Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Blair Aschenford | Limousine

@MissFortune @Savo

"I see tactful language escapes you, I won't stop you, but I will warn that unless you are strong, you cannot speak so freely without repercussions", he shared ominously within the boy's earshot, for a brief moment it seemed Blair had opened his eye. He wasn't phased, it was a strange trait with him, he always seemed meek and timid, yet he was the pinnacle of calm, a unnerving trait, if not for his compassion. He turned to Fantasia and urged them to begin their journey,

"I think we should get moving... We have better things to do", he stated, there was an almost hateful tone to it. Empress had chosen to ignore the boy though, and rested happily in her seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hadaron woke up blurry-eyed to the sound of someone banging on a door very loudly. That sleep powder stuff was certainly effective. He looked around him and the trainers, it seemed like most of the were having conversations or were otherwise preoccupied with.... doors. Shrugging he took out his map and pondered what his plan for his journey was.

Following the route numbers seemed like the most logical option, it let him visit a fair amount of cities with some logical path and there wasn't really any other reason to go any other way. Deciding on that course of action he scooped up Ralts and placed him in the basket on his bike and got ready to pedal down Route 1. After all he had an awfully long way to go and ever more to learn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Elvenheisen Wren 1:00pm - Estoria City


"well the desert route I had planned sends us past route 2, and route 2 contains all manner of pokemon, it is referred to as Natures Park, so its bound to have some good pokemon of variety, recently I was there, and I can tell you, it does have some pretty awesome pokemon." Elf said as he put away the town map, "alright I guess I'll lead the way and you follow." Elf said closing up the town map, "And while we are on the subject of money, I spent my last amount just recently. so i'll have to rectify that soon" Elf said as he started walking towards the door, "Now then" Elf began turning back to look at Rin, "as the higher class always say, Ladies first" Elf said almost sarcastically while bowing. Fletchling was doing the same on his head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune 🍇🍏🍒 ~ Froot of the Month ~🍍🍌🍑

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Sho Minazuki

Fantasia placed her Budew back into the seat next to her, as if to undo her previous offer.

She looked at Blair and rolled her eyes, exhaling a very irritated "eh", glancing at the rude boy; then back at her perfectly manicured fingernails.

"If you expected to get a point across in that rambling and rather incoherent response, your attempts were in vain." Fantasia smirked, "-and may I be frank, first impressions can be tough and when I saw you; I knew it."

She snapped her fingers in the air, triggering the driver to make his way around the vehicle to shut the Limousine door, "-If your attire weren't enough, that last answer just blew it."

The driver closed the door and began to make his way back to the drivers seat, Fantasia was not finished with her rant however; she rolled down the window and continued her speech.

"-and so my dear so vulgar and derogatory, you'll never succeed with that kind of mouth." She laughed and moved closer to the window, teasing the girl. "-with your basic Pokemon and your sad little face, oh but it isn't your fault.."

She began to roll up the window, "-when I see you again, we shall see what you've done."

Fantasia let out a very vindictive yet composed laugh and snapped her fingers while returning to her seat; meanwhile the limo driver was waiting for approval to leave the Pokelabs.

"Eh. You may go."

With that, before the boy could say anything back to Fantasia; the limousine began to chauffeur its passengers from the Pokelabs, towards the Eloquence Boutique which was only a few blocks away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Rin Izayoi 1:00pm - Estoria City
"My my what a gentlemen" Rin said with a bit of sarcasm as she walked out of the lab. "So Route 2 you said had some pretty interesting pokemon right? Would you know if I might be able to find a slowpoke there you see Ikindoffindthemcute." She asked while she rushed the last part of what she was saying making it seem like it came out as one word. Though upon saying that her face was overcome with a blush as her face turned red she pulled her hat down to try and cover it. She had a small ok maybe large weakness with cute things and cute pokemon and she found slowpoke and slowbro cute. It was probably something that she shouldn't be embarrassed about but she coudldn't help her self she wanted to come across as a strong and elegant trainer yet her love for nearly all things she found cute was kind of hard to get that across at times.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Elvenheisen Wren 1:00pm - Estoria City


"Are you blushing?"Elf said with a Smirk after he had walked out the door, he wasn't honestly one to talk about people blushing over cute thing's, he does it himself from time to time, rarely but he still does it, so he wasn't one to talk, but he couldn't help but laugh internally, it was kinda cute the thing she was doing, very cute. Elf quickly dashed the thought out of his head, he had only just met the girl. "anywho yes there are slowpoke on route two, I saw some, but they might take a bit of finding, cause I honestly can't remember where they were" Elf said a bit sheepishly, as Roc smacked him on the head with his wing. "so while the days still young we can try and find them." Elf said with a contemplating smile, then he had a question, "so whats with the symbol on your hat? and belt?" He asked questioningly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Rin Izayoi 1:00pm - Estoria City
"I am not youstupidjerkface!" She huffed as she turned head and started mumbling to herself. She continued to walk by herself as she knew that he would be following. Though stopped when she heard his second question that was a interesting queston to say the least and they had a long backstory behind them. "The belt is the most simple to explain so lets start with that as you see it is two birds over a broken heart. Teh story of this is basically that though they are apart from each other and the love between them are broken that they are still connected. The bonds between them true that even through tough times they are still there for each other." She explained while her left hand was in a pointing position with her right arm was holding the elbow of her left arm. "The hat is a odd question one I can not give a clear answer on they say that the symbol can represent guaranteed victory since it shaped like the ears of the legend of victini, or the more knowledgeable would state the symbol an the wreath underneath stand for the representation of something deeper since the symbol has been seen in some ruins lately though the exact meaning has been unclear."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Elvenheisen Wren 1:04pm - Estoria City

Honestly her reaction was the most cutest thing ever, Elf had to hand it to Rin, she did know how to be unintentionally cute, but she did Answer his question as they stopped, honestly though what Elf didn't notice was that Fletchling was tearing at the eye slightly at the two birds, broken heart comment, but it quickly whipped away the tear, and put on a strong face, the hat symbol didn't exactly bare any weight for either of them, neither the less it was interesting to hear about its relations to the past, in fact Elf was beginning to like this girl, maybe he could tell her a bit of his backstory, the streets where almost empty. so he put on a straight face, "okay do you have any questions for me, anything at all I will answer for you" Elf said obviously waiting for the inevitable question, it would be best to get it out of the way, if they where gonna be traveling together. so Elf stared at Rin waiting for a answer, his face slowly going red the longer he waited... he really was starting to get embarrassed. Talking rarely to people does make it hard to talk to them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Rin Izayoi - Estoria City
"I have no questions to really ask I believe all things should come with time plus everyone has the right to a few secrets no?" She asked as she watched him blush more and more. "Though I guess it cant hurt to ask how did you come to know your fletchling?" She asked it was obvious one question that he expected her to ask was what he was waiting for but honestly she could wait and care less everyone had things they would rather remain silent herself included. Plus she would not want their journey to start on a sad note call her what you want but somethings was better for later than sooner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Elvenheisen Wren - Estoria City

Elf's Face darkened at the question, well at it least it wasn't the one he intended thank Arceus, Elf looked at Roc, "May I tell her?" Elf asked his little Fletchling on his shoulder who was looking him, Roc nodded, and Elf turned back to look at Rin his eyes sharp and focused, "Roc here, I hatched from a egg" Elf said pointing to the little Fletchling "I've been with him since he was a hatchling." Elf said briskly and clearly, before walking on ahead trying to ignore the flow of thoughts coming in his head in relation to the subject. "So... Race you to the route 2 entrance gate." Elf said walking on ahead, sure it might seem impolite as hell, but he needed a few second's to think, he tapped his head-band and whispered quietly under his breath "For there sake if not my own" Roc also chirped in unison under his breath. he stopped and turned around, and outspread his arm like he was preaching something, he looked stupid as all hell but he had another question. "So what are your goals, what do you aspire to be on your journey? Personally I want to become the Champion, and I know it sounds contrived because pretty much everyone wants to become the Champion but I am gonna do it. Elf said with a wide faced grin, on the inside he knew why he was gonna become the Champion as did Fletchling, he was gonna do it, to fulfill the dreams of those that couldn't but hell he also wanted fun, getting to that point, as they would also have done.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Blair Aschenford | Boutique


The next stop was the Boutique, Blair had already picked out his own clothes for travelling, so there was no need for him to go inside, instead while she was picking out her clothes, Blair decided to check quickly on supplies and food for Pokemon. He returned in not too long and ended up waiting a little longer for Fantasia, but once she was done, she had a look of readiness on her face. As he expected she was still flashy, just more practically so now.

"We should get going to Harport city if we're going to Grand city. That will be along route 1, a pleasant walk if I do say so myself", he reminded. Yes, route 1. It was indeed a nice walk, just greenery mostly, so a relaxing walk was expected for this route.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune 🍇🍏🍒 ~ Froot of the Month ~🍍🍌🍑

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Sho Minazuki

Fantasia Heirloom - Outskirts of Estoria City - 3:45 PM

Fantasia twirled in her newly acquired sundress, it made life a whole lot easier to maneuver in; Budew let out a spew of jibberish coos in excitement for her trainers wardrobe choice.

She took the ballgown in hand and delicately passed it to her Driver, making sure it would arrive in pristine condition the moment she arrived at the Grand City.

After exchanging a few final words with the limousine chauffeur, she watched as he drove off into the invisible distance; for a moment she wondered just where she would go from here until Blair commented.

"We should get going to Harport city if we're going to Grand city. That will be along route 1, a pleasant walk if I do say so myself".

Fantasia picked up her Budew and placed her into the small purse she was gripping so tightly, nodding at Blair in disbelief that she was actually doing this.

"Which direction? You lead I will follow!" Fantasia smiled as her Budew made sweet purring noises as it stuck its head out of the purse.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Blair Aschenford | Route 1


And lead the way he did. Blair was glad Fantasia had chosen to walk once she wore more practical clothing, Empress followed him to his side as he led the way. It was a familiar path to him, back to Route 1 that is. Just earlier today he arrived to Harport, and walked. The way to Harport wasn't too long, but they would reach there by nightfall and take a ferry the next day, or try and catch the last one to Grand City and arrive there late in the evening. It depended on how soon they could get to Harport really.

It was nearly afternoon, so as he entered the route, the energy he had seen in the morning was more restrained, and there were some people on their way home from the fields, while others finished up whatever fieldwork they had. This morning, despite the energy, Blair had not encountered any wild Pokemon, just some new-ish trainers or kids in the area who wanted to have a battle, but that was it. Blair was hoping to see a wild Pokemon this time around though.

@AbysmalDemon or @1Charak2 May I please encounter a shiny Snivy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune 🍇🍏🍒 ~ Froot of the Month ~🍍🍌🍑

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fantasia Heirloom - Route 1 - 4:15 PM

@Sho Minazuki

Fantasia carried her Budew as she followed Blair who hardly looked at his map, he had told Fantasia earlier he was familiar with the path; but she was doubtful. Surprisingly, many people walked this trail thanks to the Snorlax on the freeway; which meant most of the wild Pokemon scurried away into the deeper parts of the forest.

Quickly, Fantasia became bored of the long walk with pointless Pokemon battles on the way to Harport; quickly suggesting to Blair that they walk a bit deeper into the woods in hopes of finding something.

With approval, the duo walked with their Pokemon through the deeper parts of the forest with few people around. Fantasia became very uncomfortable with her idea, possessing an unhealthy obsession with bugs, she treaded lightly and hugged her Budew tightly for comfort; forcing Blair to walk in front of her.

"Blair?" Fantasia called out as they were passing by a bush, she thought she could make out a deep blue color past the bushes and flowers "Come over here for a second, please!"

Blair walked over to the curious girl, "Hm?"

Suddenly, the bush began to shake causing Fantasia and Budew to scream in terror and hide behind Blair.

"Eek! What is it!?" Fantasia's skin crawled as she squeezed Budew tighter, "Is it a bug!?"

Blair leaned in closer to look over the bush, Fantasia was breathing heavily adding to the suspense.

"Don't just stand there! Get it!" Fantasia shrieked.

With that, Blair peeked over the bush; what he found surprised him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Rin Izayoi - Estoria City
"I may not hold a grand desire as yours but my main goal is to learn all that there is on pokemon. I want to learn more about them as a whole to gain knowledge about them rather than just using them from battles" Rin stated as she walked behind Elf. She was not all that interested in the whole race idea it was obvious he wanted some time to himself to gather or collect thoughts she assumed but was unsure if that was the reason. "Still I guess you can say that my main goal is to become a pokemon researcher or professor one that has the needed funds to be able to research these things. Though I decided to go on a journey for personal experience and to collect pokemon to help me in my goal. To be precise though I want to research the legendary pokemon themselves. They have different tales depending on region at times and how they are portrayed is often different compared to others. Plus their connection to what and or how they were in the past compared to today Groudon and Kyogre from my home region of Hoenn is probably the best example." She stated as she continued walking this was her goal to find and discover the true history of pokemon starting with the legendary pokemon themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Elvenheisen Wren - Estoria City - Gate to Route 2
Elf had heard her response, and he nodded as he heard the words be spoken, so she was gonna learn more about pokemon. Elf smirked. That was a great goal, honestly it seemed more achievable then the borderline Impossible task he had set himself, not just anyone can become the Champion after all. after a few minutes of silent walking they had reached the entrance gate to Route 2, It was a simple building made of concrete, it essentially was just a hallway, Elf stopped and waited for Rin to catch up to him since she seemed to be behind. but the space to think was much appreciated, never the less he didn't want to go to far ahead, "Alright here we are, the Route 2 entrance gate, in all its plain appearance. Where Goals begin, and also where rookie trainers go." Elf said with a wide toothed grin, obviously he was gonna to be riled up to get back on the road again, and get into more scuffles then ever before, but hell, it was gonna be fun. "Now then if you may walk with me Rin, we shall take the first steps on to Route 2 of this journey anyway" Elf said waiting for the blue hatted trainer to do the honor's, while pretending to bow, Roc doing the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ren Flint - Route 1

"Now finish it off with a Tackle." The young trainer commanded.
"Rex." His pokemon growled as it charged right in and sent the wild pokemon flying.
"That was great." Ren said as he pats pokemon on the head just long enough to stand the heat that rose off it. It was true raising a fire pokemon was never easily but Ren already felt like he enjoyed having Char around. Only time would tell if Char felt the same exact way about him. Still Ren was sure his pokemon would come around in the end as long as he gave it the love and dedication that it deserved.

Ren pulled a red and white ball from his belt and held it in front of his pokemon. "Char, return." He commanded as a red light shot out of his pokeball and beamed his pokemon inside. It was true it must be cramped up in there but at least it gave his pokemon a rest while Ren did all the walking. After all having an exhausted pokemon do all of the fighting was never a smart idea. Ren looked in his bag and realized that he was beginning to get short of items. That meant it would be a smart idea to head for Estoria City eventually. That was when Ren noticed a pair of trainers fretting over something in the distance.

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Rin Izayoi - Estoria City - Gate to Route 2
Ignoring the theatrics from her companion and his partner she took a step into the hallway like structure entering and walking halfway she turned and called "So you going to stay there or shall we go?" She asked as she waited for her travelling partner to catch up with her though while her tone may seemed harsh she had a smile on her face showing that it was all in good nature. She couldn't help but think that if this is a sign on how the rest of her journey is going to turn out she might actually enjoy it a bit more than she thought she would all things considered. "So there any certain pokemon you are after? Since we all figured out which one I am after." She said as a light blush tinted her cheeks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Blair Aschenford | Route 1


The walk through Route 1 wasn't so bad, Fantasia was surprisingly not so bad. He expected a bit more complaining, but that didn't seem to be the case. In not long she called him over, to which he checked. She saw something, likely just a Pokemon, or at least she thought it was a Bug Pokemon. She ended up hiding behind him in fear of it. Regardless of whatever thought may come up, he was still curious, so he walked up to check, Empress standing beside him as he did so.

"Oh my", he said to himself. This was an unexpectedly lucky occurrence. A Shiny Snivy, as such an early encounter... He wasn't sure what to do, just... Throw a Pokeball at it? Probably just do that.

The Snivy seemed to be absorbed doing it's own thing, so he had this one chance, in which he took. He pulled a Pokeball from his bag, Fantasia was still unable to see what he had seen, but he was too wrapped up in the moment to care. He lobbed the Pokeball at the unsuspecting Snivy, and after a few tense moments... It was caught, just like that. He stepped into the bushes to pick up the Pokeball, and as he walked out he noticed someone was coming their way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissFortune
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MissFortune 🍇🍏🍒 ~ Froot of the Month ~🍍🍌🍑

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Sho Minazuki@GrandzHelios

Fantasia shut her eyes and stepped back, she heard the bushes rustling some more and began to panic; stepping away from Blair and trying to compose herself.

After a few moments of distracting herself with Budew, after she had contained her terror; she turned around and was shocked to see Blair pulling out a Pokeball.

"Ohmygosh! Your gonna catch it!?" Fantasia shrieked and tried to smack the poke ball from his hand but he had already tossed it, "Ew! Don't! I hate bugs!"

She watched the Pokeball bob side to side, hoping it would fail; but it didn't and the unknown Pokemon was caught.

"Please, Please tell me it was a Beautifly of something?" She sighed, looking at Blair who was too shocked at the Pokemon he had just caught; suddenly she heard another rustling behind her.

She flipped around to see a Trainer walking towards her, who could it be?
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