Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Daiki's golden orbs widened in a tame manner. He had gotten the answer he wanted but the package it was delivered in left a shocking sense of nostalgia. So much in fact that he found himself smiling at her words, even though they were, thoughtlessly insulting. With a faint smile and sedated stare, he let his hand fall back to his side; sticking it in his pocket where it would rest for the time being.

Good, that's the answer I was looking for. If I ever need your help, I'll call out for you. Don't let me down, Reihana-chan. Alright now,” he whispered, catching glance of Yamato and the others approaching them. At first he wondered where his team was but through the stalks of bodies, he caught glimpses of familiar traits and faces.

“Speaking of bakas, he jested, far too quiet for Yamato to hear.

As Yamato approached, Daiki expected a rather rude introduction. However, the Minamoru heir surprised him. Over the years, Yamato and himself hadn't been forced to interact with each other, though the flames of their rivalry still burned. Daiki, in that moment at least, felt the spark of understanding light between them for the first time. His golden eyes glinted with a sharp edge, he had disliked Yamato for the person he was, never for their clan's battle-worn history.

Perhaps this mission would offer a chance to bury it … he doubted it but the hope was there.

Glancing over the group with slight apprehension, more at the thought of pulling the mess into a formidable force, Daiki rubbed his neck and spoke to his former Chunin comrades. One thing before we head out. I've been thinking, its been awhile since we've all had a mission together. We've changed, every single one of us. Some have simmered down, others have felt loss and decided to let it steel them, some …” His eyes fell onto Sentou and Shin. “ Took a different path. But we've all fought those Jashinist before. Its time to bite back, let's not fuck this up.”

Afterwards, he nodded to Yamato. Ready.”

Once on the move, Daiki found his mind racing. What variables could be expected? How and who would be the most useful for this mission? Who would weigh them down? And most of all, Sentou and Shin, just why the hell were they there? The Hokage sent members of the police force along on a S-Rank mission, ninja who spent their time protecting the citizens. It irked him inwardly, now he had to think about just what the hell their goal was.

When they arrived on the airship and everyone seemed occupied, he walked over to Yamato with confidence oozing off him. Sentou and Shin,” he would began. Will they cause problems with the mission? I was honestly surprised to see them amongst the others,” he said casually, seeing as everyone was largely ignoring the men. This is going to be a shit-storm isn't it? I don't see a direct path to finishing this mission but I can see so many ways it could go wrong.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaakuna Sawada, “The Lonely Star“

@Kimono, @Akashi Mayhiro, @Masaki Haruna, @Partisan, @Renny

With Yamato establishing that he would not have any bullshitting on the mission, Jaakuna zipped his lip. He didn’t come up with no witty comeback or snide comment or anything of the sort. He simply nodded and followed his lead.

Just before they all took off, Daiki spared a few words towards the group. He briefly spoke about how they all -- well most of them -- faced off against the Jashinists before. Though, that one fight was more on the minimal side of things and was nothing compared to what they supposedly were going up against.

“You don‘t have to worry about me,” Jaakuna said confidently. “This time I won’t get myself injured.” Jaakuna said, referring to how he broke several ribs during the last time he faced off against the Jashin Cult.

As everyone got on the airship that was picking them up, Jaakuna had suspected that they would receive details about the mission, but boy was he wrong. It was as soon as they did that all of the males on the ship were ignored and all the females were being hounded with flirtatious compliments and questions. It was as if the male species aboard the ship did not even matter because there were four very…doable females on the two collected teams.

While all of that was going on, Jaakuna felt his anger only rising. It had been building up in the minutes that he, Shin, Daiki, and Yamato were being ignored, but by the last bits, noticeable facial expressions could be seen(assuming someone would look towards Jaakuna). His teeth were starting to grind, his brows furrowed, and even his fists started to ball up.

“So, this is what our aids are?” Jaakuna’s anger fell lower, his voice more of the embarrassed tone rather than angry, “a trio of horny shinobi,” Jaakuna said loud enough for everyone to hear, but not so loud that it was an elevated tone. “We’re doomed, aren’t we?”

Rin Reikan, “Cold Bust

@Savato, @Raijinslayer, @Assassin

They’re so obvious, but hey, I don’t mind.

Akio and Aoi actually thought that they were being sly, staring at Rin’s tits for as long as they did. They probably thought that Rin didn’t catch them staring. They would be wrong. It didn’t matter if it was just for a minute or two, Rin knew that her large bust was a lure for horny eyes. Even the only male on the team was looking and why wouldn’t he? Being on a team full of sexy females was like something out of a Hentai manga. Who knows? If Shouken played his cards right, he might even get a taste of Rin Reikan. Not that she’s like that any longer, but no one really could say for sure, especially with a large set of tits like the ones she’s got on her front side.

When they took off out of the gate, they ran for a bit until they came to a fork in the road. Three directions that led to the same destination: the Village Hidden In The Sand, or as Rin liked to call it “The Land of Turban-Wearing Terrorists”. Regardless of what Rin felt about the sand, that’s where they had to go for the mission. When Aoi chose one direction, Shouken spoke out and challenged her decision by stating that it would be wiser to go through the central path. He cited that it was the fastest route as it was along the Motorani Path.

Shit, wished I paid more attention to the Geography lessons. Stupid Junetsu making me skip them.

Akio briefly thanked Shouken for his suggestion, she quickly asked him about his contacts in Suna and if he still kept in touch with said contacts. She also asked if he would help them navigate through the dunes.

“Yeah, Shouken, could you help?” Rin said rather seductively as she moved a little closer to the red-haired male, lightly rubbing her bust against his shoulder and hooking her right arm to his, “It would mean a lot to me -- I mean, us.” Rin said, not even hearing Akio ask if anyone had any questions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Assassin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shouken Washi

"The Oasis"


Shouken's cheeks grew red while Rin felt on him seductively. At first, he bypassed her asking for help and quickly caught himself gazing upon her rack. He snapped back into reality and kneeled to the ground, gently freeing his arm from Rin's hold.

"If the dunes haven't eroded the past 8 years then I should be able to navigate it pretty well. As for contacts, my dad's old accquantince, Kumo, still runs a small general store near the center of the village. Him and my father keep in contact so I'm sure of his well-being..."

He placed his right index finger in the dirt and began quickly drawing out lines, mainly to help him remember the path, but also to reassure the ladies he knew what he was doing.

"Cutting through this dune should cut our travel by about a 1/4. Other than that the path is pretty simple. Just dont stray too far..."

After finishing his mapping, Shouken rose to his feet. He brushed off his knee and rubbed his finger down the side of his shirt. He stretched his back in an old man fashioned as he awaited his ladies approval to carry on to the Sand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Reihana Minamoru, “Little Master”

“For the Minamoru, everything.”

Rei was dumbfounded when the boy in front of her and Yuna started to talk to them.. in a rather unfitting way for people who just saw eachother for the first time. Were they insane? She quickly raised both her hands up in an attempt to pacify, or atleast slow down the guy in front of her. “I-I am only sixteen, so I'm not allowed to talk to boys like that.. sorry!” She made the excuse rather quickly, as it was a lie. Sixteen was actually the age where she was allowed to do what she wanted, and get a boyfriend, but even if she did it wouldn't be any of these creeps. She then backed away before turning around and quickly walking over to Daiki and Yamato, just out of earshot from them but close enough to deter any of these people from behaving like that again. She felt a bit bad for abandoning Yuna like that, but Rei didn't know what kind of girl Yuna was. Maybe she enjoyed attention from boys.. who could know?

As soon as she noticed that Yamato walked away in the direction of the boy that was previously attempting to flirt with her, she quickly headed over to Daiki. “Daiki-senpai, what is wrong with these people? Don't tell me we will be working with them.. they'll endanger the entire mission.” she said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and shot the three foreigners a judgemental look. If there were people like this around, there was no way in hell the mission would be succesful, even if it was the easiest mission in the world.

Yamato Minamoru, “Young Master”

“Watashi wa Kami, I am God.”

Yamato was about to charge in to kick that shit off of Rei, or atleast, stop him from being such a rude idiot to both Rei and Yuna, but he got interrupted by Daiki. He stopped in his tracks as he was about to charge off, and instead looked at Daiki. “Hai, I agree. There has to be some double agenda for Sentou and Shin. Add that to the fact that she thinks the police is above Shinobi.. they're just some wild card. If they pull shit, I'm abandoning them.” he plainly said, showing no hard feelings about having to leave behind the two shinobi if they endangered the mission. “Just keep an eye on them.” he concluded, looking at the three foreign shinobi as Daiki continued to talk about the mission in general. Yamato simply grinded his teeth together realizing that Daiki was right. “Hai. It's gonna be a shitstorm. Add to that that we don't really know what this mission about, since that shitty hokage-idiot sent us here without as much as an explanation.. and then we have these three idiots with us. We might have to leave all these people behind and finish the mission together, just to get it done right.”

Since his little conversation with Daiki was finished, he extended both arms backwards and them firmly stomped his left fist into his right opened hand. “OI!” he yelled at Kanata. He was trying to get the attention of this guy that was flirting with Rei earlier, approaching him quickly. With a single, rapid movement extended to the guys throat, he grabbed him tight and squeezed his throat, ensuring that he'd be gasping for air. Slowly he lifted the boy into the air, before speaking in a bitter, anger voice. The only one in the crowd that had ever heard this voice was Daiki, right before their fight at the party 2 and a half years ago. “You fucking idiot, stay the fuck away from my sister.. matter of fact, stay away from every person in this damn team. Show some fucking respect, we're shinobi from Konoha, not shinobi from that stupid village you call Shimizu.. though judging from your behavior, you're not shinobi. You're trash.” With that final line he extended his arm and let go of Kanata, throwing him onto a nearby couch.

Seemingly it was up to Yamato to restore order, and before he did that he shot Daiki a quick glance. He had no idea what rank these three Shimizu shinobi were, but he was quite certain they weren't jonin judging from their behavior. As such, both Daiki and Yamato had to restore order. With his short glance at Daiki, he signalled that it was time for Daiki to step up and lend Yamato a hand. “You three better back off of Momoi and Sentou, or I'll tell the captain of this stupid ship to turn around and bring us back to Konoha. We do not live near Itokuma island, so we have no interest in helping you. We're here only because the hokage told us to. So I suggest you treat us with respect. There's 8 of us, and 3 of you. You don't want to take your chances with us.. so behave yourself. Understood?”

He spoke with firm words, and authority. That, paired with his threats and a little show of violence to say 'I mean it' would make sure the attempt at restoring order would actually have some power. And if Daiki spoke up too to calm down these three shithead shinobi, Yamato was sure they'd back down and behave themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Daiki was sure Yamato was kidding about the two of them finishing the job themselves, but he honestly felt it wasn't a bad idea.

Once the other Jonin had walked towards the direction of the three flirtatious ninja, Daiki felt the brewing storm in his stomach. Reihana-chan ran over, a tinge of worry in her voice for the mission. He could excuse them messing with the others, they were older, more experienced. But Rei was a Chunin and—though he doubted he should due to her lineage—he felt inclined to reassure her.

Stepping pass her and in suit of Yamato, Daiki spoke. Maybe but I'll take 'em out myself if they endanger our mission. Be back.”

Both of his hands fell into his pocket as he stepped up beside Yamato in the middle of his threats. Somethings never changed, thought Daiki as he backed up his fellow leader. It was a well known fact that Daiki had a zero tolerance policy for disrespect but now was the time to step up and show his changes. Looking pass the others and towards the duo, Daiki, literally heads over them, glared down with a killer-gaze.

Take the warning you two. Grab a seat or …” he glanced over at the unlucky guy to flirt with Rei. An entire couch. We need information and you have it, tell us what you know.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aoi Don Maquia

A male voice interrupted Aoi's momentum as she prepared to dash at the direction she had chosen given Akio had decided to remain silent this time around. She stopped and turned to see it was the redhead of the group that had taken the time to question Aoi's decision and offer a better alternative in his opinion. The clown paused and looked around, trying to figure out what was his thought process but her own was flawed enough to possibly defy any common sense. But she was completely aware that the boy's judgement may as well be superior to her's in terms of orientation. This idea would be strongly reinforced when Akio stepped in and agreed with Shouken all the while adding her personal plan into the mix of things. The harlequin could only walk up to the taller girl and wrap her small arms around her girlfriend's waist, pulling her into a backward hug so she could peek over to see what Akio was seeing. That and she was somewhat competing with Rin's strange tendency to get a little too touchy with the male of the group.

"Always the smarty pants~ Heehee~"

She whispered to her partner's ear, though it was quite easily audible by the whole entire group. With Shouken's resolve to march forward and a good plan to move on as quickly as possible, she grabbed her girlfriend's hand once more and dragged her toward the direction that the redhead had indicated. The path was now becoming mainstream and she wanted to release some energy, so she'd drag Akio to the tree branches so they could do the typical ninja hopping around thing. Looking back, she'd wail to warn the other two that they were going.

"Let's Gooooooooooo! The hot hot desert is still a few jumps away guys!"

She wanted to stay ahead of the herd so she could affirm her position as the leader, but so far she wasn't displaying the typical qualities a Jonin captain would normally have. It was quite obvious she wasn't good at making plans nor even being that good in thinking things through all together, but at least she had Akio for that. For a brief moment, she actually thought of that, which was quite rare given the clown's lack of usual introspection when doing things in general. She looked at her lover, her expression still one of worry as she opened her mouth to express her thoughts.

"Hey... Are you bitter that I got to be a Jonin? You are the smart strong one so... And the pretty, tall one, teehee~"

She added a note of positiveness in the end of her inquiry, but she did seem rather troubled by that idea. She was quite aware that she wasn't the best ninja around, often procrastinating with her silly activities rather than becoming stronger by training like Akio did. She was aware of her talent in combat and her luck in acquiring such a useful ability in terms of ninjutsu, but she just felt not at her place when witnessing what Akio would display. She released a silent sigh and made sure the two other flirts were following. Well, one was a flirt and the other was a victim, but Aoi found what was going between them rather amusing.

They were going to arrive much sooner than planned thanks to Shouken's advice, and as such they wouldn't slack off in the middle of the forest and quickly commence the core of the mission.


As anticipated, the male's heart rate rose and his posture was a lot more menacing than it originally was when he was acting so foolishly with the royalty. He reacted negatively, of course, as it is the case when things are not sugarcoated to such underdog liabilities. Their ego was struck, and thus they create tension. N.C.4 stared at the boy with no empathy whatsoever in its eyes, and of course not even a hint of reaction when it would be insulted or shouted at. It was perfectly still and acquiring all the input the male was giving. Even the irony of what he said, the fact that N.C.4 likely knew more about him than he knew himself, didn't prompt some form of sass from the machine. It simply stare until he ran out of steam so it could, point by point, display his ridiculousness.

But as the male showed signs of calming down, or at least the halt of his prolonged monologue, the princess manifested herself in return, causing a slightly stronger reaction from Junshiro. It looked deep into her white eyes, confused as to what she could say to this very obvious fact. She appeared to be worried about the harmony of the group, of course it would be something somewhat compromised given Gin's hostility toward N.C.4 and lack of motivation to "cover" it. A ridiculous idea of course, given they'd be putting their lives on the line and it'd be N.C.4's duty to avoid as many casualties as possible on its side. There was a term in her speech that did actually cause the robot to feel a form of emotional shock. Something it didn't quite get.

"Friendship family. Noted."

It said out loud, much like a robot would, but its tone was a little softer as if it was expressing concern about something. It didn't get why such a humanizing term was being used by such a socially high individual. Her personality correlated to a form of rebellious individual, but it didn't expect this. They were strange people alright, and N.C.4 was initially only interested in their gathered skills and status. But their personalities were flaring in this scenario, something it had a lot of trouble relating with and finding the right way to handle them. Nonetheless, it didn't prevent it from actually replying and asserting its analysis despite what they may say.

"Mister Gin. You are disrupting the harmony within this group and are going from weakest link to liability. I recommend you gather yourself and understand that this isn't the Academy, but rather an unofficial assassination mission. Your lack of ... Cover ... As you would say, maybe be a massive dent to our reactive possibilities when confronted to the possible incidents that may occur. Perhaps playing one of these quiet games Hiro requested would do wonders to your current psychological state. I may also recommend a cup of tea as I recall this vehicle is equipped with such a producer."

It then fixated blankly Chihiro as the vehicle was seemingly half way through the trip already. It was still troubled by her lingo, the way she gave such emotional attachment to two expendable individuals like her current teammates. She knew this was the type of mission where being scum or not didn't really matter, all that counted was the success of the mission. It suddenly opened its mouth once more to ask the princess a question.

"What is this Quiet Game you speak of?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaakuna Sawada, "The Lonely Star"

@Partisan, @Renny, @Akashi Mayhiro, @Kimono, @Masaki Haruna

When Yamato’s hand grasped that poor sap’s throat, the room fell silent. It was as if the wrath of Kaguya herself was flowing through that hand. It was like nothing else mattered but the complete and utter destruction of that man’s throat and Yamato was the one to deliver that very destruction of the one that was flirting with Reihana, Yamato’s younger sister. The rule of thumb was that no one was to go near her less they welcomed bodily harm to themselves at the hand of the self-proclaimed God himself.

Just as Yamato was going to rip that man’s neck off, Daiki intervened. For good measure, too. Though Jaakuna voiced his doubts in the trio, he didn’t want to see one of them join Hideyoshi in the afterlife. If anything, Jaakuna would rather save all of his pent up rage and anger for the Jashinists and not possible allies.

Looking at Daiki and Yamato in a back and forth motion of his eyes, he couldn’t believe how different these two were. From being two chunin who couldn’t stand being in the same room as each other, they were not only the two leaders of the mission, but they were even on same terms.

“The times are sure a’changin,” Jaakuna said cracking a smile.

Jaakuna looked around him as he was looking for a spot to sit down. A chair near all of the commotion caught his attention. It was a simple folding chair with adequate cushions. He simply sat and waited for everyone involved in the little confrontation to finish and for the information to be exchanged.

I hope it’s soon..

Rin Reikan, "Jagged Bust"

@Savato, @Raijinslayer, @Assassin

“No one denies me, especially since these came in.”

Rin couldn’t believe it. Her rather direct advances to Shouken didn’t work. She even went the extra mile. She pressed her large tits against his shoulder and hooked that shoulder like some crushing schoolgirl. She even batted her eyelashes at him. With all of that behind her advances, all Rin got was a small glance to her tits and a brief stint on the ground.

“Am I not trying hard enough? Maybe I’m not being direct enough,” Rin said, lost in her own thoughts. She was truly troubled by the lack of results from her advances to Shouken.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn’t notice that the group was about to head off towards the Sand. In fact, it was about three seconds that she noticed that they were gone. A sudden gasp followed as she would join them. It didn’t take no more than a few extra paces that she was beside Shouken.

Each jump launched the group several yards closer to the sand. Based on the pace they were taking, Rin had no doubt that in less than ten jumps, the group would leave behind the welcoming and always comforting scenery of the forest and hesitantly welcome the dry heat of the miles upon miles of sandy desert. Much fun.

Along the jumps, Rin had a real bother in her mind. She would advance herself up more to Aoi and Akio, her attention mainly being to the former. “Aoi-sensei, why didn’t Ken swoon over me? Are my tits not wonderful?” There Rin went, worrying about why Shouken didn’t match her advances with a different reaction, “it usually works. Even if it doesn’t, no boy has ever tried to get away.” Rin said, venting out her inner-turmoil of the subject to Aoi. Though, Akio would definitely be able to add to anything that AOi might or might not say since the latter was well within earshot of Rin's voice.

If anything, the Hyoton-user wanted advice on what to do. Assuming that there would be anything to do in the first place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Akio Tendou

"That's perfect Shouken, you've saved us a lot of time and work for sure." Akio said with a smile at the younger Chunin. A store owner was likely to hear good bits of gossip and hearsay, and with them being a family friend, they'd definitely be more open to share. Her planning was interrupted, however, by Aoi's saddling up behind her and wrapping her arms around Akio's waste for a close embrace. The touch was far from unwanted, but Akio's face couldn't help but get flushed in slight embarrassment by the Harlequin actions, mostly because any signs of affections in public between the two made her feel somewhat uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Aoi was quite the opposite more often than not, and the Tendou just went along with it as long ad there weren't that many people around.

"Well one of us has to think things through." Shesaid with a joking chuckle as she followed her into the trees, though it died down as she saw a look of worry on her partner's face. Before she could ask what was bothering her, Aoi volunteered the reason in the form of a question. Akio waited until her partner had finished speaking before speaking her piece.

"No, not even a little bit. You've earned the position and are deserving of it, cause not only are you great with people and able to really connect with your team in a way I'd pay to see Yamato even attempt with his, but you've got good instincts, a good head on your shoulders, and the guts needed to lead a team into some hairy situations. I'd follow you anywhere, Aoi, and would trust you with my life, so don't you ever doubt that for a second." Akio gave her significant other a light flick to the forehead for even considering the notion, before a familiar feeling took hold of her. Holding Aoi back from her next leap by grabbing hee hand, she'd pull the girl back in for a quick, but extremely passionate kiss, before whispering something in her ear. "Besides, ranks aren't a true indicator of skill, and while I'm sure the day will come where I join you among the Elite Ranks, I woukdn't mind too much if I were to stay a Chunin for the rest of my life, as long as I have you."

It was at this point that two things would happen: Akio would remember that they weren't alone(something she tended to forget when her impulses took hold) and Rin came in seeking . . . relationship advice? Normally, Akio would be a very bright shade of crimson right now, but the Reikan's question currently took up all the space in her mind. Not just because it was odd, but also because it seemed like an odd thing to hear from her. Why would she care about somethung like that, is it really the first time she's met a guy who wasn't a horney little pervert? I mean, you'd think there'd be at least one.

While it was clear Akio wasn.t being direcrly addressed, she was already too intriqued in the reason behind it that she felt giving her own advice would help her in discovering the cause of this complex.

"Well, if you ask me, it's either because he's shy, was raised right by his mom to not be a horney lil' shit, he has a girlfriend already, or was focusing on the mission. He's clearly affected though, so if you're really so eager to get him, it shouldn't take too much more effort, unless he's already involved of course." Akio continued to study the Reikan for a few moments longer, before continuing. "Whatever you decide to do, just be sure to keep your focus on the mission, okay?"

After saying her peace, Akio would continue on ahead at a sedate pace until the others caught up, her mind turning as she tried to think of the reasoning and possible causes for the girl's behavior. As she was wrapped in her thoughts, she'd begin chewing on a strand of her hair, a quirk that presented itself whenrvernshe was thinking about something with a greater level of focus than usual.


@Altered Tundra

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

'Unofficial...Assassination?' That was enough to bring Gin out of his little "tantrum" as she would probably put it. But it sorta was. Gin reacted out more of frustration then of pride but pride was still a solid foundation to his rant. He sighed as he looked at Chihiro with a bit of guilt in his eyes. He didn't mean to say it and even if he did mean what he said he would renig on his statement in the end if it came down to it. But she was right, compared to the Byakugan, he wouldnt stand a chance. Maybe with his red Mist jutsu but besides that, the Byakugan was a true weapon, one that should never be taken lightly. "I think tea would be a good thing right now. Or maybe a shot of sake...never mind, not sake before a mission. If there is any peach blossom or green ginseng tea that would be nice."

He was from Kirigakure, the Village Hidden in the Mist, and even though he was a decent ninja, compared to some of the ones he encountered, he might not stand a chance. But that was all the more reason to become stronger, to be noticed as a decent ninja. He may not have the abilities and bloodline limits that the Leaf held onto, but he had a fighting spirit and the will to live. He would, if it came down to it, give his life for those he cared about and whether or not they liked him, it didn't matter. It was in his blood to be selfless, a little more so than anyone else. He sat back as he sighed, orubbing his temples in order to bring himself back to the present objective at hand, the assassination of Cho and his daughter.

He quirked an eyebrow up as he thought about it. 'The father must have ties to someone or something powerful and malevolent but what about the daughter? Did she control a part of whatever her father was apart of? But if so, why not then just capture her and take her to the Uchiha police or ANBU for questioning.' He wasn't one to kill unless there was a legitimate reason. But what he pondered why the daughter was a target as well. With a slight jerk of the head to the side, he squinted his eyes for a second as he looked at her.

"Can you please tell my why the daughter is considered a target? Why not just go ahead and neutralize the father and bring the daughter in for questioning or even better... Why not just bring in both of them? I need something with substance. I don't like the idea of just killing someone who could just be an innocent bystander who was born in the wrong family. What's her part in this?"

To Gin this was a legitimate question compared to earlier. He wanted to have a clear conscience on his mind before he completed his "objective"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chihiro Hyūga

Chihiro faced palm and sighed "Jun it's a game where you literally-....oh never mind Jun" she rubbed her temples and poured Gin tea, before pouring herself some and putting honey in it from her pack, drinking and sighing. "Sake we can have after we come back at my place, I don't mind, Iwao and She-Bitch will probably be in their room anyways and Uncles are off on a mission so we'll have the house to ourselves, it'll be nice to relax with people at my own home again..." she spoke out loud what she was thinking and she peered over to Gin as he had his tea, before he started asking questions and she sighed "Right we're on a mission..." sitting forward she listened it Gin. "I guess he's right, why couldn't we just take both of them in, I never really questioned the rationality of that, but It's the higher ups, we have no room or status to argue with them...well maybe Jun more then anyone in the char. Even my own father didn't disclose that to me, so it's...odd but it has to happen because it was told to be done..."

She looked at the floor of the limo, speaking to Gin "Well...I understand killing without knowing it kinda of wrong, but, we are the special ops team. We deal with breaking in and taking things, killing whatever we're told, and getting out. For instance, we're using my status to get into this place, and I wasn't even told from my father the situation with the daughter, all I was told was that they need to be killed and we need to get the item. I understand kind of get where you're coming from Gin-kun, but...the higher ups have told us to do it, so it must be done. We don't know these people, so it's better to not think about it and have you hesitate and get yourself in trouble. We should just get in and get out, the longer this mission goes on, the bigger the outcome may be and the bigger it will get out of hand, alright?" she put a hand on his shoulder "trust me on this one, it's better to be a follower in this type of mission than and follower, alright?"

Checking her phone, she saw a text and chuckled.

>It's fine Chi-chan, i'm doing the same here. It does suck that the old farts haven't realised that we are the best tag-team in the hidden leaf! :( I'm going to hold you to that...after all. You won the bet, remember ;3 - The Gypsy

>Oh yeah im for sure going to get that bet in, when I get back, we should meet up at your place, Ill bring more of Uncle Katsu's Sake again, hopefully we dont break T's apartment... - Chi-Chan

>Not in this lifetime, i love you to death! ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ
> Urgh, this yuna girl reminds me to that lady that was really a dude...this chick is giving me the creeps...at least i think it's a chick..every heard of the girl called Yuna Hōjō? - The Gypsy

>I love you too babe ^~^ - Chi-Chan
>No but im sure i'll hear all about it when I see you - Chi-Chan
>BABE! I gotta tell you about this team mate to, I cant tell if he is a she or if she is a he, it's driving me fucking nuts, like im going to "Trip" and pants them to see what gender they are, no joke - Chi-Chan
>If he's a he, omg he's suck a trap and if she's a she, she's pretty attractive, I mean no you or that one girl from the Yakuza hideout we found, but still attractive, Ill send you pics later when I get a good angle - Chi-Chan
>About to make contact with some people, I'll text you later, wish me luck babe - Chi-Chan
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aoi Don Maquia

With Akio's words, the harlequin felt butterflies in her stomach, relieved that faith wasn't lost on her leadership skills, if we could call it that. Akio being pretty much the dominant of the couple took a hold of Aoi to deliver a rather enjoyable kiss. The petite female could only blush at the sudden initiative and close her eyes for that brief moment, only to realize they were still on the run. She then chuckled at the jump in confidence Akio expressed all of a sudden, reminding of Aoi just how much her girlfriend had improved since the times they had met. In response to their little pause, Aoi would whisper back.

"Heehee, thanks Kiki~"

With said, she give a slight kiss on the girl's cheek before resuming the monkey jumps all over the branches, releasing Akio from her grip so she could maneuver herself a bit more. And then, a wild Ice Minx appeared and for some reason confided to the least intelligent member of the group. Aoi gave her a rather dumb stare at first, not quite sure what this problem stemmed from. Unlike Akio, she didn't really have this stigma of Rin being a slut, or at least had a hard time seeing it as pejorative given she would herself be pretty active with her own girlfriend. Maybe it was because she did it with more people? That concept still seemed quite bizarre.

Luckily, the Tendou intervened while a drop of sweat fell off the clown's forehead. She just nod at what her lover said at this point, over and over, to avoid staying submitted to this awkward situation. Eventually, Akio's full diagnosis would be done and a little idea lingered in the clown's idea. She simply had to add it, otherwise she'd feel incomplete.

"Maybe he's... Not into women~"

She giggled at the idea that Shouken was indeed gay, even though his reactions indicated the contrary. She didn't mellow her response either, making sure everyone could hear it quite well, including Shouken. They wouldn't be too far from Sunagakure as the temperature slowly rose as they approached the scorching desert environment of the land of wind. Luckily, Shouken's orientation skills and experience would lead them through it rather easily until they'd reach the village.


It was already dusk when they would arrive at the village hidden in the sand, the entrance of the village would be nothing like the old times. A giant bridge would be presented before them, arcing over the artificial river surrounding the massive city. From this distance they could see the big contrast between the high advanced infrastructures of the oasis city and the desert surrounding it. We could compare this sight to Dubai, an extremely rich hot spot in a desperately poor country. They were of course welcomed by a couple of men who were expecting them to solve this case they were given, for some strange reason. It didn't occur to Aoi as to why they couldn't handle this themselves, especially when the Suna shinobi were known for being particularly rigorous and cruel when serious.

They walked over the massive bridged and would be brought to a rather luxurious five star hotel where they'd be escorted to a rather large suite reserved for those with a ridiculous amount in their bank accounts. Here they would have a set of boxes on a large table, all containing files on the case they'll be working with, but nothing else other than what one would expect from a large hotel suite. They were likely going to have to wait for somebody (I'm assuming Masaki will intervene here), so in the meantime they could likely get familiar with some details and discuss their own strategy on how to approach this.

"Okay guys! No time for slacking off~ We gotta do what we gotta do!"

She randomly tossed some confetti on the heads of her colleagues before she picked one of boxes. Aoi gathered the many papers and pictures of various crime scenes regarding the disappearances and possible linked deaths. She of course had a hard time reading reports, often tossing them to Akio so she could make better sense of them.


Gin's manifestation of his thoughts once again distracted N.C.4's powerful rationale. Or rather, it didn't understand why he would bother to want to know these things, after all he signed a contract and knew what he was doing. This was the type of job where the less you knew, the better it was for everyone else. Luckily, Chihiro would intervene and add her own two cents in the pit, detailing her perspective of the thing and how her mindset was the most adequate for this type of operation. A lot went on in the machine's mind to acknowledge their behavior toward Junshiro's retorts, at least Gin had the ability to calm his nerves when brought back to reality. Hopefully Chihiro's words would seal the deal and keep him in check.


It simply answered in response to what Chihiro said, though it suddenly focused on the item held by Chihiro. Her phone, an element the robot forgot to consider and was indeed something that had to be handled. Why was she texting an externality when they were doing a very sensitive operation? It narrowed it's eyes at the equipment before nabbing it. With a quick and dexterous move with her right hand, N.C.4 unlocked the back of the phone and had the battery plop out before giving back the disassembled item to its owner.

"No communication, yet. And I must insist ... What is that Quiet Game you speak of, Hiro?"

It asked all so awkwardly, but before an even more awkward response could be made, the sound of breaks would interrupt the scene. They had arrived, and the chauffeur would promptly walk over to the passengers' door and open it. N.C.4 would of course be the first one to exit in order to insure the safety of the VIP of the mission. Once it was clear, it would gesture Gin and Chihiro to exit the vehicle. They would of course be greeted with a typical red carpet for the Hyuuga princess to walk on with all her splendor.

They would be standing before one of those most refined and ancient castles in the world. Its size said a lot about the family's wealth and influence, to have such a coveted household would surely be a display of great initiative and reach over their empire. They were greeted by a set of guards all coming from barracks, but they all kept their distances from the operatives. N.C.4 and hopefully Gin by instinct would stand behind the Hyuuga Princess as she would have to walk forward until the main gate would open, revealing a silhouette shrouded by the blinding light from inside the building.

"Hiro, if I may. This is our target. Remember, nothing until I finish my part."

It whispered to her as if it were giving advice like some sort of assistant, deluding any form of suspicion from it. They were going to finally interact with the root of their problem, and it was only a matter of time before N.C.4 would seize the right moment to exact the objectives given by the higher ups.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Yopparai Ramu Koku

“With no booze, whores and cussing, life would be a lot less interesting.”

At Yopparai's illegal gambling, drinking and whoring den, 1 day before current events.

The air was filled with smoke, causing everyone inside the small hall to either have become resistant to the smoke of tobacco by now, or to forcefully get choked into submission by the thick clouds. At the bar sat a figure with white hair, and a half open black buttoned shirt. There was a load of hair coming out of his shirt, but the two women on either side of him didn't seem mindful of that, in fact, they stretched their hands over it and rubbed the mans' chest as he sipped on his glass of rum. They were both not exactly the most good looking women, but their profession didn't require them to be pretty - just to be available. The ratio of men to women in the hall made sure that there was always work for willing women in this hall.

The man heaved his glass mug back and drank the entire mug in one single gulp, before slamming down the mug on the table. The bartender was quick, and filled his mug again quickly with a special barrel simply called 'XXX' as could be seen on the black paint that was used to paint that marking onto the barrel. While his gigantic mug was being filled again, the man waved his arms around to get rid of the whores around him. “'ave had enough of you two, get lost!” he yelled angrily, though remarkably sober for a man that had just thrown back his 5th glass of pure alcohol. As soon as the two wenches were discarded like the cheap women they were, the man grabbed his mug and raised it into the air, followed swiftly after that by several men at the bar, some of which had wenches around them, some of which were armed with gigantic swords, and others who were armed with atleast six swords. They all raised their mugs in the air, looking at the man. “... DRINK UP, ME HEARTIES!” he yelled before gulping down the entire mug again. The others followed him although they were most certainly not drinking pure alcohol. “Now.. where's that ugly mug.” the man said somewhat more quiet as he threw the mug away somewhere behind the counter, causing a barmaid to duck and narrowly avoid that mug.

With a quick spin of his barstool, he did two three hundred and sixty degree spins before hopping off the stool and grabbing his giant sword that was laying next to him on two other stools. Anyone with half a brain would realize the sword was Shibuki the Blastsword. And anyone who knew a thing or two about modern day politics, would realize the man wielding the sword was Yopparai Ramu Koku, the drunkard, and one of the seven swordsmen of the mist. Yopparai glanced around a while, looking over the man he was looking for atleast two times before finally realizing where Tsukiya was. He wandered over, putting his blade on his shoulder while holding onto it, giving him a relaxed and casual look.. perhaps a bit deadly, too. But most of the men in the hall looked rather rugged and deadly, and the women were either really ugly (and thus, had barely any customers) or were very very pretty.

Atleast, that was if you only looked in the main hall. There was a jail cell door in the corner of the building, which notably had nobody sitting in front of it except for a large, bad man with numerous scars over his body. He was seemingly guarding the door, and there was no telling what was beyond the door, which lead to a staircase down into the cellar. It was said that occassionally, Yopparai would go down there and that the carnal noises of pleasure could be heard all throughout the hall when he did. Sometimes, the hall was closed and everyone was kicked out, and according to some, Yopparai would go out and pillage a village or two, to find new enticing women that he would then 'offer' a permanent stay in his hall of drinks, whorery and gambling. The offer was, ofcourse, always accepted for reasons that related mostly to immediate danger to your life if you said no. Ofcourse, drunk men tell many tales, but Yopparai has never denied this specific tale. Who was to say if it was true or not..

“Hoy, black-hair-white-eyes!” he said to the man in front of him, as he approached him looking intimidating as always. The man in front of him looked just as intimidating, however, but in a more shinobi-related way. A way that said 'I am powerful' where as Yopparai just looked like an uppity idiot with a big sword. “We've got to go now, big ol' ugly, if we want to meet that dilly dally informant of yours, that cunt that he is.”

Present time.

Yopparai walked behind Tsukiya, the black haired, white eyed man that he was with in his own tavern. “Are we there yet. Are we there yet. Are we there yet.” he said, repeating himself a few times more as he walked on the dirt road. His sword was bound on his back, and his belt now had a very large flask on it, that read 'XXX' amongst other things, such as silly drawings of naked women, random child-like drawings and swear words written in a shit handwriting. “Fuuuuuuuuhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuuck.. this is taking way too long. Couldn't your informant have come to my legendary tavern? Nooooo, we have to meet him all the way out in his own village. 'Woo, I'm Tsukiya, and I'm scared my informant will get found out, caught and brutally killed for treason by the local authority, boohoo.' Can we atleast mug some people on the way back?”

Yopparai was doing all sorts of things to keep himself occupied, such as following Tsukiya whilst skipping and jumping from one side of the dirt road to the other in a single jump. Occasionally he'd take his flask of pure alcohol and take a big swig out of it, to atleast keep himself hydrated with alcohol. “You want some?” he asked Tsukiya, completely ignoring the fact that the last 'normal' man that drank from his flask had died of alcohol poisoning, and that was with just 1 offered gulp taken.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gin Kakiyama, Tonaka Castle

"...We should just get in and get out, the longer this mission goes on, the bigger the outcome may be and the bigger it will get out of hand, alright?" As Chihiro comforted Gin his body language showed that he was definitely coming down. Her words made sense to him, or at least that's what he wanted to believe. He reluctantly agreed to dropping the matter about the daughter but for him it still didn't sit right. His father would've told him to never question a mission but it was in his nature to. He was always curious but in cases like this curiosity CAN and WILL kill the cat and he rather be the one doing the killing then be the cat. He gave a frustrated sigh. "Whatever, best to question it later then right now. Besides, I really don't need to cause a seen for Chihiro-sama" He looked over at Chihiro with a wink and a slight chuckle, nothing perverted, but to show that he was willing now to fall in line with the plan.

As the car begun to slow down he gripped the handle of Sukkaikata a few times. This was it, the mission started once the door opened and he was no longer an ally but a personal bodyguard to the heir of the Hyuuga clan. As he heard the locking mechanism of the car door unlock and the car door open, the grip on his blade ceased as his demeanor changed to that to fit the mission. As Mrs. Monotone exited the car, he followed behind her and positioned himself to one side of the car. He looked down into the car at Chihiro and gave a subtle nod. "Chihiro-sama..." As she would step out of the car he would wait for her to pass him before following behind behind her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rin Reikan, "Jagged Bust"

The words that Akio spoke to Rin’s inquiry stayed with her all throughout the rest of the journey to Suna. Rin never encountered someone who would resist what she had to give. No one that she has tempted with any kind of sexual motion has resisted what she had and yet, Shouken did. It bothered her, but not in the way most would think. Rin had it in her mind that her certain kind of charm was irresistible, that what she did to get her way most of the time was foolproof and had a zero-percent fail rate, but obviously it wasn’t.

Whatever type of way Rin felt about Shouken resisting her charm or what his reasons might or might not be, Rin wouldn’t let that steer her focus away from the mission. Though, if the situation presented itself, Rin would try it again and again until it worked. When Rin’s mind came back solely to the mission(for the time being), she saw the land of those Turban-wearing, bomb-making, sand-loving terrorists of Sunagakure.

From the miles upon miles of sand surrounding the village to the boring-as-fuck colors that the buildings of Suna had, the village was everything that Rin hated about the world. It was over-crowded, smelled like toad ass, had food that would turn your insides into lava juice. What was worse was that they actually chose to live in this dump they call a village.

“Can’t believe we’re in this terrorist-filled land. I bet there are several hundred of these ragheads making bombs as we speak,” Oh Rin, never shying away from speaking her mind even when she comes off as a major racist. “I don’t understand why the fuck these dumbasses would actually want to live here.” Rin said, continuing to complain about Suna, “I don’t know what smells worse: The people who live here or their food.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kimono
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Kimono Forgotten Dreams

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yuna Hōjō



Reihana was pleasent--cute, inviting, and friendly. There was a certain purity about her that made her think of her friend Paneru, though of course, this girl probably had the guts that he lacked. Hence why he left the ninja-lifestyle. She briefly exchanged pleasantries with the young chunin, but soon found herself on the odd end of some blonde girl. She referred to herself as the Gypsy, and in first person no less. Everyone else referenced her as the Gypsy also. Yuna cocked her head and simply looked on as the Gypsy was being shamelessly rude towards her for no good reason. She sighed heavily. So she's either jealous, rude, or a natural egotist. Lovely..., Yuna thought.

She grinned cheekily. "Nice to meet you too", an ambiguous aura of sarcasm exuding from her lips with that statement.

When they finally made their way on the airship, Yuna pulled out her phone and sent out a mass email. The meeting to save the aviary has been postponed. Please stay tuned for further details on when its going to be happening. Among other little encouraging quotes to accompany her abrupt and unfortunate announcement. She was incredibly disappointed to hear from Minomaru that she would be unable to host the meeting. But she swallowed her tongue and continued on with her task. She knew what the profession required of her. Sometimes missions just happened to come at the wrong time.

It was a double sword--sacrificing her visions for adventures. But she'd have to manage. She always did. Once they arrived at Itokuma island, things soon got really weird. Instead of focusing on the important task at the hand, the three Itokuma ninja were too busy flirting and trying to fondle them. Them meaning, the girls. When Rei retreated behind Daiki, Yuna was left to fend for herself against the perve who called himself, Kanata.

"Look, you're sweet. And I'm flattered that you somehow know of my family's bathhouses, but as much as I enjoy romance, this isn't cutting it. Like honestly, it just isnt. Do you understand what I'm saying love?"

Before the crazed nut could respond to her block to his overt advances, Yamato and Daiki, especially Yamato, put him in his place. She stood up from the table she was dragged to and gracefully clasped her hands behind her back."Oh. Coming to aid a damsel in distress. How thoughtful", she mumbled to herself. Though she didn't necessarily need protecting, she couldn't help that she was a romanticist, so she saw the beauty in a man coming to the defense of a woman. It was chivalrous. Like that of a knight in shining armor. Of course, the way he handled it was incredibly aggressive, and it was mainly out of protection for Rei, she couldn't help but still feel a bit included in the "saving".

Yuna opened up her messenger bag and pulled out her Journey Journal, basically a diary where she noted all of her experiences within. She walked over to the supposed rivals, her face still buried in her diary as she approached them. When she finished writing, she looked up from it and smiled charmingly, staring enchantingly into their eyes. "Thank you both for that. It was very sweet". But keeping herself from getting distracted, she turned around and looked out in the distance. "So what do we do now?"

Even though the mission at hand was dire, she couldn't help but feel like they were stalling. She was a timely kind of individual. Very studious and poignant and consistent in everything she did. So she couldn't help but beg the question.

When were they going to get this mission started?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chihiro Hyūga

Chihiro nodded as they arrived at the place, she was still mad about Jun taking her phone, but it was whatever, a mission was first anyways. Walking in front of Jun and Gin, she didn't react and instead she looked at the silhouette and smiled. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, seeing Cho, she bowed and he laughed stopping her and grabbing her from the shoulders looking her up and down "Princess Hyuuga, my god have you grown, I haven't seen you since you were a little girl! How is you blasted bastard of an Old man doing?" he grabbed her hand and kissed it, before looking at Gin and Jun "I see you still walk around with guards eh?" giving a firm shake to Gin's hand with his hand over his, he then went to Jun and did the same, before turning and moving past the Chihiro "Onwards Princess, let us talk about business and other merriments inside yes?" moving, the three followed after the big man and his guards closed the door behind him. Chihiro looked at Gin and Jun and nodded before turning as Cho and the three walked into a huge living area with beautiful art of him and his daughter.

"Fi~ darling come say hello to our guests!" he called out and he sat down on a big chair, motioning for Chihiro to sit down in the other chair that was watching the fireplace. Fi entered the room and smiled at Chihiro "HIRO! Oh my goodness, I have not seen you since we were little, how are you?!?" Chihiro's heart sunk seeing the girl, but she shook it off and stood, the girl running and hugging her intensely before standing her back like her father did "You're just as beautiful as before deary~"

Chihiro laughed "No you're much more beautiful always has been love."

Fi moved over to Gin and kissed him on the cheeks "Hello, a person who protects Chihiro, is a great person in my heart" she smiled and did the same to Jun "As to you...Guardsmen" she smiled nervously not knowing what gender Jun was. Cho smiled "You two can get to catching up later, Alright? You three are going to stay right?" he looked at Chihiro sadly.

"I'm afraid we cant, Iwao expects me to return later, so another time in the year..." she said a bit sad, but she smiled and put her hand on his "anyways let us not dwell on sad things right?" sitting she looked at Cho "Now business?" Fi put her hand on Chihiro and kissed her forehead and moved to her father, kissing her father's cheek.

"Good night to you all~" she bowed to Gin and Jun and walked out of the room.

Sitting, she looked at Gin and Jun "You guys can entertain yourselves, I will come out when me and Cho are done, yes?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Akio Tendou

Akio sighed as she begin to read through the reports that Aoi sent her way, but before she could begin to read them, Rin decided to express her opinions about their employers. Akio eye showed that she didn't approve of Rin's comments in the slightest, but didn't say anything . . . yet. She would let Shouken remind the girl that she was in mixed company first. While she waited to see the young boy's reaction to the Reikan's careless remarks, she began to read the reports.

The abductions had little evidence as to who could've perpetrated them, as their seemed to be little signs of struggle at any of the crime scenes. Most were thought to have been taken in the dead if night, and all those taken were civilians. There were also reports of caravans that have gone missing in the dessert only to be found in the middle of the dessert, the only thing missing being the people who made it up.

"This doesn't make any sense," Akio said in exasperation after she'd had enough of reading, tossing the reports she'd gone through to the other two, just in case they saw something she'd missed. "Why, and how, is this guy kidnapping so many people? It's too conspicuous to be a human trafficking outfit, but I can't think of what else it could be? The only thing these reports tell us is that the fucker's good, I'd hazard that he's got a High Jonin's level of infiltration skill, and it'd be best to assume his other skills are on par as well."

Akio stopped looking through the kidnapping cases, as she wasn't getting anything from them, moving on to the deaths they belived to be related. She soon wished she hadn't though, as the detailed descriptions of the murders were enough to make her want to throw up right then and there. She swallowed it down, however, and continued to read, her scowl deepening with every page she scanned through until she recognized something strange. While all the murders were gruesome, depicting everything to disembowelment to living disections, the most gruesome of these acts were dine with the finesse of someone who'd done it a million times before. You could tell by the lengths they had gone to in their grisly wirks of art this person was no newcomer. But then other murders were remarkable more tame, common, and amateurish, as their were many signs of struggles, and evidence of third party interference. Akio's mimd raced as she looked at the clues, formulating the plan in her head as she once again began to chew on strands of her hair.

"On second thought. . .I'm beginning to think that we're dealing with some sort of . . . initiation," Akio said aloud after a short while, leaning back in her chair with a worried expression her face. If what she was saying was correct, than they could be in over their heads on this one. "Think about it, a bunch of strange abductions that just happens to coincide with a string of murders that only have their gruesome executions in common, that just doesn't happen on a regular basis. Add on to the fact that their is a strange mix of professional and amateur levels of skill and depravity in these killings and we may have some form of cult forming or setting up shop in Suna. I'm thinking Jashinist, this seems to have their nane written all ov-"

Akio froze in mid sentence, her golden eyes scanning through a murder report with ever increasing levels in fear and panic. Tossing the report yo the side, she began to take a closer look at all of the skillful murders mire carefully, seeinhnwith new eyes a pattern in the wounds and desecration. She'd begin to rapidly shift ghem around, her breath becoming short and more ragged with every movement until it stopped all together. She stared down at the pictures presented in front of her, all of the wounds depicted showing a symbol that they would all recognize to some degree: The wings of the Daten-shi killer.

The thoughts of Jashinists and culta flew from her mind in a rush as she could only stare at the gorey collage in horrid realization, her hands gripoung the table so hard that knuckles were turning bone-white.

"N- . . . no way . . . He can't be here . . . this can't be happening, this can't be happening . . ." Tears would begin to fall from Akio's eyes as her body began to shake uncontrollably, so much so that she had to take a seat. And all the while she could only repeat 'this can't be happening' over and over in alow hushed whisper, her eyes glazed over as she was thrust back into the body of herself as a young vhild, watching her family torn to shreds by nightmares beyond imagining. And standing in top of the heap of bodies, an ancient blade in hand and the smile of a madman on his face, was the worst nightmare of them all, his golden eyes shining with an unfamiliar light.

Why, Koka-nii . . . why did you do it . . . and why did you leave me behind?



@Altered Tundra
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Assassin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shouken Washi

"The Oasis"


Shouken didn't snap to the girl, or retaliate in an argumental fashion, he simply turned to the girl and let out his signature small grin and chuckle.

"Rin-Chan, you bash what you don't know. This is the way of life for the Suna people and has been for many years."

He sipped from his mug of coffee he had prepared before they all settled down.

"And if we're being honest, I'd prefer this more simplistic lifestyle rather than that of the more modernized Leaf.."

He wasn't fully supportive with his opinion as it was more a remark towards the Reikan. He knew his defiance of her opinion would drive her mad and he could sense it ever since he first stated his case. He thought Rin was looking for him to fire back, but Shouken remained calm and didn't give her the satisfactory. He also figured he'd pass some time, unknowing of how long they would be together like this.

Shouken noticed Akio's distress and halted his plan to toy with the girl any longer. He worriedly made his way next to the Kunoichi observing the reports and began to examine them. Raising his right curled index finger, putting it over his lips, he muttered.

"I dont know this symbol Akio-Chan, however by your expressions I'm sure you recognize it. Mind explaining this?"

With the girl still somewhat in shock, Shouken eyed Aoi figuring if anyone else knew, it was sure to be Aoi-Chan.


@Altered Tundra

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rin Reikan, "Jagged Bust"

"Who's bashing? I'm simply speaking my honest opinion," Rin said, though she was full of shit.

Rin knew in her right mind that what she said about Suna was bashing, as Shouken had pointed and she didn't give a fuck. She hated Suna. All of the reasons she stated for feeling as such were rightly placed. Perhaps there was a deeper meaning as to why she feels a certain type of way towards suna or it could jsut be the sand. Whatever the reason may be, it was of no importance that Rin would echo her opinion on the matter.

"And I prefer the modernized living of the Leaf," Rin said in response to Shouken, "I guess that makes us opposites, then." She claimed, "but you do know what they say about opposites right?" Rin rhetorically asked Shouken, winking. Obviosuly she was referring to how people say opposites attract.

A few moments of silence would follow as Rin as well as Shouken noticed that AKio seemed to be bothered by something she noticed. Leaning over Shouken's shoulder, her tits rubbing against his back, Rin wanted to see what Akio was upset at. It was just after Shouken spotted it that Rin saw some weird symbol. It was an odd one that's for sure. Rin scratched her head as if trying to figure out what it was. She could have sworn she saw this symbol somewhere, but for the life of her she couldn't place it.

"Fuck, where did I see this at? I know I have somewhere," Rin bit her right thumb between her lips. It truly was bothering her. Maybe father told me before or perhaps Rex. Fuck, where was it I seen it before?

Yup, Rin was at a complete loss about the symbol and where she had seen it at.
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