Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyDreams
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FantasyDreams Professional Badass

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rosalyn quickly learned that Bride didn't have much in the way of likes. Plants, lemon bars, and karaoke huh? At least Rosalyn knew what he was making for dessert tomorrow. He'd learn more about Bride as the two just hung out more. That was good enough for now. He also knew that Bride liked apologizing for things she didn't need to apologize for. "You don't have to apologize! Really. I mean, cooking is like my entire life, there aren't many things I like to do outside of it." Not entirely true, but he wanted to make Bride feel better. "Does that mean your favorite thing ever would be a lemon bar that was in the shape of a flower, and could sing your favorite songs?" Rosalyn giggled at the image. He looked at the door numbers as they passed, they were almost there. Not much time left now. It was only another minute or so before he located room 103, his home for the next school year. He hoped he had a good roommate, else things would be awkward. He stopped in front of the door. "Well, here we are!" He announced cheerfully.
He had almost made it past the group without them noticing, but then the small boy bumped into him. Leon grunted as his weak body was knocked back and he nearly fell. As for the boy, he simply curled into a ball and proceeded to have what Leon recognized as some kind of panic attack. Leon knelt down next to the boy. "Deep breaths. Relax." He said looking the kid directly in the eyes. If the kid looked at him just then, he would have noticed Leon's eyes unfocus for a moment as a wave of dizziness washed over him. But he closed his eyes and shook his head, clearing it. Leon noticed that the group was ignoring their friend, even though he was having a panic attack. As much as he didn't want to, he had to make himself known. "Oi!" He said sharply, cutting through the argument easily. "Your friend is freaking out, do something." He said in the same, sharp, disapproving tone. He wasn't even sure why the kid was having a panic attack, nothing had really happened but the argument between the punk girl and the creepy guy. At least it gave him a moment to rest, his body really couldn't handle much physical activity anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The train slowly stopped in front of the station as the intercoms sounded "You are not arriving at platform D, You are not arriving at platform D, Have a nice day." The train doors opened and immediately the sound of the people talking to each other on the platform could be heard. You couldn't understand any of them since everyone was talking so loudly and to make it worse the intercoms sounded every 5 minutes again which made it even more ear deafening. Victorique stepped of the train onto the platform, her eyes shined big and bright while her mouth was open. She cheerfully looked around the platform on how many people there were right now. She had never seen this much people in one place, maybe they would all fall through the floor if they were here for to long. She looked behind her as the train slowly began moving again when the intercom sounded once more for the train to depart. She felt the gentle breeze of the train behind which made her skirt slowly wave with the wind current. She grabbed one of the straps of her backpack that was hanging onto her back. She didn't have much stuff with her apart from her clothing and backpack and she only a small amount of money that she had earned on the farm. Well she had to live with it, it wasn't that much of a bother anyway. The amulet that was hanging from her neck on her chest shined a vague colour but it was still pretty. The amulet was for hiding her true appearance and it worked perfectly. Victorique was wearing a yellow t-shirt with a light grey skirt underneath finishing with her long black knee socks. Once she was all set she tried to move through the crowd, she didn't get far. She was already pushed around in the middle of the crowd after a minute of walking. It only took an hour to get from the train to the exit of the station. She has already missed her bus by long and the next one would only ride in an hour or two. Well walking was fine too, the school wouldn't really mind that she was late... probably. Walking went pretty fast, she took a way through a neighborhood where there weren't as much people as in the center of the city. The sun on her body felt warm and bright and the wind around her made it cool, perfect for a walk. Victorique closed her eyes a little while walking to enjoy the sun on her face and only a mere moments later she opened them again to find a butterfly right in front of her nose. She silently stared at the butterfly fluttering around in front of her but she broke pace when the butterfly suddenly started to fly off elsewhere. It didn't take her a moment to follow the butterfly around. After two more hours of walking she seemed to have found the school now. Well she wasn't busy with finding the school anymore "Where did you go!" She hastily looked around her to find the butterfly, but it wasn't near her anymore. Once she was in the real world again with her mind she looked at the big building close by her. A large smile appeared on her face "Yaaaaaay!" she cheered cheerfully and ran towards the entrance of the big building. She looked up to the building once she was in front of it and immediately was excited to run to the roof of the school. She quickly moved through the public into the school and walked through the hallways of the school, to find some stairs to go up to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bride smiled a bit in relief, he wasn’t feeling pressure to give a proper answer luckily. Maybe he could learn more things that he will like which he would be happy for. “B-but I am sure you did lots of cool things before? You are so strong and cool, you must had fun when you were a kid and experience so many things. “ Bride had to admit it, he was jealous of Rosa, she was a strong and cool person who can stand up for herself and he was just…a former sick kid who likes flowers. He looked away for a second realizing that he was a bit to pushy. “That would be a funny thing to see…” He giggled lightly though, she made the mood a bit happy again as he walked with her to her dorm. He stopped at spot to see the dorm. From what he had heard there was roommates and it was mixed genders… that would be very interesting but he lived close so he didn’t need one. “O-okay!’ Bride was trying to show his strong side, he was about to open the door for Rosa until he unlock the door.
Hana looked around, he was getting bored…trying to get girl members was hard. He looked at his team and waved at them with a big smile. “Hey I will be going guys, I eh have to do something else, maybe practice with Iyo for the dance thing!’ He walked off waving at them lost of them were saying good-bye boss and see you later. “See ya at the party…remember the plan okay?” Hana snickered, he made a plan with the other Yankees for Iyo… it was a little prank at the party and he was sure there would be a lot of people to enjoy it. As Hana was walking he was thinking, something he didn’t do to often. Was the prank a bit to far…nearly everyone will see it…. But it will be a good laugh anyway. Hana did want pay back from Iyo but his mom tried to tell him to stop being so mean to him. It was a tough choice to listen to his gut or to his mom. While thinking he bumped into a girl(Kae) and nearly fell back. ‘Woah! Uh eh sorry kid…” He apologized as he was not really looking his way.
Penn just barely looked up to the person who told him to calm down but one look just made him freak out again. Why he got to be so near him? He wanted to run away but as he wanted to his legs were stuck to the ground like cement was poured all over him. “Mmmhh…nnnhh…nhaa…” Penn whimpered out, he wanted some sort of peace there; he got a deadline due, his works messed up and two guys there. It kept on getting worse for him. Even the brown hair guy talked with his sharp words he flinched back and whimpered more. Friends? He just met them and he is getting a panic attack from them…well mostly for the guys but still. His glasses dropped down onto the floor almost leaving a crack on the lenses. “N-n-no-no-o…” Penn stuttered out as he tried to find his glasses, he had bad eyesight and needed them bad…. More bad luck for this kid sadly. He can barely see where they had dropped and was like a blind rat searching for cheese… it was not successful. “W-wh-wh-whe-re-re…ar-e t-h-he-y?” Using his hand he tried to guide himself to find them but he was still a stuttering, whimpering, twitching mess that he could barely even find them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The boy winced as the girl grabbed his important bits. He may be mental patient, but he was still a male mental patient. Still he grinned through it and talked like he always did; like a man with a death wish! "Ah damn, if this is what you do to flirt, I can't imagine what the foreplay's going to be like, let alone the sex," he wheezed. Once she let go, he stepped back and took a deep breath. "But by all means, go ahead with it. I'm fine with S&M play too. Though let's avoid having you slit your own throat; I'd rather not be tried for murder again!" He gave a hearty laugh and winked at the girl. "We can bring along our 'friend' for the ride too!"
Kanat shook her head. The boy was misunderstanding, but that was fine. It would be better to not have to explain her ability. The sound of laughter made her turn her head. It was a familiar laugh, one that she could recognize from a distance, and it came from just around the corner. "U-um, I think that's my brother. I should go, it was nice meeting you!" she said, before taking off in the direction she heard it come from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Evelyn - Of Heartaches and Homicide Oh balls....not only is he a creep. He also has a masochistic complex. Evelyn sighed and paid the douche no mind, even as he went blabbering on about things she so would NOT do with him, especially after reading his fucked up mind. Now that was pure nightmare fuel right there. And while she did admit to herself the bookworm in the corner was rather cute, maybe a bit more than her bitch roommate, she definitely would spare the poor girl the horror of getting in bed with this creep. So for the remainder of the convo, she kept her arms crossed and a scowl on her face per usual, but her eyebrow slightly moved when the guy mentioned....murder. ...and he has a rap sheet. Great, that makes two of us. Of course....Ev was never convicted of them... Nevertheless the mention bothered her a bit, but she tried not to let it show. "Leave the bookworm out of it, creeper." Ev muttered to him giving a small glance over to the girl. "As much as I like the idea, I don't think she wants her cherry popped right now. Plus she looks more interested in that book than you." Just then her view moved past the jackass in front of her towards the hall, noticing a rather peculiar figure in the distance. Another girl, sickly, pale, poor thing looked like a malnourished kitten. It kinda made Ev sad a little, reminding her.....of past memories. She broke her gaze from the girl behind this asshole and just glanced off to the side, pretending to be interested in something else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Disc O. Baylor
"Oooooooooooh GROO-VAY!" Disc exclaimed, pointing at some random dude before pointing at a random girl and then at some old-looking dude who was probably a student. "Check my feet! Check it out! HAPPY FEET. WOMBO COMBO!" And soon, Disc began to scream incoherently as his feet turned into a blur of white-and-blue. He screamed down his way to a snack bar, picking up a chocolate bar as he said, "OH! OH! OH-OH! OHHH! OH! OHHHHHH! OH! OH! OHHHHHHH! OH! OH! WHERE YOU AT! WHERE YOU AT!" At this point, translating Disc's words into a coherent sentence became impossible, and the dancing screaming machine went out of the cafeteria, pumping a fist as he kept on going with some sort of thing called "Wombo Combo." Soon, Disc stopped screaming and went back to walking around while pumping his neck. That was, until he saw some people. A woman looked interested at staring at the air, a boy(?) that appeared to lack a single bit of testosterone searching for- A boy desperately searching for something?! OR MAYBE HE JUST LOVED TOUCHING THE FLOOR?! "Gasp! But maybe I can help out! Because I'm feeling mama-papa-john's-Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ntastic! Ooh yeah!" As Baylor walked towards the boy (Penn), he pumped his neck furiously, and even began to spin his head around as he stood in front of the boy. Jumping onto one hand, Disc O. spun around, plucking a pair of glasses off the ground before letting his body slowly reach the floor. Spinning on the ground one last time, Disc made a French pose, pumping his neck with a freaky grin, as he put the glasses on the boy's hand. "OH YEAH! Uh huh! UNS-UNS-WHOOOOOOOO HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOALRIIIIIIIIIIGHT! TEN 'ATTA TEN!" After pumping his fists rapidly, the Disc flashed one of his signature disco poses, his arms stretched out in polar directions, as he asked, "'Ey there, pretty person! You a-IIGGGHT?! Oh, I think you're aight! Ha ha ha ha!" He had no idea on how insane he looked.
Deathedge watched one of the freakiest idiots he had ever seen zoom out of the cafeteria, confused on what kind of "wombo combo" the disco-lover performed. Shrugging at the sight of the man leaving, Deathedge picked up his empty salad bowl and put it away, heading out of the cafeteria. His hands in his pockets, the man headed down the halls, wondering what he could do. He was not close enough to anyone to hear anything in particular... except for the sound of the disco-maniac screaming somewhere. I better stay away as far as possible, the white-haired student thought as he walked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Victorique hastily looked around her for the stairs but she just couldn't find it since the school was so big. She was so busy looking around her that she tottally forgot to look in front of her while she walking, only a stupid mistake for her to make. It only took a moment for it to go wrong, when she turned the corner she felt a small body bump against her front. Which made her immediatly look down in front of her. A small girl with carot coloured hair and grey eyes was standing in front of. If she fell back victorique would have reached out for her arm "Sorry I forgot to look" she said cheerfully to the girl before randomly hugging the girl her head while she also snuggled the top of her head. After a long hug she letted go of the girl and stepped back a little. Her body was full of excitement because of that she made her first friend in school. She didnt know really know what it meant to have friends or how it worked but she still felt accomplished by the fact that she did it herself. She squated down to the same height as the girl and raised a finger to her chin while angeling her head "Do you like sweets?" she asked curiously to the girl before grabbing her bag of her back and slowly opened it "I baked lots of sweets to give them to my friends." She grabbed a cardbox box out of her bag and opened it. It contained mulltiple small sweet cakes which all had diffrent flavores: Chocolate, strawberry, vanille, lemon, blueberry and raspberry. She smiled happily at the girl with her eyes closed "You can chose one or two."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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AiyvaGuard Arisha the Spellsword

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kae She entered the building, she could hear the voices echeo from the lunch room. She analizyes the voice, seemingy unpuzzling there voices. Soon after a few minutes of leaning against the wall she heard students rush in, though quickly decreased in size. She sighed, moving forward, feeling nothing but the clothing of another, she turned to the side, looking at the man...girl? She was purplexed, crouching down, staring into his eyes as if she was traveling his soul, "Name?" She asks, standing back up not bothering to help the boy/girl up. She stared down at him and asked once more, " Gender? " Her pink, blank eyes scanning his body, yet she couldn't tell his/her gender. (I'll edit this)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyDreams
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FantasyDreams Professional Badass

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rosalyn was glad that he had managed to make Bride happy. He hadn't really done a lot of cool things like the girl thought. His entire life was pretty much cooking, cross dressing, and combat. He wasn't really the life he would have liked to have. But thus was the burden of being a member of magical clan born with combat powers. Rosalyn was excited to meet his new roommate and he really hoped he would get along, or at least tolerate them. But really, as long as they left his stuff alone he'd be fine with them. Rosalyn set down one of his bags and pulled the key out to his new home. He unlocked the door and started picking up his stuff again. He waited for Bride to open the door and got his first glimpse of his roommate. He recognized him as the perv who had been taking pictures of girls earlier. Well wouldn't he be in for a surprise.
It seemed that whatever he was doing wasn't helping out the kid in the slightest. In fact it may have been making things worse. The kid's glasses fell off and suddenly Leon found his focus caught between trying to retrieve them and calming the kid down before he got hurt. "Oi, its really okay kid. Just calm down." He said in as calm a tone as he could at the moment. That's when another guy showed up. A very...interesting guy. He did some sort of weird acrobatic, flippy, dance thing and got the kid's glasses for him. The proceeded to sing(?), strike a pose, and ask if the kid was alright. This guy was hands down the most interesting thing Leon had seen in the last five years. Which was a little sad really. He found himself completely forgetting about the kid who was having a panic attack. He stared at the dancing guy blankly for a split second, before breaking out into sheer hysterical laughter. His day had just been made. But unfortunately the laughter didn't last long as his body turned against him. The laughs half turned into a coughing fit. Then stopped all together as Leon was forced to double over and cover his mouth with both hands. As he coughed he could feel wetness on his hands, most likely blood, he did that sometimes. Just another side effect of his illness. Hey, at least now maybe the punk girl and creepy guy would stop arguing. He had that effect on people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hana just awkwardly looked at the girl, he was not sure why she was just staring at him and asking his name. “I…uuhh…Hana…” He said out as he stood up, this girl was a bit…weird. Something about her staring so blankly at him felt unnatural. When she asked gander well…he got pissed. He gets this a lot; there was nothing wrong with him wearing a skirt. Sure he looks a bit girly but he make sure that everyone knows that he was defiantly a he. “Hey! I am 100% guy here! Is it freaking obvious!?” Hana shouted. He truly hated when people questioned his gender. His brother teases him about it, he gets laughed at and his mam says he is cute…. Hana hated it all. “There is nothing wrong with me wearing this!!” Even though the girl never even mentioned it Hana was already saying things that he was sure of that the girl would say.
Penn barely searched for his glasses while the taunts and through backs of the rocker girl (Ev) and the white hoodie creep (Cleo) were bashing out, the other guy (Leon) tried to help him but it was not helping at all. Searching for them he was suddenly handed his glasses back. He couldn’t see the person who gave back his glasses until he put it on…. Oh dear it was another guy and this one was much…much worse. This weird disco freak (Disc) was all dancing and posing weirdly near him. Penn instantly moved back trying to get away from the weird being. He was now in a hard place, this freak of a guy is not helping. Penn wanted to cry, really cry and run away. Three guys…. One in a fight and who is freaky as hell, one dancing like an guy on drugs and one…who was coughing blood? Penn watched the brown hair guy coughing blood. He was surprised, like all of his fear of men went stand by because of the guy coughing blood. “B-b-bl-bl-bl-bl….” Penn could only stutter that out as he watched the guy cough even more that he had to crouch down. “B-bl-bl-blbl-o-o-o-o-o...” Deadlines, guys, father, blood… all of these things just filled his head, the things that made him scared, weak and unsure. He couldn’t breath, the air felt to thin. This insanity…. “o-o-od-d-d….” Penn finally fainted at spot, there he laid on the cold floor nerly gone from his sanity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Seeing all of this: the dancing freak, the coughing up of blood and the fainting boy, Cleo couldn't hold it in any longer; he began laughing like a mad(der) man. There were tears coming out of his eyes as he backed away and doubled over pointing at . . . wherever. It was in the general direction of the three, anyway. He was about to make a nice, witty comment about how Eva's sense of style caused Leon to puke blood, but then he caught sight of his sister. She was sweaty, tired looking, and currently being smothered by another girl. He wanted to make a yuri/lesbian joke, but that would delay him from getting away. Ah shit, just when it was getting fun. "Well, it was sooo nice meeting you guys, you've been fantastic entertainment! Goodbye!" said Cleo. He passed by Lisa and Eva and gave them a wink that promised nothing but bad things. "Entertain me another time, okay?" And with that, he attempted to disappear into a corner, all in order to avoid his sister.
"Bweh!?" cried Kanat as she felt someone bump against her. In that small moment, Cleo became aware of her and began to visibly make a retreat. No! He's getting away! Kanat turned, annoyed at the person who bumped her . . . until she saw the excited smile, the cookies and . . . why couldn't she be easier to hate!? "U-uh, I'll take the Vanilla?" What am I doing!? Big brother is getting away! Oh, but this girls smile was so full of hope and expectations and she called me a friend-! I give up, she sighed mentally.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Evelyn - Dance of the Hemophiliacs and....did that dude just faint? O.o Wowzer bowzers... If there was ever a deeper need for a distraction from Ev losing her cool and gutting this fuckhead with her switchblade (or her claws) then by the six Archlords of Hell, she definitely got it, not one...but two, not uno...but dos, tres if you count the cute sickly girl (Kanat) being snuggled by some fluffy little furry chick (Vic), which for Ev....well... Cute girl overload! Cute girl overload! That was also counting the bookworm(Lisa), who Ev naturally found a bit attractive, so long as she wasn't a snobby bitch like...did she even have to say? Ev blushed a little at the thought, a small glow of pink, but hardly noticeable against her charcoal colored complexion. Then came distraction number two which really got Ev's undivided attention. Just uh....what the fuck was this guy's deal? Da fuck....? Ev....Ev was a bit disturbed no less, her eyes narrowing and her eyebrow raising towards the weirdo flailing around like he was just lit on fire and screeching like some tone deaf, mentally retarded parakeet. Who the fuck could even move like that? Let alone DANCE LIKE THAT?! LET ALONE SING LIKE THAT?! Already Ev could feel the heat rising within her, a sudden urge just to pounce on the guy....and treat the rest of the hallway to one hell of a gore flick, but she stifled her murderous tendency as distraction number three rolled around...or rather spilled onto his(Leon's) hands with the poor manga kid blacking out and hitting the floor hard. Did someone say timber? So with all distractions in account, plus dealing with a douchecake creepypasta wannabe, here was Ev's main thought, Why oh fucking why did I not just stay in my room....? But relief, short relief once the bastard bid ado and strolled past Evelyn, though with one more putrid gesture to pour salt in the already festering wound. "Aww what a shame, how unfortunate. Oh well, bygones are bygones I suppose." Rather mockingly she spoke in a fake Southern debutante accent. "Y'all take care now, good sir. I look forward to more educated inquiries. Ta-ta." And once he rounded the corner, Ev flipped him off with a sigh of absolute relief, "Asshole. I was about three seconds away from shiving that fucking dickwad." She grumbled to no one in particular sitting beside the bookworm and leaning against the wall with a huff, "I could use a cigarette now.... Emm...don't suppose you got any, do you?" But looking at the scene again, she figured that offer would have to wait. The kid was still passed out cold on the floor and that guy (Leon) was hacking up red like some crazy Silent Hill shit. Ev sighed again getting to her feet and shaking her head in dismay. First, she grabbed the small red cloth from the pocket on her flannel. It was mainly used for cleaning her guitar, but hell, she had six more of them left. "Here dude. Wipe your mouth off before someone thinks you're Edward Cullen." She said handing Leon the cloth. Then there was the matter of the mangaka, still knocked out it seemed. "Hey...hey kid? Flower boy! Dude, wake up!" Ev leaned over him snapping her fingers and patting his face a little with her hand, inadvertently...reading his mind as well... Yup. He's fucked up...-_-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Disc O. Baylor
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM." The disco-lover spun his shoulders, his eyes closed as he fell into the ecstasy of stretching one's shoulders. As the shoulders moved like two bicycle wheels traveling at the speed of sound, Baylor found himself biting his lip out of the pure awesomeness of stretching. He loved stretching, and knew of stretching methods that all yoga instructors would not recommend to even those who had the balls guts to them. Many people were laughing! People loved him! Thus, Disc O. felt so loved, a pink heart composed of light flashed behind him as if he were ascending to another level that no man had dared to trek through. Soon, the pink heart turned into a holy, yellow light before fading away. "OH! Mmm, mmm, mmm," Disc O. said as he consumed a chocolate bar instantly, "I loooooooooooooove this adrenaline I'm feeling!" Soon, however, Disc heard something that caught his attention. "Flower boy! Dude, wake up!" And so, Disc turned away from paying attention to his invisible glory, his eyes glistening as he turned to... a guy coughing up blood. Oops. Wrong dude. Disc turned once more, finding the boy with glasses sort of collapsed on the floor. "Oh! I dunno how, but it looks like..." Disc O. Baylor put on a pair of sunglasses as he flashed the pose he struck earlier.
It took Disc several "Uns"s to actually notice that the flowery person did not move at all. Confused, the man tip-toed over (while wildly swinging his legs up in the air for no reason, that is) to the boy who fainted. Kneeling over the boy, he felt his pulse by touching his neck. Raising an eyebrow, Disc picked up the boy (Penn) by his cheeks, rubbing them furiously as he asked, "'EY! 'EY! YOU THERE! YOU TO DISC! YOUTUBE DISC- Ooh, I haven't thought about Youtube Discs before... WAIT, THAT'S NOT THE IMPORTANT THING HERE!" For once, Disc actually said something correct. Shaking the boy's cheeks a little more, the Disco King turned to a woman (Evelyn) who happened to stand near him as Disc asked, "'Ey there, random bystander! Please don't mind me as I pick up this pretty person lying on the ground like a hippo! Ima go put this guy... in the... the..." Disc thought about what he was going to say before blurting out, "...the gates of the school. Because no one's gonna notice him if he's out there, right?! AWWWWWW YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" With that said, the Disco King picked up the boy, clutching Penn's chest and legs like some sort of weird-a-s crab before beginning to spin his way... straight into a wall. Disc began to spin around as soon as he stopped moving. He then began to roll across the wall, albeit at a slow speed.
"AWWWWWW YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Deathedge stared in horror as he saw a suspicious man crash into the wall before spinning his way across one of the hallway's walls. Now, despite the fact that Deathedge wanted to live a normal life, he had been sent into a plethora of situations where he was being tracked down by weirdos who wanted to pick a fight with him. One of such cases involved Deathedge fighting a genuinely crazy man who believed he was a Transformer, and seeing the suspicious man (Disc) rolling across the wall with some traumatized girl(?) in his arms severely disturbed him. Deathedge humorously punched the disco-maniac as he screamed in horror,
As Disc fell on the ground with the boy in his arms, Deathedge dusted a fist as Disc asked him, "Bruhhhhhhhhh. What're ya doin', dude? This pretty person needs help!" "So do you. You just made me feel like punching you." Deathedge shook his head. So apparently, the man (Disc) was not kidnapping the pretty person. Still, he did not feel like apologizing- Actually, he felt like apologizing. "...Sorry," Deathedge muttered as he began to walk away from the scene, not bothering to look back. "Carry on with whatever you were doing, then." "HERMERGER DIDNEY WURL-" "GOOD F--KIN' GAWD, SHUT THE HELL UP!" And so, the white-haired man proceeded to brush past several other people (Evelyn, Leon) in the hallway before attempting to find a quiet spot for him to enjoy. He wondered how on Earth he would be able to make friends if everyone had some sort of weirdness in them. (Disc stood up and continued to move weirdly)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She smiled at the girl that had made her choice "Coming right up" she said with a cheerful smile. Victorique grabbed some napkins out of her bag and grabbed the small vanilla cake out of cardboard box with her hand, placed it on the napkin and gave it to Kanat. The girl looked tired for some reason, maybe she had done some athletics just now and just finished with it "You look worked out, Do you do sports?" she asked the girl out of curiosity as she returned to put the things back in her bag again. The girl seemed hurried, did she accidently hold the girl up? She looked concerned at the girl "Are you okay? Did I bother you." She slowly began to panic a little more "I bothered you didn't I. Can i make it alright again?" Victorique kept getting closer to the girl her face while talking and soon almost touched the girls face with her own nose "I can get another cakie for you." She suddenly realized that she might have scared her new friend and backed off from her. She turned her head away from the girl and placed her hands together on her lap "Sorry, i'm not so good with others."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

penn as he was out cold was having dreams of his life at the dram before. The big fields, his former pet horse Dixie and the open air. It was a peaceful dream but of course it turned dark after getting beat up again. The past haunts him clearly and it was hard for him to live. "...mmmnnnn..." He began to regain consciousness again. It started with a warm feeling on his cheeks then it became a bit to rough, soon it felt like he was spinning. Penn carefully opened his eyes to see..."...AH!!" He let out a girlish scream as he was being kidnapped by the disco freak. This something he did not wished to wake up to... No way in hell. Penn already struggled as he was being carried to who knows where. "H-h-hehhel-lp-p-p-p!!! " he shouted hoping for someone to save him from the disco maniac. Why he got to be in this intubation... Ad he didn't realized that his folder was still back there where he had fainted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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AiyvaGuard Arisha the Spellsword

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kae Stared into the man’s soul, observing the waves of his soul. She looks up hearing his voice, 'Hana' an odd name, though in reality it was both girl and boy's name. She watched him, his aura, or...something was off. He was different. She realized his clothing, even after the close observation of his movements she didn't pay attention to his clothing nor did she really care. "Actually, no a male wears pants or shirts, usually or a kilt, though for girls they were skirts, pants and shorts. The 'kilt' is diverse from the skirt because men do not were garments under them, though women in the other hand wear garments under their skirts, so technically you are 'supposedly' a feminine looking male. " Hana seemed angered after her mistake, she wasn't surprised to say the least. She always made people walk away from her, losing her touch with humanity, looking down as her brain seemed tired, using her mind to generate words and as well using her mono-toned, boring voice to speak. Hana said words again and of which were..Yet again invalid, “A male doesn't casually were a skirt, unless they were gay or cross dressers.” She nodded once more, accepting her choice of words.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyDreams
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FantasyDreams Professional Badass

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It seemed that his coughing fit scared the poor kid having a panic attack, because he fainted. Well, at least he wasn't having a panic attack anymore. Right? Leon wanted to say something as the punk girl and the weird dancing guy came up and tried to get him to wake up. But he was still hacking away, it would be another moment or two before it finally stopped. So he was helpless to watch as the dancing guy picked him up and spun away. Leon forced himself not to laugh, it would have just made the coughing worse. It finally FINALLY stopped and the dying boy took a few shaky deep breaths. He looked up as the punk girl as she spoke, offering him a red cloth to clean himself up with. "Thank you." He said in a raw, shaky voice, and accepted the cloth. He used it to clean up the blood the best he could, but he'd still have to take a trip to the restroom to finish. At least the cloth was red, it wouldn't be too hard to get the blood out of. A few more deep breaths and he felt that he could speak normally again. "I probably looked like something out of a horror game huh?" He said, his gamer nature getting the better of him. With a hand on the wall to support himself, Leon rose carefully to his feet. He legs felt a bit like jelly, but he could stand on them so that was a good sign. He'd have to remember to return the cloth to her once it was clean. He was sure he'd see her again at some point. There was always the party tonight. It'd give him an excuse to go and at least stay out of the house and away from overbearing parents for a little longer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Evelyn - Welcome to the mObscene Once more Evelyn sat down with another sigh escaping her next to the girl she asked for a cig(Lisa), despite her maybe not having one, but at least that little bit of insanity was done...for now since the dancing dingus of motherfuckery just took off with the flowery yaoi kid bridal style. "'Ey there, random bystander! Please don't mind me as I pick up this pretty person lying on the ground like a hippo! Ima go put this guy... in the... the....the gates of the school. Because no one's gonna notice him if he's out there, right?! AWWWWWW YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The dude blurted out with a charisma that reminded Evelyn of the Happy Mask Salesman from Majora's Mask, or maybe Tingle, Oh what a terrible fate I've met with indeed. She grumbled in her mind before answering halfheartedly with a mutter, "Yea..sure...whatever man. Knock yourself out...like...literally." Thank fuck someone got the right idea as Evelyn watched the scene take place between the creepo and the white haired dude(Death), snorting to herself and cracking up. Seems she wasn't the only one greatly perturbed. "You are my hero." She said rather nonchalant as he brushed past them. Then, she looked over at the guy who was hacking up blood, surprised he didn't pull a Heather Mason and puke out a fetus (TOTALLY NSFW <.<). At least his coughing finally stopped, though it wasn't grossing out Ev, seeing her fair share of grisly horrors, but rather...she did feel a bit concerned, hoping they wouldn't have to rush this bishi to the nurse's office...or the ER. "You okay?" She asked the guy(Leon), snickering a little at his comment, "Yeah, looked like the T-Virus got a hold of you, that or the Order was using you for their rituals." Well whad'ya know, a fellow gamer. Poor guy could barely stand though, and admittedly it bothered Evelyn to watch...mainly because...it reminded her of someone else... There was her mind going back to a text message she received just days before she started school. The only words she read of it was Mom... and Hospital... The rest...she didn't even have to piece together. Besides, most of it was her sister's typical bitching, blaming her for everything that went wrong, telling her not to show up. Like Evelyn was going to? She'll be fine.... It's just a cough... She'll get over it. Mom's always been sick...even after...no fuck him! He's not even my dad... She frowned a little, again letting those thoughts consume her, pull her into the abyss of her mind....a place she tried to stay away from....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Disc O. Baylor and Deathedge
Deathedge sighed, finally happy to find that he was reunited with- "H-h-hehhel-lp-p-p-p!!!" Goddamnsh$%f#$%b#$%#a$^cu%$f@#$ingbrainholes, Deathedge thought as a vein on his head popped. Turning around, the white-haired man marched past the people he just brushed by earlier, cracking his knuckles. "It's A-OKAY, MY CHILD!" Disc proclaimed as he laughed like crazy, rolling back to where he picked up Penn for some really odd reason. "I will find the nurse! But first, where's the nurse?! WHERE'S THE CHOPPAH?! "WHERE DID ARNOLD GO?!" Right as Baylor asked a question out loud, the white-haired man raised a hand as he walked toward the disco-maniac... before delivering a simple chop at the dancer's head. Disc fell face-flat on the ground and dropped the boy, automatically proceeding to perform a bunch of breakdances as he screamed "AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! GET TO THE CHOPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Attempting to preserve the sanity of the person who nearly went into a dizzy hellhole of confusion, Deathedge picked up the boy (Penn) before walking a little away from the breakdancing Disco King. Putting down the person, the white-haired man grumbled, "It's bad to touch insanity. Go get some people who won't fling you around like a ragdoll." With that said, Deathedge could not help but notice how feminine the person looked. He wondered if the person actually had no gender at all, which was why he kept on referring to the frail figure as "a person." Scratching the back of his head, Deathedge began to head toward where he original went towards before noticing a dark-haired woman and a boy who looked as if he were about to use something similar to Deathedge's powers (Blood Manipulation). He gave the man with the red cloth (Leon) a somewhat worried look before turning to the woman next to him (Evelyn), who made him look even more worried. Despite becoming arrogant to a certain extent due to exposure to hard-headed weirdos at his home, it was still evident that Deathedge had feelings... feelings that miraculously went unnoticed for so many years. Cursing his own looks, the white-haired student glanced at the woman (Evelyn) who now frowned at something. (Un)fortunately for Deathedge, the familiar aura of the devil crept back into him. Fearing that people would notice his extremely misunderstood and awkward presence, Deathedge decided to get moving again. He dusted his black coat as he walked on ahead, though, unbeknownst to him, a silver locket fell on the ground. The man soon vanished from the scene; a signature trait that seemed to define him in the Bloodedge Chronicles. ...Though, he did not even know of such a thing like Bloodedge Chronicles yet. And the day he hears of it would be the first and last time he would ever want to know about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lisa Lisa put a hand on the obsidian skinned girl's (Ev) shoulder. "Are you alright?" She asked, tucking her book under her arm. "All of this is too much, isn't it? I was about to go find somewhere quiet to read, wanna join me?" She asked the question as if it was just an afterthought, but despite having her nose in a book she hadn't been oblivious to her surroundings. She had noticed the girl throwing her glances every so often, and was a little curious as to what that was about. "A place like this must have an outside area with benches and such, right? Why don't we go find something like that?"
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