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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Esdeath’s traveling adventures with the Liberation group brought ample amount of boredom. Boredom seeped into a lack of awareness, and eventually the act of dragging her paws through the rich soil, hanging her head low and loosing connection with her surroundings. It was no one’s fault but her own. I mean, being a cat was great and everything but she couldn’t do things she’d normally do, for she knew that if she spoke, her cover was completely blown. With this cover, she never needed to be tied down by some guild or be connected back to her main person. In the end, this “cover” paid off well for the large cat when a Forest Wyvern crashed through the trees with it’s horrendous scream, the oblivious cat well within it’s cross fire.

The feline’s large frame crashed into the surround trees, away from the stranger guild. Her chest tightened while her heart pounded at it’s door, her retaliation was nothing more than fleeing on all four paws, hopefully too fast from the psycho player killer to notice or track. If she didn’t look like a true animal before, she probably did now. The monster was not her problem and nor could she fight effectively in this form. Pine needle after needle, stuck in the feline’s burly coat, the forest region errily grew darker as she got deeper. The sunlight ceased breaking through the tree leaves, rarely manipulated by the winds. Esdeath could taste the tension carried by this area of the forest, as if something were not right. She was confident anyone sane would’ve failed from coming this far.

Esdeath rushed into a foresty cave, not as a puesdo-feline but as a human. The panting girl was on all fours for a few moments as she placed one had over her heart, as if she were trying to nurture it into a peaceful state. She sat back onto her knees, a few fingers fleeing their death grip on her chest to push lengthy blonde hair behind her ear. Catching her breath was nearly impossible, she thought while she plucked some pine needles from her hair and her skin, causing minor bleeding. why did this place feel unnerving? Why did her health bar choose to slowly climb? “Hello?” The girl squeaked nervously, peering into dark a few shades dark than she’d ever seen.

(OOC: Not an open jump-in point, have planned something~)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leo, Or now as most people called him 'Shadow' was sitting on the edge of the safe zone tossing his mace from hand to hand. he was waiting for the NT to start moving, He'd been sitting round for a good 15 minutes before they finally headed out of the town, "Useless slowpokes." He grumbled, jumping down off his perch atop one of the larger rocks outside of town. as he landed he battered several members out of his way, most players gave him a wide birth, Not only was his classes reputation well known, but so was his, He wasn't adverse to PK'ing a Teammate who'd pissed him off, Holding his massive mace lazily in one hand he kept pace easily, it wasn't like they were going that fast. "I wonder how far they've gotten this time and if it'll be any fun. Huh..." he grumbled and swung his mace lazily sending a small critter that had been hiding in the grass flying towards the head of the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wormgod


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phoebe had just the worst time adjusting to New Terra.

Besides being a noob at MMOs, Phoebe happened to choose the day of the crash to join the game. She hadn't even finished the tutorial! That was quite the experience. Luckily the higher level players took many of the noobs under their wing and trained them in the ways of MMOs and powerleveling. Phoebe chose the monk class at random, and picked Dark Elf race based solely on the premade face choices, so she also had to adapt to a class she rarely played. Thankfully she found the Apothecary skill, which was kinda like cooking and chemistry, both she was already familiar with. Plus, it was a fun little minigame, and very useful in battle.

Apothecary skill brought Phoebe--WORhMnGd now--here. In the six months inside the game, two large factions formed; the Liberation guild, and the New Terror. Both were fighting for the future of New Terra, the future of the famed Isle of Departure, and for control of the game. Phoebe liked the power and wealth she had in this world, but she knew she couldn't escape her real life. She knew she was in a coma, and this might not even be real, no matter how real it felt. So Phoebe stood right there, at the back of a crowd of Liveration Guilders, in the middle of the "support group", holding a throwable Health regen potion.

The clearing exploded. A giant winged beast, as green and menacing as the forest around them, stood where a tree used to be. The tanks rushed it. Garnet, the leader of the Liberation, shouted orders, "It's just a Forest Wyvern!" WORhMnGd heard and threw the potion. It splashed on the heads of the front lines. Good; they'll gain a little extra health for two minutes.

Wyverns were high level creatures. Phoebe took out some babies--Hatchlings and Runts and Whelps--but never a full grown one. The health bar was easily twenty feet up and nearly unreadable, but Phoebe saw an 8. Shit, this thing was at least level 80.

((Couldn't see the pic. I'm assuming it's green, cause it's a FOREST Wyvern.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Charak Had Whipped round From Fighting the Wyvern as he noticed The large Feline Shapeshifter Person Run Through the Undergrowth. Grimacing. Anoyed, Agitiated and slightly Pissed all at once Giving the current Situation. Charak Slowly eased Round Before Breaking off Following the cat. It had been to hasteful in its escape that it left a trail. It was faster then he was thats for sure. But he was careful Silent But alone. And he didn't like the lonesome path But it was the one he took.

Charak picked up the dirt as he continued following the track The animals where keeping anyway from this area Probably scared by the shapeshifter But neither the less Something didn't feel right. Charak just had a feeling of doubt in the woods like the only thing that made sense was the Tracking Everything else was a uncertainty. The tracks Took a Sharp left And on further Inspection Ended up outside of a Cave. A unnatural shiver Rippled across Charaks Body before Disappearing he pulled himself together and Circled round the cave keeping out of sight of the entrance. He heard heavy Breathing. like someone had over excersised Before a Femine Voice Called out "Hello" Almost uncertain. "Theirs someone in their" Charak Thought as peered in threw the edge Showing the tips of his head he took a glance. It was dark that's for sure but he could make out the figure of a girl. he quickly pulled his head out of the cave mouth before moving a couple meters away.

Sitting down he pulled out one of the Small crackers he had packed. oh the irony eating crackers in the woods. delicious as they where if anyone else saw him they would either think he was nuts or Childish for not packing something larger But It was just a snack. he liked to snack. his eyes peered over to the cave mouth Wondering wither or not he should enter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OverconfidentMagi


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A pair of ruby red eyes opened in the pitch blackness that held dominion over the inside of the cave. Some of that oppressive darkness seemed to recede, as if the space was filled with a soft red glow streaming from those two eyes. The eyes both belonged to the same face, a face of inhuman beauty framed by silky black hair. He was a young man, dressed in what looked to be dress clothing that certainly offered no protection from any kind of attack. His face showed no reaction to a stranger having just barged into his shelter. Those red eyes just contemplated the girl before them as they would a window they were looking through.

“Y-you!” Esdeath barked, making a few attempts to scramble to her feet, only succeeding when she had slid a hand up the cave wall. Embarrassed, Esdeath’s eyes, the color of the ocean, skimmed over what she could see and pressed a hand to her wound. Despite her frightened spell, she stiffened her bottom lip and attempted to ooze confidence and power towards the rather handsome creature. She would wait for him to talk.

The dark-haired individual just stared without moving in the slightest for a long time. Then, he stood up straight and bowed his head to the girl. "Apologies, I did not realize that this place was being used," he said in a smooth voice. The young man moved to leave the cave.

A smile slid onto Esdeath’s face in response towards the man’s fluid movements. She swiftly recuperated, obstructing the man’s path. Curiosity led the girl to invading his personal space in some manner, a finger extending outwards to touch the shoulder of his suit, withdrawing it slowly. “What are you? I do not recognize your…race.”

The man with the crimson eyes that seemed to look past Esdeath even while meeting her eyes stopped. When he spoke, it was with the same soft, measured voice as before. "My race.... it is human, as is yours."

“Do not lie to me. You’re different.” Esdeath’s eyes darkened, someone with poor vision would see them nearly blend into the darkness. Her voice, that was slightly high, lowered to a somewhat threatening tone. It was clear the women was not content with his technically truthful answer.

"Race: Human, Class: Vampyre, Specialization: Vampyre Noblesse." The vampyre's gaze finally shifted to actually looking at the girl before him for what may have been the first time. "Raizel," he said simply, leaving it to be implied that that was his name.

An observant eye would see the woman’s frame tense up and perhaps some veins throb beneath her pale skin when the vampyre’s eyes settled on hers. “Esdeath. That is my in-game name, at least.” She replied vacantly, caught in slight awe of his race. “I didn’t know that race was playable.” Esdeath was a good person at heart, thus far, but she could not help but be curious of his strength. She bit her bottom lip and chuckled silently, letting her seductive subclass release troubles on the vampire. The woman could not help but poke fun on people she believed to be a lower level than her, even if she wasn’t completely sure of what she was messing with.

Raizel was unmoved by the tide of false emotion that washed over him. Outwardly, he showed no reaction at all., as if he hadn't felt or noticed what the girl was trying to do.

Esdeath, astounded by the vampires abilities, withdrew the urge from him, clenching her hands closed. It was not normal for her only subclass to fail her. The woman elegantly turned and moved closer to the cave's entrance, gazing out into the darkness. "Being dead should not mean you are dead to your emotions or desires, vampyre. If you wish to know what happens beyond the darkness, guilds seem to be gravitating towards departure island. There's likely to be war. No need to dwell on that. " She mumbled silently, no longer threatening and seemed to have some respect for him. "Show me your powers, if you may."

Raizel continued his stubborn silence. The girl seemed to be ignorant of the fact that a vampyre and a vampire were two completely dfferent things, and that he was very much alive. It was a common mistake that many made, and Raizel had long stopped correcting others on the point. If they wished to see him as some sort fo immortal monster, then he would let them.

He'd planed on making the girl to tell him what she knew of current affairs, but that she gave the information without him even needing to ask it was convenient. He'd repay her by fulfilling her request.

Raizel's body fell apart into a swarm of black bats that separated like a river to fly around Esdeath's body and out of the cave into the dark forest. The bats spread out some as they left the enclosed space, but they moved in one group. The cloud of flapping black wings flew right past where a young man was hiding outside the cave, then turned back and gathered into a swirling column of bats that faded into the shape of a black haired young man again.

Raziel stared down at the boy with his ruby red eyes. "Who are you?"

A swarm of adrenaline ravaged Esdeath’s veins as Raizel burst into this mass of bats as thick is the night. The girl covered her face as winds from the hundreds of wings blared into her face. All along she had a subtle smile, batting her thick eyelashes once at the vampyre once he had finished, his swarms coming to him like a magnet and revealing that PK. That smile was gone,

He had followed her? She was almost sure she had ditched the whole guild for the time being. “He’s the stray the libertarian guild adopted.” Esdeath step out of the cave’s darkness, as furious as ever walking over to him. “You know, they say curiosity killed the cat.“ Opening an outstretch hand, a sword appeared in it. “But no, this time it’s gonna be the other way around, player killer. You had your chance to part ways with me. There’s a lot more scarier things to me than becoming a feline.” Before him and the vampyre knew it, the weapon flew by char’s head, scratching his cheek and being impaled into the ground behind him as she approached them both. “Someone give me a reason not to land that sword in your head next time and string your mangled body onto the World tree. Huh?! He isn’t going to save you!” She spat, gesturing to Raziel, who showed no sign of acknowledging anything Esdeath had done or said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

James sighed and glanced round, The last of the toads had been finished off and he was debating what to do next. "I know we won't get involved, But I'd like to see what exactly is going on with the two big guilds, It'll be nice to see the idiots butt heads again." He sighed and about turned, Leading the others back to the airship. lazily clambering up the rope ladder that they'd left there. it didn't take him long, the game had been arranged so long distance travel via airship was meant to be fast. Settling down he waited for the others to get up before powering up the airships engines, turning it towards the Isle of departure and the two warring factions he powered the engines up and set course. It didn't take them long before they arrived on the edge of the no fly zone by the bridge, Settling down James activated the long range telescope and settled to watch the soon to be fight. NT wasn't that far out from the Liberation Group.
On the ground, some people would notice the large airship, though not many would find it intresting, It often seemed to appear just before large battles, Some took it as a omen of bad things to come. others knew better, and knew it was the guildhall of the one guild that had managed to remain utterly free of both sides influences.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A Lone regret
Charak Sat Deep in thought Leaning Against the Cave wall. He would wait for the sifter to exit but it was starting to become a less likely probability. Bored Charak's Mind took a Turn to the past as he once more asked himself The question "Why did i choose the assassin class" He said under his breath Then he remembered. His eyes Turned Cold and hard. as the memory was remembered. "no no no..." He said under his breath in a helpless tone. "I don't mean to" his mind Tried to tell him. but the memory spoke Differently.

It had been a Great morning Charak, was busy Selling his items to a Guy who needed them for a Very low price. when he had finished he turned back to His old Blacksmith Friend Cercei. "I got The money that you needed Cercei" Charak Said as he gave it to her. "yea this will do." she said as she Slung her Sword Over her Back. They headed off out of town and out of the safe-zone...

They had been traveling for 10-15 minutes Charak really couldn't remember before Charak was Thrown to the Floor by a Player who had Crept up Behind him. A Silver sheen and a blade was around Cercei's throat "Give us your items Or she gets it" The Player who had thrown Charak to the ground said. He was a level 32 While Charak was level 46. but their was 4 of them. and they all had good gear. all Charak and Cercei had on them was their weapons and the Rare Adamantite ore. that they had Retrieved. And they couldn't hand over the ore. "Over my dead Body" Charak Said Sluggishly Standing to his feet As they drew their weapons. Charak Drew his daggers. Cercei Threw the Guy Off her as she Drew her sword.

Standing back to back They faced their opponent's before Charging head first towards their enemies Charak was aiming to Disable not kill. A Mace came crashing down towards his head. Missing it by inches as he swayed to the side. Shanking the Player in The Leg. Before Knocking him over with a Low sweep. A Sword Cleaved by his Shoulder. and Cut his arm. His health trickled down. As he turned to face his other attacker. The Mans Grayish hair was long... To long. Grabbing it Charak Yanked Him forwards and Threw him to the ground before winding him with the hilt of his dagger. Charak heard Cries of Joy coming from one of the other guys. Charak Turned And he looked up The sight he would never forgot A Health bar Red Slowly Emptying in dying seconds. Looking down Charaks Eye turned from calm collective to pure Horror. Cercei Disappeared In a flash of pixel's.

Charak Charged at the Last man in anger. A brutal Flurry of Daggers and Rage. The man Fell to the floor His health dropping to red. Charak panted. he was pissed More then pissed he Hung his head In sadness over the lose of one of his Close friends. He believed this was a death game. so he didn't know better. He heard a Faint clink as his mastery reached 300. His hand moved towards Mercenary. the Last guy Had propped himself up. He was sneering now "Oh look is someone pissed Cause i killed your friend. Come at me bastard I an't afraid of you." Charak's Crumbling Empathy Broke his hand stopped moving towards mercenary and a Cynical Sneer appeared on his face as he choose The Assassin Class. Charak Pulled the Katana From his inventory. and placed it on his back. it was a mediocre one he had brought earlier that day. Sheathing his daggers. Charak Walked up to the man on the tree. who now was acting allot more scared

"Don't hurt me I I Didn't mean it." Charaks Fist Collided with his Jaw Shutting him up Drawing his sword Charak slowly brought it up to the mans face "Are you scared of death. Don't be. Sleep well It shall be your last" Charak Slaughtered him. where he sat and Killed the Guys Other Friends. They all disappeared in flash's of pixel's.

Charak Suddenly Lifted his Head up As a flurry of bats Exited the Cave at Fast speeds Spewing out like a black river before forming into a Tall Ruby eyed Fiqure Who asked Charak who he was "I am 1Charak2" He told the vampyre as The shifter Left the cave She Seemed Pissed at his presence. And well that came normally to people around Charak A clash of steel on shield as another scream echoed through the woods as he slew Every member of the guild that killed Cercei Indifferent to who they where it was a bloody revenge The Shifter threw Charak from his 2nd trance as a Sword Flew past His head Scratching his cheek causes his health bar to lose a little more of its life "Hey hey hey Don't Kill me I Didn't come here to kill anyone I just... wanted To Know why you where A cat at the liberation Assembly" Charak Said His eyes wide as he looked to the sword that had been so dangerously close to Killing him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“What are you, playerkiller??” Esdeath questioned, rather annoyed he had chosen to zone off in these times, her heavy combat boots crushing the twigs beneath her weight as she gathered her sword back. “In dreamland?” Her voice softened slightly as she threw a restraint around her anger, faint sadness seeping into her voice. “I was what I was to see what it was like to be in one of those sorry guilds rooting to flee or keep playing the game. Had I been a human I would’ve had to join, to show the range of my powers , and commit to keeping those alive. I….dislike that, being responsible for too many lives. They tend…. To become causalities that control your life , potential, dreams, and emotions. And sometimes your life aswell. It’s not that I don’t want to care about other people, I just want to stay alive, minus the mental tolls. No strings attached. ” Her eyes shifted to Rai’s stoic face drained of emotion. How does he manage that? Would he show emotion knocking on death’s doorstep? She thought. “Knowing that and your past, you yourself must choose which guild to accompany since it’s difficult to sneak around as a human. I will likely follow one to keep updated on the current news of this world. Knowing that, what will be your paths, Vampyre and playerkiller?”

Not wanting her matters to be intruded upon further by Charak, she threw a small distraction into the mix. Her body turned into blue pixels until it left the shape of a single bat, ironically one of her four transformations. The fragile animal quietly flew into the collar of Rai’s suit, camouflaged beneath some of his black hair and tickling the vampyre ‘s neck. Using pieces of his hair, the bat climb to the top of his head
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OverconfidentMagi


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Raizel was still staring down at Charak with his blood red eyes, though his air of superiority was broken slightly by having a bat sitting atop his head. And then suddenly the bat fell through his head, as Raizel's body dissolved into billowing black smoke for just long enough to dislodge the shapeshifted girl from his hair. The vampyre's body was still in the process of turning back to solid as he turned and stepped away from Esdeath and her acquaintance.

"I will make for the Island of Departure, where the two forces will do battle."

Raizel stared off into the distance. He'd spoken without allowing himself to finish thinking through what it was he was saying, a rare mistake on his part. Would it be best to head into what would be a battlefield? He would move slowly during the day. Would it be better to wait until the sun set to travel? No, he didn't know where the two groups were. Everything could be over by the time it was dark.

Still thinking through his own plans, Raizel walked slowly but surely away from the two others. He was lost in thought as his silhouette disappeared into the darkness of the shadowed forest's depths. No sooner was he out of sight than did he reappear, bright red eyes staring intently at the pair he had left behind.

"Excuse me, but if I may, which way must I go to reach the Island of Departure from here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Charak stood up. slightly Shakily He drew himself up to his full height. the sword that nearly Hit him kind of shook his confidence. Charak Looked at the shifters username. Esdeath what a Sincere name Charak Thought sarcastically. Esdeath Began to pour out her reasoning's before transforming into a bat that sat on the Vampyre's head. Stretching his arm Charak Flexed his fingers over his katana "killed so many yet i keep you as a memento..." He thought quietly. "I Can't really Join Either Guild. If I join liberation Group i have to deal With that dope and his group who wants me dead And if i join new terror I Will either be slaughtered or forced to slaughter And believe me I don't want to be forced to slaughter And all causes i Killed 1 or 2 people." Charak finished saying To the Bat who had now fallen off of the Vampyres head when he took the form of mist for a couple moments.

"I will make for the island of departure Where the two forces do battle" Charak eyes pricked at the Vampyres Plan Even So Charak could see his point When the vampyre left Charak knelt down to esdeath "Look what are you planning on doing now?" he asked Before the vampyre came back lost Charak stood up "You want to get to the island of departure Fine I can lead you For free if you return the favor later on" Charak said as he brandished his katana before slowly walking towards a bush behind which was a Slightly Jagged and slightly monster infested path It wasn't the short cut that had rumors circulating But it was path. but what awaited at the end A battle field or just one group waiting to go to war...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: In front of the bridge to the Island of Departure.

With the attacks of the Liberation Group, the forest Wyvern slowly subsided and its HP bar slowly, but steadily decreased. "We are almost there people! Continue on with the attack!" Garnet shouted, with his spear on hand after recovering his footing. "Vanguard Spear!" With a jump, Garnet rolled in the air and his spear lit up in a bright red color. With a certain strike to its chest, the Forest Wyvern started squirming and growling. With a loud cry, the Forest Wyvern fell down to the floor and then disappeared in lots of digital pieces. Garnet was still in a battle position until the digital pieces dispersed, then he lowered his spear and let out a relieved sigh. Then, he took a deep breath and brought his spear up in a victorious pose. "Uwoooooh!" He let out a big, victorioud roar. Many others united in the cheer. The monster let some drops in the floor, though, whatever they were, Garnet paid no attention ot them. "We need to continue advancing. Anyone can pick up the drops of the Wyvern, just make good use of them." He sheathes his spear in the sheath. hanging from his back. What the Wyvern had left behind were a Wyvern Wing and a Wyvern Bone, both of which can be used as high-end materials or be sold at high prices in stores.

The Liberation Group continued advancing. It was some time until they finally saw the end of the forest. A bright light shone as they reached the exit. Garnet, at least in his mind, was crossing his fingers, hoping the New Terror had given it a rest at least for today. But, oh, his expectations met a sudden death when the first thing he encountered was Hebigami's sick and devilish smirk. "Dammit...." He could only curse in his mind the odd design of the game precisely in this part of the map, why leave so much open space? Were the developers actually expecting something like this to happen? Anyhow, it didn't matter. "Hebigami, I certainly didn't want to see your ugly mug today."

Hebigami's smirk grew even more wide after hearing Garnet. "My, don't be so cold, Garny-chan! We've met like this several times, you ought to be more friendly to me by now." She is holding one of her guns and pointing at Garnet as she moves her hands while she speaks.The legion of people behind her starts rising up, some with a smirk just like hers, others with a face full of regret. KuroTetsu, for one, has a crazy smile painted on his pale face while he holds onto the katana Hebigami bought earlier.

Garnet reaches for the spear in his back yet again, drawing it in front of him. "There's no other way to solve this, is there? Let's just get it over with." Garnet, though he doesn't admit it, was waiting for an opportunity like this, to crush Hebigami at her own game. Still, the probabilities to do so were low, even with the number advantage they have, like they said earlier, just the fact of Hebigami leading the opposition force gives them a huge boost in strength. Garnet raises an eyebrow at Hebigami's next action, though.

With her hand put up, signaling Garnet to stop, Hebigami speaks up. "Oh, now, now, let's not do anything rash. You know full well how that turned out the last time when you tried to oppose me." She puts her gun over her shoulder, closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Or maybe not! You are such a musclehead that I doubt you'd really remember that! Idiot! Baka, baka!" Her gun points at her own head as she says those last words with an irritated look in her face. She quickly regains the sarcastic smile on her face. "But worry not, as I, won't be taking part of this battle today. Just an special gift, from me to you, for letting me have so many torture subjects, coming from your ranks." The people behind her let out a surprised gasp, some even shout with frustation. They expected many things, but the little Red Poisonous Snake not taking part in the fight was something they could have never expected. KuroTetsu still had the crazy smile in his face, though, as he took a step forward beside Hebigami. "Instead, Kuro-chan here wll be fighting in my stead." She pushes him forward. KuroTetsu holds even tighter the katana between his hands. "Don't worry, he will also give you hell like you have NO idea." She starts laughing and KuroTetsu timidly walks to the center of the battlefield.

Garnet raised an eyebrow as KuroTetsu walked to the center of the little arena they had set up. 'KuroTetsu, huh...? I've never actually seen him in action.... I don't doubt he is Hebigami's little ace hidden in her sleeve, but still.... he looks wimpy. I don't think he can withstand me. And if Hebigami honors what she said, then we've already won this.' Garnet also walks to the center of the little arena. Taking up a battle stance, he readies himself for combat. "Fine, if that is what you want, then I will come at you with no restraints."

With trembling hands, KuroTetsu unsheathes his sword and takes up a samurai-like stance. One would say he was trembling with fear, but the only one that could see his expression was Garnet. A sick grin spread through his face, like he was just expecting to be struck by Garnet's spear. "C-Come!" His voice was also trembling with expectation.

Garnet's eyes narrowed. It was uncertain what KuroTetsu could do in reality. Still, it was no time for doubts. Garnet readies his spear and puts it behind him. "Piercing Lance!" The spear this time brights up with a purple color, and he thrusts his spear against KuroTetsu, who in turn opens his eyes, puts his katana over his head and now shouts.

"Setting Sun!" In a lightning quick attack, KuroTetsu now stands behind Garnet and, in Garnet's chest, there's a big red slash. KuroTetsu, with his katana still down after slashing through Garnet, explains what just happened. "T-The swordmaster tier 4 mastery, Retaliation Blade. I no longer posses any attack abilities, but rather, all of them are now powerful counterattacks. S-Some of them also half the damage received. Though.... that's no fun at all. The best thing about this class is getting struck to attack yourself." Garnet was surprised at the speed and strength of KuroTetsu, his HP fell down quite a bit, though it was still on acceptable levels. At the sight of that, everyone in New Terror and the Liberation Group was astounded. "Now, p-people! Help me conquer these idiots!" KuroTetsu shouts, and everyone in the New Terror shouts in response and runs forward to the battlefield.

Garnet was obviously at a disadvantage now. It was do or die now, and Garnet didn't plan to die. "C'mon people, we can't fall behind! For our freedom!" The Liberation Group is confused at first, but at the incoming New Terror troops, some of them decided to also take up a front and fight. Thus, the war between factions broke out, and the leader of NT was nowhere to be found.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Add watched from afar atop the trees as all hell broke out between the two factions rival factions. He just couldn't help laughing, it was beautiful, the pain, suffering, and death and all. Feral screams of battle and war, the wails if death and despair. This was all Add was really looking for, to enjoy the ecstasy of manipulation that blossoms into the choice of either life or death. Add continued to laugh, holding his hand to his left eye, he couldn't stop, it was just getting started and he was already dyeing of laughter and happiness. Add summoned his bots and decided to wait patiently, waiting for the right time to open the flood gates of hell when and appear on the battle field, for either Liberation or New Terror.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The bat tumbled to the forest floor, snapping back into its human state upon contact. “Ouch.” She mumbled without care, dusting the soil off of her blue dress. She took a few moments to run some finger through her honey-colored curls in hopes to loosen the dirt. It didn’t work too well but she did not intend to make a huge fuss over it, outside of sounding less enthusiastic. Esdeath watched at the disappearing vampire after standing up with something in between a frown and a smile. “Yea-“ She was about to answer before Charak interrupted- she shut had her mouth obligingly anyway. She scoffed after the player killer tried to make a deal with the vampyre. “You’re about to lead him into direct sunlight if you go the way from where we came. You need to take the longer way and think more carefl-“ Esdeath’s mouth shut again, but this time with an alarmed gasp and a slight delay between her following words. “I …feel… another presence for afar…normally I can’t see that far but there are a lot of them. The guilds have met and the war may be starting shortly. “

“That way is the best way with minimal damage to the vampyre ..I’ve always disliked traveling on human feet, however it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to take.…” She pointed in a slightly slanted direction, feeling a pang of concern for Garnet. He did seem like a nice leader….Esdeath pouted her lips, shaking her head to try and free the annoying thoughts. This is WHY she didn’t want to join a guild but attachments, even the littlest, were impossible to evade. It was like a skilled gunman trying to land a few bullets in you when you’re cornered. You’re going too come out with some damage.

Esdeath groaned, jutting a finger towards the playerkiller. “Lead the way. If monsters come, they’ll eat you first. Don’t hesitate to kill anything that moves.” Her dark sense of humor took control of her speech but it also showed him that she was starting to trust him a little. “ And Rai, I hope you don’t mind being annoyed for a little longer. Something of your breed and type makes me quite curious.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nuruhine had joined in the group who where going to slay the Forest Wyvern, since she needed the wing for a new robe she was going to get made. Her offensive skills where not very great at this point, but her ability to keep people alive where good, and so her spells zipped around the field, raising health bars as soon as the Wyvern lowered them, and taking most people out of the danger zone. The leader man was shouting some stuff, but Nuruhine was to concentrated on her healing to really listen to what he had to say. it was probably just the usual shouting stuff anyway. Eventually, after a final skill, It then died when the leader stuck a spear into it for the last time, and dropped the wing she was looking for, so she picked it up and smiled, the new robe would be lovely for the stats it would give, and it looked great as well. Another testosterone-fuelled shout came from the burly leader, and Nuruhine sighed. Such noise was unnecessary.

But, they had another goal, obviously, and so the group walked onward, with Nuruhine putting the last little touches of her healing onto people still hurt from the fight. The walk was quite considerable, but eventually the light blossomed, and Nuruhine smiled softly, until she saw the other group. She had done some work for them - she didn't really take sides, since both where as stupid as the other - and so she sat at the edge of the forest while the group went off and probably swapped insults for a while before getting into a fight. Nuruhine didn't know why they thought everything could be solved by fighting, but most people where dummies like that, so she just stood, occupying herself by checking all the stats on her gear and reading the descriptions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Victoria took blow after blow from the menacing forest wyrm but the predictable mature of the beasts attacks saw that not a single claw got past her shield. She took minor damage from what wasn't soaked completely by her defense but the wyvern's HP dropped far quicker. After a time the thing finally collapsed into a pile of dissipating pixels. She went over and picked up the bone and, when no one objected, put it into her inventory with a shrug. Rose was not one to let things go to waste and she had a particular idea of how to use such a values crafting item.

Some time later and the female knight stood overlooking the bridge that was about to become a battlefield. Her eyes narrowed at Hebigami's speech, hating the vile monster and all her ilk, and though she shouted out a protest at Garnet's acceptance of the 'duel' she gritted her teeth through the initial attack. At this point, Rose would have loved nothing more that to order the entire group to retreat but she knew that Garnet would never allow it. The fool man was set on seeing himself, and many others, into an early grave.

Smashing her shield with a fist, Victoria drew her sword and charged forward to the LG leader's aid though she activated no skill. Instead she simply slid to a halt between the man and the one called 'KuroTetsu' with shield raised. "You need to fall back, Garnet!" She shouted, bright green eyes never leaving her opponent. With shield raised she made no move to attack, having heard the idiot explain his entire style of fighting, focused on simply preventing him from doing harm to anyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

James, watching the battle from the forward observation deck of The Nosferatu observed the fight. “Teir four skill, from observation, not bad for a relative newbie. Rin-Rin, make note I need to achive a higher proficiency faster, or else I’ll be left behind.” He observed, almost coldly. He paused to pick up his cup of tea and tilt his head. “That is intresting. Another all out brawl, at this rate they’ll kill each other, leaving us the main guild. Wouldn’t that be a laugh” he said and turned away though pausing he spotted Add, humming he picked up the thermos and slung it over his shoulder “Keep the recorders running, I want to watch this one through.” He said and let a rope ladder down, jumping on to it as it dropped. Humming all the way down he landed by Add, a little behind him. “An intresting fight is it not?” He said by way of introduction. “Care for a cup of tea?”


Leo watched the chaos unfold, grinning as the two lines smashed in to each other. Finally some action. Growling a unholy command the air beside him crackled and sparked with purple black energy as he called forth a demonic servant. A rent in the world appeared and a shimmering mist formed. Solidifying in to a very solid looking creature, the only obvious features were the two massive fists, and the glowing red eyes From the void I come…. the air echoed with its voice. Leo laughing madly took a second to gauge where the lynchpin of the Liberation group’s defences were, Spotting Victoria he spun his massive mace in one hand before gripping it with both of them and charging forwards, as he ran he started chanting in the unholy tongue of his Patron Demon. Firstly a massive laughing skull appeared about 10m behind Victoria, slowing her and counting down, in 5 seconds it’d explode, Problem was, she now had a choice, leave her position and push forwards to avoid it, leaving her comrades, Turn to defend herself from it leaving her back open, or pray that the attack wasn’t as strong as it looked. That however wasn’t the worst of her problems, Leo was now bearing down on her, completing his second incantation. Suddenly her vision was clouded with dark shadows, leaping at her from all directions, He’d just finished casting Haunting Shadow. Now within striking distance he grinned. “Die….Human.” He snarled and swung the mace, unholy red light seeped from the bonds of his armour as he did so, He’d spent the last of his mana casting Demonic Strength. Just before the attack struck he swapped his DOT resistance for extra damage. Her armour would do nothing for this attack; he’d started with a single objective, Break the line. And that was what he was going to do, Shatter the Liberation groups line with all the force of a unholy train wreck, sure he’d have to back off afterwards but, that wouldn't matter, He’d have added another PK to his total, bumping it up to 150 or so, he’d lost count, and NT would have achieved their objective.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OverconfidentMagi


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Raizel - Vampyre Noblesse

So it looked as if the three were all headed for the same place. He should have expected as much. All of the world’s focus would be on the bridge to the Island of Departure this day. It was only natural for the watchers to crowd closer to the stage so as to better observe the show.

Raizel bowed his head, his eyes slipping shut for a fraction of a second. The momentary lack of his eyes’ red glow plunged the forest into darkness, and when they opened, he was walking in the direction indicated by Esdeath. The vampyre’s gaze flickered upwards, but he couldn’t see the sky through the thick canopy of leaves and branches that barely let any light through. So long as the sun held dominance over the sky, Raizel wouldn’t be able to influence the day’s events even if he wanted to.
Mercury - Temporal Mage

Mercury held back as the Liberation Group members around him rushed into the battle that he was certain would quickly become an all-out war. “This isn’t fun,” he mumbled quietly as the first lines of fired projectiles were drawn across his vision. A blue circle flashed around Mercury’s body as he gave himself Haste, and then a larger circle appeared, shortly followed by a bubble of slowed space swallowing up all of the Liberation Group soldiers unfortunate enough to be anywhere near the enemy time mage.

From inside the bubble, everything outside was happening at super speed, with friend and foe taking seconds to be cut down. It wasn’t long before dozens of projectiles, both friend and foe, were pushing their way into the edge of the bubble. To Mercury’s eyes, the space was filled with countless deadly lines. He stepped into a place free of any projectile paths, in the shadow of a Liberation Group soldier, and then he collapsed the bubble.

All of the deadly projectiles that had been slowed to a crawl suddenly jumped to their destination. For just a moment, Mercury stood surrounded by players he might as well have killed himself. But the next moment their bodies disappeared in a blur of digital pixels. After all, it was just a game.

A line of death appeared across the mage’s eyes, and he took a step to the side as a spear ripped through the place he had just stood. Damn, he’d let himself be distracted again. Mercury ran forward, slipping through the attacking Liberation Group forces to reach the front line. His target was easy enough to make out, after all, there was only one spearman on the front line with crimson hair. Coming from inside his forces, Mercury was able to simply run up to Garnet from where he thought he had only allies.

“Too bad, I don’t hate you,” Mercury said emotionlessly as the glowing blue circle around the end of his sheathed sword closed to a singular point. Time’s Backhand exploded forward as a singular bullet of pure knockback, enough to send any player in its path blasting forward violently. It was unfortunate that in this case that would mean right into the center of New Terror’s forces.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sol watched from the trees as a full out battle blossomed in the fields. The fight seemed to be just a brutal slaughter with no side having much of an advantage as far as he could see, although a few powerful LG members seemed to be pushing forward until a hulk of a man charged the front lines burning all of his mana attempting to break through the front lines. Sol quickly reacted starting by firing a [Crippling shot] at the brute hoping to slow him down so that the knight under attack could react fast enough, then continued pumping arrows towards his target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alkharn Bazar.

It was so dull.

As the tall fighter had expected, during this time of the day the place was packed full with other players. And thus quite hard to find somewhere without anyone around, or even to get anywhere near a stall of some kind. Still, he wasn't here for mere idling, but to listen for what was being said around him. With moving in about the crowd, even with being very easy to spot from both his height and hair color, Gin still managed it. Blending in seamlessly with the crowd and looking as if he were like every other player, looking for something useful or that they needed badly. Not that he was looking around for either. Over the next ten minutes of mere wandering didn't seem to get him very far at all. Everyone was so busy these days, either preparing to try and get out of this as some called 'hell hole of a game', or those trying to stop that from occurring in the first place. Now he wasn't a pacifist or anything like that. But there was a point to either types of player's fighting? He certainly didn't see any reason to. Eventually some fool-hardy group would break through and players could leave or stay as they wished, no biggie. So what was all the fuss about? Honestly. A small sigh escaped from smiling thin lips, he would never understand that nor did he want to. Despite finding nothing interesting here about what was happening, he supposed there was only one other choice wasn't there? He'd have to go there himself, a trip the silver haired male was hoping to avoid. Oh well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Who knows, he might even learn something handy along the way.

Island of Departure; Bridge
Nearby treetops.

When had he ever thought this was a good idea!? Then again...

It had eventually turned out that it wasn't such a bad idea after all. The silver haired male perched atop the highest branch of the tree he now sat within, watching the arguments and the chaos that followed down far below, a short distance away from his current position. These people were so silly sometimes, all children. Such a mess indeed. The fact that one man was forcing others to fight when perhaps most knew it wasn't a good idea, and others could end up dead or dragged away by those of New Terror, it was truly foolish. But he had no place to interfere with such matters. Still, it seemed others wished to observe as he did, well, one other anyhow. His enhanced sight did manage to caught a glimpse of a third player up in the treetops, what Gin watched and barely caught as shooting arrows into the battlefield below. How interesting, a stealth like archer, that wasn't something you saw everyday. Yet again he wasn't about to get involved with others fighting nearby, it would just cause far too much trouble for him. And that in itself.... 'trouble'... was something he wished to avoid. He created enough mischief on his own, without the need or help or even the interference of others getting involved.

Within silence around him, the male watched curiously and yet his mind recalled something quite important. Ah, yes, that was it. That girl. Hebigami. New Terror's leader... suddenly just disappearing. Not uncommon but the method seemed strange, as far as he could see, which was plenty further than many other players, she hadn't used a crystal to teleport. Not that he had seen anyway. Perhaps some aid to move from a different source? He couldn't sense that female anywhere nearby, or anyone else apart from this large battle and those other two near to himself. So just what was going on with that? Hm. Perhaps it was worth looking into, he didn't want to be drawn into this fight but Gin wasn't one to miss anything that could prove useful if he needed to battle anyone here later on. What to do? That was the question that consumed his thoughts for the briefest of moments. No matter what he did he would miss out on something no doubt.....why did this world have to be quite so annoying sometimes? Heaving a small grumble from a habitual expression, the male's slitted gaze peered downwards once more. Intent on watching most of the battle at hand, he could leave once he was fairly certain of the outcome. Right now? It was anyone's game. And oh how he loved games.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wormgod


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

WORhMnGd gaped. New Terror faction had found them--which she knew was going to happen--and had waited until the Wyvern was dead to attack. That crazy bitch gave a speech that WORhMnGd only half heard, then stepped aside and let some other guy take a place. A boy with a large weapon, a scythe or sword. He and Garnet rushed at eachother. With blinding speed, Garnet was struck without a chance to defend. His health fell, and suddenly the real battle began.

Phoebe had run through drills in Father Dagon's noob training bootcamp. Large-scale player battles were only covered near the end of her training, when it became clear to everyone that it would take a long time to get home, and some people fought against those who wanted to leave. Thank god that he did cover it.

"Defensive support in the front! Noobs and fragiles in the back!" WORhMnGd shouted and pushed her way to the front of the support line and took her battle position. Spells and potions flung at the front lines. Her heart pounded. She was only level thirty, but her monk class made her an effective fighter, in case the New Terror broke the lines and attacked the support. That was dirty fighting, and she didn't doubt they would do it in a heartbeat.
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