Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Umm... Ireland. Couldn't you tell from my accent?" Leagsaidh giggled again. Though the other girl might have been vulgar, she had been perfectly civil so far. Maybe they would grow to be good friends.

"If I may be so bold, you come from Brazil, do you not? I can tell from the accent. My wet-nurse was a Brazilian, you see." She realised that if she didn't know the Irish accent, she might not know what a wet-nurse was either, but she didn't want to presume.

"Anyway, should we get going? You seem like a nice lass but I don't want to be late."

Alice crossed her arms." Yeah maybe we should get going, I've never head the accent, and I sure as hell never been to Ireland before, I've only been to Brazil and now here with these Japs, let's go new meat." called Leagsaidh a new nickname, she grabbed something from her backpack then quickly put it into her track jacket pocket she then walked over to the door and held it open for Leagsaidh," Let's go meat." She said it once again this time in a more intimidating tone of voice that could scare some of the people who'd be weak of heart.

Nakkashiro Touka | 永花城 十花

<Snipped quote by Spriggs27>

A little after Touka went to her classroom she remembered that her pencil case wasn't in her bookbag and went back to pick it. She was way too early to the homeroom from what it seemed anyway... either that or no one of the other students had any respect for the Academy at all. She chose not to think ill of others before knowing them, though.

Once she was about to leave her room again, Touka was surprised when someone hugged her rather forcefully and buried her face at a very generous bosom that she knew all too well while machine gunning her with overexcited greetings. Though, Touka didn't struggled instead allowing Seika to embrace her for as much as she wanted and simply stood there basking in her sister's nostalgic smell, since she hadn't been able to see her for almost a year now.

Timidly, Touka crossed her arms behind Seika's back and said, still without looking her sister in the eyes -not that she would be able to, anyway, given that the only thing in her field of view was Seika's breasts- "I missed you, Onee-chan. Without you, that house is not a place where I can live. I really missed you Onee-chan."

Touka tightened her hug and rested her head at Seika's chest content to just hear her sister's heartbeat for a minute or two, be fore something clicked on her mind and she pushed her self away from Seika, so that she could face her sister directly "But, how did you ended sharing a room with me? Aren't you a second year student, Onee-chan? Also, I'll have to think about your proposal. I don't want people to think that I got there just because I'm your sister, also..." Touka trailed of for a moment before continuing "also, I really want to join the Swim Club, but I'm afraid of it..." She didn't finished her sentence, instead turning her defective eye away from Seika, making clear what she was afraid of.

Seika just enjoyed the moment with her sister, and when she said she missed her, Seika's eyes glowed bright as if she was just told the best news of her life." I missed you too." She said with a big smile on her face from ear to ear, she then almost hugged her sister when she said home wasn't a place for her to live." Home is where the heart is, or what you make of it, or it's the place when you rest your head depending on who you are." She spoke insanely fast as she spoke to her little sister.

Seika then put a hand into the air pointing to the ceiling, and she looked less like a smiley clown and looked more like genius." The way I got your room as mines is because I pulled some strings to get you into my room, the academy leader was more than willing to listen to me when I asked for this task from her." She then closed her eyes to solidify her genius like look." She then allowed me to make up the rooms for everyone this year and gave me a handful of candy before allowing me to leave her office." She explained.

Seika then noticed a bird out the window and rushed over to the window to see it." Cool a crow ." The buxom blue haired woman then turned around and looked to her little sister, she then pointed at her." Together we'll be the strongest te-" She stopped mid sentence and felt very distraught towards Touka's choice and fell face first onto the floor, but then jumped back up when Touka said she wanted to be on the swimming team." I can do that ! I'll just ask the swimming captain and if she says no I'll break her legs."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 1 mo ago


"M-meat?" Oh, that was not a good nickname at all. Still, she might have meant it in a nice way. Maybe.

How can 'Meat' be a compliment, you dolt?


Probably shouldn't have put too much thought into it...

And she said it so aggressively - like she was trying to intimidate her or something. Admittedly, she didn't know much about this girl in particular, but if a friend at home had spoke to her like that she'd assume they were upset with her. However this could simply be her way of talking. She wove expletives into her commentary like a quilt, so maybe she was just the rough type.

Trying to deviate slightly, she asked something mundane to relieve the pressure "Hmm? What's that you picked up?"

Hmm. She was holding the door for her. Maybe she wasn't as rough as she thought. Or maybe she was and Leagsaidh had just hit it off well. Either way, that was good news.

"Go raibh maith agat." She winked as she passed by but was unable to repress a shiver. Being this close to the girl, she could see her many muscles in all their glory. She could snap Leagsaidh like a twig if she wanted to. Best to keep on her good side. "Lead the way, would you kindly?"

"So you grew up in Brazil, huh? What was that like? I've always wanted to go, but Father said that it wasn't a country he thought worth going to. But come on - Christ the Redeemer, the Carnaval, Iguazu Falls - it's a cultural wonder!" She stopped and laughed nervously "Sorry. Here I am, going on like I know what I'm talking about. You'll know more than me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vee
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Time went by rather quickly for the third year student. Hitomi had her head already buried in a binder of curriculum for the coming year; not wanting to be caught off guard by what was to come. Before she knew it the gates had opened and was instructed to head to the auditorium, just like every year. Hitomi closed the binder and wrapped her left arm around it and hugged it to her bosom as the right reached down and picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She shuffled in with the rest of the students and into the auditorium, scooting past a few other students to find an open seat near the front. Sitting down she stuffed her back beneath her chair and sat her binder on her lap after making sure the uniform skirt was pulled down on her thighs.

Curiously her bright blue eyes looked around, seeing familiar and new faces from either transfers or first years. After a few minutes of peaking around she heard the principle begin to talk. She sat back properly in her seat and remained quiet during the proceedings. This was the third time she had to sit through the dreadfully boring ceremonies but she remained as quiet and reverent as the two years previous. Remembering the exactly time it ended she had already began to gather her things once against and stood, brushing the back of her skirt flat before scooting out of the isle and moving into the hall.

Hitomi knew which dorm was for the third years and so she headed straight for it. As she was walking she noticed the infamous Thalia, obviously having skipped the ceremonies as per usual. She sighed softly under her breath but kept walking, it was non of her business; at least not until she returned to the student counsel.

Hitomi continued on and within no time had found her room, checking the name it was Illa Wronski, she wasn't really sure if she had a face to put to the name but letting it be for the time being. She pushed through the door and looked around the nice room; it was empty. Hitomi assumed she was the first in the room. So she set down her things near her designated bed. Before heading out to the homeroom she hopped over to the mirror. Quickly looking over her appearance and making sure her blouse and skirt were clean and neatly pressed. She smiled as she was happy with her appearance and out the room she went and towards homeroom; binder hugged at her chest casually.

Young Bella was terribly late. Having slept in far too long due to a good dream she ignored her alarm subconscious; something she was beating herself up for. As she ran down the street she constantly readjusted her large bag, seeming incredibly large in comparison to the slender girl. She may have gone overboard with clothes and stuffed animals but she couldn't resist. They were all so cute she couldn't leave them behind. Bella dashed through the gates and barreled down the courtyard towards the auditorium. Luckily having been her second year she knew the campus rather well.

Bella thanked the heavens as she arrived shortly before the doors had closed and slipped in, wiggling and swaying between people as she found a seat in the very back. She flopped into her seat and huffed a heavy sigh. She was out of breath from the long run and the heavy pack. She took a little bit to catch her breath before pushing herself upright in the chair and brushed her fingers through her hair to try and straighten it out the best she could without a mirror.

During the ceremony Isabella was rather restless, tapping on her legs and quietly as she could humming to herself. Even the first time she had to sit through this it was a bore fest. Minute after passing minute Bella seemed to sink more and more into her chair from the crushing boredom. Finally it was over. The hyper active second year hopping up from her chair and stretching her tired body; getting all the useless bored germs off of herself with a little shake. She lifted her big bag with a small strained groan and headed out with the mass of students. She started making her way towards the dorms. She wasn't proud of the fact but it took her a rather long time before actually finding her dorm room. She pushed through the door to see it empty. She shrugged and slipped her bag off her shoulder and onto the floor near her bed. Thinking it wouldn't hurt to lay down for a second she hopped and rolled into bed, sprawling out on top of the covers. She sighed comfortable. Letting her body relax into the bed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noriko "Yoshida, Well I guess we should go in." Noriko looked down and into the empty room. "I'm not particular on either top or bottom so please go ahead. I will just put my suitcase under the bed." After pushing the suitcase under the bed she turned to the door. Yoshida was pretty, and taller. The way she moved made Noriko think Yoshida was a dancer or some type of martial artist. She could see Yoshida was just as shy as she was and let out a sigh of relief. Noriko didn't know what to expect until now and was glad this confrontation was over. "Ok I'm going to my home room. Nice meeting you." Noriko darted out of the room and down the hall holding her hand to her chest as she made her way to class.

Naomi: She waited as long as she could if Naomi had a room mate she was probably in class already. Maybe it was her luck day and she had the room to herself? The answer would have to wait. Naomi would need to sprint if she going to make it to class. She made sure the door to the room was secure and started to sprint.

She mad it to class and sat in one of the few available chairs. She looked around to see who would be in her life for the upcoming year......
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 10 days ago

Nakkashiro Touka | 永花城 十花

"So that's why" Touka said as Seika answered her questions, she had a sliver of doubt that it might be the case, but still to know that Seika had gone to such lenghts just because of her made Touka quite happy "Thank you, Onee-chan, I love you."

However, when she noticed how sad her sister got when she turned her down, Touka turned away from Seika, to hide her embarrassment as she said "If you really think that I can be a good Vice-President, Onee-chan, I'll do my best to not let you down. Sorry if I hurt you." On these situations Touka never knew who was supposed to be the little sister, as Seika's dejected face always succeeded in convincing Touka of anything. "I'm glad to see that you're still the same as always, though." She finished the statement with a bit of sweet sarcasm very characteristic of her, leaving her sister to wonder if that was a compliment or not.

"Also, I want to join the Swim Club, yes. But I'd appreciate if no one had to have their legs broken because of me, Onee-chan. Hahaha!" This last sentence was actually meant to be joke in answer to Seika's own and thus, Touka broke out in a very rare laughter -something only Seika ever had seen- before going back to the door and saying "It's almost time for homeroom to start. I guess that we'll see each other again during lunch, then? Unless you're going to say that you messed with the homerooms too. You didn't, or did you Onee-chan?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yoshida Mami

All she could do was nod weakly in return as her shadowed eyes followed her roommate's rapid departure from their shared dorm. The moment she could no longer hear the pattering of footsteps upon the floorboards, Mami allowed herself to let out a breath she had not realised she had been holding in. That had ... gone better than she had expected. Her heart was still pounding loudly within her chest, but she was calming down. The other girl was gone now. Gone. Left the room. She was now alone and no longer accompanied by people who frightened her.

She slowly shifted her gaze to the suitcase sitting by her. The shivers were gone now, but the butterflies in her stomach continued to remain. It was hard ... frightening and scary and horrifying ... to really stay around people. Mami wanted to change that. She really wanted (I want to make friends!) to ensure that she wasn't going to skitter away from everything in fear. Her meeting with the roommate ... she hadn't run away. The very thought of it was warming, and a light blush tinged her cheeks. She'd talked to somebody without getting too overblown and scared! It was a small triumph, but if it could decide the rest of her school life ...

She had to keep it up.

Firstly however, the hat-wearing girl immediately lifted up her own suitcase, moving it over to the bottom bunk. She wasn't too good with heights, and sleeping above somebody else scared her. The other girl ... Noriko Murakami ... she wouldn't mind her, right? Mami hoped she had heard properly.


Her eyes glanced up at a clock ticking on the wall.


She meeped.

Mami grabbed the bag she had prepared before arriving at the academy and ran.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"M-meat?" Oh, that was not a good nickname at all. Still, she might have meant it in a nice way. Maybe.

How can 'Meat' be a compliment, you dolt?


Probably shouldn't have put too much thought into it...

And she said it so aggressively - like she was trying to intimidate her or something. Admittedly, she didn't know much about this girl in particular, but if a friend at home had spoke to her like that she'd assume they were upset with her. However this could simply be her way of talking. She wove expletives into her commentary like a quilt, so maybe she was just the rough type.

Trying to deviate slightly, she asked something mundane to relieve the pressure "Hmm? What's that you picked up?"

Hmm. She was holding the door for her. Maybe she wasn't as rough as she thought. Or maybe she was and Leagsaidh had just hit it off well. Either way, that was good news.

"Go raibh maith agat." She winked as she passed by but was unable to repress a shiver. Being this close to the girl, she could see her many muscles in all their glory. She could snap Leagsaidh like a twig if she wanted to. Best to keep on her good side. "Lead the way, would you kindly?"

"So you grew up in Brazil, huh? What was that like? I've always wanted to go, but Father said that it wasn't a country he thought worth going to. But come on - Christ the Redeemer, the Carnaval, Iguazu Falls - it's a cultural wonder!" She stopped and laughed nervously "Sorry. Here I am, going on like I know what I'm talking about. You'll know more than me."

Alice crossed her arms when the Irish girl asked her how Brazil was for her."Horrible, my brothers were killed in a drive by, my sisters addicted to drugs, then sold on the blackmarket by the same guys who sold them drugs, I was beaten alot by my mother who was the only person taking care of me, and one of my only sisters that was kind to me killed herself, anything else you want to know besides the fact I was sent to a shitty orphanage and adopted by a weird ass couple that traveled her and dumped me into this school ? " Alice asked.

Alice got into the Irish girl's face as she spoke to her about her time in her home." To be honest, the place I grew up in was a shit hole and with shit people, and in the end it turned a little girl into a hardcore person, now get to your home room, I doubt your in my homeroom." Alice slapped Leagsaidh's butt with an open hand and put her hands into her pockets before she walked ahead of Leagsaidh and walked off leaving the Irish girl on her own probably heading for her Homeroom class.

Nakkashiro Touka | 永花城 十花

"So that's why" Touka said as Seika answered her questions, she had a sliver of doubt that it might be the case, but still to know that Seika had gone to such lenghts just because of her made Touka quite happy "Thank you, Onee-chan, I love you."

However, when she noticed how sad her sister got when she turned her down, Touka turned away from Seika, to hide her embarrassment as she said "If you really think that I can be a good Vice-President, Onee-chan, I'll do my best to not let you down. Sorry if I hurt you." On these situations Touka never knew who was supposed to be the little sister, as Seika's dejected face always succeeded in convincing Touka of anything. "I'm glad to see that you're still the same as always, though." She finished the statement with a bit of sweet sarcasm very characteristic of her, leaving her sister to wonder if that was a compliment or not.

"Also, I want to join the Swim Club, yes. But I'd appreciate if no one had to have their legs broken because of me, Onee-chan. Hahaha!" This last sentence was actually meant to be joke in answer to Seika's own and thus, Touka broke out in a very rare laughter -something only Seika ever had seen- before going back to the door and saying "It's almost time for homeroom to start. I guess that we'll see each other again during lunch, then? Unless you're going to say that you messed with the homerooms too. You didn't, or did you Onee-chan?"


Seika noticed that Touka didn't want to do it and held her hand up seeming very serious."No, You don't want to do this so I won't make you do this, I won't be like Dad." Seika suddenly hugged Touka almost crushing her in her grip with a giant ear to ear grin almost changing instantly from serious to joyful."I'll always love no matter what you do, I may not like the choices you make, but I'll always love you and will look out for you." Seika let go of Touka and patted her on the head several times like she was petting a cat.

"Don't worry, the gym teacher can handle having her legs broken, I've broke them last year on the camping trip dropping her off a cliff when we were hiking, I'm completely serious she landed legs first and fell fast like bag of bricks." Seika told Touka with a giant smile still on her face, she looked at her wrist when her sister told her that it was time for home room." Nope, and I'll probably be late for my class, unless I run for it." And before Touka could probably try to stop her older sister, Seika ran into the door head first hitting her face against the door then ran out into the hallway heading for her homeroom, with a bright red mark on her forehead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 10 days ago

Miyama Kirika | 三山 霧乎

The sun was nice, the little birds were chirping and the kids playing around. All in all, the day as perfect in Miyama Kirika's humble opinion "Ahh~~ such a perfect day to become a highschooler, I can't even believe it yet." The smallish girl said as she skipped steps happily on the cobbled stone path that led from the school gates to the auditorium.

After the ceremony had ended, Kirika made a mental note about talking with the Headmistress later, since she always had admired the woman who had introduced Kirika's parents to one another while she still lecture Philosophy at their college. She also made a not to never cross the path of Security Chief as the woman was scarier than Jason on steroids, and probably more persistent.

On the way to her dormitory, Kirika noticed a commotion revolving around a shark teethed girl and a case of serial groping, but didn't interfered, instead going to the garden, to play catch-and-release with the butterflies that fluttered around there. When Kirika arrived at her designated room, her mate wasn't there, so she just tucked her belongings on the unoccupied bed and left to homeroom.

Just a little before the stairway that led to the upper floors where the 2nd and 3rd years studied, Kirika sighted the shark teethed girl again and ran to her side "Ahh~~ You're the girl that I saw earlier on the corridor, aren't you? The one that was doing this and that to the other girls, right? You're much more pretty from up close. Can we become friends? Also, can I call you Shark-chan, Shark-chan?"

Kirika pushed away from the girl when she remembered something very important "Ahh, how rude of me to ask that without introducing myself." She said while bowing politely.

"I'm Miyama Kirika, 'The Fool from Osaka'!"[/color] Kirika bowed again before whispering at Shark-chan's ear "Just don't tell anyone that I'm actually from Kobe. It's a secret between us, right?"


Nakkashiro Touka | 永花城 十花

Like always, Seika hadn't been following the chat as closely as she should and thus she missed some things that Touka implied behind her words, before dashing out of the room like a rocket just to hit her forehead at the door and leave a red mark that would probably be there during lunch. Touka fought the urge to laugh and instead said "See you during lunch, then Onee-chan."


As Touka made her way back to the homeroom, she thought about what kind of face Seika will make when she sees Touka's application for the student council, that she actually had filled yesterday, along with her swim club application, since Touka figured that Seika would be part of it and she really wants to spent more time along with her sister, but she also wanted to do it the right way.

When Touka arrived at the homeroom there was a sliver of students there waiting for their teacher to arrive. Feeling a little pressure, the dark haired girl lowered her gaze and tried to hide her eyepatch from the others as she made her way to her desk, wondering when the homeroom and the unavoidable self-introductions would start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leagsaidh was speechless. There she had been, singing Brazil's praises, only for it to be completely turned on it's head. Now she was glad she never went to the wretched country.

"I-I-I..." she stammered pathetically as Alice went on her rant. It was too much, too quickly. Just when she thought they were getting along, she goofs up royally. She didn't know if their relationship would ever recover after this.

As Alice got uncomfortably close, Leagsaidh was getting visibly more distressed - she was shrinking in to herself, her bottom lip was quivering and there were tears in her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to say anything. Alice either didn't notice or didn't care about her fear, though, since she went on mercilessly. For a few brief moments, she thought the big girl was going to pummel her.

When she was finished ranting, Alice gave her a firm smack on the bum, eliciting a loud "Eep!" from the younger girl. Then she stormed ahead, leaving poor Leagsaidh behind, quite disturbed.

"I-I'm sorry..."she whispered down the hall, for all the good it done. But Alice had already disappeared from view.

Leagsaidh toddled down the hall, trying to add everything up in her head. She couldn't have been serious, could she? About the gangs and the kidnap and the suicide? It couldn't be true, it just couldn't. But then, why would you joke about something so morbid? It made sense, based on what she had been able to pick up from Alice. And when she spoke about it, she sounded too bitter for her to just be making it up. By comparison, Leagsaidh must have lived like a Queen.

However, something good did come of it. Leagsaidh was now determined to make it up to her and show her that life wasn't all that bad. If Alice needed someone to talk to, to befriend and to support her, she vowed to be there for her. No-one deserved what she had gone through, so the world owed her a favour. She was going to make sure that debt was paid in full.

After strolling aimlessly for a few minutes (she still wasn't sure where her home room was) she finally had a stroke of luck. A dark haired lass, in her year for sure, walked by and entered a classroom that she had almost passed by. She was able to catch a glimpse of other students in her year when the door opened and thus guessed she was in the right place. Even if she wasn't, the students could point her in the right direction.

Upon entering, Leagsaidh looked around. Homeroom being such an alien concept, she couldn't be certain that she was in the right place. Maybe the people already here would know?

She chose to approach the dark-haired girl she saw entering the classroom, a timid looking girl with hair covering her eye. Strange style, but hey, each to their own right? She walked right up to the girl's desk and cleared her throat gently to get her attention.

"Excuse me. I hate to bother you, but are we in the First Year Homeroom class? If we are, do you mind if I sit next to you?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Claudia slightly doubted what Dana had said, but nonetheless, she dismissed it as a mere joke and blew air out of her nose, trying to play along. But with the fact that they're about to run late, Claudia nodded in agreement and grabbed one of her bags, slinging it around and through her arms.



Oh well."

Before Claudia was about to bid adieu and head to her homeroom, however, she complied first with Dana's favor to lend her her class schedule. Instead of what Dana had expected, however, Claudia took the schedule straight out from the bag, instead of handing the bag itself over. Claudia was running close to late, and she'll have to settle things with Dana later, so she left with a simple "See you!" and scurried to homeroom.

"Could've used a ramp here..."

Byakko complained, as her legs wobbled while she had finished a troublesome ascent through a flight of stairs, carrying a folded wheelchair in one arm. Nobody seemed to pass by and help her out through the "ordeal" (although the wheelchair was actually light enough, and preferred to move in its comfort instead of walking with plastic legs), but perhaps since she was already running a bit late and most were already in the school. Fortunately, her luggage has already been prepared and put in her living space, so she didn't have to do extra work.

After what seemed like an entire hour's worth of work, Byakko once again finally sits in the comfort of her wheeled throne. The girl rolled through the crowd, looking left and right for her homeroom, while some cleared the way for the differently-abled girl to pass through.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dana's eye twitched briefly, too fast for anyone to notice or care. Her smirk quickly dissolved into a more grateful grin as she looked to Claudia with appreciation. Watching the other girl leave in a haste, Dana waved her off before going to grab her own things. It was only when she heard the other girl's footsteps fading did she clench her fist.

How annoying. How utterly annoying. She wanted to storm out of there right now and beat the so called political genius into a bloodied pulp on the wall. She wanted to pin her down as she forced her roommate to swallow the box cutter whole. She wanted to stap those pretty eyes and retch those teeth out of her skull so badly. But she didn't.

The Second Year took slow, calming breathes to keep from lashing out as another violent episode was passing. Soon she was all smiles again and she happily slipped over to Claudia's bedside. Gently lifting the pillow where her roomate's head would be laying, Dana carefully placed the small knife beneath the pillow, positioning it standing with the blade sticking right side up. The pillow would conceal its location until Claudia laid her head to rest as well as ensuring it would stab the head.

Yes. Let her sleep on these thoughts. Dana considered doing more things but that was enough for now. She'd have a whole year to evoke her anger onto the clueless, stupid, pathetic waste of trash that thought she actually amounted to something, who wore a flimsy disguise known as skin and calling herself "Claudia" that deserved to be ripped open by dogs...there she was again, thinking with violence. Violence never solved anything, she thought with a smirk.

Unless the problem ended up dead. Then it was no one's problem.

Calming down again, Dana took her things and made her way over to the Second Year homeroom classroom. Along the hallway, she suddenly found herself approached and confronted by a girl who looked way too young to be here and her questions. And yet Dana seemed to find peace within the chaos of this girl's sporadic nature.

"Oh ho, you're making me blush! Of course you can call me Shark-chan," Dana said with a wide, sharp grin. "I'm Dana Ferris. It's really nice to meet you Kirka-chan. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me, oh ho! Are you a lost First Year?"

The petite girl crossed her arms in amusement. Well at least she had the height advantage just this once.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yoshida Mami

Which room was it? What would the teachers be like? Would her hat attract unwanted attention? These were the thoughts that flew through Yoshida Mami's mind as she bounded across the school, her strides carrying her as quickly as they could without garnering the ire of the teaching staff in order to arrive at homeroom on time. The girl was deft in her movements, nimbly avoiding everyone in her way while her hands fumbled to open up the welcome brochure she had obtained upon first applying to the academy. The map was small and inconveniently placed, and it was quite a struggle for her to maintain her rapid movement, prevent her hat from flying away and read the brochure at the very same time. The rice heiress rounded a corner with surprising dexterity. She just needed to find the room-


It was, thankfully, closer than she had expected. Her worries seemed to subsume back into her heart as she jogged the last several paces to homeroom, slinking in through the door with little to no fanfare. The energy that had taken over Mami during her frantic journey to class had disappeared immediately, and it was as a reserved and quiet girl that she made her way to a desk, sitting down with barely a noise, her very body seeming to shrink in on itself now that she was surrounded, once more, by other people. She bored her gaze down at the desk before her, pale fingers moving up to lightly pull her hat down to cover her face from anyone who would gaze her way.

She didn't want attention.

O-okay, my goal is to ensure that classes are passed successfully, to not engage in conversation with other students, and um ...

Um ...

Ummmm ...

Her thoughts were drying up. What did she want to do?

She wanted to make friends. That required her to talk to them.

Quietly, she dropped her head down into her hands, elbows pushing down against the desk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 10 days ago

Nakkashiro Touka | 永花城 十花

Touka was siting quietly on her place at the rather impressive lecture hall taking notes regarding the Academy's peculiarities on a small pad.

Lost in her note taking, Touka almost ignore the gentle voice that addressed her, if not for her unusual accent. The dark haired girl turned to face her questioner and saw that she was a small, comparing to Touka's statuesque physique, redheaded girl with a beautiful smile. Touka felt ashamed of the stare she gave the other girl and turned her face away while blushing.

"Yes... this is hall were we will be taking our homerooms. I'd like you to. But are you sure that you want to sit next to me?" Touka made a small gesture for the foreigner girl to see how, in fact, she was isolate because the other students were avoiding her and not the contrary. "Thank you for talking with me nevertheless, I'm Nakkashiro Touka. If you don't mind me asking, where are you from? Your accent is rather exotic, in a good way, so I got curious."

@White Feather

Miyama Kirika | 三山 霧乎

"Thank you, thank you!" Kirika bowed to Dana a couple times before turnig around and thinking aloud "I can't believe my first friend at highschool is a pretty girl with shark teeth... Ahh~~ how lucky I can be?"

She then, faced Dana again "Oh, yes, heehee. This school is kind huge so I lost my way. If you can point me the right direction, I'd like it very much, Shark-chan. Also, do you have anything to do during lunch? I don't have any other friends, so I thought that if I hanged around you I could make some. After all, a girl as beautiful as you should be super popular. Right, Shark-chan?"

Later, at the homeroom...

Kirika got in the lecture hall on the nick of time, the teacher was just a few steps behind her, when the petite white haired girl stopped at the door and introduced herself to the class with an exaggerated gesture and cheerful voice rife with Kansai accent "G'morning, everyone! I'm Miyama Kirika, the Fool from Osaka! I hope that we can get along really well."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Eh, ta szkoła jest dziwne." Illa said to herself.

She was right.

Not only it being a school with no males, which was strange to begin with, the security guard, all of the Japanese writing everywhere; this wasn't Poland.

That's no good.

Illa felt out of her comfort zone. Her close friends, her old teachers, her old language, hell, people who were Polish; gone in the blink of an eye and the snap of a fat Japanese business man's finger, never to be seen again.

That's no good.

What was Illa to do now? She didn't see a chance to perform and do what she normally does, which is what she put most of her time in, and now it all feels wasted.

That's no good.

After suffering through her thoughts breaking herself down and making her realize how bad it would be here for her during the little opening ceremony whatever it was, she thought it good to head for her dorm.

Illa struggled making herself to where the dorms even were; bad start to a bad year, I suppose. She knew so little of the language, and the only part of the culture she knew about was the plays and old folk languages, as she read about it in her pastime.

When she got there, which took quite a while, she was able to find her dorm, mainly because it said "Illa Wronski & Hitomi Kibiyashi." She didn't know who Hitomi was at all, but at least the dorm was hers. After she got in and set her things onto her bed, she head out to find homeroom.

Where was the homeroom?

What is the homeroom?


Oh no.

This is bad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vee
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Bella lay on her bed she looked over to the dresser were a digital clock sat. She groaned softly under her breath as she knew it was time to get up and head to homeroom. Bella swung herself off her bed and stretched her body before grabbing her book and heading out the door. She hurried at a quick but easy pace through the halls. In her haste she didn't notice before she accidentally slammed into another, much stronger girl and Bella ended up bouncing back and falling on her rump. She moaned in pain as she rubbed her bottom before looking up at the tall, dark skinned girl with short silvery hair. She blinked a few times as if having a hard time deciphering how intimidating the girl looked.

Bella quickly pushed herself back up to her feet and grabbed her things off the ground. She turned to the other girl and bowed her head humbly, a soft blush on her face. "I am so sorry!" She sincerely spoke, the faint Latin accent mixed oddly with the Japanese words.

Out of sheer embarrassment she quickly took off again down the hall, not waiting for a response as she felt like an utter klutz. A fact she could not escape from. She hurried to her 2nd year homeroom class and took a free seat in the back corner. Flopping into her seat she let her head fall onto the desk with a thud. Groaning. The day hadn't started off very well. Little did Bella know that she would run into the same girl again in the same class.


Hitomi remained in the courtyard for a little while, enjoying the weather a little longer before it was absolutely necessary to go to homeroom. After several minutes Hitomi seemed to notice a girl around her own age standing and looking rather confused. Being a helpful person by nature Hitomi decided to offer her own assistance; having been her third year at this school she should be able to help. So Hitomi began to walk towards the short black haired girls direction.

Hitomi stopped just a couple feet from the girls side and leaned to one side to put herself in the girls peripheral vision. "Hi there." Hitomi spoke soft and sweet, a gentle smile touching her lips. "You seem lost. Maybe I can help? By the way, my name is Hitomi Kibiyashi. It's a pleasure to meet you." She finished with a small bow.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by soph
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 1 mo ago


"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to." Leagsaidh giggled, though not in a rude way "Anyway, why wouldn't I want to sit next to you? You seem like a perfectly nice girl."

Again? Another blusher? That was twice today. She was on a roll. And there was still plenty of time to get a third for her hat-trick. And what was with that stare? Did she have something on her face? Maybe it was still red from her little 'chat' with Alice. Had she been crying without realising it? Her hand went to her face, but it was as dry as a bone. What had she been looking at? Leagsaidh's own cheeks went a light pink color as she sat down.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Miss Touka. Or should it be Touka-Chan here? Touka-Sama? Touka-Gozen, maybe? Or just Touka-han? No, that doesn't sound right. Too impersonal..." Leagsaidh detracted a little, pondering what honorific to address Touka with. Why couldn't it just be like Ireland where 'Miss' for unmarried women and 'Mrs' for married women would suffice?

"Heh, sorry. I'm still getting used to the culture here. I'm Leagsaidh O'Donnell, though just Lexy will suffice."

"Thank you for talking to me"? What kind of self-deprecation was that? How lonely does one have to be to end up thanking someone for talking to her? "I'm surprised. A pretty girl like you should be surrounded by people. Why is there no-one over here?" She didn't say it to flirt. She was simply stating a fact. Touka was a good looking girl - in fact, dare she say, she was absolutely gorgeous, in the least-homosexual way possible - yet she conducted herself with such timidity, like she expected Leagsaidh to suddenly get bored of her and walk off. It was obfuscating, to say the least. Maybe she was just bashful?

"I'm from Dublin, in Ireland. It's a beautiful country, though Japan comes pretty close." Her eyes lit up like candles as she spoke and she was getting increasingly passionate. "Eire, in its home tongue. Home to the shamrock, Guiness and Saint Patrick..

She paused thoughtfully "Actually, you might not know of Saint Patrick. He's more a Christian figure than a Shinto... Buddhist... erm, eastern figure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Byakko inhaled deeply, clearing her mind only for it to be flooded once again by constant reminders.

Things already laid, straight to homeroom. No distractions. Only talk once in. Else, late.

Byakko rolled the wheels forward, pushing straight through the throng. Not too rudely-- letting everyone move out to clear the way, but bumping anyone if they haven't moved and bulldozing them over if they didn't get her message.

Third year, room blah blah blah. Dormitory number yada yada yada. Forget the roommate.

After plowing through the crowds, the girl finally found herself within an ornate room, not unlike an indoor ampitheatre. The quarter was big and cozy, and spaces were wide enough between rows, enough for her wheelchair to fit in between, but there was still a problem:


Not again.

But this time, there are more people around. Someone might be willing to help her out-- unless everyone here are asshats.

Claudia still on the way to homeroom. People in the hallway may interact.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Bella lay on her bed she looked over to the dresser were a digital clock sat. She groaned softly under her breath as she knew it was time to get up and head to homeroom. Bella swung herself off her bed and stretched her body before grabbing her book and heading out the door. She hurried at a quick but easy pace through the halls. In her haste she didn't notice before she accidentally slammed into another, much stronger girl and Bella ended up bouncing back and falling on her rump. She moaned in pain as she rubbed her bottom before looking up at the tall, dark skinned girl with short silvery hair. She blinked a few times as if having a hard time deciphering how intimidating the girl looked.

Bella quickly pushed herself back up to her feet and grabbed her things off the ground. She turned to the other girl and bowed her head humbly, a soft blush on her face. "I am so sorry!" She sincerely spoke, the faint Latin accent mixed oddly with the Japanese words.

Out of sheer embarrassment she quickly took off again down the hall, not waiting for a response as she felt like an utter klutz. A fact she could not escape from. She hurried to her 2nd year homeroom class and took a free seat in the back corner. Flopping into her seat she let her head fall onto the desk with a thud. Groaning. The day hadn't started off very well. Little did Bella know that she would run into the same girl again in the same class.


Hitomi remained in the courtyard for a little while, enjoying the weather a little longer before it was absolutely necessary to go to homeroom. After several minutes Hitomi seemed to notice a girl around her own age standing and looking rather confused. Being a helpful person by nature Hitomi decided to offer her own assistance; having been her third year at this school she should be able to help. So Hitomi began to walk towards the short black haired girls direction.

Hitomi stopped just a couple feet from the girls side and leaned to one side to put herself in the girls peripheral vision. "Hi there." Hitomi spoke soft and sweet, a gentle smile touching her lips. "You seem lost. Maybe I can help? By the way, my name is Hitomi Kibiyashi. It's a pleasure to meet you." She finished with a small bow.


Alice walked with her hands inside of her pockets feeling pissed, she kept to herself and when Isabella walked almost right into her and hit the floor, Alice didn't even stumble while she looked at the floored Isabella rubbing her ass, she didn't bother to help her up and before she could yell at the girl and or hit her with a punch she got up and ran off. Alice watched her run off and yelled at her."Watch where your fucking walking !!" The Brazilian woman called out to the woman that ran away." Deus (God) Mother fuckers don't know how to look where their going."

When she made it to the second year home room class, she opened the door and walked in, the first person she saw when she entered was the same girl from outside in the hall that bumped into her, the girl was face down into a desk in the back of the room and seemed embarrassed by what happened Alice kicked her foot into the desk the girl was sitting at."Watch yourself bitch, I'm not here to be walked into by vagabundas (Sluts) like you, so watch where your going." Alice kicked the desk again then walked away to sit somewhere else, when she sat down and was settled she noticed that the whole class room seemed like something out of a college lecture hall.


While Seika ran down the hall trying to get to the homeroom, she then ran into the stairwell to get to the floor, but as she ran up the steps to the next floor she noticed a shadow in the stair well and feeling curious she noticed a girl in a wheel chair on the landing to the next level, seeing that she was heading for the third floor and feeling that she should help someone a year higher than her, she silently walked up behind the girl.

Seika put two hands onto her wheel chair and lifted it into the air high enough for her to walk up the steps, she lifted the girl inside of her wheel chair off the ground and began to take her up the steps before she could try to protest or say anything, and in just a short amount of time Seika had her on the third floor and in the hall way, Seika pointed to the elevator next to the stair well." You should try to talk to the Security chief to ask if you can get an elevator key so you can take the elevator instead of struggling to get up the steps."

Before the girl could speak to her Seika pulled a batman move and disappeared and headed back into the stair well, she jumped down the steps and down onto the second floor, she then went back into her sprint and sprinted down the hall with almost super speed leaving a heavy wind behind her as she ran down the hallway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What? Where? How? Who? When?

Illa was looking around, close to panicking, when a girl-- no shit-- came into her line of sight.

"Hi there." The girl said, in a tone that made Illa assume that she was nice and had good intention. "You seem lost. Maybe I can help? By the way, my name is Hitomi Kibiyashi. It's a pleasure to meet you." Her saving grace has finally come, th- wait. That name...

doesn't ring any bells.

"Cze- er, um, I mean, hello! My name is, uh, Illa Wronski and, well- yes I am quite lost, Ms...Hitomi! I was looking for this homeroom...if you couldn't tell, I'm a third year. I don't know where the proper room is, you see..." Illa said, and looked for a bench to sit down at and sat there. 'why'

why indeed

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