Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Oh, thanks." Steven said, taking the free stuff.

The first thing he noticed was that the items were the same as everyone else's, which was to be expected. However, there was something he found kind of odd. Why in the world would the pokemon lab just give the items, free of charge? Okay, pokenavs were already pretty commercial, and pokeballs weren't exactly hard to come by, but combining both of those and a pokedex was quite extravagant for all these trainers. What kind of research facility has that kind of money to throw around, anyway?

Tim eyed the researcher who gave it to him with eyes-half closed, as if he could see through her. Tim extended his vision to pretty much everyone else in the room as well, slowly pivoting to survey the trainers and their pokemon. Steven didn't notice and booted up the pokedex and pokenav. First, he flicked through the pokedex. Of course, he had very few entries, but he did have some. A trip back home might have helped to fill it up, but he'd do that if he got back.

The next thing he did was boot up the pokenav, tinkering with the settings so that he was satisfied. It didn't take long, and soon he had his map, party and other handy things ready for use. Steven strapped the pokenav to his wrist, below his left fingerless glove, and held it up, looking at how it fit around his wrist.

His time for appreciation was interrupted though, as another trainer issued his greeting. Tim turned his eyes-half-closed gaze at the newcomer while Steven lowered his hands and faced the trainer, with slight traces of wariness.

See, Steven was naturally slightly cautious around people older than him (which was about 80-90% of everyone on the planet), unless he knew and trusted them. It was probably a mix of his naturally short stature (he's about average, but everyone else is taller than his average anyway) and social etiquette, and all his lessons about stranger danger. It was natural for kids his age to get a feeling of trepidation from those older than them, but Steven actually handled it quite well. He showed little outward signs of wariness, but he rarely showed much in general anyway, other than what he always did. A sense of calmness in every situation.

With that said, the trainer who had greeted him was holding out his hand to shake, and Steven wasn't sure what to make of it. A hand shake was usually a friendly gesture offered to one an individual considers to be an equal, one they respected. And Steven and the trainer certainly weren't even, least of all in age. Even with Tim on his head, their combined heights were only barely taller than the trainer, Alex, and he certainly wasn't even in age. Essentially, it was a greeting more formal than Steven was used to, more formal than normal children were. He was only 12 years old a few months ago, after all. And even though his parents said you weren't an adult before you were 18, the trainer was most certainly closer to 18 than Steven was.

Nevertheless, Steven shook the young trainer's hand.

"Yeah, Nice to meet you." Steven said.

Tim still eyed Alex with suspicion, as well as the Alex's own bird pokemon. It was likely that the prideful spearow was sizing up a potential rival, but Steven let him do so. Tim wouldn't do anything drastic, after all. He would behave himself in front of mixed company, at least.

"So," Steven ventured. "What's the deal with these? Why are they just giving them away?"

As he asked, he held up his new pokedex. Hopefully, an older fellow trainer might have the answer to the questions he had.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune πŸ‡πŸπŸ’ ~ Froot of the Month ~πŸπŸŒπŸ‘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Sho Minazuki

Blair may have had difficulties choosing a pathway to go, Fantasia however knew her answer the second he began to speak.

β€œThe Grand City is the way to go, all the flashy lights and important people! I heard Vanessa Von Goshe -the best PokΓ©mon Coordinator in this region, is holding classes there for people who are worthy!” Fantasia smiled widely and clapped her hands in a girlish manner, Vanessa Von Goshe was Fantasia's biggest influence, and she would give just about anything to see her shiny pseudo legendary Dragonair in person!

β€œYou know, they say Vanessa win’s most of her competitions with the help of her pseudo legendary” Fantasia pulled out a peacock-feathered fan and proceeded to fan herself β€œ-That shiny Dragonair must have cost a fortune, and it’s simply divine!”

Fantasia looked at the non-shiny Duchess that was looking very content on Blair’s lap and sighed.

β€œYou know, rumor has it that Vanessa refuses to work with normal colored PokΓ©mon; even if they are legendary! I wonder why your father hasn’t purchased a shiny PokΓ©mon for you.”

She looked at him then turned up her nose, β€œ-I mean don’t get me wrong, Duchess is a great PokΓ©mon; however she is very lack-luster and mediocre.” She chuckled at Blair while attempting to figure out how to turn her Pokedex on.

β€œ-listen, all I am saying is; if you want to meet the Grand Von Goshe you better bring something unique!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Blair Aschenford | Pokelab


"Her name is Empress thank you... And honestly, I think Empress is a fine Pokemon, she isn't just any ", he began in response. Sometimes Fantasia could be a little insensitive, but she coveted shiny Pokemon, so to her, others wouldn't really understand. Empress had a contented look for awhile before noticing Fantasia's comment and shooting her a glare.

"I met Empress in Grand City, there's a reason this is her name... And that is because she was the queen of the wild Pokemon of the city when I found her. Shiny or not, such an achievement is worthy", Empress had a prideful look about her as he described this.

"My mother did offer to buy one though, but I insisted that my best companions, were not ones that were bought for me", he pet Empress a little. His mother was very proud of her Glaceon. While she wasn't a shiny, she has still consistently won loads of breeding competitions. Blair knew first hand that diamonds were polished, not found. Empress while a 'diamond' herself, was unruly at first, and even a little dirty, but demanded strength and respect even then. Now, she did that, and had a fine coat of her own. Fantasia's little Budew, personally he looked forward to seeing her in full bloom.

"In any case, Grand city sounds like a... Grand idea, wouldn't you say? I am not interested in being a coordinator, personally, but I do admire the trade and those who follow it. It takes a lot of effort to look good and be creative with Pokemon moves, not to mention I hear many of them are even great Pokemon trainers on top. I feel meeting Vanessa will be a rare and fine experience", so it was decided. Grand City. First of course, they would have to take a ferry from Harport.

"Oh and... You hit this", he also commented, pointing to the switch to turn the Pokedex on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago


He was about to respond, but then got delayed by the receiving of free stuff, It delayed the inevitable, he was gonna get annoyed one way or another, and he knew it. The girl even though he didn't even receive a name, had quickly picked up that he wasn't a new person and that was kinda terrifying to him. the fact she was prodding a raw nerve didn't exactly help with his response. "Yes I am a veteran." Elf hesitated for a second perhaps it was not inconceivable to have a traveling partner, perhaps it would do his and Roc some good for their mental state's perhaps but maybe they were thinking to far ahead, not to mention he had been silent a little longer then he should of been. "And honestly do you really need to know why I am here? What gives you any right to know why I am here, don't think about the past alright, think about the here and now." Elf continued his voice obviously falling to hide his annoyance about the subject of the past, even Roc chipped in annoyed "Fletch Fle Fletchling!"

Since both Elf and Roc hated to dwell on that subject Elf quickly spoke up to change the subject at hand back to what he originally attend and tried to skim around the past. "So you waited a few years before starting your journey to prepare, that differs from my way of doing things, I learnt by doing it hands on as early as I possibly could in fact I had a amazing team, then it happened, look can you please not be so inquisitive into my past please, Its hard to explain but just please don't." Elf said his speech being a serious tone, but he lightened up a little thinking that would be the end of the whole past thing. "any-who, my name is Elvenheisen wren, as hurried as this may seem, may I travel with you." Elf said, now Elf knew this may come with backlash and may fail in its entirety, but he would be less paranoid traveling if he was with someone. Plus it would be a useful healthy distraction. If it turned out well. If not he would probably just find someone else, because as much as he hated to admit, currently he was vulnerable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well, to help us do as good as we can on our journey. It's not expensive or anything. In fact, the pokedexes cost barely anything, considering my mo- the Professor practically makes these."

Alex stopped, he thought that maybe he was coming off to strong, and that was the last thing he wanted to do to someone younger than him. He was about to continue, as Layla called to him.

"Alex! Come quick!"

Alex rushed to the sun room to find Layla on the floor, being stormed by Budew. He laughed as he walked over to help her, but he tripped over a girls extremely big dress, falling down, and being surrounded by Budew as well. While they were very tiny, they didn't hurt him, but more tickled him. Most of the Budew were rushing up and trying to get onto the chairs the people were standing in. Alex realized he had left the sun room door open, and many of the Budew were escaping into the lab.

"Someone close the sunroom door! Don't let them get outside!"

By now, at least 80 of the Budew were in the main lab. Alex tried to get up, but they were holding him down with vine wip. Alex noticed the people sitting had their arms strapped to the armrests by the Budew as well.

@Sho Minazuki @MissFortune
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune πŸ‡πŸπŸ’ ~ Froot of the Month ~πŸπŸŒπŸ‘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@AbysmalDemon [@@Sho Minazuki]

"Great! I hope you don't mind me coming along to meet Vanessa, she is my biggest influence in everything I do! I can't wait to audition for her mentorship and learn some great moves for Budew!" Fantasia clapped, putting her pokedex back into her pocket.

By this time, two people whom Fantasia had not met, walked into the sunroom and disrupted the newborn Budew's photosynthesis; making them very irritable.

"W-What are you doing, don't disrupt them!" Fantasia stood up only for the boy to trip over her voluminous ballgown, causing a dirty smudge to appear on the white fabric. "-Oh now you've done it! I just bought this dress and you've ruined it, now I have to buy another!"

The anger and loud yelling Fantasia was radiating began to upset the newborn Budew's even more, causing them to preform Vine Whip on everyone in the room; pinning Blair and Fantasia to their chairs and pinning the two teens to the floor.

Fantasia squirmed in the chair that her arms were binded to as her Shiny Budew which stood out in the crowd, cried out as it began to get whisked away into the laboratory in the stampede of normal Budew.

"Oh no, Budew!" Fantasia cried out, "Someone grab her! Immediately!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Blair Aschenford | Pokelab

@MissFortune [@AbyssalDemon]

"Ahahaha, oh dear", Blair had managed to barely avoid a Vine Whip as two bumbling idiots barged into the sunroom. He wasn't happy with this turnout of events, but it seems only his Eevee was faring better than decent in this situation. Empress' honed instincts from being a Pokemon of the city and streets allowed her to avoid the mindless Vine Whip from the many Budew. It appears Fantasia's Budew was in distress, if not for her unique colours, would have completely blended into the crowd.

"Oh...", he noticed Empress take a better position in all this. He should probably find some way to calm the Budew down, but how...? Well, first they should contain it. The Budews were escaping into the lab through the open door, so he made his order.

"Empress, hit the door switch to close it", she understood his order and with fine agility she leaped over to the door's switch and tackled into it, closing the door shut, preventing more from leaving... Now all that was left was... What were they going to do with the ones here? Fantasia's Budew was kind of trapped in the crowd. What about these two suppressed on the floor? What were they going to do?

"Alright, now tail whip", he said. Immediately she leaped around the crowds of Budew and slowly but surely cleared the floor. Once it was clear enough, the two on the ground could get up, and there should be a clearer path to Fantasia's shiny Budew.

"Well... This was definitely unexpected...", he muttered to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Oh my! Ivysaur! Quickly come! The professor was shocked at all the chaos that had happened while she was gone. Budew everywhere, Alex, Layla and two other trainers in the sunroom. At perfect timing Ivysaur came out of a separate hallway. The Professor put a gas mask on, and barked a command.

"Ivysaur, sleep powder! Before she knew it, many paticles came out of the Ivysaur, and all the Pokemon, and people in the main lab were asleep. She noticed one of the trainers' shiny Budew, and awakened it, and gave it a multicolored Pokepuff. She awakened the trainers one by one, being careful not to step on any of the Budew as she did so. She then proceeded to the sunroom, where Alex and Layal were getting up off of the floor.

"Layla." The Professor spoke with a bold tone.

"Y-yes Professor?" Layla's voice trembled as she spoke. She knew she would get it soon.

"How many Bidew did you let out?"

"All of them."

The Professor sighed and said no more to Layla, as she gave the Budew back to its trainer. The Professor was fed up with the day. She was rushed, nervous, and now annoyed with the skirmish that had taken place. She turned and looked at everyone, gesturing for them to walk out of the sunroom. She followed behind. She didn't want anymore of it today.

Chansey, please safely escort the Budew back to the sanctuary. Everyone else, the lab is closing. Thank you for coming, if you need anything else, I'll be here tomorrow.

The Chansey were soon to follow the orders, and began to take the Budew back. After everyone had left, she sat down in her office and had a cup of tea.

Alex and Layla

After the Budew incident, Alex and Layla sat out on the bottom steps of the lab, and they noticed the one who had closed the door. Alex stood up to thank him.

"I just wanted to say thank you to you and your Eevee there. She's quite the quick one isn't she?"

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune πŸ‡πŸπŸ’ ~ Froot of the Month ~πŸπŸŒπŸ‘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fantasia Heirloom - 2:00 PM - Outside the Pokelabs

@AbysmalDemon @Sho Minazuki

Fantasia stood a few steps above Alex and Layla as they conversed with Blair, Budew was sharing a Pokepuff with Eevee while Fantasia scrubbed and scuffed at her dress trying to get the barley visible stain removed.

At first she remained silent in the back, feeling groggy from the Sleep Powder and tense from trying to wipe the blemish from her clothing; but as she scrubbed harder with no luck, she began to aimlessly pace back and forth thinking of an idea with only the click of her heels to keep her company... Well, the click of her heels and the three Pokemon trainers sitting in front of her; but she had a habit of not speaking unless spoken to.

Odd, if the world worked like that nobody would talk because nobody would initiate conversation; Fantasia grew tiresome of scrubbing at the dress and collapsed onto the stairs in a fit of tears, balling at her eyes and hiding her face in her hands.

Budew drew closer to the diva, appearing distraught and attempting to comfort her; spewing out sad sputters of coos.

It was going to be a long day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Sorry to bring up some bad memories than my name Rin it's a pleasure to meet you. I would be honored though if you wish to accompany me during my journey. Also sorry for any bad memories I may brought up that was not my intention." She spoke a she watched her new companion and his pokemon. "Ah let me introduce to this little one here, This is my starter Soma a clauncher." She mentioned to the water pokemon on her shoulder that was nudging its claw at her cheek. "So you got a plan for where to head next? Or shall we go where the wind takes us? She asked as she put away the items she was given from the lag assistant into her bag.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Blair Aschenford | Pokelab

@MissFortune @AbysmalDemon

The ensuing chaos was quickly quelled by an Ivysaur's sleep powder, there wasn't much anyone could do from here, so he accepted this, only to seen be reawoken, his Eevee was fast enough to slip past the professor and the Ivysaur before it got caught in the Sleep Powder. Soon he reawoke, with his Eevee awaiting him.

"Ahahaha... I guess that was a little embarrassing", he commented towards Empress.

Later after that, the lab closed, and he walked out to the front steps with Fantasia, ready to head off... Well, maybe after a little maintenance. He noticed and as he expected, Fantasia's fancy clothing got in the way... If that got dirty, they may just be forced to turn back.

"Fantasia, before it's too late, do you think you can change into something for travelling? The dirty road is no ballroom after all, maybe also take this chance to... Recuperate", he suggested. As he spoke, he noticed someone approached him. It was one of the... Idiots, or rather both of them, who awoke the Budew. He was praising his Eevee, whom was more than happy to accept.

"Y-yes, yes she is, thank you for your compliment", he responded. He wasn't sure what else to say though...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Elf sighed long and heavy. "so Rin, thanks for being considerate, yea the pleasure is mine as well to travel with you." Elf said in reply to Rin, His eyes was fixated on her Clauncher, a water type, known for shooting high pressure water burst's. It seemed nice, Elf smiled "well this little Fletchling on my shoulder, hes called Roc, hes a fighter that's for sure" Roc interrupted "Fletch, Fletch Fle" Elf waited for him to finish. "So yea Rocs not exactly one for manners, but I would never have it any different" Elf said as Roc patted his ear with his wing, one could tell those two would go to the end of the world for each other. "on the subject of travel plan" Elf began pulling out a town map from his bag, "Dune town seems like the best idea, considering the fact that your starting from scratch, and don't seem to be loaded with cash like some of the other people here, plus it comes with the bonus that we could capture some pokemon along the way? So how does that sound to you" Elf asked in reply. his eyes never leaving her face while he was waiting for a reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune πŸ‡πŸπŸ’ ~ Froot of the Month ~πŸπŸŒπŸ‘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Sho Minazuki

β€œOh!” Fantasia wiped her tears away and picked up her Budew, β€œTravel wear! Of course, if I am going to start this adventure, I need to act like it.”

One, two, three; her heels clicked down the steps of the Pokelabs, hailing her limousine over from the valet, which only took a few brief moments until the limousine had pulled up in front of the building.

The driver swiftly hopped out of the car and walked to the rear door, opening it for Fantasia to step inside.

One foot after the other, she stepped inside of the limousine with poise and gently patted the seat next to her.

β€œC’mon, we’re going shopping, then... -to the Grand City! Eek!” Fantasia smiled as Budew jumped in glee on her lap, everything seemed to be looking up for Fantasia until…

β€œActually, Miss Heirloom...” the driver started, β€œ-the freeway to the Grand City has been closed due to Snorlax blocking the road, the authorities have been looking for a Pokeflute for days now with no luck.”

β€œSo what does that mean?..” Fantasia asked with an unsteady shake in her voice towards the driver.

β€œWell, your father is using the private jet to go to a business meeting, so it looks like you’re going to have to make the trip on foot.” The driver shrugged, β€œ-however, I can drive you to the Boutique.

The driver noticed the rather gloomy Fantasia, "Hey, No need to worry Miss, I will arrange a limousine for you the second you arrive in the Grand City. In the meantime, keep a lookout for a Pokeflute!”

β€œFine-” Fantasia looked at Blair who was still standing outside of the limousine, β€œWhat are you waiting for, let’s go!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"It sounds like a plan than, would you know what kind of pokemon we might find along the way?" Rin asked while looking at the map Elf brought out. It was a honest question if you asked her knowing what kind of pokemon could be greatly beneficial despite everything knowing what to expect could mean you know best how to formulate plans and how to best use your given pokemon. "I do believe than that since we have a plan we should be going no?" She asked as she adjusted the strap of bag to make it a bit more comfortable for her while walking. "Also I may not have alot of money but I do have some but its mainly for essentials and basic needs. Though some people may have more than they need." She mentioned after who else would show up to the lab in a limo of all things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

What a strange turn of events. Steven thought while on the floor.

"Caw?" Tim said, waddling towards Steven, confused by the events that just took place.

"I'm alright buddy," Steven said, yawning. "It was just sleep powder, probably did me more good than harm."

Steven got up slowly as Tim hopped back onto his head. Unfortunately, it appeared that the pokelab was closing soon, so he had to leave. The other trainers were already going, so Steven followed. Once outside, he stretched in the sunlight as Tim also spread his wings a little. Steven took the time to reflect on the events that took place moments before.

He had been talking to a fellow trainer just now, and it was going alright, probably, before a sudden budew invasion cut it off rather abruptly. A budew practically launched itself at Steven, maybe for hugs, but Steven ducked so its trajectory instead sped it towards Tim. Tim batted it away as gently as he could onto one of the many chairs, perhaps sensing Steven's reluctance harm them, as they were quite young and a broken bone or two wouldn't serve them well. Then again, he was probably just confused.

Steven got up to check out the situation and found a few dozen budews running around, turning the waiting room into some kind of plant playground, and there were a few looking to play on a new found toy - Steven. Steven backed up but found himself in a ring of budew, who were about to spring him. Steven suddenly felt a menacing presence and looked up to see that Tim had begun using scary face to ward off the impending budew invasion.

The babies cowered and retreated under Tim's fierce gaze, and Steven felt bad for potentially traumatizing a dozen or so baby budew, but it was for his own survival and Tim's quick thinking had allowed Steven a moment of peace. Steven looked around quickly to get his bearings and found that almost everyone was being savaged by budew, albeit playfully.

Steven was conflicted as to whether or not to let Tim attack when he started getting sleepy for no discernible reason. He yawned, and his behaviour was matched by the surrounding budew. Tim, perhaps too prideful to yawn, stiffened a little before noticeably relaxing on Steven's head. Soon, the young budew fell asleep, and Tim too felt his consciousness going.

What's going on? Steven thought, glancing around the room.

He noticed the professor's Ivysaur off to the side as Steven sank down to the floor.

Oh, sleep poweder. Steven thought.

As Steven's consciousness disappeared, he curled up on the floor, clutching Tim who was already asleep.

Well, a little nap would do me good. Maybe. Steven thought.

Steven closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The budew crisis was averted, but Steven had a crisis of his own. Bringing up his wrist, he brought up the map from the Pokenav. Tim looked down at it quizzically. Steven didn't notice and studied the map for a little bit. See, the problem was, he had no idea what he was supposed to do now.

Where the heck am I supposed to go? Steven thought. I guess I should go take on the gym leaders, but I gotta get stronger first. Which gym was the first one again? And which town was it in?

Steven shut off his pokenav and rubbed his eyes. He really had no idea what he was doing. Truth be told, he wanted to do nothing, but his parents wanted him to have a trainer journey. Since it wasn't something he wanted to do that much, he never looked into it, and now it was coming back to bite him.

Guess I'll go ask someone what they're doing and see what happens. Steven decided.

He looked around and quickly spotted someone who kind of looked like they might have a direction. A trainer with a Mareep. Approaching the female trainer, Steven issued a tentative greeting.

"Um, hi. You were in the waiting room of the lab just now, right?" Steven said somewhat awkwardly. "Would you mind telling me what you're planning to do now? I'm kind of lost, you see."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Alexis & Sasha : Arie's Fragrant Berries-

As the day began to rise, a figure in an upstairs bedroom lay, snoring quite loudly enough to wake up their partner, Sasha, who was sleeping on a Snorlax plushie which encompassed a large amount of the rooms corner. Displeased by the cacophorous sound resonating from a familiar, cute faced teen, the Buneary devised a scheme to make sure their partner would learn from their mistake of rudely awakening him. The plan wasn't too thought out as Sasha spontaneously lept from the Snorlax plush, crashing straight into Alexis' gut which ended in pain split both routes.

As the air was knocked out of Alexis, the teen groaned, provoked by the sporadic blow to the stomach. Of course Alexis cursed a little bit, before staring at the bunny who caused such whimsical pain. From their observations, the pokemon was a bit dizzy after performing such an erratic stunt. Alexis could barely stifle a giggle, before bursting for a couple of seconds before stopping to inspect if Sasha was ok, all while commenting on such a silly task he tried to pull off in an attempt to rouse Alexis from slumber.

"Hee hee hee, rather peculiar that you would dare awakening me through such a crude method... However, I can't exactly deny that such an irregular effort worked, so bravo my dear fluffy friend! That was definitely one way to use your head, but next time why don't you use it properly, alright?"

With that said, Alexis noticed that their partner was now out of their muddled funk and scrambled onto their knees out of Alexis' arms. The teen giggled at Sashas attempts to strike a confident pose, smiling and giving the Buneary a thumbs up. Upon that little gesture, Alexis failed to notice that Sasha was taking advantage of their lowered guard to tackle Alexis' face. Trying to shake Sasha off, Alexis quickly stood up and began spinning and wobbling around, understanding what type of game Sasha was going with.

Aiiii, Sasha, get off, I can't see a thing! We might end up crashing into someone or something, hahaha!"

With that spoken, the only place where the team pondered on promptly crashing was the Snorlax plushie Sasha was snoozing on the other night. Laughing in delight, the duo found themselves laying down on the belly of the artificial pokemon. As they both enjoyed the little event, Alexis understood that letting go in a while was for the greatest good of appeasing yourself and possibly a friend, especially on days like these. The teen knew neither of them would get many moments like this, so they savored it with every drop as this would never last forever.

"Ah, that was rather invigorating of you Sasha. I wish there would be more times in our journey with things like this transpiring, however, I'm plenty sure that we won't experience much of this. Either way, shall we both start preparing ourselves for each ongoing endeavor, our journey is about to begin soon, and we don't want it to leave without us.~"

Understand the circumstances, Sasha uttered a depressed bun, before cheering up and resting on his partner back. Alexis didn't mind the way Sasha was going about this, and scratched the pokemons ear as the dynamic duo descended downstairs.

As they delved downwards, they found that Vio the Rosedale was up and helping their aunt prepare food not only for the two guests, but the other occupants in the lavished, organized garden who sought asylum from the expanding machinery. There was a glint in Alexis' eye, before completely perishing the thought, and falling back on giving a friendly greeting.

"Morning Aunt Arie, Vio! That's rather sweet of you to prepare such a large exquisite meal for Sasha and I, but I think that might be a bit much for the both of us.~"

With that said, Arie turned her head towards the teen to inspect if Alexis really meant it, before shining a smile, understanding that wasn't exactly the case. Formulating coherent thoughts, the two started out small as they prepared for the day, their conversation rising faster than Alexis' mother when she was a contest coordinator.

"I mean, you can agree on why we need a bit more natural around these parts, don't you Alexis?"

"Yeah, we are losing traces of who we are, but I have to partially concur, in due part that this is also developing our identity. However, we can only go so far as to what we can do with these factories. I'll be quite blunt here, they should at least figure out a way to make them eco-friendly, lest more smog fills up the atmosphere. At any rate, I'm going to take a quick shower, get dressed, then I'm off!~"

With those words spoken out, Sasha decided to assist in packing up the rest of the items Alexis commented on needing, along with snagging a few berries for the trip ahead. Arie, out of the kindness in her heart, handed the Buneary a berry which he discretely saved for later. Eventually, after ten minutes of conversing with Alexis' partner, and found that the teen was dressed and ready to go.


"Alexis, you have the destination marked, right? Also, I will not let you borrow Kid as it's dangerous to even consider riding Gogoat around the city! With these much cars around, it would be better to run there as neither of you would get hurt! Plus, if your departing on a journey, you should be in peak physical condition, alright?"

The duo looked at each other before nodding adamantly. Neither of them could discern how long this journey they've started would take to fully complete. Either way, they only knew that they were going to wander the region to find their purpose all while interacting with the environment encompassing them. Either way, they both need one thing - they would miss out on the fun of traversing on a Gogoat.

Despite that not being the important part of their occurring predicament, they both knew how serious this truly was. This was a dangerous undertaking, one that would be filled with myriads of hardships. Before they had the chance to leave, their caretaker e them a recommendation which strongly interested the duo. It gave them a larger incentive to go to specific towns and cities as they were located with challenges that would make or break them.

Gyms - they were scattered across the forlorn region just as Hoenn had gyms embedded within their recesses. Alexis nor Sasha batted an eye in due part to focusing mainly on contests, but now maybe they could schedule a few battles and secure a few victories. Combining contest talents with battling could give them an edge in combat now that Alexis pondered on it... if they didn't attempt any gaudy moves.

As Alexis finished chatting with Arie, Sasha hugged the Roserade rather carefully, all while Aries Serperior coiled around Alexis which caused him to slightly have a had time breathing for a bit. Thankfully Alexis understood the gesture and squeezed the snake pokemon back before being released from her embrace. Finally, came the kisses and the hug from Arie, before the duo departed, dashing in the direction of the lab.

Freely speeding down the paths before them, they ran as fast as their legs could take them. They had a good memorized route of the city as Arie had showed them around for a bit. If anything, the first place to go for coming into contact with other trainers was most likely the lab. Recalling the route, Alexis put a fringe to their lip, all while making sharp turns, slightly grazing their arm on a stop sign.

Despite earning a few strange looks, along with some flirty winks from guys which were shrugged off as meaningless to the teen, the duo finally arived at the lab. They both took a moment to catch their breaths, all while noticing a limo at the lab.



The partners stared, confused at the apparent appearance of a limo in front of a lab. The two shook their heads, Alexis pondered on if this was going to be a day with a snobby rich kid flaunting their money and status. Either way, you can't buy real victories, you earn them. Mentally facepalming, Alexis strolled up to the limo with people around it, all while stretching, Sasha following behind.

As the two approached the lab, they examined the people around the lab, they both were trying to discern what they might act like from the way they dressed. Alexis Kane such an idea was horrific and misplaced faith, however it would allow them to figure out how serious others were about this journey. The only person that was found to be legitimately unserious about this who endeavor was... the chick in the frilly dress.

"Hey, is the professor home? I wanted to grab a few items given to trainers here before going off on a journey with my partner..."


"... also, miss, nice dress you got there, however I don't think that's going to help you in anything but pokemon contests. Change of clothes is advised because that is going to restrict you... also, I don't think this occasion is fancy enough to warrant something like that."

Alexis passed by the chick, Sasha examining her before jumping onto the hood of the limo before striking a confident, gallant pose. As the Buneary began molding himself into different shapes and imagined ideas, Alexis slightly smiled while shaking their head at such a prospect.

"Come on Sasha, your not a hood ornament, nor are we performing in a contest... besides, I thought we both hated that sort of thing. You can show off later, right now, we have more important things to answer to."

With that said, Sasha, crossed his arms before turning away in false irritation, closing both of his eyes. After a couple of seconds, the Buneary had a difficult time keeping his posture and facade up for long before pivoting around and launching himself at Alexis. The teen swiftly caught the tiny pokemon in their arms, slightly smiling at him before turning his attention back to the other people in the vicinity.

Deciding to see if the Professor was home in due part to growing impatient, Alexis turned towards the door and tapped on in. Hopefully someone would answer, as the teen turned back around to face the other trainers in hopes of procuring information from them. Alexis could only wait to see how they would respond as first impressions were everything.

And so far, the only person who failed to pass that spot check in the teens eyes was the girl in the frilly green dress that was go to damper and slow down her progess. Alexis could only mentally giggle about how she would react to the possibility of such a pretty dress being torn, which also resulted in a mental cringe from the former contest prodigy. Turning away from the girl, the teen spotted someone else who looked like they were instrumentally prepared... and then another, and another... Maybe there could be some sort of interaction?

"Hey, to all of you here... mind telling me why you're all undertaking such an arduous task as I'm rather curious to why you call decided to traverse Fordis. If it's truly personal to you, no need to tell us about it... Especially all you lovely ladies, hee.~"

With that said, Alexis set Sasha down, who was looking at the other trainers, going bun bun the whole time. It looked as if he was also asking the question Alexis set out, or at least adding onto it before crossing his arms and tapping his feet. The pokemon was curious about these different people and wanted to learn about them as much as their partner, Alexis, did. However, the Buneary slightly tilted their head back, and spoke to Alexis, giving the teen a bit of flak for flirting, to which Alexis rolled their eyes at before shining a smile at the Buneary before relocating his gaze to the other trainers around.

Especially a few select ones that were to say, "interesting" as the teen would probably put it if questioned for their tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune πŸ‡πŸπŸ’ ~ Froot of the Month ~πŸπŸŒπŸ‘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fantasia Heirloom - Limousine - 2:30 PM

@Savo@Sho Minazuki

"Thank you for the tip-" Fantasia rolled her eyes as the driver honked the horn to scare the Buneary off the hood, "-I have a question for you darling, have you ever heard of the saying 'do not dabble in the affairs of others'?"

Fantasia batted her eyelashes and fanned herself with a regal fan, letting out a sweet chuckle.

"Your lucky that I value your honesty, in fact I welcome it; and for the record, winning Pokemon Contests is exactly what I plan to do. You pinned me down on that one," She thought for a moment, then scooted Blair aside, whom was getting comfortable in his seat "-have you heard of Vanessa Von Goshe?"

Before the person could finish there answer, Fantasia interrupted.

"-Vanessa Von Goshe is only the most important Pokemon Coordinator in this region, anyone who is anyone knows her-" Fantasia smiled wide, "-and I intend to attend her coordinating classes once I touch down in the Grand City!

Fantasia placed her Budew on her lap, and patted the seat next to her.

"Blair and I were just about to head to the Boutique to dress moi, in more appropriate travel attire since the freeway is closed; we have an extra seat if you and your adorable little thing would like to come!" She smirked, "-if I may be frank, you could really use a makeover."

With that, Fantasia anticipated a response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Blair Aschenford | Limousine

@MissFortune @Savo

Ahahaha... Oh dear, there she goes, Blair thought to himself as he sat in the limousine. She had a lot of pride, which concerned him. This might get them into a lot of needless trouble down the road... In any case there isn't much he can really do about it. Empress was more or less indifferent about the events. There honestly isn't much he could say back about some of this, considering he was grouped with Fantasia at the moment. Though in any case, all he could think of was how ill-mannered this boy and his Buneary were... And that's what he went at.

"I am in no particular hurry...", he began, speaking to the boy.

"But do you really have to be so rude? If you're here with us at this particular time, then you are also definitely a new trainer. It's good to be confident in yourself, but it's never good to make enemies so early", he commented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Geos snored quietly, his head rested upon the window of the bus. Box the Staryu, Geos's first Pokemon, was resting on his lap as he slept. The rigid and immobile structure of the Pokemon made him very still, causing passerby to mistake him for a pillow. Most of the ride there, people were shocked to find the "pillow" let out a low but threatening "kssssh," should anyone decide to sit next to Geos. Despite the vibration on the window, the noise of the bus itself, and his Staryu's warning hisses, Geos had slept through it all from the moment he boarded, all the way from Seastone City, only waking to board a ferry, and then to board another bus. He was locked in a dream, battling against the champion of the Kanto and Johto regions, Lance.

"Draco Meteor!" Lance exclaimed in his dream, his Dragonite charging a great ball of powerful red energy, launching it into the air, high above the stadium. The ball split in to many smaller, but still threatening meteorites, all aimed for Box.

"Alright, Box, now's your chance! Hit him with your Ice Beam!" Geos threw his arm forward with the command, an action he had practiced many times in his own bedroom. Instead, the Starmie in his dreams turned, firing a Hydro Pump in his direction.

"GG-GG-GG-GG-GG-GG-GG!" Geos awoke with a start to his Staryu's Water Gun, his hair and face completely soaked. "Box, what are you doing! We still have a couple of hours before-" Geos was cut off as he read the digital sign at the front of the bus that displayed current and next stops. "CURRENT STOP: ESTORIA CITY, 1/1," it read. The last of the passengers filed off the bus, and the driver reached for a button that would no doubt close the door.

"Wait wait!" Geos sprang up from his seat, reaching for the Pokeball in his pocket to store Box in. He would no doubt be slow on land, being a water Pokemon. The bus driver frowned slightly at the naive boy, reopening the bus door. As Geos ran down the steps to exit the vehicle, dizziness from standing up too quickly overtake him. He tripped over his own feet in a dash off the bus, landing face first on the pavement. The bus driver grinned, closing the door. Onlookers laughed with amusement, although many asked if he was okay. Geos rose quickly, running down the streets of Estoria, ignoring the concerned questions. There was no time to talk, he had a journey to begin!

Geos took out his Town Map, looking closely at the directions he had made for how to get to the Pokemon Lab, his very first destination. His excitement could hardly be contained as he sprinted down roads, past the many shops and people. Not even the charm of a metropolis like Estoria City would distract him from his goal!

"Woah, there it is!" Geos spotted the lab two streets down, speeding up as his goal appeared in sight. He felt on top of the world as he bounded up the steps three at a time, opening his palm and pressing it against the door, the momentum of his running hopefully swinging his final obstacle out of his way!

The doors, however, had plans of their own, the lock absorbing Geos's impact and firing it back in to his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. His spirits were crushed as he realized that the lab was closed. "I was... I was..." Geos ran a hand through his hair, whining out loud to himself, "laaaate?"

"Well, um yeah..." He hoped the conversation would end soon, and thank the boy was called by thrower the top woman in her 'extravagant' clothing, and 'superb' limousine. He thought of words she would use. As he got into the limousine, Alex noticed a newcomer. An extremely late newcomer. He chuckled quietly so that he wouldn't hear. He gestured for Layla to come help.

"Um, hello. Your, Geos right. You registered for a meet, but didn't show up until, well now. I'm Layla, the Professor's assistant, and this is her son, Alex. But Alex was too busy to notice he was being talked about. He went to a small tree outside the lab, and dug up the Extra Key Set.

"So, that's where she keeps them!" the whole time Layla had been her assistant, she never told her where the extra keys were, and now she knew. She wondered what the other key was for.

"C'mon. Before she finds out." Alex gestured for them to come in. He closed and locked the door behind him. As soon as they got in, he shoved Geos, and Layla behind a crate, and he ninja rolled behind another, just as a Chansey walked past.

"Always so sneaky, aren't you." Layla teased, and Alex blushed. He gestured for the newcomer to grab the items from the crates, and he snuck of into a hallway, and through a couple of of doors. While Geos shoved the items he needed in to a pocket of his backpack, Alex selected another key, and opened up a drawer.

He had always seen his mother open up the drawer, and take a paper out and look at it. But he never knew what the paper was. She obviously hadn't opened the drawer in a long time, because he found wrappers of candy when his mom and dad were on a diet, and she was sneak eating. He laughed mentally. Then he wished he hadn't opened the drawer. Inside, the paper she was always looking at was a picture of his older brother, who had died in a freak storm on a plane ride. He started tearing up, and put the picture in his bag. He snuck back to find them with all their stuff ready.

"W-well, um lets g-go." His voices trembled as he spoke. He unlocked the door, for them, and led them out. He decided he should have a proper greeting. He held out his hand, seeing if Geos would shake it.

"Well, I guess I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Alex, Alex Cedar. It's nice to meet you."

Geos smiled brightly at Alex, happy to have met these two helpful individuals. And so forgiving! He could only guess these were employees of the Head Professor at this lab, or maybe even family. He took his hand with great energy and vigor, giving it a solid shake and grasping it for another half second after before releasing it. "My name is Geos Starr, nice to meet you, truly!" He responded. He bowed his upper body slightly in a gesture of thanks. "And thank you for letting me in the lab! I've spent at least a day traveling from Seastone, this was really the earliest possible time I could have arrived..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Alexis & Sasha : Professor Cedars Lab-

Alexis was mildly surprised as the teen didn't at all expect the girl to retort in such a haughty manner. The girl had spunk, Alexis could admit that, so all wasn't exactly lost... unless she used that silver tongue of a sword at the wrong, inconceivable moment. If the girl had any street smarts, she would hope to understand Alexis' sentiment. The teen pushed themselves off the wall, brushing their back off, smiling at the girl in a collective manner, or was it a confident smirk. Either way, Alexis chuckled at her choice of words, deciding to make another move - one that wasn't entirely in favor of disporting her.

"Oh my, my, my Princess, I must of offended such a precious, delecate flower... Heh, in all seriousness Princess, with that dress and you attending this lab like it's a fancy ball where you will be woo'd by the man of your dreams isn't exactly practical... so I'll choose whether to meddle in your affairs or not as I deem necessary, words nor bribery will silence me... I do hold some respect for you through your spunk."

With that snappy remark, Sasha swinged his arms upwards, all while saying a few buns, seemingly in favor of their partner. And the duo seemed pleased at the fact that she was rather open to advice from others, as she welcomed the blunt honesty. Sure, it was rare to find someone rare who respected not having everything sugarcoated to the advantage of the talker, but coming from a kid who seemed almost so uptight was a bit unexpected.

As the girl continued to talked, Alexis kept both ears employed to hear what she had to say,just in case she had anything else to say. From what was given, she really was going for the contest scene. The limelight, the glamour of being on stage... the duo knew that once, and they found it undesirable to return. Sasha uttered a sickened bun bun while shaking his head in disappointment.

Before Alexis could even bother answering the privileged girl back, she uttered a rather familiar name. Coordinators usually knew their opponents if they had been near each other more than once. Alexis' head didn't rotate as fast as it should with their unsatisfied curiosity. Alexis could only paint a quizzical look while Sasha spun his head around, chanting bun bun while bouncing up and down to figure out why Alexis was in a deep state of thought.

As the girl continued to speak, Alexis brooded over a simple name while absorbing the information given. The teen knew the name, but where was the larger picture, Alexis could only wonder. From what was discerned, Vanessa is a famous pokemon coordinator who held possibly expensive classes for young adults who wished to dabble in an art. It made the teen ponder on sparing her the trouble of realizing that contests task time and practice or let the girl figure it out for herself.

Either way, Alexis decided not to elicit a response yet as the teen decided to let her talk her lip off. As the teen stood there, the girl offered for an invitation to join them at the boutique here in the city. Alexis smirked as the girl attempted to possibly insult the teen a subverted manner. Quite frankly, Alexis understood an insult when launched, but it honestly did not bother the teen at all. Shaking their head, Alexis stared the novice Coordinator, unfazed by the girls choice of words.

"Sorry honeybuns, but I have much more important things to do than hide behind a mere masquerade of who I am. Besides, primping myself isn't exactly my style. I've done it so many times, and it just feels out of place; it also is very vexing to Sasha and I, so again, thanks for the offer, but no thanks."

With that said and done, Alexis let Sasha share his piece, even though he mildly growled at the girls volition inviting the duo to accompany the Princess and Blair, the boy who was possibly her boyfriend. Alexis formed an impish grin with a devious idea to tease the duo. Plotting, the Buneary let out spurs of advice she probably couldn't understand, but nevertheless took the time to try and explain it to her.

Before given the chance to let their mind run on a rampage, the rather handsome boy interjected into their conversation. The boy commented on Alexis being confident to the point of making enemies. The teen frowned at the boy as Sasha let out a barrage of bun buns, yet it would probably go unheard unless he could discern the Bunearys feelings. Either way, he was displeased with the comment, and eventually finished the rant with a few final bun buns. The teen stared at Blair, and spoke coolly towards him, depriving his voice of any irritation.

"Sasha, you didn't have to defend my side, but thanks. At any rate handsome, let me explain my case. What you saw as rude was me bluntly stating the truth. If you want me to put sprinkles all over a hard thought, apologies but I'll pass. I speak what I mean, and if that comes off as nothing more than a brazen comment to you, deal with it. It's better to tell someone what you truly think rather than letting something build up in an unstable manner then topple it down. Got that reasoning committed to memory?"

"At any rate, another reason why I must decline coming along with you two is I would be a mere third wheel. I would not prefer to drive a wedge during such an intimate moment between you two as it would just be awkward, hee!~"

As the teen teased the duo, another person who appeared late began asking around for info on if he was late. The door was locked, so Alexis was a bit salty about that. The teen wasn't waiting until tomorrow, so screw it, no free items to assist on their journey. To add some icing to the top, the two people who were sitting by the labs entrance decided to answer him.

Even worse was the fact that they blantly ignored the other person who actually asked the people in the general vicinity if the professor was home! Seriously, that did not pass the common sense test at all! As they walked inside, they immediately closed the door, leaving Alexis purely beffudled.

Seriously? That was utter b.s. in eyes. Alexis promptly dashed over to the door and attempted to open the door, only to find that they locked the door behind them. This was not going to bode well with the teen whose next step was to utterly bash on the door to get their attention. Alexis couldn't tell if they interpreted the conversation the teen had with the girl incorrectly or were just ignorant that there was another trainer who was scheduled to come by the lab today.

"How the heck did you not notice me?! The lab is closed my ass if you guys somehow have access to it! Let me in you jerks!"

Bashing the door as hard as the teen could with their right fist, a loud sound could be heard in the area eminating from the teens constant, unladylike assault against the entrance. This hopefully would alert anyone who was in the house, or just anyone in general.

Eventually the teen switched fists and began slamming their left hand against the door, their right trembling erratically. This was definitely one particular way to start an adventure, but technically not the most desired.
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