Avatar of Ahe Gao


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2 yrs ago
Current An Example: The only country I'm loyal to is the nation of Impreg.
6 yrs ago
So should we gather for virgin sacrifice and devil worshiping tonight?
1 like
6 yrs ago
So should we gather for paint thinner and meth tonight?
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6 yrs ago
We must seize the memes of production, comrades.
6 yrs ago
Your son calls me "Mommy" too.


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Welcome to the site @Jail Rose. I'm pretty new here as well. Have fun xD
@Raving Rabbit Briefest. Intro. Ever.

Welcome to the site.
In Hi. 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey @yahoo3422, welcome back to the site. I hope you find that perfect rp for you.

Congratz on graduating, btw.
Hey @MissBlackbird, welcome to the show. Great to have you here, and I hope you have to best of fun.
Welcome to the site @Angelic Knight, it's lovely to meet you. I'm a bit new here aswell and I'm currently on a welcoming roll. Nothing wrong with playing the quiet characters. I've found that if everyone is too loud boisterous and outgoing in a roleplay thing can get overwhelming. And who doesn't love a bit of mystery, eh?
Hey @Adrina welcome back to the world of creativity that is roleplaying. It's lovely to meet you. Little secret: I like romance as well. I can be a real sap for good cliched lovey-dovey roleplay, xD

Have fun and welcome to the site.
Now that's a bare bones introduction. Welcome @0Z, I hope you enjoy yourself here.
Hey Welcome @Bushman501, I'm new here to. Starting to get a feel for the place and learn my way around. Seems like a nice place so far so I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. Have fun and maybe I'll see you around.
Alliteration articulates an artistic and alacritous approach aimed at annotating and arranging alphabetic accoutrements as alarmingly affective alignments. Alliteration allows aspiring authors abilities above average approaches. Alliterative adroitness accentuates accomplishments (an appealing aspect appalling artistic arrangements attempt abominably). Allowing additional anterior alphanumerics, although adumbrating aesthetic accuracy, affords abortive artistic acuity. Ancient alliterations affirm archeological assertions accrediting archaic artistic alliterative ascendancy. Albeit acutely arduous, alliteration affects antonymous allegory, an absolute actualization alluding asomatous abstruse anima.
Right this is a basic proof of concept kind of thing. I'm dangling a nice little fallout worm to see if it gets any bites. If there's enough interest I'll start putting a lot more thought into this. Anyway, that's enough of that, Let's get to the main event.

The Premise
This is going to be an rp set in the Fallout universe, but not the Fallout universe you all know and love. This isn't 200 years after the bombs fell. This is barely ten years. A single decade. This will be focused around those who weren't lucky (or unlucky) enough to be part of the Vault program, but were lucky enough to survive the initial bombings and radiation that followed, either by hiding in bomb shelters, or surviving in metro tunnels.

After ten years supplies are dwindling forcing survivors to venture to the surface for the first time in a decade. There they find a nuclear winter waiting for them. Ambient Radiation levels are still high enough to be fatal without protection, rad storms ravage the surface without warning, and horrifically mutated beasts stalk the lands. Now these intrepid survivors must learn to live and thrive in a new world where just about everything from the fauna, the weather, even the air itself, is trying to kill them.

It'll be set in London, so there'll be some familiar landmarks, and as previously mentioned the Metro tunnels will play a big part in your character's survival and mobility (Metro 2033 style), although the tunnels will hold dangers of their own.

I'm hoping to create a truly brutal world that will be actively trying to kill your characters, so they could be killed off at any moment, though never completely without warning, as you should have at least some chance of saving them.

Anyway, that's the basic premise, think a survival game heavily influenced by Metro 2033 set in the Fallout universe's London in the midst of a deadly nuclear winter. I welcome thoughts, comments, questions, criticisms, or even just a simple expression of interest. That said the more engaged you seem in this idea, the more incentive there will be for me to really dig in and see what I (or rather we, as I'll be open to input every step of the way) can create.
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