Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
5 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

@Gunther Oh, yeah, half the people here still have that struggle - or, I guess, a little less than half now. Ha. I liked history growing up, remember liking Pickett in the novelization of the war called Killer Angels, but it was just that - history. Stories. The past. It turns out, a foundation for all the problems we still have today because no one wants to admit the house has been dilapidated for so long, and sorely in need of work. I'm a fan of using history like Firefly did - creatively - and using it to move forward. Wish others did as well, but~ that's a bit further in depth than I usually go, so I'll stop here.

I am working on a post with Cap'n Cal between baby and work. Not much headway was made today because of said baby and work, but here's to tomorrow and what I can write up tonight. ^^
@Gunther Being from Georgia and how much they liked to pound the Confederacy history in back in my schooling days, you'd think I'd remember more than the vague recognition. 😆

There was something to way the engine had sighed when Penelope guided Old Bertha to her final port that told her all she needed to hear. ‘Fore the captain even came round to deliver the news, he found the plucky pilot gently caressing the console, giving all the soft utterances needed to the ease the passing of the ship’s final moments.

“Reckon it ain’t a good sign to see the pilot sayin’ last rites.” The weathered old man, Captain O’Malley, said with a thoughtful rub to his grisly beard. “Shoulda known the way entry went that it’dta be my last flight.”

Penelope turned her hazel eyes up at that with a final pat to the dash, surprise at hearing he too was retiring from the black. “Say it ain’t so, captain. You got plenty’a courses yet to chart.”

“Oh, girl, it’s better to not get a scoldin’ for pushin’ Bertha on this last leg, but I can’t say your sweetness doesn’t jab the heart just so.” O’Malley gave a soft chuckle. “Been thinkin’ ‘bout it plenty. Was hopin’ to let ya know when we touched down back home, but… maybe this place’d be for the best.”

“For the best? I never took ya for a city man, Cap’n.” She grinned then, but the sudden shout from down the hatch cut her short. O’Malley sighed as he looked down the way. “What’s riled up down there? I did my best to keep her steady, I did.”

“An’ a fine job ya did, Pen. Better make the announcement ‘fore Dev stirs the nest.” The captain moved over to the side of the control panel, lifting the transceiver from its cradle while his pilot slipped out of the way with one last look at Old Bertha’s dash. As she made her way to her bunk, she heard his gravelly voice come over the speakers, crackling with static: “Y’all might’ve guessed with the rough entry, trailin’ smoke a mile on long, and this here electrical situation goin’ on that Persephone is the last port Old Bertha is ever gonna make, so ... I’m havin’ to make decisions a lot sooner than I hoped. It ain’t the way I’d like it ta go, but it seems this is a split for us all. We did a lotta good work, an’ once the payload is in, your cut’ll show. Persephone has more than enough ways to make a man, but if’n you’re hankerin’ to head home like planned, I’ll pay for a trip into Red Sun so’s it won’t take none of yours. Ain’t got much else to say ‘cept it’s been a good run. I’ve got some arrangements to make for the ol’ girl, and cargo to offload, then we’ll say goodbye proper.”

While the captain had gone on, Penelope made it to her bunk and saw to making sure she had gotten all her things. There was some amount of bittersweetness here, having to take down her personals from the wall, knowing she wouldn’t see the crew again for who knows if ever. It wasn’t like they were all a family - O’Malley took her on when he found her stowed away with the cargo, determination set that she had to trade out what she brought. They had a few runs, but only a few. Dev was a merc that stayed on too long, and run’d his mouth too much, causin’ trouble for the fun of it. And she didn’t like the way he looked at the women they took on as passengers, but he never did nothin’ untoward, so at least there was that.

With a sigh, she stared at the grey metal, reached out to touch a spot of rust. “Poor ol’ girl. I hope they treat ya real nice, and maybe a piece of ya will touch the black again. I hear Persephone is real good at metal works. Hey, maybe you’ll be part of one of them fancy trains. Ain’t never imagined it, did ya?”

She grinned, considering how maybe it would be nice to try something different out. With her personal keepsakes all bound up, she tied it to a tattered and well-loved copy of her favorite book (Treasure Island), then stuffed it all in the front pouch of her rucksack.She took her clothes and folded them real tight, pushing them down to the bottom of the inner bag, then placed her box of earrings on top. This wasn’t home, not at all. A bunk shared out in the open with the passengers left her feelin’ safer than bolted down in the crew quarters, but the passengers came and went. And crew didn’t last long with Dev around. Maybe, she smiled again, her next adventure would fill in those missin’ pieces.

Canvas rucksack strapped over her shoulders, she waved one last goodbye to the captain after he handed her the credits for the mission he’d collected. He’d told her about a ship he heard was charting back to Red Sun, looking for all sorts. With the fare she tried to refuse on her person, and a last look at Old Bertha, she made her way to find the China Doll.

Alright. I was just going off what I saw in the character sheets and in the OOC. Whoops. So, I guess I missed that! I'll retool my idea and get something up for review. I'm thinking mechanic if that's still open.

We were talkin' my character last night after bedtime, and I finished up submitting it late, so sorry about that! I was juggling a baby who battles sleep. Which, as my last post and subsequent disappearance may hint at, he woke up. xD He's currently enjoying tunes with his dad after a bath and bottle, so maaaaybe sleep will be on the horizon soon? We never know with him...

Anyway! Now, I will begin writing something or another up until co-writing is needed. ^^
My darling little boy has decided that it was time for a nap after a lengthy battle against, but the sleep won out so I'm here (instead of doing the dishes that need to be done... priorities xD) I'll slap the CS in, after another more caffeinated and rested look over it to make sure it's not too all-over-the-place. ^^ Thanks for having me in!

If my little monster doesn't wake up, I'll have a post in the works for Penelope. ^_^
Thank you both so much! That's so sweet of you. <3

@Gunther Wow!! I'm lucky if this little guy takes a nap at all during the day that isn't more than 20 minutes. He fights sleep so bad, then gets mad about being tired. He may~ take after me on that, but since he looks like my husband's mini-me I suppose he has to have something from me. xD What is so rude is that he'll nap for hours at a time at daycare. But on the weekends, nope, has to spend the. whole. day. with Mommy and Daddy. Which is sweet, and his cry face is so funny and adorable, but ... c'mon. xD

Anyway~ Yes!! I talked to my husband about it. I can definitely make the minimum mentioned in the game info. Since my little guy passed out (probably because today was the refusal to sleep at all, all day Day), I can get started on a CS. That is what takes me the longest, if I'm honest... Settling on a character in creation. I'm one of those who will spend hours making a character in a game then have to go to bed before even playing because Adult-Life. Sigh~ =P


I am seriously considering the option of the ship's dog. Or cat. xD
I haven't been on RPGuild in a while due to having a baby monopolize my time now (which I don't mind at all - he's adorable, and 4 months old now! <3) I am starting to get a tiny bit of free time here and there, but honestly probably not enough to properly join an RP. I did want to say that I am so~ beyond~ sad~ that a decent Firefly RP has popped up, it's the first thing I see when I log in, and I can't join. *insert tragic figure here* It's my ultimate favorite thing, and it seems like this would be an awesome group to be with! Good luck guys!! I may creep-read, and if pacing between you guys's posts are well enough for me to pop in, then I'll apply if there is still room.
Quarantined / Stir-Crazy / I-GOTTA-WRITE Bump
Organized my plots a little, and added two new ones. Might add another one here in a minute... :D
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