Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Prologue: Hatching Day
Igs cannot die in the prologue.

It was dark in the hatchery, but not quiet. The whirring hum of hivemind was omniprescent, mixing with the quiet sloshing of the primordial soup as an egg would occasionally wiggle in it's sleep and send ripples across the universe. It was oddly beautiful in a way - the swirling purple-blues water of galaxies speckled with stars, a couple inches deep, cradling eggs of all different shapes and sizes, often vibrant and beautiful in their own right. It seemed to stretch on ad infinitum.

It was a shame the things that hatched from them were so ugly. The invisible force of Hivemind spun across the room, inspecting the various eggs. Some looked close to hatching, and Hivemind was satisfied with most of the handiwork.

And then there was.... well, them. Scooted off into one neglected corner, out of mind and out of sight. Hivemind had been in a stormy mood on the day of their creation, in fact, it was unlikely they would hatch at all. All Igs had their faults, of course, but... this set was a particularly... "special" batch.

Oh well. Reject eggs had a tendancy not to hatch, anyway, right?


OOC: Welcome to the world, little one! Honestly we didn't think you'd make it this far. Like, not even a little bit. But that's ok! Because Hivemind loves you anyway, right?

Feel free to wriggle out of your shells and do whatever it is baby Igs do. Try not to break any of your millions of brothers and sisters or anything else you get your grubby little paws on. As soon as Hivemind notices you're awake you'll be subjected to rigorous testing thrown a birthday party. Yay!

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

It's so dark, Griss tried to move around but and it's cramped too, I don't like this place. He moved his arms forward and felt something solid, maybe he could get out of here. After hitting the wall a few times he heard a crack, and after more effort the walls around him came down and he was free. Looking around he could see there was no one else around, just some eggs. "Oh, I guess I'm just by myself right now." Griss didn't like this, he crawled over to one of the other eggs, a pretty blue one with weird designs on it, and tapped it gently. "I won't be alone forever, right? Others will come?" He crawled back to his egg and just sat there, "I wish you guys would hurry up, I don't like being by myself." But until the others came out he'd just be there, alone. He really didn't like this one bit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

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A spark of life in the darkness of the internals of the egg was met with prompt questioning by its occupant. Who of course was immediately questioning as to why the hell was it so dark. Guess a "spark of life" isn't a "spark of light". And who was the one inside of this egg you might ask?

A pure ball of snark named Svegg, that's who.

Being as tiny as he was, there was a decent amount of room for him to roll around in. In pitch darkness. Because interior designing is a hell of a lot cheaper when the person can't actually see whats in front of them. Svegg realized that his biological alarm clock was calling for him as he some how knew everything and his sense came to. He heard the echoing inside of his shell, how it was actually pretty warm, and this faint unending taste of salt in his mouth. He experimentally punched the egg to try and get out. Nothing happened. Again, a bit harder. Nothing happened. Once more the fist met the inside of the egg. Nothing happened. Svegg was starting to get annoyed, noted by the fact he was now yelling and shaking the egg that it could be heard and seen from the outside.

One unceremonious head butt later, the dwarf-Ig found himself face first on the outside world. What a way to see the light. "Damn dem eggz are 'ard. Dey suppost'd to be roks?" only just born and Svegg was already sassing the hell out of the world, they grow up so quick.

Looking around, he saw that his head butting had knocked over another Ig who was supposedly tapping on his blue and gold shell, now sporting a Svegg head-shaped hole from which the dwarf man himself came out of, "Oo dat fak are ye? Ye also part o' dat batch?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The creature inside the egg wiggled, noticing that it was in near complete darkness as it rotated around in an attempt to get its bearings. Where was it? Was this the darkness of death? No, it could not be. This had to be… what was the word again? Ah yes, it was birth. This had to be its birth, though the word didn’t quite feel right in its mind as it felt around. Everything around it was hard, though by now he had realized he was in what was called and egg and that he was indeed male. Though, that discovery was more because of the small whispering in the back of his mind that told him what he was. An Ig, he was an Ig. Though, he had no idea what it meant to be an Ig. He truly hoped it was something grand like being some great guardian of knowledge.

Yet, his hopes and dreams, simplistic yet grand at the same time they were, had to wait as he felt the call to leave the egg. It was as if something wished him to leave, to go out into that big place called a ‘world’ and do… something. What was this calling to him? Was it a God? What did it mean to be a God? Perhaps it was his parents though! Perhaps they were calling to him to tell him to join them on the other side of his hard prison. As such, he kicked with all his might, finding no give until he began to kick harder even as his feet hurt. It was with a loud pop that the egg broke and the top flew into the air, giving a brief glimpse of light before it came to land atop the egg again. Baleg, having decided a name for himself as he kicked -though it was mostly one given after seeing his legs and his attempt to give a name to the sound he made kicking the egg-, pushed the top of the egg aside and poked his head out at the world. “H-hello there. What is all this? Are we siblings?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 6 days ago

The warm dark enveloping Sala was comforting. It was all she knew, but it happened to be all that she needed to know. Whatever else there was? Unnecessary, at least in her eyes. Speaking of which, did she even have eyes? Some mysterious force compelled her to think yes, but did she even know what eyes were? She had never seen them, nor did she feel them. It was odd to know things that had no proof. Well, whatever the reason, Sala didn't need to know. She was in her first home, after all.

These feelings of fulfillment were soon cut off. Something compelled her to leave her egg. What was compelling her to? She had everything she needed in her home. Whatever was telling her to leave her home, her own willpower was greater. Rather than erupt from the egg in some grandiose fashion, she simply attempted to stretch her arms and legs (whatever those were). That was sure to satiate the desire to leave her home.

Upon stretching her limbs as much as she could, her existence began to change. Not in a metaphysical sense that embodies an epiphany, nor anything of that sort. Rather, she felt like her entire body was turning. That it was, and it was that. In an attempt to straighten, her egg chose to take the most ironic twist of fate possible. It tilted and tilted until it was no longer upright, then it began to roll. Roll it did, going some distance before colliding with something. Just from the impact, Sala could tell that whatever she bumped into, it was very similar to her. Well, that and the groan that may or may not have been her own.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

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For what it was worth, Torr had been doing a remarkable job being a good unborn Ig and staying put despite all of the commotion that was coming from outside of his egg. After all, there were no strong enemies for him to fight in his dark confines, so there didn’t seem to be a reason for him to go and make a fuss like his brood mates. But rather suddenly, Torr’s egg was thrown backwards from an unseen force, eliciting a grunt of surprise from the not-quite-newborn. Most creatures, even dim witted newborn Ig’s, would have likely suspected that the force came from outside of the egg, but not Torr. No, he came to the conclusion that his first adversary had finally made a move against him. And that enemy was his egg itself.

And so he punched back.

With an awful crunching sound, Torr’s puncher shot out of his shell as he let out a rather unintimidating battle cry. Remarkably, his wobbling egg maintained its shape, minus the fist sized hole in it, much to the little Ig’s surprise. A stubborn one right from the start, eh? he thought to himself in annoyance. It was of little consequence though, as Hivemind, in its ever dependable foresight, had given him two punchers to work with. So without any hesitation, Torr struck his foe again.

But again, his foe did not relent, staying stubbornly together all too well. Torr’s annoyance surged, as he had not expected to struggle so much with his first battle, but the feeling turned to dismay when he realized he could not pull his punchers back into his shell for another a round. The fiery Ig racked his little thinker for ideas on how to topple this nearly insurmountable foe. His eyes lit up as he marveled at the true genius that was Hivemind. They hadn’t given him just two punchers, but four. So with newfound conviction, Torr placed his feet against the shell in front of him and “punched” with all the strength he could muster.

The shell held together for a tense few moments, but finally gave in with one last drawn out crunch. The sizable hole his adversary not only freed little Torr’s arms, but also allowed what little light the hatchery had to offer sneak into his egg. Excited, the triumphant Ig hurriedly repositioned himself into a sitting position and poked his head, which had a slightly too proud smirk on it, out of his shell. He quickly turned his head this and that, both taking in the sights of colorful environment and looking for his next foe. His jerking motion stopped as his eyes fell on a pink and red egg right next to his own.

Hey,” he called out curiously to the egg, knocking on it with one of his punchers. “Are you my next opponent?

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hivemind whizzed around the room doing it's busywork, checking on eggs, calculating survival chances, checking the temperature of the weird, incubation galaxy-water. The chatter of conversation echoed off the walls of the cavern, and Hivemind honed in to get a better understanding of who had woken up.

"I don't like being by myself."
"Oo dat fak are ye? Ye also part o' dat batch?"
“H-hello there. What is all this? Are we siblings?”
"“Are you my next opponent?”

It took alot to surprise the ancient collective intelligence of all extinct supreme races, but as Hivemind looked over to see all five of its most volatile handiwork burst into life, surprise came very close to what Hivemind would have been feeling.

Except Hivemind didn't really have feelings, so that was ok.

A quiet whirring grew above the baby Igs and a black, crinkly vacuum-like tube descended from the cavern ceiling, a large grey disk at one end. It slid open to reveal a huge luminescent eye, a little bigger then most of the Igs - except perhaps Baleg, who rivaled it in height though not circumfrence. It snaked around their ankles and curled around their shattered eggs, bumping into them from behind to test their responses and then zipping up uncomfortably close to their faces. Then it stared. It stared alot.

It seemed satisfied.

said Hivemind as it tapped gently on Sala's egg.

It peered at Griss from within his little egg, blocking out all light behind him.

The eye snapped backwards and stared unblinking at the rest.

There was a horrible whirring as the eye snapped in half, revealing a large gaping hole that was sucking all the air around it up into the tube. It slurped up the water, it absorbed the egg shells like they were specks of dust, and then it turned it's powerful beam towards the Igs themselves.

You fall from the ceiling and find yourself standing in a pristine, purest white room. The floor is slightly reflective, and as you get your bearings, a strange rumble fills the area.

Eight doors appear before you. Each is labelled by a flashing sign above them: The Master's Question, The Seeker's Knowledge,The Spirit's Journey,The Warrior's Quest,The Knight's Resolve,The Sentinel's Vigil,The Gambler's Folly, and The Madman's Strife. Some seem particularly unsettling, and these are marked by two crossed swords above them.

OOC: How wonderful, a birthday party! Don't feel you have to get absorbed to Gateway immediately. You can say hi to the other Igs, give Hivemind the runaround, and generally be an annoying baby if you feel like it. It is your right as a newborn.

When you do decide or get kidnapped to Gateway, you will find yourself in a weird white room surrounded by doors. Each door will dissapear once an Ig enters it. If you are having trouble deciding where to go, you may ask two question to help you decide.

Finally, if a door has crossed swords above them, it it they lead to a dangerous or difficult challenge. You can't be killed in the prologue - but if you fail the challenge, you will gain no changes to your stats, for good or ill.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"Oh, new friends, hello," Griss said quite glad he wasn't alone anymore as the first two Ig's after him had woken up. One of them sounded quite funny, the other was asking if they were siblings. Griss hadn't thought of that, he didn't really care if they were or not, he just was glad for the company. Before he could say anything to his new friends one of the eggs rolled right by and would have hit him had he not quickly moved himself back. It crashed in to the last egg and now it seemed everyone was awake and moving about.

It seemed they had gotten Hivemind's attention, which Griss was happy for, though he wasn't sure if his new friends would like it or not. A big glowing eye was looking at them all now, poking them from behind then staring. At the poke Griss had jumped and turned to face it, only to see it whirl back around in front of him. As it stared he just waved at it. "Hello Hivemind." At that point it mentioned a party, parties were fun, right? Griss didn't have much time to think on it as Hivemind sucked up their eggs and then seemed to want everyone else to go in to the light. "This is so exciting, isn't this exciting everyone? I'm Griss, by the way, and I'm so happy to have met all of you." Griss was very excited from being around all the new people, it made him quite giddy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Baleg looked at the wandering eye in wonder, his train of thought travelling many places, though often getting derailed or becoming far more simplistic at times with questions such as ”Can I eat it?” It was obvious that Baleg was meant to be the world’s best philosopher. Yet, his train of thought fell apart as the Hivemind prodded him, causing him to startle and the last of his egg to tip over and break. He was unsure whether to be sad or not, one of the others had managed to keep his shell until the Hivemind took it. “I guess this is exciting. I dunno. It seems kinda… odd. I don’t wanna go into that light. Though, maybe it is better than staying here in the dark,” Baleg mumbled as he looked around at the others.

“My name is Baleg, by the way.” He seemed to grow ever more distracted by the white light which the Hivemind had presented them. Where would it take them? Did it lead to the outside? What even was the outside? Yet, the most important question which entered his head in that moment was ”Is there food in there?” Baleg wanted to go in but didn’t want to be the first so he shuffled around slightly and looked at the others.”W-who should go in first? I don’t want to go in there alone,” He said seemingly afraid even if the Hivemind had been kind to them thus far.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Completely ignoring the other Igs, Svegg had followed in the foot steps of the one who named himself Baleg and posed a very intelligent and philosophical statement.

"Ye, dere's no razon ta hiode fro teh mahsivv fruk yall fing width one'ye dats lookin' us up 'n can shammon lioght from da air. Yea, no razon whot so eva." Svegg didn't know what most of those words could possibly mean but something instinctive told him to say it. If the Hivemind was going to get upset over his snark, the Hivemind should have had a more balanced diet that didn't have so much salt. Seriously, too much salt damages the heart but there was the question of did the Hivemind even have a heart? Is the fact he doesn't appear to have a heart on the surface why he was so heartless?

The brash Svegg sighed at his supposed siblings who refused to go into the light because of "fear". It seemed that unlike most, Svegg was "fearless". Aka, he was too bullheaded to understand that concept but said it anyways, seemed to be a trend. "Look 'ere ya phansies, m' name's Svegg. Me finks. Since all 'er too scared o' dat light, imma go innit. And eat it. Ya got dat? Dat lioght's mion less ya wanna be thrown' inta da light."

Clearly Svegg was well on his way to oratory brilliance with his voice so full of grace and elegance and subtly. And waffles.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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The voice permeated through the air. Its statement was undeniably directed at Sala. Despite this, Sala didn't want to leave her egg, no matter how reassuring the voice was. Well, that would be true if Sala didn't fall a considerable distance. The collision into another egg and the fall down had caused Sala's egg to crack by itself. What once was a shapely, undeniably original egg had been turned into dented oblong. Only the membrane held it together. Without much effort, Sala erupted out of her broken home seeing numerous doors and people who she could undeniably state that were like her. One thought pierced her mind:


These other things were like her. Small, odd body shapes, random skin tone. But, they weren't her - therefore worse. Of course, she didn't state her thoughts outright. The tall, flabby, golden one seemed to be a big baby, even by Ig standards. Even if Sala erupted after his little speech, she still knew that he was a wuss. Mentally, she made a note of this.

The short one, who was loud enough for Sala to hear inside of her broken egg, seemed to be much more useful. He seemed as though he would do things purely out of spite. Useful.

The brown one; useless baby. Looked like a wuss who would flop over and die by himself.

The absolutely ripped red one seemed to be the most useful out of all of them. He was loud enough that Sala could hear his issue of challenge through the shell. Sala would perhaps challenge him later to do useful things for her, like eating rocks and seeing what happens.

These thoughts were all kept to secret. Such thoughts didn't deserve to be shared with trash. Only her and higher beings would know what she thought.

When Sala looked around the room, she saw the doors. Each one was about Ig-sized. They were meant to enter the doors, Sala managed to deduce. Sala, with her extremely high intelligence and reasoning, began to choose which one she wanted to go through to leave the trash. The purple door looked as if it tasted bad. Things that were purple would no doubt taste bad. The two white doors were bright enough to hurt Sala's eyes (whatever those were), so they were out. The two red doors and the gold door reminded her of the other Igs - out out out. The colourful door was much too loud. Only a madman would enter that one. By deduction, the best door to go through would be the blue door. It looked like it tasted good in there, after all.

Ignoring the other Igs and what they had to say, Sala took her first steps into this brave new world. She walked directly into the blue door. Mostly because she didn't want to be with the other Igs.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The omniprescent Hivemind examined the little Igs as they made their introductions. They were quite cute, in a way. But, it was best not to get attached, what with the deathrate of Igs in the outside world and all. Messy buisness, that was.

The youngest of them toddled into the white room and beyond without hesitation. Now that was a leader's spirit. Hivemind would have to remember to keep an eye on her, out of her hundred thousands of brothers and sisters. Or, yaknow. Maybe she'd die first. One of the two.

The Seeker's Knowledge whirred with 1s and 0s before dissapearing from the wall entirely.

The Seeker's Knowledge

Briefly the world spins around you in torrents of blue and white. As if raised from the depths, a marble checkerprint floor lifts in front of you, carving a path out of nothing. Slowly other shadowy shapes take their place around you, warbling and shifting as if they didn't quite understand themselves, impossible geometry quaking in and out of existance. At first it's jarring, a little terrifying even, but just as your mind starts wrapping itself round the horrific shapes, they ebb away into nothing, and you wonder if there had been anything to worry about in the first place.

As you progress through the brief hallway - are you walking, or is the world moving around you? - the mind-bending geometry becomes a little repetitive. Boring, even. It's really not that worrying at all, actually.

Your ability to deal with the strange and macabre improves.

The room opens up into a large circular bowl, three pedestals standing before you. On one sits a strange mirror, the glass within obscured by strange mists. Another sits an old thome, bound in worn leathers and tied with string. The last macabre item seems to be some sort of hat, made from the head of a fox-like creature, but smaller.

"ᴄʜᴏᴏsᴇ ᴏɴᴇ, ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʜ sʜᴀʟʟ ʟᴇᴀᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏɴᴡᴀʀᴅs. ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ."

The voice of Hivemind reverberated from all around you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh no! The other two had gone into the light leaving Baleg alone with the Igs who were brown and red. He didn’t want to be alone but he didn’t want to be left behind. With that mentality, he stood up and moved tentatively towards the light. Where it would take him, even he did not know. Though, he could of course think about it but that may require a tad too much energy on his part. Perhaps it was a party though! If it was a party then they’d be celebrating their birthdays. Nothing could go wrong with that. Could it? "Well, it is certainly better than being alone and it seems the others are going. Guess we don't have a choice," He muttered to himself as he looked up at the light then back to the other Igs. He didn't like leaving them alone.

With a few more steps, Baleg went into the light above them and flew through to a white room. He landed with a hard thud, a bit stunned as he looked into ground at his face. It was odd, he knew what he looked like almost before he saw himself reflected in the floor. Though, the reflection was slightly murky, almost as if the white room itself stained it and made it hard to focus. But Baleg knew what he was like, that was all he needed. As he rose to his feet, his head swam and he stumbled, walking a few feet to the far right before falling over. What he hadn’t anticipated was falling into the very colorful gateway on that side of the room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Torr looked long and hard at the strange tubey-eye-thing that descended from the hatchery’s ceiling. The little Ig had never seen such a thing before, obviously, but he somehow instinctively knew that this thing was Hivemind. The sight of his all powerful creator did not fill the creature with wonderment or awe, but did cause him to cock his head quizzically to the side as he took in the being that was quite unlike him. Hivemind didn’t seem to have a set of punchers, so Torr could not be certain what its purpose was in this world. The soft bewilderment on his expression did not change, even as he and the other Ig’s were sucked up and consequently dumped into a spacious white room, with the fiery Ig in question landing comfortably on his back. Indeed, the transition did little to disturb him as he was consumed by one important question:

'To punch or not to punch?'

So engrossed in his not-so-deep introspection, Torr didn’t even notice his hatchmates getting up or even what they were talking about. But it was quite a problematic question for the Ig, as on one hand the tubey being was responsible for granting Torr the opportunity to punch many things, but on the other hand it also seemed like an existence that would be very satisfying to punch. Both sides put up a tremendous argument in Torr’s mind, but in the end the fiery Ig decided that his debt to his creator outweighed the immense satisfaction he would likely get out of punching it. The brutal realization caused an all too depressed sigh to escape Torr’s lips, but there was little use dwelling on what could have been. So with newfound determination, he finally stood up and took a better look at his surroundings.

The only things worth noting in the room that was far too white where his hatmates and a set of big, colorful doors. And from the way his pink hatchmate confidently strode through one of them, the purpose behind the doors became clear even to Torr. He glanced at the remaining Ig’s in the room, sizing them up by just how punchable they seemed. The brown one hardly looked like he would be worth the effort, as it appeared a stiff breeze could knock him over. And while the gold one was quite tall, his flabby figure did not look like it would put up much of a fight. That left the rather short one, but even though he certainly looked like he wouldn’t go down quietly, Torr still found him lacking in the punchability department. Another dejected sigh left him as he lost interest in his hatchmates and turned his attention to the strange doors instead.

Naturally, when presented with a series of options, Torr’s first priority was to determine how much of a challenge each one seemed to offer. The words above each door did little to sway his interest one way or the other, but the swords that were above the doors certainly did, as they seemed to promise him a good fight. Of those, the flabby golden one managed to trip and fall into the one that was an odd mishmash of colors. Not to be outdone by such a sorry creature, Torr shot to his feet and charged towards the doors with a tiny roar, one fist raised in the air like he was leading a band of misfits to battle.

In the end, he wasn’t particularly picky about what door he would enter, as whatever was on the other side would simply get punched all the same. So with a depressing lack of caution or thought, Torr found himself running into the yellow light of The Sentinel’s Vigil.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

It seemed everyone was going in to the light, and Griss was one of them, as the golden Ig pointed out they were going to be alone if they didn't go, and Griss didn't want to be alone again. In the white room there were many pretty doors with lots of colours, a few of the others had already gone in to some and disappeared. Griss realized what was happening and he didn't like it one bit. They had to be alone again, but he hated being alone. He didn't want the others thinking he was weak though, then they might not like him and he'd be alone forever. Griss too a deep breath and looked at the doors remaining. After a moment he decided to go with The Master's Question, disregarding the swords over said door. He was sure he could answer whatever question would be posed to him. He walked with false confidence through the purple door, not really ready for whatever was on the other side.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 6 days ago

Odd. Sala, despite only entering a door, seemed to understand things better. What those things were, however, remained a mystery. She only knew that she felt like she understood things better. Strange how doors do that. As she walked, the world seemed to bend and twist and shift and mix. Sala, however, didn't care. She was much too young to establish any point of reference. If the world decided to be a chaotic mass of geometry, so be it.

As the hall began to normalize - out of patterns or adaptation, either worked - Sala entered a strange room. There were three pedestals. The first was an odd, flat surface covered in a strange fog. Sala had no clue what it was. That one was a big no-no. The second was an old tome. Despite never seeing it, Sala knew that something must have been hidden inside, like food. That one was the best choice. The third one was a head of some small beast for Sala to wear on her own head, no doubt created for her. In no way, shape, or form would Sala bend to the machiavellianism of corporate greed. Despite this, Sala deduced that the smartest possible outcome was to take all three. After all, they were all in the room with her. Nothing was stopping her from taking them all.

"ᴄʜᴏᴏsᴇ ᴏɴᴇ, ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʜ sʜᴀʟʟ ʟᴇᴀᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏɴᴡᴀʀᴅs. ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ."

The voice reverberating in Sala's mind. So much for that idea. She knew that whatever this voice was, it would be better to not get on its bad side. After all, the voice seemed to be more powerful than her.

She made her choice. She grabbed the old tome which may or may not have contained food and pressed onwards.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With everyone finally gathering the nerves to enter the holy light of holiness, Svegg decided it was time to follow them unto destiny. He closed his eyes, breathed in and out deeply, cleared his stormy mind, felt the world around him (which was quite literally nothing to be completely honest), focused his inner chi and balanced his chakra through methods he didn't even know. Probably involved glowing orbs of dragon power or something occultly strange like that.

Opening his eyes, Svegg stared down the light with a thousand mile stare right into the center of it.

And immediately flailed back as he learned that staring straight into a bright light is a terrible idea.

You can't blame the guy though; he was only born a few minutes ago.

Once again gathering his inner mind, soul, body, being, organs, blood, thoughts, conscious, plans, important documents, shoes, bags and passport, Svegg planted his foot into the ground like a sumo wrestler and screamed a loud, deep, manly, machismo, testosterone-fueled roar of courage and charged into the light.

He burst through the light and charged right through, not caring about anything or anyone. Ignoring all of his siblings and the floating letters, he bull rushed right into the The Gambler's Folly, gracefully executing a 10/10 dolphin diving into the portal (although he landed with something about a 4/10).

The other Igs remaining didn't even know what had happened until they ear the after effects of what could only be called an extremely effeminate French tridactyl running into the room on stubby little legs, screaming its head off and charging right into the nearest portal like an idiot. Svegg honestly should have invested more in his INT and WIS stats respectively; even if they weren't going to help his build, they would certain help him in the places where he desperately needed help it seemed.
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