hold it against him.
As the Elemental looked at Banokles, the later got ready for an attack but instead of some kind of attack all teh man threw at him was a heartened and sincere thank you. For a moment Banokles stood shocked and watched how the elemental one gripped teh ground like it was dirt, and soon after things went haywire beneath on the battlefield.
Surprised by teh softness of teh ground Banokles tried to squeeze the ground like the man, only to see his fingers hit a rock hard ground and almost break. Grinding his teeth in pain he pulled his hand to himself and quizzically looked back and forth to the man and to his hands. “Yeah you're welcome, sorry for the burns tho. Also after this, could you show me the trick with teh rock?” Just as Banokles finished his sentence he felt an alien fire flare up somewhere above him, which made him look up and reminded him of his plan.

“Finally i can do something fun” He said with a smile on his face. He jumped towards teh airship that he managed to damage upon his arrival. As he landed on its side he blasted of of its hull towards another ship and then again back to this one. Each time when he jumped from the first one he jump to another undamaged ship and from that one back to teh first. Everytime he went back for the first one he tried to ram it as hard as possible, pushing it more and more to teh center of teh valley above the king.
In mere moments teh ship was above the valley falling down faster and faster as it took more and more damage. On the last jump Banokles formed himself to look like a bullet and went through the hull of the airship. Inside he inhaled all of the alien fire there was and swallowed it. Gaining extra energy. Using teh extra energy, and some of his own he charged it all up between his hands and kept charging it, raising its heat and pressure, until he could hold it no longer and all teh build up energy exploded.
The ship that was more or less whole a second ago got blasted in teh sky to a million pieces flying like bullets into all directions, but most to teh valley below.

@The One
After teh Blast Banokles lost his footing and was now falling with the wreckage.
Not knowing what to do, he got an idea, which he hopped would work. Again he focused the energy like in the ship only it was in one hand each, and allot less energy. This time he only allowed the energy to be released in one direction which propelled him into the air. Surprised by teh efficiency, he lost balance, and started to wave his hands around which made him swirl in all directions spining him like a rollercoaster. Yelling to the top of his voice as he went through the air until he lastly hit teh ground .
As Banokles slowly got up he felt a little dizzy, and noticed his vision was foggy. grabbing his head he could feel a bulge on teh right side, which he got by ramming a metal scrap from the ship he destroyed.
“Aw man that hurt. Hey you can you please help m get up?” He said to a person that looked tall and as it would have a weird white glow around it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Boy in the Robe

The King's Solar

The voice of Sadara's guard would briefly sound from underneath the small door crack leading to the solar. A pause, and another brief muffled exhange would lead to the door opening. Coming through the door, a figure entered in a truly ludicrous outfit. The figure wore a robe that entirely covered them and then continued rolling down to drag behind him several feet across the floor. The sleeves were only narrowly off the ground to the point that if the figure were to bend their knees in the slightest manner, they too would drag. The hood itself continued far past the face and ceased at somewhere around the figure's waist. The robe was black, with blue trim outlining the far off openings. More than a robe, the figure resembled someone wearing an overly ornate sheet atop their head. Their was no visible way that the figure could even see where they were going. The figure stood tall, but did not seem broad enough to be the shape of a full grown adult.

The figure shuffled across the room as the guard shut the door behind them once all of his robe had passed the threshold. The robed figure stooped down to a ornately decorated cabinet constructed opening a bottom drawer filled with dust covered books. From behind the figure now resembled a pile of cloth. With purpose, it extracted a volume and wiped the dust away from the volume, before turning to the chairs in the room. With additional shuffling, the figure moved over to the chair, wrapped some of its robe around him, and without removing his hands from his robes, awkwardly opened the volume. The writing on the book was worn with time and wear, and was mostly a collection of bizarrely shaped symbols of language now forgotten. The figure glanced up and the direction it's head was presumably facing was at Sadara.

"Hello." The voice was muffled from the dense layers of clothing, but obviously that of a young man. This greeting completed, the figure turned his head back towards his book, remaining in the solar.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Waking up to Raika gently nudging his shoulder, Kyurai rolled over, dropping from the electric tower, lightning once more guiding him down. Now sitting on the ground, Kyurai tossed a small thunderbolt into the wastelands, soaring off at incredible speed but quickly followed by Raika. It wasn't long until Raika returned, dropping a thunderbolt in front of him. Kyurai wasn't sure whether or not it was the same thunderbolt he'd thrown or if Raika was just a delusional dog thinking it had caught it, but then again, he never was. The thunderbolt sizzled out at his feet, followed by whines from Raika. It was a bad habit Raika had, she'd wake Kyurai up, just to play. Kyurai hadn't managed to get rid of this habit, but neither was he sure he wanted to, after all, it made Raika only more adorable.

Kyurai put a hand on Raika's 'back', electricity sparkling between the two. Petting Raika would soon have to be interrupted when lighting struck somewhere in the far distance, almost at the end of where he could sense it. The signal was weak, but had travelled quite a distance, meaning that unlike the bolt he'd thrown, it must've been a powerful blast. Wondering who other than he himself possibly could've created such a blast, he started speculating. Would it have been the lightning elemental from the legends? Or possibly the king himself? Kyurai quickly dismissed the latter as a possibility, what would the king be doing there, anyway. Soon after he also dismissed the first option, like the scientists at the lab had told him, no such thing existed, the prophecy was a hoax. Granted, he had some spectacular powers, but he did not sense any lies from the scientists who told him this.

With a sigh, Kyurai got up. Putting Raika on a 'leash' made of lightning, he headed away from the impressive caster's lightning attack. No need to get involved in something ugly, no matter how impressive the people involved were. Taking Raika for a walk, Kyurai stopped when he reached the edge of a village. As much as he liked Raika, he couldn't really take her along into a village, but prof. Kyouka told him he needed to mix with people more. Sending Raika back up into the stormy clouds, Kyurai entered the village.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Distial watched as the shadow demon was destroyed, as it was her shadow returned to her. She gave a small chuckle at how they thought they have defeated the shadow demon. Although, just as she was about to resummon it, air ships flew overhead. Solders and golems were suddenly swarming the graveyard in seconds. Shade turned to Distial with a face full of worry as he stared at her.

"Distial, we should run. We're drawing too much attention to ourselves."

Distial clenched her fist as she stared at the army now in the graveyard.

"God damn it! To be chased out of my home, this is unforgivable! The King will die by my hands!"

Suddenly, a huge black portal opened up behind her. Immediately, Distial and Shade stepped backwards inside of it, and the black portal closed behind them. Then another black portal opened up on the battlefield where the Elemental King was. Distial and Shade both stepped out. Then, when the portal closed Distial looked around, and accessed the situation. Quickly, she closed her eyes and the gem on her Necromantic Crown glowed brightly.

"fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of a dead King!"

Immediately, a black portal would appear on one of the mirrors, and a portal opened in front of her. Afterwards, blood began to pour out of her fingers, forming hundreds of blades all going towards the King. Shade let out a black fiery breath through the portal while the blades headed towards the King.


The golems didn't expect to have their own attack sent back at them. The sheer water pressure was enough to destroy only a few, but the Golems that remained were the ones who were under the Earth, Water, Light, Dark and Metal element. However, with the added earth attack, it destroyed the water golems easily. However, a few golems still remained. The warriors continued to destroy the last of the golems. Within a few minutes, they were all gone. At which point, all attention turned on to the King who was being attacked by three different elementals. So far, the battle was looking rather well.

The Elemental King

The Elemental King looked at the pitiful attempt at trying to kill him. He laughed loudly, and then clicked his fingers. Suddenly, the light warped around him and he disappeared from the ice dome and crystal mirrors. He then clenched his fist and everything was instantly destroyed like it was nothing.

"Is that all you've got? You can use your pitiful magic against me, you can fight and you can resist but you will never win. I am far superior than you in every way!"

He laughed and then rose his hands. Suddenly, a giant maze of metal was formed. The metal was so shiny, it made perfect reflections like mirrors. Then the metal began to let out bursts of electricity towards whoever was near them. At the same time fire was shot out from the ground, becoming so hot that it would be almost unbearable to anyone who wasn't protected against the heat. Gusts of wind were created to knock everyone of balance and to make it hard to walk. The earth was constantly shifting and moving, making the maze almost impossible to work through. The all water within the maze was electrified and so ice cold it would freeze anyone who wasn't protected from it. In certain parts of the maze, it was so dark, it was impossible to see, while in others, it would be so bright, it would be blinding.


Ciana who was sitting on Reptile while he flew watched everything that was happening. Currently, Reptile was using his organic manipulation to make himself look like a large flying horned bird. The King had thrown everything back at them. She looked to the map given to her quickly, and after seeing the location Ciana closed the map. She closed her eyes for a moment and focused, letting out a small breath as she did. After a few seconds, everyone who was fighting against the king would be surrounded by a aura of light. She had never teleported this many people before, it was difficult for her. However, after a small moment everything went white, and suddenly, they all disappeared. A new area would come into view, a small mining town. Everyone would suddenly fade back into existence and appear out of nowhere. She looked around, making sure she got everyone, before nodding.

"I'm so glad that worked. Is everyone alright? Here, please let me tend to your wounds."

Suddenly, a holy light would surround everyone, healing any tiredness or injury they may have. Afterwards she sat herself down and let out a small sigh. Reptile sat next to her as she did.

"My name is Ciana, and I am the Light Elemental Chosen One. It seemed that my destiny called me to join you all so we could all work together to kill the King."

She stood up, and looked around before looking to the metal dragon and it's owner. Then she looked to the girl next to him. She hadn't brought them here. She looked to her right and there flew a white dragon spirit.

"Ciana, is that who I think it is?"

She looked to Raven for a moment and nodded.

"Yes, the map Master Grey gave me brought me here. It had something to do with a metal mine, so I am assuming that's another Elemental."

Of course, only those who were attuned to the spirit world would be able to see the spirit that she was talking to.

The Elemental King and Scarlet Overkill

The Elemental King watched as everyone disappeared. He laughed loudly, and slowly, the maze shattered. He then held out his hand and all the energy from the elements were absorbed. Slowly, he began to walk away as he spoke.

"Do you really believe you got away? Fools, all of them. They would believe anything to them if it were told by a trusted friend and that will be their undoing!"

With that, the Elemental King began to sing in a sinister mocking tone, directed to Master Grey and his followers. Of course, none of them could hear him, he was simply boosting.


As he finished singing, he disappeared, fading into the light. Meanwhile Scarlet walked up to a small secret chamber within the castle. She opened the door and walked inside. There stood inside the room were eight shadowy figures. Their faces couldn't be seen by the darkness.

"It is finally time. The Elemental Chosen Ones have risen up to defy the King. It will be your job to destroy them when the time comes for your assault. The King has told me to tell you to prepare yourselves, for soon you will require getting blood on your hands, and your thirst for death will be satisfied."

With that, Scarlet slowly walked out. She gave a sinister smile, so far, everything was going just perfectly.


Isabella faded with the light as everyone teleported. Everyone seemingly got there around the same time. Isabella looked around and gave a small tiny smile as she did. It was then that she began to listen to everyone. As everything went silent, she spoke proudly.

"We have escaped. To me, that was once battle won. We didn't die after all."

She smiled and stood back for a moment, watching and waiting for the next part of the plan.


Distial was suddenly teleported to a new location. She looked around and clenched her fist tightly. Why the hell did they run away? It was only a god damn maze! She sighed, and shook her head. Although, it was one that would be very difficult to pass through without the help of other elementals. She had to admit that, but she still didn't like running away. She wanted the King dead.

"We shouldn't of run. We could of fought still, we didn't even try to pass through the maze! God damn it, where are we now? What are we doing here?"

She looked around before seeing the metal dragon, ah Metal Elemental. That would of come in handy back when the damn King was there fighting. For now, she waited to hear the plan of action. While Shade stood next to her.


Seth looked around when she was teleported and then stood forward. She placed her sword away, and put her shield back on her back. There was no threat here, for now at least.

"It was a wise move to get away. We need to gather as much help as we can, and rally the other Elemental Chosen Ones. Now, what is our next plan of action, now that we are gathered here? How long before the King and his men find us?"

She looked to Master Grey, expecting some answers from him.

Korta, Raiden, Wolf

The three arrived and when they did, they got out of their battle positions. It seemed the battle was over, they had retreated to another area. Already people were asking about their next plan of action and so the three stayed silent to listen. There was no need to comment on anything for the three.

Master Grey and Julia

Master Grey and Julia arrived as everyone else did, it was Master Grey who looked to the dragon first and then to Raven. He flashed the two a smile before listening to everyone. When everything was quiet he spoke.

"You, the Metal Elemental Chosen One, it is time for you to heed the prophecy. Your destiny calls. Here we have the Chosen One of Darkness, Wind, Water, Light, Earth and Fire. With you, we only need one more. The Chosen one of Lightning. As you see, fate has it that we all meet. Our next plan, you ask? We travel to whether the Lightning Elemental Chosen One is. Once everyone is together, we will then discuss a plan of action. First thing first, we will need to be able to know each other, trust each other. Training will begin to help master your Elemental Powers, for the King has mastered his, and if you don't master yours we will never win."

It was then that Julia stood forward herself.

"As for how long it will take for the Elemental King to find us, that is a difficult answer. Theoretically, we shouldn't of been able to escape with Ciana's light elemental powers for the King has them too, and he most definitely heard Master Grey begin an escape plan yet he made no attempt to stop us. The chances of him making a mistake is exactly 000000.1% chance statistically. In fact, you've got a 99.5% chance of him actually knowing where he went, as he would be able to follow the change in light to our location. It is very possible he allowed us to escape so the real question is why? However, that even I don't know."

Master Grey stared at Julia amazed at how she worked that out with ease, when with even his brilliant mind, he had not thought of it. At that moment, he knew there was more to this little girl than meets the eye.


Scarlet walked through the village herself followed by several Golems. Just as she was passing Kyurai the golems stopped in front of him. Scarlet stopped herself and stared at the Golems. Suddenly a robotic voice called out.

"Report! Report! Here stands Lightning Target."

Immediately Scarlet smiled and turned to the young man.

"I'm afraid our security has detected something. I'm sorry to say, but you're going to have to come with me."

She created a sword made from pure energy just waiting to attack if he didn't come quietly.

@Ryougu@EurmalEye@orcpunx@Polaris North@Belle@DragonKingUk@PharaohAtem
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The Battlefield to the The Mining Village

Rankon felt the light surround as a light tickling sensation all over his body, before a sudden pulling sensation caused him to blink his eyes shut. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself away from the battle, away from his shattered village, away from his people who he had tried so hard to protect, and away from everything that he had ever known. They seemed to be in some sort of mining village, fairly similar in appearance to Calvern though with less farmland to work with. A brief touch of the soil told him that the land here was too tainted with the touch of metal to yield a quality crop, even without his elemental abilities. In addition to the new location, it seemed as though whoever had teleported him here had also done the same for the rest of the combatants who had fought against the King. There was quite a large amount of people standing around, some with bizarre creatures that he had never even heard of in stories. The group seemed powerful, but fairly disjointed, some standing around questioning each other, seeking some answers.

One of the stranger looking members of this bizarre rebellious force, a girl somewhere around his own age with long white hair who had appeared near the end of the battle and had a penchant for dark clothing, let out some anger about some mad desire to stay and fight before seeming to calm. She was staring at a strange man with some type of grey, shiny lizard creature. Rankon eyed it curiously for a moment, but then decided it was no stranger than anything else he had seen today. Rankon felt the tingling sensation of the light covering his wounds and found his that he had regained some of his energy. He stood up off the ground, finally being able to move again and noted that the burns he had received during his rescue had vanished. 'Remarkable. We could use a healer like that in our village.' An old man, brimming with authority and self importance, began to lecture the stranger, calling him an "Elemental Chosen One" and speaking at length of some type of prophecy. Rankon glanced around with confusion. 'These people all seem to understand what he is talking about. What even is a prophecy?'

The little girl standing next to the old man began talking about numbers and percentages. It seemed like nonsense to Rankon, but he understood the gist of what she was saying. The King knew where this group was and would be coming for them soon. This simplified matters for Rankon greatly and he cleared his throat to speak and then paused for a couple seconds, thinking. 'I don't understand what these people are talking about, but it seems as though only danger will follow them based on what happened at Calvern.' He felt his anger rise at just the thought of what had happened to his home, but quench it quickly. 'This is not the time for that.'

"I have to go find my village. He looked over to the man who had caught him whilst he was falling. "Thank you again. I appreciate your action and I am in your debt. You may accompany me if you wish, a man of your caliber would be a great help to my people." He looked over to the girl who had used some ability to heal him. "Thank you as well, we could use a healer of your abilities as well." To the rest of the large group, he waved his hand briefly and said, "Goodbye." Rankon began to walk away from the group.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Just as his vision got focused a strong light blinded him again. Banokles slowly got up, still a tad dazed by his fall, he waited for his vison to calm down and return to normal. When finally he could see normally again, he looked around and realised they all were at a different location. Everybody that was in a previous fight, fighting the king, was now standing in a what looked like a small deserted village. He noticed he got blood on his hands and it immediately reminded him of his head wound, but as he touched the spot everything was fine, which confuse Banokles, but he decided to leave the matter for later. Banokles was getting confused more and more by teh second. and to top it of, everyone started talking about prophecy and how a king will hunt them down, and that they need to unite and train, and things Banokles did not really understand, which made him feel uneasy.

He knew he was not the sharpest tool in the shed, but this was too much for him. It was even worse, when he looked at everybody and mostly every one knew what was happening and acted like everything is going to plan and are waiting for further instructions, and that only Banokles was teh stupid one who had no idea what's going on. Sitting down he listened to what everyone had to say.
The worse part at teh end of everything was that a little girl, who looked 13 years old, knew more than Banokles. Feed up with everything and hungry, he decided to just go his own way since apparently he is useless to this group of fighters and chosen ones. Just as he decided to leave the man who banokles saved spoke up, and out of everyone who was gathered, Banokles believed the man had made the most sense of the lot.
After a quick decision, Banokles turned to to the man he saved. “I will take you up on that offer.” as he said that he walked to catch up to the mans step, without a word or glance to teh others. “ So where are we going first may i ask? Also my name is Banokles.” He said.

@PharaohAtem@The One@EurmalEye7@DragonKingUk@Belle@Polaris North

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Damien, Vixen, Spike, Astrid

Vixen Spike and Astrid where all searching for the chosen ones unsuccessfully when they heard Scarlet call for reinforcements they stopped what they where doing and headed for scarlet's location Meanwhile Damien was with Zuko when he heard Scarlet's call and since the dark elemental had already escaped he decided to go help after all he couldn't let someone else capture his bounty once there he took a look around and saw the others but it seams the battle had already ended they decided to head back to kings castle

Aquarius, Rose and Dante
@Polaris North@Belle@DragonKingUk@orcpunx@The One@EurmalEye
the light temporally blinded them they closed their eyes and after the light had died down they opened them once more once they did they took a quick look around and saw that they where now in an old mining town they listened to everyone Otogi looked around 'this place looks safe enough' he then disappeared while Aquarius walked over to Gray and Julia

"once we found the lighting elemental i can take us to Atlantis where we can train in peace safe from the king"

just then Otogi reappeared with the villagers

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Sadara was surprised, but not fearful of the figure in the room. To harm the King's Oracle would be to invite death. Besides, if such a thing were his aim she would welcome death if it meant escape from the life she had and the future she feared was coming.

She didn't move from the map, keeping the large table between them. "It is not just anyone who finds themselves so comfortable in the King's solar," she said, her own voice low and emotionless, having been trained from years of servitude to the Elemental King. She meant these words as both a subtle inquiry as to the figure's identity and a veiled warning as to what he would face if the King found him in his private solar without permission.

There was nothing for her to do now but wait. She would not be allowed to leave the room until the King arrived and saw the mark she had made on the map. She studied the mark curiously. The middle of the sea? What could possibly be of importance there? A ship? An island?
Sadara closed her eyes and prayed to gods she wasn't sure existed that the mark made some sense to the King and hence she would not be punished for wasting his precious time. The sooner his attention was off of her, the better.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Boy in the Robe

The King's Solar

The boy in the robe looked up at Sadara's response, expression concealed the vast garment. His head visibly cocked to one side as though considering what Sadara had said. "I suppose that is true. Who are you and why are you here?" he asked the question bluntly, though not unkindly. The figure shifted slightly in his chair, seemingly attempting to get more comfortable from his chair, obviously making no effort to rise and approach the barrier Sadara had made between them with the table. The boy shut the book, releasing a small cloud of dust, and slid it somewhere in one of his deep sleeves. He paused, considering Sadara and her table. Then, came a snapping sound from somewhere deep in the fabric. "Aren't you the Oracle? That must be nice to see what the future is like. Is it a good future?"

The boy in the robe stopped talking and turned his head slightly to the left. He seemed to listen for a moment and then rose up from his chair, moving with surprising dexterity for his outfit. "He is coming back, though he seems to be feeling rather self satisfied with himself. Be careful though, the man hates being doubted and never stops being dangerous. Not for one moment. Till the next time we meet." He knocked at the door and the guard outside opened it up with a small creak. He gave a final nod and exited the room. Several seconds later, the last of his robes cleared the doorway and the guard shut the door behind him leaving Sadara alone in the King's solar.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@The One
Turning around with a look of surprise, Kyurai faced the woman. Noticing the sword in her hand he reflecively jumped back a little. "C-calm down, miss. No need to draw weapons here in public, you might hurt someone. Besides, isn't this a bit forceful for a first date? And on that note, I believe an introduction is in order, stranger danger and all that." His face surprisingly serious for his silly remark, he slowly rose his hand and introduced himself. "My name's Kyurai. So uhh...Do you come here often?"
He said chuckling, but not unaware that she was armed and ready to fight. Ready to pull his arm back at Lightning speed.

On the bright side, he considered, at least he'd know if she'd lie about her intentions. Though that was already looking unfavorable for her since her aura darkened a little the moment she pulled her sword. On the downside, if she were to attack, he'd probably have to run somewhere, and he didn't really know where.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Raven and Orphine

Interacting with: @DragonKingUk @The One @EurmalEye @orcpunx @PharaohAtem

A bright light surrounded the area and Raven was forced to stagger back, the metal around him starting to bend towards his will. He was ready for an attack. A mass of people appeared in front of him, but he did not immediately respond aggressively. There were too many people, however, so he decided to not lower his guard around them. Orphine had not responded in kind. Instead, she eyed them all with curiosity. He listened to them speak. Ah so these were the other Chosen Ones and some others as well? Interesting. It seems they have just gotten out from a fight. A fight with whom? A fight with the Elemental King, he presumed.

He then watched as two of them began to say their farewells wit hone saying that he wishes to go back to his village. From there, Raven assumed that they were all transported here from a village where that man belonged. However, while Raven knew of this prophecy, he was in less agreement than one would expect. He looked at them with steely eyes and said.

"How would I know that I should trust you?" He asked. Obviously, with him not battling with any of them, he didn't know whether they were trustworthy or not. For all he knew, this was just an elaborate trap set up by the Elemental King. He cannot trust their words. Not now. Not yet. He had also heard the whole deal with the percentages he cannot make heads or tails with. He just knew that they had a high chance of the Elemental King actually finding them here.

This sparked something else in him. "And suppose I believe what you are saying, you speak that the Elemental King knows that we are here? Unbelievable, you led him straight towards me and my village." He massaged his temples. Idiots, they were all idiots. So this was it, he would suffer because these people were foolish enough to transport themselves directly towards him.

"Leave." It would seem that he would need a little bit more convincing before he actually agrees to go with any of them.
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