Avatar of Ace of flames01


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10 mos ago
Current "What a day to meet the master, I've been waiting for so long, final day to meet the master, it's my time to go home"
11 mos ago
Current mood is the scream at the start of Safari Song - Greta Van Fleet
11 mos ago
It's been a long time but I'm back and I want to get back to writing again
7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
I have returned from the depths of hell and work! How long my reign of terror shall last is yet unknown!
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Yo yo yo! Was good? Ace is my name, rping is my game! I prefer fantasy, super natural, modern, sci Fi, romance (especially romance), non anime themes! I usually play hetero female roles and the occassional male role. I have a lot of time on my hands so I am usually free and online. If you have a thread you think I might be interested in then PM me dat shiet!

Overall, I try to be a very open minded, accepting, and non judgy person. I try to see people as people. I could care less about what gender, sexual preference, race, religious background, political views, etc. Are because it's really none of my goddamn business. I care about who you are as a person and how you choose to treat others. I will always try to polite and kind to everyone until given a reason not to be. You want my respect? Then earn it just like everyone else does. Don't force your views and morals on me and I will not force mine on you. It's that simple.

Most Recent Posts

@cosmiccowgirl Heya thanks for your application! There will definitely need to be some changes before she can be accepted. Gifted people only have one power per individual so if you'd like to and feel like you can handle a second character, then you are more than welcome to make a second character to use the second power! There will have to be some minor changes made depending on what power you go with. As for the enhancements, those feel too close to having a third power so I would recommend scratching them out. Also the gifts that a character receives is based on the genetics of her parents and I'm not going to count telepathy and telekinesis as the same power and I don't consider making blades of plasma to be telekinetic. Lastly, could you please explain more as to how your character got to where the others are going to be? Sorry for the inconvenience, I know these are a lot of changes but thank you for your understanding in advance!
Alright! The first post has been made! Let's get this party started!
Setting The Stage

The droning of cicadas fill the air as the summer sun beats down on the prisoners of a concentration camp, in what used to be the midwestern region of North America. Hundreds of Gifted prisoners reside here, nearly all of them drenched in sweat. Scattered throughout the camp are these small, make-shift shelters that were made of various forms of scrap material by the camp’s inmates. Some prisoners can be found huddled under what little shade can be found, while others simply accept their sunburnt fate and roast under the midday sun. The camp stands on the outer edges of a large field that has about a half dozen trees and ruins from an ancient town are scattered throughout, offering barely any aid in providing cover from the elements.

Atop the outermost walls of the camp stood at least a couple dozen Hunters could be regularly patrolling the parameter, while another few dozen Hunters remained on the ground level to monitor the captive Gifted. In the approximate, dead center of the camp was a military base that served as the living quarters, artillery, strategy rooms, etc. on the ground floor for the Hunters stationed at the camp. Meanwhile, the upper levels were for the higher ranking officers; including the infamous warden, The Hound, who’s personal quarters reside on the top floor overlooking the camp. Down below, deep underground are the prison cells of the camps most dangerous and powerful gifted. Each cell is about 150 square feet and made of reinforced tungsten, and is customly made to contain and restrict the gifted residing inside. The walls are riddled with cameras and anti-gifted technology, making the fortress nearly impenetrable to attack. This camp, otherwise known as “Area 06”, has gained a reputation for not having a single jailbreak and not a single escaped convict; once you enter, you never leave.

About 900 meters out from the outer walls of Area 06 is a tree line. The now heavily dense forest was once a decent size town, but is now reclaimed by nature and is, for the most part, quiet. However, according to Hunter reports, there has been some stirring amongst the trees and the forest has grown restless as of late; some Hunters even claim they had seen scouts from the rumored “Gifted Rebel Army”. Perhaps there's a secret base nearby where these rebels may be lying in wait for the right opening to make their move...

While these claims of Rebels have been generally dismissed as, “the summer heat is finally getting to the poor fools”; today Area 06 is on higher alert than usual. Today, the camp is expecting a new shipment of prisoners and therefore at its most vulnerable period to potential attacks or jailbreaks. While it is expected to be yet another typical day and the arrival of the new inmates should go off without a hitch, one can never be too careful with such volatile cargo.


Ophelia sat hunched over in what little shade she was able to find while staring dazed out into the distance. The lack of focus caused the dry, dead grass around where she sat to be charred black and steam to emanate from her body as the beads of sweat on her back sizzled and evaporated. Her fellow inmates, knowing better than to be anywhere near her while like this, stood no closer than 15 feet from her in all directions. Her body was like a furnace when she lacks focus, making days like today unbearable to be anywhere near her.

Suddenly, her focus and body snapped to attention as a sharp shock from her collar startled her. A small, pained yelp escaped her. “Hey! Wildfire! Keep your flames to yourself! It’s already hotter than the devil’s taint, as is!” An agitated Hunter called out from the top of the outer wall to Ophelia as he made his rounds. Once out of direct eye shot, Ophelia stuck out her tongue in protest.

“Damn bastard…” She grumbled under her breath as she gingerly rubbed her neck. “That fucking hurt…”

Her ears then perked up to the sound of a couple Hunters quietly chatting to each other.

“A new shipment of Gifted is arriving today? That’s a surprise. We haven’t had any fresh meat in a while.” A slight lilt of surprise and intrigue could be heard in his voice.

“Yeah and I’ve heard that there’s some really interesting ones coming in this time, too.”

“Really? I guess that explains why the higher ups have been such hard asses today. Maybe these newbies can finally provide us with some entertainment.” The two snickered as they walked on.

Ophelia looked up at the clear blue sky. “Newbies, huh?” She thought to herself listlessly as she glanced at her fellow inmates. She closed her eyes, fell onto her back with her arms outstretched, and sighed before opening her eyes again. The coming of more people was never a very welcome sight for the prisoners as it meant less resources for everyone, less food, less water, less shelter; which ultimately led to more fights between inmates. “Sounds like trouble.” Ophelia muttered under her breath.
@Blizz@Troubleshoot Make sure to put your accepted applications in the Character Page! Thanks!

Also! *insert fanfare* We officially have enough people to get this story started! I will start writing up a post to set the stage and get things moving while the last couple people finish up their applications!
@Wayward That'll be an improvement! I just want to make sure no one character is too OP and everyone has their drawbacks when it comes to their powers. Something has to be able to hurt her. Like maybe she's not resistant to electric attacks, or she can't swim because her bones and muscles are too dense so she automatically sinks, etc.
@Wayward Interesting! I like the direction you're going with them! I would like for you to tell me more about the drawbacks of their powers just to make sure she's not too OP, even Alpha class has some weaknesses. Like I think it would be better if she wasn't bullet proof for example, ultimately her drawbacks are up to you. Otherwise they're approved!
@Blizz Accepted! I love this tank!
@cosmiccowgirl We're always looking for new members! I look forward to your application!
@Troubleshoot looking good! I would like to see a little more on the drawbacks of Kilo's powers to help flesh him out a bit more, like maybe his powers have a time limit before his gravity ability starts to wear off! Otherwise, he's accepted!
@TroubleshootThank you for your application! I will give it a look see and get back to you ASAP!
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