Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Long long long ago, in a galaxy far away, and divided from this reality, is a place where things went quite differently for the Republic. Now as many of you know, Mace Windu failed to cut down the Sith Lord Palpatine, but what if he had? What if Anikin controlled his anger and let Windu deliver the final blow of justice? Logically a lot would have changed. Order 66 would never have been given and thus the Jedi thrived. The CIS leaders stationed on the planet Mustafar, would not have been killed by Anakin and without the fall of the CIS and the deactivation of there droid army, the Clone Wars would continue on. Worse, knowing the CIS, their manufacturing would increase over time and practically triple their armada in a span of five years. Then of course with their new found strength, they would dare to attack the Capital Planet of Coruscant itself!

This is where our legacy begins. As the droids fall to our planet, and their ships set fire to our skies, the Jedi and the 717th clone division struggle to hold the Jedi temple. At the same time as more and more men are cut down by blaster fire, the clones make a brave attempt to recapture the airfield where they can take the fight to the enemy. Will you as a jedi chose to help them? Will you defend the sacred temple? Or as a clone will you battle your way to the airfield and try to take the battle spaceward? Or do you believe the Jedi are the key and rush to assist them? Dividing your forces?

One choice can affect many lives, the force sings through everyone even to those who can't hear it. A critical moment approaches, what will you do?


Hello everyone. This is Nariata, formerly Tankian and formerly Zeoul here bringing you one of the first RP's i mostly wrote. I say mostly because i need to give Chii her due for her help in organizing and fixing many of the errors i made in the process of writing this all those years ago. Now, for the RP the story is clear enough but i will allow you, the player, some freedom in creating your character. You can play as a Jedi, Clone, bounty hunter, sith-esque character and so on.

Affiliation: (Jedi - GAR - Sith - CIS)
Physical Description: (You can add a photo, just no Anime)
Mental Description:
Equipment:(Everything that i would need to know. You CAN add one crystal to a light saber BUT only one, and along with the benefit, list a shortcoming it creates)
Other: (Whatever else i would need to know)

What has happened


http://titanpad.com/Nariata is my titanpad
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Will have a CS up soonish
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Wat Tambor
Age: 42
Sex: Male
Affiliation: CIS, Seperatist Council
Physical Description:
Mental Description: Wat Tambor is the Separatists' Techno Union Foreman, as well as a combat engineer. A brilliant strategist. And extremely dangerous, an expert at fighting machines, and a master of defense technologies. He is also an expert at escape. But he is very greedy. He will suck planets dry before he leave.
History:Must I he is a real character.
Equipment:He wears a suit to survive on other planets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I will also be making a character, or maybe multiple characters. I plan on making an ARC Trooper or Clone Captain, debating which one.... I might make a padawn, either Jedi or Sith it does not matter, which ever needs more. Making a bounty hunter would be interesting, but would take a long time for me to develop, seeing as they are so unique..... So many ideas.... Making a rogue droid popped into my head once or twice, that would be very interesting... Gah
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

What are the Sith up to in this? Canonically they would be wiped out yes? Is there a large organization? Are they working for the CIS?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

They were assumed to be wiped out, but it's a vast galaxy and I imagine anything is possible. There probably wouldn't be large numbers of them due to the Rule of Two, but I'm sure not all of them follow it. Darth Tenebrous opted to ignore it, for example.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

let's not forget the Lost Tribe of The Sith, that is a canon story
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yog Sothoth said
let's not forget the Lost Tribe of The Sith, that is a canon story

Indeed! There are a few possibilities for playing a Sith character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slim Shady
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Slim Shady The Real Slim Shady

Member Seen 16 days ago

I have my character all done and to be evaluated... Do I post it on here first, or do I send it to the GM? (I don't know if it was specified). Also, I apologize in advanced if the years are wrong or something technical like that, because I'm sure there's something bound to be wrong with my CS. Been a while since I have been I a Star Wars RP, ya know?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Jason Veritars

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Jedi Padawan

Physical Description: Apperance

Mental Description: Sane, but rebeillious to the Jedi ways. He wants to fall in love and care about a girl, but also is fiercly loyal to those that are good. He is horribly stubborn and reserved. He prefers to fight alongside the spec-ops republic commandos ever since his master was killed in the field of comabt against the CIS. He is highly intelligent and ruthless against his enemies on the battlefield.

History: Jason was taken into the Jedi temple and trained just like any other jedi, but he started to show his rebellious streak during the later times in training with master yoda, just before becoming a padawan. When he just couldn't understand why jedi were not allowed to fall in love. He excelled in fighting and showed a streak at being tactical and inventive during a fight,where he often used unorthodox means (such as throwing his lightsaber's deactivated hilt into an opponent's forehead to startle them). Upon being assigned to a master, he often felt the disappointment from his master at his lack of restraint with his emotions like a true jedi should. Then the war came. Soon they were on some far away planet with a squad of republic commandos, tasked to oust the CIS controlled government there through sabatoge and helping the rebellion. One fateful day, when Jason and his master were hiding out in a nearby farmers village, a droid patrol led by some trandoshan mercs came through the town searching for them, before the two could react, the trandoshans began firing thier grenade launchers into the houses, one hit Jason's master directly and blew him apart, along with the house. As the force of he blast threw Jason back over a small cliff, he let out a cry of pure hatred and anger. He tasted what the dark side was like, felt the power and the lack of control that it brought coursing through his veins. Thankfully he hit the ground hard enough to be knocked out before it took control. As the boy woke up, he found himself surronded by the droids, all pointing thier guns at him. He was forced to rely on his instinct, and the boy managed to kill the droids and evade the trandoshans until the commandos finished them off.

Jason was left feeling hollow, the emptiness of watching one close to you get killed sticking to him and haunting him. Every now and then, to this day the boy sees his old master's ghost, always trying to teach him. These apperances and the feeling that his master did not die for no reason kept the boy going during these years alone with the clone squad, Jason kept in close touch with the force and his jedi values (the ones he agreed with) as they were the only thing that kept him from losing himself to the dark side, something he was deathly afraid of. He clung to the idea that he was still a Jedi, in order to stay sane, as a war in a far away planet where literally everything wanted to kill him was no place for a teen. He stuck with the light side in order to stay sane, inthe hopes of going home; once a jedi, always a jedi. That's how he worked. He would finish the mission at all costs, he would protect the galaxy. He could not falter, he could not fail. For if he did Jason knew it was only a matter of time before life caught up with him, and he lost himself in the deep pitts on insanity.

Upon seeing the mental weakness in the padawan, the squad took in the boy and taught him how to be a commando like them, and how to shoot a verpine shatter rifle (only projectile sniper rifle in the galaxy; silent, accurate, and deadly). They even stole one from an arms house on planet and gave him it. Jason did very well at shooting and becoming a commando. Then thier op went down, and the droid army crushed the squad. Jason became a one man rebellion, and completed the mission, barely escaping the planet in a stolen frieghter with a broken leg as the CIS ships pulled away from the planet to avoid being crushed by the republic fleet. Jason just got back to corusant yesterday, and woke today to find the CIS attacking the planet, and the tranquility of a place he deemed to be safe, suddenly thrust into the chaos. Now is the time to fight.

Equipment: A Verpine Shatter Rifle (it replenishes its own ammo over time), a standard lightsaber, the blade comes out to be a dark blue color, and three thermal detonators with a single remote detonator that can change which frequency it is conntected to.

Other: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slim Shady
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Slim Shady The Real Slim Shady

Member Seen 16 days ago

I'll take that as a post here...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Slim Shady said
I'll take that as a post here...?

I just threw it up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slim Shady
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Slim Shady The Real Slim Shady

Member Seen 16 days ago

Why not.

Name: Ciale Darkrose

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Jedi

Physical Description:
About 6'1, fair skinned. Human/Sith half blood. Although the only recognition of sith in him would be his hyper-sensitivity to the force and red eyes. Slim but toned build from years of training. There is a scar going across his chest and abdomen, starting from his right side of his chest and ending at the lower left abdomen.

Mental Description: At this point, Ciale has a pretty positive aura about him. He's calm and level-headed, kind to others and is sort of a natural-born leader. He's everything a Jedi should be, and he takes pride in that, having tried immensely in order to acquire that discipline. But, there are sometimes when he gets dark thoughts, clouding his judgement and trying to force him to use the dark side of the force. It makes him have this rage and fury, the dark side compelling him towards evil. It had been a lot worse, but now he has learned to control it and subdue the voice. However, it doesn't mean it couldn't come back again, and with a much more persuasive power.

History: Ciale was born to a Sith father and a human mother, having both the blood of a sith and a human. Although, the only Sith parts of him would be his high force-sensitivity and his crimson red eyes. His childhood isn't much to look at however, it was pretty normal, nothing to really speculate. Up until the age of 7.

At 7, Darth Plagueis had noticed this great potential in Ciale and took him under his wing as an apprentice. This is because Plagueis had his suspicions of his other apprentice Palpatine, and wanted an apprentice he could trust. And after teaching Ciale the way of the Sith and watching him train and grow, he saw that he had great potential, and could possibly excel past Palpatine and even himself. Especially the way Ciale was so connected with the force, it was effortless for him to use it to such a great extent. Even his synthetic crystal of his lightsaber was forged specifically to enhance his powers of the force.

10 years had passed since Plagueis first took Ciale as his apprentince, and at age 17 Ciale was a cunning, powerful and strong apprentice, even taking on some of Plagueis's own specialties and making them his own, along with some other odds and ends he learned. Sadly, tragedy struck. Palpatine assassinated Plagueis, his suspicions were confirmed as his first apprentince had backstabbed him. Ciale, wanting revenge for his master's murder, confronted Palpatine on his ship as he tried to escape on a Republic ship.

The battle was a fierce one, and even with the strength of revenge in him, Palpatine was just too powerful for Ciale. After disarming him and pushing him to the ground, Palpatine went in for a final killing blow. Just then, the ship rolled and warnings sirens were blaring. Palpatine knicked Ciale, not a fatal blow, but it still sliced through flesh as Ciale clitched his chest. Sepratists were attacking the ship, and although wanting to make sure Ciale was dead, Palpatine had no choice but to flee to an escape pod and get the hell out of there, or he too might become dead. Before the ship was blown to pieces, the Jedi came to tthe distress call coming from the Republic ship, and the Sepratists dispersed. Upon searching the ship, the Jedi came across Ciale, alive but in bad condition. They saved his life.

6 years after the near-death experience, Ciale has become a Jedi. Upon blacking out after the fight with Palpatine, Ciale had pretty much had a full memory loss, only remembering little things like his name. Taking this advantage, the Jedi order have disciplined Ciale and taught him about the way of the Jedi, and how to use the light side of the force. He caught on quickly, and was very adapted and proficient in the ways of the Jedi. The only thing that he has with him of his past is his crimson red lightsaber. He had put together a blue lightsaber for himself, when he became a Jedi, but since that was the only piece of his past that he has left... Well, he decided to keep it. Now using two lightsabers, one red, one blue.

But, over those 6 years bits and pieces of his memory slowly started coming back. His childhood, his training with his former master Plagueis, his beliefs in being a Sith... Everything starting coming back to him. But what had hit Ciale is when Mace Windu had killed Palpatine. That was one he finally remembered that faithful night, on the burning ship, and Ciale acquired a deep hate for Windu. Palpatine was his to kill, and now he couldn't have his revenge. Now the dark side of the force keeps compelling him, persuading him to come back to the dark side and take his rightful place as Sith Lord. But Ciale constantly fights it, and has contained it very well. Although if something were to happen... He just might slip.

Equipment: One crimson Lightsaber and one blue lightsaber, both having synthetic crystals that are adapted to use of the force, so as to be not as powerful when it comes to combat. Why Ciale makes up for it by having two lightsabers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I will finish the bio tomorrow, just wanted to get this up today.

Name: ARC-5178 "Spades"

Age: ARC-5178 looks to be in early to mid thirties.

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Grand Army of the Republic. ARC captain.

Physical Description:
His face is the standard clone face and body. His hair is black, buzzed, eyes brown. He has a scar on his chin. Also, he has a small tattoo of the Spades symbol under his left eye.

Mental Description: Spades is loyal, intelligent, but fiercely independent. He will do anything for his brothers and comrades. Spades is very smart, his battle tactics and marksmanship is to be envied of. Because of his special training, his individuality is prominent for a clone. This is why he is a Captain, he only takes orders from Jedi or those very high up in the Republic. 5178 is very confident in his skills, and calls himself a one man army. He often works along side Jedi, he has only respect for the ones with the Force. Spades has a deep hatred for Sith. He even boasts to have killed one in battle. It is unknown whether or not this is true. Whenever he tells that story he seems to be dead serious.

History: ARC-5178 was born and raised on Kamino. His training was quick, thanks to the Clone's Flash training methods. 5178 or Spades seemed to be an excellent shot, and his intelligence was above that average mark. He was the top of his class, and that was when he knew he wanted to be a leader. Spades began his training with Alpha-17 right after he graduated basic training. During this training he became even more independent than he already was. 5178's ARC training was brutal, and he even lost a few of his comrades during training. Spades was declared Captain of his training squad. There were three squads, only one squad would become ARC troopers. Because of Spade's intelligence, leadership, and battle smarts, his squad came out victorious.
Spades became an ARC trooper, and his first battle was during the Clone Wars. The Battle of Bespin was very casualty filled. The Republic was not expecting the attack on their oil refineries. Spades was one of only a thousand clone troopers. They fought valiantly, but most fell. The Separatists thought they had killed all the clones. The only survivor were Spades and his comrade Crash. They retreated, only because they were ordered to by Master Glynn-Beti. Spades participated in many other battles, his greatest mission was on Coruscant. The Jedi Council had been tipped off that an assassination attempt of Plapatine would happen during a speech. Spades, now Captain Spades, lead a small group of ARC troopers to investigate. They managed to catch the Bounty Hunter just in time. The Hunter wasn't even well-known, but it was revealed that Darth Sidious had hired him. Spades managed to execute him right before he took the shot. Lord Palpatine thanked him personally. Now, with droid falling upon Coruscant, Spades has been put into action. He has been paired up with Jedi Knight Morrin, and a squad of Clone Commandos. They have been tasked with the mission of not letting the Jedi Temple fall.

Equipment: - Phase II armor
- Dual DC-17 blaster pistols (etched into each handle is the symbol of Spades)
- DC-15A blaster rifle (used if a sniper is needed)
- Frag grenade X2
- EMP grenade X2
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Tsebar Sebantyne

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Race: Barabel

Affiliation: Jedi

Quick and dirty sketch-up.

Physical Description: Terrifying at a glance would be the best way to describe Tsebar. A mammoth of a Jedi, he stands at roughly seven feet and is a solid wall of muscle. His scaly skin is olive in tone and, though usually concealed by clothing, he has a spotted pattern down his nape, back and tail similar to that of a python. All twenty digits on his person, both hands and feet, conceal heavy retractable claws and his pearly whites are nearly five centimeters in length. Every one of them is razor sharp as well. His race is not known for their friendly appearances. His robes are green and black in color and he wields a blood orange, dual-bladed light saber.

Mental Description: His will is as tough and lasting as durasteel, forged from the very Force training regiment that chiseled his body into it's near statuesque form. He believes in the balance of body and mind, so in order to achieve equality on the scales he used what he learned of the Force to train his physical form. Using the Force as a form of resistance, he pushed his body to it's limits. Even now he keeps the pressure on, much like shackling himself with weighted restraints. He is a very collected individual, and is not overly prone to fits of passion. This trait has let him direct his platoon with precision despite the heated situations they repeatedly find themselves in.

Training: As most Jedi begin, Tsebar was instructed in the Makashi, Soresu and Niman styles as a Padawan. Upon achieving the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, Tsebar decided to widen his knowledge of the various saber styles. This was mainly due to the fact that his preferred style of utilizing the Force was to direct it inward and through him, as opposed to an outward extension. As such Tsebar began his own brand of intensive Force training. By directing the Force unto himself he created great amounts of resistance against his every movement. During this regiment, Tsebar strived for further mastery of the Makashi style while taking it upon himself to learn the Shii-Cho variant, Shien, from Master Windu - the man he looked up to. Windu himself had taken interest in Tsebar himself due to the nature of the training he had to undertake to become an effective combatant. Tsebar would take time to learn from Master Windu every moment he could and the two developed a certain level of comrade-re over time.

Tsebar has been off on his own, combating the Separatists with his Clone Platoon for well over ten years now and has polished his finesse every step of the way. The last time he physically set foot on the Temple grounds was over seven years ago. It goes without saying that he's changed quite a bit since his last trip home.

Equipment: Tsebar wields a blood orange saberstaff, connected at the pommels with a locking mechanism and Cortosis weaved cord. The hilt was constructed from Mandalorian Iron. Both sabers contained the standard set of three focusing crystals, but one in each blade was dedicated to stability against materials and environments that would cause typical sabers to short out. Beneath his green and black robes he wore specially fitted Mandalorian battle armor. The bracers, constructed of Cortosis ore, were the finishing touch on an armor envisioned for the type of close-quarters dueling that General Grievous and the Sith had forced the Jedi into during the recent years.

History: Tsebar Sebantyne left his home world of Barab 1 at a young age, as most prospective Jedi do. He and a few others were scouted due to their natural affiliation with the Force and brought to the Jedi Temple to learn It's ways. As his training progressed, it was made clear that he did not have the wide-scope of Force related talents that others typically had. Tsebar, for instance, was bad at exerting the Force on external objects in a precise manner - though he had an explosive push ability. His abilities manifested much higher on an inner level. As such, Tsebar was much more attuned than others at bringing the Force into himself and using it to enhance his body's natural strengths and mitigate his weaknesses. Tsebar's training took a turn towards a dueling-heavy focus in light of this, and his talents with a light saber surged beyond those of his fellow Padawan. As with many other Jedi Knights, Tsebar has been off throughout the galaxy for more than a decade fighting the Separatists and the Phantom Menace of the Sith - a threat thought to be vanquished, reborn.

Tsebar and his platoon of Clone Troopers, the Krayt Corps, have garnered quite a bit of notoriety amongst the Separatists. This was half due to the skill the platoon has displayed in battle, and half attributed to the terrifying sight of a massive Barabel. Tsebar and his men have now pulled back to the core systems in a bid to help protect Coruscant from the encroaching droid armies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by POOPHEAD189
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POOPHEAD189 Worrier

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Name: Nya'thileth "Nya" Moire

Age: 41

Sex: Female

Race: Firrerreo

Affiliation: Jedi Temple Security, Lieutenant Commander

Physical Description: Nya'thileth Moire has the typical golden skin of a Firrerreo, with the standard Firrerreo traits of longer life span, detecting UV spectrum and improved healing. She is about 1.77 cm (5.8 feet?) tall, and has a generally athletic appearance due to the physical demand of her job. The dangerous nature of crime-fighting have left their marks on Nya, as several scars lined her skin. Beside these scars and a couple of wrinkles, she actually looks a bit younger than she is. Nya is not force-sensitive, even though she works for the Jedi. In fact, she was once tested by a Jedi master, who told her that her midi-cholorian count is fairly low.

Mental Description: 20 years of policing has made Nya a hardened veteran, having seen many incidents and fights, few things frightened the Firrerreo officer. On the outside, Nya may seem like a typical veteran cop, rarely showing any emotion. Beneath the surface, she is kind, humorous (albeit dry humor), and quite passionate about her job. During slow hours, Nya likes to talk with Jedi around the temple, and as a result, she developed a deep interest in the group she works for. In particular, she likes to browse the Jedi archive (even though many writing are unavailable to her), and training padawans in blasters.

History: Born as Nya'thileth Moire, or simply Nya Moire, she hails from a long line of respected public servants and police officers. When Nya turned 18, she enrolled in the prestigious Coruscant Police Academy, just as her parents did. After graduating with a criminal justice degree, she worked with the local Coruscant Security Force. Nya served with distinction, and a result was quickly promoted to the rank of lieutenant.

However, Nya's policing career turned to an end when a incident occurred. It was a investigation into a group of activists, who campaigned for extreme and radical changes to the galactic order. Even though Nya did not agreement with their ideology, she harbored no personal hatred for them. Her captain, however, held a seemingly personal grudge against this particular group. During a tense standoff between the protesting activists and her squad, the captain ordered his fellow officers to open fire. Nya could not pull the trigger, to her, no matter how different they were, the protesters were so far peaceful and did not deserve to be killed. She pled desperately with the captain while the crowd was gunned down, find no avail, Nya shot her own captain.

Following a heated investigation into the accident, Nya narrowly avoided jail time, but failed to dodge her discharge. For the next few years, she drifted between various private security groups, militias, and occasionally, packs of bounty hunters. But it felt wrong however, her family always served the Republic, and being a gun-for-hire just didn't seemed right for her. Little did she knew, she would soon return to Coruscant.

It was now the outbreak of a galactic conflict, the Clone Wars. As the Jedi became more involved in this war, so did their need for security. During a VIP protection assignment on Coruscant, Nya found a Jedi recruitment poster for non force-sensitives. Thrilled to once again serve the very Republic her family always stood for, Nya quickly became a member of Jedi's security force, one of the few positions for non force-sensitives. Throughout the war, Nya performed various duties for the Jedi order, training Jedi in blaster marksmanship, guarding the Temple, and even led a squad of clone troopers against droids once.

Equipment: Temple Security officer uniform, DH-17 custom (w/ holo-scope, ergonomic grip, upgraded energy cells), handcuffs, electro-shock baton (w/ cortosis reinforcement), datapad, spare power cells, comlink, small medpack, biometric scanner, grappling hook
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Isaac Newgate




Physical Description:
184 CM tall, 76 KG heavy. Isaac's fit and of fair build. His hair is of a dirty blonde color, and his eyes have a dim blue light to them. Isaac's would be most commonly seen as reasonably attractive.
Mental Description:
Isaac's a talkative, charming young man. Who uses his head more than anything. He's a man of tactics and consideration. Not one to rush in half-cocked. However, sometimes, his passion takes over for him. The things he care about are the simple things in life. He believes in justice, and that every living being deserves a chance to live, as such, he's very opposed to taking a life, even if it is in the name of the order. Due to the way he lived his life before joining the order, Isaac's always had a problem with a few of the rules of the Jedi. Especially regarding those surrounding love and interaction.
Isaac was born on Tatooine in the year 39 BBY. His mother a harlot and his father one of her many costumers. Little did his mother, Reeana, know that the man she had laid with was in fact a wanted Dark Jedi. Isaac was born with a natural affiliation with the Force, feeling it's connection in his life ever since he was a little boy. Unlike most, Isaac wasn't born a slave, and he never became one. Instead, his childhood was spent hanging around beggars, tricksters and thieves. And he did, naturally, pick up the skills of these people. Pick-pocketing, blending and lying were all natural to Isaac by the time he was 10. His skills grew, the force aiding him in his mischievous behavior, and by the age of 14, he was hailed in the underworld of Tatooine as the Prince Of Thieves. Rumors were that he had once stolen the electrical plugs from a druid patrol without anyone noticing, and one story about him charming a older Jedi-Padawan woman into giving him her lightsaber, or the rumors about him stealing an entire shipment of parts for the podracing on Tatooine.

If there was any truth to the incredible feats the young man would've done is unclear. But what is certain is that the force was strong in the young man, but as with most sensitives to the way of the force, fate have different plans for them. A rival band of thieves came into the territory held by Isaac and his patrons. Fighting commenced, but Isaac's crew managed to keep their territory. The young man, whom had grown quite skilled in fighting with a thin metal rod, like a make-shift sword, taunted the rivals that had to run away with their ribs broken and their tails between their legs.

But when Isaac would return home to his mother, he would find the house on fire, no one survived, only the neighbours saying that a gang of bandits had come and caused trouble in the neighborhood, asking for him. Isaac instantly thought of the band that he had fought with earlier that day. Filled with anger and grief, he sought out the bandits. Battling his way through, he found the leader, smacking him accross the face with the pipe, he kept punching the guy, till he admitted that he had been the one who burnt down Isaac's house. Isaac was consumed by anger, took a couple steps forwards, raised his hand, as he did so, the older boy moved against his own will. He could no longer breath, like he was being strangled.

Isaac's rage grew larger, as the life of the other boy began draining from his body, the color on his face leaving him. Just as he was gonna kill the other boy, a hand grabbed him. The hand of a robed man, dragging Isaac against his will out of the one-story building and into an alley, where he threw the boy on the ground. Isaac was pissed, and lunged at the man, aiming to punch him, the man easily outmaneuvered the prince of thieves. Isaac, after calming down while being held down by the strange man, demanded answers. The man took off his hood, revealing himself to be the Jedi Master Mace Windu, and that he had felt a disturbance in the force, one he hadn't felt in a very long time.

The Master took in the young boy, and despite his old age, made him a padawan of the Jedi Order, where the boy proved to be a qualified member of the order. For, as he learned more about the jedi order, he also learned to let go, let go of the anger, of the pain, the greed and the sorrow. The training took him 6 years, remarkably short amount of time for someone to be qualified as a Jedi Knight, but his skills as a duelist and user of the force was without question. His strong believe in honor, justice and peace were also aiding factors in his early knighthood.

Now, he spends his time fighting in the clone-wars, but also hoping to find out more about his father, the man whom he never knew.

Isaac holds a adept knowledge of the style of Makashi, able to match that of higher-ranking jedis than himself in bladed combat. He does have knowledge in Niman and Shien, however, his techniques in both the forms are inferior to his knowledge of Makashi.

Curved Hilt Lightsaber - Blue.
Shoto Saber - Off hand - Green.
Old-Republic Inspired medium armor.
Beyond that, Isaac carries little. He carries a necklace around his neck, given to him by his brother, the motif is that of a star.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, be posting my CS later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Good to see some CS's coming in this fast. I will sit down and look em over now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Will post CS later.
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