Avatar of AimeChambers
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    1. AimeChambers 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
And by answering 1x1's today I mean tomorrow because I'm sleeping the day away.
7 yrs ago
Gonna try my best to answer 1x1's today!
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Finally got around to finishing the new season of BBC Sherlock. Oh Bollocks!
7 yrs ago
When all you crave is ramen... but you've already eaten it for your last two meals!


Hi there! I am Aime (aw-EEE-meh) and I'm an addict to collabs and OC creation! I have a forum called 'My Personal Unfinished Business' if you wanna check it out. I'm currently doing some danganronpa rps while slowly working on rebooting my own rp 'Folly of a Felicitous Prince', check it out! It's like, 3:00 AM right now, so I might just be a litttttttle bit tired happy-go-lucky... but that's fine! Um... I suppose I should put some stuff about me right? Here ya go!

-I've been a roleplayer for over 8 years, but I do take hiatuses sometimes. If I haven't come on in a while, nag me about it! I'm trying to be good and not do like 60 rps at once.
-My characters usually have traumatic and dark backstories so don't be alarmed!
-I typically start my replies out freakishly long no matter who I'm roleplaying with. Afterwards, I match mine with how long my partner's replies are.
-I love adding a little bit of humor even if it's dark, but before doing anything too spontaneous, I promise to run it by you in OOC first.
-P.S. I love fluff! And yaoi! All the gay every day!

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Alrighty! All good!

One thing, both those pics are fabulous! I can't help but be like... Rowan, you suck but are pretty! And Bastian is totally looking like he's some main protag from a reverse harem game!

Just wanted to add another reason he might feel so much hatred, I didn't add it since I wasn't sure whether I would have a third prince. The third prince is a laid back person, but both of his parents adore him. The classic problem of the middle child, more unloved than the first born with all the expectations and less than the baby brother.

Both are accepted!

Sorry! I didn't mean for there to be such a mix up. The Aunt princess would most definitely be born before the King ascended. Also, since the rp is planning to start the morning before the king is murdered, I plan to make a smaller CS for him. You can name the deceased Queen if you like.

If we go with the plan you have for your character's father to be alive, only if he went to another kingdom would that mean that she would get to stay at the castle. There could be even the smallest chance for the girl to have magic power and he couldn't let her go out of the country unless he was certain she didn't have any power, which he hadn't met her so he didn't know.

Besides that, this is also medieval times, so teen pregnancy is really nothing at all, but whateves.

EDIT: Also, the niece is brought specifically because the King believes he has no alternative.

So who is Yukihara's roommate?

Ok. Also, there should be some backing for the second prince to get the throne too since the crown prince was known as weak. The only reason the military isn't backing him too much is because of how involved the regent king was with the military.

That's completely fine.
@Sarcelle Renard

I've seen it before, actually.

Well I was thinking that if we do have the Aunt, she would be placed more northern west on the same continent. Mostly Hiertania is open land, but maybe the southeast near the border of Tiadan would have forest and wood.

Whatever you decide, I'm debating whether to get the northwest island Kingdom of Kyim connected with this, but they wouldn't actually interfere with the politics of Hiertania, so I'll just have them as a side country. We also have the side country of Tiadan which borders Hiertania and Lutaires, but is separated from the elvenish country by a mountain range.

Ah! Well we don't know how the Regent king feels about his mother, the daughter loved her a lot. The king however despises anything to do with magic. He doesn't feel to good about killing his own blood, so he never sent troops to find her, but he was thinking of throwing the princess at her if he did find the Witch Queen. The other family members like the princes and such have never heard of her, the King would have her calling out her name a punishment.
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