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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Razor WhiteFang - Beacon Academy Courtyard - Tuesday Morning

Razor turned left then right as the city around him began to burn. The sound of people screaming echoed around him as the flames roared on. All around him were the silhouettes of people lying on the ground motionless. He looked up and saw a mirror standing in front of him. He started to hyperventilate as he stared at his reflection. He looked own at his blood covered hands and looked up to find himself surrounded my mirrors that continued to show the blood that stained his clothes and face. All around him, all he could see was his reflection and all he could hear was the screams of people as they burned in the city around him. Razor clutched his head and fell to his knees and began to scream trying to drown out the screaming around him. He closed his eyes tightly to keep from seeing his reflection in the mirrors that surrounded him.

Razor was suddenly thrown onto the ground and when he opened his eyes he saw himself standing over him with a Grimm mask over the face. He couldn’t move and when he looked at his wrists he saw skeleton hands keeping him pined to the ground. Razor looked back at his nightmare self as it removed the mask and saw the sadistic crooked smile it had. His nightmare self suddenly vomited black liquid that poured into Razors mouth. He felt it suffocate him, but no matter how hard he tried. His mouth wouldn’t close and the skeleton hands refused to loosen their grip.


Razor sat up in a panic as cold sweat rolled down his face. He looked around and found himself under a tree near the courtyard. He fell back down onto the grass and sighed, “That’s right, I left the ballroom.” After Razor told off Morgan, which he still felt bad about. He left the ballroom and headed outside to sleep. He didn’t want to be around so many people if his Semblance activated so he found a place outside and fell asleep. Back at the village when it was a clear night, the top of the huts could be removed so they could sleep under the moon. Razor liked clear nights because he loved looking at the moon before he fell asleep. Is soothed him, but it seems the moon couldn’t take away the nightmares.

“Two weeks, it’s been two weeks since the nightmares started. If I can’t find someone who can help me with this, I’ll never be rid of the nightmare. What then? If I can’t control it will it take over me? Will I be nothing more than a Grimm?” Razor questioned. He lay there stating at the clouds above. He could still see the moon in the sky even though the sun had risen and staring at the moon calmed his nerves.

“While under the light of the moon, a wolf fears nothing. They can accomplish any feat while guided by the moon, but what if you’re not a wolf? What then father?” Razor said. His father always told him that. He always preached that the Moon Bloods greatest power came from the moon. However, what kind of power could he get from it if he wasn’t a wolf?

Razor lifted his hand up like he was trying to grab one of the clouds from the sky. Even though he was out of the nightmare, he still saw the blood that stained his hand. He closed his eyes and let his hand fall back onto his chest. “Today is initiation isn’t it? I just hope it doesn’t go the same way the initiation to be part of the hunting pack went.” Just have to avoid people during the challenge. If I can complete it without running into other people. I won’t have to worry Razor thought. He stood up and checked his two Wolf Bite Yoyo’s that were still in the pouch on his side.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Yugure - Beacon ballroom - tuesday morning

Liam tossed and turned in his sleep, the reoccurring nightmare of his first time encountering Grimm, played back in his mind over and over again. It starts with him walking the forests alone. Grimm appear out of nowhere, Liam grabs the chaingun of his back, carnage everywhere, it seems like the Grimm don't stop coming. eventually Liam is almost overun, he runs cutting his way through the Grimm, one by one the grimm fall. Eventually they stop, Liam smiles at his work and starts walking again, thats when an Ursa appears from the treeline catching Liam offgaurd, the Ursa swipes and catches his chest creating the three large scars across his chest, blood poured, left lying in the snow, until someone fully cloaked came along and took him away from the scene. He stirs in his sleep he can feel his scars burn, he can't wake up. His mind is telling him to move but he can't, the nightmare holds him.
Someone please, wake me from this... his mind was awake but nothing he did worked. His chest burned, the dream again replayed itself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Dawn Agresta - Beacon Courtyard - Tuesday Morning

It had been an early morning for Dawn, she would admit. Perhaps it had simply been the gathering of all the people there, or her nerves had finally gotten to her, but she had found it somewhat difficult to sleep, and as a result she had gotten less than she would have liked to. It had led to an early awakening, though she had noticed that she was not the only one to get up at an early hour, compared to the rest of the class. But she supposed that it was to be expected, given such a diverse group.

Picking up her things, she made her way outside, past somebody lounging around by the door, and into one of the exterior courtyards. Her bag was laid on the ground before she removed Swift Iron from their holsters, revealing the dual machine pistol tonfa to the outside world. She flipped them about, examining them and making sure that they were in excellent condition, like when she had left for Beacon.

Fortunately, they were. These were her weapons, which her brother had helped her to make, and she treasured them for that. They were good for defensive fighting, melee combat, and they provided her with ranged capabilities as well. Plus, they were simple, compared at least to the absurd combo weapons that people could pull out and that she had seen. There was something comforting about it, since it meant that less could go wrong.

Notepad left lying on her bag, she held a tonfa in each hand as she stepped to the middle of the green grass, settling into a combat stance. After a deep breath she began, getting in some exercise to warm up before the Initiation began. She went through a routine of blocks, kicks, stabs, and flipping her tonfa so they could be used as guns, all while working up a sweat in the meanwhile. Whatever happened, she would be ready for it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Renji Yamamda - Beacon Ballroom - Tuesday Morning

Renji woke up with the dawn as usual. Sitting up he yawned and looked over the rest of the students. Some were waking much like him, but most were still asleep. No thanks most likely to Morgan and his smuggled rum. He stood from his spot in the window sill then dropped down to the floor. Rolling up his bedroll he putt it away with his luggage. He then grabbed a change of clothes and his bathroom kit before making for the bathroom. On his way he was soon stopped by a strange sight. Liam the Owl faunus, he had learned during the drinking, was rolling around unsoundly. He recognized it instantly as a night terror. Knealing down next to Liam Renji gently grabs him by the shoulders. "Liam! Wake up! It's just a bad dream! Liam!" He said loudly while shaking him a bit. When it did not work Renji sighed. He hated this part. SMACK! The sound of skin on skin contact reverberated through the room as Renji slapped Liam on the face.

"Hey you ok? You were havinga pretty bad dream. You wouldn't wake up. Sorry about hitting you." He said once he was sure Liam could see strait. "It's morning anyway. Initiation Day. Time to get ready. Speaking of which, I'll leave you to it. I gotta go myself. Wish I could stay and talk you through whatever that was about. Maybe after the trials. Who knows maybe we'll be team mates." He said with a smile before standing to leave. After relieving himself, shaving, and dressing Renji Returned to the ballroom to grab his things before heading to the Rocket Lockers. Exchanging his stuff for his weapon case he then walked to the courtyard for some morning tai-chi.

Renji - Courtyar - Morning

Renji stepped into the courtyard to see others in their own morning routines. Either work outs not unlike him, checking their weapon, or just relaxing before having to head for The Cliffs. Renji looked fore to doing all three himself. Walking to a clear spot he set down his weapon and began his tai-chi routine. His fluid movements made him look like a leaf in the wind. His eyes closed he concentrated on nothing but his aura and balance. Balace was key to a lot of the poses as the slow movement kept you on one foot at a time for a long time. He finished by simply sitting down and taking out Serenity's Regret. Eyes still closed he was chanting mantra as he began to load ammo into the receiver. He had no idea what he would be up against so he loaded a variety of rounds ending in his ever faithful flash-bang rounds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ryukan
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ryukan The Sandwich of Heaven

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Morgan Rouge - Beacon Ballroom - Tuesday Morning

Yup, the hangover pixie was paying a visit.

She was lodged in Morgan’s skull and pounding his head relentlessly with a sledgehammer. He tried to open his eyes and immediately regretted the action as cursed sunlight filtered through his eye sockets and redoubled the pixie’s efforts towards clobbering his head back to senselessness.

Licking his lips and arid mouth in a half-hearted attempt towards rehydration, Morgan felt his limbs were stiff from having slept through the night in slouch over his metal chest of belongings, his stomach rumbled with a queasy quality and worst of all, the rum was gone. But honestly I’ve been much worse, Morgan thought, straightening his back and noticing the groaning and slouched figures of some of his other party guests sprawled around his spot in the now lighted ballroom.

Closing his eyes Morgan focused and the pale red light of his aura washed over his body, settling his stomach, smoothing over the stiffness in his limbs and exorcising the pixie back to her demented realm. When his father and mother had first started feeding Morgan drink in line with the strong tradition of the Rouge’s, they’d been generous enough to teach him a little aura cheat to quickly stave off a hangover in the morning. Not everyone knew how to get the right amount of internal focus, but with a quick spurt of inner concentration localized around a body’s vitals, sailors had long figured out how to fight back against the evil machinations of the hangover pixie with mankind’s ancient defense against the horrors of night and day. The same trick actually worked to dissolve inebriation if Morgan needed to do something sober after a long drinking bout because for some reason his aura apparently thought alcohol was poisonous.
A silly notion. But whatever worked.

Morgan would’ve typically tanked through the painful ministrations of the pixie, his father having long taught him to use the trick sparingly as taking what you earned built character, but he had a big day ahead of him and he wanted to be in peak condition.
Mind cleared and well-being restored, Morgan easily lifted the groaning form of one of the unluckier landlubbers, he hoisted the poor sod over his shoulder, and headed towards the nearest restroom. Along the way he winced, but chuckled as he watched Renji slapping an ailing Liam back to the world of the living with sharp and audible blow. He suspected the owl faunus would soon be trying to deal with his own visit from the pixie and he’d be red-faced from more than just alcohol.

“The bald one’s right you know,” Morgan cheerfully said in his usual boisterous. “It’s no time to be lollying about on the deck.”
Adjusting his heft of the groaning form laid out on his shoulder, Morgan extended his arm towards Liam to help hoist him over his other shoulder and make way towards the restroom to get their collective day started.

All around them other students were already stirring to wakefulness, with some of the early birds already geared up and ready to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Timothy Vernil - Tim's Monday Morning

Tim supposed that what amounted to a good day was awfully subjective at the best of times. Today may certainly have been a good day, objectively speaking. Nice and sunny and fairly warm, but not too hot. Enough of a breeze to prevent roasting. It certainly probably a good day, but Tim wasn't enjoying it.
Maybe what makes a good day was what happened in it. Tim thought.

If that was true, he was having quite the bad day.

Cooped up in a corner, curled protectively around MJ, his silver basketball, desperately trying to keep his breakfast where it belonged; in his stomach, not his throat. Things certainly weren't ideal for Tim, were they? If he'd expected this, he could've been better prepared for it. He didn't expect the ride to take so long. On reflection, it should've been obvious that it'd be a long trip, though he didn't know what to expect. He'd only been in a vehicle... what, 5 times? He didn't know to expect hours on hours of flying.

Tim sat in a small corner of the airship, hoping no one would notice him. Mostly out of habit, admittedly, but he was sure no one really needed to talk to him, and if they did, he might just throw up on them. There was nothing Tim could really do except for sit there and wait out the nausea until they arrived.

Tim was pulled out of his delirious musings when he felt the ship slow down. Tim's stomach churned as the ship descended, eventually slowing to a crawl before finally touching down. The ship gave Tim one last tap in the guts, shuddering before its doors opened, revealing the sunlit day outside.

As the new students rushed ahead, Tim stayed behind to leave time for his poor stomach to recover. Once it'd settled to the point where he wouldn't throw up, he carefully rose to his feet. The world spun for a few seconds as he balanced himself, but quickly went back to normal. Tim tried a few tentative steps. His stomach feebly tried to claw up his throat but was, for the most part, settled. Tim slowly walked out of the airship and into the day ahead.

Tim walked past people grabbing their bags hugging his ball to his stomach; half out of self-consciousness and half out of still feeling sick. MJ was like a safety blanket of sorts, since he always had it around. The cold silver sphere was reassuring in its sturdiness, which Tim felt helped him feel better.

Tim spotted his relatively small backpack amongst the sea luggage and stealthily inched around the crowd to grab it. He slowly picked it up and slung it onto his back, hoping no one noticed him. He was also hoping that no one would try to talk to him. A punding headache was making it hard to focus, and he might just throw up for real. As he staggered along, he was sure that his appearance would ward people off. Anyone would think twice about messing around with someone who looks sick as all hell, walking around with a silver basketball in his hand.

Tim took a quick look around at the people around him, noting with some degree of satisfaction that almost everyone there was, at the very least, objectively somewhat more interesting than him. He may have been wrapped up in more layers than any sane person would dare attempt in this kind of weather and had a silver basketball, but everyone else at least had something cooler. Just looking around, he could see a girl with weird dark stuff "sheathed" at her waist, a pirate, a big tattooed bald guy (Tim was a bit confused at that one) and a few other interesting people of note, including a short person even more covered up than him. He was sure that, despite being pretty weird, he wouldn't exactly be called out or anything.

Well, that covers that aspect of things. Tim thought to himself, following the crowd a little down the courtyard. And if this headache wears off, it'd actually be a good day.
Yes, today was actually supposed to be quite a nice day. Objectively, it was good. It would be an important point in his life, since after it, his life would never be the same.

Tim stopped in the middle of the courtyard, closed his eyes and sighed, simply stopping to clear his head, ball nestled in his sternum. Yes, today was an important day. A good day, for him and his family. It should be a good day, and if his headache would go away, it'd be alright at the very least.
"Maybe it'll clear up when introductions are over." He said out loud. Quietly, but out loud.
He was hoping that it would, because he could see that he should enjoy today.

Tim's Monday Evening - Balleroom

He'd told himself it'd be good. He knew that he should probably be happy that he was even there. But there was something that he'd forgotten to factor in, something very important which was making him regret choosing to become a hunter at all.

Social interaction.

Tim simply lay there, on his sleeping bag. He lay, clutching MJ, not moving a muscle. In the ballroom, people chatted away with each other, but he just stared at the ceiling. His coat, scarf and shoes lay next to his sleeping bag and he was simply wearing his shirt and pants. He wanted to sleep but the cacophony didn't let him. There was nothing he could do but lay there as the thing he dreaded the most occurred around him.

It wasn't as if he didn't want friends, but he just couldn't make them on his own. His tendency to ramble and his odd attachment to MJ put off most people and he hadn't made any real friends since he was 8 years old. He had no idea how to talk to people, though he was sure he had very little to talk about with them either. He could see the class difference between him and the majority of the new students, and that also put him off quite a bit. Tim thought it'd be difficult to relate to Tim as he'd come to beacon mostly to provide for his family, and it'd be hard for Tim to relate to them because he didn't know any other reasons to go here. It was that and social awkwardness that left Tim trying to sleep in a rowdy ballroom, just laying there, staring at the ceiling like he was lost in thought. And he was, sort of.

The heck are we doing tomorrow? He wondered.
While Tim had recovered by the time Ozpin began his speech, it had contained no hints of their activities tomorrow, and he was unsure of what to do when the time came, but he felt as if something was going to happen.
We're going to be hunters. Tim thought. A hunter needs to be strong, now more than ever. They'll surely make us work for this...

Tim experienced a familiar churning in his gut, one that he always felt when he was nervous. He sighed, trying to release the tension in his body and got up. The room was still quite rowdy, though it was settling down somewhat. He needed something to take his mind off of the next day. Something to distract him. Tim reached to his left for his coat and fished around in one of the numerous inner pockets, retrieving his prize: A little used scroll serving as a parting gift from his parents. He'd never had one before since his family were too poor to afford such luxuries, but they'd said he'd need it soon.

Tim held the small rectangular white device, wondering how it worked. Pressing the diamond in the middle elicited a response. The white rectangle suddenly came loose and expanded in Tim's hands, turning into a screen.
"What?" Tim wondered quietly.
Seemingly random shapes came up on the screen with text under it, though he had no idea what they meant. Pressing buttons at random, he was quickly met with a portrait of himself, with a green bar underneath. Now Tim was really confused.

Fiddling with it for a few more minutes brought more confusing results, so Tim simply closed the scroll and stowed it back into his coat before leaning back onto his sleeping bag once again.
I'll figure it out tomorrow. Tim decided. It's not like I need it right now, anyway.

The ballroom was now mercifully quiet, though the low hum of conversations was still present. Tim was far enough away from most people for it not to matter and he found that the noise was at least bearable. Thankfully, no one was close by to him so he could sleep in relative security. He was always nervouse around other people, after all. Even if there was a ballroom full of people right now, he was spared from having someone really close to him, which made it somewhat safer for him. Somewhat.

Tim wormed his way into his sleeping bag and dozed off, MJ nestled on his stomach. He listened to the snatches of conversation before finally drifting into sleep.

The following (Tuesday) morning - Balleroom

Tim was having a dream. Quite the nice dream, in fact. He was home, eating dinner, with his brother, mother and father. The entire family was there, smiling and having tasty food. It was a good atmosphere, and Tim relished the moment. But then he woke up.

Tim groaned quietly and slowly got up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. MJ, the ever watchful protector, sat on his lap still in the sleeping bag. He took stock of the various sleeping bodies around him and wondered what time it was. Remembering from last night's escapades that his scroll had a clock function, he fished around in his coat to find it and retrieved the device. It lit up as he pressed the diamond and revealed the time. It was 4:00 AM. He certainly had slept very early, but that shouldn't warrant this early of an awakening.

There were people though, which did put him on edge. Maybe that's why he woke up so early.

Tim slowly rose to his feet, joints creaking in protest. He was quite sore from yesterday, between the travelling, travelling sickness and social nervousness that ruled his life yesterday. He stretched a little, but he was mindful that people were still sleeping. He carefully put his coat and scarf on, since it was a little cold, and grabbed his shoes and MJ. Thankfully, he was quite close to the courtyard door, so he tiptoed outside. Putting on his shoes, he quietly walked out into the cold morning with MJ tucked under his arm.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dawkins
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yami Crimson - Boat to Patch - Monday Evening

Yami looked away as Heather left him just as soon as she came. Yami sighed, half of the sigh being of relief while the other half was of disappointment. Yami promised himself he would come out of his shell this year and it wasn't off to a good start. Nothing had changed from last year, Yami only got a few words off to his teammates before he completely collapsed under the pressure and folded. Again Yami sighed, this time it was louder and more drawn out. I've known my teammates for a year now, and I still can't hold a decent conversation with them. I really am a lost cause. Yami thought, a sarcastic smile formed on his face as he insulted himself. Yami lifted his hood up to cover his hair and head, a habit he formed when he was stressed out or in trouble.

About 20 minutes passed as Yami stayed sat in the same position, lost in thought about his teammates and himself. Yami rubbed both his eyes, still tired from getting no sleep the night before. Yami stood up from his seat and stretched out his limbs a little bit, before reaching into his backpack and pulling out his notebook that had years and years of Yami's life in there. Drawings of all shapes and sizes to short stories that Yami wrote when he was bored. Yami pulled out a pen also as he walked around the boat for a bit.

Yami came across the stairs that led up to the deck of the ship. Deciding that fresh air could be refreshing right about now, Yami opted to climb up to the upper deck. Looking out to the ocean, Yami took a deep breathe before he leaned his back against the guard rail of the boat. Yami opened to a fresh page of his notebook and wrote what came to his mind.

It's such a peaceful place.
My own little world.

It's such a boring place.
Only me in my own little world.

It's such a dark place.
No one but me in my own little world.

Yami smiled as he wrote down the poem, he had picked up writing poems just after last years school year was over. It was a great outlet to get what was bothering you off your chest. Yami looked at the poem again, this time a frown formed on his face. The depression was basically seething off the paper, Yami usually did this. Cheer himself up for a couple seconds before he rereads his work and realizes it's the most depressing thing he ever read. Yami again rubbed his eyes, this time sleep crept ever so close to catching up to him. Yami's eyes closed slowly but surely as sleep engulfed him entirely, sitting upright, leaning on a guard rail. Yami's head fell forward as he fell quietly asleep, his notebook falling onto his lap as he gave out silent snores.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nikolas Animus- Beacon Courtyard- Tuesday Morning
@Bigg Slamm

Nik had been sleeping under the tree he had been sitting under the night before, rolling over he noticed Renji nearby warming up for some reason. Nik then remembered what was happening today, teams. With that in mind Nik stood up and had begun exercising, stretching out his legs and arms but leaving his axe on the ground nearby not touching it, when done stretching Nik walked over towards Renji keep a respectful distance before hailing the monk."Well, well we meet again. Your name was Renji right. Well you ready for team placements?" Nik stood leaning on his axe, a smirk on his face one fang visible,"You know I wonder at what we have to do? What do you think? I think we will have to grab something and bring it back." Standing up straight Nik places his axe into its back sheathe,"Well I guess I'll meet you at the Cliffs. See ya!" Spinning on his heels Nik jog off towards the Cliffs."You know I wonder who will be on my team?" Was the only thing going through Nik's mind as he went from a jog into a full blown run.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@All First Year Students!

Headmaster Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch - Beacon Academy - Tuesday Morning

"Would all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff for Initiation. Again, all first year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately."

Ozpin rose from his seat, carrying his usual cane and cup of coffee in his hands as he slowly strode towards the door. Having heard Glynda announce over the PA system that the first year students were to assemble at Bracon Cliff, he figured now would be the time to shuffle out of the office where he spent most of his time. The sound of turning wheels overshadowed that of the elevator, and since he was hardly paying attention, he didn't notice that Glynda had appeared until she spoke to him.

"There you are. I was just coming to get you. Are you ready?"

Ozpin looked at her, the look in his eyes made the blonde woman's expression turn into one of worry.

"Are you... alright, Professor Ozpin?" she asked, stepping out of the elevator and placing a hand on his shoulder.

The old man sighed and his shoulders sagged a bit as he did so. For once, the look on Ozpin's face was... sad. He stayed silent a moment before looking at his friend.

"You need not worry yourself over me. For now, let us focus on the students. Afterwards... I promise, I will tell you all that's on my mind." he said, straightening and using his cane for support. "Come. Let us make our way to the cliff." he said, pressing the button for the elevator again and stepping inside. Glynda nodded and followed him, thinking that he probably wasn't going to keep that promise.

As Ozpin stared out over the expanse that was the Emerald forest, Glynda was getting in touch with some other instructors to make sure everything was set up for the initiation process. Ozpin leaned heavily on his cane as he took a drink from his mug, noticing after a few moments that Glynda had come to stand next to him.

"All the preparations are complete." she said, her green eyes flickering between her friend and the lush scenery below them. "The other instructors are in their places. The initiation should run smoothly."

"Good. Now all we need are our students." he said, looking over to his friend. As he did, his copper colored eyes noticed the group of first year students approaching them as he said it. Wondering what he was looking at, Glynda turned and noticed them as well. "We have quite a fe this year, don't we?"

Ozpin stepped away from her as she focused on the students. He went to stand in front of the launch pads that were situated a few feet from the edge of the cliff, and he stood with the forest behind him. "Hmm..."

As Glynda directed the students towards the launch pads, Ozpin looked them over. He could sense their excitement, determination, and nervous energy as they approached, some giving him odd looks as if they'd never seen an old man with a cane before.

He took a sip from his mug to hide a small smile.

"Alright everyone, single file. Choose a platform to stand on so we may begin." Glynda ordered in her usual demanding tone. She waited until they were all in position before stepping over to stand next to Ozpin, tapping on her tablet-like scroll while waiting for him to speak. The headmaster cleared his throat before he began speaking.

"Despite popular belief, the job of a Huntsman is not one for everyone. It takes certain skills for someone to be capable of carrying a title associated with the defenders of the world. The idea of being a hero can be quite the temptation, but it is important to remember that being a Huntsman is no easy task. One must have an insatiable hunger for knowledge... one must have compassion, dedication, and possess a certain amount of... skill." he paused as he looked over at Glynda for a brief moment.

"For years you have trained to become warriors, and today your skills will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest. At this Academy, we do not accept dreamers... those of you who may think you have what it takes, but lack the capabilities to be considered a true Huntsman. Should you not pass this final test... we will not allow you entrance into the Academy."

He took a long drink from his mug and Glynda spoke up then.

"It is well known that a Huntsman can only do so much on his own, and so during their time in one of the four Academies, they are assigned to teams. I'm sure you may have heard rumors about the assignment of teams... Well, let us put an end to the confusion." she said, closing her scroll.

"Each of you will be given teammates... today."

"These teammates will be with you for the remainder of your time at this Academy. I would say it is important to be paired with someone whom you can work well. However... that being said, the first person you make eye contact with upon landing shall be your partner for the next four years."

"Now, please pay attention while we inform you of what exactly you will be doing."

"After you have gotten a partner, make your way to the northern end of the forest. Hidden along the way are ten shards of dust. Each pair will locate a single crystal and make their way towards the northern end of the forest where you will find an abandoned temple. There, you will see a tablet, holding a spot for each shard of dust. Once all ten dust shards are placed within the tablet, you may proceed with the next phase."

"The tablet will activate and omit a sound once all the dust crystals come together, drawing the Grimm towards your location. The sound will carry on for some time, and it is your duty to fight your way through the hoard of Grimm that conviene to your location and make it back to the cliff."

"This is different from any other initiation we've ever given. I advise you work together to ensure your survival through it. If there are no questions... take your positions."

One by one, the students would be launched into the Forest to begin their initiation. As he took one final drink from his mug, finishing the liquid within, he hoped the students would not disappoint them.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@All Second Year Students
General James Ironwood - The Island of Patch - Tuesday Morning

As the giant ship neared the shore of the small island, James Ironwood strode from his place on the deck into the navigation area. He greeted the captain and his few crew members as they worked to bring the massive ship towards the single dock on the island. Moving to the PS system, Ironwood picked up a small microphone what he would use to broadcast a message to everyone on board.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you all have found the journey aboard my ship to be a pleasant one. As we are approaching the Island now, I would like everyone to prepare their gear and be ready to exit the ship in five minutes. That is all."

The man lowered the microphone and flipped the switch off before turning to the captain. "Under no circumstances is this ship to leave port without my order to do so, am I clear on that?"

"Yes sir." the young man said, sounding a bit nervous as he hesitated.

"Good. If anything should happen while I'm gone, contact me via scroll any time. Have the rest of your crew prepare the extra sleeping quarters." he would say before going to gather what few things he needed.

Ironwood would be the first to exit the ship, followed by his group of men who were dressed in uniform. There were less than fifty of them, but they were arguably his best men. Ones who had survived their share of battles. The General divided his men into four groups of ten and had them stand at attention while they waited for the two student teams to join them at the Island's port. As he saw the familiar face of Fern and Paris, he nodded to them, hoping the two had taken his words and got a bit of sleep the night before. As leaders, they were going to need to be able to direct their teams as efficiently as possible.

As he waited while the rest of the students came off the ship, Ironwood pulled out his scroll, pressing a few buttons on it and pulling up a map of the island on his screen. His scroll detected those belonging to the students and he sent them all a message with the attached map. The message was simple: Use this to help find your way around. along with the image of the island map below it.

When that was done, he put his scroll away and stood straighter, calling everyone to attention but directing his words at the students.

"Alright everyone, pay attention. I will only be saying this once. From this moment until this assignment is complete, you are to act as though you are my men. You will follow my orders exactly and any failure to do so will result in... dire consequences." Ironwood paused, making sure he had full attention of everyone before continuing.

"I will now tell you why you're here. This is going to be a... discreet operation. About as discreet as I can allow it at least. We're here today because we have information about a possible attack from a terrorist organization. The majority of this Island, as you can see, is covered in forested areas that are home to nearly every Grimm we know of. This island, despite the dangers, has been a home for some small villages, along with the Academy of Signal, who have survived by barricading themselves in walls to keep the Grimm out. If those walls were to be breached, which we believe is the intent of the terrorists, it would mean the end of hundreds of lives. So, we are here to keep that from happening."

He gestured to his scroll. "Those of you who have one, please take a look at the map I have sent you. As you can see, there are three villages and the Academy as the locations highlighted. That is where we will be going. You eight will separate into pairs and each pair will go along with 10 of my men to those villages. Four points, four teams. One pair will stay here and assist in the evacuation of Signal, while the... most reliable pair will make their way to the farthest village, Sutton, and guide the people back here so they may board the ship and take shelter back in Vale."

Putting his scroll away, he crossed his arms behind his back. "To avoid panic I agreed with your Headmaster, in exchange for the best teams he can offer, I would not bring my army with us. With only ten of my men, it is up to each pair to protect the people from the Grimm as they travel through the forest. Each village has an estimated thirty individuals, while Signal have many more... but they are not my concern. The regular people are my concern. Protect them... with your lives."

He turned and nodded to his men who went to stand with the eight students. "Right. Now let's not waste any time. Seperate yourselves into pairs and decide who will be going where. I'll be waiting for the two who will accompany me to Signal. You have five minutes.

With that, Ironwood left them, pulling out his scroll and pressing some buttons before raising the device to his ear. He spoke into it, too soft for any of the students to hear... though, it's not like they needed to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A Collaboration between
@OneWayOut as Fern and @boomlover as Tilian

Honorable Mentions: @Katakon@datadogie@Vilhelm

Fern hadn't the chance to find Rust before she heard Ironwood's voice over the speakers on the ship. He told them they had arrived at the island and only had five minutes to gather their things and hop off the ship. She hoped Rust would at least be conscious enough to hear that, and so she gave up on her search for him, getting ready to exit the ship herself.

She had retured to the room she was sleeping in to get Blaithnait and her other items, strapping her belt to her waist and tying the red scarf around it. She checked her bandages, the ones that covered the scars on her body, and made sure they were secure and wouldn't loosen and fall off while she was out. The last thing she got was her quiver of arrows that she slung across her back before leaving the room.

Tilian had been in his chamber the whole trip, texting with some shady characters about some shaddy deals. Apparently some people where not amused by how he had handeld Chris, but Tilian just ignored it. During the night Tilian couldn't catch any sleep. So he decided to walk the halls at night and trying to pass the time by whatever means necessary.
At one point he was on the upper deck relaxing on a bench and staring at the moon. He then once again tried to catch some sleep, which still didn't happen. So, he just lay in his bed looking at the ceiling. This wasn't the first time that he had been having sleepless nights. Maybe it was his councious... naaah probably not. But when it was about 4 in the morning he finally fell asleep.

Then he was awoken by the annoying voice that was General Ironwood. Tilian moaned as he rolled of his bed onto the cold floor. He then stood up and heard people right outside of his room. He stumbled to his door and it slid open. He looked as the others where already dressed up and walking towards the exit.Tilian turned around and walked towards his clothes as the door slid behind him. A few minutes of putting on his clothes later, he left his room and slowly but surely made his way to the exit. Mumbling and cursing the enitre time.

Fern was the first one off the ship at least, so that was good. As she passed Ironwood to wait for the others, she looked around them and smiled. The island was beautiful. She could smell all the different plants and flowers, and with the thick forest around them, she felt right at home. It was a nice feeling. As she watched the others exit the ship and come to stand around, she waved at them, though they didn't have any time to greet properly before Ironwood breifed them on what they would be doing.

Finally... she thought as Ironwood explained the situation. It was a lot to take in... and she didn't like the idea of the team getting split up. She would have to really think about who was going to go with who. When Ironwood was done speaking, Fern went over to Paris and pulled him aside. @Katakon

"So... I wasn't expecting our teams to be split up like this. I'm thinking it would be best to keep teammates together rather than having them work with someone their unfamiliar with, you know?" she paused and thought about this. Considering Sapphire was her partner, she thought that it would be best just to stick with her... but Fern wasn't going to be able to keep a close eye on her and protect her like she wanted to when she had a bunch of villagers to look after.

Sighing, Fern pinched the bridge of her nose, expecting her faunus friend to be quite upset about her decision. "Alright Paris, I'm thinking I'll stick with Tilian and have Rust and Sapphire go with General Iron-ass over there to Signal." she said, jerking her thumb in the direction of the General. "I'd feel more comfortable with Sapphire being in a safer place. She's still not... a hundered percent, if you know what I mean. That and Rust can protect her better than I can... Plus, Tilian is an ass to everyone but me, so it won't be too bad working with him." She didn't partcularly like it, but it was true.

She placed a hand on her hip and got out her scroll with the other, looking at the map. "Alright, let's decide where the other three pairs will go... " she paused and looked over the three places. "Do you feel alright with your team taking care of Arow and Crete? I think Tilian and I can handle the trip to Sutton..." she blinked and lowered her scroll, looking around.

"Wait a minute... where is he?"

She wondered for a moment if he had wandered off, but after thinking about it, figured it was more likely that he just hadn't made it off the ship yet. Groaning, she excused herself from her conversation with Paris and quickly walked back up the dock to get back onto the ship.

Sure enough, as Fern just got onto the ship, she ran right into Tilian who had apparently just made it to the door. She made a small noise when she bumped into him that sounded like 'oof' and she rubbed her head that had painfully hit some random part of his body.

She narrowed her eyes at him as she placed her hands on her hips, unaware of the ridiculous looking red mark that was forming on her forehead.

"You...." she growled.

Tilian looked into two eyes of pure rage. Which belonged to no one else but Fern.
He tried to avoid her as soon as he was spotted, but failed and bumped into her instead. Tilian groaned in annoyence as his head ache only became worse. " Morning Poison Ivy. Hope you had a good sleep, because I sure as hell haven't." He then awaited the barrage of insuluts that where about to be unleashed.

Fern frowned at him calling her Poison Ivy but ignored it, slightly more concerned about the fact he didn't sleep well. Though she was prepared to give him a lecture about how important today was, she decided against it. Instead she reached up and placed her hands on his cheeks before patting them forcefully a few times in an attempt to fully wake him up.

She seemed satisfied at the redness of his cheeks when she lowered her hands and held back a laugh. Tilian raised his eyebrows as the barrage of insults did not arrive. However, what came next was about ten times worse as she grabbed him by the cheecks a started patting them, giving them a nice red colour... Which totally wasn't embarasing at all. "Well this is new. Look, I'm sorry I'm late you can bitch about it later okay?"

"Oh, trust me. I will." she said, crossing her arms. Turning away, she gestured for him to follow her. "Come on, I'll fill you in once we get going. You kind of missed... well, everything." she said, turning and starting on her way back towards the others.

Tilian chuckled as he walked behind her." Well you know it's kind of my thing " His eyes closed as he looked into the sunlight. He could smell the fresh sea breeze. The seaguls flying above the port. The wind screwing up his already tousled air.

Fern walked ahead of Tilian to regroup with the others, letting her team know what the plan was and which pair was going where. As she was doing this, Ironwood noticed Tilian lagging behind and frowned, going over to the boy. As he cut in front of him, effectively stopping him in this path towards the others, Ironwood spoke to him.

"It seems to me like you have no care for the fact you showed up late. Even when I had specifically stated over the comm that we were to meet, you disregarded it and as a result, missed the breifing of the assignment." he sighed and looked dissapointed.

"Is this the kind of huntsman you are? If you were one of my men, I would have you hand in your resignation. Do you have anything to say for yourself young man?"

As soon as he heard the voice of Ironwood, he put up his pokerface and looked the General right in the eye's. Not trying to provoke the man, but also showing that he wasn't afraid of him either. But instead of making a bitchy comment he decided to play it cool.

" My apologies sir, The reason I missed your briefing was simply because I lacked the sleep for it. You see I couldn't sleep at all last night. So I wanderd the halls trying to become tired. Which in the end did work. However it seemed that it was not good enough. I deeply apologize for my slip up and you have full right to punish me if you desire it."

Ironwood actually looked satisfied at Tilian's response. "Well, at least you're smart enough to reckognize when you've made a mistake. That in itself is enough." he smiled then, briefly. "Go to your friends now so you don't miss any more important information."

Tilian gave a quick salute and then walked past Ironwood. Smilling as he walked towards Fern." Well the i suppose your gonna brief me now?"

Fern turned and nodded to Tilian once he came up behind her. She was standing with Sapphire and Rust, just about to tell them what she decided.

"Alright, Tilian is coming with me. We're heading to Sutton while you two head to Signal with Ironwood. No complaints. We need to get going since that village is the farthest away."

Fern reached out to pat Sapphire's head. "Take care." she said, giving a wink at Rust.

." Do i have any say in this matter?"

"Do you ever have a say?" she responded, raising her eyebrow.

"Well no, but I can always try can't i Ivy?"

Fern rolled her eyes and started to march off. "Just come on."

Tilian dramaticly bowed." Whatever you want princess."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 21 days ago

Heather Di Mint - Patch - Tuesday morning

Heather was running down the corridors at a full tilt sprint. Her hair was still wet and she was fastening her armor's straps as she ran. Seeing as she had been... indisposed when Ironwoods announcement came over the speakers Heather had had to put most of her armor on as she was running, and she was still going to be VERY late to the party. She managed to arrive only a few moments after the drowsy Tillian, her armor fastened as she exited the ship. She almost dead stopped when she saw him, but she calmed herself with a few breaths, and was thankful he appeared to be receiving a lecture from Ironwood... which had the added benefit of Ironwood's focus being on him and not Heather... she REALLY hoped he didn't notice she was late.

Heather quickly walked past the two as they talked, making it to Paris and her team before Ironwood had noticed... she hoped. Incredibly flustered and out of breath, she looked at Paris apologising for her tardiness, "I... am so...*pant* sorry that I... uh... *pant* am late... I was... caught up with... uh things." her hair was very damp from the shower and she seemed flustered, even more so than usual. Her scarf was pulled up, and she was somewhat dishevelled, her normally neat pigtails a bit haphazardly done. Uh so... um... what are we uh... doing?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Razor WhiteFang - Beacon Cliff edge/Emerald Forest - Tuesday Morning

Razor had just finished the final preparations and cleaning measures for his yoyos when he heard the announcement for the First years to head towards the cliff. Razor placed his weapons into the pouch on his side and raced towards the location. As Razor walked towards the edge of the cliffs he noticed that more and more students where gathering for initiation. He stood with the other group of students worried that his Semblance would activate. Razor listened to Glynda and chose one of the platforms to stand on. He looked from Glynda to the headmaster and sighed. Guess he’s letting his secretary do all the talking again Razor thought

To his surprise the headmaster began to speak to them. As he listened he wondered why the rest of the students were attending the academy. I wonder how many students have taken this and failed because they thought they were qualified or got in because of their money or connections. For that matter, I wonder how many people just wanted to be considered a hero and nothing more Razor thought. Razor was suddenly thrown out of his thought where he heard about the teams and how they would be decided.

“That’s not good,” Razor said as he bit his thumb and added, “How can I avoid them now? The first person you see will be on your team.” Razor thought about the ways to avoid it, but everything he thought of didn’t work out well in his mind. He sighed again, “I’ll just wing it I guess.” Razor then listened to the instructions and another wave of panic filled his body. Fighting alongside others against Grimm? Damn it, it just keeps getting worse! It’s bad enough we’ll be placed in teams, but what happens if I go primal around them while fighting? Razor thought as the image of his latest nightmare flashed in his mind.

“Ok, calm down. Just find the crystals, get to the platforms and try to lead some of the Grimm away,” Razor planned before he continued, “If anything happens, I should be far enough away.” Razor readied himself as some of the students were thrown from the platforms. Have faith Razor. You might think isolation can help, but sometimes the company of others can be the greatest power of all. That’s why we hunt in packs. Your Semblance may scare you, but know it will one day help those around you. His father’s words echoed in his mind.

“I hope you’re right father, I truly hope,” Razor said before he took a deep breath. He took out his two Wolf Bite yoyo’s before he felt the gears in the platform turn before he was launched from the platform. He soared through the air for a few seconds before he whipped one of the yoyos at a tree. The chainsaw blades moved to the outer radius of the yoyo. The blades spun and lodged the yoyo into the tree’s bark. The string retracted and Razor was pulled towards the yoyo. He quickly dislodged the yoyo from the bark and grabbed onto one of the trees branches.

Razor quickly climbed down the tree in hopes he could get a head start on finding the crystals and avoiding other students. In his haste he skipped a branch and suddenly fell to the ground. He hit a few tree branches on the way down before he hit the ground.

“Well, that hurt,” Razor said as he lay on the ground for a few second before he started to get up and added, “Nice start, but I need to get moving before someone shows up.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Varen Payle - Airship bound for Beacon - The previous night

Varen sighed for what was maybe the 10th time that night. She was late. Massively late, and she could've avoided it... As a final treat for her at Signal, someone had left her a portable heater. It may sound like a strange parting gift, but Varen was a Snake Faunus and she really needed the extra warmth at night. But what she didn't account for was that having the heater on all night made her sleep in hard. It would've been less of a problem if she didn't live in Signal.

It wasn't something she could really help because no one had adopted her. And even though Signal didn't have any dorms; there were beds in the infirmary, showers in the gym, and the cafeteria served dinner as well as lunch, and she could just buy breakfast for the next day. By the time someone swung by to wake her up, it was already almost the afternoon. The heater had done its job a little too well, and Varen had been sleeping extremely soundly. Then, by the time she got ready, she found out the next outbound ship had been delayed significantly and by the time it came it was already mid-afternoon.

Then when she finally reached Vale she immediately got lost for about 2-3 hours, and then by the time she'd reached the airship pick-up area it was already past sunset. They had to try and find a pilot that would take her and that took another hour. Now she was finally heading to Beacon, just her on the Airship, alone... If that didn't kinda sum up her life story then she didn't know what did.

"I hope initiation won't be bad..." She said to herself.

Present Day - Initiation Platform

"Are you kidding me?" Varen said.

The one thing she couldn't prepare for. Gravity. If she'd known this would happen she would've packed a grappling hook or something. The only thing she could really do was tie down her stuff because if her gun hit a branch it might break and that would definitely be bad. She made sure the straps keeping the Ammo Box on her back were steady, then she tied up her scarf to make sure it wouldn't fly away. Any loose dust crystals in her pockets were put into the Ammo Box and lastly, she held her gun close to her to keep it safe.

She felt the mechanisms in her platform start to shift as the student before her was launched into the forest.

"Alright, alright. Let's do this!" She said.

The platform sprang and she was sent sailing into the air.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Yugure - Beacon ballroom - Tuesday morning
@Bigg Slamm @ryukan

Liam woke suddenly, his left hand grabbed his chest, his heart was racing, his chest burning, he was breathing heavily until he saw Renji, he focused his vision for a second and listened to what Renji was saying.
"Thankyou Renji, I understand why you did what you did. But right initiation day, yeah maybe we will end up on the same team. Best of luck." He replied, still calming down after what happened. He saw Morgan reaching out to him and he gladly accepted, he stumbled a bit but gained his footwork as he was helped to the bathroom. By the time the pair go there Liam was pretty much walking on his own.
"Thankyou Morgan for the assistance, I'll see you around and maybe we'll be put on the same team." Liam walked over to the showers and washed himself. After his brief shower he dressed and readied himself. He placed his armour pieces on, making sure they were tight and secure. After that he heard the announcement telling all students to head to the cliff, he grabbed Pis'mo and followed the crowd.

Liam Yugure - Beacon Cliff - Tuesday mid morning

Liam Looked at the launch pads and the first thing that ran through his mind was How do I land? He moved to a platform and readied himself, Chaingun in hand and tie flapping in the wind. He listened to what the two professors were telling them.The first person we make eye contact with huh? Then a crystal shard, then a horde of Grimm? Sounds like a little bit of fun... He noticed students being launched already, he crouched down and felt the launch pad power up, then launch him. He wasn't going as far as some of the others due to his weapon, but just before he hit the tree he held the chaingun out in front of him and carved a hole so he didn't collide with the tree. He then activated his semblance just before exiting the hole. The dome stopped him in his tracks, as he hit the side of the dome with a thud. he climbed down, a little sore but unscathed.
"Now time to find a team mate..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nikolas Animus- Initiation Platform to THE WOODS- Tuesday Morning @Bigg Slamm

"Hawooooooooooooooo!" Howling to the skies as he was launched from the platform, Nik was having a blast. Flying for a while before he began to fall Nik pulled out his axe and, as soon as he was in range, slammed it into a tree using the momentum to bring himself down to earth safely was easy enough, the three Grimm that where happened to be passing by, not so much. Landing on his feet Nik spun away from the tree only to be faced by the snarling faces of three Beowolfs. Naturally Nik's first reaction was "HOLY FLUFF BALLS!" and his second reaction was, after pulling his axe out of the tree while ducking an attack, to slam his axe blade into the side of one of the Beowolfs, almost cutting it in two. His next strike placed his axe in between the eye's of the second Beowolf, turning to face the third one his pulled out a fire dust crystal and placed it into his axe, pressing the button right beneath the dust compartment his axe became wreathed in a bright red fire, which burned the Beowulf as Nik's axe took it's head clean off. After a brief rest Nik turned and headed north only to walk into a tree branch, yell in an extremely loud and painfully way, then fall backwards knocked out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Timothy Vernil - Tuesday morning - Courtyard (close to the locker room)

Tim stifled a yawn, breath becoming mist in the cold air. He really hadn't had much sleep. More than he would've expected considering the people around, but less than he needed. He supposed that he slept so well because he'd basically been dead tired the day before. But if that was so, this would cause some problems because he couldn't be dead tired like that every day.

Tim walked on, wandering aimlessly around the courtyard, wondering what he should be doing.
Guess I could do nothing? Tim thought tiredly.
Indeed he could, but the sun was rising and he was sure something was supposed to happen today.
I should probably go somewhere. Tim thought. Other people will be waking up soon.

Tim wandered about and found himself close to the locker rooms. His addled mind wondered why he was there, but he decided that it didn't matter so much. He was still quite sore and sleepy.
Maybe if I just... Tim thought.
Tim went to his locker, the closest to the right wall of the locker room, and sat down in front of the wall, leaning against it. MJ sat on his lap and he tilted his head back tiredly.

I think I'll sleep a little more then. Tim thought hazily. That won't do much harm, will it?
He made himself comfortable, shifting his legs and body, before promptly falling into a light doze.

Tim Vernil - Still Tuesday morning - Locker rooms

Tim was woken with a start by the announcement, commanding all first years to the cliffs on the school grounds for there initiation. He stifled a yawn while on the floor and groggily stood up. Wiping thw sleep from his eyes, he quickly realised he was hungry. Thankfully, his locker was right in front of him, and he should've still had some food left.

He quickly opened the locker and rummaged in his bag for the food. A few muesli bars were all that he had, so he scarfed them down. It abated his hunger somewhat, but he'd need something better.
Hope they give us lunch or something. Tim thought. Because if not, it won't be initiation that kills me, it'll be hunger.
Tim's impromptu breakfast was done, however, and that was all he could do. He'd have to tough it out through the morning and hope they had some more food afterwards.

"This is gonna be a pain." Tim sighed. "I really hope this doesn't take too long."

Tim - You know what day it is - Beacon cliffs

Tim's stomach churned from nervousness as he clutched MJ to his chest, partially out of the ever-present threat of people and partially because of Ozpin's speech. Every word was like a death sentence, preying on his insecurities of being a hunter. He didn't want to be a hero, certainly, but he knew that the job wasn't for everyone, and at one point, he was sure it wasn't for him.

It'd been back when his brother was still around. He'd been a hunter for quite some time already and was well set in his profession. Tim had aspired to be just like him, but the training was hard and Tim had no talent in any weapon his brother tried to teach him to use, be it sword gun, axe, shield and whatever else he tried. Tim had been quite down on himself, but his brother kept at it.
"Don't worry about it so much, Tim." He'd said. "You'll find something you're good at, I promise."

Tim did in the end, but his brother had disappeared.

Tim took slow, deliberate breaths.
No sense in beating myself up about it. He decided, squaring up his shoulders.
He wasn't doing this because he was the best, he was doing it for his family. Looking around, it seemed clear to him that he wasn't exactly the greatest option. His shoulders sagged back down at that thought.
Yeah, well... He thought. There are probably people better qualified than this for me. But I gotta do this anyway.

Soon enough, all of the students were queuing up on the cliff edge, ready to go. Tim followed suit, going for one of the farthest platform on the edge since he wanted to be last. Tim looked to all the students on the right nervously and the platform below him, wondering what was going to happen.
How are we supposed to get down there? He wondered.
It was quite the long drop down to the forest and there seemed to be no lifts or anything to get down there.

And besides, what sort of order were they supposed to go in? Were they just supposed to-

"Wait a sec." Tim said, realizing something.

Were they about to be-

The platform's mechanism whirred to life underneath him as the muesli bars in his stomach turned to lead. He began sweating nervously as he realised just what he'd done.

He'd unwittingly gone first, and he was about to be launched.

The platform suddenly sprung up underneath his feet and Tim was launched into a tumble, spinning into the air.

"FUUUUUUUU-!" He yelled as he sailed across the sky.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orlan Price - Beacon Cliffs - Tuesday Morning

When the announcement came, Orlan had followed the rest of those leaving the ballroom to the lockers to deposit his bag, and then out into the sun and onto the cliffs. Axios in hand in it's spear form, he takes his place on the first empty platform he comes across. Ozpin's speech only widened the smile that already spread across his face. Today seemed to be much more suited for him. Decisive action, plenty of enemies, and a proper challenge.

When the first student launched, Orlan had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. He quickly corrected that mistake though, realizing that he could bite off part of his lip on impact if he wasn't careful. Now informed of their method of travel, however, he twisted the center section of Axios to prepare the weapon to fire. Setting his legs shoulder width apart with knees bent, he waited for the mechanisms below him to begin their movement. Managing to time it right, he pushed off just as the patform threw him, causing his flight to be more straightforward and lower than it otherwise might have been.

His spear in both hands, Orlan narrowed his eyes eyes he flew threw the air. He had eight shots, and had to make each one count. When he neared a tree, he thrust Axios towards it. Rather than embedding the tips of the splayed spearheads, this caused the weapon's segments to push together and fire. The blast slowed Orlan's momentum and allowed him to control it to some degree. Four more blasts in rapid succession echoed through the air as he progressed in this manner, forward and eventually, down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cyra Zylven - Beacon Cliff - Tuesday Morning

Cyra knelt on her platform, eyes closed, her breath’s deep and even through her nose. Her shields rested on the ground at her sides, hiding her tightly clenched fists. The headmaster’s words were a low drone in her ears, bits and pieces coming through now and again, but for the most part Cyra just tuned out the world, focusing instead on the ground beneath her.

It was a state she went into often, when her worries and nerves were getting the better of her. It was a useful side effect of her Semblance; when she connected with the ground, she genuinely felt a part of it, her small body merging with the vastness of the planet. It made all that fear seem smaller than what she had been previously, and her thoughts reached a place of calm. By the end of today, I will have a partner. A team. It will happen. Whomever they may be, I will deal with it as it comes.

A loud ka-thunk startled her out of her meditation, causing her to look around. The student at the end to her right was missing. What! Where did- A second ka-thunk broke the silence, and the second student was thrown into the air by the platform beneath him. They're launchpads? She looked down at her platform, panic closing off her throat. No, no, nonononono. This isn't good, this isn't good! Her Semblance only worked if she was touching the ground, if she was launched into the air then she would lose that connection. She would be small again.

A third launch. Two more and it would be her turn. If she tried, she might be able to anchor herself to the plate, holding herself secure. Of course, even if it worked, which it probably wouldn't, she would just end up having her face driven into the dirt, which would break her concentration (not to mention her neck) and then send her rolling over the cliff. Failing spectacularly on the first day; everyone would be talking about her for weeks.

Fourth launch. One more. Wait, Ozpin said something about finding crystals? Obviously that is where we're being launched towards. It is part of the exercise. So preventing the launch would be a failure. Fifth launch. She was next. There was no other choice but to accept that, for at least a brief time, she would be airborne. Taking another breath through her nose, she relaxed her hold on the earth and rose, keeping her knees bent in preparation. If nothing else, at least the ground will always be there to catch me.

Emerald Forest

She was airborne. The wind howled in her ears, screaming for dominance. She would not give it. She was Cyra Zylvan, she would endure. So long as she had her shields and the earth beneath her feet, she would endure. She opened her eyes and smiled behind her bandanna.

A smile that quickly vanished. Trees. There was nothing but trees stretching out beneath her. How could she have forgotten about the fucking trees! They would not be as welcoming to her arrival as the earth would be. She might have avoided faceplanting on the first day, but instead had traded it in for the possibility of being impaled. Because apparently that was much more preferable. No, no, stop it! Obviously this is part of the exercise. You never know how you might need to be deployed or what situations you might find yourself in while fighting Grimm. All I have to do is make it through the trees to the ground, and I’ll be fine. Enduring things is something I can do. Curling her legs into her chest, she locked her shields in front of her and prayed for the ground to meet her quickly.

One by one, the trees snapped and splintered before her, sending her into a tumble. One caught the edge of her shield, spinning her sideways, and she was flung about by two more until at last her momentum was spent and gravity fully asserted itself. Unlocking her shields as she fell, Cyra desperately scrabbled to grab hold of a branch, but nothing firm would hold her. When she finally came to a stop, she hung upside down, arms hanging past her head as she glared at the ground five feet below her. "You didn't catch me."

She looked up her body and groaned. It wasn't breaking her neck from faceplanting off a launchpad, or being impaled on a tree. No, instead it would be her shoelaces tangled around a branch that would do her in today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Katakon
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Paris Rosaline - Patch - Tuesday Monring


Paris was putting on his combat clothes for the upcoming mission, a pink and white tailed coat with cream colored pants and combat boots. After putting on his combat outfit he equipped his weapon, Blossoming Hope the only thing of his heritage that he cherishes. As he grabbed the seemingly benign stick from the nearby tabletop the flower bud atop the limb blossomed letting loose what looks to be pollen to the air around the limbs of the bow but in reality to Paris' trained eyes the pollen was actually Dust that would be used to create the string for the bow in combat. Paris nodded in confidence as he used his Semblance to turn the blossom back into a bud. It was still good in the dust department. You never know when it could run out.

But his smiled was gone when the voice of the General spoke though the boat's sound system telling them to be ready for their mission, Paris made a displeased grunt but he was all ready already so he simply strapped Blossoming Hope to his and walked though the door of the room he was in.

While he wasn't the first one to be off the first he was still second there right behind Fern and Ironwood, in which the latter finally told the team what their mission is, to rescue the villagers of Patch with a small recon team so as not to cause an uproar, which was honestly a good idea since Grimm are drawn to negative emotions, fear and panic well within that field of emotions. And more importantly a supposed terrorist attack will be happening here. So they have to evaluate the villagers to the boat in four groups of twelve, it's not what Paris would have planned out but it the best they can do for now, which makes it feel worse to him. He and Fern should've been told the objective of the mission so they could planned it out better and made a more unified choices with teams. But he sighs softly and pulled out his scroll to look where the villages are, all scattered throughout Patch, that will make it more difficult for the teams if any of them get in trouble.

 But as he was thinking to himself, Fern walked up to him and told him her opinion on the mission which wasn't far off from his own, she also told him her plan on which teammates should be partnered up with. He himself wondered quickly about the matter but he already had an idea for his teammates. But for a plan needs to be worked with which luckily Fern had an idea for one."Me neither but we have to work with what we are given, and I get you. And I the plan sounds good with me, Fern, the deeper would be harder for me team to cut though as the forest will make our ranged weapons harder to use with the exception of Heather." Paris replied with to Fern's inquiry.

after Paris spoke Fern seemed to have noticed that Tillan was still missing. After that she excused herself and angrily trekked back to the docks and if he had a guess the boat. He sighs, Paris hopes they don't take to long.

Suddenly his attention was brought back to the mission when Heather ran up to him with apologizes for her tardiness. When Paris looked at her he was shocked to see her normally neat appearance was instead messy and disorganized. He jokingly gasped and covered his with gloved hand with fake aghastment. "Heather! What happened? You look like a mess, dear."

Paris responded with mock seriousness. But suddenly as he was smirking and laughing he gave a look of sympathy to Heather. "But really, did you sleep alright? Are you okay?" Paris asked with a slightly worried tone.
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