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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

...Have I, Failed? Has My Journey Truly Come to an End So Soon? No, This Can't End This Way, I Must Find Help, From Elsewhere...
On the Ground, Beaten, Defeated, and Slowly Digitizing, Alphamon, One of the Greatest Heroes of the Digital World, Lay. His Quest to Rid the Digital World of the Evil that had Come to It, Seemingly Failed. Now, There Seems to Be No Hope, Except From Alphamon.
NOW! Digital Sovereigns, Here My Cry, Answer My Request! Bring Forth Heroes of the Realm of Humans, To Aid Me in Defeating This Great Evil! I Beg of You, For All that is Right that is Left in the Digital World!
There is Silence, then a Thundering Boom Could Be Heard, as Azulongmon, One of the Gods of the Digital World, Appears before the Dying Alphamon.
Alphamon, What You Request Is Not an Easy Task to Pursue. When Even You, Mightiest of the Heroes, Have Failed Against the Evil Ones, What Makes You Believe that Mere Humans Can as Well?
Because! I Have Faith that Humans Can Accomplish More than Digimon Alone Ever Could! Grant Me This One Request, One Last Attempt to Rid the Digital World of An Evil that Has Taken Root and Stood Above Others for Far Too Long!
...I See, Then So Be It! You Have Shown Me Your Determination in this Endeavor, and, as a Last Request, I Shall Grant It!
He Releases One of his 12 Digicores, and From that Form Several Small Devices, Each Pure White. They Then Float Around Azulongmon and Alphamon.
These Devices Shall Be Sent into the Human World, Where They Will Find Worthy Humans to Bring Back to Fight This Evil. One Such, Mayhaps Save Your Life Alphamon, So You Yourself May Gain Redemption from This.
The Devices Stop Spinning Around Them, Then Shoot Off in Flashes of Light, Signalling the Departure from the Digital World Into the Human World.
Azulongmon, Thank You, I Promise You, You Shall Not Regret This Decision!
Azulongmon Says Nothing, But Simply Disappears from View, and Then, Silence Covered the Land Once More.
The Only Ones Who Can Save Our World, I'm Counting On You Digidestined, Please Come...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was after school and Derrick was busy fiddling with his computer playing a computer game about the middle ages. It was a bare basics strategy game and while many kids his age hated anything that didn't let them shoot someone in the face with a gun he likes the more enjoyable and slower paced games his father had shown to him. He was happy, content, and blissfully unaware of anything wrong with the world around him. Derrick was beating his AI opponent who couldn't do anything to hold back his waves upon waves of enemies storming it's gates forcing their way into their base. Victory was his that was a matter of fact. Derrick's lips turned into a gleeful smile as the gates collapsed and vaporized into digital dust as him men started to storm the per-verbal castle! Oh yeah I got'em!" Derrick said snickering to himself as suddenly the computer in front of him turned black. Derrick's smile turned into a frustrated frown and he growled rubbing his head. "Oh come on how many times do I need to beat this dang level!? This is the third time this week the electricity cut me off!" grumbled Derrick as he smacked the side of the computer.

"Whatever piece of junk...Wonder what we got to eat?" Derrick thought as he got up and left the computer and then walked over to the fridge. He opened it up and got out the orange juice and took out a glass from the cabinet and took a long chug of the orange juice. It felt AMAZING after not having drunk anything for about three hours of non stop video gaming. "Man I hate doing homework...Well better get...what the?" Derrick said in shock as suddenly there was a flash of light from the inside of his room and he ran back down the hall into it. He didn't think he left a flash light or anything on. It wasn't even night yet for god's sake! However when he entered the room he found his computer was back on and there was a dark grey device sitting on his desk. He'd never seen the thing before in his life so why was it in his room? Burglar? Cautiously Derrick entered his room and went to his desk and looked at his computer. "Well first off what's wrong with you?" he asked it as he tapped the side of the machine. However what forced him to fall off his chair was a sudden voice. "Your Destiny has Arrived. Will You Help Save Our World? If So, Take Hold of the Device." the voice said as he looked around in a hurry. "HUH WHAT? WHO-WHERE-HOW? IF YOU'RE A BURGLAR SHOW YOURSELF! I WARN YOU I'M NOT AS PUNY AS I APPEAR!" Derrick shouted in panic as he looked around confused. After a long moment he found no response. "What the heck is going on here? The device..." Derrick said as he grabbed his trust screw driver and poked at the thing and nothing happened. He then poked it another time a bit more forcefully and nothing happened. Not wanting to damage it he then decided he'd best not fiddle with it. Getting out his wrench, cleaning cloth, and his mini flash light and moved over to the device. "Alright then what's your story?" Derrick questioned as he tapped his device with his finger and suddenly it turned black surprised he almost fell out of his chair again only for another flash of light to come out of nowhere and knocked him out cold. What happened next Derrick didn't know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Come on, Momo! You are going to be late for class, AGAIN!" yelled a younger male.

Momo was in her room, doing her hair before grabbing her bookbag to walk out of her bedroom and down the stairs. She flipped her hair, being the beauty that she was, but it was all messed up when the clutz ran in. Momo tripped on the stairs, falling facefirst. "Hahahaha!" the younger male pointed while Momo was on the ground. Momo, slowly stood up, before chasing the male out of the house. "Yeah! You better run! Or I swear, I was about to get you!" she rolled her eyes, walking out of the house before waving goodbye at the kid, she walked the opposite way of him. Where was she going? To school, nothing big or anything. Just hell, yep, hell.

The sun was shining so much today, the sky was crazy beautiful but what did she have to do all day ? Spend it in school! Doing nothing but learning some crazy things! Ugh. Momo decided to go into the alley, a very scary shortcut but she didn't care. She didn't have any friends or anything, so that was fun right? "Sigh. Why am I going this way?" Momo placed a hand on the back of her head, as a random light, flashed in-front of her. It was too bright that Momo had to look away and cover her face, but the brightness slowly lowered, staring at a device floating... with a following voice...

"Your Destiny has Arrived. Will You Help Save Our World? If So, Take Hold of the Device."

Save... our world? What did that voice mean by that? Momo wasn't just going to walk away.... should she? Nah! It's better than being at school and besides, saving the world? Yeah! People should know who Momo is... television, magazines... all, she could see it all! The super heroine, Momo!

Cheering and yelling Momo's name, would be heard inside of her head.

Momo had a bright smile, but quickly snapped back into reality. She extended both of her hand, touching the device.. and..!


The girl was transported into a different world.. it wasn't Earth. Where was she? Momo blacked out....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Wake up Young Miss!" A woman's course voice called out. "You have school and you need to walk today!" Annaliese's bedroom door slammed open revealing a woman in a maid's outfit. "Wake up, or you'll miss eating breakfast. Your parents are out so the other girls and I decided to put something together for you.

Annaliese had been up for an hour, but did little more than lay around in bed bored as can be. The news of her parents being out was, at the least, uplifting. She struggled out of bed replying, "Mmkay. I'll be down in a minute." After putting her clothes on and doing her morning hygiene routine, Anna made it downstairs to her breakfast with the maids. They finished and Anna left quickly enough. It was a tiring morning so far, but Anna felt herself waking up. "Guess it's another day for school." It was a fairly uneventful day making it into the lunch period with little to nothing happening. Lunch Period was fairly peaceful until the end. Anna was walking back to her classroom from the lunchroom when a voice sounded out to her.

"Your Destiny has Arrived. Will You Help Save Our World? If So, Take Hold of the Device."

Shocked, the girl practically jumpped up and looked around to see where it originated from. No one else was there. "W-who's there!?" She replied. Nothing returned the message. Turning forward finally, she saw a device just floating in front of her. "Take hold of the device it said. . . Is this. . ." She dropped off as she held it. The random floating device flashed and Anna started to lose her vision. "What the hec--" She managed to mutter before falling over, fainted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was just after sundown at the Levian Computer Store in Downtown Tokyo, and I was just finishing up fixing a Stubborn Computer with a fried graphics card. After putting in a replacement, I hooked it up to a monitor and it started up perfectly fine.
Looks Like Toruya Does it Again... *Yawn*.
I Head for the Front Door, Turning the Open/Close Sign to Closed, and Locking the Door. After that, I begin turning out all the lights. I usually sleep here through the night to get a majority of the work done for the next day, it keeps the customers flowing and the business on schedule, and both my parents and boss are completely fine with it. I finally work my way to the back and turn out the final lights and lock the back door when I hear a voice in the other room.
Your Destiny Has Arrived. Will You Help Save Our World? If So, Take Hold of This Device.
I Grab a Pipe From the Back and Walk Into the Front Cautiously. We've Had Burglars in the past, and this was no surprise for me. What Surprised me however, was the lack of the Burglar. I Looked Through the Whole Place, But Found No One. I Turn back to the Desk I Had Been Working on the Computer At.
Now That Was Wierd, I Swear I Heard a Voice... Wanted me to Grab Something to Save Their World...
I Stop, and Look at the Computer on the Desk. It is Glowing Brightly, and Something is Casting a Shadow On the Wall, Looks Like Some Kind of Handheld Game or Cell Phone. I Walk Over and Find an Uncolored Device Floating in Mid Air. Against My Better Judgement, I Grab the Device. It Suddenly Turns Orange, and the Light Becomes Super Bright. Before I Know What Happens next, I Black Out.

The Light Has Disipated, and the Computer is Back to the Normal Home Screen. Only One Thing... I Am Not There Anymore, But I Don't Know That Yet, But I Will Soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It was an early evening, and as usual Nonna was in the gym, running her fencing practice. The last week has been positively negative - she got a bad grade on her history exam, a truck splashed her on the way to school next day, ruining her clothes and making her attend school in them on top, and then her tooth started aching and she had to see a dentist. All in all, she was in very real need of chopping up some training dummies. A bell rang from the entrance and the Russian girl looked over to see a very English butler standing in the door with a cup of steaming tea. "Your tea is ready milady. The master also requires your presence in his study in 30 minutes. Shall I prepare a bath for you?"

Sighing, Nonna shook her head. "Zenk you, Alfred. Zat won't be nessessary. I vill take a shower." the girl answered, her accent thick enough to be cut by a knife. Sheating the sword to the scabbard that hung around her waist, she walked over to the servant to snatch the tea off of the tray he was holding for her.

Only she didn't quite reach it. Nonna thought her eyes were playing her as for a fraction of a second the gym was filled with bright light. As her hand kept moving towards the teacup, she noticed a strange, old looking phone jsut appearing in her way. An ominous voice begun to say something:

"Your destiny has arri-"

She didn't hear more, as that was the point where her still going hand bumped into the strange looking phone. And the world ended, or so it seemed, vanishing into a disorienting swirl of colors and black.

As soon as the seizure inducer shut down and reoriented itself back into somewhat worldly shape, Nonna's stomach violently refused to comply with whatever just happened and promptly emptied itself of the lunch. Groaning, the Russian looked around. Where in the world was she?

Patting her side, she was somewhat relieved the sword was still there. She would have loved to ditch the training outfit though - and to her the rest of what the voice was saying. Her mind was getting hazy, and she only hoped that nothing bad would happen to her as darkness claimed her, landing her on the ground out cold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was a beautiful day in New York City. The sun was shining and all was good in the world. It was as if nothing could go wrong in the whole wide world and that was great. It seemed that nothing really could go wrong. That was made worse by the fact that Terry was stuck inside cleaning the bakery as usual. His parents had told him that he needed to contribute and this was the best way that he knew how.

He looked around the shop as he eyes landed on the computer by the cash register. It seemed to turn on all by itself. As if that was not scary enough, he sworre that he heard it talk.

Your Destiny Has Arrived. Will You Help Save Our World? If So, Take Hold of This Device.

Terry looked at the computer and a device that seemed to be inside it. Against his better judgement, he reached forth to grab it. As he did, it suddenly turned green and white. THen there was only blackness. A siren of a distant police car is the only sound in the now empty bakery. Terry is gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Since school was out for the day Danny was walking and playing with his dog Diesel, a hyperactive not completely obedient but harmless Rottweiler. While Diesel was fetching a stick his owner noticed some kind of flash a couple of feet away. Curious he walked over and saw some strange device, as soon as he saw it he heard some weird voice. "Your Destiny has Arrived. Will You Help Save Our World? If So, Take Hold of the Device.".

"What the heck?" Rather then directly picking up the device, he took out his phone and took a picture of it planning to check the web for information once he got home. Still letting the device just lay there seemed stupid, so he carefully poked it with one finger in case it was dangerous.

As soon Danny touched it, the device turned blue, starting at the point where his finger had contact. When the color had changed entirely there was another flash much brighter than the first one. To protect his eyes he naturally closed them and when he opened them again a few seconds later according to him he found himself in an unknown place.

Diesel meanwhile had no idea where his owner had gone, but he was smart enough to find the way back home on his own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Decker126


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Goodbye, Mrs. Carper." Graham said as he stifled a yawn and waved to the elderly woman. Graham was just finishing his last delivery of the day and he was glad to be able to go home and start his favorite hobby, sleeping.

He trudged home, nearly dozing off while waiting for a light to change at one point, and sighed as he finally saw his house come into view. He enjoyed his job delivering packages after school, but he rarely had time for anything besides sleep by the time he was finished. As he walked up to the door he reached his hand out to turn the door knob. It didn't move. He tried again, and a third time, still nothing. "Locked," he sighed. "Of course."

He bent down and grabbed the spare key under the mat and unlocked the door. The house was empty, his parents and sisters probably out for the evening. Graham made his way to his room and threw his bag down on his bed before laying down himself. He was just starting to drift off, when a voice spoke.

"Your Destiny has Arrived. Will You Help Save Our World? If So, Take Hold of the Device."

"Huh?" Graham asked as he rubbed his eyes. A bright light came from his bag, he shook it open and out fell a strange device. "That's weird, I know I delivered everything for today, so where did this come from?" Holding his bag in one hand he reached out and picked up the device. It began to glow and changed from white to orange and black. Then the glow enveloped him, and he blacked out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The infamous Final Fantasy 7 victory theme blared through the speakers of the 30' TV in Anyas bedroom. "Woo!" She shouted, having just beaten the boss in the Mako Reactors. An easy feat for her by now, having completed the game a number of times, but exciting nonetheless. She paused the game setting her controller on the bed and sliding off, stretching as she did.

"As easy as ever." She told herself, grinning in accomplishment. She started for the door when a bright light flashed behind her, surely she paused the game, right?

Floating an inch or two above her bed was a white device, kinda like a cellphone. That definetely wasn't there before. Slowly she walked towards it, both nervous and kinda excited, it was like something straight out of a video game.

Annnnd then it spoke. Anya immediately jumped backwards five inches, startled by the sudden voice. 'Your Destiny has arrived. Will you help us save our world? If so, take hold of this device.'

Anya gasped with excitement, this was definetely something straight out of one of her games. She quickly walked over and stared at the blank device before deciding to grab it. It turned dark pink with a black trim, and then, darkness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
Avatar of Shiny Keldeo

Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm Still Dazed, What Time is It? I Can't Even Tell, Everything Looks and Sounds so Blurred. I Hear Someone Calling To Me, Must be Mr. Sukazi. There's another Voice, must be the Mrs... Great.
"Brent, Brent, Wake Up, Can You Hear Us?"
"Come on Now, Wake Up, Time to Get Moving!"
I Realize I Must have Overslept, and Force Myself to Full Awakeness, But Something Isn't Right... This isn't the Computer Shop, It's Some Kind of Area With Tons of Trees and Mountains. I Must Still be Dreaming.
"Look, He's Awake Now!"
"I Don't Think He Thinks He Is..."
Those Voices Are Definately not the Sukazis. I Look Up and See Two Strange Creatures Standing Around Me, I Jump and Fall Backwards into a Tree, Slightly Dazed.
"Easy there, We're Your Friends!"
"Yeah, That's Right Pal, You Got Buds With you Now!"
I'm Definately Not Dreaming, So I Stand Up and Look at the Creatures Again. One Is Some Kind of Dog Looking Thing with a Horn on it's head, the other one looks like a Dinosaur.
"Who... Who are You, And Where Am I?"
"He's Starting to Get it Now, I'm Agumon!"
"I'm Gabumon, and You're in the Digital World Now!"
"Digital... World? Is That What... What's This?"
I Feel Something on my Belt, it's some kind of holster. I Open it and there is the strange Device that came out of the computer. I stand wondering for a second, then there's a loud crash nearby.
"Uh Oh, This is Where we Start Running Brent!"
"Wait... Why are We Running?!"
They Don't Even Bother Answering, Because Soon there is a Gigantic Bug Creature Chasing us Down! I Don't Question it Anymore and Just Run Right Behind Agumon and Gabumon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

There as a voice. It felt like someone speaking into a glass to Nonna’s waking mind. She sat up with a start- and slamming her head into something rock solid. “Какого черта?” she asked, rubbing her sore forehead as she looked around. What she saw raised more questions than it provided answers.

In front of her was a strange looking, animated chess piece, clutching its own head and muttering silent curses. Nonna had to do a double take. And again. This defied all … All. It defied all, period.

“Who are you? Why did you come here?” The… Pawn, Nonna guessed, asked, in flawless english.

“I wish I knew. I mean! My name is Ivanova, Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova. But I don’t know how or why I got here… wherever ‘Here’ is?” the Russian asked. The living chess piece was armed, so she played it safe and tried to act her best, but her mind was just too stupefied to even know where to begin with asking questions.

The black piece measured her with a gaze hidden by the visor of her - was it? It sounded female - helmet. Or was that a head? “Are you a white chessmon?”

“I am no chessmon! I’m Human!” she snapped, and was amazed that what she said sent the piece stumbling backwards in awe.

“Then… you must have been sent to us to help me!” The pawn exclaimed, lowering her weapon.

“With?” Nonna asked, prompting the pawn to go on.

Clearing her throat, the piece spoke up. “I am Pawnchessmon of the black chessmon empire. We are part of a resistance here in the digital world… or what’s left of us. We have recently lost our beloved queen, the most powerful of all of us, to a terrible evil. Without her power and wisdom, or anyone else to lead us, we are an easy target. I have gone away to either find someone to lead us, or get stronger and become the next queen. You are what the legends call a digidestined -” she pointed to the old garbage of a phone that sucked her into this place ”- there is a proof. Its called a digivice. It is said that through it you have the power to make a partner digimon digivolve! You must help us!”

Before any of them could speak another world though, they were met with a sight Nonna could do without. Namely a giant bug - or digimon, she supposed - chasing after two others and… “Another human?” Her hopes have gone up a little - perhaps they knew more.

When the chase started heading their way though, Pawnchessmon’s cry ‘Run!’ finally brought her out of her musing. Putting an arm to block her escape, she looked down at the peculiar creature. “Pawns only move forward! If you want my help, prove yourself worthy!” the Russian announced, drawing the sword that hung still on her side. Saluting, Pawnchessmon readied her own spear.

“Can you take En Passant?”
“Yes! that could work!”
“Wait for it to get close, dodge, and aim for its legs!”
“Aye, my liege!”

Gulping, Nonna readied her own stance. What the hell was she doing? That thing was huge! but something inside her made her stand still, not a step back. Why did she practice her swordplay? right, to defend herself. It seemed unlikely she could outrun that monstrosity anyway!

@Shiny Keldeo
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
Avatar of Shiny Keldeo

Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As We Ran, I Finally Caught up to Agumon and Gabumon, That Bug Thing Was Still Right Behind Us, But I Had Time to Pop a Question or Two.
"So... Who or What is that? Another Digimon?"
"You Got that Right, that's Kabuterimon! He's Not Evil, but has a Monstrous Appetite in the Early Mornings! And Watch Out for That!"
A Massive Blast of What Appeared to be Electicity Landed Right Behind Us, Missing by Mere Feet.
"Yeah, That was Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker Attack, If It Hits Us We're Done!"
"Thanks for the Tip, But I Kinda Figured That Much Out on my Own... Wait What's That Ahead?"
We All Looked Forward, and Saw a Human Girl standing With what Appeared to be a Black Chess piece. The Girl Appeared to Have a Sword in Her Hand, So I Wondered if She Was Attacking Us, or Maybe the Thing Behind Us. If That's the Case She's Crazy!
"That's PawnChessmon! And She's Got a Human With Her!"
"She Must Have Lost It, Going Up Against a Champion as a Rookie!"
We Run Past The Two, and Stop Right Behind Them. Kabuterimon Was Plowing Towards Us Full Steam Ahead, With No Intent of Slowing Down. I Was so Entranced on What Was Happening, I Didn't Notice that Strange Device in the Holster on my Belt Start Lighting Up.

Alphamon had Seen the Lights Appear From the Sky, the Devices Had Chosen Humans to Aid the Digimon After All...
"So they have Come... I Must Find Them and Aid Them..."
He Forces Himself to his Feet, Using his Sword to Rest Upon, and Headed Towards the Closest Lights. His Pace was Slow, but He Soon Quickened it When he Heard the Scream of Kabuterimon.
"This Isn't Good, Kabuterimon is After Someone, I Just Hope it isn't the Digidestined..."
With all of his remaining strength, he took off into a full on sprint towards where the first light landed, to aid the first Digidestined.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Derrick took in a deep breath as he suddenly jolted awake. He didn't sit up but he could tell he wasn't in his room anymore even though the room spun around him. He reached around the room for something, anything, and found the strange device he had in his hands. He grabbed it and pulled it close to him. The world was still spinning as he reached for something to hold onto and found a railing of pillar of some sort and pushed himself upward. "Aw man my head feels like I just got done riding a roller coaster and I hate those things..." Derrick grumbled as he shakily held himself up but then decided it was best to sit down and simply just wait for his equilibrium to readjust to the area. However before he could do much of anything suddenly this weird looking creature came up to him. "Hey there you're Derrick aren't you? Well I'm your partner! My name is Kapurimon and I'll be your faithful partner and servant from now on. It's nice to finally meet you." Kapurimon stated as Derrick looked down at the fuzzy creature and smiled. "Well this is weird but I guess I should expect the weird after what just happened. Some people would freak out my little bro but I'm not those people. Freaking out doesn't solve a thing. Now where am I?" Derrick said looking around and noticing he was inside an abandoned lab of some sort. It was bizarre too see all this broken tech around but then again..."So what are you exactly?" Derrick asked as the puffy ball with the metal cap on it's head. "I'm a digimon! And you're in the digital world and from now on I'll be doing my all to help you in the future. We gotta find others first. There should, hopefully, be more than just us. If it is...I'm not sure I like our chances."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Danny opened his eyes he noticed two weird small animals, one a bird and the other looking like a strange dog."Good to see you"re finally cognizant." The bird somehow said. "You know Hawkmon, instead of trying to impress him it might be better to introduce yourself like I Salamon just did."

The shock of of that conversation was almost enough to convince Danny that he was dreaming if it weren't for the fact that his dreams never felt as real as the situation he found himself in despite all the weirdness. "Uhm Hawkmon and Salamon, right? Do you think you could me what's going on? The last thing I remember was touching this strange device and than a flash of light."

As soon as he mentioned the device the human realized he was holding the now blue device. "That apparatus is called a Digivice and it transported you to our dimension known as the Digital World." "Called Digiworld for short. We the creatures living here are Digimon. There is of course more to explain but we can do it as we look for the other humans."

Before either Danny or Hawkmon could say anything Salamon ran off in a random direction, and the two of them not knowing what else to decided to follow her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Anna, clean up the dishes and when that is finished mop the foyer." Mr. Kaufmann said with a stern voice. Before he stood up and left for his study. Annaliese could merely nod meekly and do as he bid. She wished she could tell him off but she didn't want--

"--ey wake up, stupid" A small voice called out from right in front of her. Annaliese's eyes opened wide. What happened? Did she pass out? It was daytime at least. "Are you ignoring me? I don't like it when people ignore me, especially midget humans that don't know what a mess they got themselves in." Then she felt a small boot pushing on her chin. It wasn't painfully hard or anything, just an annoying feeling.

"And whoever you are, would you stop." Anna said, more of a command than a question as she reached out to stop whatever was pushing on her. Soon, her hand found something and tried to grab around it. She couldn't fit her entire grasp around whatever it was, but it was enough to keep the little thing at bay so she could move her head. "The heck."

"HEY! HEY! What do you think you're doing!?" The thing complained greatly. "I'll call a Lawyermon and I'll sue the. . . " Annaliese looked up and saw just what it was. A small fairy. . . Or something. She had spikey boots, short shorts, a very small uncovering tanktop and. . . Clawed Gloves.

Regardless of what she was wearing, she was small enough for Annaliese to think she was, "Adorable!" She could help but pull the small creature in to a hug. She would fit just in with all the other plushes and stuffed animals back home. Wait. Where was home now? Where is here? She pulled the constantly complaining fairy away from her as she looked around. "Tell me. Where are we?"

The little fairy seemed a bit miffed still, but decided to tell anyhow. "Not your world. You're in the digital world, home of the Digital Monsters. Digimon for short. I'm one of those and you can just call me Tinkermon." With Annaliese not paying attention the small fairy digimon pulled out of Annaliese's hand. "Anyhow, that device on the ground there. Yours right?"

Annaliese had forgotten about that by now. "Yea, I think I need it to help get back home." Ready to figure out how to do that, she stood up. "Now, I just get to figure that out."

Tinkermon chuckled almost evily and crossed her arms as she floated up and stared Annaliese down. "Well, you're lucky a friend of mine has a soft spot for midgets like you. Elsewise I'd not be here to help."

"Who are you calling a midget you foot tall dust-maker?" Annaliese retorted, not liking the idiocracy she could hear coming from the digimon's mouth. It wasn't in her nature to just stand there and take it like that.

"Hey! Ehh, not so bad. For a human. I might actually like you a little bit." Tinkermon giggled as she found herself a nice spot on the girl's shoulder. "For now, there were others that came here like you. Let's go find them." With little other option for now, Annaliese went where the fairy beckoned her to go. Into a nearby forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Decker126


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Wake up!" A voice called out to Graham. He didn't recognize it and he decided to ignore it for now, he was still tired and wanted to sleep more. "WAKE UP!" There was the voice again, louder this time. Couldn't whoever it was just leave him be for a few more minutes? Apparently not as he felt something crash into his stomach and force him up.

Graham groaned as he rubbed his eyes and looked at what had landed on him. It was vaguely frog like with yellow skin and orange fur and a row of black spikes on its back. "Finally, I've been trying to wake you up for ten minutes! You sure are a heavy sleeper."

Graham stared at the creature for a minute, this seemed like something out of a dream, but he was definitely awake. He stared for a moment longer before poking the creature's snout. "What are you exactly?" He mumbled mainly to himself, but the creature evidently heard him. "I'm Gizamon, a Digimon, and your new partner for here on out. It's nice to meet you." Gizamon said smiling at him.

"Digimon? Partner? I don't think I follow." Graham said as he yawned. "But, I'm Graham, nice to meet you too."

Gizamon stared back at Graham, waiting for him to move, when he didn't Gizamon spoke up. "Uh, we should probably go now, this place isn't really safe, and besides we need to find the others."

"Others?" Graham asked. "Do you mean other Digimon?"

"No," Gizamon shook his head. "Other humans, they should have Digivice just like yours." Gizamon gestured to the strange device that had fallen out of his backpack. It was now laying on the pack next to where he was sitting.

Graham picked up the pack and the device, before looking it over. "So, we need to find people with these things? Well, I guess we better get moving." Graham stood up and started to walk.

"Hey, wait for me!" Gizamon yelled as he hopped behind his human partner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anya brushed her face in annoyance, still mostly asleep, when she felt something fuzzy touch it. "C'mon, wake up." She heard something say, to which she replied with an annoyed groan. The one thing she hated was being chided awake, and whatever was insisting on poking her was doing just that.

Again, it poked her in the face. Half asleep she slapped it, hard. Annd then it started crying, what exactly did she just hit? Yawning she pushed herself up off the grass...grass? What?

Rubbing her eyes she found she was indeed on grass in some kind of plain. She immediately began freaking out, "Oh my GOD this is so cool!" She shouted, gasping in awe looking around. Whatever she slapped was still crying and it snapped her back into reality...well...the current reality.

Whatever the creature was, it was freaking adorable! It was about as big as a toy poodle, brown, with three horns and a long jagged fuzzy tail. Immediately she grabbed it and hugged it tight, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" She shouted, "Oh my god you're so soft!"

The creature squirmed a bit trying to break free of Anyas deathgrip, but at-least it stopped crying. "Can't. Breathe." The creature gasped. Anya immediately let go, "Sorry.." she said sadly. "Are you alright?"

The creature stared up at her with it's wide eyes, it took all she could do not to hug it again. "I think so." It replied in a cute squeaky female voice. It had just gotten ten times cuter.

"What are you? Where are we?" Anya asked, first gesturing to the creature then to the area around them. The creature shimmied closer then used it's tail to point to itself, "I'm Conomon, a digimon as well as your new companion." Conomon spoke.

Anya's eyes lit up with joy like a kid who had just gotten the best christmas present ever it was hers. She practically screamed wth excitement and really wanted to hug the soft warm digimon again, but she let it continue explaining.

Conomon then used its' tail to gesture around the plain they were in, "And you're in the Digital World, Digiworld for short. You're here to help us and stuff, I think, at-least that's how the legend goes. You got here with your digivice, ya know that pink thing on the ground beside you. There should be other humans that got here to same way too." Anya then looked at the dark pink device on the ground, almost completely forgetting about it, before picking it up examining it.

"That said." Conomon continued. "We should find them and meet up with them, you guys are going to have to stick together after all." Anya nodded, pushing the digivice between the elastic strap on her skirt not really having anywhere else to put it. It wasn't very comfortable, but it'd do for now.

"Where do you think they are?" She asked. "No clue whatsoever." Conomon replied, honestly. Anya sighed but didn't get mad at it, I mean c'mon, who the hell could get mad at something that cute?

She picked Conomon up carefully, carrying it in front of her chest, arms crossed. "Well, let's just walk around until we find them and hope I didn't land or appear or whatever far from them?" She spoke, beginning to walk in a random direction across the grassy plain.

Anya was having a very hard time not outright running around in excitement poking the occasional odd looking tree, all her life she'd wanted to do something like this, something out of a video game, and now she finally could.

And thus, she walked across the plain, smiling the entire time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Chamber is Dimly Lit, with only slim daylight slipping through the cracks. Five Forms are Situated Around an Odd Looking Table, made out of some kind of glass or something. It's playing back images like a television, but without an actual camera. Suddenly, one of the Forms Snaps his Fingers, and unlit torches immediately light up in blue fire, revealing the forms to be five digimon.
"How Could we have Let This Happen, Cherubimon, the Legend is coming to life before our eyes!"
"Relax, Myotismon, We Are Not Defeated Yet, and I Have my Doubts about this 'Legend of the Digidestined'."
"Yes, We Were Able to Easily defeat even the mighty Alphamon, this council is undefeatable."
"Do Not Get Ahead of Yourself, Diaboromon, We had Numbers on our Side, he was merely overwhelmed."
"You Always Think About Things as If We Had Won Nothing at All, Tactimon, That's the Only Part About You I Hate."
"I Prefer to Think About the Future, Piedmon, and the Future is growing, if ever so slowly, bleaker by the day."
"Then Let Us End These Rebellions and Crush these Humans for good."
Diaboromon Began Walking Out, and Exited the Room. Tactimon Followed Suit, Along With Myotismon Soon Behind, Leaving Cherubimon and Piedmon alone.
"I Still do not believe that the legend has completely come to pass yet, and the reason lies with the Digivices Azulongmon Sent out. He Sent out Ten, Only Nine Returned with Humans. The Tenth has Yet to Return. Without all 10, there is no hope for this 'legend'."

We Shift to a Brightly Lit Chamber, Filled with Digimon of All Kinds were crowded before a Digimon who appeared to be some type of Angel, aptly named Angemon. He Began to Speak Now.
"It is a Sad Day for Us Here, as Many Things have Filled these past Weeks. I Myself, have been defeated so often that I could not retain my Mega form of Seraphimon. The Loss of Ophanimon a Month Earlier was even Greater. But Now, the Worst has Happened, Alphamon has been Defeated by the Council of Five."
There Were Hushed Whispers in the Crowd as they took this in, many couldn't believe it, some expected as much, others were just silent.
"We Cannot Give Up, however. That's not what Alphamon, Not What Ophanimon, Not What Any of Our Fallen Would have Wanted... We Will Not Give Up Until the Digital World is Free Once More!"
The Crowd Roared at Angemons Words, Signaling their Approval and Acceptance. Angemon Returned to the Deeper Parts of the Cave, where The best of the Defenders of the Light were Waiting. Those were Leomon and Beelzemon, His Close Friends and Greatest Allys. They conferred in private.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As the humongous insect... Digimon... whatever... prowled towards her, Nonna started having second thoughts, especially given the fact that the thing could shoot ball lightning. How was that even possible? But her pride wouldn't let her flee, not while there were other eyes watching. "Now!" She hollered, and her and Pawnchessmon sprinted in the opposite directions, each flanking form a different side. Seeing that the digimon was probably the one of them that could take more beating, Nonna tried to move as unnoticeable as she could to get behind where the big, disgusting bug couldn't see her, hoping that Pawnchessmon would last long enough.

The black digimon bent down as she ran to pick up a rock, throwing it at the Kabuterimon to get its attention. The odds were stacked against them, but still something felt right. They were moving forward, on the attack! The chessmon empire has been on the run ever since the queen fell! Maybe there was some truth to the legend of the digidestined. Could a human girl really be the answer to their prayers? Well, a giant bug would soon be the judge of that. Taking up a defensive stance, Pawnchessmon waited for the Kabuterimon to make the mistake of attacking first.
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