Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Is that a challenge," Edward said turning towards her and since she had gotten closer he ended up staring into her eyes. Edward, being the awkward person he was, was slightly stunned by the fact of how close she was and caused him to not move and keep staring for a few seconds. Snapping to his senses, Edward started to get up, "Umm... so why don't you pick something and we..." Since Edward's arm was still slightly around her and the fact that he was still dazed from how close she was, he bumped into her while getting up, causing him to fall and her to fall on top of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago


A twitch was the only break in the supposed calm on Grimm's face, though underneath was a fast growing frustration as he felt the living getting on his nerves again. The hell is wrong with her, I ask for the other person to give her some respect and she gets angry at me, I should take that entire bage of Malts, and that stupid eye of hers, and tosd it out a window. Damn ungrateful harlot. Grimm took a couple deep breath to calm himself down, regain his composure, and continue on with the conversation. He was here so he could learn to properly interact with these fleshbags, so he'd do his best so he can become a Grand Reaper. Eyes on the prize, no matter how many annoying obstacles ger in your way.

"Anyway, my name is Grimm, and this is my first year here. I'm a semi-profesional artist, so if you need any portraits or concepts drawn, just ask me. I'd be happy to help you."

Okay, conversation starter sent out, lets see if they take the bait. If the pink haired one says some thing else cheeky, I swear she's going to find out why you don't piss of a Reaper who knows where you sleep, or can really easily find out where you sleep. Okay, she just better watch her back if she starts insulting me.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

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"Malt..." said Graiai incompletely as she ate a handful of balls. "...bwall chake? Tghat-" gulp, "sounds worth trying. But as you said... they make those mostly in a far away land. I want a malt ball cake. How come no one's selling malt ball cakes?"

The silver girl seemed worth being with. But then again, she might distance herself in the occasion Graiai erupts violently, putting the poor little girl back to square one. For now, things are becoming more fascinating for the 16 year-old, normally silent and shy girl, who is slowly getting the hang of the community, yet it might just fall apart again once the bizarre occurs.

Got to learn the basics of community interaction.

"As for my name, people at home call me Graiai. I-...it's a bit strange, but i'm fine with it. How about you?"

Then the whiteknight spoke, and in return Graiai spoke.

"Nope. No nude fantasies of me in your sketchbook."

The little girl could use a bit of help soon, as she's thinking of walking around and finding her own little place to stay.

Mad degraded by 10%

40% mad

Rages so far: 0
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She had walked around the school for a few hours listening to music, content with simply learning the school grounds. During her walk Katya found a few spot she wanted to investigate more later. But for now she simply finding a few places to explore later was enough for her. After her walk Katya had made herself comfortable in the school’s library and had played video games till one of the librarians kicked her out for making too much noise and swearing in Russian… a lot. That moment had been embarrassing but also quite amusing given the librarian tried telling her off in Russian but spoke the language quite poorly… leading to several amusing slip ups. After that Katya retreated back to her dorm room to get changed before the party, only to find once again her roommate was not present.

Not able to meet her roommate had annoyed Katya as she had been hoping to meet them at least once before the party. But fate didn’t always play out like one wanted, so she’d just have to meet them later. In a way though it had been good as it let her get changed without having to leave the room that would take some minor adjustment, but she was ready for that. After several moments of thought Katya changed into a dark blue knee length skirt and plain white shirt, leaving her clothing in somewhat neat plie on the floor feeling too lazy to pick them up it. Content with what she was wearing she left the room and made her way to the auditorium to see what this party would be like.

At the party Katya found herself leaning against the wall off the auditorium watching as people went past, the girl finding her own anxieties where making her feel a uncomfortable and having sent her assistant home she didn’t have any form of back up. Sighing Katya muttered several cruses in Russian hating being near lot people made her feel this way.

A loud bored Yawn escaped Ken as he stood by the stage, keeping an eye on the students on the dance floor, annoyed he had been assigned to help oversee the party as at night he had supress the urge to change into a Lycan. So far it seemed the party was progressing smoothly, students where interacting with each other and so far none seemed to up to mischief. A good thing considering Ken was now running on a short fuse, so it wouldn’t take much for him to snap at someone… or do something that would probably cause a panic and cost him the job that was keeping his freedom.
For now it seemed he wasn’t going to have to worry about misbehaving students. Still one had to keep a constant vigil one never knew when a student would get a stupid idea and try to act it out. Yet again he couldn’t really blame them there after all where just teenagers and kids and this school could be a little dull at times, he of people knew that having dwelled at the school for quite some time.Still even if in a foul mood if someone was to say spike a drink or two Ken might get a laugh before he hunted down the person reasonable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 34 min ago

Hunter laughed at first at the though of him dancing. Then he realized Iyo was serious. "You wern't kidding were you?" He felt like a it of a jerk for a moment their. "That would be awesome man, But I haven't danced in years, and I wasn't even good at it then." He sighed a it. "But if you are willing to teach me, I can give it a try again, Thanks."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago

Grimm tilted his head, slightly confused about what Graiai had said. I think that was meant to be an insult, but I don't understand what she means by nude fantasies. Grimm did have a few sketches and drawing of nude models, most of them being ghosts and what not who didn't seem to mind when he asked, and those who weren't hadn't known he was there in the first place. Still, he was curious if that was what she meant, or maybe it was something else entirely.

Reaching into his suit, which was actually his cloak, he pulled out a sketchbook titled the "Graceful Dead", and flipped to an illustration of two female specters, ghosts of two renown dancers, laying over each other in a intimate embrace with not a lick of clothing on them, the only thing hiding their unmentionables were each other. They were transparent, their eyes holding an ethereal glow to them, and thy were lying in a richly decorated bed, fingers curled invitingly. They had asked Grim to stay over that day, saying they had 'much to teach him', but he had no real interest in more dancing lessons after the hell of ballroom dance and so he declined. "Is this what you mean by 'nude fantasies', if so, I only do these on the request of the subject or when I find an interesting subject and they happen to be naked at the time. I don't really get why it would be such a big deal, it's only your body, nothing to be ashamed of really."

Unless she has some sort of hideous deformity, maybe she does, I want to see it now, but asking would be rude and I'm on a roll here. Actually, now that I think about it, this girl would be an interesting subject with her eye and what not, perhaps I can convince he to be a model later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@remipa awesome

Iyo shook his head saying that he was serious in teaching him how to dance, dancing is very important to him and always take it seriously. “No problem! I believe everyone cane dance their own special ways, here let start…just go with the beat of the music and if you can do that then you are already a great dancer!” It a simple thing at what he said but it made sense, follow the beat then you are dancing. Iyo started to dance to the beat once more then looking back at Hunter. “Let dance!”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 34 min ago

Hunter smiled and started to dance, he felt silly at first but he started to get into it. Though mostly what he was doing was shaking his arms and legs around. "You're right! This is great! I feel Amazing!"

Truth be told Hunter was not that good at being social, he generally tried to avoid people because of his 'Gift'. But this place, it felt good. Then Hunter stopped dancing. "I need to ask you a question about the school, I don't know a lot of people so I don't really know who to ask."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bluemoon277
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bluemoon277 Forever Faceless

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Miss Shard


Miss Shard entered the Party. She had been put on student watch duty, but she didn't mind. She probably would have volunteered if she hadn't been asked. She really did love to be around the kids. They were all so lively. Each one with fresh dreams and something new too offer. 'Then again some of them are a total annoyance at this age' She contemplated with a shrug. Miss shard walked around the outskirts of the party. As her eyes scanned the grounds,and she found a familiar face. She walked up to the man with shoulder length black hair. "So how have the little chicka dee's been acting so far" Miss Shard asked leaning up against the wall next to him.



Winifer wanted to take back what she said almost immediately. Her heart fluttered as he stared into her eyes. 'ehm Winifer eyes on the prize. He just gave you a second chance to beat him' Kikka said rather un-amused. 'right' Winifer replied to Kikka breaking the stare about the time he did as well. Suddenly Edward bumped Winifer and she toppled onto him. Winifer's long hair surrounded Edwards face it hanging down from Winifer's head. All Winifer could see was him. Winifer turned a bright bright red. "Oh...uhm....sorry....I...uhm" Winifer started to babble and apologize. 'Thats it' Kikka took control. Kikka stopped the awkwardness coming from Winifer as she got off of Edward. "I gotta go, but how about we put a rain check on that rematch. I'm right down the hall, room 109 just knock if you need me" Kikka said giving a little wink before she left. 'Wait no Kikka I don't want to leave' Winifer complained. 'Too bad. plus you always leave them wanting more' Kikka explained sauntering down the hall. 'So I heard there was a party going on' Kikka suggested. 'Why don't you and I go have some fun' She added. 'you know I don't really like parties' Winifer sighed. 'Well thats just cause you haven't experienced how fun they can be, and I'm gonna show you' Kikka said with a wide smirk on her face.

Winifer walked into the party. Her whole demeanor read mischievous. Winifer was oozing with confidence. She walked onto teh dance floor. She could feel the beat running through her veins. Kikka thought about her poor little Winifer she just didn't know how to have the right kind of fun. 'I do too know how to have fun Kikka' Winifer responded. Kikka didn't respond. Kikka simply danced swaying her hips from side to side, and adding more definition to her movements with her hands. Kikka was in her own little world now. She couldn't be Winifer's keeper all the time. Every now and again it was the Kikka show starring you know who.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@Remipa awesome

Iyo laughed a lot while he was dancing; he was enjoying his time a lot. He watched Hunter as he was getting used to it. He turned back to dancing but then he turned back to Hunter as he asked a question. Iyo stopped dancing for a moment and nodded back. “Sure go ahead and ask! I can answer questions! If not math then that’s better!...I hate math…” Giving an awkward laugh after that he was ready for any question Hunter had…if not math then he would fail miserably.


@Evil snowman

Hana looked around, hoping to find a candidate for their little distraction. Once he starts the fight his lower rank Yankee will pour the mix into the punch and everything would be set. Of course he would be sacrificing himself for it but for a good laugh it is worth it. There not really much to find as he had to find a person that could really challenge him, something to take at least a good time to spike the punch.

”You guys go and once I start the fight go pour the mix.” He whispered to them and walked off, he looked causal as if he had no plans but at school he was a delinquent and well his name and face is know a lot for trouble. He had to be careful, he knew some teachers were looking at him for his record. He leaned on a wall beside another girl, kind of small (Katya) and tried to act causal again. “Having fun?” He asked to the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Edward stared up at Winni as her faced turned red again. 'Oh god, I pissed her off again.' He was about to apologize when she suddenly got off, winked at him, and left. 'Why did she just wink, and Room 109 huh, I wonder if she wants the rematch to happen at her place.' Edward got up and made dinner for himself and went to his desk, "Well, that will have to wait until tomorrow." He finished his food, cleaned the plate, and laid down in bed. He thought about his day and the three people he had become acquainted with, one he could hold his drawings as blackmail, another, was way too shy to say anything if she found out, but Winni, she might not be able to contain her excitement if she found out, but the main thing on his mind, how was he going to get two videos up a day now? 'Not worth worrying about now,' he thought, rolling over and falling asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 34 min ago

Hunter looked at Iyo as if he didn't know how to ask the question. "Well...it's not an easy question..." Hunter sat quietly for a moment.

He looked back to Iyo. "What is this place? I heard David talk about it but...I still don't know a lot of things...and I lost the information I was given...I just want to know why we are here, what makes this place so...Different?" Hunter felt like a bit of a moron, he lost the information to the new school he was staying at and he was asking a question that could make people consider him going crazy again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago


"Well, the only thing of note that I've notice is thar we've got 2 demon presences on campus. One of them is a little goth metal bitch that seems to have killed Two kings of the Hell, if what I smelled was correct. The other is on the dancefloor, the one with the dark hair. Since I can't sense it all the time, it must be case of either possession or co-habitation. One things for sure, whoever it is in there, they are pretty old, not as old as me, but still up there. So yeah, nothing too interesting, but that could change with a little. . . prodding."

Revan was wearing a casual attire of a black dress shirt, some jeans and sandals. His red eyes strafed the dance floor for signs of trouble, though swiftly got distracted by a few rather attractive teachers and elder students. Words such as 'Age-gap' meant very little to him, for obvious reasons, so any fully developed female was a target to his desires, of course he'd contain himself to teachers for now, so as not to get himself fired. "So, anything interesting happen to you today, or has it just been just another routine day. Get any new abilities from your students?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jessie, Aaron, and Kate

After spending some time at Clowny Cakes the group decided it was time to head back to Orean. After all the party would soon start and after realizing it was a schoolwide party Aaron was hit with a new enthusiasm for the party. Himself, Jessie, and Kate had split from Iyo and Marci and upon arriving back at school the trio made a stop at Aaron's dorm.

Jessie walked into Aarons dorm the minuet he opened the door. She sat down on the couch noticing that all the dorms were pretty much exactly the same. While Jessie sat on the couch she had a small fantasy playing in her head. In her head Jessie could see Aaron laying on the couch, and Jessie cuddling with him. Aaron would kiss Jessie on the forehead. then she would fall asleep in his arms. Jessie couldn't help but smile at her thoughts, but right after that outward expression Jessie threw away the thought. 'Calm down there Jess, just friends you guys are just friends.......at least for now' Jessie told herself smiling again. Jessie jumped up from the couch trying to distance herself from the thought. "So what are we doing her again" Jessie asked walking up to Aaron. "I thought we were gonna Parrrr-tae" Jessie said putting her hands over her head and dancing a little bit as she said party.

Immediately after entering his dorm Aaron went straight for the kitchen and began to put away the leftovers from Clowny Cakes. "I'll finish you later", he thought to himself with grin. Just as he put away the last of it he heard Jessie mention the party and he turned just to see her do a little dance. "I get a private dance?!", he mocked as he walked over to grab his cruiser. "Alright, I got my board for later. You ready to go?, he said looked to Jess and Kate who was laying on Aaron's bed while gorging on her poptarts.Jess stopped dancing after Aaron's comment. "In your dreams" Jess mumbled with red cheeks. She turned towards Kate for a little familiar confidence,but she was too busy gorging herself on pop tarts and getting crumbs all over Aaron's bed to really pay attention. Aaron's quickness to get out of his owns Dorm was fine with Jess. She really hated the way she didn't know how to act around him. She guessed it was because she actually cared if he liked her that made her so unsure of herself. "Yeah let's go party" Jessie said happily headed towards the door. 'Maybe there will even be some guys to get my mind off the impossibility that is Aaron' Jessie thought with a small smile.

As Jessie and Aaron headed towards the door Kate finally realized that they were headed to the party. "Jeez, wait up would ya!", called out as she hopped off the bed and rushed out the door. The trio had made it to the party to find a huge mass of students either dancing, mingling with each other, and just generally having a good time. "Jess, you gotta show these people a drum solo", Kate said enthusiastically at first but was later reminded that, "Wait, the guitar is in my dorm...wait did Jess bring her drums?". "Actually maybe we should do that later. All our stuff is back at the dorm and I'm not trying to leave when the party begins"

Aaron simply shook his head before taking a few steps back, "Well you girls have fun, I'm going to see what's around". Before either of the girls could say anything Aaron disappeared into the crowd of students.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@remipa awesome

Iyo stood quietly as Hunter finally asked his question and boy it made him feel a bit confused. He wasn’t really sure what he was asking, what so different about this school? He doesn’t now that he never moved to other schools to compare it but he remembered why his mom wanted him and Hana and his other siblings to study here.

“My mom said that this school is special, she didn’t say why but during her stay here her life changed for the better and she said hopefully it will be the same for me. So maybe we will figure out why we are here.” Iyo said with smile at his face, he did wonder why here but then again things changed fast and maybe this will continue to change for the future but before thinking about serious thing. “Come on! Lets continue! No need for these odd questions to stop this party!!” He shouted and raised his hands in the air and began to dance once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 34 min ago

Hunter smiled. "Thanks man, That does make me feel a bit better about this place." Hunter would attempt to start dancing again, still no professional but he was starting to feel good about dancing. Actually he was feeling good about the people here in general, Well other then David, never got along with David.

David left his dorm and jogged down the stairs. he heard there was a party tonight and he didn't plan on missing it, also David figured it was a good way to meet some of the people int he area. Though the vodka in his jacket may help spice things up at the party. He figured it made parties much more...Interesting with a little kick to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everyone seemed like they were having fun interacting with each other and enjoying the dance floor which made Katya feel a little sad as she wished she could go mess around on the dance floor. Much to her annoyance though every time she told her legs to carry her closer they wouldn’t respond and she remained leaning on the wall. Observing people was something Katya had always found fun so at least she wasn’t too bored, still that being said a video game would still be more amusing. A sigh escaped Katya and out of habit she pulled on the bottom of her shirt and looked before pulling out her phone to check for messages.

Seeing she had no messages Katya was about to put her phone away when someone asked if she was having fun.
“Somewhat… the…”she stated as she put her phone away and looked at who was talking to her. Seeing it was a boy Katya felt a little wary. It was odd for a boy to come up to her and start speaking with her, given at her old school the boys only paid her attention when they wanted something. That however was at her old school which Orean Cause was not, so to make such assumption wouldn’t be fair after all this boy simply might be trying to be friendly. Doing her best to push any negative thought out of her head Katya looked the boy over once finding his choice of clothing a little odd but unimportant.

“So you be having fun?” Katya stated trying mask her wariness of the boy as she didn’t want to give a bad first impression after all there where the most important of all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@remipa awesome

Iyo smiled back and continued to dance even more, the beat was really getting into him and it seemed like he was not going to stop but then again he needed some sugar again to continue. “No probs! Hey wanna get some punch? All this dancing I need another sugar charge and the punch looks pretty good! heard its strawberry flavoured I think I don't know but lets gets some!” he pointed at the punch bowl by the side, some good old punch is a sugar charge.


@evil snowman

Hana chuckled, he would be having fun in a moments time, still looking for a candidate for the fight he casually replied to the girl. “Gonna, its not fun yet…heard there are gonna be big plans...” He said as he took out a lollipop from his pocket and unwrap it. He could feel some teachers looking at him; of course he is the troublemaker of the school. The Yankee boss, the idiot who is wasting his future in being a criminal…

Pouring milk on the student council last year, making the art room a complete mess by leaving raccoons there… he got a pretty bad record and surprised that he is still not expelled. HE looked at the small girl, he hadn't seen her before and he is an old student. “So Somewhat? Guessing you are new since I never seen you here before. Not being rude but ya never seen you before.” Hana said, picking up the conversation just a bit to make sure things are going smoothly.



Penn couldn’t take it anymore; he had to leave or something to get out of here. He went out running fast, avoiding any person…especially guys who might question him or what. People looked at a freaked out guy in his pajamas running away form something like it was going to kill him, he didn’t care at all he just wanted to be alone and the only place he could think of that is in his dorm of course he isn’t alone there but it better than being at the hell party.

He finally reached his dorm and slammed the door open. He seemed to be having a heart attack after all that running and fear. Penn wasn’t really a fit kid. Closing the door shut he went the other desk that Edward didn’t take and pulled out his folder with his latest work in it. Well time for work. He didn’t think that Edward was there for a moment as he went in there in a panic. “Well time for no sleep…” He stood up and went to the small kitchenette to prepare some coffee…some by a lot…like a lot. It was gonna be a long night.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Edward was suddenly awoken by the slamming of his dorm's door, he opened his eyes and saw Penn standing at the kitchenette making. Still woozy, he got up without making a sound and stumbled towards Penn. As he reached Penn, he grabbed his shoulder from behind, mainly to support himself (meaning that if Penn jerks away really fast, he will fall face-first into the counter), "Hey, what's with all the noise?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hearing that there would be big plans Katya raised an eye brow feeling a little suspicious of this boys motivation interacting with her. But as suspicious as she felt Katya felt a spike of curiosity as these so called ‘big plans’ might be interesting and amusing. She watched as the boy pulled a lollipop out of his pocket and suddenly felt like she was being watched by multiple pairs of eyes. Ignoring the feeling Katya kept her attention on the boy… after all he was bothering to intact with her so was the least she could do.
“Da, somewhat. I like watching as thing unfold around me. I being playing video games till sunrise or finishing reading my book. This crowd is little dull no good duty laundry being aired out in public or people getting drunk and making the fool of self. Still you have me curios as to what these so called big plans are.” she stated stoping as she heard her phone tell her she got a message.

“You’re not being rude as I am new here. Transferred from a school in Russia only been in country since last night, being out of homeland different to me... hoping will like it here.” she said ignoring her phone as whoever was messaging her could wait after all it couldn’t be that important if they didn’t bother to ring.
“So judging by your comment you been at this school for long time? Did you start schooling her since you were small child?” she asked looking out over the crowd snickering as another boy who was dancing lost his balance and feel over.
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