Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

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@The Mad Hatter Yup. I'm here. Just posted actually. Waiting for Halvtand now.

@The Mad Hatter Im still around. Been working on my next post, I'll have something up soon.

It's all good. I just have this curse on me that every time I get a bit busy, people start dropping from my games like flies, so I'm just making sure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

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@The Mad Hatter
Kind of. No Computer, cell screen is cracked all to hell. Getting it fixed tomorrow. Using my friends laptop right now so I don't have access to it much.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NobodiesHero
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NobodiesHero The Organization XIII Member That Never Was

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@The Mad Hatter Yeah, still here. A combination of relatives and a stomach bug have stopped me from posting. Should be able to get back at it tonight, tomorrow at the latest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

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@The Mad Hatter
Kind of. No Computer, cell screen is cracked all to hell. Getting it fixed tomorrow. Using my friends laptop right now so I don't have access to it much.

Sounds terrible. Good luck with that. You're not in any kind of rush (at least not from me/us), though, so don't feel pressured. Just wanted to know what to expect.

@The Mad Hatter Yeah, still here. A combination of relatives and a stomach bug have stopped me from posting. Should be able to get back at it tonight, tomorrow at the latest.

I just had a stomach bug last week (partly why I vanished) and the older little one has it right now (two year olds do not know how to properly vomit; the just do it whenever) so I totally feel your pain.
Also relatives have been going on here, too. I have no less the 7 (SEVEN!!!) birthdays to attend this month alone. So I feel your pain there, too.
Don't rush yourself; make sure you're up to it before you start anything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Yup. I'm here. Just posted actually. Waiting for Halvtand now.

Making my post as we speak, it'll be up today.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@The Mad Hatter yeah it might take a bit to finish since I gotta work on the CS off and on at work. So yeah just a heads up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

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WIP phone's gonna die. I will finish it later.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

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My short and slightly awkward post is short and slightly awkward, but it is a post. I freed you (BladeSS4) from my interaction, as I know I will not have the time to post for a while. Go nuts, if you want.
Saturday is my grandmothers birthday, Sunday we are going to a theme park, Monday I have to go shopping for my son's baptism/my wedding, Tuesday my son goes to the eye doctor, Wednesday my daughter is going to the ear doctor, Thursday my daughter has therapy (for serious; therapy for a two-almost-three-year-old) and Friday I'm just going to kick back with a beer and enjoy life for a day, so it'll be a week before I have the time to post again.

I did see your sheet and look at it, but there isn't really enough information yet for me to make have issues with anything, so I'll wait 'til you have the full sheet and give you a proper review. I hope that's all right.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

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@The Mad Hatter yeah I wasn't finished so it's all good.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

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I'll post soon. Had a long work week.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Just wanted to pop in and ask people where they're at?

Quick update on my week so far:
Saturday: Grandmother's birthday went well. She loved her gift and we had BBQ for dinner (best food in the world)
Sunday: It was way too hot to be outside, I got a sunburn and ended up with a migraine so bad that I just took some morphine and went straight to bed when I got home.
Monday: We bought most of the shit we need for the wedding/baptism, but are at a bit of a disagreement when it comes to the drinks; I want there to be no alcohol and he wants to have a soft bar.
Tuesday: The little ones eyes are good. He still has some changes, but it's getting better.
Wednesday: The larger little one's ears are doing better. She can actually hear now, which is amazing.

How are the lot of you doing?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

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Worked overtime at work then had to do a bunch of errands getting ready for a birthday party and a fourth of July party.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Im still here, been busy but still alive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

Member Seen 8 mos ago

So, I decided to share this with you. It is a rewrite (though still quite old) of the original death scene of Suzaku, Haruka's first love.

I'm sorry in advance for putting you through this. I was twelve when I originally wrote this and about 15 when I re-wrote it.

1x Like Like
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Been absent for a few days.
I've been busy. Starting up a campaign in Mutant: year zero as a GM and another one as a player in Blades in the dark with a crew of daring assassins. Looking forward to both, as well as continuing this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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So... Head count?

I want y'all to do me a favor; if you're gonna drop, just let me/us know. It's cool, really. I just want to know so I can plan shit accordingly.

Anyways, I have an "event*" planned that I'll start working on tomorrow and will post sometime this week.

*Events are the stuff that happens in the world. Sometimes, it'll directly affect our characters, sometimes not and sometimes they might never even find out about it. Some of it will be canon and some of it won't.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

@The Mad Hatter

Im still here. I haven't dropped out just been busy. I'll try to get something together as soon as I can
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@The Mad Hatter Not dropping. Just honestly have been pretty busy. I work at an escape room place and they're finishing up a new room. I just finished writing up the guide for them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

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So... Are you in or out? It's been more then two weeks since either of you posted even OOC and you seem to have ignored my headcount.
If you are dissatisfied with something, please let me know instead of just not responding. If it is the current predicametn of your characters that bothers you, you can just pretend that it never happened.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NobodiesHero
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NobodiesHero The Organization XIII Member That Never Was

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

OMG! I swear I haven't meant to abandon this. A few weeks ago I was deleting old stuff from my subs and must have clicked this by accident. I'm on mobile so I was doing everything by touch screen.

Unfortunately I have been extremely busy lately and wouldn't really have been able to post anyway. I still can't today, but tomorrow I might be able to get something up. Once I've caught up.
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