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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~New Bark Town~

~Professor Elm/Alfred Elm~

The pokemon lab of professor Elm. Used to, this place saw all sorts of trainers and was filled with the bustling activity and research of pokemon scientists. Used to, this place was the leading facility on pokemon breeding and eggs. The sleepy little town of New Bark was the perfect place to do that. Open fields, rolling hills and forests perfect for raising and breeding pokemon. Unfortunately, in recent years though, the activity had died down. Now that pokemon were all but feral at this point for some unknown reason, it made research difficult - especially when it came to breeding.

Still, it didn't deter the professor, nor his young assistant that lived in New Bark. Said, young assistant who was currently sitting listening to his granddad rant about pokemon. Professor Elm - his granddad was notorious for going off on long tangents and getting sidetracked quite easily when he was really engrossed in his work. It was something he hadn't grown out of, no matter how old he was. Alfred had to admit to himself, it was a bit funny to see his granddad go on long tangents and talk to himself. Well, to him, anyways. Still though, the new trainers should be arrived soon! This was exciting! This was the first time since working in a lab he was going to get to help new trainers chose their first pokemon! With the restriction on trainers, less and less trainers had been coming in recent years so this was a big occasion as far as Alfred was concerned. He just had to find someway to get his granddads attention...

"Fascinating! No matter how many times I see an egg, I never get tired of studying one!" The older professor said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he observed an egg in a glass incubator. The egg, was hooked up to various wires and other mechanical things. Various displays showed various life signs and other vitals of the baby pokemon in the egg. What they said, only someone who vaguely knew anything about pokemon research would know, but apparently it intrigued the aging professor. "If this experiment goes well, then We could have a major breakthrough as to why the pokemon are acting up! I'll have to thank that trainer again! Getting this egg all the way from Sinnoh must have been difficult at best..."

Elm went on some more, talking about a bunch of scientific variable sand Jargon Alfred didn't quite understand quite yet. It might have made some other kid a bit depressed, to learn they still had so much to learn about pokemon, but to Alfred it just brought a big smile to his face. He was eager to learn if nothing. He had a love of pokemon and learning that rivaled even his granddads. Now, he just had to get over his timidness, and he'd probably make a class A professor one day.

"Huh...well what have we here?..." Alfred shot a quick look over to Elm from where he was organizing the bookshelf, placing the books back on pokemon breeding in the correct order, turning his head over his shoulder to take a look at his Granddad. Apparently he found something interesting in the readings. Well, now was as good as time as ever to interrupt his Granddad. Interrupting him when he was going off on one of his tangents was almost impossible.

"Uhm, Professor Elm?" He said, hopping off the stool he used to reach the higher shelves.

"Curious..." It seemed Elm hadn't registered his comment. He was staring at one of the read-out screens, his brow furrowed in thought. It seemed he was still caught up in his own little world, then. With a bit of a sigh, Alfred walked over, giving the Professor a small little tug on his lab coat. For the briefest of seconds, it seemed as though Alfred got through to him. At least, until he turned swiftly around and completely ignored Alfred. "Where are my notes!"

The professor quickly walked past the young boy, completely ignoring him and causing Alfred to stumble a bit as the professor walked past him. He was surprisingly fast for an old man. Elm went to his desk as he started shuffling through some papers, stopping every now and then to take a look at a few of them.

"Granddad!" Alfred called out to him, walking to the front of his desk. Finally, it seemed Elm had heard him. The older man gave a small yelp of surprise, dropping the paper he was holding back onto the desk.

"Huh? Wha-Alfred! Sorry, I didn't see you there!" He laughed a bit to himself. "I was caught up in my research. There's something odd about one of the readings on this egg, but I'm not entirely sure what it is yet. Perhaps its whats causing all of the pokemon to be so aggressive! If I can identify it, perhaps I can find a way to reverse whatever effect its having! This is a major breakthrough!"

"Really? That's amazing!" Alfred said, reaching out and taking a look at the notes himself. He didn't see anything that was quite out of place - but he didn't have as much experience with such things - yet. With a cheery smile, he placed the papers back on the desk after putting them back in order. "But Professor! The new trainers are probably going to be arriving soon! We should get the pokemon Ready, shouldn't we?"

"Hm? Oh, I had completely forgotten about them! Of course, Alfred! Get the pokemon ready! I'll get everything else! Let's see...pokeballs...yes, they'll need those! Ooh, and maps too...they could always use a map! I'll need to remind them to stay in a group...where did I put those maps?"

"Top shelf professor!"

"Right, thank you Alfred! What else?..."

The professor was already lost on one of his tangents again as he quickly moved about, trying to find everything he had prepared for the trainers. Alfred smiled, as he got the pokeballs out of storage. Perhaps he should release them and let them get used to being out before the trainers came along?

~New Bark Town~

~Abigail Blanchett~

It was a sunny afternoon in New Bark town. The Pidgey would have probably been chirping on such a day twenty years ago, but now all one could hear was the soft noises of the sleepy little town as people went about their daily lives. Nothing seemed too much out of the ordinary today. For the last twenty years, the lack of pokemon in the area was perfectly normal. If there was a pokemon around here, then people usually fled indoors, unless there was a trainer around. Usually there was one or two here and there, but in recent years, the number of trainers had diminished, thanks to the rather dangerous nature of the profession nowadays.

Still, that danger was the allure to some teenagers, just now turning old enough to get their licences. One such youth, by the name of Abigail Blanchett, was just now arriving in New Bark town so she could get her first pokemon from Professor Elm. She had to admit, even for herself she was feeling a bit on the excited side. She might even decide to be nice to someone, if they caught her in this mood. Nothing could ruing this day for her! Nothing at all!

"Thanks for the ride." Abigail said, hopping off of the vehicle. It was an older vehicle, used by pokemon rangers or other outdoorsy people back in the day when pokemon weren't so aggressive. Now, most weren't in use since not very many people got stuck outdoors, since only those who knew what they were doing went out usually, but there were still quite a few around that worked. She was glad she didn't have to walk through route 29. That would have ended quite badly, probably.

"Aha, don't mention it kiddo." The older man said, with a kind smile. "When you said you were getting your first pokemon, I couldn't sit idly by. All kids your age should grow up with pokemon, not separate from them. Going on a journey is a great experience."

"Je vois...Well, Merci Monseuir." She thanked the man, stopping mid sentence. She had a habit of speaking the native language of Kalos, a bit to often sometimes. "I think I'm a bit late though, He said he wanted us there by midday."

"Oh, well sorry! Don't let me hold you up kid! Good luck out there, You look like you can handle yourself, but be careful." And with a wave of good bye, he turned his vehicle around and made his way back to Cherrygrove. With a sigh, she looked at the city in front of her. She found herself smiling involuntarily at the scene before her. She had waited quite some time for this! She would have gotten one when she was 16, but she graduated trainers school at 17, a year behind other kids simply because she was behind a year after the move to johto.

That was something, you did not talk about unless you wanted a face full of her fist.

"Now where is the pokemon lab?..." She took a quick look around, before pulling a map of New Bark town out of her bag. "Let's see...oh other side of town. Oh great...more walking." She grumbled, folding the map and replacing it in her bag. Oh well. At least she could walk off that rather large breakfast she had eaten. With a stretch, and still wearing a bit of a happy smile, she set off towards the Lab. She hoped they had a fighting or ground type for a starter...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Peggy Atkinson -

The walk from Cherrygrove to New Bark hadn't been long but it hadn't been comfortable either.

Peggy's mother had insisted that a someone, a veteran trainer, go with her, in order to keep her safe from the wild Pokemon that roaming around. It wasn't an unreasonable suggestion, quite the opposite, really, given how Pokemon had been acting for the last decade or so, but Peggy hadn't been pleased by it as she never knew how to react around strangers. She knew she should get used to it, considering that she'd be journeying with a whole group of people from now on, but at least they were people around her own age.

This trainer was a woman in her early thirties, with a youthful face and blonde hair that had been tied into a tight ponytail. She was friendly enough, perhaps a little too friendly, and that just made Peggy feel worse as, every time the woman attempted to make conversation, Peggy could only stammered out a short and vague reply, stopping the interaction before it ever truly began. She didn't mean to, she wanted to talk, but every time she tried to think of a more involved answer, it just sounded stupid.

By the time they reached New Bark, the older trainer didn't seem as friendly anymore, both her and Peggy suppressing sighs of relief of not having to be in each other's company anymore.

"There it is," the woman said, pointing her finger towards a building to a large building to their left.

Peggy turned her head slightly in that direction, pulling her green hat back slightly to get a better look. "That the lab?" she asked, her voice quiet and somewhat strained.

The woman nodded. "Yup," she said. Professor Elm's lab was old but strong, bearing the same green roof as all the other houses in New Bark, but was marked thanks to its twin chimneys.

Peggy turned to the woman and forced herself to stare into the trainer's eyes. They were wide, once again adding to the woman's youthful appearance, coloured a light blue... and full of weariness. "Thank you," Peggy muttered, giving a low nod of her head, almost like a bow.

The woman smiled back, and thankfully it only looked half-forced. She waved away the gratitude. "Don't mention it," she said. "I wish you luck on your journey." She then turned away and started back towards the direction they had come from.

"Er, thanks!" Peggy called awkwardly, her voice becoming high and strained. The woman didn't turn back and Peggy gave a loud sigh, staring down at her feet, before lifting her head and turning her gaze back towards Elm's lab. She took a step towards it, only to be interrupted by a shrill ringing round coming from her pocket.

Peggy rolled her eyes as she dug her phone out of her pocket and held it up to her ear, pressing the 'Accept' button. She already knew who this was.

"Hello, Mum," Peggy grumbled.

"Peggy!" a relieved gasp emitted from the speaker. "Are you alright? Where are you?"

"I'm fine," Peggy assured. "I just got to New Bark."

Another relieved gasp. "Thank goodness," Erica Atkinson said. "Is the nice lady still there?"

"She just left."

"Did you thank her?" Erica pressed.

"Yes, Mum," Peggy said automatically.

Erica gave a happy sigh. "Oh, it's so good to hear your voice," she said. "I missed it so much."

"Mum, you spoke to me only five minutes ago," Peggy said.

A pause. "I did?"

"Yes," Peggy said. "You were calling me every few minutes throughout the whole trip, remember?" That had been another element that had added to the awkwardness of the trip, as after the third call, the woman who had led Peggy through had started to get irritated. She hadn't said anything outright, but Peggy at one point thought she'd heard her grumble something about not being seen as 'competent' and how she felt 'disrespected'.

"Oh, yes, well," Peggy's mother spoke again after another pause. "I'm just making sure you're alright."

"Mum, I'll be fine," Peggy insisted. "Honestly, you can't call me every five minutes throughout my journey, you know. It's embarrassing!"

Another moment of silence passed, but this time, Peggy could swear she heard a little sob. "I'm sorry, Peggy," Erica said quietly, and Peggy instantly felt guilty. "I'm such a mess, aren't I?"

"No, mum," Peggy said quickly.

"I'm a rubbish parent."

"No!" Peggy insisted.

"A failure."

"No, you're not!" Peggy said again. "Please don't say things like that! How will I be able to cope, knowing that you're like this while I'm out travelling?"

Erica gave a loud sniff. "I know, I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry, Peggy."

"It's alright," Peggy replied softly. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'll call you every day so you know that I'm fine, I promise, maybe even twice if I have something important to tell you, but you've got to have some faith in me. I'm not a child anymore."

Erica gave another sniff and a sob. "I know," she said. "I know." After a moment, she stopped sobbing. "You're such a good girl, Peggy."

Peggy didn't say anything, but she found a small smile forming on her face.

"Be careful," her mother continued. She paused again. "You know I love you, right?"

"Yes, mum," Peggy said. "I love you too. And I promise I'll be careful." She glanced back at Elm's lab. "I got to go now. Talk to you later, okay?"

"Bye, Peggy."

"Bye, Mum." Peggy hung up and slipped her phone back into her pocket. As she stood there for a moment, she worried that she might burst into tears, but forced herself not to.

'I'm not a child!' she thought to herself. 'I'm not a crybaby! I can do this!' Adjusting her hat and steeling herself for a moment, she made her way towards the lab's door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 1 mo ago

~The Battle of Wits: Elsabeth vs Glenn~

Oh God, why did she agree to do this?

In a brown, soundproof room reeking of smoke and alcohol, a young woman sat in a rather sturdy black leather chair. She was leaning over a long mahogany desk, pouring over her hastily written notes. One hand was shaking, making the paper she was holding rather difficult. The other was firmly planted against her brow. Her face had a rather unpleasant look to it.

Meet Elsabeth Monroe, one of the newer broadcast personalities here in Goldenrod. While she didn’t have the largest fanbase, many tuned in every day to hear her thoughts on the ‘PokeProblem’ as it was sometimes called. Of course, she was all about finding a solution, a way to live peacefully together! After all, they had done so for so very long. Her mother was a trainer back in the day, and constantly told her amazing stories of her travels. And little Delcatty wouldn’t hurt a fly!

So that’s probably why the network had decided to push her in a little cage with the monster across the desk.

Glenn Anderson. A slimy bastard if there ever was one. The heavyset man sat laid back against the high backing of his sleek, brown rolling chair, not a worry in the world. He was just chatting up some of the production guys, seemingly not even remotely interested in this whole thing. Oh how she very much disliked that shark’s smile and those god-awful looking sunglasses. She wanted to just reach across the table and slap him right. Maybe slap that hideous goatee off his his chin. Maybe then he could cover up that stupid bal-

“Alright, get ready people. Going live in just a few!”

Elsabeth shot up, dropping her paper onto the others. The set boss was finishing up last minute prepwork. Glenn shot her a look over the top of his glasses, but only for a moment. He finished up with the production folks and returned to the table. He grabbed a small black box, unlatched something, and pulled out one of the biggest cigars Elsabeth had ever seen. Then he cut and lit it.

And it stunk. She wrinkled her nose, trying to breathe through her mouth. She hastily grabbed her papers, sorted them, and put them back down. God, it was taking forever. She grabbed her mug and took a gulp of coffee. She had barely noticed the shark’s grin widen before it was too late.

“Heya folks, Glenn Anderson here. You’re listening to the ‘Anderson Hour’. Thanks for tuning in. Pokemon - so called ‘friends’ just a decade ago, now the cause of daily horror for good honest people who’re just trying to make a living. I’m joined today by Miss Elsabeth Monroe of the ‘Goldenrod Report’. Say hi to the folks listening at home, Ms. Monroe?”

BASTARD. Slimy no-good, worthless, piece of-

Elsabeth swallowed her coffee quickly, ignoring her throat protesting the burn. She opened her mouth to speak but no words left her. Because of that low-life, she was going to look like an idiot. GAH! Stupidstupidstupid. She never should have agreed, should have just walked out of the Chief’s office and-

“Hey, Glenn, glad to be here.”

Not yet, Glenny. You don’t beat Elsabeth with a cheap trick like that. Glenn’s smile weakened for just a moment, but he simply took a drag and continued.

“Super. Now Ms. Monroe here is an advocate for stronger Human-Pokemon relationships and lowering the licensing age, is that correct.”

She didn’t like this. Where was he going?

“Yes, that’s right. Pokemon aren’t the problem, Glenn. There are laws th-”

“ Laws she says. So then, you’re suggesting that we let these monsters around our kids. These wild, destructive BEASTS around our children. Do you really think that they won’t hurt our children because of these ‘laws’? Did those LAWS stop the Tauros that gored the Olivine City resident this morning? A resident, I might add, that not only had a perfectly valid pokemon license, but was even traveling in a group despite being well passed the mandatory age for such. Did that Tauros stop when it saw him pull out that card, Ms. Monroe?

Glenn grinned. Elsabeth didn’t. What was he talking about? She hadn’t gotten anything about that. They weren’t in the notes. This wasn’t what they were supposed to talk about. What the hell? What the hell? Whatthehell?!! Alright. Stop. Cool down, Elsa, babe. You can do this. You’ve got this. You can DO IT. Take down this fat fu-

“No, but-”

The bastard interrupted her once again.

“‘Buts’ won’t bring that man back or provide for his family who suddenly find their main breadwinner gone. I’ll ask again: Did those laws stop that Tauros from maiming that man?”

Elsabeth shot flaming daggers at the man. She rarely disliked people, but this man was pure scum. A poison. She held her gaze on him, unsure of where he was looking due to those damned sunglasses. She waited for what felt like forever. Then took another drink of her coffee, sighed, and cast her gaze down. This was going to be the most horribly painful hour of her laugh.



~Avery Grant~

“-op when it saw him pull out that card, Ms. Monroe?”


A young man, who appeared to be sleeping soundly on the soft grass under the tall tree, slowly moved to silence the radio app. He liked listening to some tunes while he relaxed. Unfortunately, it was that time of the day when music gave way to a windbag. The guy listened from time to time, always happy to hear what was happening in the world, but sometimes he couldn’t stomach listening to the host.

This seemed like one of those days.

The lad rose to a sitting position, chasing away the remaining slumber sadly. He could have sat in that shade all day. It felt good. He still had the sun on his skin, but he wasn’t sweating. And the breeze…

AHH it was going to be a good day. Maybe he would go for a walk. He could go down around the forest, maybe catch sight of some of the Sentret out on 29.

Wait. Was he supposed to do something today? There was napping...but he already did that. Then...no, napping was pretty much all he had planned. Oh well. Probably wasn’t that important. He pulled out an old notepad from his pocket, along with a pen, and flipped it open. He passed a few pages full of scribbles, doodles, the occasional note, a crudely drawn map of the town, a to-do list, then finally a blank page. Well, mostly blank. It had something written at the top.





Oh. Oh yeah, that was today, wasn’t it. He was going to…


The lad apparently named Avery shot up to his feet, dropping the pen and pad in the process. He bent, picking up both and slamming them into his pockets. Today was the day! How could he have forgot?! He was so excited the night before! He grabbed the backpack he had been using as a pillow. A little smile crawled its way to his face. That’d explain why he had so much stuff well, stuffed into his pack. Good call, Avery of Days Past.

Now he just had to…

Had to go to…

Elm’s Lab.


The boy stepped away from the shade of the tree letting the sun pull him into a loving embrace. He stood right on the path to Elm’s front door. He hadn’t chosen to nap in Elm’s yard for any responsible reason. He just really liked the tree. Really comfy tree, honest. He kept trying to convince Little Alfy of this, but no good. Oh well. He liked Alfy pretty well. He was good kid. Wicked smart to boot. Much smarter than Avery was, at least. He was going to make an awesome professor one day.

Avery stretched, smiling to himself.

Awesome colleague, that is.

Wait. Avery. This is Brain. When did that note say to be there?

Avery finished stretching and crossed his arms, searching himself.

Today. But Avery, WHEN today?


Good question, Brain.

But Avery didn’t know. Avery of Days Past apparently didn’t either. Guess there was just one thing to do: He’d have to ask Elm himself. So the lad approached the door and gave it a quick knock, not a worry in the world. If he was early, good. If he was late, well, he’d deal with that later.

For now, he was going to meet his new friends.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~Melody Hemlock~

Somewhere, in a small town in the Johto region that was probably New Bark Town, a rather small teenaged girl with long pink hair was heading towards her Destiny.

Not that most people would notice: she kind of faded into the background, to be honest. It wasn’t that she was plain-looking. In fact, most people tended to think she was kind of cute. Cuddly, like a plush toy or something. But despite her color-coordinated clothes and immaculately applied make-up, she didn't seem to have much of a presence.

This was normal. Her name was Melody, and fading into the background was simply a fact of her existence.

Also, there was a switchblade in her pocket. For "cooking and self-defense".

Yeah. Bullshit.

If you thought about it for more than ten seconds, it really wasn't surprising that Melody was lost. For one thing, she had a terrible sense of direction. For another, she had no idea how to read her map.

It wasn't like she could just consult the GPS function on her phone, either: she had one of those old, dinky models, the ones with practically no functions that were basically indestructible. Even if she did have a GPS function on her phone, she wouldn't have been able to use it, anyway-- Melody was absolutely terrible with electronics. Almost as bad as she was with directions.

If you thought about it for more than fifteen seconds, the surprise really wasn't the fact that Melody was lost. Nope: the surprise was that she had made it to New Bark Town in the first place.

Wait... was this New Bark Town?

Melody looked down at the map in her hands and frowned. Was she holding it upside down? What was wrong with it? She rotated it exactly 67.4 degrees to the left. Had that helped?

New Bark Town was supposed to be small, but... she was definitely lost. In fact, she was pretty sure that she'd been walking around in circles for a while now. Where was the lab? What did a lab even look like?

Just then, the wind picked up, blowing what appeared to be a page of a tabloid article directly into her face. She yelped in shock, and peeled it off, holding it up to read it.


Jacob Rogers Publically Harasses Fellow Politician Carmen Young?

Yes, it’s true! Last Wednesday, Jacob Rogers was spotted arguing fiercely with Carmen Young over the hotly debated question of just how old a person should be before they are allowed to apply for a license. Young’s efforts campaigning have paid off in the increase of minimum trainer age to sixteen, and a drastic reduction in wild Pokemon related deaths in minors, but it’s clear that Rogers has still not conceded defeat.

Eyewitnesses claim that Rogers cornered Young in the grocery store, and refused to back down even when Young politely asked him to stop. Jacob Rogers, an aspiring politician and known anti-Pokemon regulation advocate, has long had deep-seated rivalry with Young over Johto’s wild Pokemon situation--


Just some stupid politician drama. Melody scowled, and crumpled it up into a ball, sticking it into her pocket.

What? Littering's bad, okay?

Still, she perked up quickly after a few seconds. After all, Melody was on her way to meet her Best Friend Forever! Nothing could get her down, not even being completely and utterly lost.

And so she set out to find herself someone to give her directions, and-- well, there was someone who looked like they knew what they were doing. She, too, was holding a map… but assertively!

The girl had long purple hair and bright green eyes. Pretty, thought Melody briefly, and then blushed as pink as her hair. Nope, nope, stop. Nooooot happening.

Could she be a trainer? Could they be heading in the same direction? If they were, then surely... could this be? Could this girl be… her Destiny?

With that thought in mind, Melody hurried after her, jogging up behind the other girl with her heart in her throat. Should she— was she brave enough to talk to this rather pretty girl? Was she brave enough to ask that fateful question? The question that made so many quake in their boots?

Which way is the Pokemon lab?

Why yes, yes she was.

“Excuse me!” she called out, slowing until she had fallen into step with the other girl. “Um… My name’s Melody. Would you mind giving me directions to the Pokemon lab? I’ve been lost for hours!”
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Peggy Atkinson -

It seemed that, in the last couple of minutes while she had been talking to her mum, someone else had beaten Peggy on her walk to the lab, had knocked on the door and was now standing in front of it, waiting for admission. It was a boy, a little older than herself. Was he here to get a Pokemon too? Why was he starting his Pokemon journey so late, she wondered?

And why was she asking herself these questions when he was right there? Peggy scolded herself for her shyness and quickened her pace, waving her arm frantically in hopes of getting the boy's attention.

"Err, hey!" she called over, her voice cracking slightly as she spoke. "Err, are, you, err...." She came to a stop in front of the other boy and looked up at him. Could he even see her through that thick fringe of his? "Err... are you, err...?" She tried to form a sentence, but most of the words died in her throat and she left standing there for a moment with her mouth open stupidly like a Magikarp. Desperately, she pointed at the door to the lab. "You here for, err... you know?"

'Smooth, Peggy,' she thought dryly to herself. 'Real smooth.'
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

-Alexander Elric-

Alexander just came out of the Pokemon pens. He had just given them their final meal for the day. He had been working on those meals for the last three hours and he was dead tired. He always did his best for the poor beasts, even if it might not make a difference to them on the long term. He locked the door and walked several paces. Then there was the sound of something breaking, quickly followed by alot of commotion from the Pokemon. At first Alexander didnt care too much, probably a broken plate or something, one of the Pokemon must have stepped on something and caused this. It'll calm down in a moment...

He was about to walk back home when he heard something which sounded an awefull lot like a fight. What was going on in there? Ooh crap, did he accidentily open one of the cages? Ooh no, his uncle is gonna kill him if one of his Pokemon gets injured... Ooh crap, ooh crap...

He quickly turned around and tried to open the door but it wouldnt open. Why no- Ooh right! He pulled his keys out of his pocket. In his hurry he didnt see what key he was using. Apparently it was the wrong one. Well maybe this one wa- And ofcourse he drops the keys. Damn, damn... He picked up the keys and now got the correct one and opened the door.

All the Pokemon were jumping up and down in their cages, they all had very clear scars of battle. These were no ordinary Pokemon, they were used in illegal fights which were arranged by some associates of his uncle. All of them had seen their fair share of battle and vicious beasts.

Alexander's eyes quickly scanned the pens and it didnt take long before he spotted what caused the commotion. The roof of the building was made out of glass and apparently a Zigzagoon had accidentily broken it. It had fallen in another pen and... Ooh no! Why couldnt it have fallen in the pen of the Furret! Instead it fallen in the pen of the Mightyena and it didnt look that happy with it's new visitor.

Honestly, at first Alexander was relieved. The Zigzagoon would not be able to really harm the Mightyena so Alex want in trouble. He was about to turn around and walk out when the Zigzagoon's pleas for help reached his ear. It was hartbreaking for Alex... He couldnt let the small animal be torn to shreds by the Mightyena, he just couldnt! But, what about his uncle... Again the plea for help sounded. Screw his uncle! Screw the rest! This was much more important!

He rushed over to the pen and opened it. The Mightyena didnt notice and was too fixated on the poor little Zigzagoon. Just as it was preparing to pounce Alexander rushed in to shield the Zigzagoon with his back. The Mightyena didnt care that this young boy was in the way, he would just attack both of them. It pounced at them and his claw scratched ove-

Alright we're here! New Bark Town! Any passengers who need to be here need to leave the bus now!

Alexander jumped up, startled by the loud voice of the bus diver. A drip of sweat was running down his forehead. A dream... It was just a dream... He got up, grabbed his backpack and as he was walking out of the bus he was rubbing his hand over his back and started mumbling. It was just a dream Alex... Toughen up already! He slapped himself across the cheek as the bus was just departing. It's been two years and it's still haunting him... Snap out of it!

He ran his hands through his hair as he was taking a deep breath. What was he doing again? Ooh right, he was getting himself his first Pokemon! Well, atleast that was something to look forward to. Yes, he should look forward and not look back to the past! Now all he had to do was go to the Pokemon lab and get his own Pokemon! But... Wait, where is the lab again? Ooh no problem, he'll just look again on his map which was in his suitcase. Now, where did he leave his suitcase? Last time he saw it it was laying nicely packed in the back of the... bus.

He looked back and just saw the bus going over a hill... a quarter mile away. Really? Really!? Dammit! Out of frustration he kicked at the busstop sign... In hindsight not a good idea.

How am I now going to get to the lab... Apparently there was no other way. He had to take drastic measures. It pained him to do this but he had no choice. He walked up to the nearest person he could find and... Asked directions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 1 mo ago

~Avery Grant~

Elm sure was taking his sweet time. Avery knew that the guy got distracted by his work pretty easily, heck it was one of things that he admired about the man, but usually Alfy or someone would be alert enough to hear a visitor. Or…

Or was the Professor onto something big? Like, MEGA big? A breakthrough that would revolutionize the PokeWorld?!! It had to be! Avery was grinning like an idiot, wanting to knock the door down and see for himself. He had just grabbed the door when something hit him.

“Err, hey!”

A sound.

A voice?

A sentence.

A person.

A witness!


“Err, are, you, err….”

Avery quickly spun around, hands shooting behind his head. He held the back of his neck, arms up and elbows out. A guilty grin was plastered on his face. It was Elm. It had to be Elm. Elm was going to scold him for entering without permission.

It wasn’t Elm. It wasn’t anyone.

Huh. Weird.

A soft breeze floated by, sweeping Avery's hair from his face. And a bush had decided to fly, apparently.

Wait. No. Not a bush. Hair. Hair?

Then he noticed her.

It was someone.

She was, well, quite small. Bushy pigtails, green hat, tensed shoulders. Avery blinked. Who was she? Where’d she come from? Wow, she was small. He didn’t usually have people looking up to him. Did he? Alfy, but he didn’t count, he was just a kid. Was this girl a kid? Was she lost? She was probably lost. Avery was about to ask, but the girl repeated herself.

“Err...are you, err…?”

Err? She kept saying Err. Did she think he was this ‘Err’? Avery knew most of the people around these parts, but he hadn’t met Err. Maybe Err was a friend of hers.

Maybe Err was her dad.

OF COURSE! This little girl was looking for her father named Err. And she had mistaken Avery for him. It made sense. Although...did Err look a lot like Avery? Maybe she was blind, or just very upset. Avery understood. His thoughts got all tangled up when he was upset or angry. So he didn’t do that anymore. Better to keep his wits sharp.

“You here for, err...you know?”

Then the girl pointed to the lab. And Avery felt silly. It made even more sense. She wasn’t a lost child who thought he was her father. She was here to see Professor Elm. So she wasn’t a little kid. Probably closer to his age. Except...she thought his name was Err, and thought that Err was Avery.

Avery smiled softly at the poor, confused girl.

He laughed kindly.

“No, I’m not Err. He’s inside. I think. Although it’s pronounced ‘Elm’. He’s a pretty cool guy. I guess if you’re here to see Elm, you’re here for a Pokemon? Same here.”

Avery stuck out his hand for the chica.

“I’m Avery, your new friend. Nice to meetcha.”
4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Noklu
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

~Ryley Grisdoe~

A day like today 10 years ago would be one where kids would be playing outside, having a fun time with others and possibly the wild pokemon. It only took one glance to see that it wasn’t the same. It felt… empty, for a lack of better words. As this thought appeared, a small sigh penetrated the emptiness of the small town. Well, today was the beginning of trying to change that.

Ryley turned his gaze towards the lab. There he would start his life as a pokemon trainer, all of the risks and rewards entailed. It was odd trying to describe his feelings at the moment. The closest he could manage was a mixture of fear and excitement. Fear over the possibility of injury, the unknown adversaries he would meet, and worst of all, the possibility that the truth he’s looking for was something far worse than he expected. However, the excitement of receiving a pokemon, meeting new friends, and the future of journeying slightly outweighed the fears he held.

Ryley shifted his position slightly on the tiles. He had arrived early with the help of a guide, however he had arrived a bit too early. With nothing better to do, he climbed onto the roof of a house, lay down, and basked in the sun. The owners of the house seemed to be out, so he felt as though he wasn’t intruding.

In any case, it seemed as though some people were gathering at the lab. It must have been time. As Ryley got up from his prone position, he realized he had made one mistake. The trip up had taken a bit of climbing, but the way down would be much, much harder. Ironically, in many cases it was the other way around. The irony didn’t help.


A bit of forethought would be wonderful next time. Well, he needed to get down, and the easiest answer seemed to be the way to go. Launch initiating in T-minus 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Thump. Launch failed. As Ryley got up off the ground, thankful he hadn’t broken anything based on his initial inspection, his first thought was how incredibly stupid he felt. His second was hoping nobody had seen that. He had jumped from the southern side of the house, so no one from the lab should have seen anything. But still…

Shaking his head, Ryley headed around the house towards the lab, and the people that surrounded the entrance. An introduction would be customary here, but thing is, it felt awkward to do so. He would be directing it at everyone, but everyone seemed to be occupied. It would only serve to make him the center of attraction, or he’d just be ignored outright.

Ryley decided to stealthily join the outskirts of the group, waving his hand in a non-verbal introduction. There! Two birds with one stone. Now all he had to do was wait for more people to arrive, and/or be let in.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Abigial Blanchett~

“Excuse me!"

Abigail had barely taken a single step towards the lab before someone called out to her. She had just put away the map as she turned her head around, looking for the source of the voice. A girl, she estimated to be about a few years younger than her was standing behind her. She had bright pink hair that reminded her vaguely of cotton candy. What a stupid color of hair. So loud, bright, and annoying. She found herself mentally cringing at the sight of it.

She wondered briefly if this girl had a fight with a cotton candy machine and lost. Her hair was certainly...colorful enough for that to have happened. The thought brought a small smile to her face, which the other girl would undoubtedly mistake for a friendly hello. Well, that would be her problem later However, the real question was what the heck did this girl, that barely came up to her shoulders, want with her?

"Um… My name’s Melody. Would you mind giving me directions to the Pokemon lab? I’ve been lost for hours!”

Oh, so she was lost then. Well, she was feeling vaguely generous, since she was in a good mood. Why not give her directions to the pokemon lab? She was going there as well, so she could just follow her. See? Everyone wins! Unfortunately for little miss Abigail, she didn't even think for a second this girl was going to possibly be a companion on her journey, or she would have given a very different answer.

"The lab?" She started, giving a slight sigh. She may have been feeling generous, but that didn't mean she had to be overly excited about it. "Other side of town, I'm headed there myself actually. You can follow me if you want." She said, eyeing the map the girl had. What, did she not know how to read it? Pfft. She would have laughed - though she restrained herself for now. If this girl couldn't even read a map, she had to wonder just what the heck she was doing out here by herself?

Still, she had offered - so let it be known Abigail Blanchett was a woman of her word at least.

"Just keep up. I'm not coming back for you if you get lost." She replied, perhaps a bit harshly as she turned back around and started walking towards the lab.

~Professor Elm/Alfred Elm~

It didn't take long for Alfred and Elm to get everything nice and in order. Well, as in order as Professor Elm could manage. Alfred actually did most of the organizing himself. His granddad wasn't the most organized sort. He said he liked his 'organized chaos' but Alfred always ended up having to find things for him. He had to wonder how he managed without any assistants for so long...

"Alright, that's the last one." Alfred said, placing the pokeballs in a neat row along the table. They were arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, starting with Abra and ending with Tyrogue. With this, at least they would be able to tell trainers which pokeball contained which pokemon without having them calling them out and potentially causing all kinds of chaos in the process. They were going to be choosing one at a time either way, but it was best to keep the chances of something happening to these pokemon low.

"Well done Alfred." Elm said, placing a few items on another desk. A few of the latest maps of Johto, a few first aid kits, and other things the trainers could possibly need when starting their journey. "I believe this is everything, then. Now we should just-"

There was a knock at the door, undoubtedly the trainers.

"Ah! Alfred, get the door, would you! Let the new trainers in! I'm going to do one last check on the egg, so please have them stay seating in the front of the lab until everyone arrives please!"

"On it!" Alfred walked away from the table, back towards the front of the lab. He was a bit on the nervous side, he could easily feel his heart thumping in his chest. No reason for it, really, but he had always been a bit on the shy side. Meeting new people wasn't his thing. Hopefully, Avery would be there. At least Alfred knew him and was comfortable enough around the other guy.

It took him a few minutes to get to the door from the back of the lab, having to put a few things away to make the lab look a bit more presentable in the process. Couldn't have the trainers getting a bad impression, now could he? Once he finally reached the door, he reached for the handle and slowly pulled it open.

Oh good, Avery was there.

"U-uhm. You guys...are the new trainers, right?" He quietly said, giving Avery a brief wave before looking at the other trainers. "The uh, the, uh professor is waiting on you guys..." With that, he walked back into the lab with the door still open, expecting the new trainers to close it when they entered. "Just, uhm, take a seat out here. The professor will be with you soon."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Peggy Atkinson -

“No, I’m not Err. He’s inside. I think," the boy replied to Peggy's non-question. "Although it’s pronounced ‘Elm’. He’s a pretty cool guy. I guess if you’re here to see Elm, you’re here for a Pokemon? Same here.”

Peggy stared up at the boy. Was... he being sarcastic there, making fun of her? She couldn't tell. It didn't sound like sarcasm, but she had always had trouble deciphering tones. Before she could make up her mind, the boy, introducing himself as Avery and her 'new friend', stuck out his hand to shake. Peggy stared at it for a moment with the same dull, mouth-open look as before.

'Shake his hand, you moron!' an angry voice spoke in Peggy's mind and she quickly grabbed his hand, her body lurching forward as she did so and grabbed for his hand, grasping it tightly. 'Now speak!'

"P-peggy!" she stammered out. "Atkinson. My name's Peggy Atkinson."

'Now that wasn't so hard, was it?' the same snide inner voice muttered.

Just then the door to the lab opened and someone else, a boy with glasses, peered out. This sudden appearance caused Peggy to almost jump out of her skin and she snatched back her hand, clutching her arms to her chest protectively.

The boy with glasses seemed to be an assistant of the professor's as he invited them in and Peggy quickly scurried through the door, pulling her hat down over her eyes before sitting down stiffly in one of nearby chairs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Alexander Elric

Aah, there it is; The Pokemon Lab! Alexander let out a sigh of relief when he finally reached the path leading up to the Pokemon Lab. Apparently that man he asked directions from able to do more then just laugh at his size. I swear if I get grouped up with people who think I havent noticed how small I am yet! It's not like I've never noticed my small size! Thanks for pointing it out, again. Luckily Alexander always has such a good mood when he was around other people. It really makes him feel warm inside to be around them, so warm he could nearly boil water just by looking at it.

As he walked up the path he spotted a group of people infront of the lab. Ooh great, more pests. But wait, they didnt seem like ordinary residents of this town. And it seemed they were waiting infront of the lab for somethi- Ooh no... Please dont tell me that these are going to be my traveling companions! Well, on the plus side it didnt look like he was the shortest of them all. A girl in green seemed to just abit smaller then he was. Well, it's the little things in life that make it better.

As he was walking closer the door of the lab was opened and a young man seemed to call for the others to get inside. Alexander started to quicken his pace. He didnt know how the Pokemon selection worked but if it was a first come first served rule then he better hurry up before he was left with barely any Pokemon to choose from. He reached the door just in time before the final trainer wanted to close it. He put his foot inbetween the door and got the door slammed against it... Ofcourse it was the same foot with which he kicked against the busstop sign. He let out a cry of pain and only barely controlled himself of lashing out at the person who closed the door.

Aaargh! Dammit that hurts you stu- Easy Alex, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Dammit! Can this day get any better? I should have stayed in bed...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 16 days ago

Blake Winterhawk


Blake closed his PokeGear in frustration and continued walking hurriedly towards the entrance to New Bark Town. Ah, New Bark Town, a town of beginnings. Blake wondered how many teenagers must have had walked the same path before him in order to obtain their first pokemon, jumped off the same ledges and walked through the same tall grass? Countless was his guess.

It had been a long and rough journey to get to New Bark Town, especially when he had to traverse the Dark Cave in order to get to Cherrygrove City. Luckily, some local hikers that were planning to travel through the cave had offered him a spot in their party and he as the opportuninst he is, didn't waste his chance. He didn't have a pokemon then that could protect himself from other wild pokemon but was planning on changing that today.

Blake carefully jumped down the last of the ledges and walked towards the signpost in front of him. If the map that was installed into his PokeGear was correct, all he had to do was to keep walking forward and he would eventually reach New Bark Town. And indeed, there it was, written in big, bold letters; New Bark Town, with a big black arrow below the letters pointing straight in front of him. "Im finally here!" he exclaimed and marched onwards.

New Bark Town in itself wasn't much more than just your average town but Blake figured why a pokemon professor like Professor Elm would make his base here. Quiet and remote, its probably the best place for a scientist like him to conduct his research. "Now, which of these houses might be the lab?..." Blake wondered as he walked through the town. He stopped when he spotted a group of people, seemingly waiting in front of one of the houses, "Would that be it?" he once again asked himself.

But didn't wait for it to answer the question, "Hey you people there! Would that be Professor Elms' Lab?" he shouted, waving at them to get their attention. He started running towards the house, passing two girls that were chatting. Unfortunatelly for him, the people at the door didn't seem to have heard him. The door opened and a little boy let two people in before closing it, trapping the foot of a boy who had too, like Blake, just made it to the the Lab.

He arrived and stopped, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Phew...Ahem" he cleared his throat while shooting a glance at the shortie in front of him. His face became serious for a moment, taking a second to register him before it turned to normal again, a big smile now forming on his lips. "Hah, very nice to meet you!" he said loudly and shook his hands, "I'm Blake and it seems we will be partners! Thanks for having me!" he added. "Well, what are we waiting for out here? Let's go inside!" He told him and opened the door once again, gently pushing him inside, not waiting for the him to return his greeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~Melody Hemlock~

"The lab?" said the pretty girl. "Other side of town, I'm headed there myself actually. You can follow me if you want."

Melody’s eyes widened. “Really?” she said, almost disbelievingly. Maybe— maybe this girl really was her destiny! After all, if this girl was going to the lab too, then… didn’t that mean she was starting her Pokemon journey as well?

Okay. It was settled then. Melody Avery Hemlock had officially found her Best-Friend-Forever. She surreptitiously checked her watch. It was April 2nd, and the time was 4:15 PM. And 36 seconds. She’d remember that, then, for their anniversary next year!

Oooh. Should they celebrate half year anniversaries as well? Quarter year anniversaries? Hundred day anniversaries? Melody smiled to herself, imagining the possibilities.

"Just keep up. I'm not coming back for you if you get lost,” said the girl, and turned away to start walking. Melody sighed dreamily. She wanted to hold her new Best-Friend-Forever’s hand, but… no. It was too early for that! She wanted to do this properly, after all. Take it slow.

After all, it was clear that her new BFF wanted to test her! She wouldn’t baby Melody, certainly not! And rightfully so! After all, it wouldn’t be right for Melody to take her for granted.

“Okay~” sang Melody, and followed, trotting cheerfully at the older girl’s heels.

They walked until they reached the lab. Melody cherished every moment in her new BFF’s presence, but she was also really really really excited about getting her first Pokemon. What did she want? Oh, oh— something cute, something cute!

There were already a few people there, but Melody could greet them later, right? Even so, she hesitated at the door. She’d dashed a little ahead of her new BFF, and didn’t want to go inside without her.

“After you?” she asked with a bright smile.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Abigail Blanchett~

~Guest appearance from Alfred Elm~

Abigail was vaguely aware of the girl following her. In fact, if it wasn't for her sing-song voice calling out 'Okay', she would have thought she had already left her. She had thought the girl might try something stupid like holding her hand or some other silly little thing. She looked like the type of girl to do something like that. Thankfully though, she seemed perfectly fine to walk there herself. Call her pleasantly surprised, then! She was still in a fairly good mood, and she was glad this...kid wasn't ruining it.

She walked down the street without a word to the other girl. No sense in making small talk with someone she didn't even know, or for that matter really care for. She was actually kind of surprised the girl took her up on her offer. Her attitude would have probably made most other people walk away, or at least politely decline.

Hmph, no matter. She had no intention of being friendly with this girl.

Thankfully, it didn't take the duo long to reach the lab. Even if they had come from the other side of town, New Bark was still a fairly small little city. Suddenly, the girl dashed ahead, obviously a bit excited to be here. She couldn't possibly be here for a...pokemon, could she? That was ridiculous! But well, she was here, so she must be getting one. That meant she was probably 16, just old enough to get one. Hmph. Oh well, more competition would always be easily dealt with. She was quite surprised, when the other girl - what did she say her name was? Melody? That's right, stopped and held the door open for her.

"I can...open the door myself." She stated, a bit harshly giving Melody a quizzical look. Though without another word, she walked into the lab, dismissing it as simple politeness. Hrmph. Now, why couldn't there be a nice boy who held doors open for her? Oh well.

Abigail entered the Lab, glad to have some cool air finally. Her hair was probably a bit out of place. She'd have to fix that later. For now, she was here for a pokemon. She brushed past everyone else, rather rudely, leaving her new 'friend' behind as she took a look around the lab. Looked fairly standard, though she wouldn't know since she had never been in one before. Now where was Professor Elm?

Standing a bit to the side, was Alfred. He was watching the new trainers file in, obviously pleased that there were so many! And on time too! They seemed to be missing just one of the applicants! He hoped nothing bad had happened to them on their way here. That would be horrible. Well, at least everyone seemed to be getting along for now.


Oh no. Someone was talking to him. And she looked like one of the older trainers. Abigail, he thought her name was. He remembered reading her application for a license.

"U-uhm, may I help you, miss?" Alfred asked, a bit uneasily.

"Yes, I take it you are not, professor Elm. So, if I may ask where is the good professor? I would like to obtain my pokemon and be on my way, if possible." Wow. She was...being a bit on the rude side, wasn't she?

"Uhm, he-he's kind of busy at the moment. If you could take a seat?" With a huff, Abigial gave him a bit of a frown. Well, if he wasn't ready, then he wasn't ready. She supposed she could take a seat...far away from the other people, then she'd be fine. So, she did just that, taking a seat a bit of a ways away from everyone. Well, she was glad to be off her feet at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 1 mo ago

~Avery Grant~

Avery had to admit, he was surprised. This Peggy Atkinson had a nice handshake. Her hands were rather soft. That was normal, right? Girls had soft hands. He was...well, pretty sure. Not just girls, though! Guys could have soft hands too. He felt like he would probably fall somewhere in between. Maybe...60-40?

Then all of a sudden, the girl practically jumped from his touch.

Almost as if…

Was she a telepath? Could she hear his hand thoughts and was so revolted that she pulled away in disgust. She was handphobic, then. Oh dear. And he had forced her into a terrible handshake. But maybe that was for the best! He could help his new friend overcome her fear and live a fuller, more exciting life. One where she didn’t have to flee from the literal grasps of others.

But an all too-familiar voice brought Avery back to reality. His grin went right into a full on toothy-smile. It was an Elm alright, although not the one the girl was looking for. Avery spun around, just now noticing another lad hovering just a bit away. More friends then, he thought, before ending up facing his little buddy. He invited them in, and Avery happily took the invitation, following just behind Peggy. When Alfy told the small group to take a seat and wait, Avery smiled, nodded, and moved to take a seat, ruffling his friend’s hair as he did so.

He probably wouldn’t mind. Maybe.

He chose a seat next to the mousy little lady.

Just as he was sitting down, he heard a cry come from the door. He looked over just in time to see a guy about his age herding in a small kid.

So there WAS a lost child!



The look on the little guy’s face hinted at someone a few years older than Avery would have guessed. At LEAST in the double digits. Or maybe not. What’d Avery know. Brain and he would have a good laugh at that. Or they would have.

But no.

"Yes, I take it you are not, professor Elm. So, if I may ask where is the good professor? I would like to obtain my pokemon and be on my way, if possible."

Hey. Calm down. Elm’s a busy guy. He’s gotta do...well, Elm things. If he doesn’t, who will? Alfy? Maybe one day, but right now, Alfy just helps with Elm things. It’s up to Elm to actually finish Elm things. If anyone can unlock the world’s great mysteries, it’s Elm. Even if he doesn’t know absolutely everything yet. Still, Avery recalled how many times he had seen the Professor simply throw himself into his work. If he was late, there was a reason. A GOOD reason.

Whatever might have been the basic beginnings of anger was completely gone in Avery. Already back in a good mood, he scanned the room, looking at his fellow newbies.

They were young. Probably. He wouldn’t put any of them higher than seventeen. MAAAYBEEE eighteen, but that’d be pushing it. It got Avery fired up. To start their journeys so young...They must be BURNING with PASSION! These people, the ones in this very room, they were going to go far. Way far. Like…Kanto, far. Or farther. Avery knew there were places farther than Kanto, but he couldn’t begin to name them. He’d barely left New Bark Town, honestly. But these folks probably had. They’d have to. As far as he could tell, none of them were from New Bark. And he would know.

He started to ask everyone, but didn’t. Why rush everything? There’d be time enough to hear everyone out on the road, right? Besides, they had to all be pretty excited. The one sitting by her lonesome definitely had to be. Avery must have mistaken her self-inflicted isolation as overeagerness, chomping at the bits to get her Pokemon.

He grinned some more. He liked it.

That was PASSION!


This was REAL!

It hit Avery then and there, sitting in Elm’s lab, what he was fixing to do. To leave everything and everyone he knew, to travel into the unknown, to boldly go where many men had gone before. For the briefest of moments, Avery Garfield Grant felt what could only be described as the beginning seeds of doubt.

Then he laughed.

His warm laughter flooded the room.

And gone was his doubt.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~Melody Hemlock~

“I can open the door myself,” said her BFF, giving Melody a quizzical look. She walked through anyway, though, brushing past without giving Melody a second glance.

Oh, okay! Well, Melody could respect that. Independence was a good thing, and her Best-Friend-Forever was a strong, independent woman!

But did that mean that she shouldn’t be polite and stuff? After a second’s consideration, she decided against the idea. She wanted to… to cook homemade meals for her Best-Friend-Forever, and eat cake with her, and all that stuff! After all, wasn't that all part and parcel of having a best friend?

Well, Melody had never really had a best friend before, but she thought it was.

She had paused for a moment to think about it, and was getting left behind! Her BFF had spoken to an assistant-looking guy –-hadn’t she heard something about Professor Elm’s assistant, once?— and was now sitting a little bit away from everyone.

Well, good. It wasn’t that she didn’t want her best friend to have other friends, it was just… well, she had to thoroughly vet anyone else who’d want to be her friend, right? Obviously there would be a lot, because, well, Melody’s Best-Friend-Forever was just so amazing!

Melody didn’t want anyone too sketchy getting close to her Best-Friend-Forever. She’d have to make sure that they didn’t have any weird ulterior motives… and that they didn’t pose a threat to Melody’s position as best friend.

What? It certainly wouldn’t do if anyone wanted to steal Melody’s Best-Friend-Forever, right? They certainly wouldn’t be as amazing at it as Melody was going to be.

Her fingers twitched towards the switchblade in her pocket. Now wouldn’t be a good time to pull it out, though.

She hurried in, and took the seat next to her Best-Friend-Forever, smiling adoringly at her. “So, um… I don’t think I ever caught your name,” she said. “Melody Avery Hemlock, that’s me. What about you?”

It looked like they hadn’t started giving out Pokemon yet, so… yup. She’d take the chance to get to know her Best-Friend-Forever a little better!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Alexander Elric

Well, someone was impatient. Instead of just letting Alexander walk in the lab he had to push Alex in. Well screw it, just ignore him for now. As Alex walked into the lab he saw a couple of other people who had already made it inside. Just as he was taking in the lab he got roughly pushed aside by some purple haired girl. Great, more people who liked shoving him around, if he was going to be stuck with these guys in a group he feared he had to get used to it.

She seemed to be very pushy, not only in the litteral sense but also in expecting to get what she wants, atleast, that was Alex's opinion of her after he saw her walk up to the lab assistant and almost demanding to get her Pokemon. Well, grab a number and join the club, Alex couldnt wait to get his Pokemon either.

There also seemed to be another girl following the purple haired one. This girl had very pink hair and looked alot less full of herself. Still, she kept staring at the purple haired girl with an almost obsessive look in her eyes. Better avoid that one...

Alex decided that, since they had to wait anyway, he would just wander off abit to the outskirts of the group and lean against the wall. At first he was thinking to take a seat but since miss purple had already gone there he decided that this part of the lab, the complete other side, had a much more comfortable atmoshpere. Now he just had to wait for his Pokemon and then he could be on his way out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Abigail Blanchett~

Ugh, this was taking forever. What was the hold up, anyways? The professor should have been expecting them, and should have made all the preparations now. Call her impatient, but she wanted to go ahead and get out of here and onto pokemon training. Alone, would be preferable, but she knew she would have to at least have a partner, as required by law. She supposed she'd have to partner with one of these other trainers....none of them looked particularly skillful. Most looked like your average run of the mill trainer. Well, she'd take what she can get. She just hoped whoever she decided to partner with, was tolerable.

And then, the incredibly loud laughing started. The source, a rather ditzy looking guy who was standing in the middle of the room. What, was he crazy or something? Well, she knew he she wasn't going to partner with. She wouldn't be able to tolerate more than ten seconds in that morons presence without decking him in the face. Hopefully, there was someone here she would be able to tolerate...

“So, um… I don’t think I ever caught your name," The first thing she saw, was that bright, big, somewhat creepy looking smile.

"Gah!" She visibly flinched, almost falling out of her chair as she leaned away from Melody. Okay, why was this girl still here? And what was with that smile that looked like a little kid was just told they could have a pet growlithe? Her mind panicked a bit, trying to come up with something to say to the girl that wouldn't make her sound like a complete idiot.

"Melody Avery Hemlock, that’s me. What about you?” Oh, so she just wanted to be friendly, then? Well, she supposed she could at least tell her her own name. That was fair.

"Uhm...Abigail. Abigail Blanchett." She replied, a bit slowly at first as she calmed down a bit. "Abigail Blanchett." She wasn't going to add a 'nice to meet you' to that. Lying, was not something she was into doing. Nor was she going to ask what she was doing, because she honestly didn't care. She was probably just making small talk, trying to pass the time until the professor got here with their pokemon. Where was he anyways? She was not looking forward to spending the next half hour with the cotton candy talking in her ear....

"Oh! Sorry for the hold up, kids!" The voice rang from the back of the lab. Oh good, that sounded like the professor. She wasn't going to be subject to any more verbal torture then. Well, that was a load off her mind for the moment. Now she just needed to get her pokemon, chose a partner and then get out of here. Professor Elm walked in from the back of the lab, wearing his typical lab coat over a hideous green shirt and a pair of brown khaki pants. She wasn't going to comment on his balding either. "I was running some tests in the back." He said, giving all of the trainers gathered a friendly smile. "Let's see..." He said, pausing for a moment, counting the people gathered. "Well, it seems like we're still missing one, but it can't be helped." He said, frowning for a bit. "If he's late, then he's late. Uhm...lets see, right! Introductions first, I think!" He said, still wearing his friendly smile.

"Good afternoon, young trainers! Some of you know me - I see Avery there in the crowd - and some of you probably don't. I am Professor Elm! I'm the leading researcher in the field of pokemon breeding and eggs. At one point, Eggs and breeding was one of the most widely sought after skills in any pokemon trainer. Such a shame, with the aggressive pokemon that Eggs are now a bit of a rarity these days." He sighed, causing Alfred to walk over and tug on his lab coat. "Hm? Oh right! Sorry!" Well, she had heard about how scattered brained he was, but she didn't think it would be this bad.

"Right, sorry, you all probably don't care about all that so much! You're just here for your pokemon! Exciting isn't it? I haven't given pokemon to new trainers in ages! Haha...well, you don't have to wait any longer. Come to the back of the lab, and I'll give you your first partner!"

With that, Elm showed the prospective new trainers to the back of the lab, leading them there with his usual friendliness, Alfred following right on his coattails. He walked behind a desk with the pokeballs lined up in a neat row, from A to Z in alphabetical order from left to right. Alfred elected to sit next to the Egg incubator, which also happened to be close to the desks with the maps and other various items that they could possibly use for their first trip.

"Alright then! If you could all form a neat line here, then you can chose the pokemon you want. Chose carefully! This pokemon will likely be your partner for a long time!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 16 days ago

Blake Winterhawk

Blake pushed the shortie inside the building and turned around to close the door behind him, but that's when a purple haired girl practically bolted inside, shoving both the shortie and him aside. "What the..." Blake mumbled and turned to look at the girl. Someone's in a hurry Blake thought but was quickly proven wrong. She quickly walked towards the lab assistant and asked for the professor, practically demanding to get a pokemon, Scratch that, she's just a little haughty B he corrected himself.

He sat down on an empty seat and waited until Prof. Elm came, which wasn't that long really. He stood up and listened to him talking, "Good afternoon, young trainers! Some of you know me - I see Avery there in the crowd -" Blakes gaze fell on the brown haired boy. He remembered hearing a loud noice akin to laughter as he entered the building but didn't really pay much attention to it. So he was the source of that huh? This journey ought to be very interesting indeed Blake thought and smiled. "...and some of you probably don't. I am Professor Elm! I'm the leading researcher in the field of pokemon breeding and eggs. At one point, Eggs and breeding was one of the most widely sought after skills in any pokemon trainer. Such a shame, with the aggressive pokemon that Eggs are now a bit of a rarity these days." Blake noticed the sad expression on the professors face and couldn't help it but agree with him. Obtaining knowledge about Pokemon Eggs, their breeding cycles and generally knowing everything there is to know about their behavior are the major qualities that make a succesfull Pokemon Breeder.

But, now was not the time for that. Everyone had travelled all the way to New Bark Town with one goal on their minds, their first Pokemon. When Professor Elm invited the group inside the lab, Blake was one of the first to join him, walking behind the assistant. The lab inside had everything one would expect a Pokemon Research lab ought to have. Bookcases filled with every kind of book to research materials and papers and of course, machines and more machines. All of which made no freaking sense to Blake. He was just there to get his first pokemon, like the rest of them probably were.

When the prof. asked for them to form a line and pick their Pokemon, Blake didn't waste his chance and went in first, Hah, suck on that nerds he thought, a triumphant smile formed on his lips as he walked in front of the table where the pokeballs were placed. There were all kinds of pokemon to choose from but Blake already knew which one would be his. He picked up the pokeball and threw it, releasing Swinub. "Welcome to the team buddy!" he told his new companion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Peggy Atkinson -

Peggy didn't look up as several other people filed into the room and sat themselves down around, all of them obviously awaiting the professor. She didn't even look up as Avery came and sat next to her, especially since she felt she had severely embarrassed herself in front of him. At one point, the boy even burst out laughing and Peggy was afraid he was laughing at her. Her shoulders rose up to the point they were almost touching her ears.

I hope the whole trip isn't like this, Peggy thought glumly to herself, pulling her hat down slightly so it was even further over her eyes.

There sure seemed to be a lot of people getting their first Pokemon today. Were they all expected to travel in a single group, was the professor going to split them into two separate groups or was he going to pair them off? Peggy wasn't sure which was worse. Sure, big groups intimidated her, especially considering there seemed to be a lot of loud people in this group, like the girl Peggy could hear demanding Elm's assistant that she'd be given her Pokemon right then and there, but if they travelled in pairs, Peggy would be expected to make conversation, and then the whole trip would be awkward.

Just like her walk here from Cherrygrove.

Peggy grimaced slightly and could even feel her body tremble slightly at the thought. Maybe travelling in a group would be best, and, since there was safety in numbers, the larger the group the better. Plus, the larger the group, the less people would notice her and think she was being awkward.

But... what if the group was so large no one would notice if someone went missing? What if she got left behind while they were walking through a forest or something, and then it became night and she was all alone and the wild Pokemon saw her and they pounced on her and her Pokemon wouldn't obey her because she was so frightened that they were unable to respect her authority and then all the wild Pokemon attacked and they started ripping her apart-

By the time Professor Elm made his appearance, Peggy felt like bursting into tears from all this stress.

"Good afternoon, young trainers!" the Professor said. "Some of you know me - I see Avery there in the crowd - and some of you probably don't." Now Peggy did look at Avery. Oh yeah, he did mention he knew the Professor, didn't he? "I am Professor Elm," Elm continued. "I'm the leading researcher in the field of pokemon breeding and eggs. At one point, Eggs and breeding was one of the most widely sought after skills in any pokemon trainer. Such a shame, with the aggressive pokemon that Eggs are now a bit of a rarity these days."

The old man sighed - almost wistfully, thought Peggy - causing his assistant to tug at his lab coat.

"Hm? Oh right! Sorry!" Elm spoke again. "Right, sorry, you all probably don't care about all that so much!" Peggy frowned slightly at that last bit. She couldn't speak for everyone here but she did care about the increase of aggression in Pokemon. It had bothered her ever since she had moved to Johto. Back in Orre, wild Pokemon were very rare so they had never had to worry about anything like that. Upon moving here, Peggy had been terrified when she had seen her first wild Pokemon. It had only been a Pidgey, so small that it didn't even reach Peggy's knee, but its eyes had been full of a ferocity unlike any Peggy had ever seen. Her mother had freaked out when the bird Pokemon had flown at them and they had been rushed inside. Since then, Erica had been very cautious about letting her daughter go outdoors.

"It wasn't always like this," Peggy's grandad had once said to her. "When I was a trainer, most wild Pokemon would run away the moment they saw you. Only the stronger ones were brave enough to approach." He had smiled nostalgically. "Me and my friend used to play a game where we would try to creep up on wild Rattatas and see how close we could get before they noticed us and fled. I once got so close I could practically touch the thing."

"You did?" Twelve-year-old Peggy's eyes had widened at this tale.

Her grandpa had nodded proudly. "And I would have too," he said. "'Til my friend pushed me and I fell face-first in the mud." He gave a small chuckle. "Yes, those were the days."

"Why did things change, Grandad?" Peggy had asked.

Her grandpa had sighed before ruffling her hair. "I don't know, love," he said sadly. "No one does."

Peggy smiled fondly as she remembered her grandfather. She was sad he couldn't be here today to see her becoming a trainer, just like him. She was so caught up in her memory she didn't even hear the rest of the professor's words until he called them to follow him to the back of the lab. Peggy hastily got to her feet and followed after.

Once they got to the back, Elm motioned to a table where several Pokeballs were stood, each labelled with name of the Pokemon they contained. Peggy felt a sudden flutter of excitement inside. "Alright then!" the Professor called. "If you could all form a neat line here, then you can chose the pokemon you want. Chose carefully! This pokemon will likely be your partner for a long time!"

Peggy quickly got into line, second only to a boy about her age. Said boy quickly went up for his Pokemon, grabbing the one labelled 'Swinub', and released his Pokemon, a small, furry, piggish-like creature. "Welcome to the team buddy!" the boy greeted his partner. The boy had looked like he knew exactly what Pokemon he had wanted, and Peggy suddenly got nervous as she stepped up and surveyed the various Pokeballs. She recognised the names Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Eevee from some of her grandfather's stories and vaguely recalled the name 'Nidoran', though she didn't know what was the difference between the male and female.

Urgh! Which one should she pick?! There were too many choices!

I shouldn't have gone second, Peggy thought miserably. She should have waited behind and simply picked what was left. Sure, she might not have been happy with getting the leftovers, but it was better than this complete state of indecision.

There was only one way to decide this!

Closing her eyes, Peggy pointed at one of the random Pokeballs and began to mutter a little rhyme as she started to move her finger along the line of possible choices with each new syllable, feeling only a little foolish as she did so.

"Ip dip dip,
My little ship,
Sailing on the water,
Like a cup and a saucer,
And you are on it."

With that last word, Peggy's finger stopped and she opened her eyes, her finger now pointing at the Pokeball marked 'Houndour'.

She had no idea what a 'Houndour' was, but she nonetheless stuck with the choice and picked up the Pokeball, somewhat nervously, before calling out the Pokemon within. A flash of red light flooded out of the Pokeball and when it cleared, a small and black dog-like Pokemon with a skull-like helmet on its head was standing before Peggy.

Peggy's widened. It was...

"Adorable!" she exclaimed, suddenly forgetting that there were other people in the room and throwing her arms around her new Pokemon. She couldn't help it, it just reminded her so much of her father's Mightyena! This sudden movement, however, startled the pup and it gave a yelp before biting down on Peggy's arm.

"Ow!" Peggy cried, her eyes watering slightly as she released the Pokemon and fell ungracefully onto her bottom. "Owwwww... why did you do that?" Peggy muttered, rubbing her wounded arm as she looked accusingly over at the Houndour.
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