Hidden 23 days ago Post by Trainerblue192
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”Hey! I'm not a Zombie nut, I'm a Supernatural nut. Cryptids, Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, you name it I love it. Probably why I liked Elio so much…before all this. He had a certain vibe to him ya know? Almost fae like. Or vampiric. Hard to tell when the eternally young all derive from similar tropes.” Hermes corrected Hannah. Perhaps a major part of it was the history and ties that monster flicks and stories had intertwined with queer culture. A way to express oneselves beyond the normal means. He thought as he took the wipes from the nurse and began to clean off the blood of his coach off of him. When he finished he tossed the used wipe into the nearest bin. Looking towards Carver as she asked him if there was anyone else he'd care to contact.

Suddenly the rent a cop came barreling into the nurses office, bloodied arm as he apparently got bit. So much for the warning Hermes had given him. The alarm began to sound in the school, and Hermes looked towards Hannah and Carver before quickly pulling out his cell phone. ”I'll call them. It's my cousin Mandy, she's older than I am and can pick me up if need be. But she's deaf so I have to video call her.” The phone rang a few times, as Hermes anxiously rapt his fingers against his leg. ”Pick up, pick upm.” If this was an outbreak that could be spread by bite, he didn't want to he around to find out.

Mandy didn't like to text and drive, but she saw the message from her classmate pop up. She smiled a little and finished the drive home. Once she had parked she responded to her dad, "Home! Mind helping me bring stuff in?" Then she sent another quick message off to her classmate Kristian, "Hey yeah. I saw some crazy stuff on the news. How true do you think it is? Think it’ll be like 2020?”

As she started to put away her phone it rang, this time it was a call. She looked at her phone and saw it was her cousin Hermes calling her. Shouldn’t he be in class? Mandy picked up, making sure the camera was on her, "What’s up?” She asked, one handed, her middle finger brushing along her chest upward. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Hermes propped the phone against the wall on the floor, sitting down criss cross as panic filled his eyes. He held one hand palm up, with his fingers pointed towards the right, the other hand palm down and perpendicular to it as he tapped the two together twice before taking his right hand and pointing his index finger towards his ears and twirling the finger in small circles around it before continuing to sign some more. Schools crazy. People are dead and security was attacked. I don't want to worry mother. Please help.” His signs had improved over the years, but some were still sluggish and clearly required some thought before acting them out. Grammar all but forgotten as he focused on getting the message across.

"People are dead!” Mandy exclaimed. Her dad was coming out of the house to help her get all the stuff she had bought. "Let me tell dad. I’ll come get you.” Mandy climbed out of the car enough to talk with her dad, but the phone camera was still on her, and the kitten she held with her left hand. With her right hand, she told her dad, "Hermes called me, he needs me to pick him up from school. People are dead. I’ll be back.” She considered having him take all the stuff and kitten inside, but he was asleep on her arm so she didn’t want to bother him.

Hermes held his right hand up, Index finger out while the rest were down and his thumb rested on his middle. He turned his hand around with a bit of a swoop before then reiterating the back handed single finger. Just one. My coach. Figure I should go before the number climbs. He looked around behind him, watching the officer who got bit for a moment. Worried about what might happen next.

Her dad did a quick sign of “Drive safe.” Mandy nodded, and climbed back into the car, buckling back up. "OK. I’ll be there shortly. Wait for me somewhere safe. I’ll call you when I get there.” She started the car back up and drove toward Hermes’ school.

Hermes placed four fingers against his lips and then moved them away before ending the call. ”My cousin is on her way to pick me up. She's with my uncle too if that helps any. Just need to wait for her call again until then.” He said towards Carver. He looked at Hannah trying to force a smile. ”Fuckin’ wild first day of school huh?”
Hidden 17 days ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: New York City, First Floor -> Verity's Office
Skills: N/A

Verity was a bit taken aback. If what the office said was true, then the body in the bag should be dead. Verity wasn't a doctor or anything but she watched enough Grey's Anatomy and Chicago Med to know that if a body loses a lot of blood....well that's it. Verity waved it off though. If they weren't worried, she shouldn't be either. She turned and walked back into the building when she got a text from Trudy.

An interview would get her back into the mindset that this whole ordeal shot out of whack. Verity quickly sent off a reply. "Heading back up in 5. Send them in shortly after." Verity got into the elevator and quickly did some mindfulness deep breathing to calm her senses back down. Having been reminded of that car crash as well as whatever was in that ambulance had done a number on her mental state. Her chakras were probably all out of order now. She needed to center.

Back on her floor she beelined it for her office to ensure it looked nice. Once satisfied she sat down at her desk to wait for the interviewer.
Hidden 15 days ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

Member Seen 1 day ago


Skills: N/A

"Thanks, Dave," she muttered to herself, feeling a mix of relief and lingering doubt. She quickly replied, "Appreciate it, just make sure, okay? Better safe than sorry." She pocketed her phone, glancing back towards the dispersing crowd and the now-empty scene. The thought of a body bag moving on its own was unsettling, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. For now, she had to trust that Dave would handle it.

Becker took a deep breath, deciding to head back to the ambulance bay and prepare for the next call. At this point the police had everything under control, she started walking back to her ambulance, which was parked a few blocks away. As she walked, she tried to shake off the lingering unease from the woman's bizarre claim. Maybe it was just nerves getting to her after such a chaotic day.
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Kuro
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Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Two waters coming right up!" Kali affirmed, walking back to the dispenser that was hidden to the side. Grabbing two cups from the counter, she quickly filled them both with some ice and water from the fountain. Once they were both ready to go, she carefully picked both of them up and placed them in front of each diner alongside a paper-wrapped straw. "Just give me a holler when you're ready to order." She spoke, flashing a friendly smile to the two of them.

As she finished with the elderly couple, another group of guests walked in, one being a rather scruffy-looking fellow and his buddy. Given that she only had one table so far, Kali walked over to the serving booth to take them to one of her open sections. "Welcome." She announced, grabbing a pair of menus from the booth's menu rack. Sliding the menus beneath her arm, she continued to speak, asking the standard questions waiters were known to ask when you walk in the door. "Just the two of you? And do you want a booth or table?"
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Kirah A few seconds later Mandy would get another text from Kristian. "Dunno, maybe worse there are some weirder stories coming out from other sources." The text said back, as Mandy drove down the streets she would be able to see a few more ambulances as well as some police cars their lights flashing as they drove right past her. They were headed now over towards Hermes school which wasn't to far from Mandy's house either.

@ArticBeaver The scene was pretty much being wrapped up now and the forensic team had collected all of the evidence that they could and the police officers were now slowly leaving now as well to. "Yep sure thing, see you back at the at the garage." Dave replied back, once Becker had gotten back to her ambulance she would hear dispatch over the radio. "Becker this is dispatch there is a school lockdown nearby, there are few other units enroute there, could you help them out? We'll send over the address if you accept it." The dispatcher said they sounded slightly worried and a bit flustered as well to from their voice.

@PatientBean Once Verity was in her office and five minutes had passed the door opened and it was Trudy with the potential new employee and some paperwork for the job interview with the new guy in tow a guy who was around a year younger than Verity was by the looks of it. "This is John Atkins." Trudy said as he introduced him as Trudy looked back at Verity, on the resume that was also in the stack of papers, he was applying for a manager role. "Also got a reply from the reporter we discussed earlier. They would like to interview you today actually and would like to do it at the restaurant the Twin Seasons." Trudy told Verity.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

"Yeah suuuure you are." Hannah said jokingly as she cautiously looked at the security guard who was still bleeding pretty badly the nurse was quickly cleaning and applying some dressings to it as best as she could. Hermes would get a text this time from his uncle, Mandy's father. "Hope you are alright and stay safe, Mandy is on her way over now did you want me to let your mom know?" The text asked. The nurse looked at Kaitlyn, Hermes and Hannah seeing as the three of them weren't injured or anything. "Please if you don't mind leaving and deal with the evacuation?" She asked the three of them.

"Yeah of course sure thing." Kaitlyn said to her as she looked at Hermes and Hannah. "Lets get out of here now." She said as she started to lead the two of them out of the nurse' office and down the hallway. The hallway was right now in chaos as teachers and students were all quickly leaving their classrooms and were heading for the nearest exits. Hermes would catch a glimpse of Elio once again shambling down the hallway trying to grab at the closest students or teachers which they quickly avoided.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

Flynn looked around the restaurant it looked pretty fancy to him he had never been to this place before, but he had been to New York a few times in the past as well to. His attention turned towards Kali as she approached him and his friend and gave her a slight wave as he looked at his friend before speaking up. "It's just the two of us, and a booth works for us." Flynn told Kali as she grabbed some menus for the two of them. There were a few other guests coming in now as some of the waiters and waitresses were getting them to their tables now as well to.

Over in the kitchen Isaac was busy in the kitchen helping out as some of the orders were coming in, he looked over at one of the newer cooks that he had recently hired and approached him. "Hey are you alright?" Isaac asked him as he nodded slightly he looked slightly pale, feverish and sickly looking while trying to cover his sleeve. Seeing someone looking sick was never a good thing especially when it came to food. "Go ahead and head home, you'll be paid for the day." Isaac told him as he nodded and started to wander off towards the crew room to get his things.
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Kuro
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Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Follow me, please." Kali nodded in response, ushering the two men to their booth. It had been a pleasant window seat, with comfortable leathered cushions—the best Issac could find, she figured. The window had a set of blinds attached to it where either of them could adjust the blinds as they pleased, although Kali doubted either of them would. It was a rare sight to see someone actually adjust the blinds, and she often wondered why they were even installed if no one was going to use them as intended.

Once the two men had been seated, Kali pulled out a notepad and pen from her apron. "My name is Kali, and I'll be your server for today. Can I get you two started with some drinks? Appetizers? Or do you need a minute to look over the menu first?" She asked, clicking the end of her pen to write as she waited for their answer.
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mandy Mason

Location: Driving
Skills: N/A

Mandy held off on responding to the text from her friend. She didn't want to text and drive. As soon as she pulled up to the school and parked, she looked at the text. She didn't know if what happened at Hermes' school was connected and didn't want to scare her friend with that. So she just responded with a "Like what?"

Mandy called Hermes back. Facetiming him. Once he picked up she said, "I'm here. I'm parked...uh one minute." She flipped the camera around so he could see where she was parked. She wanted to ask what happened, but decided to wait until Hermes was safe in her car before asking him a million questions.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: New York City, Verity's Office
Skills: N/A

Trudy eyed the new candidate as Trudy spoke. He was younger than her though that didn't signify lack of experience. How many times had she been considered unable to do a job or task because of her age? She showed them, of course. "Of course. Please schedule the interview for later if you can Trudy. I'd like to get to know Mr. Atkins here." Trudy nodded and sped off to do as asked as Mr. Atkins stood there. Verity gestured to a seat in front of her desk.

"So Mr. Atkins. Or can I call you John?"

"John is fine, ma'am."

Verity wagged her finger. "Uh uh. If I can call you John, you can call me Verity. Tell me John, why do you want to work here?"

The interview went on as normal interviews do. John hit every typical note in the book. She looked for individuality in her employees. Pizazz. Something that set them apart from every other John Atkins that walked into an office for a job. He told his strengths and weaknesses (doing the whole 'this is a weakness but actually a strength bit that grew tiresome). Why couldn't one be honest and say they were a-holes while driving? Or they enjoyed hearing a child cry? Or that they sold a family heirloom to pay off gambling debts? That's raw honesty and it would go far in this work.

"Well John, I think I heard all I needed to hear. Thank you so much for coming and speaking to us. You should hear back within the week if you got the job but any longer and I am afraid it's a no. Please have a nice rest of your day." She gestured for John to leave, hoping she would have enough time to prep before her interview later.
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Hermes felt his phone vibrate as he was about to put it away. Seeing the text from his uncle and then shooting him back a quick response. “No need to tell her. I'm fine and Schools gonna be canceled for the day anyways. Don't need her worrying over nothing, you know how she gets.” He put his hands up, shrinking into his shoulders as the Nurse began to kick them out for not needing any of her attention. Tch. He didn't even want to visit her in the first place, but no one ever listens to the students. Adults always know better. Hermes fought the urge to roll his eyes at them as he made his way out, spotting Elio in the background attempting to assault others.

”Uffa ma Dai! That worthless rent-a-cop went and let him loose onto the school! No wonder everyone's in a panic. Let's go this way so we don't cross his path” Hermes offered as he began to go the opposite direction of where he'd seen Elio. They were about halfway out when his phone went off again, a video call from his cousin showing him where she was. ”Mua! Ciao Hannah, my cousins here. She's just outside but keep in contact OK?” He said as he bolted away from the pair and towards Mandy. He mouthed “on my way” into the video as he bolted towards the doors outside. His hands too preoccupied to sign as he opened the doors and held the phone with the other hand.

Hermes glanced around and spotted her car, lightly jogging before getting into the passenger's side of the car. He quickly began to attempt to sign at her, but his hands were shaking and all he could manage to get out was ”Crazy Kid in school is attacking others. Bit security guard hard. Just gotta get out for a bit sorry.”
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Hidden 7 days ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: School
Skills: N/A

Becker read Dave's reply and nodded to herself, relieved that he would double-check the situation. As she reached her ambulance, she heard the radio crackle and the dispatcher's anxious voice.

Becker immediately grabbed the radio and responded, "This is Becker. I'll head over right away. Send me the address." She started the ambulance and quickly input the location into her GPS as the address came through.

A few minutes later, Becker arrived at the school. The scene was chaotic, with police setting up a perimeter and anxious parents gathered nearby. She parked the ambulance close to the other EMT units and hopped out, making her way to the lead EMT on scene.

"How many wounded do we have?" Becker asked, scanning the area and mentally preparing herself for the situation.

Hidden 5 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@PatientBean John smiled and nodded as he reached over and shook her hand. "Thank you for your time, and hope to hear back from you." He said hoping that he would be able to get the job that he needed to. Once the job interview with John was finished Trudy poked her head into Verity's office and knocked on it slightly. "Got a reply back from them, they'll be ready once you arrive. Since you are down your car would you like me to drive you over there, or want me to hail you a taxi or Uber?" Trudy asked her whichever worked best for her anyway.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

Becker would get a text from dispatch with the exact address that she would need to go to, once she had arrived on the scene other medical personnel as well as police were on the scene as well to. The EMT that first arrived on the scene turned to look at Becker asking for a sitrep on the situation right now. "From what some of the teachers and students have said, a student had assaulted the school's gym teacher and tried to assault another one, and attacked the school's security guard and bit him." He told her and then gestured to some of the students who looked to be injured in the chaos of getting out of the school. "If you could check out some of the staff and students that would be good." He told her.

Kaitlyn continued to escort Hermes and Hannah out of the hallway and was also getting other students to follow them out to the nearest exit, she looked over her shoulder seeing Elio still trying and failing to grab other students and teachers. However some of the other teachers were helping other students to avoid him for now. When they got out of the school building itself she watched as Hermes made his way towards the car and called out to him.

"Don't leave the scene yet until someone tells you to." Kaitlyn told Hermes knowing that the teachers would need to do a head count and make sure all of the students had gotten out safely. Hermes would get a text from his uncle fairly quickly. "I won't contact her, but pretty sure it's gonna be on the news so you'll have to talk to her sooner than later." He warned him, Mandy would get a reply from her friend. "It might be some internet fringe conspiracies or something, but some reports are saying people are eating each other or some weird shit like that." Was the text that Mandy would receive.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

Flynn followed behind Kali towards the booth that she was assigning them and sat down closest to the window, he would look out the window for a moment, and noticed a few emergency vehicles roaring down the street. "They are certainly very busy today." Flynn said, mostly to himself, when Kali asked if they wanted something to drink or appetizers first. "I'll take a Coke or Pepsi whichever you have." Flynn told her, then his friend spoke up as well to. "A water for me, and we'd like a moment to look at the menu if thats alright?" He asked her.

Kali would see another round of guests, by the looks of it they were some kind of news reporter of some kind waiting for their table she'd be able to hear some of the conversation going on. One of them was going over the questions that he would be asking to Verity Holmes and another one was on their phone texting someone as well to by the looks of it.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mandy Mason

Location: Hermes' school parking lot
Skills: N/A

Mandy's eyes went wide when Hermes got into her car. He had blood on him! "Are you bleeding!?" She asked concerned. The story of a kid biting people seemed wild. Mandy was signing one-handed since she still held the kitten asleep in her arm. "I don't mind coming for you." She told him honestly. She liked her cousin. He tried, and that was the important part.

She glanced at her phone and saw the text message from Kristian. She frowned and sent back a quick response. "Seems it might be true. My cousin has a story about some kid at his school doing that." She did not tell Kristain that someone had died. It was as Mandy was looking at her phone that Kaitlyn told Hermes something, so she didn't see it.

"I was just about to go to lunch with Mom and Dad. You can probably join us." Even though both of her parents were deaf Hermes knew enough ASL that he could eat with them.
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