Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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(Gggrrr double post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Quite a few things were happening at this moment. Before the others came to her side, rhe princess looked around, a soft frown on her face as she saw Asuka missing. Though remembered the Ox barrelinh into her with his powerful horns. Her sensei came and took her, but half demon still worried for the Ronin warrior. When Kouko asked if she was alright, Mizuki smiled at her and nodded before curiously seeing a red haired woman charge the spirit's and glomp them. By the smell, the stranger was a fire spirit. Blinking a little as this Akiko stated she was to protect the princess, the silver haired girl pointed at herself in mild confusion.

Why would spirit's want to protect her? She hadn't really done much. Still she smiled at a possible new companion, though she was blowing on her ice cold hands. Frost and ice covering them and sending chills in her blood. If she was a full demon or if her body was more sturdy, this probably wouldn't have bothered her.

It was then another woman came forth before bowing so low her face was in the dirt. It was the expected action from anyone below her rank, but Mizuki wasn't really used to it. After all, none of her Guardian's here had done so when they first met. And they were the first people she had seen.

"Umm okay its nice to meet you Miss... you can stand up. Im glad to have another companion on our journey."" The Princess smiled softly before looking at the spirits thoughtfully.

"If I may ask.... do you know why I must go to Mount Fuji or what will happen when I am there?" Mizuki asked, her golden eyes curiously watching them.

Tachigami looked to the bowing Kouko first and examined the blade before nodding. "This is a strong yet strange weapon. For it's true sheathe remains hidden from the owner of the sword until they prove themself. There is a cave to the east by the sea that contains this sheathe. It has trials for the sword bearer that will test your worth. Once completed, the blade will reach its full capability." the rat explained before squeaking happily as he was glomped by the familiar fire spirit.

At Mizuki's question, the Ox and Rat looked at one another then at the half demon. They seemed to know something but seemed hesitant to answer.

"You will know when you arrive, though in the end it is your decision that will decide the world's fate. We can only hope for your correct choice. I feared from the start, but I feel at ease by your show of kindness. And for your kindness, we are willing to lend our aid." The Ox murmured before him and Tachigami glowed a brilliant white.

Two white starlight filled looking orbs glittered from their bodies before they entered the Princess with a crash. Mizuki blinked at the warm feeling, her golden eyes widening as the tips of her hair turned a similar crimson to the God's odd tatoo's as well feeling extra tails apearing beside her regular one. One tail appeared on each side of the original, the tips being a crimson color. One tail had a ice blue kanji just above the red stain with the meaning 'Blizzard' on it. While the other was a silver steel kanji meaning Sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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It seemed her garments were more than just bloodstained as Natsume-Sensei claimed to have removed them to be washed, but once Asuka was in a fully awoken state of mind, clear of her earlier grogginess after overcoming the debilitating side-effects of the salves and healing herbs Natsume used to clean and patch the ronin's ghastly wounds, she couldn't help but notice her gauze and bandages were but the shredded and tattered remains of her previous attire, which was already shabby enough and about to fall apart in the first place, so really there was no concern towards it. There was concern however to what else she was going to wear. Thankfully, due to the oft rare kindness of her sword-master, Natsume-Sensei had taken the sole liberty in setting out a new set of garments for her pupil to adorn, and much to the hardened woman's impeccable taste, they were indeed battle ready. Armor, light as a feather it felt, but also about as hard as the scales of a fearsome dragon it appeared as well as Kushiami donned the elegantly crafted do and the kote and suneate that accompanied the slightly thick breastplate, just as much detail the two pieces of armor displayed also. Finally dressed in the armor portion of Natsume's personal selection of wardrobe, Asuka threw on the hakama and the haori and then tied her hair up in her accustomed ponytail, sheathing her sakabato to her side.

Even if she was fully aware of her surroundings now, Asuka still had no idea as to where she was exactly. Just from simple observations of her current surroundings, she could deduce she was in some sort of a hut that possibly belonged to her sensei. Strange, as it certainly wasn't the dojo Kushiami recollected vividly from her childhood memories. Perchance it too became a casualty of the great war, now nothing but remnants of man's past hatred and prejudice, ashes of the wake as they would say, which of course prompted her sensei to move to another location, possibly as far from any civilization as the woman could carry herself. She was like that, Natsume never wanted much to do with the others, mostly remain to herself and make sure everyone left her in peace. Hmm...now that Asuka had come to think of it, she noticed a most peculiar of sounds echoing quite peacefully from outside the hut. A waterfall? She pondered, slowly making her way outside. Once she stepped into the light of day, there she noticed the waterfall and the rest of the lovely scenery that followed with it to her eyes dazzling with amazement. This place...it's so beautiful. She mused ever pleasantly, standing there in the doorway of the quaint wooden hut and taking in the colorful scenery, the flowers of such frailty and beauty, the crystal blue waters of the peaceful grotto, and the relaxing and meditative sound of the waterfall rushing over the polished bedrock. As eye catching as the scenery was, Asuka still had to wonder where her sensei be. The answer soon followed as she noticed the older woman, nonchalantly throwing back a dish of sake before carelessly tossing it away.

"Hmph. So you're awake finally." Hibana grumbled, her eyes not once making contact with her student, rather staying affixed to the majestic waterfall, her sword nestled at her side in its polished black saya. Asuka bit her lip for a moment, able to sense a sort of hostility within her teacher, her aura practically glowing like the hot embers of a freshly kindled flame. "N-Natsume-sensei." She managed to speak after a hesitant pause, bowing graciously to the woman. "You wished to speak to me, that you did." "Huh? Oh. So I did eh?" The muscular woman grunted in reply, standing from the fallen log she was sitting upon, also taking up her sword, which brought a bit more alarm to the concerned ronin. What was her teacher planning? "You and I have alot to discuss, Kushiami-san, and believe me when I say....alot. Now.....THINK FAST!!" What the Hell was this?! Out of the blue, Natsume suddenly drew her blade and in a matter of seconds she was upon Asuka with a speed that almost rivaled her own, ready to deliver a most fatal of blows, but in that very inch of time, Asuka hastily brandished her sakabato, halting Natsume's strike with a deafening clang of metal. "Heh, not bad." A defiant snort came from Hibana, also with an unexpected grasping of her firm hand around Asuka's frail neck. "But not good enough either!" Soon Asuka was flung to the air like a discarded toy, crashing hard against the white sand beneath her with a harsh grunt of pain. Damn! What has gotten into her?

She staggered from the ground, breathing heavily, her eyes cutting fiercely to the evidently stronger woman, sharing with Asuka an equal glare of determination as she buried her sword into the wood of the hut and snarled, "For ten long years, I awaited the return of my idiot apprentice. For ten painful, agonizing years I feared the worst had become of you, when you abandoned your last years of training to serve the idiot lords and become their puppet, and I was right. Your form is growing sloppy, Kushiami." Then quickly after her insults, here came yet another attack from Natsume-sensei. "I'LL FINISH YOU IN ONE BLOW, WIND OF DEATH!!" But Asuka was ready this time, poised was she, and the just the mention of her past monicker, brought it back for that split second. "FOOLISH!" The dark haired woman growled viciously, one swift sidestep to evade Hibana's forward slash, following it up with a sideswipe of her sakabato connecting harsh with the older woman's abdomen, throwing Natsume-Sensei on her back with a gush of sand issuing from the impact. "Guh! But....perhaps.....perhaps I was underestimating you, Kushiami-san." Slowly, the woman rose to her feet, dusting off the stray grains of pure white sand from her shoulder with a bit of a pained chuckle to her student. "Quite clear by that blow, you were able to easily predict my attack and counter it in the smallest essence of time. You've truly matured over the years, my stupid apprentice....but...there's still the matter of why you're here and not with your friends. As I've stated before, you have quite a bit of potential you wasted abandoning me for ten years, and now I'm going to make sure it's wasted never again. There will be more foes out there, my student, far worse than what challenges have befallen you so far. I want to make sure you can face them head-on..as the next successor to the Kazeryu no Tsurugi style of kenjutsu. Don't worry, you can still keep your "no-killing" attitude, but the techniques I will teach you over these few days we have.....you'll again be the most feared samurai in all of Japan. So Kushiami-san, it's your call. Will you continue to train with your old sensei, or are you gonna leave me high and dry for another ten years?"

And on that notion, the samurai's glare had widened with astonishment with what she heard come from her sensei. Hibana wanted Asuka to resume....her training, but not just for the sake of bettering herself, no. Hibana wanted Asuka to become her successor. "S....Sensei....." Unbelievable how far the woman had gone just for this, just to track down her former pupil and again enlist her to learn one of the most powerful sword techniques ever known to the ronin, a technique that brought her a legacy of infamous bloodshed, no less, but she honed the skill of Kazeryu no Tsurugi and made it her own, just as Hibana had years before Kushiami's fated apprenticeship with the stern woman. "I...I...." How could she not pass this opportunity? True, she was already a most competent samurai, but to learn the deeper secrets of her technique, to unlock an even greater potential in herself, that someday may serve her well in the heat of battle, she could not turn down this offer. "I most humbly accept your request for me to train again, Natsume-sensei, indeed I do." Natsume smiled quite proud at the girl's answer, "Heh. I knew you'd say that." Well done, Kushiami-san. Well done indeed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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ReaptheMusic said
Ariiko chuckled, closing her eyes and taking Noriakis hand into hers. She gingerly pushed the womans pale hair behind her ear, all the while cupping her cheek in her hand. "Yes... Let us turn in for the night."She knew for a fact that the rambunctious noises of the night did not belong to drunken patrons, but indeed to spirits. The dis-ease of Ida made it clear what was happening, but she wanted nothing more than to focus on Noriaki at the moment.

How wonderful, this woman was, this muse she had found. Truly, with every new conversation, with every new gesture it became more apparent that this woman had to have been sent from a higher power. What other explanation could there be, especially now that she was of similar mind? At the brush of her hair...the cupping of her cheek, Noriaki blushed sweetly and pressed her cheek into the open palm. Her own eyes narrowed and a warm smile crawled its way across her lips.

"Then come, my muse. Let us retire once more to the inn. To my...to our room. Let us cast aside this eve and welcome the new dawn together." Noriaki lightly squeezed Ariiko's hand and set off towards the inn, hand-in-hand with her muse, fully ignoring the sounds of chaos blowing into her ear on the wind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Ariiko realized, walking hand in hand with her Starlight, that with Ida asleep she could use this moment, to slip away from everyone. She was, after all, not fond of large groups.
"Noriaki..." She spoke seriously, her tone quiet but firm. "I have..."
A sharp pain in her diaphragm kept her from speaking again, and the ronin fell silent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"A cave in the east contains the sheath? Thank you very much, Sacred Guardian." She bows her head low and steps away, though she watches as both of the sacred spirits transform themselves and merge with Mizuki. How curious. It even caused the princess to undergo a physical change. More tails...How adorable! She smiles softly at the sight before remembering something that happened when she joined the fighter.

The small woman turns and approaches the priestess. "Miko-san. You sustained an injury in the fight earlier, didn't you? Are you alright? Do you need assistance tending your wound?" There were a number of new arrivals had also gained her attention, and she bows politely to the fire spirit. "It was my pleasure to help. However, you said you've been summoned here to protect Hime-sama? A welcome presence, a spirit as yourself to aid us in our journey."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Oww.....it's been years since I've trained this hard....that it has indeed.....I don't know how I even lived through this.... Natsume-sensei's regiment sure hasn't changed over these past few years.....indeed it hasn't.....

Every inch of her was aching, throbbing with such infernal, unrelenting agony that she could barely stand, let alone sit up as she laid motionless, and damn near breathless, upon the white sands near the crystal clear waters of the grotto....the only sound buzzing about her ears being the last resounding clangs of steel upon steel in those fierce and powerful strikes of her sakabato against the katana of her hardened sword-master, Natsume Hibana, and the tranquil white noise of the waterfall rushing into the grotto below, and endless supply of sparkling mineral water depositing possibly from another spring nearby. How Asuka yearned she could have but a drop of that sweet, chilling water upon her tongue right now, or perhaps a torrent of it upon her entire face, burning hot as her head felt heavy from the overwhelming heat of what seemed nearly all of her muscles, from her arms, her legs, even the tips of her very fingers, burning at the same time, a wildfire of kinetic energy just flowing from her body and towards the very tip of her sword. But alas, that energy was spent in yet another brutal sparring session with Natsume, and with it...the ronin's will...to keep going. O-oww....it hurts even just to wiggle my toes....How can I even do this? But she couldn't give up....not now....

"Hey! Kushiami-san! Again she caught air of the rancorous barking of the woman, only able to crane her neck a little to see her sensei. Natsume yet again was at her perch, the fallen log near the waters of the grotto, a dish of sake pressed to her lips as she downed the fermented rice wine. "How long do you plan on lazying around, idiot apprentice? Get up already! We got more work to do, dammit, and I'm not getting any younger!" Slowly, ever so gradually did Asuka try in vain to raise her head, tousled hair and all, gritting her teeth and battling against the sharp pains jolting through her abs and down the back of her spine, pulsating through every nerve in her body, but alas...it was for naught, as she again found herself falling back and staring upwards to the sky, her lungs undulating with every rapid and ragged breath she managed to take in and exhale. "Hmph! Well then...." Hibana grumbled bitterly, although...a bit of a smirk crossed her lips ever fiendishly as she poured another round of sake into her dish. "I suppose if you're not gonna get up, Kushiami-san, I'll have to sit here and reminisce of the past some more. Now let's see....where did I leave off?" Swallowing sake down her gullet, she paused for a moment, her smarmy sneer ever widening with ill delight, "Ahh yes. I seem to recall the last time you wet your bed, Kushiami-san. It was a peaceful morning in spring and you were only ten. Oh and the look on your face when I shoved your nose into it and tanned your backside...my was it priceless! Heh! I bet that miko friend of yours would love to hear this story too, or how 'bout the time you were hungry because I didn't feed you for a day and you tried to trap that rabbit?"

If there was anything more mortifying, more insulting than ever towards Asuka....it was this... What she heard was indeed the most damning of traits of her embittered sword-master, how Hibana could recollect and remember the most embarrassing and character damaging of incidents about Asuka than of the person herself, so crude, so vindictive, and indeed....so enraging to the ronin that she immediately shot from the ground with a burst of newfound energy, screaming with all her anger, all her rage towards the older woman, bringing her sword crashing down with such fury, but as if in a flash of lightning, her sensei dodged Asuka's embittered and vengeful strike, following up with not her sword....but a fist, a tightly clenched fist ramming into the face of Asuka with every ounce of the woman's strength pushing it deeper into her cheek, before sending the samurai flying backwards and crashing into the sand thrice before stopping against the bank of the water. "Orooo........." She groaned, her jaw damn near dislodged by Hibana's sucker punch, a cruel blow it was too, her face practically on fire after absorbing the blow to her cheek.

"Well well...that got you up." Natsume snorted, standing to unsheathe her sword, that smirk still ever present upon her hardened face, before reverting to her more accustomed scowl of disapproval, just as she, always, began to rip into Asuka with the insults. "But again you failed miserably and attacked with your heart instead of your mind! Didn't I tell you to not let anger wield your blade instead of you, Kushiami-san? Hmph! I'm surprised people still consider you a threat, because from what I see, I could take you on with just a knife...blindfolded! Now get your lazy ass up, idiot apprentice! You still have alot more to learn!"

Oro?! This....this woman is going to kill me!! How....just how did I even live through this?! Oroooo.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

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Hanami watched in amazement as an orb left both of their bodies, only to enter the body of Princess Mizuki and cause several physical changes. Oh, wow... She blinked at Mizuki, gingerly petting one of the two new tails and then curiously rubbing the new red tips between her fingers. The Priestess wondered though... What does all of this mean? She was still in the dark about a lot... Perhaps if Chihomi were still alive she could give her some answers. Chihomi wasn't the only one Hanami was missing, though. A certain ronin had disappeared during the battle, and Hanami was unsure of where she went. She could tell that she was alive, at least... After imbuing Asuka with her own spiritual energy, she would be able to feel her for several days. It was a perk of saving someone's life.

"Miko-san. You sustained an injury in the fight earlier, didn't you? Are you alright? Do you need assistance tending your wound?"

Hanami looked down at the little warrior, a pleasant smile on her face even though her arm did sting a bit. "I'm okay, Kouko-san, but if you wouldn't mind dressing my arm I'd be very grateful to you." Hanami walked away from the general meeting area to find a nice place to sit down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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The little woman nods and follows the priestess as she finds herself a seat. She pulls bandages from her small supply pack, which she had picked up from where she dropped it nearby, and tenderly takes Hanami's arm once she has herself a seat. She staunches any bleeding with a gentle application of Ki and dresses it carefully, using a previously prepared mix of herbs.

"Are you not able to heal your own wounds, Hanami-san? If that's the case, it's very important you not be injured. You should be more careful." She only speaks out of concern, of course. "It would be disastrous if you received an injury none of us could treat fully or properly." Once she's done applying the herbal mix, she carefully wraps the injury. "Is this too tight?" She makes sure it's snug, but tries not to cut off circulation. A tricky balance for one not used to dressing wounds, hopefully Hanami would be able to advise her well on any adjustments necessary to the tension.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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ReaptheMusic said
Ariiko realized, walking hand in hand with her Starlight, that with Ida asleep she could use this moment, to slip away from everyone. She was, after all, not fond of large groups."Noriaki..." She spoke seriously, her tone quiet but firm. "I have..."A sharp pain in her diaphragm kept her from speaking again, and the ronin fell silent.

Noriaki squeezed her muse's hand, gently, but still with a trace amount of tenderness in the gesture. So focused was she on the approaching alone time, that it was only when Ariiko spoke not the affectionate nickname, but her first name, and then went silent. Noriaki turned her head, worry clear behind her eyes. Releasing the hold on Ariiko's hand, Noriaki placed her palm onto the muse's shoulders and pivoted to stand in front of her, her other palm going to rest atop Ariiko's other shoulder. She gave a few gentle shakes, clearly concerned. Clearly worried.

"My muse? Are you alright? Shall I carry you to the safety of our room or perhaps to a medical specialist? Are you hurt, tired....exhausted? Speak to me, if you can, for I am worried about your well being. I shall be there to see you through this sickness, if indeed that is what ails you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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Ageha looked around, a blank expression on her face. She couldn't really explain what just happened, not that she'd want to. She simply took in a deep breath sighing. She winced as her expanding chest caused the wounds in her shoulders to bleed a bit more, the pain shooting down her body. She watched as the others licked their wounds, trying their best to heal back up. One of the women still lay on the ground, presumably knocked out. Ageha simply stared, her eyes blank.

It ended too quickly... but then... I don't want to fight against spirits.

She let out another sigh, again wincing at the pain. She had to stop doing that, sighing. It wasn't long before she was standing, though she really didn't know where to go from there. She wanted to walk over to them, to ask for help, but she also felt it in her best interest to lick her own wounds. But then... She needed to keep an eye on the princess, it was her job after all. Another exasperated sigh, another wince of pain. Her brows were furrowed now, angry with herself for being injured. She simply stood, unsure of what to do, angry at herself and a bit... bored.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hanami was sitting on a tree stump only a couple of feet from the rest of the group waiting for Kouko to get situated. She looked through her own medicine pouch, but it seemed Kouko already had the necessary supplies. So instead, she rolled up her sleeve and lifted her arm up in front of Kouko to make the little warrior's job somewhat easier. Once Kouko went to work, Hanami watched with slightly raised eyebrows at Kouko's clever use of Ki, and herbs to take some of the swelling down. It was nice to know she had someone looking out for her.
"No. I'm not able to heal myself, but that's okay. My gifts are to benefit others, Kouko-san..." Hanami smiled and shook her head. "Mm, it's just right actually. Thank you."

Off in the distance, Hanami noticed a certain green-haired girl looking to be in pain. They hadn't really spoken since Ageha rushed off at dinner, but the effects of the sake had mostly worn off and as a result, Hanami had returned to her normal self. "Oh, Ageha-san! I'm almost finished up here. Please, come over so that I can heal you before you lose too much blood!" She said worriedly to Ageha, just loud enough so that her voice reached her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

After such long and harrowing, painful and agonizing hours undergoing yet again the brutal but efficient swordsmanship training of her sensei Natsume Hibana, it felt indeed very pleasant to finally relax her viciously abused bones and muscles, after having pushed herself, body and mind together, towards their very breaking point, towards her maximum potential as the embittered older woman violently urged Asuka to do so. Still, her muscles throbbed and burned underneath her skin, feeling hard and polished as hewn stone as she flexed her arm, wincing a bit with a small bout of pain as she sat on the fallen log beside the grotto, a meditative trance she induced upon herself rebuking from her all but the static white noise of the waterfall rushing into the crystal clear waters below, her eyes, heavy with exhaustion, only affixed to the sparkles of the sun reflecting off the sheer mirror of the water, stars and white ripples dancing about in pleasing and relaxing synchronization. It brought a sort of smile of tranquility to the battered Ronin's face, but the smile faded when she heard the gruff clearing of Natsume's throat, and the muscular woman sat beside her, close enough for Asuka to view the many scars and abrasions that dotted her sensei's leathery tan skin, years of hardship and years of loss heavy upon her exterior...and as possibly well the woman's interior. "You did good today, Kushiami-san." The woman spoke to her student, though more nonchalant than prideful, but it was expected of Natsume-Sensei.

"Your form is improving and you were able to land quite a few attacks on me. Heh...I guess I should consider myself lucky you stuck with that sakabato, otherwise...I guess I'd be adding more scars to my collection...either that or in the grave I go." Dark her humor was as always as the samurai released a hearty chuckle, her eyes, for once not a piercing glare...but a relaxed, almost peaceful expression upon them as Hibana glanced out unto the grotto's dazzling waters. "Later we will continue our sparring, but for now, rest. We deserve it after a long day, don't we Kushiami-san?" Asuka gave no reply in speech, rather a curt but understandable nod to her sensei. Too much was on her mind to make words....
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