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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Gippal hit the ground groaning in pain, Maximus was wide eyed at the sight and was suprised that he was still concious. His eyes closed as he lowered his head and sighed, covering his eyes. What did Lenora just do? The guard who had come in and was super excited to meet Gippal had a look of Horror on his face at his captain. As she yelled at him to show some respect to his elders.

He didn't know what to do, either stand there or help Gippal up or what. After a moment as Gippal slowly rolled to his hands and knees. The guard quickly moved to Captain Lenora and whispered in her ear. "Miss Lenora...you just struck the leader of New Yevon's only son! Gippal the Blitzer and Gippal the son of Baralai are the same!" He took a step back to look down at Lenora's reaction while Gippal was helped up by Braska and holding his forehead. The Captain remained frozen in the position she had been in when launching the glass ball at Gippal for a moment. Then she looked at the guard, then at Gippal, and back again. She blinked a few times before relaxing her stance and rubbing her chin.

The Captain strode past the three men and her guards and stepped out into the hall, closing the door behind her. The one's left behind stood in awkward silence for a bit. The guards not daring to say a word as they looked everywhere but at the three men. Gippal was gingerly touching his forhead now and could already feel a massive goose egg forming quite quickly. Hissing as he winced in pain as it started to throb. Maximus waited a moment before leaving the room to find Lenora. Quickly slipping through the door with just enough space for him to exit and gently closed it, looking around for the short blond fireball.

Lenora was leaning up against a column outside the room, her face in her hands in a look of utter horror and strain. She was nearly hyperventilating with shock and glanced up at Maximus. As soon as she saw him, she straightened, smoothed her face out back into its usual deadpan expression she wore for authority's sake and began clicking her way back to the room. As she grew closer he raised his hand to stop her as he stared at her with a soft glare...as a parent would give a child who they were trying to help learn from their mistake. "Lenora... are you calm now?" He asked gently. He was not about to let her back in if she was still emotional like he had just seen her. Even if he had to stand infront of the doors.

"I'm always calm," She hissed, turning her head away from Maximus so she wouldn't have to look at her childhood idol.

"Behemoth shit..." He scoffed very frankly.

"What do you know?" She leered at him, looking at him directly now with her lips curled back. "Or rather, why do you even care?"

He placed his hands behind his back and gripped the right wrist with his left hand, his eyes never leaving Lenora's. "I've been in more high ranking meetings than you have little one..." He said slowly, calling her by the nickname he had given her while he was in Bevelle still, and she was much younger. "...I know that you just threw away your post by the way you acted in there. You know as well as I that Commander Lucil would have stripped you of your rank right then and there." He stood up straighter and added, "Don't throw it all away just because he is playing the part of a lawyer in there."

Looking to the room and then back to her he then finished with, "What have I told you about asking questions you know the answer to already?" He said, mentioning her second question. Lenora looked at him ludicrously, scowling.

"Do you enjoy kicking me when I'm down, old man?" She was very tired all of a sudden, rubbing her eyes as she let herself lean against the wall. "This couldn't be worse if you all somehow were escorting a summoner too."

"I am not trying to kick you down, I'm trying to help you get your to your feet again." He said softly as she leaned against the wall. He grew quiet at her next comment.He also leaned agianst the wall next and sighed as he folded his arms over his chest and had a very small pained look on his face. As if he didn't want to throw another crate of bricks on the girls head. Lenora took a breath and closed her eyes.

"I can salvage this..." Lenora stepped away from the wall and entered her office, more composed than before as she took a seat at her desk and folded her hands over each other. "Gippal?"

Gippal turned around with his hand still over his face when Lenora entered the room again, one eye open and watching her. Then at Maximus as he followed in. Lowering his hand, he watched as Lenora made it back to her seat. Gippal answered with a simple "Yes?" His tone was surprisingly calm, his father had always taught him to always keep calm while in situations like this, it would only serve him better in the end anyways. Though his father was known to have a short temper at times, despite his public side was always calm and polite. But on the inside he sooooo wanted to teach this girl some manners....though he never hit a girl (outside of Blitzball) He wanted more than anything to humilate her, for acting all high and mighty and hitting him...TWICE. For asking a simple qestion.

"Here..." Lenora closed her eyes as she slid some paperwork over the table. "Just sign here... the girls will be branded with bands showing their identity as criminals and be free to go."

Gippal walked over to the desk and pulled the paper to him, quickly reading over it. He then pushed back the paper slightly. "First off, I want to find out the story of what happened from my friends, Alex might be a hot head and get herself in trouble, But she wouldn't just go up and attack somone with out a cause." He then looked to her and added, "Please. If that is alright with you miss Lenora." As much as he wanted to order her he bit his lip and held back. Lenora glanced at him before sighing and resting her cheek against her palm, her elbow on the desk.

"Eyewitness reports tell us that tha Mayor's son felt like throwing a rock at the mage girl. The mage girl fled before... One moment," She paused to shuffle through some paperwork. She pulled out a piece of paper with handwriting on it recounting a witness's testimony. "'A behemoth red haired woman with a scar across her nose lumbered right for him and wrapped her huge hands around his neck. She picked him up off the ground. It looked as though she was going to snap his neck. The woman then said something like, "You want to attack monsters? Try it so I can beat your face into the back of your skull," before choking him some more, dropping him, making threatening looks to everyone gathered around, and going off after the mage girl." Lenora looked up over the paperwork at Gippal. "We have at least a dozen more testimonies like this. She's frightened the people of Kilika, and the mayors son had to be placed in the hospital with a collapsed wind pipe." She set the paperwork down and slid it across the table towards him as well.

He nodded and sighed, shaking his head mentally. As much as he agreed with Alex, and probably would have decked the guy if he saw him hit Nai. But assault was assault. " I am terribly sorry to hear that the man had a collapsed windpipe, and do hope he gets better soon." He said softly and quickly, more of a formality than really saying sorry. He narrowed his eyes, as if showing he was slightly confused. "But the mayors son did throw a rock...at a handicap woman. Yes Alex may have gone overboard with what she did, but do realize that Nai was just hit in the head....With a rock." With how frail she can be because of her sickness, that could have been a fatal attack." (Despite surviving what happened the last two days.) he thought to himself. He then added, "I do hope the man survives, but If Alex and Nai are being branded as Criminals, then to be fair, he must as well. I do realize Alex must wear the band, but making Nai do so, while she did threaten to attack the town, she was also very emotional and hurt. I would ask that she only have a warning on her record, as she did not attack at all. "

"He has already been dealt with, with punishments acceptable to his crime." Lenora's eyes narrowed. "What matters right now is that your friend attacked someone of high nobility, crushed their windpipe, assaulted an officer, resisted arrest, and is verbally abusing my men. Understand that when you sign this waver to set your friend free, Alex will be branded as a high level criminal and will be unable to enter any major cities. As for Naisha, she will be placed at low level risk and be able to come and go where she pleases. Do you understand?" Lenora looked at him, her eyes rather stony.

He looked at Lenora for a minute. "I do agree with this, but can we at least allow Alex to enter the cities? She is a Guardian for a Summoner we are escorting, it will be difficult for her to perform her duties if she cannot be near our Summoner. Perhaps with..." He glanced to Maximus. "A Chaperon ? Escorted guard..."

Maximus narrowed his eyes. "Babysitter." He said bitterly. "Not in my job discription."

Gippal's shoulders dropped. "It's only logical It would be you Maximus, you were apparently apart of the youth League at one time, also a Guardian." Maximus didn't answer, only narrowed his eyes and glared more at Gippal. Who then turned back to Lenora.

"Is that Acceptable?" Gippal asked with hopeful eyes. Lenora could scream. Summoner. He just said summoner. She took a breath to keep her cool.

"No. It isn't." She straightened some more papers on her desk. "No offence, but, were I you, I wouldn't keep her with me any longer than necessary."

Gippal straightened his posture and felt the urge to point at the lump on his forhead...But he didn't, he did not want to stoop down to blackmail. It was one thing he hated about politicians. But he now understood the usefulness of it, and saw why he saw such among the higher ups. He closed his eyes, "Fine." He reached down and signed his name, then Braska, and then finally Maximus.

"Alright, do you mind taking me to my friends?" Gippal asked Lenora. At this, Lenora stood up from her desk and nodded, grabbing a ring of keys and passing off the signed document to a guard, who brought her two bands, one red and one white.

[color=lightseagreeen]"This way, then."[/color]

At the answer of Alex and Nai, Urick looked at Hector and shook his head as well. He didn't want to say that Saina wasn't his woman. It would only give Hector the green light to pursue her, and now that he was realizing he was enjoying Saina's presence more and more...he didn't want to be cut off by the Casanova behind him. He did notice how Alex stated firmly how they were just friends. He realized he probably never had that chance with her growing up with and the others if that was how she felt.

Hector then turned to Nai, as she was sitting down, for her meditation. "For your information, Urick and I are the most calm ones here, compared to you and Alex whooping and holloring like a bunch of monkey's. I also know that if she was contagious we would already have it." He raised the pillow. "This was for the smell." As he said it he wrinkled his nose and placed his face into the pillow again and took a deep breath before pulling it away and continuing. "It's clear she is just having a withdraw from some drug." He looked to Twi and studied her for a moment. "I've seen it many times with former...associates."

Urick had looked over at both of them. Nai explaining how mediation is exellent for revenge, Alex almost acting like a schizophrenic with being like a caged animal to now trying to mediate. It seems that they have changed so much since he last met them. It was like he didn't even know them anymore.

He reached up and rubbed his forehead, his thoughts turning to Saina. Thinking about Hector, and everything that had happened, only a few hours before. Her question she asked on the dock came to his mind clear as day as his interpretation of it seemed to fall into place with what had happened today. Now to answer her when he saw her again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

“Suit yourself mister seaman, but you haven’t really seen me angry till I destroy something.” Nai said with a huge grin.” As for her, well I’m cut from my magic at present so I can’t help her in any way right now. Give her a remedy or antidote and she should stabilize for a time if she is suffering from withdraws symptoms… at least till she drugs herself again and this situation repeats.”

“No one said that clearing one’s mind, couldn’t also entail planning for revenge~” Nai said with a smile as she dragged to the wall between her and Alex. Sitting comfortably and leaning on it she closed her eyes.” She can scold me, but I believe I’m right here to plan for vengeance… Now follow my voice and let us descent into our minds…” Nai said slowly and with calm voice as she began guiding Alex and herself into a deeper state of meditation, but they were disturbed by the sick girl.” Alex, concentrate on my voice for now, we cannot help her from here anyways. Whomever you are, If you feel like you can follow into our meditation, concentrate and follow my voice into meditation state.” Nai said and finally added to the sick girl.” As long as your mind calms and focuses on external target, your body will calm a little. Alternatively, break one of your fingers… the pain will numb temporary numb any of your other conditions.” Nai said and quickly began guiding herself and Alex into meditation state.

Once the initial stage was passed and her mind locked every outside distraction away, all she could feel and hear was Alex’s breathing and heartbeat from the other side of the wall. Sometimes she felt that Alex and her were like the both side of a coin… Now in this calm state of mind, she began running through all her experiences in Kilika. She recalled everything that happened multiple times… as if watching it again and again. Observing and studying everything she can draw from her memories, especially about that guard captain… that woman was going to eventually pay for her deeds one way or another… along with that mayor. Once they were done with Thane, she was going to dig all the dirt on him and ruin him into the ground. After she was done with that man, he wasn’t even going to be able to walk in the light of day without shame… As for the guard captain… she was going to learn a thing or two about electricity herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Twi Sat up at the brushing off of her condition that, to be fair, was a drug withdrawal. But more so at the fact that she could hear some bitch telling her to meditate and that she'd probably just do drugs again and go through it all over. If she didn't have to stop doing the drugs none of this would happen. Why would she ever stop when they're the only thing preventing her from being this physical ill. "If Durza were here.." Twi mumbled in her voice, it was shaky and she was now visibly very cold. She had curled her body into a ball and was rubbing her hands on her arms trying to warm up. "Treba is gonna come get me and when they're here I..." She said another incomplete sentence. "If..." The one next to her's voice finally registered in her mind. Did the one she kidnapped not tell her who she was? Aha! Another angle to lie about. "I.. I just knew you were guardians from - from the air a-" She shivered and took a quick loud inhale "b-b-bout you." She stumbled to the corner of her cell to where she could reach around the corner into Alex's. She had no idea who was on the other side, just that she was trying to break down walls unsuccesfully. "I was looking for you.. with gifts. I can make you st-stronger." Which in fact, weirdly enough, was only half a lie.

Twi had the ability to do just that, but not without her belongings, and more importantly, not while in the state she was currently in. She reached her hand around the cage door and into the corner of Alex's cell. She moved he fingers in a way that conveyed she was to take Twi's hand (which was now clean). It wasn't a friendly kind of finger wave. It was a finger wave that one usually gave to a potential suitor before they went into a room alone. It was amazing how well she could communicate this way with only the movement of her hand and fingers. "I can do much more for you, more than that Urick fellow for that matter." She giggled. What Alex couldn't see was the drained husk of a woman on the other side of the wall. Her face conveyed pain, her breathing was quick but hushed now. The little giggle obviously pained the girls as she clenched her teeth and shut her eyes tightly, almost as tightly as she wrapped her free hand around her rib cage as she tried not to cough. "You just... Have to trust me. You can do that for me, yes?" She hoped for god's sake this woman wasn't a prude or anything of that matter. She danced her fingers around the small corner she could reach, dragging them on the floor, beckoning for Alex to come to her. It was a trick she had learned from her years doing the less than desirable task of using men for profit. She moaned a bit at this moment, very sensually. Her face and body still showing almost every sign of extreme pain and discomfort, but all that she needed to look good was that hand and fingers. "When we get out of here, I can show you a whole new world... Alex was it? Such a pretty name, I'd love to learn if the face is pretty to match. But that's not the only beautiful thing I'd want to see on you, but I'm getting ahead of myself.." She moaned once more, her fingers now mimicking a dance on the ground.

All this show, simply so that she could either A.) Disrupt that bitch who told her to change her life's meditation session, B.) get in good with a member of this group and escape, or C.) maybe find a new member of the poachers. Obviously this girl had no regard for the law since she just assaulted a man in the streets. She would hopefully accomplish all three, but hey, if this didn't work she had one last resort. The reason Treba and Durza haven't ditched her. The reason they haven't been caught, why they have never been killed. Hell, why she acted as a boss to the two at times. And that something wasn't magic, no. It was more than that. Less than that. It was all that magic could be but never was. And she could hold it above the heads of anyone in this room right now and they'd be in awe. Too bad it was confiscated at the moment. "So my dear. Take my hand so I know you believe me..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Such brutality Nai." Alex chuckled as the Mage mentioned possibly breaking fingers for distraction. Before trying to focus, momentarily glaring at Hector at his rambles but managed to bite her tongue back as she clenched her eyes shut and tried to focus. Listening to Naisha and her soft breathing. Briefly, her mind wandered through the events that took place in Kilka and Alex didn't really regret what she did. But did regret that she lost her temper and therefore lost control of her strength again. It always happened. If she didn't always hold back her strength, it was deadly. A combination of that with a temper was never good. She didn't ever want to kill anyone, but it was always something that felt like it could happen. Just at the edge. Brushing that aside, she tried clearing her mind to calming down, so she thought back at the younger years and more peaceful memories.

Course that strange woman's voice spoke out once more, but toward Alex. Alex tried her best to ignore her, but the red head was easily distracted and she cracked a eye open as the woman spoke to her in a suddenly much more friendlier tone. Raising a eyebrow at the 'reason' the woman knew they were Guardians. Alex almost scoffed at the reason. It was doubtful she had the air of a Guardian. What would this woman know? And Alex found it unlikely since her mere presence caused most people to be uncomfortable. Especially since the priests were always talking about bad luck, or some sort of beast.

Both eyes opened now at the proposition of making the red head stronger. Alex wasn't sure she needed more physical strength, but she always sought to get stronger. It's why she took up the sword, since it required a more focused approach and a way to more safely channel strength. Though she wasn't sure what this stranger had in mind. It could be just a lie and a trick in order to get out. After all, the woman was in her in jail. Then again, Alex wasn't very trusting on the judgments of this town's law. Plus the bastards didn't do much to help her when she's ill. Even if it was the cause of the drugs and might be her own doing, wasn't right not to do something to help. Even a prisoner, they were still people.

"How so?" Alex questioned, her curiousity distracting her now into a response, but she was still cautious and doubtful.

The red head then blinked as a arm slipped around from around the barrier wall between them, reaching into her cell and making a motion with her finger as she spoke. Alex blinked a little, confusion evident in her gaze, though the woman couldn't see it. Wondering what exactly the woman was trying to do. Something about it seemed off, but Alex wasn't sure what.

Tilting her head a little questionally at the mention of Urick. Unsure what the woman meant by that. As a friend? Well perhaps at the moment, it could be true. She didn't like the feeling he was giving off. It was a detestable one everyone else gave, except Naisha at least. But still, she didn't exactly trust this complete utter stranger that was probably just trying to use her for some purpose.

"I don't even know why you're in here. Or who you are. How can I trust you?" Alex said, but she didn't feel so irritated, just tired. While watching the woman's fingers fingerly drag the floor that sent a shiver up her spine, body tensing and fists clenching. She wasn't really sure why she instinctively reacted that way, it didn't seem like anything dangerous. Unless it's some magic trick or whatever.

She perked up a bit at the sound of a moan coming from behind the wall, her body stiffening immiedietly. Was the woman in pain? At that thought, Alex leaned a bit closer, as if to try and assist before remembering she couldn't do anything and resumed pressing her back against the wall that blocked her from Naisha. Curiously listening to the woman resume speaking. Well, not like Alex could continue meditating at this point.

At the compliment, Alex had to hold back a scoff before frowning, glancing down at her injured hands that she had licked clean. It was just depressing knowing that she'd just be a dissapointment to the word 'pretty', even to some stranger. Unconsciously, she felt the scar on her face. She wasn't Nai, or Eva, or even that ice witch. Small, pretty and slender. She was tall, muscular and just.... Anything but pretty. It made her wonder if she should just cut her hair and pretend to be a guy.

Just then, it finally clicked as Alex listened to the stranger's words and moan, while making that little dance with her hands. Alex was being flirted with. It was probably just some trick but it was still effective as Alex sat up straight and her face immiedietly flushed as the realization dawned on her. Firmly pressing her body against the wall behind her, pinning as close as she possibly could against it, arms pinned there while her hands clenched and scrambled as if to attempt to find some sort of secret button of escape and allow her to make a retreat to the Mage behind the wall.

Where the heck was Gippal?!

Wait no, maybe she was safer in the cell? Yeah let's just stay here until she's gone. That sounds good. Or maybe she'll be here for a long time and Alex would be stuck with her?! She didn't know anymore. She was unsure if she was embarrassed or terrified, but either way she just wanted to crawl under some covers and just die there. Or lay on Naisha's lap.

"Agh! O-Okay! I'll ask Gippal to let you out just stop doing that!" Alex stammered, giving a inaudible whine as her search for the secret button was to no avail. God damnit Gippal hurry up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gippal moved to the side as Lenora stood and said "This way, then." He waited for her to pass and then followed closely behind her. Just hoping Nai and Alex wasn't causing more trouble while down there. That would be the last thing he needed.

As they walked through the Kilika's Youth League headquarters Gippal looked around at the wooden architechture. It was simple, yet the elegance of high spiran architecture could probably be found mostly in high-society places like Bevelle or Luca. While this was made from wood and the others from plastor or concrete. As they made their way down to the prison, Gippal began to wonder if bringing his freinds along was the smartest of ideas... Alex was a hot head normally, and with Nai and her...condition, she really should have stayed home. Already getting into trouble at their first town they visited. Luckily Eva needed some rest before they moved on...but if they were going to hold them back like this every time? And now That Alex can't enter any large city's, like Luca or Bevelle and possibly Zanarkand. It just made things more difficult, and the comment about it that the captain had made back in the office sound more favorable by the moment. He sighed and lowered his head, hoping that she will be at least respectful to the captain when getting out. One wrong word and she would have her thrown back into jail for sure. Lenora glanced at Gippal from the corner of her eye as he sighed, pursing her lips a little.

"Tell me, how does the Prince of Spira and ace blitzer like you make friends with delinquents like those?" Though her language was harsh, her tone suggested that she was more curious than anything else. She pushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear as she pulled a ring of keys from her belt, the jingling sound echoeing throughout the corridor as they found the stairs and began down it, Maximus and Braska trailing not far behind.

Gippal was silent for a moment, as he scratched the back of his head, he hated being called the Prince of Spira. He wasn't an actual prince and yet it just seemed to stick. It being one of his nicknames while playing Blitzball as well. "My mother is best friends with Lady Yuna, and she didn't want me to grow up to be a rich little snob. So she shipped me off to spend the summers with Braska..." Throwing his head back to Braska as he mentioned his name." As well as all of the other kids on Besaid island. Which included Alex and Nai." He finished as they started down the stairs. "It's only because a lot has happened in the last two days which has caused them to be a little more strung out." He said to their defense. Though Alex did tend to get in a lot of trouble as it was. Nai on the other hand, he was sure she changed with what happened to her. Lenora only grunted in response as she approached the guards.

"You sure know how to pick 'em..." The guards stepped aside and she let herself, as well at the others, within. They strode down the corridors in silence, Lenora's heels making loud 'clicking' sounds as they hit the concrete floor. It was only a moment before the cells came into view.

As Gippal saw the cells he noticed Urick right away sitting on the bed in his cell. Urick had looked up at the sound of the heels thinking it was Saina returning. It was when he saw Gippal he stood up and nodded his head, indicating that they are all right. Gippal smiled slightly and looked to his right to see Nai and Alex in their cells, and a third girl with her hands around her cell bars reaching over to Alex's for some reason. He didn't say anything, but then he heard his name behind him. "GIPPAL!" a very amused tone came from the cell besides Urick. Looking back he saw Hector.

"Hector?!" He balked

Hector started to chuckle and smiled. "Hey boss." He then looked to Lenora, and then added, "Hellllooo Captain." Winking as he did so. Lenora wrinkled her nose in response.

Closing his eyes, Gippal then asked Lenora "May I ask what this man is in here for?" He probably figured it was for one of two reasons, either smuggling cargo, or a nobles woman out of her home. Lenora looked at him incredulously.

"He slapped my ass, then when confronted about it, kissed me on the mouth. With more tongue than I care to mention. He's only in here for a few hours since this is a more personal thing; though I could very easily lock him up for longer under sexual assault charges." She didn't say anything about it, but she still could visibly see the handprint of the sky pirate's hand on her ass when prompting hersef to look.

Hector looked taken back, "Woah woah woah!" He said while waving his arms to get some attention. "There was some tongue action coming on your side as well miss." He added defensivley. In response, the sound of lightning crackled from Lenora's single gauntlet as her eyes narrowed. Hector then looked to Gippal, leaning into the bars as much as he could, "I mean, I swear she was giving the green light for the kiss!" Gippal folded his arms a crossed his chest and looked to Lenora as she seeemd ready to hit Hector again. He didn't say anything as Hector noticed the lightning crackling from her gauntlet. "Hey hey hey, I slapped your ass, you punched my face... we both kissed. We even right? No need to get violent." Lenora scoffed in response but folded her arms, knowing that the Prince of Spira stood directly beside her. She looked to the women across from the mens cells disdainfully, tilting her head to the two guards that had flanked them on their walk down here.

"Open their cells. They're being released with white and red class bands."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[for the sake of sanity and post's being 3 days old, have some Sifen filler]

It had been two hours in and Sifen had only just finished the "bones," as he called them, of the arm. It was a simple universal joint connecting two beams with another at the other end, where the wrist would go. A knock on the door of the obviously closed shop got his attention, some woman had walked in, no older than 25. Sifen looked up at her and then back down at his work. She didn't seem like she belonged in this shop, but she made no hesitation with dropping off money on the counter near Sifen's and making her way over to Sifen with her own bag and some tools.

"Never seen you around here, how'd you get the old man to let you in here while he was closed?" She asked chuckling. She pulled out a few large pieces, none of which could come together to make a machine without being cut or melted down and reformed. She had dainty hands and obviously wasn't a fan of forging or anything, as she didn't look strong enough. She cast some silent and concentrated fire spell and welded some pieces together. Sifen just stared at her strange positioning trying to figure out what she was doing. What she was going to build. "Well?" She asked.

Sifen perked up. "Uh ha, sorry. I'm Sifen, a mechanic of sorts form Bikanel, I just uh, asked I guess." He picked up the skeletal arm he was constructing. "He wanted to help me make an arm by lending me his shop." Sifen smiled and walked over to the scrap metal bin and grabbed a few larger pieces. The girl's face lit up when she saw that. She saw an opportunity. But sifen just started forming the metal into the shape of an arm, with no eloquence or pattern. Her hand grabbed his shoulder where he was missing an arm.

"Bikanel huh? Surprising with how sloppy this is going to look... May I..." She took the arm out of the vice Sifen used as a second hand and began studying it. She put it back in and grabbed the metal he was hammering and cut into it with the fire spell she had used before, or was it a lightning spell? He couldn't tell due to the bright blue light shining from her finger tip. before he could figure out what the spell was she handed him the hot metal, now cut into an ornate shape, as well as grabbing a few more different colored pieces of metal. Sifen looked at it and just saw a weak thin piece of metal.

"This won't work it's too thin!"

"That's why I'm making more of them."

"But why not just use on sheet?"

"It's hideous, that's why. I feel that, as an artist, I can't let you walk out with an ugly limb replacement." She handed him another piece of metal, it fit perfectly around the first bronze piece she handed him. "Weld those together and shape it into the arm, You can reinforce it later."

"I... I never cared about the looks of things. As long as it works right?" Sifen said, welding the pieces together seamlessly. He bent it delicately to the shape on a forearm, it was the perfect size. This woman had a knack for measuring things by eye. "How do you..."

"I just do, it's a gift." She said, handing him a few more pieces, some already welded together. "There that's a good shell for that arm, take notes before you... What is wrong with that rifle? Oh god it's... it's just a bunch of metal sheets stuck together too." She said putting her hands to her mouth. "Oh boy, we're gonna have to work on this, but not now. Will you be in Kilika next week?"

"Not that I know of, I'm a guardian or whatever now so I have to go with the summoner places, and I don't think she likes it here."

"Wait wait, guardian? Why are the guardians back?" She was taken aback by the casual statement. "Is something going on?"

"I mean, I didn't know they existed until yesterday, we've just started our quest for some guy who attacked Besaid. I just happened to accidentally join by trying to steal a robot. Life has been weird lately. All the other guardians got arrested, which was funny but they're gonna be mad since I led the youth league to them."

"So you. You're a guardian?"

"Yes ma'am!" He said. "Sifen's the name, you?"

"Crystal. I uh. I'm honored to be in your presence sir Sifen." She got on a knee to him. Sifen stared awkwardly and got down on one knee too..

"And you, Crystal." He said, looking to her for clues as to when he could stand up. Maybe this was a Kilika greeting? "I'd be happy to stop by next time I'm in Kilika though, I love everyone I've met here so far!" He shouted, seeing crystal stand up. He smiled and shook her hand. The two went back to work, helping one another with their projects, Sifen holding up heavier parts, and Crystal making Sifen's arm not look like it had 30 years of repairs done to it despite being new. She left after about 4 hours and Sifen and her promised to meet up again so she could teach him how to NOT make ugly machina, and so he could tell her of his adventures as a guardian.

[end filler]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saina rested outside, sitting on the steps of the Youth League headquarters. She'd managed to fool those guards but got nothing helpful done. It always seemed to go down that way, what with that red head around. The pale woman let out a sigh and stood up. Climbing down the stairs, she fished in her pockets for her gil. At the very least, she could make herself useful in other ways. Gippal more than likely had this handled anyways. The least she could do is not just sit around like a nuisance on the steps of the equivalent of a police station.

"Mercury," She clucked her tongue, calling the large bird over from where he stood among a small crowd, being given scratches and pets by people, soaking it in like the ham he was. The bird trilled and padded over, his feet rising proudly with each step. Saina patted his side, waving to those who had been giving him affection, and walked toward Kilika's market area, which rested out on the water like most of the homes. It was a long jog, especially after having to go down the mass steps near the Temple where Eva was, but she made it there eventually.

Her long cape trailed behind her a little as her heels clacked on the docks, having put it back on once she was out of the station. Merchants shouted at her, expressing to give anyone walking nearby the deal of a lifetime. A few people whispered as she walked by, perhaps the type to judge anybody not from their area... She didn't mind, really. Afterall, she'd been taught to have pride in her differences. Taught... ah... that caused a sense of nostalgia to stir inside her. She closed her eyes and gave a small smile to nothing in particular... before looking over her shoulder darkly, having remembered something.

"Flower?" The voice of a child caused her to refocus on the now, rather than on her thoughts. A small girl held up an exotic looking lilly to her, causing Saina's eyes to go wide as saucers. She took the offered flower and passed the child a gil coin, who ran off shyly to a stall full to the brim with them, a florist no doubt. The mother, who ran the stall, laughed as the child hid their face in her skirt. Saina nodded to them, and continued walking as she twirled the flower. It was colorful, but, it would still do. She turned to Mercury who trailed behind her and pulled a basket used for shopping from his side. He really was very useful for carrying what possesions she had. Carefully, she laid the flower within and continued on. After buying some rather pretty bread, assorted colored fruits, a finely marbled piece of salted meat, fish, fresh noodles, some herbs, eggs, oil, and a few other staples, Saina came to rest at the end of the docks, letting her feet dangle over the edge of the water with a sigh. Below, bits of driftwood clanked against the boardwalk's supports, giving a hollow 'thunk'ing sound each time they hit. She was once again tempted to let her hair down and her cloak off to stave off the miserable tropical heat of Kilika, but refrained for no real reason.

Saina stood up and climbed onto Mercury's back after storing all her groceries away in his specific compartments for it, holding the flower close to not let it get bruised at the chocobo high-tailed it back to the Youth League, having bounded up the step to get there. She returned, and once more took a seat on the steps with a peach in hand. The pale woman took a bite, closing her eyes and taking care not to let the juices run. Her eyes darted over her shoulder to the door into the station, wondering how much longer she would need to wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Nai was enjoying her meditation while planning her vengeance on the guard captain and the mayor, when she realized that Alex was making some noise and talking to someone, so the mage quickly pulled herself away from her trance. Something was going on, it seemed that woman in the other cell was doing something and it made Alex feel quite uncomfortable. Without second thought, Nai pushed her weak body to it’s limits and almost jumped to the cell’s bars… almost. She nearly crumbled, hitting her head on the metal bars, but managed to put her mutated arm through the bars and keep herself half standing up. She was barely able to notice that the woman was doing something with her hands, but broke eye contact with that hand almost immediately.” Alex! Come here!” Nai said as she was at the front of the cells next to the wall.

“Also you there stop that or I will make sure the person who is getting us out, will ignore you!” Nai threatened the girl. She purposely didn’t look in the direction of the hand as she surmised from the way Alex acted that girl was doing something unnatural. It was enough to say to Gippal that girl was trying to do something to Alex it he probably will let her rot.

As Gippal, that hated woman and some more guards appeared, Nai’s attention was brought away from the strange girl who was making some suspicious moves at Alex it seemed and concentrated on the strange little comedy going on between the ship captain and the guard captain.

Well that was not important as the woman stated they were going to wear the criminal brands… This wasn’t the greatest thing to happen, especially considering both of them with Alex didn’t really do anything deserving of such treatment… much less for a red band.” Let’s get this over with faster…” Nai muttered as she was released from her cell. With some help she finally was outside of it. Her legs felt shaky, but for some reason her mutated arm was clenched. At the injustice they were facing Nai almost regretted not having the mutated body from her nightmare a few days ago. Still she suppressed her anger for now.” Alex, you okey? Did she do something to you?” The mage asked quietly, concerned if that sickly drugged girl did something to her friend. She had already started creating a list for exacting vengence, one more name to it wasn't going to make much difference...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eva had fallen asleep rather quickly after everyone left. Curled up in a ball under Gippal's jacket. But rest did not come to her. Her mind was at war with itself, between horrifying dreams to peaceful ones. She saw people who she knew...yet couldn't remember anything about them...especially the boy with the long blonde hair and kind smile, and wearing a green cape and brown clothes She felt a strong connection to him...he meant everything to her...yet for the life of her she didn't know why... flashes of what seemed like different memories of him laughing, smiling or trying to cheer her up with an exotic looking lilly. But then it quickly turned for the worst as the same boy was bleeding badly and laid helpless against a stump. Looking to her left she saw Sin, and the tornado that seemed to engulf it... This had scared her right out of her dreams and onto the floor, crying.

After a few minutes of sobbing on the cold floor she calmed down, a little. She then saw a pot of exotic lilly's on the middle table...just like in her dream. She stood up and moved over to them slowly, as if one wrong step would cause them to explode, or perhaps send her to a different dream if she still was dreaming. She hesitantly picked up one flower and held it so carefully that one would think if she squeezed it anymore it would puff into dust. She placed the pedals to her nose and took a deep breath. Instantly she knew...this was her favorite flower. Not just now, but from before...this was her favorite. This was the one he gave her all the time...

She hesitated. Remembering more of the blond haired boy who now seemed to be more real. He did. He did give her a fresh vase of these lilly's every week. But still... she couldn't remember his name for the life of her. But she knew he was real for sure, and that he cared for her. She smiled at the smell and the new found knowledge and pressed the flower to her chest as she looked around the room. A new set of clothes very similar to the ones she wore was draped over a chair. Looking down at her own clothing she saw it was in dire need of cleaning.

Placing the lilly back into the vase she turned to the bathroom and decided to clean herself up quickly, In case Gippal and the others were to return at any moment. It didn't take long to clean up after taking a quick shower and washing all of the sand off her. She even cleaned her clothes and Gippal's jacket as well, finding it odd even to herself as she did this... perhaps she had to do this while growing up, and it just was natural to her. She hummed to herself as she set the clothes to dry and changed into the ones the priests laid out for her. They were simple yet very comfortable, and she was cool while wearing it in this humid weather.

She looked for her staff and realized that it was gone. She frowned, Gippal had bought her that one when they escaped Thane. Lost to the Sea now. She sighed and walked out of the room slowly, her sense of uneasiness coming back but somehow kept at bay now. She jumped at the sound of a priestess coming up behind her and saying hello.

While the priestess apologized for scaring her she shook her head. "No no, it is OK. Always good to see if the heart is working properly. She said with a smile to help show that she wasn't angry that she was scared. I'm looking for my friends, er, Guardians that were with me...do you know where they went?

The priestess nodded, "Yes, they went to the Youth league headquarters, I can have some of the priests escort you if you like Lady summoner."

Eva hesitated, should she go? Or should she stay here? She was deathly afraid of the Kilika town, but not the temple....She will have to go that way anyway. Steeling her self she nodded, "I would greatly appreciate that."


Soon Eva found herself in the middle of the town of Kilika, yet it still was frightening to her, and wanted anything to be back at the temple. But she focused on the lilly she held from her room back at the temple. For some reason it was giving her comfort and strength just knowing how it connected her to her past and her past was here in the town as well. Perhaps she would remember something, she doubted it though. Kilika was so big now with multiple layers to the town on the water. Nothing looked familiar, perhaps that too was helping her not freaking out as well. There was nothing that looked familiar.

The progress was slow as they squeezing though crowds of people, People who had heard of the return of the Aeons, and the attack on Besaid and all the airships looked at Eva strangely, being flanked by four priests, and her attire as a Summoner.

Suddenly a massive older looking man stopped infront of her. He looked to be in his late forties early fifties, with no shirt. He had a small Gut but the rest of his body was in perfect shape, his face was square, and his eyes were squinting down at her. He didn't say a word as he cocked his head to the side when he studied her. A female voice came from behind him.

"What is it Barthello?"

Eva looked behind him to see a very dark skinned woman walk up from behind him, She walked with grace and while being around the same age as Barthello, she looked still a bit younger. She had stopped with a surprised look on her face at seeing Eva. Silence seemed to engulf them for what felt like forever. She then asked, "Have we met before?"

Eva turned red with embarrassment, Um, I don't...think so. I well...wouldn't even know if we did. I.

The woman placed her hand on her chin and leaned in slightly, Studying her closely. "You seem like a summoner, but you couldn't be who I was thinking of...you are much to young to possibly be her."

Eva perked up at her mentioning, ok maybe not her, but possibly her mother?! Who are you thinking of? I've been trying to find out about my past, yet I don't have any memories past two years ago.

The woman sighed and said, "Sadly I don't even remember the girls name, but you reminded us of her. It was back before my pilgrimage, a priestess who looked alot like you was studying to be a summoner here in Kilika." Eva got excited and before she could ask her next question the woman seemed to know it already, "She disappeared during the last attack on Kilika from Sin." Eva's shoulders dropped and the woman sighed. "sorry I couldn't give you more information, My name is Dona By the way, who may you be?"

Eva looked up and smiled. "My name is Eva...and that's all I really know, besides that I just recently became a summoner."

Dona raised her eyebrows, "A Summoner? Not even a day after the Fayth's are back and there is a new Summoner? Hmph." She chuckled at the oddity.

Eva shook her head, Even she was still surprised at everything that had happened in the last two days. A crowed had started to form around them, and as she looked around, at all the faces, she did notice Saina in the distance...well first her blue chocobo, Mercury. Then her.

She bowed to Dona, "Excuse me lady Dona, I need to speak with my friend." She waved her hands at Saina and slowly made her way to her...her anxiety growing with everyone crowding her now as they found out she was a summoner. "ehh..." She gripped the lilly more to her chest... She really needed to get to her friends, anyone that was a familiar face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex continued pinning herself against the wall, staring intently at the wall that held the strange woman. Only did the sound of rustling behind her make her waved her gaze. Hearing Naisha's command, the red head moved closer to the bars, peering out to see Naisha reaching her twisted demonic hand out. A odd sight, yet still a comforting as the tall girl reached and gripped Nai's mutated hand. Instinctevly gripping tightly before loosening her grip in order not to further hurt her friend.

As the guards and Gippal came, Alex gave a gruff scoff, glad he was finally here. At Captain Bitch's words, Alex merely rolled her eyes and glared but paused when she felt Naisha's hand tighten and her words. So with briefly Alex released Naisha's hand so she could leave the cell, let herself get banned, before quickly scooping up Naisha bridal style. Both to help her friend, and to tentavely hide from the strange woman.

Naisha questioned her and Alex blushed and glanced away, shrugging nonchalantly. Trying to appear more confident, and ignore the bitch in front of her who interacted with that man with Urick. "No.... She's just a flirt. Don't laugh." Alex muttered quietly, embarrassed for her own reaction before glaring to Gippal and groaned.

"Can you get the drug chick out too? Please?" Alex said, unwilling to break her word.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saina twitched as she heard Eva's voice, her eyes turning to look at the robe-clad woman first before turning her head to look at her with raised eyebrows.

"My lady?"

Her eyes fell behind the summoner, noticing the priests that had gathered as well as the crowd. The gathered audience looked with wide eyes between the uncommonly colored chocobo and her pale, ethereal nature. She blinked a few times, putting her partially eaten peach in her pocket and rose up. As she took a few steps down, she bowed her head to the priests behind Eva. As she got closer, she noticed how tightly Eva gripped the flower against her chest, causing her eyes to narrow only a little. Once she was at the bottom of the steps, she pressed her clenched fist over her chest to the priests with her head still down.

"Thank you for escorting the summoner. Please, I will take it from here."

Though she didn't say it, she certainly did convey the air of a guardian--even if she was still shorter than the summoner herself. The priests nodded in return and went on their way. With another glance at the crowd, Saina grunted and turned to Eva.

"Eva, let's walk."

The pale guardian placed a frigid hand on the small of the summoners back, ushering her down a side path around the Youth League station which was closed in by the jungle surrounding it. With a cluck of her tongue, Mercury padded behind them, blocking them from the view of anyone wanting to go down the narrow path. At least, with this, the summoner might find comfort in not being painted by the curious gaze of onlookers. Saina reached into her pocket and bit into her peach again, pulling out another piece of fruit and offering it to Eva as they walked.

"Here... You must be hungry." Come to think of it, they hadn't even had a chance to eat last night before the boat was torn to shreds by the Kraken. Behind them, Mercury nuzzled his massive beak between Eva's shoulder blades. "While we were in the temple, it seems that Alex and Naisha both ran into some trouble. Enough to land the two of them and Urick in the local jail. Gippal, Maximus, and Braska all went to deal with the situation. I went into the jails myself to see if I could get a word in on what happened, but I didn't get the chance to learn." Her report was spoken rather matter of factly before she took another bite of the peach in her hand, seemingly unaware that the fruit wasn't really ripe yet, or the fruit that she had offered Eva was in the same state for that matter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Twi retracted her hand at the words the red head spoke. She was true to her word, something Twi, thankfully, was not. It was weak to be faithful, always following through was a sign that you were afraid of what others thought, at least that's what it meant to her. She didn't promise anything to the bitch and lo and behold she was being set free by her friends that she not a few hours ago had kidnapped. She pushed herself up, groaning in pain. The symptoms seemed more bearable now, but she still had to spit out the excess saliva her mouth kept producing, anticipating the puke that didn't exist in her stomach. She was sweatier than before, which helped wipe the puke off of her barely-clothed body. She was still paler than normal but otherwise looking better, if you didn't count the look on her face.

She grabbed the bars, pulled herself up and looked to Gippal, struggling to wear a kind-hearted smile while her eyes darted faster than most would notice to the hallway that led to their confiscated items. She didn't care if the drugs were taken, the ones labeled as drugs were the failed batches, it was all the potions that were the real deal. Since they were so similar to real healing potions she was certain they hadn't been confiscated. She needed them now more than ever. Her thoughts were less clouded than normal, but she had a burning desire to follow through on the threats made by the small voice who talked to the mammoth of a girl she had just tricked into setting her free.

"How about it? I could... help you guys for a bit. I'm no guardian but I can hold my own?" She said. She hated the way she was offering help to these scum. The whole "save the world" types were complete idiots in her opinion. Why risk your lives when you could lay back and avoid all of it entirely? Withdraw from society, disown yourself and lay in a hammock in the jungle in Kilika. It was a good life, but these fools wanted to waste the ones they had just in case they could save the world from some terrorist or whatever. "You won't even notice me, I promise." She said again, shivering with pain whilst keeping her voice in a charming soprano.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gippal looked over to Nai and Alex, as they were let out of their cells muttering to themselves.
He watched as Alex picked Nai, acting like they didn't even realize the graveness of their situation. Then Alex asked him to take the drug girl with them.He simply looked at her with a strange look. "Why should I?" He asked. He honestly think getting another person out of prison was gunna push his luck.

Urick walked out of his cell, once opened and held out his hands for the cuffs to be taken off, which they were shortly after. Rubbing his wrists as the cuffs were slightly too tight because of the size of his wrists.

The guards then moved to Nai and Alex and placed a red band on Alex, the clip locking into place, hissing as it locked. Then the white band onto Nai, after doing so they unlocked their handcuffs.

As both bands were placed onto their upper right arms, electricity crackled between the band and their skin. The sensation was ticklish and completely harmless. However, as the tight bands snapped against their skin, blue runes appeared around the skin momentarily before disappearing with a crackling noise. As they did, Lenora stepped forward towards them with folded arms.

"Listen up delinquents, because I'm only going to describe this once. The white band is a simple warning to others to let them know you've given verbal terrorist threats. The worst you'll get with it is some odd looks and it will let others other than the Youth League know to take caution and monitor your behavior. The red band, however, is not so pretty. From here on out, by decree of the Youth League, you will be unable to enter any major cities and will be highly supervised by any authority figure that crosses your path.

Don't think about taking them off either. With the bands bound to your skin, not only will it be incredibly painful to even try--heck, you might lose your arm--but you'll be alerting our systems the second they're removed and will be thrown back into prison again. Do I make myself clear?"

Gippal rubbed the back of his head as Captain Lenora explained what the bands were about. It was going to be so annoying when going to Luca, and this means they will have to leave immediately from Kilika, course...they would have to go to the temple first which means Alex will have to stick to the ship. He spoke up when he saw the obvious displeasure on Alex's and Nai's faces.

"Best I can do, for the moment." He said with firm disapproving look at them. He wanted to explode, he wanted to make it clear that they threatened their chances of searching for Thane. But he closed his eyes and let a out a sigh and then asked Lenora, "What is the other woman in for?"

"Hm?" Lenora had looked down at her clipboard and checked a few things off. She noticed his gaze and followed it to find who he was talking about. [color=lightseagreen]"What, the junkie? She tried to sell one of the guards some illegal drugs while being high on them simultaneously. She'll be out of here once her comrades come around with the bail. They left only an hour or two ago."[/color[

He looked to Alex and said, "See? She will be fine, her friends will come back for her. I doubt having a junkie near Eva will be the smartest idea." He said as he looked to Urick who nodded his head in agreement. Hector was stretching again and bouncing very slightly on the balls of his feet.

"So where is my stuff, I need my jacket....and everything inside quickly please." He said to Lenora with a smile and a wink.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

“Good...” Was all Nai said at Alex's reply. For if that drug addict did in fact do something to her friend, Naisha felt in a very destructive mood right now. It all began with what that bastard Thane did to her. She felt her very soul violated by that monster, now her body was a twisted monstrosity because of it. Not to mention she found it progressively harder to control her more negative emotions as of late. And to couple with all that, she felt a complete hatred towards the guards of Kilika and that mayor. The way power was abused her, was too similar to how the old religion of Yevon used to just abuse it's power over everyone... Nai's expression worsened as she remember Yevon being the cause of her death... wait she wasn't dead and Yevon had nothing to do with her death... upon that realization, she made a confused and wondering face. Why did that memory even surface... there was a blank space in her memories from when she fell sick when she was a child. She felt she was forgetting something important from then, but had no idea what... yet.

“Tche... still cannot believe we are the ones getting punished for this... not only it was I who got hit by a rock in the head and Alex didn't even punch the guy good...” Nai said with disgust when their handcuffs were taken off.” If I wanted this thing taken off, losing an arm wasn't going to stop me...” The mage stated.” Anyways I shall be dealing with this injustice at later date... For now we have another thing to deal with. First we shall locate Thane... He has a few things coming for him when I get a hold of him.” She said and closed her eyes for a moment. The handcuffs had blocked her mana from circulating in her body, which ironically allowed her to heal it faster. For empty vessels are easier to restore when they are empty. Nai felt the familiar feeling of almost her entire power again. She wasn't healed to 100%, but she was close enough. She was going to be able to throw a few Flares if the need arose for it.

“Anyways... is there a communication sphere nearby that I can use? I need to make a call before we go to the boat.” Nai said as she looked around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex frowned a little, blue eyes softening briefly in concern. Her best friend was acting a little weird, she could feel it. It wasn't exactly unusual for Naisha to be this mad, say things like this, and be bitter. Urick and Gippal didn't get to see it often, but Alex was always around to witness the worse of it. Just as she was to see the red head at her worst. Yet, something seemed off. Looking at the mage's worsening expression just made Alex more worried. The tall woman wasn't sure at all if anything was different, just a gut feeling so she had little proof to go on to actually make a vocal effort to see what was wrong. Wasn't exactly a good time to start talking about it either.

Tensing a little as Alex heard the druggie speak, she chose to not look or give a reply. Glancing at Gippal as he voiced his response to her request, she rolled her eyes, the concern melting to mild irritation.

"No reason other than I don't want someone like her coming at me for revenge for going back on my word." Alex answered bluntly, knowing Gippal probably wouldn't exactly understand why. People like the Captain weren't very threatening to her, but people like that girl were just dangerous. To her at least. So she preferred to get as far away as possible at the moment.

When the Captain started rattling off as their cuffs were removed and bands hooked on, Alex just looked at her boredly, rolling her eyes again and gave a scoff. "Noooo never heard that before, thank you for the explanation as delinquents never get it. Very helpful." Alex said sarcastically before she returned Gippal's disapproving look with a glare and was about to say something but stopped as Naisha started speaking. In which case the red head muttered a bit before shrugging her shoulders, shifting the weight of Naisha a little bit. Her body still ached, but she wasn't letting Naisha walk in her condition. At least the mage was light as a feather in comparison to one of the guys.

"I wouldn't of minded if I just got in trouble. I did try to go easy on him but ya know how I lose control of my strength if I don't focus. I do know he isn't going to die from it. Didn't use that much to do that. It was mostly when you got manhandled. There's a list of things to say why that's wrong but they probably already know. Or should and just don't care. Despite that nice little biteless threat you made. Then I got mad, they got mad, and here we are." Alex answered before blinking a little curiously as Naisha asked for a communication sphere.

"To who?" Alex asked.

Turning to look at Gippal again as he spoke, asking the Captain about the druggy before turning to her. Alex narrowed her eyes a bit in annoyance. "Did I say she was coming with us? No. Did I say I wanted her anywhere near Eva? No. If you don't want to let her out, that's fine it was just a question I'm not making you recruit some other person." she answered before waiting for either a answer to Naisha to be heard so Alex to carry the mage to the communication sphere, or for them to be guided out so she can at least go out then head straight out of town.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natsume Honnaji
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Natsume Honnaji Angel among Demons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-No longer participating-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"My lady?" Saina had asked when she noticed Eva walking towards her, she had placed a peach in her pocket and nodded to the priests who were escorting her. As she then said, "Thank you for escorting the summoner. Please, I will take it from here." Eva turned to the priests and gave a small bow with the symbol of Yevon. It was awkward with how the world's views today on yevon but it felt just natural to her and she had worked on not doing it with Gippal and Urick, but it slipped out. She didn't mind though as the priests bowed and gave the symbol back.

She jumped slightly when Saina grunted and placed a frigid hand on the small of her back, ushering her away from the main path. "Eva, let's walk.". She nodded a few times and followed next to her. Saina had also clicked her tongue and Mercury appeared, standing behind them and cutting them off from the rest of the town, in a small secluded spot between the jungle and an building. She let out a small sigh as she ran a hand up the lilly and delicately touched the pedals with the tip of her forefinger, looking down at it and closing her eyes.

"Here... You must be hungry." Eva glanced up, her eyes wide at the thought of food. As if on cue her stomach let out a loud angry growl, her face reddened to almost that of a tomato, embarrassed at the sound. She took the peach that Saina had handed her and took a bite out of it greedily, yet at the same time looking shy as she did.

She let out an tiny 'urk...' as the taste of the peach was...off. She hesitated for a minute as she looked down at the unripe fruit and then at Saina who seemed to be enjoying hers... She didn't want to say anything and be rude, and also she was at that point where her stomach didn't care what it was it wanted something! She quickly bit down and squeezed her eyes at the sourness of it and her body involuntarily shook slightly from the top down as it went berserk over the tang. She then felt Mercury nuzzle his beak against her back, just between her shoulders. She giggled slightly and turned to the massive bird and smiled at him while running her hand up his beak, inbetween his eyes and around the back of his head as she pulled him closer to touch her forehead with his. As she did this, Saina started giving a report on what had happened earlier, that had pulled Gippal away. She looked at Saina with a slight worry on her face. What happened that even Urick got into trouble? She never could imagine him getting into trouble into the first place. He was always so calm and gentle...normally, there were the few times while wrestling a ronso that he got a little bit too excited.

She nodded, She thought about going in to help. She didn't know what she would say, she might have even gotten in Gippal's way if she did. She was with him once while he was in Bevelle asking for help from his father, he seemed so proper and polite...well, more than his usual self. Already a day into their journey and they were shipwrecked, she had freaked out and still a little on edge, and half of their group was in jail for something. Sighing and closing her eyes she sat down to rest, a little huff escaped her lips as she sat on a stone. "I...never thought that we would be going through so much trouble already..." She looked to the fruit in her hand, and realizing it was all gone, she didn't realize she ate the whole thing practically.

She let her hands fall into her lap and sat for a moment thinking and looking to Saina as she did. Suddenly her mind grabbed at a random thought. It was that of Saina moving to stand next to Urick, just after they all came together again. And how she was glad to see that he was alright. Also before that as they stood on the docks before the boat together. She smiled and then asked, "What do you think of Urick?" her body relaxing as she was pulled away from her normal thoughts of where she was and how it agitated her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As she ate the fruit, she kept her head tilted toward Eva to show that she was listening. They came to a stop, Eva sitting on a stone located more or less directly behind the Youth League station. Saina turned to look at Eva with her brows slightly raised.

"I...never thought that we would be going through so much trouble already..."

As Eva murmured, Saina's brows slowly furrowed into a light scowl. Her tongue lashed out in her mouth, feeling the ridges of her teeth as she huffed.

"There's no 'we' about it..."

Saina muttered half under her breath as she turned her irritated expression elsewhere. The kraken they had faced was a matter of circumstance. The poachers she had dealt with without the group even knowing--and they didn't need to know about it. Afterall, Sifen, Maximus and she had all gotten out of there without any trouble sans the fact that they'd been acting loopy after they'd gotten out of it. Regardless, it would only stress the summoner out more, not to mention their crew. In this endeavor, however, there was no doubt in her mind that the red head was the culprit of everyone getting involved. There were thousands of other things they could be doing rather than sitting around waiting for legalities, one of which most definitely being getting a move on as soon as possible.

She took a breath, relaxing her expression, and said no more on the subject. It had been Eva's decision to take a cripple and a woman in need of anger management with them, she would respect her wishes.

"What do you think of Urick?"


Saina turned her head back to Eva, having been caught off guard by the question. One look at Eva's expression told her everything she needed to know; her relaxed smile, her posture... it seemed to be a way to get her mind off things. Something she understood. Still... as Saina felt her cheeks warming and her gaze avert again from the summoner, she couldn't help but wish Eva had chosen a different subject.

"U...Urick is... well... he..."

She caught herself smiling and twirling a lock of hair around her gloved finger, her eyes finding it and her smile dropping the second she noticed. Clearing her throat and closing her eyes, her hands dropped to her sides as she fought to steady how loud her heart was suddenly beating. Having regained her composure, she reopened her eyes. She spoke steadily this time.

"I think you, and everyone else underestimate him significantly," She brought her gloved fingers to her chin and rubbed it as she talked, trying to really analyze her thoughts on Urick rather than letting her emotions swarm her. "While you all regard his physical strength, it seems that his intellect goes unnoticed. When I first met him after all, you were quick to let me know he simply... doesn't talk much. It's true, he doesn't..." She smiled at Eva, her vibrant eyes glowing a little. "But I think he has a lot to say."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eva noticed Saina's brows slowly furrowed into a light scowl. As she muttered half under her breath as she turned her face away. Eva had cocked her head to the side as a curious look came upon her face. What was wrong? She didn't press it at the moment as she turned to her other thoughts about Saina and Urick. When she then asked Saina about Urick she answered with."Huh...?" as it was clear she was off guard with the question.

Eva had giggled at the sight of Saina's cheeks flushing, she knew there was something there and it confirmed it with how Saina had reacted with her eyes adverting as well.

"U...Urick is... well... he..."

Eva leaned forward as she saw her smiling and twirling a lock of hair around her gloved finger. Eva smiled even more when she saw the girl catch herself smiling and playing with her hair. She stopped the second she noticed. Saina Cleared her throat and calmed her self for a second as Eva smiled even more. It was so cute watching the girl who was so in control of her emotions, from what she saw so far, struggling to control the little school girl in her. Having regained her composure, she reopened her eyes. She spoke more calmly now.

"I think you, and everyone else underestimate him significantly," She paused for a moment while Eva watched her rub her chin."While you all regard his physical strength, it seems that his intellect goes unnoticed. When I first met him after all, you were quick to let me know he simply... doesn't talk much. It's true, he doesn't..." She smiled at Eva, her vibrant eyes glowing a little. "But I think he has a lot to say."

She pulled back and leaned backwards, balancing slightly on the rock as she thought about Saina had said with a small smile on her face. Humming as she placed a single forefinger from her right hand on her lips as she looked away, then after a moment, her eyes darted back to Saina. "I'd must admit, I have tried to get him to talk since I've met him. I didn't get much of anything even then. Of course Usually Gippal was there to state what was on his mind...so weird how he is able to do that. But he is so shy, I could barely get so many words out of him. But I do know he is not all muscle and no brain, He's a lot more thoughtful than Gippal...He's thoughtful as well, but he can be a dunce every once in a while. She gave a bigger smile. "Anyway I know Urick has talked more to you in these two days than I had managed to hear in the first two months of knowing him. I think the gentle Giant may have a soft spot for you." She said with a wink.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The swiftness of which her outlook on life went from optimistic to pessimistic was like that of a lightning bolt. Now she had to actually prove herself to these... heroes? They were in jail so she didn't really know what to call them, but it wasn't heroes. A candle who's wick remained wet with drugs had now dried, and a spark was inches from igniting it, but the lighter hadn't clicked yet. Her mind was moving slower than this thread for the past week, trying to think up a good reason for her to get out of this hell.

"I know where you can find two oth- not other, sorry, two murderers." She forced out. her voice almost as slow as her thought process. She had somehow made enough of a recovery to stop puking for the moment, but her skin was still pale and her teeth were chattering from the cold that seemingly only her felt. Wait, why was she selling out Treba and Durza? What had they ever... ah fuck 'em. "They're names are Druza and Treba, they've uh uh" shit shit shit what kind of lie, uuh SLAVERY YEAH! "They kept me as a servant for so many years... I ran away and and and I" uh fuck what did I do... I sold drugs, but why I need a reason. Her thoughts were creating large pauses in her story, and her eyes gave away that she was lying. "I needed money to uh, get out of Kilika and away from them." She moved back to the bars and tripped once more, collapsing. All this thinking had worked her brain too hard, she was dizzy and her headache was even worse than when she first met these guardians.

She didn't even look, just gestured to Maximus, ending up pointing in between Alex and Nai. "YOU. Guardian man you know who I'm talking about... those two kidnapping thieves!" She yelled. FUCK WAIT! Twi thought. She forgot that she had been the one to subdue Maximus, but the lie was already out there, and he only knew her while he was fading in and out of consciousness so he probably didn't remember. Hopefully. "Now I'll tell you where to get these fucks if you just open. that. door." she dropped her hand and puked again, hopefully for the last time.
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