Avatar of A Lowly Wretch


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Edgar awoke to the repeated buzzing of his alarm clock.

"Good morning sleepy head."

The sweet, melodic yet subtly sinister voice of his sister greeted him this morning as he blearily swatted for the alarm clock. She wasn't there of course, it was only in his head. That didn't stop him from answering back of course.

"Egh... Good morning Id." He said despite him being the only person in the room, so to speak. He rose to the sight of his new home, a room in the citadel where he works as an indentured servant to his work master. Lifting himself off the cheap mattress they provided all serfs staying at the citadel he switched on the light, causing him to immediately shut his right eye as the brightness stung his sight. As it slowly adjusted to the change of light he opened his one eye, the other eye sewn shut not because it was faulty but because the metal from the bullet that hit him remained.

Getting up his sole decorations surrounded him. Several dozen images of endless hand drawn spirals were taped up all along his walls, the images surrounding him constantly. He liked to draw spirals, it was one of the few means he still had left available to him of unwinding. Having a sister like he did any opportunity to relief his daily stresses was a welcome one. He found a sort of peace in drawing these constantly spiraling patterns, the dark curving mess of lines not unlike the dark canals of his imagination. He never invited others to his room. He didn't need the accusations that he was crazy to increase.

Donning his uniform, a dull grey jumpsuit with gloves, he proceeded out and joined into the line of other serfs as they made their way down to the task chambers where they were assigned their roles for the day. His was to take over the previous serf's role of garbage disposal for level one. Handed his wheel-set garbage can he took the previous guys place and made his way out to start emptying the trash cans.

All around him were familiar faces, faces which had long worn out their welcome. His was no pleasant sight either. Aside from the eye stitches he just looked glum and tired, deep dark bags under his eyes from his many hours spent drawing spirals instead of sleeping. He hated sleep. It was the time where Id had the most creative liberty, something he never welcomed. Needless to say he rarely had a dream that wasn't in some way a nightmare designed to bully him for her entertainment. Of course often times she would simply eat his dreams, leaving him an empty night of plain sleep. After all, she couldn't let him start predicting when she was going to strike next. The best pranks were those that catch their victims unaware, something Id took strongly to mind.

Regardless, he continued on emptying people's trash cans. They were never grateful but he demanded no gratitude from them either. He eventually came around to a meeting room. He would of gone in to empty the trash can inside but it seemed a meeting was in process. He figured he'd just empty a few cans not too far down the way and wheel back over to the meeting room to see if it was no longer in the midst of a meeting. He was sure not a single one in there would be happy to see him and there was always the possibility that simply waltzing into an active meeting would be taken poorly by the upper rankers.

Of course running on little sleep meant he was pretty tired. Rather than set about emptying more trash cans he took a lean against the wall of the room a second, relaxing his tired eyes for the moment. All at once his sleepiness hit him and he was just leaning on his trashcan, nearly asleep up against the wall where he could hear the sounds of talking being had. He just only had to hope nobody more came for this meeting.

He just had to hope nobody would catch him sleeping on the job.
@EchoicChamber - I can sympathize. I haven't much freedom to come online myself until all else is asleep on Halloween.
@EchoicChamber I support the notion since I already use Discord on a few other roleplays. It'll group the conversation together nicely.

Here they are.


Ah, glad to see this fine old roleplay back in business. Shall I return Edgar and Id to the world?
Here it is, helpless to stop your eager eyes.

I present to you all the embodiment of darkness itself.

If all is acceptable I shall claim the roll of the Deity of Darkness.
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