Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Grace walked as befitted her name just ahead of Cringe the family chauffeur as he pushed her baggage cart. Abby as usual sulked in the most insulted manner she could display, she hated this part where she must be caged but loved to travel. It was the beginning of her fifth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft an Wizardry and Grace was thrilled that soon she'd be back among her schoolmates. She also looked forward to another year with her nieces Clarice and Janis whom she'd spent part of the summer with at "Cowes by the sea" her families hereditary castle on the Isle of Wright.

Grace was fiercely protective of Clarice and when separated from the younger girl did worry at times which amused both her parents.

"Mirari sweet please wait your poor old Pater an Mater for we are nay as spray as you lass called out her father Squire Goodspeed

Dedric Goodspeed was 77 years old and still an imposing figure of a Wizard who stood ramrod straight an 6 foot 7 inches and anything but infirm. He was considered one of the most wealthy men in the wizarding world and for that reason intimidated people who'd not ever met him. He was in fact one of the most generous fellows to meet on good terms and known in good company as a man of jovial spirit.

Beside him walked Cecilia Oswald Goodspeed his lovely wife who walked with a grace an dignity of royalty. At 76 she was still a strikingly beautiful woman and her sense of humor well known among her friends and associates she loved the looks of disbelief she got when introducing Grace as her youngest.

Both her parents wore gold and black silks in any garment they were seen wearing in public and today as school day saw them carry this to extremes.
Grace paused with an amused smile as Cringe pushed her baggage towards the entrance of platform 9 an 3/4s.

"Terribly sorry Pater it slipped my mind your age and it's weighty years" said Grace with a delighted sparkle in her eyes.

Around them Muggles slowed and even paused at the sight they made with the three Goodspeeds all dressed in matching colors.

Of course it was because they were all proud Hufflepuffs but the other was that Black and Gold literally were the family colors and their crest even held a Badger as it's mascot.

"My sweet Mirari don't tease your old Pater so, bad form and all that don't you know" said her father with a chuckle

"I suspect that Auntie Grace is but eager to be rejoined with her niece" teased her mom in a droll tone of voice.

"Come my lovelies and together we shall begin the adventure of a new year" says her dad as he sweeps wife an daughter into his powerful arms and propels the trio through to the Hogwarts Platform.

And an adventure this year would prove to be for Grace as she'd received notice that she'd been selected as House Prefect for the Girls. This would mean a great deal of pressure on her beside having to ready herself for her OWLs. She was lucky that Shelby who'd been the former Prefect was her niece and had told her all the ins and outs of the position that summer.
Her mom polished the Prefect's badge on her uniform using the cuff of her silken blouse.

"Remember what I told you Mirari, being Prefect will be the toughest and most rewarding experience of your schooling outside of when you're chosen as Head Girl" says her mother as she kisses both her cheeks

"Head Girl?
Dear she's only a fifth year and that position won't come till she's seventh year
says her dad as if it were already decided that she'd one day achieve the highest position of a student at Hogwarts.
Her mother had been both but her father had only been Prefect of Hufflepuff because he'd gotten into a small spot of trouble.

"Mater, Prater I shall not worry over a future yet written and dedicate my freetime to seeing that the next three years Hufflepuff be a respected name in the school as did Shelby. says Grace kissing her mother's cheeks.

She tries to kiss her father goodbye in a dignified manner as she did her mom but Dedric Goodspeed sweeps her off the ground as if she were feather light and showers her with kisses.
When her father sets her down her face an neck are crimson and her uniform mussed up.
He leans close an whispers "Just a reminder not to get too full of yourself sweet Mirari"

Before she boards the train Grace finds Cringe the family chauffeur. Though a squib of another wizarding pure blood family Cringe has been an adopted Uncle of Graces since she was a babe and loved as such.
"I'll miss you Uncle Cringe" she says as she kisses his cheeks causing the old man's cheeks to flame red
"An I you Miss Grace" he says fighting back a sob.

Grace hears the warning whistle and boards the train but not before her dad lavished her with a black an yellow purse
"For hardship" he says as he has every year since her third.
Grace tucks the purse into her robes and heads quickly to the Prefect's meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Acacia sighed as she checked the last of her belongings. It was time again to be off to Hogwarts, and despite the fact that she was incredibly excited for a new year, she couldn't help but to feel somewhat discontent. She may not exactly be the nicest person underneath her friendly exterior, but she did still somewhat care about her family, or what is left of it. Which is why, she was feeling genuinely a bit on the melancholic side. Her brother had promised to be here to see her off, yet, she hadn't seen him at all, and it was nearly time to go. Ever since she got sorted into Slytherin, he practically disowned her as a sister. It would probably be difficult having your sibling not like you, maybe even hate you. Fortunately, Acacia cared little if he actually did hate her.

"I guess he’s not coming.” She said as she turned to her Grandmother, her voice sounding more than a little upset. ”He doesn't even talk to me anymore. Its like he hates me or something. Just because I‘m a Slytherin.” Thatch, her owl hooted as it sat on her shoulder as if trying to reassure her himself.

"Oh dear, he doesn't hate you,” she reassured. “I’m sure he’s just busy with his work for the Ministry. The boy hardly even tells me what he‘s doing nowadays.” She replied with a cheerful smile and jovial tone, attempting to lighten her mood. It didn't help at all, it only really served to make her more upset. She didn't need her grandmother trying to 'cheer her up' if he hated her, then fine. That was the way it was. He could at least tell her to her face instead of dodging the subject or purposefully avoiding her. Its not like she really cared what he thought. She cared very little about what anyone thought of her really.

"Of course he does. He doesn't like Slytherin's at all. You know he got into trouble with them all the time when he was here. Fighting, for one thing." She said, irritation and a bit of anger evident in her voice. "You know what, forget it." She continued with a sigh as she gave Thatch a pat on the head before leading him into his cage. "If he's not going to show, fine then. I'll just go ahead and get on the train. No sense in making you wait any longer than you have to."

"Acacia, dear, he doesn't hate you, I'm certain. Why don't we just wait for a little-" Acacia cut her off with a sharp grunt before placing Thatch's cage in a secure place on top of her other belongings. "I'm getting on the train, if he wants to see me, then well, he should have been on time."

"Acacia..." Her grandmother sighed. "Well then, have fun this year and be sure to write!" Was...her grandmother seriously starting to tear up a little? They had been through this exact same scenario three times now. You think she'd get used to it. Emotional old hag. She could hardly restrain herself from giving an eye roll, though thankfully it was over quick enough. Her grandmother proceeded to hug her, and she hesitantly returned it, quickly breaking away and getting onto the train.
Well, she was glad that was over with. Her grandmother was such a nuisance sometimes. She didn't need to be babied or need such emotional baggage. Like she even cared about what her brother thought. As far as she was concerned, he was just another person and that was that. They could hardly even be called siblings. All they even had in common was their last name and their parents. That was it. Taking her mind off of that though, she started looking for a room to stay in for the duration of her trip, looking for a face that she knew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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Willow sighed, leaning her head against the wall of the compartment. People rushed by, laughing or shouting to their friends. Willow longed to join them, but she knew she wouldn't be welcomed.

"Willow bumped into you?"
"Yeah, rude right? Just because you're from a family of Aurors and you have enough money to buy Europe doesn't mean you can just knock people down!"

A few more comments were made, though Willow couldn't hear them clearly. After, there was a loud fit of laughter as the girls continued walking. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, "....focus..."

Opening her potions textbook, she began to intensely study so that she could have the upper hand in class. She couldn't let herself fall beneath the work like she did in the previous years, her parents were counting on her. It didn't take long for the words to start swimming before her eyes, but she continued to read, determined to learn something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elina walked to the barrier with her uncle following her. "You really don't have to come through the barrier with me it's fine" said Elina to her uncle while turning around.
"Okay then if you really don't want me to follow you till the train i won't" said her uncle to her with a worried face. "Do you have everything, you didn't forget something right?"
Her uncle is starting to look more worried by the minute. really I have to leave fast or else there is a grown man crying in the middle of a public train station. "I think i got everything ,Well at least i hope so..." Elina takes a quick look at her luggage and turns her eyes back to her uncle. "Look im sorry you can't live with me but I can't afford it ,you would have to work to" Her uncle came a bit closer to her and opened his arms and hugged her as he said quietly "I'm really sorry." he letted her go and took a few steps back and reached in his pocket to grab a little envelope. "This is all I can give to you ,open it when you are in the train" she took the envelope and nodded. "You got to leave now or else you would miss the train." Looking at the big clock she saw it was almost time and said her last words to her uncle before going through the barrier "Bye uncle ,Will see you soon."

She sat down and got a book out of her bag ,she takes a look through the empty room. What would be in the envelope should I open it or wait a bit longer ,ill think i wait and just start to read. how would all her old friends be she didn't see them for a long time but... it would be a bit awkward to search for them and sit by them since they are a year higher now. She feels a bit dizzy "O god no not again..." She falls with her head onto the other chair making her both her book and envelope fall on the ground and starts to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Samantha heard so many people rushing into the train. It was gonna be packed! All she wanted to do was go to sleep and just relax. But how could she do that with all these people running and all? Samantha stood up from where she was sitting and to the loud noises, as she saw an old friend of hers. Willow. "Willow!" She giggeledrunning to her friend and giving her a quick hug. "It has been so looong! And what is this, that I see?" Her mouth droppedto hell. "You changed you hair! Wanna be looking all cute huh? " smiling at Willow.

"Why are you here? Come come. Sit with me. We have to catch up." She looked down at her book. "Come on, Willow. You can study that when we get over there. Now, we are gonna hang out and talk!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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Willow allowed herself to be dragged off by Samantha with wide eyes, still not used to being picked out from a crowd or noticed. She clutched her potions book tightly to her chest, suddenly getting nervous. She still didn't understand why Samantha would be friends with her of all people, there were other students more talented and friendly than her. Plus, anyone seen with her usually got judged by the other students. She didn't want that fate to hit Samantha, she seemed like such a good person.

She kept quiet, waiting for Samantha to speak first and start the conversation. Willow wasn't very good with socializing, might as well let Samantha take the lead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hey Acacia! its been awhile, how's it going?"

"Oh, hi! It has been awhile. I'm good! Hows your brother. He still sick?"

"Nah, he's doing much better. almost made a full recovery."

"Well that's good! Anyways, I need to get going. See you later!" She gave a friendly wave to the boy she had just finished addressing, before turning around with a scowl and continued on her way.

Ugh. Being popular was...difficult at best. She had to greet just about every single person she ran across. It was annoying, and she almost wanted to hex one of them with a spell. Of course, she restrained herself because she had her cover to keep, after all. Being popular and well liked had its advantages, especially when it came for asking favors and getting away with certain things. Her Slytherin house mates would gladly cover for her without all her friendliness, but people from the other houses, not so much. Still, she would like some peace and quiet to read up on this years schedule and classes, or either talk with someone she at least knew a little bit. A fellow Slytherin would be ideal, or perhaps a first year. Getting out of the hallway right now, was more of a priority than looking for a Slytherin or first year though.

She opened the door to a compartment, not caring who was in it. She could deal with them easily probably. Thankfully, it only had two people in it. Two Gryffindors, fifth years by the look of them. She didn't know them that well, but one of them she recognized as Willow, she had heard rumors of her. She gave both of them a friendly, but somewhat tired smile upon entering.

"You know, being popular has such disadvantages." She said with a tired sigh, assuming both of these people knew who she was. It wasn't a far shot to say that most people in Hogwarts knew her, or at least of her. She took a seat next to the compartments door before continuing. "Don't mind if I sit here do you? Don't worry, i'm a Slytherin, but I don't bite." She giggled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Samantha giggled as she sat down with Willow. She heard so much about Willow, but she didnt care. There was something about Willow that was just soo sweeeeet and she was a very unique girl and she liked that! So yes, Sam considered Willow as a good friend. "Sooo! What will you be looking for this year? You like to make potions and stuff?" Samantha said smiling at her, seeing that she wasn't going to start the convrsation, but it was fine! It wasn't a problem, Willow has always been the shy one.

Samantha tilted her head seeing another girl coming in. "Oh. Heeeey Acacia." She smiled as at her. Ofcourse she knew the girl, she was a popular girl and Sam was right next to her as popularity, but she didnt know much people like Acacia did. "Oh! Ofcourse you can have a sit with us! No problem at all." She smiled and continued to talk. "Me and Willow were just talking."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Grace and the other prefects met with the head boy and head girl as was customary and listened to this years instructions. As soon as it was done the prefects made their tour of the train seeing to the younger students and the first years.
She didn't rush as did the other prefect did remembering as she did how chaotic things could get.

Members of her house greeted her with big smiles some even saying they'd expected her to be prefect this year. Grace for her part blushed and tried to act as if it were a chore she'd have rather avoided.

She was secretly happy to be made girls prefect because like her niece Shelby she was a caregiver and knew how important a good prefect was to help the younger ones adjust and to keep the older more boisterous in line.

"Don't look now but here comes the mother hen" said one of the older girls and two friends from Slytherin who Grace had on more than one occasion had words with. She so wanted to make a rebuttal but chose instead to act as if the comment carried no weight.

She walked past the three girls with the same regal baring as would her mother amid uncouth rabble.

She couldn't be seen bullying the girls because other than display a lack of manners they'd done nothing worthy of a Prefect's notice.

"Oh la de da, lo the queen doth pass among her subjects, long live queen Mirror" snickered the Slytherin girl as she mispronounced Grace's nickname.

Grace slowed when she saw returning second year Hufflepuff boys and girls and checked on them as she passed. She noted those that seemed to need cheering up and stopped and had a friendly word with them even buying them and their friends treats from the trolley.

She was seeking her niece Clarice knowing that she'd not feel at ease till she knew she was safely aboard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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"T-t-trying not to fail," Willow answered Samantha, attempting to make a joke. She winces at her stutter, mentally kicking herself. Why did she have to be so awkward?

Willow clutches her book tighter as Acacia Cornet walks into their compartment. Even though she's a year below her, she still intimidates, being one of the most popular girls at school. Willow gives her a small, shy smile before looking down at her shoes, in case she offends. First Samantha Carlson, now Acacia Cornet? Was this the universe trying to prank her by putting her in the same room them? Did she even have the right to breathe the same air?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hrm...Samantha was it?" She stated, tilting her head quizzically to one side as she questioned Samantha's name. "Thanks, for letting me stay here. You have no idea how hard it is to get some peace and quiet when your popular." She looked over to Willow. It was obvious that she was more than a little nervous being around her the both of them

"And you're Willow. You know, you don't have to be so shy." She gave soft smile. "Those rumors I hear about you all the time are just awful. Even the people in your own house talk about you." Of course, that was a lie. Well, the fact that she thought they were awful was a lie. The rumors were all true, more or less. She was clumsy, constantly made mistakes and she wasn't exactly that smart either, or that outgoing. She hadn't ever thought much about being friendly with her, but she might as well now that she was here. Gaining her trust could be very...beneficial in the future. Yes...it could work out well. A an outcast that no one liked could make for a very good fall guy if she ever needed someone to take the blame for something.

"That's just not right. People in the same house are supposed to stick together." She continued with a sigh. "Not to be mean, but if Gryffindor's can't even resist picking on their own, then Slytherin and Gryffindor are never going to get along for long. At least us Slytherins stick together." She paused for a second as she seemed to think about something. "More or less anyways." She continued, her friendly smile returning. Of course, she didn't mean a word of what she had just said.

"But lets talk about something else. We have a bit before we even get back to Hogwarts anyways, so lets just enjoy ourselves while we can."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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"Those rumors I hear about you all the time are just awful. Even the people in your own house talk about you."

Willow feels tiny pinpricks of water on her eyes but quickly blinks them away. She would not cry ever. She never has and she never will. She's heard the rumors, some insults even directed to her face. But she's never heard it put so simply out there. It made her feel like the entire world was against her. Willow bowed her head slightly in shame, if this girl heard all those rumors, imagine all the other people who've heard them. None of those rumors were true, she couldn't understand why anyone would spread them in the first place. She hasn't done anything bad to anyone, just simply avoided them.

Willow had no idea what to say next, or what they should talk about. So, she continued to remain silent, brainstorming good conversation topics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Augustus Stoker, or rather Gus, as he was commonly called, emerged from the other side of the solid brick wall leading to Platform 9 3/4 with a faint whoosh. Years of practice allow him to gracefully skid to a stop without anything from his trolley falling over. Though it didn't stop his pet cat Charlie from bristling with disapproval, but that was probably just because she was cranky from being shoved inside a cage. Back at home, Charlie had free rein over the entire family estate (much to Mother's chagrin), and often times wandered the neighbourhood. She didn't like confined spaces at all. So, it was never easy to get her into her carrier on the train trip to Hogwarts. Pushing the trolley to one side so that he wouldn't get in anyone's way, Gus walked around the side of it and leant down to be at eye level with the cat. "Hey, I don't make the rules. Just bear with it for the moment, alright? I'll let you out when we get on the trains."

"Gus, dear, do stop talking your cat. You don't want to look like a complete nutter in front of all these people, do you?" Freya Stoker teased, arching an eyebrow. As per usual, she seemed utterly unperturbed by all the commotion around her, and her hair remained perfectly coiffed no matter what happened. All these excited first-years were a familiar sight, from Gus's time in Hogwarts and her own, years ago.

Gus flashed her a sheepish grin and shrugged in reply, returning to his position at the steering end of the trolley. "People talk to their pets all the time! Besides, Charlie's like a daughter to me." A pause. "Okay. That sounded weird. Ignore what I just said."

Moments later, a portly man with curly, brown hair trundled up to the mother and son pair, wiping some sweat off his brow with a hankerchief. His round cheeks were flushed red from the effort of running through the magical doorway to Platform 9 3/4. "My boy," he started, huffing out a few ragged breaths. "Next time, you should really wait for your old man. I almost lost you back on Platform 9."

"Sorry, Da." Gus snickered, "I thought you were already following me."

"Really, Tom. You should get more exercise." Mrs. Stoker chided, though her tone was wan from having said the same thing many times before.Thomas Stoker rolled his eyes jokingly and straightened back up again, once he had caught his breath, brushing some imaginary lint off his woollen sweatervest. "A new school year already, eh?" Mr. Stoker said, and slapped Gus on the back in an incredibly daddish fashion. "I suppose this year you'll finally be bringing back a nice lass to meet your mother and I?"

Gus couldn't help but laugh. After talking about such trivialities for another five minutes, Gus decided that now was probably a good time for him to get aboard the Hogwarts Express. After all, he didn't want to risk missing the train. Bidding his last farewells to his parents, he pushed his trolley aboard the train, quickly locating an empty compartment and unloading his baggage. Normally, he'd be sitting with his group of friends. But this time, he had some studying to do. After injuring himself in the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup the previous year, he had been effectively out of commission for a whole month. Apart from missing out on schoolwork, he also didn't get to take part in the rest of the tournament. It sucked, but he learnt to deal with it. He shot a quick upwards glance at his trusty Moontrimmer broomstick laid across the overhead storage compartment. He was looking forward to getting back in the saddle, but right now, his priority was catching up on the curriculum. Turning his attention back to the textbook open on the folding table, he heaved an exaggerated sigh and began the tedious process of revising.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 25 days ago

"Rooooy... Rooooyyyy. ROY!"

Roy blinked, his mind coming back to his family. "Yeah, Nolan?"

"It's time to board," his little brother responded with a laugh, tossing a bag at Nolan.

Nolan nodded, looking up at the scarlet engine once more. Just moments before he'd seen it effortlessly come to life, taking the form of an enormous red sea serpent. He'd seen every angle of the metamorphosis, the train turning slowly in his mind as it changed. he had then suddenly found himself underwater with the serpent, an enormous squid, much large rthan the giant squid of the Black Lake headed towards them. It was then that Nolan had called him out of it. A red sea serpent, that would make a good subject.

He picked up his trunk from where his parents had left it. They had come to see Nolan and Roy off accompanied by one of their older brothers. It was a quick, but warm good-bye. They'd seen off their share of sons, and even Nolan who in his first year had pleaded for his parents to stay until the train left, had told them he was okay. The boy had grown quite independent over the past year.

The Archer boys stepped onto the train, making their way to the storage cart, Roy already loosening his tie. He could never keep it on well for too long. He just hated that thing. As they walked, he kept an eye open for any of his friends or a girl to keep his company, whichever came first.

"Looking for Angela?" Nolan quipped causing his brother's lip to tighten and face to redden.

Taking a breath, Roy relaxed managing to laugh at Nolan's teasing. "You know I'm not. We're not going there again." Angela was a pretty girl, a year ahead of Roy. They'd run into her when on holiday in Italy. Roy had spent quite a bit of time getting to know he during that time. Unfortunately, she hadn't taken it too well Roy chose to refocus his attentions on a local Italian girl. Oh well.

They arrived at the storage cart where Roy helped Nolan load his trunk. The second year thanked him and ran off to find his friends. As he stowed his own trunk, Roy caught sight of an old friend. "Raymond Chase! The bold! The handsome! What's the most respectable young man on this doing loitering back here?" He walked up to his friend and pulled him in for a friendly hug. The two had met way back in their second year. Roy had accidentally spilled a pot of paint all over Raymond and a fifth year Gryffindor's robes. While Raymond was understanding, the older boy was definitely not. There was a bit of yelling and a possible beating for Roy in store. Luckily Raymond had kept the situation under control until Roy's older brother had shown up. A prefect in Gryffindor, he'd settled everyone down. A couple of sweets and some help in Transfiguration were offered in thanks, and the two quickly became friends.

"So how was the holiday? Any epic adventures? Dragons? Damsels in distress? Sirens?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows at the final one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Samantha sighed looking at Willow and she managed to make her laugh with the joke. "Sweeeetie. You wont fail no type of classes! You are a very smart girl." She turned her head towards Acacia raising an eyebrow. "I do not talk about, Willow. Unless, I am talking TO her.I dont talk about people behind their backs anywayssss sooo." Hairflips and looks back at Sillow. "Dont worry about what they say. Just put your shoulders up, let the words phase around you and you just keep walking girl!" She turned her head back to Acacia. "Yuuup. Thats my name." She smiled at her. "Yeaaaah. Being popular isn't the best thing, especially when you want to be alone." Seeing that Samantha was popular aswell but not as Acacia chick.

"Anywwwaaaaaaays. You can stay here chick." She nodded to Acacia and looked back at Willow. "Anywaysss. Going back to you. Sweetie, are you going to let them bring you down over some stupid rumors? Oh and if someone is talking about you from the Gryffindors. You tell me and I will be there and I will kick their a- Butt!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Isaak walked down the aisle, looking for a compartment that didn't seem full. he hoped that Perun would be fine by himself, it was too bad that he couldn't have the ferret be with him on the train and instead had to be placed with all the other student pets in the storage compartment. he walked passed a few students he recognized and he said quick hellos. he almost bumped into the Hufflepuff prefect Grace Goodspeed, and he was glad that he had avoided running into her. he didn't very much care for Hufflepuffs and the fact that a pureblood witch was placed in the house, probably meant that her magic was not as great as the purebloods of the other houses. he said excuse me to the prefect out of respect for her position, but he did chuckle when he heard some of the other students make remarks at her.

After about a moment or two, he came to a compartment that was occupied by three other students and decided that it would have to do for now. he entered the compartment and saw that the three ocupants were the Gryffindor Samantha Carlson, the Slytherin Acacia Cornet and another Gryffindor who he vaguely remembered from last year, the name Willow came to his mind and he guessed that might have been her name. he easily recognized Samantha thanks to her reputation with being possibly the nicest student at Hogwarts and making friends from all four of the houses. Isaak remembered Acacia Cornet from last year since they were both in the same house and he remembered what some of the Slytherins had said about her being very manipulative. that wouldn't work on him, and he'd heard that she had an interest in the dark arts. many people believed that all students who passed through the Slytherin house grew up to become dark witches and wizards, but that was just a stereotype created by superstition and the house's history. Isaak was definitely not a Slytherin who had any sort of interest in learning the dark arts.

"Excuse me, do you mind if i take a seat in this compartment?" he asked the older students. he did feel a little awkward asking to sit with students who were at older than him, Acacia Cornet was two years ahead of him and the two Gryffindors were in their fifth year. but from the look of Willow, she seemed to be very shy and looked like she wanted to be sitting somewhere by herself. this made Isaak a little less awkward, and it would be odd for two Slytherins and two Gryffindors to be sharing a compartment together, since the two houses have had an age old rivalry with each other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I didn't even mean it like that you simpleton. Can you not even understand English?" When she said 'lets talk about something else, she meant lets not talk about the rumors. Not Willow. She kept her thought to herself though, other than a quick small frown at Sam. No need to be confrontational here.

"Hey since we're friends now," She said to Willow after Sam. "I could have the Slytherins ease up on you too. I have some pretty big pull with them." It was the truth. She may only be a fourth year, but she did have a lot of favor with her housemates, even the older ones. That said, she would just tell them not to say anything within ear shot of her. She didn't need them to stop talking all together, just stop talking around her, and to make her feel...more welcome.

"But like I said, lets not talk about such a dreary subject like nasty, untrue rumors. Lets talk about..." She paused for a moment as she thought of a suitable subject for them. She didn't really know the two Gryffindors that well, aside from the obvious popularity of Sam and Willow's shyness. So what would be a good subject? "Oh, I know! how about our classes?" She excitedly suggested. Before she could get an answer though, the compartment door opened, and another Slytherin was standing there. It took her a moment to place him, but she managed to recall his name. He was a second year, a boy by the name of Isaak.

"Oh, Isaak! I don't mind if Samantha or Willow doesn't. Just be nice." She replied to him when he questioned if he could sit in them. She didn't know much about Isaak, as they hadn't had much interactions in the past. She motioned that he could take a seat next to her, if he so wished. She couldn't help but to find the situation a little humorous. two Slytherins and two Gryffindors riding in the same compartment, not trying to kill each other. "Girls, this is Isaak. He's a second year Slytherin." She said, giving him a friendly introduction.

"Now, back to what I was saying earlier. You both are fifth years right? What classes did you take during your fourth year? I'm taking Care of Magical Creatures and Study of Ancient Runes. Any tips you could pass to a fourth year?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Clarice stood next to her older sister Janis, as their father fiddled with his camera like he did every year. “Where is Shelby when you need her? She knows how to work this thing.” He said mostly to himself looking frustrated. Technology was not his forte. “Shelby is in Greece, with her lame boyfriend Max until next month remember Dad? I can’t believe she had to graduate last year, its weird going to school without her.” Janis said impatiently wanting to get the annual first day of school photo over with, so she could join her friends on the train.
“Janis luv, you don’t think I remember were your sister is? Of course I do…ah…I’ve got it working. Ready girls? Smile.” He said pointing the camera at his kids.
Janis gave him her million dollar smile, hands on her hip pose, as Clarice stood next to her, holding her elbows and sweetly half smiled.

Once the picture was over with, and there dad satisfied that neither forgot anything, Janis gave her dad a quick hug, and then ran onto the train. Clarice stayed behind scanning the crowd for her Aunt Grace; she didn't see her anywhere, so she was most likely already on the train. Clarice hugged her dad goodbye, and got on the train. She looked through each door, wondering where Grace was. She spotted people she new gave them a wave, and kept walking down the hall. She glanced into Compartment R, seeing he crush Augustus Stoker, sitting alone reading. She blushed just from seeing im. Lucky enough she found the compartment behind him empty. She sat down next to the window, and opened it. Peering at the crowd of students and family saying their goodbyes, she spotted her dad. So she poked her head out the window to wave him goodbye. She knew how bittersweet the beginning of the school year was for him. Being alone at the estate for most of the year, was not something anyone would like. Luckily, Shelby would be home in two months, so at least he wouldn’t be all alone, and Shelby was the best at taking care of him on the days he came back from visiting Mom in the hospital.

He gave her two thumbs up and a big grin, then tapped his watched, mouthed the word ‘work’ and rolled his eyes, he gave a little waved and turned around to leave the platform. She sat back down, and then heard the loud train whistle signaling ten minutes till departure. She had not changed into her uniform yet, instead she would change later before the train reach its destination. She was dressed in her favorite sweater, using her sunglasses as a headband. She was not a fashion fanatic like her sister Janis, but Clarice liked the outfit she was wearing today.

Janis poked her head into the compartment “Why are you sitting all alone? I saw your friend what’s her name in compartment Q, and Aunt Grace was looking for you. Anyway keep this door open so people know there are seats free. I’m in compartment G with some of my friends in case you need to find me. Have fun!” Janis said in the speedy way she always talked, and then she ran off to find more of her friends. Her older sister Janis, was outgoing, hyper, and crazy assertive. They were completely different from one another, Clarice was mellow, a go with the flow type, and a major daydreamer, but they got along really well.

Clarice wondered if Grace would find her, or if she should go searching down the hall. Grace was her Aunt, thought only two years older than her; she was like a sister to her, her best friend. She opened her bag seeing her uniform robes neatly folded with her wallet, and book on top. She looked at her reflection in the window, thinking about the days to come.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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Great...even more people. I just wanted to study...

Willow pushed a little closer to the window after giving Acacia a grateful smile. It wasn't everyone, and Willow knew that some rumors never go away, but it was something. This year was looking great so far.

"I-I'm taking Care for Magical Creatures and Study of Ancient Runes as well." Willow hesitantly put in, trying to join the conversation. Along with those electives, she was focusing on all the classes necessary to becoming an Auror, just like her parents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

A whole had passed, and Casimir's compartment still remained empty of anyone else but himself. It wasn't of any concern to him honestly, he ha grown used to the solitude of every train ride and school year. Often times people simply avoided him because of the rather... awry reputation he had built up for himself. Aside from knowing a great deal of magic, Casimir was known for his vengeful actions and willingness to use what he knew to get back at someone who had wronged him. He had already proven this several, several times, but was thankfully not banished from Hogwarts because the hexes and jinxes he used against others did not cause extensive or serious harm.
He sat and simply "conversed" with his owl, making quiet comments about the cheeriness of the voices he heard... and their casual dialect. Casimir could be casual, but often times he spoke in a rather "proper" manner.The vvoices annoyed him a bit, especially a certain girl's voice that was very bubbly and "cutesy". He thought he knew who it belonged to... Samantha maybe? That girl was the definition of outgoing and social. He never had any problems with her however, at least not serious ones.
This was going to be a long wait and ride, so Casimir pulled out his dark wand and began casting spells on random objects he had spread out before himself. They were lifted up into the air, tossed around, even transformed into something else and lit on fire. He kept it controlled so as to not draw much attention to himself or wreck anything, and gave occasional treats to an observant Jersey. Casimir considered trying out a tranfiguration spell on him, but the last time he had the poor owl ended up as a feathery and walking cup.

"Eh... living creatures are harder to change than nonliving things," he told the owl. "But don't worry, I think I've gotten better since that time."
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