Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

A Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Darksiders crossover RP

Act II

With the advent of the destruction of the Third Seal, both angels and demons have begun to question their actions, though the bloodthirsty demons are happy to rip and tear away at humans and angels alike, those among the angels and the more free-thinking demons have begun to act on their own. A splinter faction of angels led by Kushiel have separated from the Army of Light and the Heirarchy of Laguna, bringing with him others affiliated with Heaven, while Gomory leads a handpicked regiment of demons who have more to think about than their next meal or opponent.

It's been two weeks since the destruction of the Seal, and the DHO have received a transmission from the city of Aquapolis located on Brightwater Isle. It appears they were hounded by a particular demon for the past week, who had managed to slaughter their guardians, and so were seeking additional protection. Knowing that there is a seal here, the DHO had mobilised.

Over the next week, they would be visited by both Gomory and Kushiel, and a truce was formed, that the seal would be protected from this demon. It was a reluctant alliance, but one they all felt was necessary. Be it the mysterious Nephilim who had appeared, or the insane demon Vega, they all had a common enemy.

Prologue of Act I


Welcome to Act II, is this a strange time to enter? No it isn't. In fact this is the best time to enter rather than in the middle of any other act, as this is a very good chance to make a new character.

You will choose between human, angel, or demon faction, your allegiance is straightforward, and though you all may have misgivings with one another, you are all here to protect the city of Aquapolis on Brightwater Isle from a demonic menace. Be it one reason or another, you feel that the seals should not be broken, despite the desire of Hell to destroy it to invade the human realm, or the desire of Heaven to control, in order to put humanity under their dominion. Gomory the famed recruiter and general of Mundus' army has separated to follow her suspicions regarding the being who calls himself Vega, while Kushiel who has experienced his crazy shrewdness and hatred firsthand, seeks to stamp out this threat at the very least, all while worrying about the mysterious group of Nephilim who too threaten the seals.

For those returning from Act I, I welcome you. Though a spot as a Council Agent will not be available at the start of Act II for players who are joining, there will be a chance to become one through the course of Act II, even as early as the first or second set of missions if you desire it so much.

As a Council Agent from Act I, your job is mediator between the three factions, but you may act on your own faction's behalf besides the Council if you so choose.

The Races

The Three Factions

(Faction descriptions are for lore, as a new player you serve Gomory or Kushiel's splinter factions, or the DHO, but you can be originally a member of the below)

Character Sheet

Growth System

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

So a low-down on the missions that will be at play for this Act. There will be two types of main missions, Defense, and Expedition, with a 3rd called Engage, which consists of only a boss fight or series of fights.

There will be more details in the Characters tab in Aquapolis. But for convenience, here is the link.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I have returned to participate in Chapter II! With that, I've decided to bring back a (much needed) update to Gideon - for his old profile was an utter travesty that doesn't hold up to my current writing abilities. I'll also be introducing two new characters and updated one old character at a later date.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ConteAmarula
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ConteAmarula An Explorer Lost in Time

Member Seen 23 days ago

This game sounds rather interesting. I'd love to join in for Act II

I might need some help making a character sheet as I'm a little confused by them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

That's okay, tell me what difficulties you're having and I can help explain them for you.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I'll get my characters transferred over asap.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

Yeah, I'm just working on Vega himself right now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

First new character done - working on his brother next!

(Edit 2: Ok now it's done!)

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ima just... slap this guy onto here. I have no idea what to put for techniques, so if anyone has any ideas let me know.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Finally! Mallus' brother is finally finished! This too took a really long time to complete but I like it!

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

As agreed, the twins are fine, but I'm not sure such a large sheet is needed for a character that won't even br fighting, of course I refer to Doomguy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As agreed, the twins are fine, but I'm not sure such a large sheet is needed for a character that won't even br fighting, of course I refer to Doomguy.

(That's all been changed btw)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

So all here, we will be beginning Act 2 very soon.

Just a note, applications will be open for the entirety of the Act's run, as it facilitates a lot more players than Act 2.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Posted at long last!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

There's only one mission for Pillars of the Earth right now, but it's the introductory mission to set the groundwork for that area's story arc. You can think of it as the first Story mission.

Just a quick note, you can do all the missions alone, or with other players, rewards will not be split, so everyone receives the same rewards, just remember that if you plan on going in with someone else, you both get graded the same for style and objective points too, so synergy and cooperation will basically be put into consideration for that grading.

You may start picking them now if you so please.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RavensMuse
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RavensMuse Girl with the Infinity Gauntlet.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This looks very interesting. Still an opening left?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@RavensMuse Yup! There's plenty of room available!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

Yeah, we're open. Let me know if there are any questions.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RavensMuse
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RavensMuse Girl with the Infinity Gauntlet.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It's a pretty hefty sheet. I'm slowly going through it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

Ahah, yeah. It is a lot to get through. But you'll normally only have to do something this big once, the RP is designed to favor playing fewer characters over multiple, but the option to play multiple is still open.
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