Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Arthur had been watching the events disdainfully, being a bit of an antisocial freak show with a foghorn for a voice made things like this not only extremely difficult he had come to learn but entirely too tedious, with everyone spouting madness at every turn and using their powers willy nilly for the sake of show. Not that Arthur could say he hadn't been doing the same, floating in the air above the crowd and simply watching the exchanges. Making sure to stay close to Alex wasn't hard, the ceiling was low so he was basically within reach of nearly everyone, minus the very short.
Arthur shied away from the brief combat and the powers being flung around, even creating a little healing shrine for anyone who got hurt, and sighed as Alex brought out a knife, ready for combat but apparently not ready to be violent unless needed.

Arthur gave a shrill whistle and floated down beside his employee / new friend and stood with arms crossed over his chest, clearly unhappy with the amount of violence being displayed and aggression towards one another. He glanced at Alex and nodded, hoping he would understand that if anything came to blows they could fight or flight in an instant.
The thought of his ultimate ability, the complete stasis field that Bard employed, gave him a third option.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Freeze the fury in their blood. Claire recalled one of the quotes Anvia would utter ingame as she readied another "Flash Frost" per Clarice's request, a little stronger than the orb of ice she flung just a moment ago. Claire decided to utilize it rather than just freezing the area over with a "Glacial Storm" so she wouldn't catch any of the closer bystanders. She also felt guilty at unintentionally striking the other guy a moment ago, and hoped to get a chance to apologize to both of them later on...Maybe...At least the Hecarim had calmed down and she suspected the Malzahar had a role in it, from what she saw from the flow of purple magic she had seen just now. @Adalrod @TheWinchester4

Clairce somehow found herself in harm's way again as she rushed to the aid of Sam along with Artemis as well, and they both went to work trying to placate her form from erupting beyond her limits, which Claire was grateful for. Despite wanting to get closer and assisting the dragon princess, the fires were so ferocious that it seemed impossible for Claire to approach her, she'd probably pass out within a few feet of her if she even tried! Speaking of Sam...

Sam sighed, and thought to do the nice thing, despite how much it pained her. Sam took off her black, leather jacket that was worn and warm and offered it to the ice lady.

Oh yeah I have her jacket at my place, I'll have to give her jacket back after this... She thought. Claire glanced around at everyone else who were staying back from the engagement. Like her, they probably weren't expecting this much violence to happen up close so quickly. Claire thought they'd just sit down over a nice cup of coffee...(which she needed badly right now; her all-night gaming spree started to catch up on her and she started to yawn again) ...and discuss the state of affairs and more importantly, the killing from yesterday.

What if the killer is in this room amongst us? She grimly thought. I wouldn't be surprised if the Shadow Isle folks turned on us again like he did just now, but was it really him or was it the effects of his power? She knew as far as ingame lore was concerned, the champions hailing from the Shadow Isles and even the Void inspired death and deep terror wherever they went and their names would be uttered to children in Runeterra in order to force them to do their parent's bidding lest the "ghouls" drag them away in the middle of the night or in their dreams. They were terrifying to say the least and their hosts would require close attention or at the very least, caution in their encounters.
Claire squeezed the glimmering ball of blue ice in her hand. She noted the healing shrines scattered close by and she reached out and touched one, despite not needing it at the moment. A surge of warmth filled her and she smiled at the sensation, giggling to herself as she backed away from the vanishing shrine and closer to the commotion, perching herself next to John and watching with a mix of anticipation and concern, hoping the conflict would end soon while continuing to channel prana to sustain the ice ball and prevent it from melting in the heat. At least it'd be over quickly if she managed to hit both of them...

...Either that or the apartment complex would burn down if they failed...Being declared an arsonist and jailed wasn't within Claire's top 10 list of things to do in life. Depending on which direction things went, she was ready to unleash everything she had and freeze the apartment over, just as she did to her own apartment and at the restrooms over at Wihi Cafe and perhaps they could find serenity and preserve themselves in the stillness of a frozen world. Anything to keep this madness away from the regular world.

@Kiroue@rivaan@Eklispe@Ambra@Leolycan@Card Captor (Brought John into the scene next to Claire)

edit: spellcheck
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Member Seen 7 mos ago


Artemis glared at Matt. "I don't take orders, though I will take your advice this time." was all she said to him before walking calmly towards Sam. The moonlight she'd gathered flickered in front of her, keeping away the worst of the heat and she walked close enough to touch Sam. What to say? She didn't know Sam very well, though a lot better now. Rather than thinking it out, Artemis simply began talking, letting the words out rather than speaking them. "We both know you're stronger than this. I get a feeling you never were very good at letting things die down, if you need to you can just let it all out." Perhaps unsound advice since 'letting it all out' would entail a, doubtless enormous, blast of fire. Still if such a route was taken Artemis would briefly awaken to make it easier to use her powers and squelch all the flames before they could cause any real problems. As long as Sam managed to stop being... that, it would be fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


This was all quite a lot to deal with 'although...it's starting to look like people acquiring the powers of champions is a rather recent development. Although I'm not sure why, or even what it means.' John had decided to stay back and simply observe, as there wasn't much he could do at the moment. All he had was his shield which, while indeed useful, didn't have many applications in a situation like this. Noticing Claire beside him, he spoke to her "how are you holding up? I understand how confusing and overwhelming this all is." However, before she could answer, a familiar furry face popped out of John's bag "Danny!? When did you get in there you crafty little trouble maker? Honestly Danny, you can't keep smuggling yourself out of the house in my bag like this. What if it get's us both into trouble? Danny's reply was simply to nuzzle John's nearby arm. Sighing, John asked "oh Danny...what am I going to do with you" he reached his hand over to the ferret and began scratching his head. Something Danny responded to by pushing his head into John's hand.

@DFA @Adalrod @TheWinchester4 @Kiroue @rivaan @Eklispe @Ambra @Leolycan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 6 days ago

To Do What is Required

Leon Kohlberg & Travis Underdown

Leon abruptly opened his eyes, releasing horrified breaths before noticing that Travis' body had fell forward, his face kissing the earth. "Travis? Travis?!" Leon shook the boy, cradling his body nervously. Even after a good few hours of shaking and incomprehensible mumblings, Travis never responded nor even opened his eyes. "N-no..."

He's gone, Leon. His soul is bound to the Isles... forever. But, his mind is still conscious, but soulless. Well, really, imagine living without a soul. You know you're alive, but you are not living at all. You'll just lay there for all eternity until your physical body dies. You know what to do, Leon. Spare his body the pain of being soulless. End his suffering.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck..." Leon cursed, grabbing his hair and pulling it until sharp pains struck. "FUCK!" he screamed as tears flowed freely. Over, and over again... over and over again... "I'm sorry... Sarah... Travis..."

You must do what you must, Leon

The shovel appeared in his hand as Leon set Travis' corpse on the garden floor. Although they spent days in the Shadow Isles, it was merely noon in Darkwell-- signifying a difference in time between the two worlds. Leon placed the shovel's sharp edge against Travis' throat as he uttered incoherent litanies and odes that fell on deaf ears. He shouldn't have been involved... he shouldn't have been involved. He could have been spared of this de ja vu if he just kept his nose out of these matters.

But, to do so would have been denying the dangers of these mutations. Travis had left him a mission, and to abandon it now would be to spit upon the graves of Sarah and the lad. He would continue his mission now-- for him, for them, and for everyone harmed by things darker than them.

As crimson liquid splashed upon the bay leaves, cypresses, and hawthorns, another chapter of Leon's life began. When Travis was buried beneath the oak tree, the boy's abrupt finale gave birth to the overture of Leon's mission, and the crescendo of the grand scheme of things that will unfold in the future. Even if Travis lost his life today, his sacrifice gave birth to the seeds that will lead to a garden tomorrow.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam Cross

In an instant the Garen woman was at her side. "I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt..." she heard though the roar of her flames. Was she going to knock her out? Perhaps use an ability? She didn't know and she didn't care, Sam just wanted it all to stop. The half-dragon closed her eyes, waiting for the impact to come. A call sounded in the room from Liam for calm. Sam didn't know why, but the hit from the Garen had taken longer than expected, but when it did, it came a shock to her. It was almost as if she had been shocked by electricity and then her body felt numb. She opened her eyes and through her numbed state she was amazed to find that she was no longer covered by fire, but only scales. Even though the period of time of 1.5 seconds felt long to her, she found that the numbness faded quickly, bringing back a blast of flame with a wave of heat back to life. Sam cursed at the failure, lowering herself onto the ground to get herself more into a ball. She hoped by making herself small the inferno would shrink as well.

Sam felt she was running very low on energy, on strength, and on will. The only thing she could compare it to was a time when she had finally got home at three in the morning after drinking and clubbing for hours. She had finally crashed in her bed, the coma like exhaustion coming over her, only in the back of her mind to realize that she had never closed the front door. The act of getting up and closing the door was so great that, in the end, the front door had been left open all night. Luckily, no one had invaded her room while she was sleeping, but the stakes were so much higher this time. It wasn't just about closing a door, it was about forcing out the blaze that was forever flowing out of herself. Even now, believe it or not, she was still holding back a great deal and yet it wasn't near enough.

Through her inner turmoil she heard the speech that Matt was making, but nothing really went into her brain except this: "If you can't retain it, you lose." ... You lose. Those two words were so definite and encompassed so much failure. Not only would she lose in the sense that she had failed herself in her willpower, but so many countless other's would lose as well-- lose their lives. No, Sam wasn't angry anymore, that wasn't the emotion that fueled the fire now. Instead it was being fueled by unbelievable fear. Tears of molten lava began to stream down her ashen face as she felt so weak and yet had to stay so strong. In panic every once and awhile she would lash out at the power with a strike that was wild and panicked, but did the trick in reducing the flame for a second or two before it rushed back.

While others were standing at the edges of the room, frightened as to what could happen, Artemis came to her somehow. It honestly made no sense how her moon balls were protecting her in any form from the fire, but she was too scared and tired to care. She heard her words and Sam knew what the other said was true, but so mislead in some areas. Yes, Sam was never one to practice restraint, and that was how she was struggling now. Both her nature and her power were things that highlighted thrill and little control. It would be so so much easier for her to just let go, to let the cataclysm release and take over the room, the city, and all the lives that would come in it's path, but she refused to let it happen. Artemis thought that she could hold it back, but she didn't know what she was saying, what she was facing up with. Sam worked in a breath to voice some words, "Artemis, I don't think you understand how much I'm holding back." She paused, taking a gulp. "I'm not just holding back a huge bonfire. I'm standing in the was of a devastating wildfire." In frustration her hands raked themselves across her scalp so physically and emotionally drained from holding back.

Sam realized that if she didn't put all that she had into getting rid of it all now that she would not have the strength to get rid of it at all. She could not fail. She could not fail this time! "Stand back." Sam demanded of the people standing beside her. The half-dragon started gathering up all of the will she had left, every ounce of it. As she built up this energy, it was as if she had to battle her emotions the whole way. She had to show herself that she would not fail. She needed to stop. Once she felt that she had brought in all that she had she finally pulled the trigger to work to bring it down. She stopped breathing and every muscle in her body tensed. Sam growled and grunted from the effort of bringing the destruction back into herself. It felt as if the effort was shredding her insides apart. On the outside the heat slowly began to reduce from an inferno, to flames, to flickers and finally to embers. After three long minutes of hard work and effort even those went away.

The woman collapsed.

She wasn't quite unconscious, but she couldn't move a muscle. The effort to breathe was still its own on going battle. Sam felt so small.

The pathetic, half-lizard pulled herself into a tight ball as she began to shiver, her scales starting to shed off of the poor girl.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vicki Victory

"Now, now folks, hows about we all take a step back and talk out our differences like nice people hm?"

Vicki looked over to the entrance of the diner, spotting some punk kid twirling a switchblade and an older fellow...floating? Vicki immediately labeled the floating man as Weird, deciding to address that later. Still holding her fighting stance, Vicki shifted her eyes back to the kid. He looked young, either still in high school or just barely out of high school. What was he thinking, getting in the middle of something like this?

She turned her attention back to Garrett, now some demon ninja. Speaking to the bystanders, Vicki yelled out, ”Kid, you don’t want to get in the middle of this.”

With her left hand, Vicki grabbed the table she knocked down from earlier and picked it up with ease. The power from her vice grip punched holes through the wood of the table, sending small shards of painted fragments flying out. She hefted the table back, then threw it full force at Garrett, hoping to hit him, or at least distract him.

Immediately after throwing the piece of the furniture, Vicki leapt forward, using her pack to jet boost her across the room, and primed her right-gauntlet for a rocket-powered hook. Envisioning where Garrett would be behind the table, she aimed for his torso.

@Eklispe @Zelosse @Ambra
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Arthur had seen enough violence for right now, and these two were making it worse. Arthur readjusted his tie and stepped forward while his horn materialized, watching both of them get close until it was time for what he hoped would work, the meeps danced behind him with a suddenly very serious look in their eyes as if sensing the masters displeasure. When the two fighters, Garrett and Vicki, were both within range of each other he took a colossal breathe and blew a single note from the horn to release a gigantic ball of shimmering golden energy that exploded over the two combatants, coating them in the golden shine and trapping them in its powers.

Bards ultimate rendered foes invulnerable for a short time. What Arthur had done was the exact same thing, rendering both of them completely inactive for a few moments. All momentum lost, Arthur placed himself between the two combatants as the shimmer began to fade. He placed his hand gently on Vickis gauntlet and held firm as the golden shimmer faded entirely, his hand now stopping the gauntlet from moving forward. He was not strong, nor claimed to be powerful, but the magic had stopped the flow of prana to the jets and stopped her movement cold. It was not particularly hard to stop an attack that had no power behind it.
That being said, he knew if this woman wanted to continue the fight he would be the first one she tore through. Arthurs eyes pleaded with her to stop, knowing full well he could not speak there was only hope now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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@Kiroue @Eklispe@Leolycan@rivaan@TheWinchester4@Ambra@Adalrod@DFA

“You do not need to tell me that…” Clarice replied to Matt with a frown. The way he slowed her to interrupt her silence was very annoying thing.” Listen there, sometimes harsh measures need to be taken in order to protect people.” She replied as the silence this connect the fires died down for a few brief moments before erupting back again. So the silence did stop them for a moment, but it wasn’t enough after all.

The Diana looking girl came over and said a few things to the burning girl which seemed to have some effect, but this all was too much of a chaos.” Don’t worry…” She said when Sam asked for the people around to back off. She had a hunch the girl planned to try to stop herself somehow, but Clarice didn’t really want to move back… much. She made a single step to give the burning woman a little bit more space and took a valiant stance, waiting. Probably a side effect from being Garen and part of her own personality, she planned to stick to this girl till the end. The blaze grazed her armor and her exposed face, but while it hurt somewhat it didn’t cause much visible damage.

As Sam managed to bring all the fire into herself and stop the raging disaster, Clarice smiled. When the girl fell, she was fast to immediately kneel by Sam. Clarice’s armor quickly vanishing as took Sam into her arms.” Good job. You really did it.” She said with a smile, turning to Matt.” Oi this is your place so get us something to cover her up with. Her scales are shedding of.” She stated and threw a look at the front door.” This would have caused huge commotion in the building. We need to deal with that right away or the police will get involved.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vicki Victory

Vicki was enveloped in a warm coat of gold, unable to see through the shimmering film. After a few seconds, reality popped back into existence, and Vicki unceremoniously plopped to the ground, her fist still sticking out in front of her.

Confused, Vicki looked up only to find another man standing above her. He had long, curly locks of hair, colored a mix of stone and blue, like murky ocean water. This man was wearing a suit, but it wasn’t anything impressive. His shirt and coat were wrinkled, fitting loosely on him. The tie was nowhere near his collar either, hanging far below the top-button like a hammock. It wasn’t the clothes that particularly struck Vicki, but rather his look. His eyes spoke to her, staring into her soul longingly. It made her uncomfortable.

Behind this man, Vicki spotted her opponent slowly shoving the table off of him. Evidently it hit him rather hard, as he was caressing his mask’s forehead as if trying to stabilize himself. Garrett locked eyes with Vicki, then shifted his gaze to the man standing between them, the floating man from earlier.

In a flash of movement, both Vicki and Garrett sprung into action. Garrett sprung off of the floor, catapulting his bladed arms towards the man. At the same time, Vicki pushed herself up from the ground and, with her left arm, shoved the man off to the side just before he was impaled. With her right hand, she caught Garrett’s bladed limb, and jerked it violently. She felt something pop loose...or break.

Garrett Fishman

Unbelievable. Vicki’s reflexes were like lightning. Not only did she push Garrett’s mark out of the way, but she caught his arm in mid-leap. Then, she whipped him around like a rag doll, and Garrett felt his shoulder pop loose.

He gritted his teeth through the pain, giving Vicki no satisfaction from his pain. He helplessly hung limp from his arm, being held up like a hunter’s trapped rabbit. Garrett was taller than Vicki, but she dangled him below herself, his knees almost touching the ground.

Garrett looked up at Vicki through the eye slits in his mask. Her face was scrunched up in pure fury, her lips and nose twitching. “You’re done.”

Without warning, Vicki crushed Garrett’s arm between her hulking gauntlets. Shards of pain and agony shot up through his arm and screamed into his head. Garrett released a sickening cry of agony, the wailing muffled by his mask. His screaming only pushed Vicki to tighten her grip.

Desperate to survive, Garrett sent out his shadow to the front of diner, the black ooze snaking from side to side. In an instant, he switched positions with the shadow, collapsing to the tiled ground by the doors, behind the punk kid with the knife. Vicki’s grip clamped together with a metallic bang as her fingers phased right through the shadow’s arm.

Garrett shambled onto his legs, cradling his disfigured arm with his uninjured hand. His breathing was heavy and loud, easily heard from across the room. ”This isn’t over.”

In a puff of ash, he disappeared into nothingness. Silence filled the room.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


As the chaos about the room began to die down, Liam gave a heavy sigh, looking over the scorch marks on the floors and walls of the once polished abode. Grunting slightly in agitation, the man would tear himself free from the torn and tattered remains of his shirt as he now stood before the crowd with his bare upper form exposed. His eyes lingered briefly on Sam before turning his attention to the rest of the people piled into the apartment and those who chose to remain outside. 'Hecarim, Garen, Malzahar and Anivia. New additions, but we'll have to watch out for the Hecarim avatar.' Liam's eyes remained locked onto Raze for a moment, seeming to be sizing up the man in silence before turning his attention Clarice as she spoke.

"Take Sam into one of the rooms in the back. Lay her down and let her rest, we'll worry about clothing her once she's awake. Matt and I will get to work and trying to squash this situation." Liam's said with a nod. His once alarmed and concerned gaze softening, though his worry still prominent as he turned to the rest of the group, "Hoping this get-together wouldn't have gotten to this point, but it's nice to meet you all. Hopefully- with luck- We can continue this meeting shortly." With that, Liam stepped into and maneuvered around the group to enter the hallway making his way to the elevator. Pressing a couple of buttons, the doors to the vessel would close.

Matt sighed heavily as well, though he now stood with his hands in his pockets. The explosives that had been placed above the doorway seemed to fade away and no longer pose a threat as the man stood before the group. Silent for a moment, he'd motion with his head towards the interior of his apartment, "Help yourself to whatever is left." With that, he stepped forward towards Sam, looking down upon her for a brief moment before removing his coat and draping it over her form.

As time rolled on, Sam found her way into the master bedroom. As she lay resting, the guests were given free reign of the apartment as Matt made his way to the elevator as well. After what seemed like an hour had passed, both males emerged from the elevator, Liam wearing a amused smirk, though Matt wore a more agitated expression. As they entered the apartment to address those that remained, Liam was the one to speak out first.

"So, no police or fire fighters. Luckily Roger bought that we were testing out a new sound system. But-"

"But now I have to help clean up the damage done to the other apartments. The old man is gullible... But damnit." Matt rolled his eyes, "Anyways, I wanted to welcome you properly to my apartment before I went off. Nasus here will be your host for this evening." With that, Matt turned back to the elevator as Liam sighed heavily.

"Damnit I wish he'd stop doing that... Anyways." Liam looked up, his grin now into a welcoming smile- though it's obvious that he was still somewhat weary from the events before, "I take it you're all wondering why you're here? To put it simply, we believe you've been given gifts- and as you've seen, so have others. We're wanting to keep in touch with everyone that has been given powers and offer them assistance to avoid... Well, instances like this one." He said, motioning about the room, "As you heard Matt say before, I've been given the powers of Nasus. Anyone who is curious about their powers, or who they might be- we can offer help with that as well. But mostly, we want to see who is willing to work with us in keeping this city free from the chaos that's to come. We all know that our powers can get out of hand-" At this point, his gaze would flicker over to Raze before sweeping over the group, "but there will be some who blatantly abuse their powers for their own gains. We aim to stop that."

@rivaan@TheWinchester4@Adalrod@Universorum@Eklispe@Card Captor@Kiroue@DFA
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Why were people so... so stupid sometimes? In a matter of seconds Arthur had been shoved to the side and the two had clashed again, leaving the man with the blades with at least some broken bones and bleeding heavily as he ran away. Alex's eyes glowed slightly and he could clearly see the trail of blood leading away. He could track the man down if he wanted, but it wouldn't serve much point, Alex didn't know what he would do even if he found the man. "Whatever." The knife vanished back into his pocket as though it had never left. "Just came in here for a fuglucking muffin. Can you do that for me?" Alex asked the boxing chick exasperated. Irritating. Everything was just so irritating. He wanted to make something bleed. "Arthur you want anything?" He snapped at the musical balloon of a man. Unconsciously the knife jumped back into his hand, flying through his fingers in an intricate dance as he waited impatiently for the girl's response and Arthur's.


Artemis's eyes flickered over Liam's body. Surprisingly muscled. Noted. For the next hour or so while the two hosts attempted to sort thing out Artemis took out a notebook and began scribbling at a rapid speed in it. She was of course, nothing the recent events and everything associated with them. Never knew when this information could come in handy. Artemis finished and noted Sam's condition moments before the two men returned and the announcement was made. At this point she felt the need to speak up. "Pardon me, but what exactly is the plan? You intend to from some sort of vigilante group here? The police force would doubtless be more effective in keeping things under control, champions or no champions. If someone is somehow skilled enough to defeat them then doubtless the situation will escalate until they are subdued. Therefore the need for the group you are suggesting is non existent. In which case there is no point in my remaining here save for until Sam recovers. Do you have anything else to say?" Aretmis asked as an effective finish to her small speech. It was true. Artemis had no idea how well anyone here would fare against the police but doubtless attempting to do so would drag in more forces and she was confident no one here could stand against actual military forces. If not for ensuring Sam's recovery was successful then she probably would've left already. That and they might have more pizza coming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vicki Victory

Vicki stood staring in disbelief at the youth as he played with his knife. A woman with giant, metal fists just annihilated a demon ninja’s arm just before it disappeared into shadow, all right after his floating companion with the horn froze them in liquid gold. Even after all of this, the only thing the red-and-black haired teen could think of was getting a muffin. A muffin, of all things! How could anyone go on with normal life so easily after witnessing this pandemonium?

She lifted her arms up, gazing at the palms of her cold, metal gauntlets. As her adrenaline faded away, the gloves began to disappear in a shower of light. This wasn’t normal. Crippling two men in the span of a few hours wasn’t normal. Vicki looked back at the young man still twiddling with the small blade. This may not have been normal yesterday, but now, maybe this was her new normal.

Vicki sighed, putting the burden off to the side to deal with later, and strode over to the kitchen without a word. As she began to rummage through cabinets and containers, Vicki rolled through a thousand different thoughts in her mind. Where did Garrett go? He has to get that checked out somewhere. Should I go after him? He might come looking for payback if I don’t do something...should I tell dad?

Frustrated, she slammed a fridge door shut with all of her strength. The clean, white door ripped from its hinge and went through the back of the fridge, and crashed into the brick-colored tiles on the kitchen’s walls. Shards of broken ceramic exploded out from behind the fridge as it slowly began to tilt forward. Vicki sidestepped just as the fridge began to quickly fall towards the ground, landing with a mighty commotion. I need to get a handle on this new strength…

Behind Vicki, precariously balanced food and supplies began to fall from a narrow shelf with quiet thuds. Among the pile was a muffin, vacuum-sealed in plastic.

Vicki strode out of the kitchen, tossing the baked bread towards the young man, and came to a halt just in front of the two spectators. She blew some of her white bangs out of her eyes, looking the teen up and down before turning to the suited oddball. ”What the hell is going on?”


Raze Colter

"Pardon me, but what exactly is the plan? You intend to from some sort of vigilante group here? The police force would doubtless be more effective in keeping things under control, champions or no champions. If someone is somehow skilled enough to defeat them then doubtless the situation will escalate until they are subdued. Therefore the need for the group you are suggesting is non existent. In which case there is no point in my remaining here save for until Sam recovers. Do you have anything else to say?"

At this, Raze stood up from his sitting position, and took a few steps away from the wall. He was in shock that this thought even crossed her mind. “Look, I don’t know what was discussed earlier, but what else would we do? We’ve been given these powers, and we should use them. It’d be wrong for us not to, we’d basically be deciding to not help people when we clearly had to power to do so!” Raze strode over to one of the apartment windows, the light casting his silhouette across the ground behind him. He stretched out his arm, gesturing to Darkwell before them, ”There are nowhere near enough police to adequately protect this city. We don’t need costumes or nicknames, but we can’t just sit back and do nothing.”

Raze turned around and looked at the spectacled girl, his eyebrow cocked inquisitively, ”What do you suggest we do? Just hide and pretend like everything is normal?”

@Eklispe@DFA@Card Captor@Kiroue@Adalrod@Leolycan@rivaan

Garrett Fishman

Garrett stumbled through the doors of the ER, collapsing to the floor. His clothes were soaked in blood, and his vision was beginning to fade out. Garrett whimpered out a plea for help, but nurses were already rushing to his side and helping him to his visit. Just as he was seated into a wheelchair, he blacked out, unable to stay awake and bear the pain raking at his left arm.

He faded in and out of consciousness, catching glimpses of blurred faces trying to speak to him, red sacks with tubes trailing to his body, and cold machines staring down at his crumpled body as if disappointed.

Finally, Garrett’s eyes fluttered open, his eyes adjusting to the harsh white light of a hospital room. From the corner of his vision, Garrett sighted a nurse running out from the door. Moments later, a tall man with brown hair starting to grey at its roots came rushing in, his white hospital coat trailing behind him.

“Son, can you hear me?”

Garrett weakly nodded in response. He looked down at himself; his broken arm was already in a cast, and someone had changed him into a hospital gown. A small part of Garrett felt violated. The doctor turned around and muttered something to the nurse, prompting her to draw curtains between Garrett’s bed and the door, disappearing into the hallway.

Turning back to Garrett, the doctor calmed his voice to a soothing tone, and began speaking, “You lost a lot of blood when you came in, you almost died. Your arm’s patched up now, but the damage done to it…” He shook his head, “Your arm will heal in time, but you’ll probably never be able to use it normally again.”

Fury consumed Garrett. This was that bitch’s fault. Vicki.

“What happened? How did your arm get this way?” Garrett ignored the question and looked around the room, finding what he was looking for: a whiteboard where doctors and nurses usually wrote various information. Garrett didn’t see his own name on it.

He looked straight into the doctor’s eyes and asked in a sharp hush,”Do you know who I am? My name, or anything?” The doctor closed his eyes briefly and sighed, seemingly annoyed. “No, I actually need to talk to you about that. It has to do with insurance and your medical bi-”

Before the doctor could finish his sentence, Garrett beckoned for a shadow clone to appear behind him, an ebony blade being held to his throat. Garrett’s working arm became wrapped in shadow, producing twin wristblades.

”You will help me get out of here, or you will die.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam Cross

A faint voice came to her as Sam's vision blurred, "Good job! You really did it." If Sam was in a regular state of mind, she would have snorted at the praise, not sure what to do with something she didn't receive very often. However, she was not in her normal state. No, she was indifferent to almost everything except what was effecting her now: exhaustion and cold.

The next hour was fraught with a battle of sorts between the two forces. Exhaustion would pull her into unconsciousness, where she longed to rest, but then she would be awoken by her body racking herself with shivering. The shivering refused to be calmed and looked more similar to convulsing even, with the sad little woman curled up in a vain desire for warmth. It wasn't just an uncomfortable cold, it was a sharp one, as if she was drowning in ice water. The ice would force the breath out of her and attack at her joints and at her breath, like shards of crystal had formed around them, making any movement feel rubbery and sharp at the same time. It was different from chilled water though in that eventually you found some comfort in being numb, but the numbness never came. Instead, the numbness only came with the exhaustion which slowly drowned her after she had drained her body of all strength from shivering. It went on like this for what felt like an eternity with nothing unchanging except for one instance where she recognized the taste of blood in her mouth. Her body had forced out such an event of teeth chattering that her lips were raw from being bitten. From here she had summoned the strength to put some of the blanket in her mouth, in hopes that it would not get any worse.

Words in the next room came as background music. It seemed like they were all in there. They had left her in this room to suffer without even offering her clothes. They couldn't fathom what she was going through and yet they had left her in a bed without even trying to help her. They hadn't turned up any heat, they hadn't started a fire, nothing. A fire! That's it!

Sam clung onto this hope as she tore her eyes open, which had felt like they had been frozen shut. There it was! In the corner of the room was a fireplace with a gas knob. Desperate, she fell with a thud onto the floor. That would leave a bruise. She crawled, crying, across the floor to the knob. Sam's shaking hand fumbled over the knob which she turned, bringing forth a few lights of flame. It was only a little bit, not enough. She would need to give it fuel. The woman struggled, back to the bed, grunting and gritting her teeth along the way. The small woman groped at the bedsheets, tugging the resistant things to the floor. She balled up the sheets into a ball and moved to a nearby stack of wood. There she took a small, though sizable log off of the top and tucked it into the white fabric she held with quaking arms in a bundle to her chest. It was with this, freezing and weak that she crawled into the fireplace. She tucked the flammables to her, wanting to keep everything safe and controlled as she formed herself in a ball around the log and sheets.

A fire roared to life and in an instant she found relief. Samantha let a slight moan escape her lips as she finally felt the ice-like feeling to ebb from her joints and to find her shivers start to cease. Her body had been so tense from the ordeal that the relaxing was such ecstasy. Now with the force of freezing gone, the exhaustion now with strong arms, pulled her under, and she went down with it gladly into a well deserved slumber.

- - -

The woman, exposed, woke up some time later covered in grey ash. She didn't know how long she had slept. It could have been thirty minutes, several hours, or many days. Her deep, hazel eyes blinked themselves open as the powder fell from her lashes to annoyedly sting at her eyes. As her body continued to reanimate, her body was shocked more awake as she suddenly made a series of sneezes from the ash. Sam lazily pulled herself out of the fireplace and along the floor. She was very exposed, but at the very least she felt now not a bit of chill. The suffering was over. With rubber legs she brought herself to stand and pat off the grey and black covering. She didn't manage to make much work of it so she stubbornly took the loss and worked around to finding the last white sheet on the bed, which had been graciously spared. She wrapped the thing around her, looking like a Roman woman with a toga who had just crawled out of Pompeii.

Sam passed a mirror, but stopped in her tracks to cackle at her appearance. She was an absolute reck. Her damaged hair was now a nest of sweaty tangles with a few pieces of burnt bark stuck in them. The lady's hard-earned makeup had disappeared and now her tired face was what had been left behind. Oh, well, she mused, I don't give a singular fuck what they think. She offered herself a wicked smile (with black bits of ash it it) and she trumped into the room. Yeah, she might appear to be a train wreck on the outside, but inside she felt like a champion. She had defeated this new, inner foe and had essentially saved the city through her sheer force of will. As Sam walked into the room the others occupied, she thought back on the distant words she had heard before, Yeah,I really did do it. With that, she met their gaze and gave back her own snide expression. "I know what you're probably thinking, but I totally had that the whole time." She smirked. "I just wanted to see the stupid looks on your faces, thinking I was gonna blow up or something." Samantha added a snorting laugh. Once she was done, her face turned back to what was going on and what everyone was doing, "So! What I miss?"


P.S Honestly, I don't know at what point that she's kinda popping in here. I just kinda went with it. I guess she's just jumping in, no matter what time (I'm kinda going on the assumption that it took a bit of time for people to go about eating some of the things offered and cleaning up the mess that was made).

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


“I said it to Claire earlier...” Clarice stated at Liam's speech with annoyed voice. This whole situation could have been avoided if some semblance of common sense was used, but sadly it wasn't. She moved by the Nasus person, looking straight at him, gesturing towards the destruction that had occurred.” This is what you want to happen all across the city? People with power fighting people with power? This isn't some silly animation or superhero comic.” She stated with firm voice.

The tall waitress waited to hear what one of the other girls had to say. Artemis had a pretty good idea of the whole situation it seemed.” Just as she said and... going around using your powers to fight other people with powers will attract attention from people in power.” She added in the end with annoyance.” The military and secret services will be all over us the moment they get wind of us. Any of you want to end in prison or on a disecting table? Cause that could very well happen... these powers would be of huge use to any organization that requires powerful killers... or brainwashed soldiers.”

Then Raze started talking and Clarice sighed again.” Listen here, as I said this isn't some game or a joke. Everything we do with those powers will throw in motion events that could end very badly for all of us. No one said do nothing to help, but even helping needs to be done carefully. What, will you go waving that spear of yours every time you see a robber? What if you lose control again and kill someone in the middle of you 'hero' time?” She asked, throwing him a stern look.” I ask all of you, how many of you have killed before?” She asked.” Because going around playing with those powers will eventually lead to you either being killed or you killing someone... just like how you would have torn the Shyvanna... Sam's stomach?” She asked Raze.” You want to help? Great, do it when you know you aren't a danger to those around you.”

When Sam appeared, Clarice threw a curious gaze at her, smiling amused as the girl stated her things. She did indeed like this one.” Nothing much... just that guy over there wanting to play superhero.” She replied, pointing at Liam.” I was just in the middle of agreeing with her...” She nodded towards Artemis” that it's a insanely stupid idea that could lead to a lot of deaths and other generally unpleasant ends.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Liam sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose. It wasn't beyond his expectations for people to disagree with their stance. In fact, he expected it, but it was the reasons that irritated him. Of course he realized that this was reality, not some game or saturday morning cartoon, but it was for that very reason they had become cautious. He restrained himself for the most part, fighting back the urge to interject and letting the women speak. He was surprised to see that the Hecarim 'Champion' agreed, but he made no note if, merely nodding his head in Raze's direction briefly. It was then that he heard a sound coming from deeper into the abode, causing the male to turn his head in it's direction. Sure enough, there stood Sam, though in such a condition that Liam quickly turned his gaze forward. He did his best to hide the redding hue of his cheeks, reaching a hand up to scratch the underside of his jaw in an absent minded fashion. It was only when the woman Clarice spoke once more, that he cleared his throat.

"So, let's say this little incident with Sam happened in a highly populated area? What could the cops do? Gun her down? How do we know that bullets will even phase her in her dragon form? Truth is, we don't," Leaning forward, his hands would clasp one another as his elbows rested on his knees, "I took a blow from her earlier that I'm sure would've killed or seriously injured anyone else. We don't know what all these powers can do or have done. One man lost his life today, and many other's could in the next few days. All we're asking is that we do our part to stop others that would misuse their power." For a moment he thought to himself, his gaze falling in an absent gaze onto the floor.

"You're right about losing control though," His gaze focusing on Clarice as he spoke, bringing light to her words from earlier, "That's why we're on the lookout for those from the Shadow Isles or Noxians. The more blood-thristy the champion, the more likely their powers will press on their thoughts." With that Liam's gaze would flicker to Raze then back to Clarice, "I've never taken a man's life... I doubt many of us have. But there might be people that have that now have the powers to take even more. We can't let that happen."


"What do you mean you killed again?" A sinister voice rang out in the darkness, a low and malicious tone echoing through the microphone of what appeared to be a celphone, "I thought I told you to keep yourself in check... No, I don't want to hear anymore excuses. You have one more screw up before I end you myself. Or perhaps I can stumble upon the 'Warden' and have him lock your soul away. Yes, that sounds much more painful... I won't have you ruining my plans to flush out the Demacian fools, and having my way with this city. Remember, there's more than one way to kill a fool, Shaco."

At this point, a crow could be heard, it's mournful cawing echoing in the background. It comes into view over a shadowed scene, unable to tell the exact location or reason for the venue. Instead, it soars slightly higher, approaching a darkened silhouette that stands off further into the scene. It doesn't take long before the bird reaches it's mark, flapping it's wings as it comes to rest upon the being's shoulder, met with a soft pat on the head and a scratch on the underside of it's head.

"You really think it'll be worth it?" A gruff tone speaks out from the corner, seeming to be mostly hidden before but now barely visible once attention had been drawn to it, "I'm fine with petty crime, but outright murder? You're asking for trouble."

"It's not murder. It's war. We were given these powers for a reason. Seems a shame to let them go to waste. Besides, no doubt these Demacians are just as zealot about culling our numbers. The best defense is the broken body of your enemy is it not?"

A chuckle can be heard from the background, seeming to come from the figure, now lighting up a cigar as it's cherry shines red with heat for a moment, "Now is the real Jericho talking?" With that, he'd exhale, a large plume of smoke pouring into the air, "Whatever. Pay me enough, I'll look the other way."

"Oh, you'll get your payment. As soon as the city answers to me. Perhaps we can find more of my allies and see to a easy conquest. Only time will tell Marcus."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Adalrod
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@Leolycan @rivaan @Kiroue @TheWinchester4 @Eklispe @Zelosse @DFA

"That's why we're on the lookout for those from the Shadow Isles or Noxians."

Moritz stepped forward at this next part, opening his mouth with his hands digging into his pockets. What about those from the Void? But the words didn't come out. Instead he said "Well, I am not sure how much help some of us will be. I mean, I will try my best." Moritz looked over at Raze, recalling the rumbling voice that replied to his own. "This is not something that is the chance of the life-time. It's not something that you can use to save the world." He looked back at Liam. "This is our lives now. While I do agree that we need something to fight whoever uses their powers against the people who have none, how can we be sure that the people in this room are in their right mind?" I am not sure that I even am. The words started to form, but it was as if a door slammed shut, preventing the sentence from being more than a thought. Moritz paused for a moment. "Besides, there are powers aside from the ones that our champions use. Don't the champions pick a few to use in the Fields of Justice? As far as I know, my champion can stop people from moving, open portals, and summon voidlings."
At this he looked back at the Voidling that perished in the fight. It lay on its back, curled as if like a suffocated spider, its carapace shining in the room light. Moritz moved towards the crumpled form, placing his hands on both sides. The Voidling disintegrated, and in it's place a small portal opened on the ground, with a new Voidling squeezing through feverishly. It exited with a small Skree! and steadied itself on the floor. The portal the Voidling emerged from rapidly began to close, and any observer watching it close would see nothing except for a few dull shapes and purple fumes mixing into the blackness. But not for Moritz.
Moritz could see sharply into the Void, witnessing in stark detail each and every horror that dwell within. It was as if a mirror lay on the ground, but where each object in the room should be there was a Lovecraftian distortion in its place. The walls were pitch black with a dull purple glow, with symbols that looked as if they were carved into the crystal with a jagged knife, elementary yet haunting geometric drawings that were scattered without sense and created with no order. Moritz ripped his eyes from the walls to the ceiling of the building in the reflection and felt his body convulse in horror.
There on the ceiling was Moritz. Except his body was splayed like a parody of Christ, with chains crossing over his torso, digging deep into his skin to the point that it appeared to merge with the flesh. His arms and legs were lined with spikes that were deeply embedded into his limbs and into the ceiling. Moritz's head hung down with his hair matted with blood. Snaking outside of his mouth and through his cheeks was barbed wire, pulling his lips and cheeks back to show his blood-covered teeth that dripped down onto the floor. In the place of his eyes were jagged stakes that plunged through the sockets and out through the back of his head.
Wonderful, isn't it, Moritz?
The lips in the image, Moritz's lips, moved to form the words around the wire in the same voice that had spoken to Raze, but this time it did not boom forcefully, banging on each crevasse of Moritz's skull. Instead it was rasping and sharp, like a jagged stone scraping on a chalkboard. Your fate cannot be avoided, Moritz Valiero. Suddenly, the corpse on the ceiling was severed, falling towards the floor, towards the portal. The portal snapped shut, the last image seen being the face of the corpse.
With a scream, Moritz scrambled away from the floor where the portal was and where everything had transpired. He stopped moving when his back hit the wall, afterwards drawing his knees close to his torso and burying his face within, his arms wrapped around his chest and stomach.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arthur couldn't make an intelligible noise to express the profound sense of sadness and helpless rage that threatened his usually calm being. Seeing Garett harmed over something so absolutely petty brought bile to his mouth and was forced to swallow back the curses that followed, knowing full well it would only come out as yet more embarrassing noises from this curse that was being his favorite character. In a moment of rare clarity Arthur realized now why the caretaker was a solitary wanderer type.. Arthur shook his head with a look of rage, the golden glow of his prana was like a mist about his hands as more and more Meeps began to poof into existence around him and mirrored his aura of dislike.
To be ignored was expected, to be encouraged, but his spirit could not hold back the feeling now.
A burst of the same golden light enveloped Arthur, fading away a moment later to to reveal a drastic change in appearance. It had not been intentional to take on a new form, a buildup of the power inside him needed a release. Instead of a skill it had chosen to take form.

Arthur turned to stare at Alex and shook his head before throwing his extended hand at Vicki, two meeps launched themselves at her to explode at her feet in a harmless but blinding shower of light and a poof of glittery smoke, the real attack struck her full in the chest to create a similar golden tether between the wall and Vicki. Normally the calm and gentle side of Arthur would advise against such hostile actions but rational thinking was long since gone. Everything was chaos and the very foundations of his world were being torn from the seems, and he was powerless to effect it it seemed. No longer.
A shimmering black portal formed behind the rooted form of Vicki, an incessant pulling of light.
Arthur calmly placed his foot on her chest and shoved, sending her tumbling through the portal.
For the first time in what felt like a millennium his voice rang out crystal clear before she had fully been transported away.

"You're no better than he was."

The portal closed moments later as Arthurs form wavered, whatever concentrated power that had formed his features shattered into glowing dust once more. Arthur tried to create another portal, follow her, apologize, anything, but found he was incapable. To find he was now incapable of speech too.
Shoulders slouched, it was obvious the single curse word he was thinking. Without a sound Arthur turned and headed for the door, leaving this ordeal behind. It had been a mistake to come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Alex cut the wrapping from the muffin skillfully and examined it briefly before turning his attention to the women. Seriously, he must be some sort of trouble magnet with all that was going on. He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by Arthur transforming and literally kicking the girl through a portal, using the same stunning trick that he´d done earlier on Alex. But this time he wasn´t using the trick to cover up his attempt to help, quite the opposite in fact. ¨H-hey!¨ Alex cried out in surprise and leapt after the girl before the portal vanished. He had no idea where it led to but he felt a strange need to make sure the girl was alright. Just as the portal grabbed him he turned around and stared at Arthur, had... Had he just talked? Then Arthur´s new form vanished and he turned away. Any further consideration in that line of thought left as he went through the bewildering sensations and colors of the portal. Due to his confusion and his turned around body it was quite likely that he would collide with the girl upon exit, though naturally he didn´t know that.


Aretemis noted the objections to her argument. Insubstantial. "Hide and pretend everything is normal?" She asked skeptically. "Isn't that what people always do? Crime, drugs, alcohol, abuse, miscarriages of justice, slavery, environmental destruction? These are things that people hide from and pretend everything is normal for. If you think that you can change this, for the better, then I think you're wrong. Of course I doubt that'll stop anyone who feels that way from trying." Artemis merely tipped her head towards Sam acknowledging her presence. "While Sam certainly could've caused destruction if she felt so inclined the situation would have been dealt with as it always is and that status quo returns. Still I acknowledge that those more inclined towards malicious actions could cause considerable damage with these gifts." Especially those who didn't go the brute force route. She was going to say more the one named Moritz spoke. After his short speech he seemed fixated by one his purple portals. To Artemis it was simply shadows and vague shapes another fact to note, she was rather surprised by Mortiz's violent reaction. It was only the void. "Reacting so suddenly to stimulus generally has rather adverse effects, please try to restrain yourself in the future." Artemis said calmly to the quivering man. Then she turned back to Liam. "So then do you have a particular idea in mind for tracking and keeping in check these bloodthirsty champions?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vicki Victory

Without any provocation, the suited man became covered in gold like Vicki was earlier, but emerged a moment later with a different appearance, now robed and masked; beautiful, yet simultaneously horrifying. In his new form, this man threw some sort of creatures at Vicki’s feet, causing them to explode into bright yellow energy that entrapped Vicki. She couldn’t move!

As the man floated closer to Vicki, she began to struggle greatly. Her arms and legs were held in place by some otherworldly force. The closer the man got, the more Vicki tried to release herself. In her panic, Vicki’s tearing against the energy caused deep lacerations to appear, warm blood trickling down her wrist to her fingertips.

The man was finally upon her and set his foot against her chest.

”You’re no better than he was.”

On that final note, he kicked Vicki back. She shut her eyes closed, waiting for an impact with the ground. Seconds passed before she realized she never made it to the ground. She was still falling, but now she was surrounded by a plethora of bright lights all cascading around her in a brilliant fashion. It was like looking into an ocean of sputtering rainbows.

Free to move, Vicki looked back where she was kicked from. She couldn’t see the man, let alone the diner, but she did see the young man she tossed the muffin to. Apparently he followed Vicki, but she couldn’t figure out why.

Suddenly and unceremoniously, the colorful lights all quickly shrunk away from Vicki to some far away tube, as if being sucked away through a giant straw, and she finally hit solid ground. The young man landed right on top of her, shoving his elbow into her stomach. Reflexively, she smacked him off of her and turned over to prop herself on her elbows, coughing violently. Vicki could faintly taste bile in her mouth.

Once she gained her composure, Vicki looked around. The room was dank and grey, barely lit by a tiny rectangular window letting in the light. The room was some sort of storage area holding canned foods and bottles of various liquids. Packaged spices and flavorings were arrayed on the shelves. It seemed that they were in the diner’s basement, so not too far from their original destination.

Vicki got up from the ground, dusting off herself, heaps of dirt coming off of her gym shorts. This place needed a serious inspection.

With a slight tone of anger in her voice, Vicki turned to her teleportation companion and asked,”What the hell was that for? WHAT IS GOING ON?”


Raze Colter

Raze sighed, visibly frustrated. “Look, I see your points on the consequences of using these powers, especially in public, and yes, also the consequences of having Hecarim riding around in your brain. I understand the concern and hesitation. But we have to ask, so what if we lose our lives in the process? If even one life is positively changed by me using these powers, I’ve succeeded as far as I’m concerned.”

Raze turned directly at the tall women he now knew as Clarice, ”As for any government abductions, they may take us away to experiment on us if we’re caught. I have no concern for anything they might learn from us. Nations already have some god damn powerful weapons that make our powers look like child’s play. If anyone takes me away, I wish them luck in finding a use for spears on a modern-day battlefield.”

Now addressing the whole group, ”Are you really so callous and cowardly? I’m so sick of dealing with people like you, so afraid of the consequences that you refuse to make any decision at all!” He was sweating by now, his breathing heavy with a visible pump to his chest with each breath.

Raze walked over to Artemis, sizing her up, then whispered harshly, ”And you...I see you, trying to hide behind all the suffering of the world as if it’s an excuse for you to just sit back and do nothing, as if there's no point in even trying." Bits of spittle began flying out towards the end of this last statement. "I know about you, Artemis. I thought I recognized you somewhere...Smart, rich girl that can survive off of her wealth as it works for her." Raze leaned back a bit, his tone slightly louder, but now incredibly sarcastic, "Now, she just lives her life doing whatever she wants! Eating, making appearances at conventions, spending incredible amounts of money on cosplaying, playing video games...really just great stuff, it's every person's dream. I’ll admit, I was impressed when I read about you, maybe even a bit jealous.”

Raze slowly shook his head as he continued, ”You have such a brilliant mind and so many resources available to you...You could do so much more with everything that you’ve been gifted, but what do you choose? To just sit back and watch the world burn, instead of trying to put it out. Hell, out of everyone in this room, you have the biggest water pail to use! But you just stand there...you are absolutely correct Artemis, there is so much wrong with this world. But it got this way because people like you decided to do nothing."

Raze leaned in close to Artemis now, his lips almost pressing against her ear. "You disgust me.”

With that, Raze stormed off to the shattered entrance of the apartment. Just before exiting, he yelled over his shoulder, ”I don’t need any of you to do what’s right. Powered villains or not, there are people out there that I can help, and so help me God, none of you will stop me from doing what I can.”

Just as suddenly as he appeared, Raze was gone. He stomped down the hall and descended to the ground floor in the elevator.

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