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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Smiling to himself Derrick went through the lab and looked through all the tech he could get his hands on. He didn't find out much but he made sure to memorize what certain things looked like. Who knows maybe something could come in handy later. If what that voice said was true he could use all the info he could get his hands on. It was like the world around him was his own personal playground. Kapurimon was worried he wasn't going to go and look for the others immediately but he figured that if he was to find anyone else they would need a base to come back too. If Derrick could even get half of these things to work or even a quarter of them then they could use them to possibly find out something useful! Maybe they could get an idea on where to go! Or maybe just a safe place to be. "So little dude what's outside?" Derrick inquired to his digimon as the little puff ball looked up at him. "I think a forest maybe some grasslands and hills I guess." Kapurimon said unsure if he wanted to know about the digimon too. "Alright nothing I hopefully can't handle. As for others like you...well I hope you got more to you than you're showing little dude. No offense but puffy ball of fur doesn't strike fear in the hearts of your enemy." Derrick said as he started to whistle and tinker with the computer system in front of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Danny and Hawkmon continued to follow Salamon the bird explained things in a bit more detail." Danny, because of problems in Digiworld a conglomeration of humans, including you, have been brought here because of ancient allegories detailing the power of Digivices which can only be used by your kind."

Just as Danny was about to ask why of all humans he was among those chosen, he realized something else. "How did you know my name? I never told you." Before Hawkmon could reply, Salamon who had apparently seen something ran back in their direction. "I knew there would be other humans around here somewhere but someone else found them first.We better hurry."

After about thirty seconds the three arrived at a huge bush. On the other side Danny could a girl and what looked like a chess piece circling a giant bug with a boy and two other Digimon nearby. "See they need our help." Salamon was ready t rush in but Hawkmon blocker her path with his wing. "I agree, but we're not gonna be much help against a Champion, so we better watch the fight and wait for the right moment." With that the two Digimon hid in the bush While Danny because of his size lay down on the ground.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Decker126


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Graham and Gizamon had been walking for a while, mostly in silence until Graham spoke up. "So Gizamon, do you know how we can find the others?" He asked as he covered his mouth to stop from yawning. "Because I'm starting to think that walking around in the woods isn't going to help very much."

"How should I know?" Gizamon asked. "Don't you humans have a way to find each other?"

"Not really," Graham replied. "I mean it's not like I have their cell numbers or anything." He paused for a moment before pulling out his Digivice. "What about this thing? The others should have one to right? Maybe there's a tracking feature on here." He started to mess with the small device but he didn't have any luck getting it to work.

"I'm not really sure it can do that," Gizamon said. "but to be honest I don't know much about it either. Just that it is a sign that you were chosen."

"Great," Graham sighed. "Chosen to help save an entire world. No pressure."

"Don't worry, you won't be doing it alone. You've got me and I'm sure we'll meet up with the others soon." Gizamon said trying to cheer up his partner.

"I wouldn't count on it." A voice said as a small goblin like creature emerged from the trees.

"Yikes! That's a Goblimon!" Gizamon yelped.

"I take it he's not a good guy?" Graham asked. Gizamon shook his head. "Can you take him?" Another shake from Gizamon. "Well, I guess we're running then."

"I can't out run him! If there was a river or something nearby I could out swim this guy no problem, but I'm to slow on land." Gizamon said, not taking his eyes off of the new enemy.

"Well, I guess I'll do the running then." Graham grabbed Gizamon and took off as fast as he could with Goblimon close behind him. Small fireballs collided against the trees and bushes near him, but he kept. Still, he knew he couldn't run forever they needed a place to hide, or another way to turn the fight around.

"There!" Gizamon cried. "Over there! There's a building!" It looked like an abandoned lab or something, but Graham couldn't be sure. He turned towards it and ran through the door. Hopefully they could turn the situation around from in here, but neither of them had a clue as to how they could do it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anya hugged Conomon gently as they walked across the grassy plain. How can something this soft and cute exsist. she thought to herself. Sighing she spoke "We've been walking FOREVER and I haven't seen anyone. Are you sure there are others?"

"Of course I'm sure! You being here proves the legend was real, which means there should be other humans around here!" Conomon shouted in reply. "Well if there ARE other humans here, where are they, hm?" Anya asked, stopping and looking down at her questioningly. Conomon fidgeted nervously, "Well, uh..maybe..maybe try that building wayyy over there?" Conomon replied, pointing off into the distance with her tail.

Anya squinted and looked in the direction Conomon had pointed, and sure enough there was a building there. "Welp. We'll try your idea then." Anya replied, smiling and petting Conomon on the head. Picking up the pace she practically ran to the building. Panting as she reached the outside she called out, "Hellooo! Annnybody hoome?" She called out happily, completely oblivious to the Goblimon in the forest. Which soon lept out of the forest sending a fireball that exploded a few feet from Anya, sending Anya flying back to land on her butt with a thud.

"Wh-what is that thing!" She shouted, scrambling backwards from it. "Th-thats a Goblimon! We need to run!" Conomon shouted, but her words fell upon deaf ears. Anya had froze, trembling at the Goblimon in front of her. Conomon fidgeted free from Anyas' grasp, jumping out in front of her and spitting acid bubbles at the Goblimon. "Ge-get away! I won't let you hurt her!" She shouted, and looked as angry as a small ball of fur with a face and horns could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He Heard the Screams, and looked around for a sign of where they had come from. That building, Datamon's Old Laboratory, They May be Holed Up in There! He Wasted No Time, Rushing Through the Forest as Fast as He Could. He Knew that, just arriving here, the Digidestined would be confused and weak compared to many of the Digimon that thrived in this world of darkness and evil, they Needed his help. Through his Sheer Will He Stopped his Digitizing, but still would not be able to retain this form for much longer.
"I'll Make Good Use out of the Time I Have Left Here... What's This?"
There were two Humans, Each with Small Digimon, Cornered by a Goblimon in the Doorway. Alphamon Drew his Blade, Announcing Himself.
"Goblimon! Cease Your Attack At Once, Or You Shall Meet Your End!"
The Digimon Turned Around, Shocked at the Sight of Alphamon. He Backed up a Step.
"Al... Al... Alphamon! But, The Council of Five Defeated You, They Said You Were Dead!"
"Well, Surprise Then! Now Back Off, Before You Taste the Blade that Hath Slain Many Others!"
Goblimon Had Gone Into Full Panic Mode Now, and Quickly Retreated From The Building. Alphamon Came Upon the Building, Checking on the Humans Inside. They Seemed Scared, But Physically Unharmed. Unfortunately, the Same Could Not Be Said for Alphamon. He Drove his Blade Into the Ground, Kneeling, as his Form Began to Weaken.
"Digidestined... I Am Alphamon, But I Will Not Be For Much Longer... I Asked Azulongmon, a Digimon Sovereign, to Bring Forth Worthy Heroes from the Human World, and The Digivices You Now Carry Chose You, As Well as Your Partners... You Truly Are the Ones Destined to Bring the Light Back from the Darkness..."
He Felt Himself Slipping, Unable to Hold the Form Any Longer. The Time Had Come.
"Unfortunately, Alphamon Must Take His Leave For Now... Please, Save This World, as My Last Request..."
With That, His Form Glowed, then Shrunk, Leaving a Small Fox Tailed Digimon Laying Unconscious. Something Small Gathered Up Chunks of Data, Then Took Off into the Sky with a Bright Light, and Shot off to Places Unknown.
@vancexentan @Decker126 @Shikaru

PawnChessmon and Her Human Partner, at least I think it she was her partner, weren't fairing very well against Kabuterimon. I Was entranced on the battle, when Kabuterimon Decided to Focus on Me Once Again. It Rushed Towards Me, as Agumon and Gabumon Jumped in front of me. I Can't Really Tell What Happened Next, But I'll Try. The Device on my Belt Shone a Light Almost as Bright as the Sun, and Something Began to Happen to Agumon and Gabumon.
"Could it Be... It Is! Agumon, Digivolve to..."
"I Feel it too! Gabumon, Digivolve to..."
Their Shapes Changed, they grew, they weren't the same small creatures I met only moments before.
Now standing in front of me were a larger dinosaur creature somewhat resembling a t-rex, and a creature that looked like a blue and white stripped wolf. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder!
@Forsythe @Duthguy
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"What the hell was that!?" Derrick shouted as he heard the commotion and dropped his screw driver looking around as Kapurimon told him to follow him and hurry as Derrick nodded and rushed off but stopped turned around and grabbed his screw driver as he ran bac his digimon told him to get his head in the game. "We don't have time to waste!" Kapurimon said as he rushed, or bounced more like it, towards the entrance to the building and he arrived just in time to see a strange digimon start to fade. He heard it call itself Alphamon. He felt hollow as he watched the being fade away unable to help it in any meaningful way. "Dang it if only I could do something..." Derrick said as he finally noticed there were actual people around him. Well he supposed one part of his job was done. "Oh hey there! Are you those partners my friend here was talking about? Digidestined that thing called us? Name's Derrick and this is Kapurimon and before you ask I don't know anything. I just woke up here and was fiddling with things when I heard some noise and came to check what was up." Derrick said to his apparent fellow digidestined. Whatever the heck that term meant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Between the two of them, Nonna and Pawnchessmon managed to land a few shots. After Kabuterimon's first attack, Pawnchessmon quickly dodged and managed to score a hit on it's left leg with her lightning attack. At the same time Nonna carved a long gash in the other leg between the chitinous plates. Unfortunately for the duo, they might have as well throw pebbles on the champion digimon. It's sheer size made it just shrug off the damage, not to mention all it had to do was to use it's wings and it wouldn't need the legs anyhow.

That said, they were not doing absolutely nothing. The Kabuterimon was getting majorly annoyed and seeking to take it out on the closest living thing that didn't put up any resistance, namely Brent. For a second there she thought the legend or whatever it was why they were borught here would be very short lived, but then in a brilliant flash of light, the other guy's digimon changed - something Pawnchessmon referred to as Digivolution, if memory served.

"Gloryhogs! Find your own fight!" Pawnchessmon growled in frustration. She didn't need their help! She wouldn't ever succeed in her goal if she was forced to rely on someone else! Looking at Nonna, even her faceless head conveyed her feeling pretty well to the likeminded girl. "We'll have to show them all the hard way what happens when they leave a pawn unattended now, won't we?" the Russian said back, reversing the grip on her sword and throwing it over to her partner.

Pawnchessmon felt a surge of power like she was never able to summon before as she caught her partner's sword. Was this strength always in her? Why did it take a human girl to bring it out? No matter! They could be philosophical about it after they would emerge victorious!

"Promotion: Queen!" The little pawn was engulfed in a golden glow as she raised the sword. "Heartbreaker!" she howled, thrusting the sword forward, launching herself against the back of the Kabuterimon, hitting it straight between the wings with what she felt was a swing that could cut through a mountain, uncaring if she hit Greymon and Garurumon in the process - It would serve them right for butting in! She didn't have time to observe the result of her attack though, as her strength was rapidly leaving her.

Seeing Pawnchessmon falling, Nonna ran up to catch her along with her weapon. Halfway down though, the girl's eyes widened as the chess piece turned into what she could only describe as a fuzzball with a helmet. Catching her gently into her arms, the Russian momentarily forgot about the insectoid monster.

"Are you OK, little thing?"
"Did we... get it?"

Nonna looked up, ready to run if the answer was 'no'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Huh? Well, there were some people here at one time." Tinkermon muttered to Anneliese, though more to herself. The two had been wandering through the forest for some time. There had been a few mishaps, stepping on a random digimon hidden in the environment or something of the sort. Nothing hazardous, just shocking and even somewhat odd. She had only been on this world for a very short time and-- "INCOMING!" Tinkermon exclaimed.

"What?" Annaliese questioned slightly before seeing and extrodinary sight. . . A giant bug! Like, ugly as sin (though that goes for any bug to Annaliese) and it was. . . Highly unsettling. "Wha-what is that?!" She stuttered slightly. It was not what she wanted to see. If it were small, that'd be one thing. . . On the other hand. . . It wasn't. It was humongous. "Why is that so big?!" She fell back on her butt with Tinkermon falling on her lap.

"HEYHEYHEYHEY!!!" Tinkermon yelled as she fell from the shoulders of the girl down to her lap. It hurt a little, sure, but not as much as the giant monster of an insect. "Shush girl, do you want that Kabuterimon to shock you into next week?" Tinkermon said as she muffled Annaliese's mouth. "I might not be able to do much to a champion level digimon myself. . ." She muttered aloud shifting her vision over to a girl and a puffball with a helmet as well as. . . "My, my." She mused. "Looks like there are two champion levels with that kid over there." The pixie muttered as a boy, Garurumon and Greymon entered her vision. "I think we're fine. . . uhhh. . . Never got your name?"

Annaliese had slowly felt a little better. . . Hardly though. "Annaliese. . . And what are these champion level things?" Tinkermon sighed as she remembered that she forgot to tell the midget all about the whole level system of digimon. "Alright, tell me later I guess." The girl puffed out, trying to hold back whatever signs of worry she may have had.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I Heard the Talking behind me and turned around to see a girl with what looked like a fairy. I was about to say something when the giant bug in front of us started getting back up. Greymon and Garurumon were ready to fight, but something seemed different about Kabuterimon now.
"Ow... Anyone get the license plate of the Trailmon that hit me? Wait, what's going on?"
He looked around, seeing the humans and digimon around him. He seemed genuinely confused on what had just happened. Then he looked around and saw the destruction around him.
"Oh man, did I do this? I'm so sorry there you all, I don't know what came over me right there. I may look vicious, but i'm no digivore... I'm so sorry for any trouble I caused."
Now that the danger had passed, Greymon and Garurumon disappeared, leaving Agumon and Gabumon Once Again. I was understanding nothing today...
"It's fine now, no one's hurt, and you're back to normal now!"
"Yeah, Let's let Bygones be Bygones, old chum."
Kabuterimon Didn't seem so convinced, then he saw the Humans with their strange devices and realized who they were.
"You all, you're Digidestined! The Legend, it is coming to fruition! You are the Ones Destined to Save this World! Now I Feel Even Worse... I Know, I Think I Might Know Where More of the Digidestined are! Follow Me!"
Kabuterimon Took Flight and Headed Towards A Giant Building just a short ways away. I Looked around and saw yet another human, a boy, trying to hide in the brush nearby, he must have been watching the fight.
"Hey, You Realize I Can See You Perfectly Fine Right Guy?"
I Turn to each of the others and just look around me, so far I've come in contact with three other humans, two girls and one boy.
"So, Awkward Place to Meet, but My name is Brent. And these are my... Partners, I Guess, Agumon and Gabumon."
@Forsythe @Duthguy @Pyromania99
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Anya watched as the Goblimon continued to approach, completely frozen in fear. I take it back this isn't cool at all! she thought to herself. "Come on! Get up and run!" Conomon shouted, nudging Anya with her tail. It wasn't Conomon that snapped her out of it, instead it was the dying Alphamon.

She stood slowly picking Conomon up and watching the scene un-fold. She immediately had thirty different questions, most of them revolving around 'The Council of Five'. Once the Goblimon had ran she had intended on asking Alphamon, having no clue what dying looked like to a digimon.

She stopped to listen to his words before she dissapeared, coming to realization that he died protecting her, something she admittedly should have done herself by running. She simply nodded in agreement as the small beings flew off.

It wasn't long until she noticed someone else had joined them, it startled her a bit at first when he spoke but she realized quickly it was a human and not another digimon trying to kill them. "Uh. Yep! I think so, anyway. At-least that's what Conomon said." Anya told him, holding the brown ball of fuzz up. "I'm Anya, and this is Conomon, the apparently tougher than it looks ball of fuzz." She said, hugging it and giggling.

"I try." Conomon said, smiling and looking at the other two humans before her. "So the stories were true! There really are more of you!" Conomon shouted happily, a wide smile on her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Agumon and Gabumon Digivolved Danny's two partners were certain that they would be able to deal with Kabuterimon. PawnChessmon however managed to surprise the pair by dealing a massive blow to the bug, at the cost of reverting back to it's previous level. Somehow after that attack Kabuterimon calmed down and quickly realized that he had attacked the Digidestined.

After the Champion Digimon had apologized the boy with the goggles revealed that Danny's hiding spot wasn't as great as he thought it was. The three revealed themselves completely after Kabuterimon had taken off. "I don't care that you saw me, what matters is that Kabuterimon didn't back when he was still aggressive. I'm Danny btw."

"Sorry for not offering any assistance earlier but since we didn't think we would be much help, we decided to see if there would be a good chance for a surprise attack. But it seems like we underestimated you, since our plan proved unnecessary." "What he said, and since my friend once again forgot to introduce us to the humans we're Hawkmon and Salamon. Bet you can't guess which of us goes with what name though."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Kazero was in a dream, but it was a strange dream; and unusual one in fact. He knew he was dreaming, that it wasn't real, that this was not a time to be dreaming. On some level he knew that he should be a awake - had he nodded of at some point? Was he in biology class? The dream was unnerving. An image of a black monster with tattered wings and dangly limbs was looming over him with the oppression of a thickening shadow. There was no sky, nor no land in his dream. Just a slightly a duller black representing the void. As the figure, wearing odd gothic boots and bandages cackled in a deep eerie tone, Kazero was put off by the distinct recognition that he had experienced this before.

"This isn't right..." remarked Kazero to himself. "Kamina was here..." he mused. In correction, his subconscious altered the dream and instantly jettisoned in his older cousin Kamina under a spotlight, running towards Kazero, looking behind him. "That's right he was running... we... we were running away." ruminated Kazero, who soon found himself chasing after his imaginary cousin Kamina as the devilish figure was now chasing them down relentlessly. "No... No, no. I- no. I didn't want this. Kamina I- I'm sorry! Please, not again not for me! Don't die just keep going-" Kazero, realising what he was seeing was not a recurring dream but the recap of his last waking moment predicted the outcome, remember what had happened. He was at the point where he tripped and fell, rolling down a river bank. A light pierced from the sky at the same time that Kamina turned round to go down to Kazero and the devilish, black figure also darted at the wounded, fallen Kazero. Kazero is looking straight at Kamina in the dream. He didn't do this the first time - that REAL time.

But now that he knows how this ends, he doesn't' even care that the devilish has raised its claw-like hands up.

"DEATH CLAW" utters the pursuing monster, as a black beam fires from his hands at the waiting Kazero. Kazero is still looking wide eyed and pleading to his cousin. The beam of light piercing from the sky convenes, homing in on Kamina, who in turn is jumping at Kazero while the dark beam from the figure is fired at Kazero too.

"DONT!" shrieked Kazero one last time before he is knocked to safety into the river by Kamina as the blasts combine on Kamina's position. Kazero, in the river is swept by the current reaching out to anything, clasping the same thing as he did the real time; the ball of light floating passed him. As he does, even with the tumultuous waves and water logged ears, there is a clear voice: "Kamina, Your Destiny has Arrived. Will You Help Save Our World? If So, Take Hold of the Device." Kazero screams at the device, willing to choke himself on the water filling his lungs to testify and acquit himself. "BLEHT BLUH-BLAH-BLEEN BLEE" he sputters into the water.

Kazero burst awake on the sandy beach of a foreign shore with a jolt.

"IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!" he roars out into the horizon, still wet, still panting, heart racing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Ms. Ivanova, at least to you." the Russian said, completely uninterested in the strangers. At least they all spoke one language. "And this is... What in the world are you now, fluffball?" she asked the digimon resting in her hands. "Hungry!" Kapurimon whined, her insides growling at exactly the same point, "And Kapurimon. I will digivolve bqck into Pawnchessmon when I regain my strength." it explained, making Nonna nod in understanding. "Well then," the human said, turning on her heel and starting to walk away, "We should see something about the food. And you said there is more chessmon remaining? Perhaps we should find them. It's not an army but even a platoon would do." she suggested, making the digimon nod in agreement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As this Ivanova girl started walking away, a loud voice boomed from behind us, directed at us.
"I must tell you that splitting up in such a weakened state would be certain doom for you girl, your pride is great, but that can be a weakness."
I myself turned to see who was speaking, and it was a Digimon that looked like an angel. With him were Digimon that looked like a Batman ripoff and a lion on two feet.
"Angemon! Boy are we glad to see you!"
"Good to see you as well Agumon, Gabumon. And you..."
He looked towards us (us being me, Ivanova, Danny, and the girl in front of me still on the ground, Annaliese I think I heard her say earlier), and began walking towards us. Our Digimon didn't seem afraid of them at all, which made me slightly calmer. He got within a few more feet of us, then kneeled down to us.
"As the prophecy foretold, worthy heroes of the human world have been brought to aid us in defeating the great evil! You all are known as the Digidestined, those with the power to instantly Digivolve when heart and soul are one! We are honored to meet you all."
I didn't know how to respond to that at all... I'm no hero, at least i've never thought of myself as one before. This could be neat. Then I remembered the voice I heard before blacking out when I grabbed this Digivice thing.
"Is that what the voice meant? When this appeared *Pulls out Digivice* I heard a voice say "Your Destiny has Arrived, will you help us save our world? If so, take hold of this Device." I didn't know what it meant at the time, but now I do."
"That device is your mark, in simple terms, that you are a Digidestined. If you may, I would like to take you to our home, so you may learn what it truly is that you have come to save us from."
"But wait, Kabuterimon said he knew where more of the Digidestined were, and he just went to get them."
"Kabuterimon? I haven't seen him in ages, we're old friends. We haven't talked since this fighting began, but i'm glad he helped you. But if he knows where more are... Leomon, go find Kabuterimon and the other Digidestined and bring them back."
"You got it, old friend."
Leomon took off in the direction we pointed, and after that I had a very important question to ask Angemon.
"How did you know where to find us anyways?"
"You see, when you arrived in our world there were great beams of light where you arrived. We searched a few other spots we saw the light appear, but all were deserted."
With that question answered, I turned to that Ivanova girl again. She seemed deeply intent on having her own way.
"He's right you know, as PawnChessmon or whatever your partner was, you would probably make it out here. But that little fluffball doesn't look like it's going to take on guys like Kabuterimon again anytime soon. It really is best if you come with the rest of us."
@Forsythe @Duthguy @Pyromania99
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Oh, so that's what it was going to say?" Nonna grinned, "I didn't even hear the voice. My hand bumped into the thing when I was fetching my tea. I don't think I would have gone otherwise. Makes the 'prophecy' really credible." Nonna said, her tone reeking of sarcasm and the air-quotes very apparent in her pronunciation despite the accent. Seeing the human talk back to an Angemon made Kapurimon grin.

When one of the other humans tried to talk to her like she was an idiot, Nonna's eyes narrowed. "I don't work with - let alone for - anyone I don't choose. For that matter do you have any idea where you are going? What proof exactly do you have that these strange creatures speak the truth? They can be leading you to a trap!"


"Follow us if you must, but if that prophecy is half true, then it picked me for who I am, and how I do things. If that's not the case, then it's complete garbage and so is what these guys are telling you."


"And come to think of it, if we were granted an oh-so-wonderful beacon of light visible to everyone when we landed, we should be running like hell because if someone wants us dead, they are coming-"

"Nonna!" Kapurimon yelled, gently biting into the girl's finger. Hissing with a silent 'ow', she gave the digimon a look. "They're speaking the truth, and what we were to look for is most likely where they are going." the digimon shared.

The air was filled with the sound of a massive inhalation followed by equally as massive defeated sigh. "Fine. We'll come with, for now at least. But, seriously, if someone's after us, let's get out of the 'they are here' zone already." the Russian said, giving up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Kazero began walking the stretch of the beach. He sneezed a couple of times due to his wetness, but he wasn't all too concerned about his own well being. He kept looking up and down the beach for any signs of anything he could recall or was familiar with. No such thing came into view. Kazero kept looking behind him to the other side of the beach, fully aware that he really had no idea where he was going or if he was even going in the right direction. Eventually he fell to his knees and put his head in his hands and just breathed intensely. The only real thing on his mind was the notion of that monster that was hunting he and his cousin last night after basketball practice; the fact his cousin jumped in the way of the attack that was coming for Kazero and Kazero has no idea what happened to him after that. Kazero fell into a river and woke up on the shore of an ocean. While kneeling, failing to take it all in properly Kazero pondered whether or not he was still in a coma, or even dead. It's not like the teen had any idea of how either process actually work.

"What would you do..." he mumbled into his hands, thinking of his older cousin. "You'd look for me. And make sure I was okay. Then... then you'd figure out how to get us home." he spoke to himself, pulling his hands away from his face. His voice became more confident and sure with each syllable and his heart rate settled. Kazero stood back to his feet and did a 360 spin before walking forward. "KAMINA!" he shouted in random directions. "KAMINA - Are you okay!?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yes there are indeed more of us but where they are is up to debate." Kapurimon said politely as he interjected himself into the conversation as Derrick finally realized that he was not actually inside of lab anymore. "Oh uh well considering you or someone was being chased by a ravenous beast you guys I'd like to get back inside the marginally safer lab. It looks abandoned. I can probably get the place running somewhat as I got some tech skills under my belt. Nothing really special not really some super wiz but I got enough to reprogram and fix broken pieces of technology. Grew up with it and I live and breathe it. Well I'm more comfortable in there so yeah..." Derrick said as he backed away slowly until he vanished behind the door and his digimon sighed. "I apologize for my partner but I don't know him well enough to predict what he'll do. I apologize once again but I'm going to go follow him." commented the metal puffball as he bounced after his digipartner. He already had an idea on how this relationship was going to play out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Annaliese was still just sitting on the ground. The giant bug was. . . Nice? No! That was too quick a change of heart from whatever it was doing before and now it was perfectly happy. Tinkermon just started pulling on her shirt, trying to get the girl to stand up. "Come on, stand up. Chest out, just like I first met you." Annaliese did so, grabbing the small pixie and holding her close. The girl was just about as confused as she had been, but she knew a few things. The first, Bugs are still ugly as sin even if they talk all nice-like. Second, the Russian(?) girl seemed to be a loner. Annaliese knew what it was like but, dang, did that girl have any friends? Third, it seemed like she could trust this angel-like being? After mouthing out a quick, "What do you think?" To Tinkermon, the fairy replied with a mere shrug.

"So helpful." The girl muttered sarcastically, obviously loud enough for the fairy to hear. Were it not for her being held as is she would have tried hitting the girl on the head, but she just went with a scowl. "Guess we'll just go with them. Nothing else to do for now." Doing her best to forget there was a bug here about three times bigger than she was, Annaliese moved towards the rest of the group with Tinkermon in her arms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As soon as Angemon and the others appeared Hawkmon flew up as high as he could in an attempt to distinguish himself from the other Digimon.

"Ivanova does have a point though, we don't know what other creatures saw us." Danny said a bit worried since he didn't know how strong Kabuterimon was compared to the threats he and the other humans were supposed to deal with.

"Nothing to worry about Angemon alone could easily defeat ten Kabuterimon at once." While Salamon had no idea if she was right, she only said that to assure everyone that there would be nothing to worry about. Her human partner though didn't feel as good about that news as she had hoped though.

"In that case how strong are the Digimon they want us to defeat? Seeing as they are apparently too much for Angemon and his friends" Not wanting to distress the others he said nothing about his concerns and followed the group silently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Decker126


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Graham and Gizamon watched as the other two humans and their Digimon introduced themselves, before the boy Derrick re-entered the building. "I'm Graham, and this is Gizamon." He introduced the two of them, but he didn't pay much attention, he was still surprised that someone had just sacrificed their self to save them.

"Hey, Gizamon, who was that just then?" Graham asked, still clutching his partner to his chest.

"T-that was Alphamon, he was our greatest hero. It's hard to believe he's gone."

"So, he really died to save us." Graham sighed and looked down at his feet. He had been brought here to help, and so far all he had done was get someone else killed.

"Well, yes and no," Gizamon said. "Digimon can be destroyed, but most of the time they are reborn, it just might take some time."

That did make Graham feel a little better, and he relaxed a bit. He was about to speak up again when he saw a small purple fox like Digimon laying on the ground. He set Gizamon down and approached the creature. "Where did you come from?" As he picked up the Digimon he heard a buzzing sound and looked up, a large insect like Digimon was heading straight towards them. "Uh-oh, back inside, back inside." He ran back to the building with Gizamon hopping close behind him. He held the door open and called out to Anya and Conomon. "Hurry, I don't know if he's friendly, and I'd rather not ask him."
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