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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Balkk Yarroq
Nar Shadaa

The Trandoshan thought for a moment. 'If it were me, I'd head for a space port and nick someone's ship' he began slowly. 'But Jedi are not like that. They're more likely to try and catch up with a smuggler in a cantina or sommin' and get a ride to...wherever Jedi go'. He felt fairly confident with the answer until something crossed his mind. 'There's probably millions of cantina's, pubs and bars all over Nar Shadaa. We'd be bleedin' mad to look at them all' he said, feeling somewhat crestfallen. Maybe if I asked around in the bars, someone might of heard. 'I suppose we should start asking around. There was a Jedi sighted in this area earlier so people might know what they're looking for'. He thought back to Joshua and wondered where the Jedi was. Most likely running for his life or shivering behind a crate. He could even be dead. Balkk didn't really care any more. Unless Joshua was a target, it didn't really matter.

Balkk to his hand off his blaster holster. He was going to trust Embo for now. However, he was staying on edge. He had heard the name before and it usually had negative connotations attached. This alien was dangerous, possibly more so than Balkk himself. Thank fuck we're on the same side then! The Trandoshan turned, ready to start his search, and was immediately thrown from his feet by a group of rushing Weequay, who had shoved him out of their way. As he got to one knee, swearing softly and preparing to gun down the cheeky buggers, he heard a snippet of their conversation. '-over by Smugglers Waterhole. Noghri with a lightsabre whip-thing. Feelus just called me, told me he took out half of the bar. Can't have big fella's takin' out on our turf' Balkk got onto his feet, brushing the dust off of his tunic and looked back at Embo. 'You hear that?' he grinned. 'Lightsabre whip-thing. Might be a Jedi. Hunting might be easier than I thought. Come on, lets see where these twats go'.

He took off at a brisk jogging pace, following the path of the Weequay's. He made sure to keep a sharp eye on the pirates, who pushed, shoved and swore their way through the crowd. Not once did the scaly humanoids glance back to see a hooded Trandoshan following them. Amateurs. Looks like we'll have to finish these silly bastards down before they get this Noghri The bounty hunter had never faced a Noghri before, let alone a Noghri with a lightsabre whip-thing. But he was prepared for the worst. The pirates turned a corner and slowed down. They were approaching their target. Balkk also slowed down and stopped at the corner. He took a glance around the corner. There were 6 Weequay, all slowly forming a semi-circle around the cantina entrance. A sign above it said 'Smugglers Waterhole'. This is the place. Balkk slowly took his stun blaster from it's holster. Last round. 6 shots. 6 pirates Balkk felt his heartbeat increase. He was preparing for a confrontation with the pirates. He slowly slid around the corner and watched the events that unfolded.

The Weequay all had blasters. Some curious onlookers watched them but a majority hurried past, weary of people with guns. From inside the cantina, the sound of blaster shots and the distinct noise of a lightsabre being waved around. The door open and a crowd of people rushed out. The Weequay looked on, trying to catch a glimpse of the supposed Jedi. Balkk watched as the Weequay stood on, waiting for the stream of the crowd disappear. All entered when the doorway was clear and Balkk hurried after them. He stopped at the doorway, however. He reached around his back and drew out his slugthrower. I'll need bigger weaponry if this goes wrong He stuck the stun blaster back into it's holster. He glanced around to confirm Embo had his back and then entered the cantina in a crouched position, ready for action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kom'rk and Aden had been patrolling the streets. Beskad had given them the order of scouting out the local pubs, hell hole, saloons, bars, gutter hole, all those names fit the description of where a guy could get the most disgusting drink of his life. At least they had Kebiin on trafficking duty, he would be able to see or hear anything within the several districts around them. If anything was about to go down, they would hear about it. "You know that we would have to be extremely lucky to be within the same area as any Jetii on Nar Shadda? Aden said as they walked down the street bumping into alien scum left and right.

"We aren't the ones having to be lucky, the Jetii are and last time I checked they are pretty damn with just about everything." Kom'rk retorted as they stepped into the entrance of an alleyway and hung there for a moment watching people walk by. The two were wearing their black Commando armor that had been redesigned slightly to give it a more traditional Mandalorian aesthetic. It was no Mandalorian Iron, but they couldn't dispose of such great gear, it was capable of stopping blaster fire up to light cannon rounds. Thankfully neither of them had ever had to test its limits.

"They weren't too lucky at the Temple." Aden snickered, Kom'rk didn't necessarily have a huge respect for the Jedi, but he had enough to know even that comment was a bit far. Eventually they hopped back into the bustling streets of Nar Shadda. It was perfect timing because Kebiin was calling them like there was no tomorrow.

"Jetii have been located, Smugglers Waterhole, transferring coordinates now." Kebiin within a blink of an eye had set up the waypoint in the distance several blocks down for his fellow brothers. The two took off shoving people down out of the way as they sprinted towards the pub. They could hear the sound of blaster fire in the distance and drew their DC-17 blasters. They were lock and loaded and when they had come on scene through a nearby alleyway they could see several Weequay heading into the pub. There were too many civvies running around to open fire on them, so they waited until the crowd disappeared and watch as a Transdoshan with a slughthrower followed behind the Weequay. Things were going to get ugly. "I have identified an associate of Bes'buir in there. His file is mostly secured, but from what Buir has on him, they've done a few missions together. They aren't exactly best of buddies, but they have been able to work easily together in the past. Transfering his profile to your HUDs."

"Isn't he an old bird? Doesn't even has a specific birth date, only a possible between these two periods." A'den said as he tried looking over the file quickly.

"Bottom line is, he's a neutral friendly so don't hit him. Now throw a charge and give us a secondary entrance." Kom'rk ordered. He was no longer their sergeant, but his brothers still followed his orders like he was. Aden took a thermal detonator stick charge out of his pack he tossed it across the street and at one of the walls for of the Smugglers' Hole. Kom'rk held his hand over his wristpad and waited until his HUD counted down to three and pressed the button. The wall exploded partially, big enough for them to fit through. They rushed across the street and took cover on the sides of the hole. The both swung their bodies in and began laying down fire at the Weequay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Jedi Master known as Crim Drayson had found his way to Nar Shadda through the criminal element. It was truly the smartest plan that Crim could muster. With the way the criminal underworld behaved toward the jedi, no one would be able to pinpoint him out from the masses. It also helped that he didn't wear the traditional jedi robes, and his face wasn't truly recognizable unless someone was heavily into the politics of the Jedi. Another notable aspect was that his blindness made him seem not as dangerous as he truly was. His mind shifted from thought to thought on his current situation and what may have become of those that survived Operation Knightfall. Memories of watching members he had grown to care for cut down and his own student that he had just helped obtain Knight had laid dead before him. A travesty that needed to be rectified but, what could Crim possibly do on his own against the entire Empire?

He would have to find the other Jedi. Without them to help handle the peace nor to help rally the masses then the Empire could steam roll everything. Crim knew the tenants of the Jedi truly forbid revenge but, he didn't see this as such. Leaving the Empire unchecked could provoke the Dark Side of the Force. The Force led his hand and any others that happened to survive; This fact prodded Crim's mind into the very belief that one must gather forces and face the Empire for the crimes they would one day commit. For now there was nothing he could truly; finding any of those that escaped was a far greater task currently. Words whispered by those stated that the local bar "Smugglers Waterhole" would be a place to catch info.

The walk to the bar was short and uneventful. It was the sense that he felt when he got closer that alluded to the nature of the commotion already in motion. Sound from blasters caught his interest just a bit. His ears picked up on the sound of a lightsaber; such a distinct sound entranced him to activate his force sight. Translucence filled his vision, the force allowing him to see directly through the wall. Many people were scattered around the bar and he could see the young jedi wielding their lightsaber alongside a group. Suddenly there was an explosion at the outer-wall. Too much was happening at the front door and Crim devised a better idea to go through the back entrance in the alley close-by. Crim deactivated the force sight and quickly made his way around the bar's outer area. One force jump sent him soaring over three Nar Shaddian's attempting to go through back with blasters ready.

Orange light from Crim's lightsaber resonated off the metal of their blasters before he swiftly cut through all three using his obvious speed advantage. A hand wave kept them from retaliating as Crim used a mind trick to influence them to turn the other way. Attention diverted back to his comrades in danger. Crim ran into the bar, throwing his lightsaber with deadly precision. The orange blade cut through one of the blasters aimed at the Padawan. "I see others have found themselves back in trouble." Jedi Master Crim commented on the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As they began moving for the door, Inuel spotted the Shistavanen moving for them, blasters cocked and ready for action, as soon as they shouted, Inuel tried to play the intermediary and reached for his wallet to bribe them, but the Jedi were quick to their weapons and the whole situation exploded in front of him. He was hit by the blowback from the Noghri's kinetic blast and thrown to the ground "Never again..." he growled as he picked himself up. Renny, in the meantime had been quick with his blaster and one of the Shistavanen was thrown across the bar due to the close-range of the scatter-blaster he held. Inuel grabbed Renny and began running, throwing the kid along the metal floor of the docking bay outside. He slid for about 10 meters before getting up and running for the ship. Inuel, in the meantime had drawn his blaster and had shot one of the Weequay that were near them, when suddenly was yanked towards Kolinn as a Blaster bolt flew past his head.

"Head-down, old timer." she said as she drew her double-ended lightsaber that she had strapped to her back and hidden beneath her cape. Igniting both ends, she deflected several shots from the blasters whilst they headed for cover.

Renny, in the meantime had made it to the ship and was powering up one of the small AP-turrets, he had no intention of firing off a shot, but with any luck, those mercs would run the moment they saw a laser cannon pointed at them. As he crawled into the gunners seat, he got out his comm-link. "Boss, she's all fired up." Inuel grabbed his comm-link from his belt as he blind-fired over the top of the bar that he had jumped behind.

"Alright, you see any reinforcements, fire a couple of warning shots. Should be enough to scare them off."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 29 min ago

((Post deleted, more or less))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Note: This post is nothing to do with the posting order as Vor'loch has left the Cantina.. My char for the posting order is Embo

Vor'loch had his whip and lightsaber away and hidden. Though he was still being chased, luckily no-one was shouting Jedi or he would have had even more people after him. He jumped up over several peoples heads and down again in a crouched position facing his assailants. The sooner he finished with these guys the sooner he was able to turn back around and go and help his Padawans. Luckily he had taken about half of the pubs inhabitants with him. Unluckily that only really improved things for the Padawans and not really for him, however even though he couldn't use his Jedi training he still had his Noghri skills available. One of the few beings not on his homeworld after being taken a slave at a young age he had the element of What the hell is that thing?

As the weapons were trained on them he moved forward, clasping his hand around the barrel of the closest weapon and pushing up, before ducking down and delivering a punch to the gut. When the being doubled over in pain he grabbed his shoulders and pulled the mans stomach down onto his knee. Then swooping his hands down he pulled the mans legs from underneath him in a roll that sent him careering into one of his partners. At this point people had started to watch the goings on with a level of shock and awe. He crouched down then kicked his legs to push him up in the air as weapons were trained on him, arching his back to perform a back flip he landed back down behind one of the men. He grabbed his shoulders and held him still as his body convulsed under weapons fire as he was hit by the fire from his friends weapons. He pushed the body away however by the time the body hit the ground he was already heading in the other direction, dodging between the random street goers. Most of those chasing him were afraid to fire on him in worries that they might incur the wrath of others. Some of them weren't so careful and the street was starting to become merely a battleground as people were shot and their friends were trying to find those who were responsible.

It was complete and utter madness, however despite it some of them still managed to keep on him. He swore under his breath as he pulled into an alleyway. He looked up at the balconies and other miscellaneous items that lined the alleyway. He ran up to a dustbin, twirled slightly before bounding off a lid grabbing onto a balcony and pulling himself up, he began to slow down before the next one so he kicked his legs out against the wall and flew to the adjacent wall of the alleyway and pulled himself up another balcony performing the same trick of shooting himself up, though at this point weapons fire began filling the alley. He kept going, his speed the only thing that kept him barely ahead of the blaster bolts that he could feel clipping at his heels, flips and turns keeping his moves unpredictable. He reached the top and looked down at his assailants, not many were left though he presumed many of them were stuck in the street fight. He grabbed a thermal detonator and dropped it down, he couldn't risk them just going back and troubling his Padawans.

He looked out across the rooftops, this was turning out to be another one of those days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 29 min ago

It hadn't taken Joshua too long to find some first aid. Even so the care he could get wasn't much but then again injuries from blaster bolts weren't going to heal in a day, let alone less then an hour. So while he was still injured, it wasn't going to bother him and he could walk around without much pain. Since the streets were safe he decided to head towards the closest cantina. Sure it wasn't any safer then the street but at least he could see people coming in an cantina and as such he could prepare for them. However, before he could even do that he needed a blaster, since his lightsabers seemed to attract too much attention.

He was in the middle of browsing a stall for some blasters when a commotion came a little ways down the street. This being Nar Shadaa, he ignored it, since there was always something going on somewhere, involving someone who liked to shoot before talking things out. In other words, there was always a fight breaking out somewhere because of some idiot. So with that thought in mind, he continued to do his shopping, occasionally picking up a blaster and testing how it felt in his hands, before putting it back, dissatisfied. He had honestly hoped to never use blasters, for any reason, but sometimes you had to push your hopes aside for the sake of survival.

As he shopped, several souls who had been close to the fight down the street, shouting something about Jedi. Then he felt the force being used from the direction of the commotion and silently swore to himself under his breathe. This day just wouldn't let up would it? That feeling, like a dozen Jedi had landed on the planet, just had to be true, didn't it? Well, if that was truly the case, he had two options: run until he was inevitably caught or just hand himself over and get this over it. Since he was likely to be caught either way, handing himself in seemed like the smaller pain. Also, he hated the idea of flying from planet to planet, looking over his shoulder every second to make sure he wasn't being followed by someone with a glowing death stick or two.

Cursing once more, he started making his way to the place everyone was running from. However it soon became apparent he wouldn't have to travel far, since some of the action conveniently came to him, in the form of a Noghri running for his life from several armed assailants. Joshua had only known of one Nohgri among the Jedi and it wasn't hard for him to come up with a hunch that this was said Noghri. So, deciding to act on that suspicion, he waited until as many of them passed as was possible before following them. The chase lasted several minutes, following them into... an alleyway.
"This day is getting redundant now aint it." He muttered to himself just before an explosion came from said alley and rocked the streets" That was different though."

Walking into the alley he saw fresh blaster bolt markings going up the sides of one of the buildings and a lot of remains of what were once humaniods. Without further prompting, he began jumping up the building and at the top, he came across the Noghri from earlier, looking across the rooftops in a slightly pensive manner. Joshua approached slowly, while drawing his regular lightsaber as a precautionary measure.
"So, you put on quite a show. Mind telling me what all the commotion was about or shall I just leave you too you're reflection... Vor'loch I think you're name was, back at the Temple?" He said, his tone neutral, giving no hint of friendship or hostility.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the three bounty hunters pushed their way through the cantina, Erin felt very disappointed with herself all of a sudden. Jedi or no, the accomplices would go down too wouldn't they? It was kind of amazing how somebody caught on so quickly, but at the same time Erin knew this might happen - in a dump like this everyone had their ears open, while their eyes lied and focused on their drink or the person sitting across from them. ...Why the heck did she even mention the word 'Jedi'?! Vor'loch's response to the threat sent the three padawans back a short ways before the Noghri made his escape, taking some of the attention with him.

"Not good! Jer', watch yourself!" Without bothering to get her lightsabers out for a fight, Erin grabbed Jerek by the shoulder and pulled him over the bar with her just as a random spray of blaster bolts flew overhead. Kolinn seemed like she was handling this well, and Vor'loch already took a few with him into the streets. The Corellian girl's eyes met Inuel's from the safety of their cover and she gave him a look of absolute guilt, "Okay! Kinda feel like I brought this upon everyone. Is there a place we can lay low for a while? Or better yet, why not go find this Jedi we were about to discuss?" she asked. Hopefully they weren't going to have anymore trouble, but that seemed like an impossible scenario as things were. How long would it take for rumors to spread on this damnable moon?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 11 mos ago

A sense of foreboding.

That's what it felt like, when Jerek could finally put his finger on it. Its tendrils had crept slowly up the back of his neck during the course of the conversation, and wrapped around his shivering spine. Jerek had taken notice then, he didn't have to be a Jedi to feel that something about the room was just off.

The youth sent his thoughts out to the room, and he quickly regretted it. Touching the minds of the bar's patrons was like walking through muck, each step threatening to suck his boots, and the rest of him, down inside its vile abode. The patrons were numerous and moved frequently, making it difficult to track them all. Nonetheless, the boy reached the point at which he felt he had sensed everyone in the bar. Even between the violent beings, mercenaries, murderers and bounty hunters, Jerek could not find anyone whose presence made him so uneasy.

And yet, the pit at the bottom of his stomach had only grown bigger. Now it felt like a hole, draining his very life out.

As the conversation continued, Jerek just could not shake the feeling of unease. It certainly didn't help when Erin announced, however softly she tried, that they were Jedi. That made the sandy-haired boy draw in a breath, wondering if this was his feeling. Was Erin's admission about to get them all killed?

The boy didn't have much time to think about that as he was flung across the room like a ragdoll, hitting —oomph— the back of several chairs whose occupants had just vacated, streaming towards the door like the rest of the bar. Picking himself up, he spied three Shistavanen mercenaries, their blasters aimed point-blank at his master. Before he could act, one was down, but Vor'loch's victory had prompted the rest of the bar to step in. The Noghri's lightwhip couldn't take them all out.

Jerek didn't wait to be told otherwise, he made a beeline for the door, hot on the heels of the kid who had made googly eyes at Erin. A stroke of heat coursed through his body as the thought passed, but the youth didn't have time to pay attention to it. He was tugged forcefully to the floor, a stream of red-hot laser bolts passing just inches from his face, nestling themselves into the wall behind where he had been standing. Looking up, the youth found himself staring into the brown eyes of Erin's face.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the only word that tumbled out was, "Thanks."

The sandy-haired boy sprang alert by the sound of blaster bolts hitting the bar counter that served as their cover. The air, already heavy before the firefight, was growing thick with smoke. Jerek coughed with the effort of breathing. Above the bar, he could hear the fight getting worse, the tavern sounded even more crowded now than it had been when they'd arrived. Turning to Erin, Kolin and the mercenary, the padawan hastily remarked, his voice almost a shout over the chaos of the battle, "We don't have time to make a plan. We need to get out of here now!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


He turned to the man following him, he may as well indulge him for now. Would give him a breather. "That show as you claim it was, was a combination off greed for credits. Alcohol and poor life choices." He began walking along the rooftop, he'd double back to the spaceport for although they may not have a ship it was the logical place for them to go in order to get a ship. "To be honest, I am completely fed up off being shot at. It has lost the uniqueness that it used to have." This man wasn't a Jedi, at least not currently. So he wasn't trusting him outright. That would be a foolish move.


Embo turned as he moved in, catching an explosion as several Mandalorians broke through a wall. More importantly he noticed one of the ships nearby aiming a turret at the building before they entered. He had already dispatched a message to the hutts to cause trouble for that ship. It wouldn't be long before this battle reached the next stage with star fighters raining down fire upon the escape ship for the Jedi. Once they had no ship they were cornered and trapped and exactly where he wanted them. Several people began firing at him, obviously not wanting him to take their bounty and he tipped his head the disk taking the shots before he ran at them and finished off the ones the Mandalorians had not already killed.

He stood in the center of the room. The Jedi hiding behind their counter with him and Balkk standing at the door and the Mandalorians at their make shift door, also known as a hole in the wall. He looked at the Mandalorians. "Depending on their number, we'll split the bounty. However if the one I want is there, he is ours."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Balkk Yarroq
Nar Shadaa

Upon entering the cantina, he immediately dived behind an overturned table, almost dropping the slugthrower in the process. He peered over the top and saw the group of Weequay firing in seemingly random directions. People and aliens dived to dodge the stray shots, some of which ricocheted and rebounded from wall to wall. I hope their looking for Jedi and this ain't some kind of gang thing... He loaded his rifle and peered the barrel around the side of the table. The Weequay weren't aware of him. Yet. You've outlived your purpose. I can't have you nicking my...I mean, our bounty. His finger squeezed the trigger and a thunderous blast echoed around the cantina as a slug shot from the barrel into the chest of a Weequay pirate. The pirate crumpled to the ground, dead. Balkk hissed slightly in pain. Due to his awkward spot, the gun had rebounded into his shoulder, jarring it. Problem with these fuckin' slugthrowers...

A few pirates glanced around although most were pre-occupied with shooting at a few teenagers. He let off a few more shots towards the pirates group of which only two connected. Where's Embo...? The Trandoshan glanced over his shoulder to the door. Light streamed from the open automatic door which seemed to be broken and refused to close. A large explosion interrupted his thoughts on Embo and his head whipped behind the table as pieces of concrete and plaster went flying in all directions. The sound of blaster fire was momentarily stopped but it quickly resumed as the opposing forces composed themselves. What the fuck is going on now...

The bounty hunter watched from behind his cover, occasionally taking pot shots at the weequay. He was waiting for the Jedi with the whip to make his or her appearance before making his presence known. Almost as if his wish had been answered, Jedi began hopping into view, waving their lightsabres and blocking the blasters shot headed their way. ]Embo! Where the hell are you...Fuck 'im, I'll handle this meself. Balkk checked he had enough rounds, took a deep breath and jumped to his feet. He shot quickly and moved quickly to closer cover so he could get a better shot at the three Jedi. He skidded behind a table overturned table and kicked it from it's stand to the floor. The Trandoshan dived under it and began firing in their direction, occasionally dipping down again to reload. During one of these quick reload sessions, he watched Embo jump, dip, duck and weave his way across the cantina.

Scorekeeper, he's fast!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the lights were killed in the Hutt's palace there was a wave of confusion, Jorga yelling to his goons to fix the lights and to capture the Jedi minus Deja. However that wave of confusion turned into one of death and screams as two sets of blasters began lighting up the dark hitting their targets. Beskad and Tracer made their rounds, shooting every piece of scum they could find in the place. However their intial surprise attack was over, the confusion henchmen began firing everywhere in the dark unable to see and forcing Beskad and Tracer to take cover behind some pillars. Tracer radioed their man on the inside with Kraytan and the younglings. "We have entered the premises if you couldn't tell ner vod. Get the Jetii out of there, we'll cover you guys."

"Understood." The Mandalorian said and turned to Deja, Kraytan, and the younglings. "Alright General Beskad has the place as confused as a Gungan on Tatootine. You guys are going to make a run for the exit, children in the center, no light sabers, it'll draw attention to us in the dark. Now on my mark, 3...2...1... Go!" He hit the door controls and dove out and began firing at targets in the dark as his HUD's night vision kicked on. Deja pushed the Younglings forward as Kraytan took the lead and used the Force to guide them. The Mandalorian covered the rear as they made their way across the palace and to Beskad. Kraytan turned and grabbed the Zak and Sor-Jan and pushed them behind some crates as several bolts came raining down on their position. Deja rolled and jumped over the top of the crates. The Mandalorian didn't make it. Kraytan peeked out from behind a pillar next to the crates and used the Force to pull the body to him and behind cover. Kraytan could feel his life essence, he was already dead. He tossed the man over his shoulder and turned to Beskad and Tracer as they made their way to his position.

"No time for introductions, they've got some armored mercs coming out and they can see in the dark pretty well from their shooting. I'm going to toss some thermal dets, when I say move to the door, youngsters to the front, and then you two Jetii behind them, and for Manda's sake move like you mean it! Do I make myself clear?!?" Beskad yelled over the sound of bolts flying around the palace room.
Kom'r and Aden were practically shooting anything in the bar with such precision that they were on a killing spree. They obviously were avoiding the Jedi and the Tatortai, however they were coming awfully close to the Transdoshan. As Embo approached them and talked about splitting the bounty if there was enough of them, Aden was ready to take the man out, but Kom'rk spoke out first. "Splitting the bounty is up to our Chief, he'll be coming soon and you can talk to him, but we have explicit orders to take all Jetii alive. It's sort of our specialty, plus the Empire pays more for alive for obvious reasons. However we don't like Transdoshan's too much, so tell your buddy to be careful where he's walking because I'm not going to stop pulling the trigger if he's in the way." Aden looked at Kom'rk for a second before returning to hitting three Nikto's who had decided to show up from another entrance square in the head.

"Just make sure not to pull a fast one on us, or else you'll be making enemies you really don't want to make." Aden said. He and Kom'rk would play the game for a bit, just long enough until Beskad and the others showed up. He was confident that if they needed to he and his brother could take the two bounty hunters on, but there was no reason to fight them if they could get some use out of them and take them out later.

"Kebiin this is Kom'rk inform Beskad of our location and then get here ASAP. We are going to need some extra guns around here..." Kom'rk said over secure comms so their new "friend" couldn't hear him. Kebiin sent him the green light and would be there shortly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 29 min ago

Joshua sighed at the Noghri's response. It was nothing useful and the typical Jedi response in his eyes. But then again, it was a Jedi he was dealing with here. While the alien seemed to not be in the mood to talk, Joshua could deal with this. He had come across plenty in that kind of mood in his day.
"I'm not exactly sure I'd call getting shot at 'unique'. It's a rather common occurrence really." He said, his tone slightly sarcastic" But enough of the negative things Master Jedi. Tell me how're things at the temple? Is it as shiny and pristine as it was years ago? I was thinking of breaking in one day just to spend some time in the Archives or one of the gardens for old times sake but I somehow think getting out with my head on my shoulders would prove rather hard.

But seriously, how's the temple doing? And what was that incredibly strong sense of death I felt from the Force earlier? You don't need to answer, since I'm probably nothing but filth in your eyes, but it would be nice to know."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Inuel pulled his head down as the Mandalorians blasted their way into the bar. "WHY THE HELL DO I ATTRACT GOD DAMN WARS!?!?!?" yelled Inuel over the sound of the blast. Finally the shooting stopped as the Mandalorians seemed to finish off the rest of the enemies. Inuel peered over the top of the bar, he then vaulted it and stormed out. "That's it, i'm out." he yelled. "I'm not ready to jump into another war." he muttered as he stormed towards his ship, a Weequay with a Vibroblade charged at him, but was knocked off his feet as the Talortai, without looking, instantly drew his blaster and shot him square in the head before holstering it again just as quickly. Kolinn ran after him.

"Wait." she called.

"No, everytime I stick my neck out for a jedi, I get dragged into a war. This time, no, i'm done. No more war, no more Jedi, no more Mandalorians, no more Sith, no more saving the god damn galaxy." he yelled as Renny ran to meet him. "4000 years of doing this crap, i'm not doing it anymore." Renny nodding to agree with him as they he headed for the ramp, Kolinn stopped.

"You know what, you're right. Go." she called "No more war, no more Jedi... But you're wrong about the Sith, they're going to grow in number... The Jedi are gone and the only way that we can make sure that there's no more Sith is if you help us." Inuel stopped, Renny turning to look at him from the top of the ramp.

"Don't do it." said Renny. "Don't turn around... Don't walk back down... Please?" Inuel turned and did exactly as he was told not to. "Dammit..." Renny cried as he buried his face in his leather, fingerless gloves. Inuel looked the Dathomirian Jedi in the eyes.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"That Jedi? I need to know who and where he is." she said. Inuel looked back at Renny... Last chance to bail out and tell her to take a hike...

"We're leaving in 5 minutes, grab whoever is coming with us." he said before walking back to the ship. Renny met him at the top of the ramp.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!" Renny yelled. Kolinn ran back to the now empty bar and peered in.

"Anyone in there I need to shoot?" she called to Erin or Jerek.
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