Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Cubix@Kiroue@Eklispe@Ambra@DFA@Card Captor@Universorum

As the duo approached the door, the blonde male blinked curiously, his gaze meeting the young male that confronted them at the door. Raising a brow in slight annoyance, he'd take his unfinished cigarette and position it between his fingers as if about to flick it off.

"Liam." The darker haired one spoke, causing his friend to pause for a moment with a sigh and a nod. Walking over, he'd tossed the paper roll in the ash tray as the other entered the door. Eyeing over the kid that seemed to work here, the dark haired man gave a slight bow of his head, "Our mistake." The blonde male quickly followed after, doing his best to avoid even acknowledging the one who had confronted him earlier as he made his way to sit beside his acquaintance. Once they were seated, they remained quiet, simply over looking the cafe curiously as they spotted all manner of people- most appeared younger then themselves, save a few. Though not speaking, the males cast a knowing look at each other, the older closing his eyes slowly.

A second later, the cafe's doors would open, the darker haired male -once seated with his eyes closed- opening the door nonchalantly, looking about the cafe calmly before making his way to his now empty seat. Liam's eyes kept trained upon him, flickering about the cafe as if looking for something as his partner retook his seat.

"Matthew." Liam spoke, meeting the gaze of his partner. Sure enough, Matt's form seemed to waiver and flicker- those who had become empowered would notice his image faultering like a bad signal on a tv. They could tell he was there, but his form seemed to be scattered subtle about him for a moment before settling back to normal. With that, the males sat in silence and waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Erick looked up at the girl in front of them, looking her up and down for a second, observing her. What did she want, exactly? Couldn’t she see that they were about to discuss important business? Unfortunately, she probably couldn’t… He was about to shoo her off, but before he could, Alex beat him to opening his mouth. “Absolutely, go ahead.” Erick’s jaw dropped as he regarded his friend. He was used to him making horrible decisions, but this? This was even worse.

What are you doing, man? We have important business to talk about!” He snapped, shooting his friend a look, but, for the most part, ignoring the girl. “Are you crazy? What’s wrong with you?” Did Alexander not understand the severity of what had happened?

What? She’s cute, man. I’m a sucker for cuties. Didn’t you want a drink? Shoo.” Alex flicked his hand at Erick and the older man scoffed and stood up, to his full height and shook his head, walking off as Alex refocused his attention onto the girl. “Hey. I’m Alexander. What’s your name?” He stuck his hand out to her to shake.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aelia Stark

The two men appeared to be rather... hostile. Maybe they had been busy, after all? Aelia's friendly smile began to fade as soon as the man with the darker hair was made a movement. Was he going to invite her, or make her go off? But luckily, the blond one told her that she could join them. Her smile returned and her sea-green eyes glimmered happily as she took the seat that once belonged to the tall, grumpy looking man, giggling happily.

"I'm Aelia. Nice to meet you, Alexander," she greeted, shaking his hand before pulling her own away. Her lithe fingers twined around the cup of coffee, lifting it up to her pale lips and taking a long sip from it. The cafe workers sure made a mean caramel-flavored coffee... sweet tastes danced around on her tongue as she watched the man closely. It was only when she glanced upwards towards the departing brown haired man that she spoke. [b][color=662d91]"Are you sure that your friend doesn't want to stay here? He can always take the other chair." [/b]

As she observed the tall man, Aelia caught sight of two strange men who entered the building. One of them gave off a strange air... and she swore that his figure wavered and flickered as if he had come straight out of a game. Her gaze remained focused on him, her brows furrowed with intent as she stared at Matt. Had she seen that..?

@Universorum @Leolycan
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"Oh, it's just something to watch." Claire nonchalantly said. "Not expecting a second season though, the approval ratings are just miserable right now." She glanced at the spectacled brunette who had seated herself next to her. The commotion was resolved and Mr. Lion, as Claire would now refer to him, retreated behind the counter and disappear from her view only to reappear again as he ventured outside. "Interesting characters though..." Claire murmured, her gaze surveying the cafe once more and then returning to the girl.
"And a very interesting morning as well. I should come down to the this place more often, I like sitting here and observing people, I can tell you like to do the same. Of course, not in a creepy way though!" She smiled and introduced herself. "I'm Claire, I live just a couple blocks down. Pretty sure you'll see me more often if you come down here frequently, I figured we could be caffeine buddies sharing our favorite drug in the morning."

Upon instinct, she looked over at a young gentleman who looked like a nice guy. One could definitely tell by the warm glow in his eyes or his pleasant facial expression that seemed welcoming which turned into satisfaction as he finished the last of his drink. A moment later, solid blue energy materialized in the shape of an ethereal shield. Claire's heartbeat sped up as she recognized the shield and she felt something flowing within her as well as a sudden tension in her back, between the shoulder blades. The shield disappeared as soon as she blinked and she looked away, her eyes meeting the girl's.
Okay Claire...That shield looked a little familiar didn't it? Just breathe and sip your cold frappucino, which only crazy people order in the morning. Isn't this the exact sensation from last night? Oh my god...Please don't sprout the wings here, please, please...I don't really want to rip my clothes off in public either! Why is this happening!! Under the table, Claire clenched a shaking hand into a white knuckled fist while the other brought the frosty beverage to her lips, biting the straw as the cold caffeine brought her into a momentary bliss once more.

Then she saw two men enter the cafe, both sitting at their own table. But wait a moment... The doors opened barely a second later and the darker haired male reentered the cafe! Claire was very sure she saw him sit down with his blonde companion before that. His form appeared to flicker around him as well, much like some of the effects she had seen in anime shows she had watched and very much like a certain champion in League she absolutely loathed going against in mid lane at first release. The tension in her back built up and turned into a stabbing pain, the air around her started to chill rapidly. Claire held her head, pretending to have a brainfeeze while in reality she was panicking as she knew she wouldn't be able to prevent the inevitable. She needed to hide somewhere and fast.
"H-hey...I don't think I'm used to having coffee in the morning, maybe it's a bit too much sugar, I don't know. I feel sick and I think I'm going to puke. Help me to the restroom please?" She quietly urged her companion, her body trembling.

@Eklispe @Cubix @Card Captor @Leolycan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arthur sighed in relief when the man walked away. The sound of his own voice was bad enough but he clearly had been given the powers of his favorite support character Bard. How did shit like this happen and was it possible that.. Others had been effected?
The meep danced over Alex's head as he sped off with the creature whispering to Arthur. The words were unintelligible but he followed all the same, his path littered with chimes that flowed about his person until they turned to motes of dust that filled what he felt like was his soul with an exhilarating tingle of energy.
His amused walk ended with the whispers at a coffee shop. Meeps danced about the door in a gentle sway that beckoned to him.
His feet followed but his mind knew that any interaction in there would be impossible with the way he spoke. His hand shot into his coat pocket and pulled out a single piece of paper from a notebook he kept to record where he walked and what he found.
He entered the cafe and tried to act like nothing was amiss, his suit was a bit wrinkled and his eyes wandered constantly, but Arthur made it to the counter and placed the paper upon it.

A stroke of luck came his way when the cashier shrugged, handed him his order and took the payment. A hot chocolate and a small muffin was all he bothered with at the moment, his roiling stomach would not accept anything heavier than this.
Despite the strange events, Arthur tried to remain positive. He glanced around out of curiosity and his eyes bulged..
Meeps danced over many patrons, one of them flickered like he wasn't even truly there, while others seemed to have strange characteristics he couldn't describe. Whatever it was about them, the meeps knew straight away. One such keep still hovered above the roller bladed from earlier working behind the counter!
That was it! These people must be like him!
But how? Why? Thoughts swirled in Aethurs mind at light speed refusing to calm, threatening his composure. He couldn't help but take a deep breathe, his body expanding with the intake ever so slightly, before his inevitable exhale escaped him. Like a low horn it rang from his stomach as the air escaped him. Arthur could only look straight ahead in abject terror.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Alex growled roughly to Leon, "At least if I scare them off the restaurant won't be sued for your... habits." he said scornfully before grabbing the muffin tray with a sigh, holding it in his good hand, and taking it out there. He competently skated to the women's table and recited with a half groan, "As per Wi-Hi café policies, valued customers who spill their initial drinks within the establishment will be given a complimentary blueberry, whole wheat muffin. Look I'm sorry if I was a little rude, anything else I can get you?" he asked, the last portion of his speech leaning towards politeness. He glanced to the side as even more people came in. Today? Really? God it was hot. Alex was suddenly sweating and his thin shirt was quickly getting damp, sticking to and revealing his well developed chest muscles. And he'd just seen three other things that weren't computing very well. And his morning had been going so well. What's more Alex had a feeling his day wasn't going to get any better.



Artemis quietly surveyed the various events of the cafe with her chilly friend. "I wouldn't having a a drinking buddy in the morning, I'm Artemis by the way." So much happening. The goth girl was emitting even more heat, a strange flickering man had walked through the door, someone had briefly given off the appearance of having a massive shield. Shyvana or perhaps Brand. Ekko or maybe Zilean. Braum although possibly Leona. The connections were there, though why was something of a mystery. Finally her attention returning to the shivering girl next to her. Suddenly cold. So cold. Anivia? Lissandra? Cyrocore Brand? "Oh no, of course I'll help." Artemis said quickly supporting her new found friend to the restroom. Perhaps the heat girl was getting to her. So many things to consider, thoughts raced through her mind as she tried to analyze everything going on at once.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Sam waited a great deal of time before her muffin was served. In that time she had the ability to take a chance to breathe and look passively at her surroundings. Not only did this help to calm any irritation she had (thus reducing the heat to a minimum, perhaps to just a heat of a slight sunbeam, barely there), but she also got to witness a fair bit of oddness (as if she needed anymore of that this morning!). A man sat at a table and just about a minute later a shield suddenly came to appear (out of thin air) resting on the wall. The woman blinked back at the oddity, and the moment she opened her eyes again, it was gone. Her shoulders sagged and she rested her face in her hands, rubbing at her eyes and head, giving a slight groan. Good. Now she was seeing things! She was already 100% done with all the strangeness that was going on and seeing yet another thing to make her think she was crazy just made her almost exhausted. You were just seeing things. She thought to herself while sighing, That's what being a druggy in your teens does to you...

Finally she lifted her head just in time to see an odd flickering man enter the room. He looked almost like part of him seemed to kind of lag behind and leave a choppy and vague after image of himself. She blinked again, hoping the apparition would disappear just as easily as the first had. Nope. He was still a laggy lad after she blinked. So, it was now that Sam began to stare with curiosity at the person, and she also noticed that a few people in the restaurant were stealing glances at the man as well. Could they see what she saw? Why was no one saying anything? Would it be rude? Just to go up to someone and say, 'Uhm, excuse me, sir, but I think part of your own personal image is being distorted around you. It is unsightly and is disturbing some customers.' Despite all of this, she snickered at that thought. Still, once the joking was over she groaned and rested her head against the wall of the booth she was sitting at. She let her eyes close shut, hoping to shut out this new found world of crazy. Perhaps she should do what every average, upstanding citizen would do about a mental health problem (which she may probably have) and get it checked out by a psychologist. Well, Sam was not an upstanding citizen. Instead she would catch a smoke as quickly as she could (probably in the bathroom of the cafe) and head home to start drinking booze to make her sane again or something like that. Good plan! She could almost pat her own back at how great that plan sounded.

Suddenly, she heard the man who called her 'goth girl' begin to recite the Muffin Policy line for line again (however, she criticized, not with as much gratitude and pep as the one before). He placed the muffin down to her and she began to examine it with a very pleased expression. At least one thing was going right today and at this point she didn't even care if the douche had knocked at her pet peeve. She had seen too much crazy today to be really bothered anymore. He asked if there was anything else he could help her with as he began to sweat up a storm. Sam noticed the muscles underneath and wished for a moment that she could be so committed to get up and work out, but she didn't salivate over the things. Sam noticed it just as one might notice a nice hairstyle; she knew it looked nice on him, but she didn't feel not one bit of lustful hunger. Without a beat, she said, "No, I don't want anything else except for you to get under some fans or something." The woman began to scoot out of the booth with her muffin and she began in the direction of the bathroom. Just in case the guy thought it was odd she just said as she passed, "I feel very self-concious when I eat muffins. It's like eating bananas or sausages, just too erotic for some people. Makes me uncomfortable." She said that last bit, feigning irritation, as if that was a struggle she faced on a daily basis. She also said it for the sake of her own odd humor. She walked away from the man, her face hidden now, snickering at herself, imagining the look on the guy's face. Aw, man, she could be an odd ball sometimes.

She slipped into the bathroom with her muffin. She called out if anyone was in there, but right now it appeared that there wasn't a soul in the bathroom, not in a single stall. Good! She smiled and turned to the door. Sam found a dead bolt and locked it, closing up the bathroom from the outside world to be her own little smoke box. The woman took a seat on the sink counter, sat the muffin (under its napkin, on the counter, and whipped out a box of cigarettes. She took one of the deadly little tubes and stuck it in her mouth, followed by a flourish of her taking out a lighter and lighting the end. Sam took in the smoke and exhaled it with much needed relief. She sighed and rested her head for a moment on a tile wall behind her and kept smoking along. Her mind began to wander to the fact that she had not burned from the boiling coffee and a thought sparked to mind. She flicked some of the end into the sink, stuck the cigarette back in her mouth, and took out her lighter again. She flicked it on. Sam was always one to try anything for adrenaline, and this risky behavior was no different. Besides, if anything bad happened, she had a sink of water next to her to ease the pain of any burns. Cautiously she brought the tiny flame closer to the tip of her ring finger (she figured that was a finger she could afford to loose). Even as the appendage was right next to the little fire, she felt no stark heat, just a pleasant warmth. Then, she steeled herself for the worst as she quickly thrust her finger into the flame and then back out. Sam felt no pain. Her finger wasn't damaged or even reddened by the flame. Sam began to then put her finger into the flame more slowly and left it there for a second or two before pulling it out. Still nothing! A smile slipped on her lips and she began to flick the flame on her hands, on her arms and there were no burns to be had. Who said that it was bad to play with fire?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 days ago


'This can't keep happening' John thought to himself. Getting up from his seat, he made his way to the bathroom. Once he was sure that there was no one else there with him, he got to work "Right then, time to figure out just how this shield keeps popping up. I can't risk it appearing in a crowded place again, I might not be so lucky next time." Right as he finished talking to himself, he noticed the shield had already appeared to his side 'well that was fast. Now, how do I make it-' and suddenly, it vanished. 'It...it can't be that easy...can it?' John finally had an idea about how this worked. Putting his theory to the test, he willed for the shield to appear before him, and it did. Next, he willed for it to vanish, and it did. '...It really is that easy. Ha, what luck! I was concerned that it would be more complicated then that. It's good to know I was wrong about that.' To help him get a better feel for the process, he made the shield appear and vanish a few more time. Once he felt that he had enough control to get him through the day, he left the bathroom. Since he didn't know when someone would just come it, he couldn't stay for too long.

On his way back to his seat to grab his things, he noticed a girl shivering in clear discomfort. While he might not have known her at all, his mother had made damn well sure that knew how to treat ladies. Combine that with his naturally nurturing, and it was hard for him to just ignore someone suffering in front of him. "Excuse me, miss? I apologize for being so forward, but you don't look quite well. If you'd like; I could offer you some medication to easy your pain. Nothing prescription, just over the counter things that you could buy at any drug store. Growing up with three younger sisters instilled in me a habit to keep medial supplies with me at all times." For some strange reason, it seemed much colder around her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Claire quickly shook her head at the gentleman as she walked along with Artemis. They were so close to the restrooms, just a few more steps! She couldn't let anyone distract her now! "I just need a restroom. Thank you for the offer, I might need it later though." She said and then did a double take, remembering that he was the guy she had seen earlier. "Actually, let me talk to you in a little bit...I do have a question for you, but I'll be right back."
The pair reached the ladies room and Claire pulled on the door. Her heart sank as the door budged only slightly, indicating it was locked. She relinquished her hand from the doorknob and stood there, not quite knowing what to do.

But there was a men's room close by and she was turning desperate...Claire gulped and stamped down with a foot, squishing the social anxieties in her head as she knew she was breaking the norms of society.
"Come with me Artemis, we're going on a journey into the men's restroom. I think it might be empty and I don't think I can wait any longer." She told her before pulling her along. Claire steeled herself before entering the restroom and upon entry she looked around, making sure it was clear.
She turned around and dead bolted the door, preventing entry until she felt confident in reentering the normal world once more. Claire took a deep breath before she spun around and stared at Artemis.
"L-Look, I know I just met you and maybe you think I'm crazy but I-..." She shook her head and cut herself off, not knowing just how to explain herself, instead, she would let action speak on her behalf.

She took her shirt off...


...Claire let the tension out of her and blue wings sprouted from her back. The room became substantially colder and ice started to coat the floor and walls, even through the crack of the doorway and extending outside a little. The water in the toilets and urinals were not spared either and soon they were also made a part of Claire's winter paradise.

@Cubix @Eklispe @Card Captor @Kiroue
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Alex shook his head. That girl was freaking weird. He'd actually tried being nice, considering the day he was having quite an impressive feat, and she'd just brushed it off and basically called him a pervert. He shook his head and turned just in time to see two girls walk into the men's bathroom. Alex skated over to knock on the door and tell them they'd made a mistake discreetly but when he reached for the door he found the handle freezing before he'd even touched. The fuck. Looking left and right he just stood in front of the bathroom, guarding the door for the two girls. Odds were freaking Leo would just happen to come by if he wasn't looking. In the meantime he had a good vantage point of the cafe. And that freaking weirdo who kept flickering around like a broken radio. Was this what drugs were like? To top things of the wierd music guy he'd run into earlier came into the cafe as well. Alex groaned silently, at least he had cooled off a little. He knew he should've called in sick.


At first Artemis was worried that she'd been fooled into coming here for lecherous reasons and was ready to bail. Really she'd basically been pulled into a men's bathroom and then the girl had taken her shirt off after locking the door. Kinda sketchy. Though Artemis quickly understood that it was for the purpose of revealing her wings. "Anivia." said quietly in awe as Claire revealed her power. Suddenly Artemis was glad she was wearing a warm pair of sweatpants and an equally snug sweatshirt. "I guess one secret deserves another." Artemis said wryly. She hadn't done anything like this before but she felt a strange sort of synergy, she closed her eyes and light gleamed from here, when it vanished she had Diana's distinctive tattoo on her forehead. She was essentially half in her true form, just no armor and weapons. "Do you think all those anomalies out there are from people like us?" Artemis asked gesturing outwards at the coffee shop. What did all this mean? If even half of those people out there had powers, it meant they were all here for some sort of reason. Besides coffee of course.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Alexander stared at the girl across from him. She no longer seemed nearly as cute as she had seconds before, and as he glanced at Erick, who was taking his place in line to get a drink, he wondered what had brought him to make his best friend leave so quickly. “Hey. How did you do that? You’re not that cute, so how’d you make me tell Erick to leave like that.” He demanded, all his attention on her. “That’s not cool, man.” He huffed, folding his arms as his face contorted from the enthralled smile he’d had before into an angry glare.

A frown came across Erick’s face as he looked across the cafe to the man who had just had a shield appear beside him. But, not just any shield: it was Braum’s. He pursed his lips, shaking his head. The shield had been dismissed in less than a second, but it made something clear to him. He and his friend were not the only ones who had gained the powers of League champs. Which… brought his attention back to Alexander. Perhaps, that explained why his friend had shoo’d him off so easily… For a second, Erick wanted to talk to the man with the shield, but then he knew that his attention was better placed on Alex. He turned away from the counter and went back to the table where his friend was, looking at the girl. “Change of plans, you’re invited to the conversation now.

He leaned forward, speaking in a harsh whisper, so that none of them could hear. After all, what he was about to say was crazy. “Do you play the game, League of Legends? Don’t answer that, rhetorical. Everyone plays the game. You play… Ahri, don’t you? Because you literally Charmed my friend. Just like in the game.” Though his voice was quiet, there was confidence in his words. Erick would never say something this stupid without being sure he was correct.

Alexander looked at his friend, frowning. “You’re gonna go telling people about this stuff, seriously?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@DFA@Card Captor@Kiroue@Zelosse

As the duo looked about the room, they were taking care to observe the reactions of the people around. Some passed it off, some didn't even notice, but others... It was then that the loud low tone filled the cafe, causing Matt to turn his head towards the source of the noise. Sure enough, there seemed to be a panic stricken male, possibly the source of the noise. "One." Mat spoke distantly, still turned sideways in his chair as he once again looked about the room. The girl who suddenly ran off, her face wearing an expression of alarm, "Two." The female who radiated enough heat to cause the male behind her to sweat through his shirt, "Three." The male who conjured and dismissed his shield who bolted for the bathroom as well, "Four."

"More then I thought would be here... Think there are any more?" Liam asked, his brow raised curiously as his gaze fell onto Matt. A moment of silent passed, the brown haired male lacing his fingers together before his face and leaning upon the table before him.

"There has to be. Many people seek comfort after being scared, or thrust into the unknown. Perhaps there powers are more subtle, or different slightly."

"Like yours?" Liam asked, once again looking about the room.

"Yes, like mine. Even though I got Ekko's powers for the most part, they are still somewhat different- Like you're not an exact copy of Nasus." Matt stated, letting one of his hands slip under the table. To those who were watching, it looked like he was fiddling with the bottom of the table, "But most of them are not much older than kids. If this turns south-"

"I'd rather not think about it." Liam interrupted, "But if it goes that way, are we going to step in?"

Another awkward moment of silence passed between the two, their eyes seeming to meet for only a moment before Liam stands. He'd make his way over to the startled male in the back of the cafe who seemed to be cowarding, sitting down in front of him without saying anything- though his eyes cut a knowing stare into the man's eyes. Meanwhile, in the middle of the cafe, Matt would rise from his seat, walking forward towards the entrance of the building before stopping and turning a moment, "By the way Liam," He'd shout loudly enough for all to here, "Let me know if you'd be up for 'League' later." With that, he'd turn and exit the building, reaching into his jacket pocket as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aelia Stark

Suddenly, the friendly man became much more hostile. His optimistic expression had transformed into a heated glower, and Aelia found herself leaning back into her seat. Why... was he being so harsh. "What are you talking about?" she asked him, her brows knitting together as she stared at him incredulously. "You're the one who told me that I could sit down. It was your choice!"

The brunette man came back, addressing her directly, this time. She was suddenly allowed to be in the conversation, he told her. Her smile was beginning to return back to her features, that was, until he began to whisper harshly to her. The tall man muttered something about her playing League and that she played Ahri. While that was very true, the next statement made her stare at him in shock. "W-what..? You must be on drugs, right?" she shook her head, refusing to believe the fact that she had Ahri's powers. While she did realize that people were more... drawn to her, she assumed that she looked rather pretty that day. But her having Ahri's charm? She couldn't! Then again, the cafe's attendees were acting rather strange around Aelia. She could have sworn that that man's imaged wavered significantly as if he had come straight out of a video game, and she could have bet her life she saw someone carrying around Braum's shield. Was this man telling her the truth?

"Let me know if you'd be up for 'League' later."

Her bright gaze flickered over to the man leaving the cafe in shock. She knew that he had given a signal. There... there was no way that all of these people had powers like hers. Aelia's heart began to beat rapidly as she looked back at the man, grinding her teeth together as she struggled to deal with the fact that she might really have the fox lady's magical powers.

As if the situation couldn't get worse, the door swung open once more, and a ragged man staggered into the cafe. Thick liquid poured down his torn figure and splattered onto the ground. A loud groan escaped the stranger's mouth as he collapsed with a loud thump, and within moments, blood began to pool beneath him. Aelia shot up from her chair and rushed over to the crumbled body. "Someone call 911!" she cried out, kneeling by the man who was bleeding out before her. The brunette ground her teeth at the sight and smell of so much blood... she didn't see anything like it. "Who... who did this to you?"

The man's mouth opened, but no words came out. All that did come out, however, was a pained groan as blood leaked from his mouth and nose. Aelia looked down in horror, her face growing paler. Was it a mugging? A gang-related attack..? "Did anyone call 911 yet?!" she screamed back at the cafe's customers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 days ago


Well that was rather odd 'I wonder what she want's to talk to me about? Could...I have met her before? Before he could think any longer about it, someone shambled into the cafe and fell on the ground with his blood on the ground. Without even thinking, he rushed to his bag and pulled out the first aid kit he had inside. With that in hand, he moved the the fallen man's side. "Please just hold on a little long sir, we're going to get you some help" he told the man as he got some gauze and bandages out of his kit. Turning to the girl who had also rushed to the injured man, John said "I fear he may have been stabbed. We're going to have to patch up his wound. If we're lucky, it might be enough to buy him time for the ambulance to get here" as he said this, he started taking off the man's shirt off in search of the site of the stab.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 8 days ago

"I already did." Leon grimly replied as he knelt beside the man. His lavender eyes turned to the screaming young girl, clicking his tongue in the process. Of course, he was cleaning outside when the man hobbled in, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. As soon as he saw the man, Leon had ran to the back entrance of the café, and dialed the three-digit distress number. Still, death was not new to Leon; it never was-- not until five years ago. As someone who used to live in Alaska before departing for Darkwell, Leon experienced a tragedy that immensely shook his perception things, including standing out. One thing was for sure, the deaths he saw in Alaska was a memory he chose to bury beneath a mound of apathy. "Move back. Give him some air." Leon gently shifted the man until he was lying on his back, determining that the injury was somewhere upon his torso, and tore off his apron and folded it to serve as the man's temporary headrest. He noticed that one of the customers had slowly pulled up the man's blood-soaked shirt until his abdomen was clearly seen. "Three stab wounds." A spurt of blood tainted his face, causing Leon to suddenly shiver as if a memory shocked his mind. "N-no.." he cleared his throat. "I'll take the gauze." Leon stated, taking the roll into his hands, and made a makeshift dressing. He handed the dressing to the same guy who possessed the tools, taking off his polo shirt which left him in his sleeveless undergarment. Using Leon's polo shirt, he applied a steady amount of pressure upon the wound, intending to suppress the blood loss. And, when the leak had subsided, he applied the dressing, taping it firmly in place. "Hey, medic-kit, apply pressure to the other stab, and apply the dressing as well. We need to stop the flow of blood before he goes into a shock." Leon instructed.

"H-hey... y-you're gonna be all right... yeah?" he softly said, almost as if he was assuring himself.

"I-it's... g-getting... d-dark... Leon..."

Leon snapped out of the haze, his eyes darting to Alex. "Alex, get me that medic kit at the storage room, and watch the door. Don't let anyone in... or out until the paramedics arrive. Smack the living daylights out of anyone suspicious. Also, keep an eye for the ambulance." His hands went back to the man, observing the unsteady rising of the man's chest. This man was slowly losing the fight. Leon quickly got to work on lowering the blood flow, his breaths unsteady with a combination of panic and trauma. After he was done with the second stab, he let the other guy stop the bleeding from the third and last wound. In this case, Leon sat near the man's arm, monitoring his pulse which was slowly getting weaker.

"I... c-can't... I..." faint whispers echoed from her lips, those warm blue eyes slowly losing their brightness.

"YES, YOU CAN!" he screamed in reply.

The bartender looked at the people who had huddled near the scene, causing a sigh to escape his lips. Even with blood dripping down his cheek, Leon buried his face in his left hand. "Once you seal the last stab, put him in the recovery position. I assume you know that already. Monitor his breathing and keep him warm as well." Leon released another sigh before taking a seat on one of the nearby chairs, his fists balled, and his arms extremely shaking in utter despair. His mouth was opened in a small gape, bursts of air being pumped in and out at a fast pace. Leon's vision dimmed as black clouds waxed and waned at the edges of his sight. "Rainbowstoysmarshmallowsteddybearleagueoflegends..." Streaks of blood had painted his white shirt, but Leon paid no heed to this as he was being sucked into another chasm of memories.

Two hands were joined as the winter wind howled, and as soon as the sun rose, only one kept holding on. "S-S..." he stammered. "S-Sarah?"

Unbeknownst to Leo the Lion, tears had streamed down his face; his lips quivered uncontrollably, and strangled groans growled deep within his throat. "Where's that fucking ambulance...? They're never here..." he cursed, his voice laced with spite, malice, and rage at something he could never let go.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"And you're Diana as well..." Claire said and then gestured to the wings, "These just so happened to appear last night, rather painfully though. This is the second time I've revealed them and it didn't hurt as much as last time. I usually feel a rush of energy flowing within me and then these unravel themselves. Then the air is superchilled and the area freezes over." She flapped her wings and then marvelled at the ice around her. "I was just scared of revealing myself out there when I saw Braum's shield appear on the gentleman next to us. I think I was triggered by that somehow..." She said, her brow furrowed in thought.

"The girl who spilled her coffee earlier...I could sense the heat waves radiating from her, she's the opposite of me so she has to have powers just like any champ who uses fire. The guy that passed us earlier was sitting next to us too, his power discharged in the form of a shield and then there's the guy who walked in and he seemed to warp everythig around him. Then there's us. We're not alone!" Claire said excitedly, exhilaration evident in her face. "We just have to go out there and approach them!"

A golden glow caught her eye and she looked at the counter, gasping a moment later. "Oh my gosh, it's so cute!" Claire gushed. A meep was dancing just above the sink and she stretched her hand, gently grabbing it. "It's so warm and it feels squishy too!" The meep danced on her palm and she giggled. "It's the thing you see ingame with Bard and when you autoattack, it deals bonus damage too. I think they're called meeps if I remember correctly. Look!" She showed Artemis. "If this bugger is here, then there must be a Bard nearby too, well, someone who got his abilities."
"Artemis, I think...if we go out there like this...do you think they'll come forward and reveal themselves?"
Claire asked, gesturing to herself. "Something had to have happened for us to be receiving these powers all of a sudden. I'm thinking of talking to everyone affected. Maybe we can find out the answer as to why this happened...there has to be a reason for all of this." Claire stepped up to the door, hesitating with her shirt and the dancing meep in her hands.

@Zelosse @Eklispe
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arthur sat as quiet as possible, drinking the warm beverage with small sips and tried not to let a sigh of relief or pleasure escape him. Lest another tuba horn resound from his throat.
That was hardly the issue now though, as he glanced at the playful spirits above some of the patrons. They danced and whispered in their own way, but always disappeared before someone could notice. Elusive little bastards, I'll give em that.
Arthur sensed cold more that he could feel it, his perception was getting scary when he caught the gleam of ice near the bathroom. More weird stuff for the pile.
It was only a moment later it seemed when the meeps returned in force, tinkling softly as they crowded well above the door when a man entered with multiple wounds.
It was like an instant reaction when he saw the blood, his face went pale and he reached out to help but couldn't. A meep pushed him ever so lightly back but might as well have been steel. Arthur refused to not try and help but remembered the trick from earlier! He focused on the man and whispered something in a flutey voiced sound that released the desired effect, a caretakers shrine formed for a moment in the air before it disappeared on the injured man. With a little luck he might just live. Arthur tried to bring the shrine back but there powers escaped him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


As Liam made his way to the back to sit in front of the panicked in the back, Matt made his way out of the cafe after his proclamation. By now he figured a few people were wondering what he meant, or possibly even contemplating if he was like them. Those were the people he was trying to bait. 'It's be alot easier to know what we're facing if we know who we're facing', or at least that's what he was hoping he would accomplish... However, shortly after lighting up his cigarette, he'd notice a rather exasperated man staggering forward towards the cafe. At first, Matt dismissed it, taking a heavy drag before exhaling a large plume of smoke. It was only after he reset his gaze upon the man, he'd see the blood slowly trickling off his form onto the concrete.

"Shit!" Matt exclaimed, flicking the half finished cylinder off into the distance as he rushed forward. Helping the man to the door way, opening it as the man collapsed on the ground. As the people inside began to react, Matt called out over the chaos that was starting to flourish, "Liam!"

At once, the blonde male turned from his seat, the moment he saw the man, he'd reach for his phone as he sprinted towards the door. As he spotted another phoning the police, he tucked the phone away once more as he left the cafe, Matt closely at his side. "What the hell?! Already?" Liam shouted, looking about as he caught sight of the bloody trail left by the man.

"We figured something would happen... Let's just see exactly what." With that, Matt's form shimmered and distorted, suddenly disappearing from view. Those who were paying attention would see him placed atop a nearby building, looking over the city as he drew out his phone, dialing Liam's number. As the younger male answered, Matt spoke up once more, "Let me know what you find. Be careful not to get caught."

"Easy for you to say," Liam said, phone still on the side of his head as he continued to follow the trail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Alex was snapped out of staring at the bleeding man by Leon's orders. Not because he hadn't seen blood before. But because the blood was glowing. Alex shook himself, partly to shake off the cold and partly to clear his head. He could somehow clearly see a trail of glowing blood leading out of the cafe to some unknown location. He quickly grabbed the med kit in the back of the cafe and set it down next to the bleeding man with a silent mutter of "Here". Leon had asked him to lockdown the cafe, but, Alex glanced at the blood again. If he was right he could follow the trail to the source, but then what?

Take out his knife and put them under citizen's arrest? Assuming he could even find whoever did this. Still Alex couldn't do anything here and Leon wasn't his boss. It seemed the music guy from earlier was trying to help as well by doing something weird, but it wasn't having any effect. He tapped the giant attempting to help Leon and repeated the orders, "Make sure no one leaves or enters big guy k?" Without waiting for an answer he pushed open the door and quickly skated forward following the blood trail quickly overtaking the man on the phone who seemed to be doing the same thing. God if he got shot or ran into some sort of freaking mafia business. Should've called in sick. The words rang in his head over and over again like a mantra.

@Leolycan@Card Captor


Artemis nodded hesitantly. What Claire said made sense. Things like this didn't just happen randomly like this. "I-, I agree, if we go out like- like we are. Surely anyone else like this will feel inclined to reveal themselves or share any information they have." Given the meep at least one other 'champion' was nearby. "I guess I'll lead then." Artemis said haltingly and pressed on hand on the cool handle, she paused one more moment before pushing it outwards and stepping but into the cafe with moonlight surrounding her and the tattoo on her head shining brightly. She was met with the sight of a man bleeding in the front of the cafe and everyone else rushing around to help him. This may not be the time to introduce more chaos into the mix.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Sam couldn't get over this newly found anomaly. She could not be burned or hurt in anyway by fire! She had tested it everywhere. She had floated the flame from her lighter all over her hands, her arms, her feet, her chin, her hair, and most frightening of all, her eyeball (that had been a thrill!). The woman suffered none from any of her encounters of fire. What did this mean? Could this be some kind of sign? Maybe she should become a fire fighter and do something useful in work for once and save lives! She looked at herself and she knew she didn't have the muscle to back it up, but still! This was such a neat trick! She just wanted to run out and run into a fire (she never thought she would say that before).

However, something began to contrast the warm and pleasing flame upon her skin. The wall that she was leaning against, sitting on the counter of sinks, began to suddenly grow very chilly, as if suddenly she was leaning against a refrigerator door. This was all very displeasing to Sam and she scooted away from the wall and hopped off the counter. Just as this occurred, a frost began to make itself known, coating the tile walls. The mirrors squealed from the sudden change in temperature, and the sink heads clicked softly as frost began to grow from the pipes. What? First fire and then ice? Was she responsible for this? No. For some reason she knew that this wasn't her doing, and telling from the fact that it was only effecting this wall, she had reason to believe that the sudden winter frost was emanating from the bathroom next door. "What the..." the woman whispered under her breath. More strangeness, she had even gone to the restroom to avoid this kind of oddity, but it obviously had not worked. Well! Better investigate she thought with a great amount of annoyance.

She crushed and threw away her cigarette in the trash and turned on the driers on her way out (in hopes of circulating the smoky air to rid of any evidence). Sam unlocked the door and made her way out, just as another woman did the same out of the men’s bathroom… well, that was odd (most woman didn’t go to the mens restroom, but she supposed it was her doing… -cough-). That wasn’t the only strange thing though. The woman looked at the large moon mark on the woman’s head that shined with light. Sam’s eyes grew wide and she could only muster, “Hey! Whoa. You’re… uhm…” Then her mind came back to her game, League of Legends and she shook her head for a minute. “Please tell me your just cosplaying Diana from League and please give me a logical reason for why there is ice growing on the wall connecting the boy’s and girls restroom…” Despite the fact that she wished to be given a non-crazy explanation, she was pretty sure her answers were going to be anything but.

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