Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Queen RaidneIs it okay if I bring in a small fleet with a carrier instead of just one ship? Scratch this idea, look at my post lower on the page

Also, can I get on this magical position of co-GM? :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deaddlife
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Deaddlife The Anti-Genesis

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Play as either a real-life leader of a real-life country; a strange alternate dimension country that could have been; or a single ship, battalion, or air wing, stranded from its home timeline.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuuhi
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Meiyuuhi Her Divine Grace

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I'd also like to volunteer for co-GM, since I have a fair bit of experience doing that (three years) and a pretty comprehensive knowledge of history, though Willy will probably still run rings around me in science.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

+Nation Name:
United States of America

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Allied powers

Federal constitutional republic

At the onset of the war, the united states was behind in terms on man power and certain aspects of military technology.

Armored forces was a particular fault early on as the united states M3 lee was a clear reflection of a ww1 mentality boasting multiple guns of various confirmations.

These faults were in the process of being fixed with the onset of the M4 Sherman but by 1941, the m4a1 Sherman was already low on the totem pole in regards to armor and fire power and still months away from deployment.

At sea, the American navy was very potent but suffered a huge blow to their battleships. Even though the remains of the battleships were salvageable and other battleships easy to replace (relative to other nations.) they began shying away from the WW1 big gun mentality in favor of cruisers and carriers.

In the air, the air force early on was average with P40 war hawks able to compete with German BF109's at moderate altitudes and the F4F wildcat carrier based fighter which faced off against the A6M Zero.

+Current Deployment of Forces:
At present, the United states maintains fighting forces in various places around the world, most being observers in the European theatre or on Territories of the United states, IE; Hawaii, Midway.

Submarine forces are scattered throughout the pacific as well as moderate forces in north Africa under command of British generals.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

+Nation Name:
Empire of Yamatai

Emperor Shitatsu Shou

Neutral (Will change depending on IC events)

Constitutional monarchy (Emperor as head of state with a senate of lords)

From its previous world, Yamatai boasts a strong military tradition and a society built upon honor, harmony, order and above all, loyalty. Its people are ferociously devoted to the Emperor as a result of generations of intense propaganda.

However, they find themselves on a precarious position between two rival powers from their now isolated island in the middle of the Pacific, the Japanese and the Americans. Forced to take a side, they feel culturally closer to the Japanese but denounce their ways as "disgraceful" and thus some lean towards the Americans. Only time and politics will determine whose side the nation will take.

Yamatai culture is very close to that of Japans although its noted that the people of Yamatai are... "free spirited and open". Beyond huge amounts of locality and respect they have for the Imperial family, the nature of the clothing surprises foreigners as much as the near authoritarian state.

Although it is long thought that the old caste system had been dissolved, there are still hints of the ancient relic in modern Yamatai life. Elite soldiers often come from the former warrior caste and the high ranking government officials and wealth business owners can trace their origins to the former noble class. The police also have a tendency of discriminating the former peasant, merchant and craftsmen caste to some extent.

For what appears to be a very dystopian civilization, there is some interesting twists to Yamatai. The difference between men and women is slim and in some cases women are preferred over men. People are allowed to say whatever they want about the country and the government as long as they don't publish it or say before a large audience. While some might see them as aggressive with their toleration-eqsue state and forced conscription, the Yamatai people are surprisingly calm and lax most of the time. Recent visitors. sometimes joke that before the Yamatai came here, they first sought the British for manners. Visitors also have a ver unique spot in Yamatai as the people are curious about their new neighbors and are noticeably more polite and curious when around them.

Economically, its a mix of free market and government controlled with more leans towards free market, street side food carts and sidewalk markets are common. The government has a heavy focus on raw resources instead of finished products meaning they only strictly watched and subsidized. Monopolies are a common sight on the island with a running joke that you can count the number of companies with your hands. Too keep them under control, the Emperor uses his own "inspectors" to "advise" the CEOs and hold them accountable to a code of honor with punishment being exile and the dismantling of the business should they fail it. So far it has worked well.

For the most part however, it is best described as a blend of Chinese and Japanese culture.

The Yamatai Inperial Army (YIA) and the Yamatai Imperial Navy (YIN) operate mostly around the island and its surrounding waters. The occasional envoy or expeditionary force can be seen else where namely in Japanese and American waters. Sailors and soldiers who are on these trips often bring gifts to the local people by order of the Emperor in an attempt to improve diplomatic standings.

Here's the original NS that this was adapted from. Take into account that this was for a different NRP so there are some discrepancies.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Geh... Okay, that is all I'll be writing for tonight. God, that took longer than I expected it too.

Tell me if I derped anywhere or something needs changing/clarification/formatting and I'll see to it tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Clocktower, how big is your island?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Can I join? I want to cook up a really cool CS.... *checks number of RP's joined* Aw Crap!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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@Willy Vereb ...you gave me its actual material properties? <3 <3 <3 *breaks out her materials science book*
Anyway, yes. They're in. You've put thought into them; they aren't game-breaking; they have disadvantages and advantages; yes. Just yes.
†That's the first smiley I've ever used on this site.
Wow, didn't expect such a warm welcome for them, I'm honored.
As for further specifics I'm going to claim some part of South America. I have yet to draw the map so I can't say exactly how much. The Heavenly Empire of Yllendthyr in the other game was larger than the USA but I'm not necessarily replicating this as a whole. Regardless it's going to be a big empire.

Technology-wise, the lightweight and durable mithril would give me some edge in speed for various technologies, most notably aircraft.
On the other hand Mithril is less stiff so it cannot control as much overpressure as with steel so they compensate with larger diameter shells and such.
99mm diameter would be only slightly stronger than a 75-76mm cannons from other nations, for example. Albeit the extra capacity for explosives will be welcome.
Engines-wise the elven noses can't bear the putrid smell of gasoline and other crude oil derived methods and instead they rely on bio-diesel and biogas and bio-kerosene. Technically the methods to produce all these were present. This doesn't exactly make them free of crude oil or coals but they prefer to only use these at large scale like factories and where it's inevitable, preferably while hiring only human workers.
Also because elven ears hate the noise of rapidly spinning propellers thus they urged to develop turbofans sooner. This means elven military aircraft (where the pitch of the propeller noise is the worst) use turbjets and turbofans. Jet aircraft may allow somewhat better speed but propeller craft in general are more fit to the military's needs during this period.
Oh, and in search for better airstrike methods the elves use flying bombs akin to the V-1 in combat. They sacrifice cost and number of bombs in return for the promises of more precise hits. They even trained aircraft pilots to act as FOs for directing the attacks.
It's a novel idea for bombardment but I think when faced with an actual war the elves may reconsider this method.
Same with their lack of heavy bombers.

Generally, military-wise they use several doctrines which is either outdated or too experimental because in the timeline of Yllendthyr WW1 never happened. They fought some proxy wars on colonies and some territorial disputes against other nations but that's it.
I leave the rest about Yllendthyr a surprise for now. I just mentioned the most risky parts in terms of balance.

I'd also like to volunteer for co-GM, since I have a fair bit of experience doing that (three years) and a pretty comprehensive knowledge of history, though Willy will probably still run rings around me in science.
Sure, count on me whenever you need.
Used to research a lot on war history as a hobby but that was nearly a decade ago by now.
I'm not certain on my Ww2 knowledge but when it comes to the technicalities like what can a contemporary artillery do or how they found their targets, I'm here.
I can also aid people in terms of "What if?" kind of technological solutions.
What if you create a jet fighter in the late 30s? I can tell you that for example.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I need some advice here. I'm definitely interested but I can't choose which state I could do.

Persian Empire

Assyrian Empire

Byzantium Empire

Aztec Empire

Thai-Phil-Malay United State

Dutch Empire


Can someone give me some help? It would be appreciated. Im kind of leaning towards Persian because, oil=overpowered XD.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

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I'm still thinking about who to choose for Co-GM.

@MonkeyPants Accepted!

@ClocktowerEchos Give me a location, even if it's just drawing on the map in MSPaint. But, you're accepted in principle.

@Willy Vereb You said the word "jet" and I got worried, but if I recall correctly, what few jets existed in the late war were mostly too fast to be useful anyway. Since you mention it, what are the ramifications of developing a jet engine in the 30's, anyway? I'm curious.

@SgtEasy - total gut feelings with no research behind it:

-Persian Empire: I'm also entertained by a stronger player in the middle east, but I think you might run into territory conflicts with the UK?
-Assyrian Empire: Unless it's a "modern" revival, you'd have to have a lot of butterflies in whichever timeline to make this work.
-Byzantine Empire: it'd be interesting to see Italy replaced with someone more competent, but it'd be difficult to justify its existence
-Aztec Empire: Decent, interested to see the timeline they came from, also gives USA something to do in its own backyard
-US of Thai-Phil-Malay: I like this from an RP perspective, because of how much Japan you'd have to deal with all the time
-Dutch Empire: Part of me's intrigued by the Dutch East India Company, and that part is more intrigued than the idea of the Dutch Empire itself. But that doesn't really mean much as to whether or not you should choose them.
-Australia: A safe and reasonable choice. Probably the most viable and easiest to make.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

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@Queen Raidne

Sorry about that XD. Some of them I have researched while some I just dotted down because I was interested.

US Thai-Phil-Malay, Persian or Australia is my top picks.

EDIT: I'll do Thai-Phil-Malay. Lets do it. Also, @Monkeypants, do you want to make the invasion of the Philippines happen but America was repelled because of the Depression or something like that?

I also need to sort something out with the British Empire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 20 days ago

Here is a WIP

Subject to change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Willy Vereb You said the word "jet" and I got worried, but if I recall correctly, what few jets existed in the late war were mostly too fast to be useful anyway. Since you mention it, what are the ramifications of developing a jet engine in the 30's, anyway? I'm curious.
Jets really weren't that fast, that's my point.
You won't see any jet designs breaking the sound barrier until after WW2.
The problem with jets wasn't really just that they were too fast, that's a relative issue. It isn't like they could not design or tune down the speed when needed.
The issues were:
1.) Fuel consumption due to compressor technology being kinda young, thus limiting the range.
2.) Inferior efficiency at sufficiently low speeds
3.) Less tested and proven compared to piston-driven propeller aircraft.
4.) Lack of heat-resistant materials which kinda impacted efficiency but also meant that until the late 50s the jet fighters needed engine overhaul 10 times more often.

Granted, I may solve some of these issues but in effect jet technology doesn't give me much edge in speed and it comes at the cost of range.
For example my fastest jet around this time would be the Tavr type interceptors with the top speed of 575 MPH.
While it's fast certain turboprop designs can nearly match this speed and even if they not those have much more bombs/cargo/weapons with multitudes the range.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

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Very WIP

+Nation Name:
United Thailand-Philippines-Malay States

Grand Sultan Miguel Mendoza

Neutral (Will change in IC. Hate towards Dutch, America and Britain.)

Troika Monarchy

In this version of alternate history, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand formed an alliance in order to repel and protect each sovereign nation's residents and independence. In 1898, when Emilio Aguinaldo saw the unabridged version of the Proclamation of Assimilation, he reached out for his long time allies in South East Asia. Chulalongkorn the Great of Thailand and the Malay King of Johor, Sultan Abu Bakar Ibni Al-Marhum Tun Temenggung Raja Daing Ibrahim, responded to his calls for independence. Thailand has never been invaded by any other state while the Malay people have fallen, leaving only the Kingdom of Johor independent from British or Dutch rule. In this timeline, Sultan Abu Bakar didn't travel to Britain, only traveling to France, Germany and other states in Europe. As a result, Abu Bakar had never befriended Queen Victoria. The Kingdom of Johor is the last of the Malay governed state.

Both of these powers expressed their concerns over the invasion of the Philippines, Chulalongkorn because of the obvious threat of America and Sultan Abu Bakar Ibrahim because of Western influence in South-East Asia. But due to the fact that America by this point has become a very powerful state, if they showed support now, the Kingdom of Siam and Johor is in threat.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Clocktower, how big is your island?

I am going to say something like 3/4 of Japan's size or something close

@ClocktowerEchos Give me a location, even if it's just drawing on the map in MSPaint. But, you're accepted in principle.

As of right now think of its general location to be between Japan and Hawaii leaning more toward the Hawaiian side but further to the south.
I'll try to get a picture up later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago


Well, I'm not opposed at all to just not invading but it does present a problem. Of course this wouldn't matter in an nrp.

But, from a historical POV, had the USA lost or didn't engage in the Philippines, the American presence in the pacific would be severely reduced if not non existent.

The repercussions are immense as Japan wouldn't have much interference because lets face it, there's no realistic situation in which the Philippines could compete with Japan.

The Japanese would have no threats in their back yard, Australia would be cut off from the USA and is already too far from the UK to receive direct reinforcements. It'd be a bad deal for the pacific because the Japanese would have an easy time dominating Oceania.

So.. What if we did this, and it would be an easy jump start to your nation. USA invasion occurs and goes well. USA puts efforts to rebuild Philippines and makes it a sovereign state with a historical US military presence? It'd allow for a short history if the us pumping money and resources to make it a feasible regional power.

Or do some sort of mass retcon and have it that the Philippines became son sort of regional power early on and the US sits it out.

Just some ideas. I like the first more for the simple fact we would already have history and forced interaction, as well as a powerful ally! :)

Let me know regardless!

Edit: Lol, for some reason I didn't read your ns like a boss. Sorry for that but take a look at my idea regardless!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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@Queen RaidneCan we assume that with the "magic" spamming of AU nations they also "magically" gain most knowledge needed?
Otherwise things may become awkward.
Same for the recipients.
Even if it doesn't make a fully logical sense the USA would be aware of Yllendthyr and eleves before technically meeting them.
Because they technically did exist to them, just lack the actual footprint.

Heavenly Empire of Yllendthyr

Territory ClaimsBrazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela

Ymherodr Ilehnaed IV en'Yllendthyr (Ilehnaed IV) - Aged 84, Emperor of Yllendthyr
Cyntwleidyddion Hîr Radidnahr en'Lóthien Gosodnelh (Radidnahr) - Aged 182, Prime Minister

Allegiance: Yllendthyr
Yllendthyr occupies a considerable portion of South America and has little ties with either Axis or the Allies. In effect he's a rival for both the USA and Japan over the control of the Pacific Ocean.

+Government:Federal Constitutional Monarchy
Yllendthyr is an empire divided into 27 states, formally ruled by the Ymherodr (Emperor).
Each state has its own ruler and possess a degree of autonomy.
The representatives of each state and people elected by other titles come together on each month in the Chymanfa (Parlaiment). Governors assigned over colonies are generally not required to attend but during special circumstances they are often invited.
The emperor directs the Parlaiment and in many circumstances has the right to veto any suggestion. Otherwise the emperor's authority is limited by the constitution and many of his former duties are divided to various Wleidyddion (ministers). The effective leader of the nation within this form of government is the Cyntwleidyddion (Prime Minister).

+History:Yllendthyr originates from a world where Homo Sapiens are far from the only sentient race populating the planet. In this world the rain forests of South Africa were the birthplace of elfkind. Evolved to be the graceful apex of the animal kingdom for long the elves lived in harmony with the nature. This changed drastically with the appearance of human settlers from Africa during 492AD. Their wooden arrows were no match against the brutality of steel and elves were driven back into their rain forests. Humans effectively ruled much of the continent for centuries until 896 when a yet insignificant tribe of Ylleva began their revolt. Using the same mines in the Andes which the humans built and imitating their industry, they produced armor and weapons from the strange white metal which is soon to be known as Mithril (actually it's an unusual lightweight grid structure for Titanium). This new equipment combined with the elves' still considerable home field advantage allowed Ylleva to drive away their oppressors and gradually conquer the continent for themselves. Yet the damage was already done, the elves' nature-loving culture was contaminated by human beliefs and methods. The benevolent movement gave birth to a massive empire, which from 1011 is called Yllendthyr. The tables have turned and the elves became the rulers over the remaining humans who were treated as a slave race. Centuries passed and thanks to their fertility humans were becoming the majority within the empire. Yet the status quo remained and the human slaves grew more and more discontent. The situation truly exploded during 1648 when thanks to foreign support the humans could take arms and fight back the elves on nearly equal terms. By this time human nations were using gunpowder for decades which the elves were aware of. In spite of that they regarded them as useless noisemakers compared to the graceful precision of their mithril bolt throwers. This kind of arrogance paid them dearly during the Battle of the Lóthien Plains where foreign musketeers annihilated the charge of the 1st Griffin Knight Company led by none other but Emperor Ilehnaed II. The death of their ruler shook the Empire and in the following decades the new emperor Delrasyn II. was forced to transform the nation into constitutional monarchy led by the diet. The power of the emperor was steadily wanning but in retrospect such development actually benefited the empire and by the 19-20th century it was a modern and advanced nation with extensive trade and international relations and overall influence comparable to the other leading powers.


Yllendthyr's military structure is complex and has various roots from local militia, standing armies, mercenaries and even the private armies of the nobles. Their technology and industry also differs from this world, relying on mithril instead of steel. Due to uing alchemists the production of mithril is slower, albeit less apparent for large scale industrial applications. The lightweight metal composite allows elven vehicles to be much lighter while maintaining similar performance, saving tremedous weight and gaining speed. On the other hand mithril is somewhat weaker than steel and in certain applications this show in their combat performance. For example the lower pressure limits of mithril means elven firearms often use larger bore diameter to compensate (elven 99mm cannons are barely better than human 75mm ones, for example). Elves are naturally gifted pilots and engineers. Their enhanced senses allow them to construct precision mechanisms with more ease. Their talents at understanding motion are almost unparalleled. Similarly the supposed existence of nautral gyroscopes within the elven body allows them to fly aircraft virtually without any device assisting them (though mechanics are even more precise so only the smallest aircrafts neglect them).

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Irrelevant post, disregard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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Post reserved for whatever.
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