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Don't leave me, baby! Middle of winter, I'm freezin' baby! - It's cold, and Gucci Mane lyrics work for most any context when slightly edited.


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The Rise of Kul


Hi'Wor Hearthstone Site

10:16 a.m.

With his life, Za’Kul escaped. Had Ju’Kul not warned him to the peril, he would have ended up in the same ditch Hi’Wor was in. Much as he loeathed Hi’Wor, an endless plummet into the unknown was a fate he wished on no one. No thought of trying to save Hi’Wor ever crossed his mind, though. Scattered Lok’Sha everywhere, Za’Kul soon joined their number in tow behind Ju’Kul.

As he clambered in steed of Ju’Kul, he bumped into a young Lok’Sha and what appeared to be an elderly grandfather. Her grandfather had gotten trapped between a falling rock, nearly flattened beneath it. Za’Kul heard the wails,

“Help! Help!” Wor’Da’Li cried, Za’Kul paused. The tunnels continued their collapse; his hate for the High Wor tribe resisted a similar fate. Lok’Sha were only ever rewarded for their sacrifice in battle, not for aiding enemies. What difference would Za’Kul’s heroics make? It would give him no great name, no prestige for his clan; that it was the ‘right’ thing to do mattered not. The only right was made by blade in Smor’Gen’Blok.

Still, something inside him relented.

“Ju’Kul, go! Make sure no other collapse! Find pa!” a crash. Za’Kul was separated from Ju’Kul; he, Wor’Da’Li and Ko’Da’Wor, her grandfather, and a host of other Wor Lok’Sha were cut off from the fleeing parties. Would time be gracious to them?
Now see....

I only know Jon Stewart through the Justice League cartoon. ducks!

Madness, but that's fair since it's where he got popular lol. He shines in the current Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps run, anyone who is interested in learning more about him should read that.
<Snipped quote by Byrd Man>

Naw, I just didn't like the character. John Stewart is my Green Lantern and Static has always been a long time favourite character since the animated series.

I just hate Miles Morales.

John Stewart should be everyone's guy. Hal Jordan is interesting as lightly toasted white bread with no butter.
<Snipped quote by Afro Samurai>

We could maybe even tie them to the M'bako people.

Ghekre likes. I'll PM you eventually.
@Sep Oh! Oh, I like that a lot. Many yes.
The Rise of Kul


Numbers were power, but in the most superfluous of ways. Hi’Wor was almost someone Za’Kul felt he could undermine and outsmart. Almost. Hi’Wor was--as his name not so eloquently hid--a man of conflict, and if that was the language he spoke, that was how Za’Kul would bargain.

“No one in all Smor’Gen’Blok like Wor’Boa. Your father reason for Smor’Gen’Blok pitiful state. Other tribes already plotting against War’Boa.” whether it was true, Za’Kul didn’t know, but the whispers from the outside world trickled into the deepest caves where there meaning could be bent, twisted, molded in secret between the smaller tribes. Corroboration and unity was built in darkness better than it ever was in the light.

“Slaves not what Wor’Boa need, Wor’Boa need Kul. Kul have eyes in deep tunnels. Hear things. Know places in Deep Tunnels even Wor’Boa not know or reach.”

Za’Kul cast his eyes passed Hi’Wor, a subtle dismissal of the oaf--a small play toward his underlings. They were the ones Za’Kul needed to convince with his pitch, not Hi’Wor. Za’Kul continued,

“Kul get to come freely up to higher tunnels, War’Boa get information from Kul.” to risk the welfare of his people on the strength of a lie; it was spontaneous and detrimental. But, he had said what he said, and now he had to stand or die on that lie.

Fighting for More Than You Know, Hassan

Attack on Sherman Square

The battle waned. Good. Swatting ants was a waste of his time; the man clad in the Iron armor spoke of a greater challenge that was on the horizon. If these new foes were easy to crush as their compatriots, Pantheon might take Charlie, her friend, and himself and leave. Just as they needed him at his best--he had not even begun to tire--he needed at least Charlie in working condition for his own purposes.

For Pantheon, the Hounds were secondary; they could have harmed the boy’s family, further strengthened the child’s resolve. The Hounds could have brought the boy closer to subduing Pantheon completely, and this was the reason Pantheon had led the boy here: to make sure no such threat jeopardized Pantheon’s bid to break and control the boy’s mind just as he had done the boy’s ancestors. He was here to make sure no catalysts sparked virtues in the boy which would prevent Pantheon’s last chance for full and utter freedom from the second-rate magicians that were the Amims.

The Hounds were the newest in a long line of potential impetus, but they were impersonal and held no stake in the boy’s life great enough which would incite magnificent shifts in the child’s persona. As well, Pantheon had already beaten a handful of them within inches of their lives. There was only so much satisfaction which could be gained by destroying feeble things.

A few slaps across the heads of the Hounds who had not fled and their bodies flew into adjacent buildings. He turned around to face Charlie,

”Then tell me where to go and let us end this. I grow restless.” and then to Hex,
”I do not know you, but if you are a friend of the Alchemyst then you recieve my assistance this one time.” he went to swoop Charlie off her feet without warning as he had when he first met her at LHU; her callous (and frankly rude) curses upon his name and his costume still rang in his mind. He ceased mid-propel, a delayed gust of wind following his halt in motion. Instead, he held both hands out to either of the women.

”Come. If the man in tinfoil speaks truth, then we need not waste another moment on these invalids.”

The Rise of Kul


Ja’Kul curled over from Hi’Wor’s punch. Bargaining with Hi’Wor was not going to work, but for the sake of respectability, Za’Kul would do as Ja’Kul instructed. One chance at reason is all Hi’Wor would get. The likelihood his plea would penetrate Hi’Wor’s venbu-thick skull was almost nihil and Za’Kul knew he was foolish for trying, but he had to at least try--if only for his father’s sake.

“Hi’Wor. We bargain. Not need war. Kul not slave, but Kul will agree to other terms.”

Za’Kul knew the risks of war, and if he could not convince Hi’Wor otherwise, war is what it would come down to--and he had no clue how his people would win if they had to take up arms against the War’Boa.
<Snipped quote by Afro Samurai>
I'm both confused and fascinated.

Short version: T'Challa ends up in Hell's Kitchen as Murdock's replacement and ends up resurrecting a metaphysical entity of hate--the spirit of a former Klansmen named Hatemonger. The American Panther is uh... Hatemonger's minion, he ain't T'Challa though.
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